5. More Weight!



329 years ago a man named Giles Corey was pressed to death because he would not cave to societal pressure. Today, when the world calls us to compromise on Gospel truth, or to cave under their lies, we must love the world enough to simply say: “More weight”. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/theshepherdsprodcast/message Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/theshepherdsprodcast/support


6. Christmas Rags

Welcome to the broadcast where we prod the sheep and beat the wolf. This is episode 5 more weight
Introduction the awful tale of mr. Giles Corey Perhaps the darkest stain upon the
American colonial conscience was the witch trials of Salem, Massachusetts in 1692 based on spectral evidence from a few hallucinated girls a 142 people were legally
Accused of being a witch at that time some were executed and most lost everything that they owned by a seizure of their property
Once a person was accused the offending party would undergo an impossible ultimatum. They would either have to admit to being a witch confess their allegiance to Satan and repent in order to be released or cling to their fidelity and die
Either way the state would take their property in a shameful sort of state -sponsored land grab in 1692 you were considered guilty the moment that you were accused
Your only hope of staying alive was to participate in the fraud and accept the lie
This is where we meet the man named Giles Corey At first Corey and his wife were captivated by the
Salem witch trials and much the same way that a person can hardly turn away From a train wreck they and like many others in the village were swept up into a kind of brain numbing
Frenzy that a spectacle like that would offer That is until Martha Corey was accused of being a witch followed by Giles himself on April 18th 1692
It was claimed that Giles Was a great and terrifying wizard leaving his own body at various times to beat and molest the delirious and afflicted women
Who now wildly fell upon the courtroom floor in fits of terror and insanity accusing him
Giles not only denied the claim, but he also refused to enter a plea before the court knowing what that sort of thing would entail
You see it seems that Corey spotted the sort of carefully set Kafka trap that they had laid for him
He couldn't lie to the court and enter a plea of guilty that would save his own life that would be to perpetrate a lie and a sin against his
God, but he also could not participate in a fraudulent trial or go along with their charade because truth was of no concern to this kangaroo court
Giles Corey understood that participating in a fraud even trying to defend his own honor was still wrong
And he would not be privy to it any denial of these horrendous Accusations on his part would only strengthen their resolve that he was a witch and that they needed to kill him
So he did the only thing that could satisfy his conscience at a moment like that instead of perpetrating a lie or Participating in a lie.
He simply refused to participate altogether Giles Corey did the unthinkable and he refused to enter a plea before the court
Forcing the sheriff in the town to respond accordingly and respond they did
It was well known at this point that criminals Would attempt to delay or completely avoid a trial by refusing to enter a plea it was a sort of game that they played with The courts so the courts had no mechanism to proceed without a plea
So many people use this to their advantage But the courts became wise to this and to prevent criminals from doing it
It became a fairly well -known practice in the colonies to press the truth right out of them
I mean literally the poor soul would be stripped naked placed between two large boards and put under the crushing weight of massive rocks until finally they made a confession or were pressed to death as A result of mr.
Corey's ongoing refusal to offer a plea in his case He was placed between the boards on September the 17th 1692 in the public square
To elicit a plea from Giles the sheriff and the townsman placed larger and larger stones upon the board per usual That now pressed into his chest collapsing his diaphragm and suffocating him to death
Each time Giles Corey was called upon to enter a plea Ending the torture his only reply to his assailants was more weight
This horrific scene continued unabated for the better part of three days in the plain sight of the entire town on The third day
Corey was under such awful pressure that he could barely prevent his swollen tongue from hanging limply outside of his mouth
It's even recorded that the sheriff took his cane and forced his tongue back into his mouth just so that he could answer his questions
The pain was intensifying the humility was unbelievable and mr. Corey's final hours could have sounded something like this
The sheriff stood up Almost in exasperation all the town was looking at him when he cried out
Giles Corey Will you now enter your plea? the only response
Coming back to him in whispered tones from the dying man was more weight
Another boulder was added another line of questioning again Giles All you have to do is pronounce the plea and all of this is gonna be over but still again
The fading voice screeched more weight in Near madness the sheriff hurled another large boulder on top of the board pressing his body to the point of collapse
Screaming at him now. Mr. Giles Corey. I enjoy you in the name of the Living God to enter your plea
Do you hear me? I'm speaking to you What will you say and against the silence the final words that Giles Corey ever spoke?
As clearly as the morning Sun came through when he said more weight
It was the very next rock that cracked his fragile ribs that day He succumbed under the weight and pressure of the board and laid there dead
But yet and all of this he did not perpetrate a lie to save his own life and he did not participate in a lie undergoing the fraudulent proceedings
For that the tale of mr Corey survives until this present day and he has become a wonderful example for all of us to learn from section 2 perpetrating the lie
While our culture seems to have moved beyond the arcane mechanisms of torture that have been found in Salem It's fascination with applying pressure to truth -tellers has not faded
Instead of shrieking demoniacs in a small New England town today's power brokers wear lab coats
They work in the media their social media influencers. They trust the science and they think everything is racism
Like those New England girls their accusations are almost always believed and are considered, right?
Today a Christian won't be forced to admit that they are a witch pagan society has become far too sophisticated for that old trick
But we should not be surprised when cultural pressure is ratcheted up against us as Christians to affirm equally ridiculous and untrue things
For instance, if you're a man be proud of it be proud of your God -given masculinity reject the lie that you
Just by sheer nature of your Y chromosome are somehow inherently a brutish
Neanderthalian womanizer that needs to become an effeminate dress wearing sissy in order to have any value in the world
And if you're not going to do that, you at least need to clap for the men who do you know? What stand against that?
stand up and be a man to the glory of God embrace your Masculinity and submit it to King Jesus for him to refine it if they pressure you to conform to their castrated vision of you
Look them square in the eye and tell them right along with Giles Corey more weight If you're a woman be proud of your godly femininity and let scripture define your value
The world is going to try to suppress your God -given desire for a family for children for a home
And they're gonna pressure you to try to define your value based on your looks your career and your autonomy for man
And when those rocks are thrown at you, look them square in the face and say with mr. Corey more weight if Your child has fallen into sin and become pregnant in her late teens do not go along with the pagan satanic death cult and Believe that her life is over or that the situation is irredeemable and that the only option for her is to sanction her own child's murder through abortion defy your flesh rebuke the devil teach your child to look the doctor right in the face the one who's trying to convince you that this baby is
Just a clump of cells and look at him defiantly as possibly as you possibly can and say more weight
If your job is forcing you threatening you mandating you or pressuring you into taking a vaccine that you're not yet comfortable
Taking then let them fire you and tell them more weight as you walk out the door better to leave with your conscience intact and to keep your paycheck under false pretenses and Just so I'm clear.
I'm not saying that getting a vaccine is a sin We have to qualify that You must settle that matter in your own conscience and make the decision that you feels best that honors
God Some need to take the vaccine and that is good and right others have concerns and that is okay, too what
I am saying is that this modern -day witch -hunt to force men and women to take it or lose their job or to be treated like a leper and polite society is a situation worth resisting and it's a situation worth saying more weight to Society today would love nothing more than for Christians to begin gate caving on the truth and perpetrating their lies they want us to champion their delusions that men can have a period that women can develop testicular cancer or that boys with Penises should have access to the girls bathroom and locker room.
They want us to suspend God's revealed truth and Accept that homosexuality is normal or that pedophilia is actually minor
Attracted love or that a baby is just a clump of cells They want us to deny the basic fundamentals of reality and Scripture that all of us have sinned
That all have fallen short of the glory of God. We are all sick and there is only one cure and his name is
Jesus The world will writhe in a kind of moral epilepsy if you say these kind of things, but as a
Christian we must embrace the truth They will pressure you to try to recant
They will pressure you to try to perpetrate their lies and to the world under a demonic spell we must resolutely say more weight
Let them try and crush us with whatever pressure they can throw at us. Let them ostracize us
Let them speak all manner of evil against us Let them treat us like lepers if that's what seems right in their own eyes, but do not let them make you cave
With all the love of God and the affection for your neighbor in your heart let your lips sweetly sing the bountiful joys of knowing
Jesus and let them speak the truth without fear and let the world either hear the gospel coming from your lips and Repent or let them let them lay on you more weight an example
I Want to share an example with you of how this works My friend
Joe was doing some last -minute packing before heading out on a camping trip with his family He stepped away from the house just for a moment in order to grab some supplies for the trip but when he returned he actually found his wife laying in the middle of the floor unable to come out of a very long and powerful seizure that changed the course of their entire life
That seizure so completely punished her body that the doctors were telling him to pull the plug and to let her go
They assured him that she would always be a vegetable and that there was nothing that they could do about it
They called him selfish when he refused to do it They put pressure on him at every single turn to do what they decided needed to be done
My friend walked through one of the darkest seasons of his life with so many people turning their opinions upon him
Telling them that he should just end her suffering that he should start thinking about the boys instead of just himself
That this must be God's will for his life to let her go and on and on and on But with each and every single rock of offense and oppression that they laid up on top of him
My friend simply said more weight Not literally, of course, but he knew who his
God is. He knew that God could bring her back He knew that he didn't have the power over life and death as these arrogant doctors pretended to have he waited on God prayed to God Worked insane hours to provide for his family and provide for his wife the ongoing care that she needed and today
Several years later. He posted a picture of her standing walking smiling and proving every single doubter wrong
My point in sharing this story is that many people will put pressure on you to cave But if you know the right thing to do then do it if You know the path that is going to honor the
Lord then take it Do not cower and do not cave do not capitulate and do not go back on your convictions
If you must do something and if you really have to do anything then open your mouth and say loud and proudly more weight participating in the lies
Giles Corey correctly understood that he could not tell a lie and honor God That was obvious But what is even more impressive is that he saw right through the farce that they wanted him to participate in He knew that if he defended himself, he would only appear more guilty in front of his accusers he knew that if they found him guilty and Inevitability and say in Salem at that time that they would seize all of his assets
They would execute him and his children would get nothing for this reason He refused to play their game and he refused to participate in the false reality that they were dictating the consequences on In the end he died without entering a single plea
He died a tragedy and he died senselessly before his captors All of these things are true
But because the law forbade the sheriff or anyone else in that town from grabbing his property without a proper trial his children did end up receiving his inheritance and Due to the gruesome nature of his death the town actually woke up from their depravity and the
Salem which trial shortly came to a blessed end Because of his bravery his legacy lives on and has came down to us today
Like Giles Corey clever traps have been set for you and I that we must avoid falling into Our goal is not to defend ourselves
Before a world who's already decided in their hearts who we are and that we're guilty. That's pointless
Our goal is to simply be a Christian and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. Whatever the outcome may be
The world will believe whatever it wants to about us anyway, and knowing our sin nature They don't even know the half of how wretched we truly are
We must remember instead that our passion in this life is not about shaping their opinions of us
So that will somehow fit in with the world our all -consuming conviction is that the world would hear the gospel
Repent about how they feel about Jesus so they would be fit for heaven Who knows?
The pressure that you are facing today that you are faithful in and not caving under may be used by God To end certain evil practices just like God used the life of Giles Corey in 1692 either way
When the world caused us to compromise on the truth We must love the world enough to simply reply more weight
Thanks for listening to another episode of the podcast if you like what you've heard I hope you'll share it with your friends and remember if the world is hoping to make you cave under the pressure