Bible Bashing Ms. Petch

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Can a liberal woman find a masculine man who values traditional roles without resorting to conservatism? Join us as we delve into a thought-provoking video that tackles this phenomenon. Don't miss this insightful episode of the


Warning, the following message may be offensive to some audiences. These audiences may include, but are not limited to, professing Christians who never read their
Bible, sissies, sodomites, men with man buns, those who approve of men with man buns, man bun enablers, white knights for men with man buns, homemakers who have finished
Netflix but don't know how to meal plan, and people who refer to their pets as fur babies. Viewer discretion is advised. People are tired of hearing nothing but doom and despair on the radio.
The message of Christianity is that salvation is found in Christ alone, and any who reject
Christ therefore forfeit any hope of salvation, any hope of heaven.
The issue is that humanity is in sin, and the wrath of almighty
God is hanging over our heads. They will hear his words, they will not act upon them, and when the floods of divine judgment, when the fires of wrath come, they will be consumed, and they will perish.
God wrapped himself in flesh, condescended, and became a man, died on the cross for sin, was resurrected on the third day, exists now to make intercession for us.
Jesus is saying there is a group of people who will hear his words, they will act upon them, and when the floods of divine judgment come, in that final day, their house will stand.
Do you want to know one of the saddest realizations I recently had? Was that as a liberal woman, it is really hard to find a man who is willing to play the more traditional masculine role in the relationship in today's day and age, who is not a conservative.
Now one of the things you're going to find here is that she's saying out loud what most people know intuitively, even though we're not really allowed to say it.
And so one of the things that she's saying out loud is that essentially she's looking around, she's surrounded by liberal men, because she's liberal, like she's politically liberal, so she's politically liberal, she's a feminist, she's surrounded by male feminists.
And one of the things she's saying is that for some strange reason, and she doesn't even know why, she finds all of these liberal men to be repulsive, and she finds herself attracted to conservative men.
And we ought to think about, well, why is that actually happening? So why is she surrounded by these men who are doing exactly what she's telling them to do, right?
So they bought feminism, right? They agree with it. They agree with the basic premises of feminism, that men and women are functioning the same, that a woman can basically do anything the man can do functionally better.
And when she's surrounded by these liberal men who are not going to do simple things like hold the door for her, pay for her meal because of equality and all that, she doesn't find herself attracted to them, and she doesn't really know why.
She finds herself attracted to conservative men, and she doesn't really get it. She doesn't understand why is that the case, and what is she supposed to do with that.
And because we're living in God's world, one of the things you realize is that we're living in the world that he's designed, and he's designed men and women to be fundamentally different, and they're designed for different purposes, and they're designed for different functions.
And because they're designed for different purposes and different functions, we know intuitively, whether or not we're allowed to say it, that men and women are different, and men and women are going to be attracted to their opposite.
And the reason why they're attracted to their opposite is because this is God's world, and this is what
God has made, and God's designed men and women for different roles. And then our sense, our intuitive sense of what is attractive to us is going to be tied to the type of person who is willing to perform the type of role that God has designed them to perform.
And so when she's looking around at liberal men, she's realizing that intuitively she knows this without even being able to communicate it, or know why or say it, they're not living up to the roles that God has designed for them, and that's why she's not attracted to them.
A man who wants to pay on the first date, who wants to open your door, who has that want and desire to take care of you and to provide.
See, so notice how it's tied to the roles, the very roles that she's rejecting, okay? So like the central principle of feminism is that women can do anything a man can do and better.
And the central premise of feminism is that she wants to be an independent woman. She wants to be a woman who doesn't need a man.
And so functionally, that's what her brain tells her, that happiness is going to be found being an independent woman who doesn't need a man to do anything for her because she can take care of herself and she doesn't really need anything that a man has to provide.
But then she's looking around, she's finding, hey, I'm attracted to the kind of men who are going to be what?
They're going to be protectors. They're going to be providers. They're going to honor me as if I'm the weaker vessel, as if I'm in need of protection and need of care and in need of provision.
So her brain is telling her one thing, but then her emotions and her heart is telling her something quite different.
Who is not a conservative. And obviously as a liberal woman, I do want to be respected for my independence. And I do want to have my own autonomy in the relationship and not be confined or conformed to the traditional female homemaker.
All right. So think about this now. So what she's communicating is she's communicating the quiet part out loud.
So she's communicating that she finds liberal men to be absolutely repelling and unattractive.
And then when she thinks about like a conservative man, the one who are going to be protectors, the one who are going to be providers, she says that fundamentally she finds herself to be attracted to those kind of men.
But then now she's stating her basic fundamental beliefs. So her basic fundamental beliefs is that she wants her autonomy and she wants her independence.
She wants to be able to make her own decisions. She doesn't want to be told what to do with her body. She doesn't want anyone to tell her that she's designed to have kids.
She doesn't want anyone to tell her what to do. So she doesn't want the conservative man who is going to think that he's in charge of the relationship.
So she doesn't want any of that. But then what she wants is she does want the man who is going to protect her and provide her, try to care for her and try to cherish her.
So she wants all of those things. And so what she's trying to say is that she wants all the roles that God has designed.
So she wants a man who is going to fulfill all the roles that God has designed for men to fulfill.
But then when you think about it, you flip it on the other side. You say, well, what are you there for then?
So what are you there for? So she wants a man who is going to do that. But then in terms of what are you committed to do, she's basically saying that she doesn't want to be tied down to any of the roles that God has designed for her.
So she wants a man to fulfill all the roles that God has designed that man to fulfill.
And everything she basically said, you can just read it straight out of the Bible. It's all the things that God has designed men to do. So she wants a man to be committed to those things.
And that's not what these liberal men, these male feminists, are committed to. They're not committed to anything. They'd be more than willing to sit home all day long and watch the kids themselves while she goes out to work.
So they'd be those kind of men who are willing to be the stay -at -home dads or something like that. And she fundamentally finds that repelling and unattractive.
So she wants a man, and she knows this. The reason why she wants this is because she's living in God's world that's designed the way
God's designed it to be. So she wants a man to step in and do all the things that God's called him to do.
But then on her own end, she's unwilling to do any of the things that God's designed her to do.
...childbearing role. And most of the men that I've dated who do have that more natural provider masculinity about them are normally conservative.
So I don't really know what to do because I don't want to compromise my morals and values just to find a man.
But am I asking to have my cake and eat it too? Alright. So one of the things that's happening here is that in her mind, she knows that there's somewhat of an inconsistency here.
So she knows that there's somewhat of an inconsistency, meaning she, as a political liberal, understands that if she's looking for a liberal man, so to speak, she's not going to find that.
So she's looking out in the world that God's designed, and she's saying, hey, the liberal men I'm seeing, they're revolting, they're unattractive to me.
I want a man who's fundamentally going to be committed to be a conservative man, meaning that man's going to make certain commitments to protect me, to provide for me, to care for me, to cherish me.
So I want what the conservative men have, but I don't want to commit myself to be what these conservative men want me to be.
Now, like she understands that there's something fundamentally off about that, and that's why she's laughing, and that's why she's making the facial expression that she's making right now is she understands that that's a little bit hypocritical.
But I don't think she understands it's hypocritical for the right kind of reason. So she understands it to be hypocritical, meaning it's kind of hypocritical for me as a liberal person to say, hey,
I want to marry a conservative, and then my liberal values are clashing with these conservative values.
And so it's like, am I asking to have my cake and eat it too? Meaning I'm looking at this conservative man, and I'm expecting him to let me be a liberal while he's a conservative.
And so I'm basically taking all the things that he wants, and I'm saying no to all the things that he wants, but I'm asking him to say yes to all the things that I want.
So that's essentially what she's saying. Hey, am I asking to have my cake and eat it too? And obviously she thinks she is.
She thinks she is, in a certain sense, being a little bit inconsistent there in that she's asking this conservative man to make, in her mind, political compromises that she's not willing to make.
But then it actually goes deeper than that. The inconsistency is much more profound than what she even realizes at this point.
What I mean by that is the inconsistency here is that when you think about what she's actually asking, she's asking for a man to basically give her a blank check to have no purpose in her marriage whatsoever.
That's what she's wanting. So she's asking a man to sign up to protect her, to provide for her, to care for her, to assume all those roles.
So he's going to be the protector. He's going to be the provider. He's going to treat her as if she's something that is precious.
He's going to open the doors for her. He's going to pay for her meals. He's going to do all these things. He's going to put food on the table for her.
And then when you think about what is she committing to in this relationship, functionally she's committing to absolutely nothing in the relationship.
She's basically committing to be a taker. She's committing to say, Hey, I expect you to do all the roles.
And this is not the language she's using, but I expect you to do all the roles that God's designed you to do.
And I'm not going to do any of the roles that God has designed me to do. So fundamentally, I'm just there. Like this relationship is all about me.
Fundamentally, deep down, this relationship is about me and what I want. I want you to serve me and I'm going to do nothing for you in return.
I'm going to do nothing. You exist to serve me. And so that's fundamentally the problem with feminism.
Feminism views women as God and men as their slaves. And that's essentially what she wants.
And she's saying the quiet part out loud. This has been another episode of Bible Bashed.
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Now, go boldly and obey the truth in the midst of a biblically illiterate world who will be perpetually offended by your every move.