WWUTT 2245 Q&A Helping Christians and Unbelievers, Kings James and Other Translations, Prohibiting Alcohol

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Responding to questions from listeners about whether we are obligated to help Christians first or unbelievers, talking about King James Onlyism and other translations, can a church prohibit alcohol consumption, and is the gospel in the genealogy in Genesis 5. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!


Between a Christian and an unbeliever in need, whom are we obligated to help first?
Does a church have authority to prohibit the consumption of alcohol? And do we find the gospel in the genealogy in Genesis 5?
The answer is when we understand the text. This is
When We Understand The Text, a daily Bible commentary to help encourage your time in the Word, that we may grow up in every way in Christ Jesus.
Tell your friends about our ministry at www .wutt .com. Here once again is
Pastor Gabe. Thank you, babe. You're welcome. That was just kind of automatic. I wasn't,
I was going to say, thank you, Becky. Uh -huh. It just came out. Thank you, babe. Thank you, babe. Yep. That's about right.
It's like my mind's autocorrect. That's what you call her. That's what you're going to say.
Oh. Proverbs chapter 4, Hear, O sons, the discipline of a father, and pay attention, that you may know understanding.
For I give you sound learning. Do not forsake my instruction. When I was a son to my father, tender and the only son before my mother, then he instructed me and said to me,
Let your heart hold fast my words. Keep my commandments and live.
Acquire wisdom. Acquire understanding. Do not forget and do not turn away from the sayings of my mouth.
Do not forsake her and she will keep you. Love her and she will guard you.
The beginning of wisdom is acquire wisdom. And with all your acquiring, acquire understanding.
Prize her and she will exalt you. She will honor you if you embrace her.
She will give for your head a garland of grace. She will present you with a crown of beauty.
This is the second time in Proverbs now that it said, the beginning of wisdom is this, get wisdom. Yeah, it is.
And then get insight. This word is slightly different, but the beginning of wisdom is to acquire it.
Yep. To go after it and then to have understanding that you may know how to apply it.
So we talked about this last week, the difference between wisdom and knowledge. There's acquiring wisdom, there's having knowledge, the two are not the same thing.
Right. Because you can have a whole bunch of knowledge, but then not know how to apply it in the right way.
And there are people with a lot of knowledge that can be really, really dangerous. Yes. There are. Yeah, use it wrong.
Right. For the wrong reasons. There are people too that I think have a lot of wisdom and are dangerous if that wisdom is not used in the fear of the
Lord. So as we were talking last week about the difference between wisdom and knowledge, I got this voice message from James.
Okay. Unfortunately, James, for whatever reason, like a third of your voice message cuts out.
Oh, man. So we're missing part of it here. You might try again with the example that you were giving from the
Apostle Paul, but he at least mentioned this part about wisdom and I thought this was some good application.
Okay. Based on what we read last week in chapter three and this week in chapter four. Here we go. This is
James. I was just listening to your most recent Q &A and when it comes to knowledge and wisdom, one of the funniest quips
I heard was, knowledge is knowing that tomato is a fruit, but wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
But one thing you might find interesting or might have a comment on is, in our men's group on Wednesday, we just started going through First Corinthians and seeing how
Paul was, in his early ministry, very passionate and abrasive, but later on.
And that's where it cuts out. Oh. So sorry, James, it kind of cuts out right there. I, and then if I fast forward to the end,
I catch a little bit more. I appreciate your ministry along with your wife's input, especially in your
Q &As and pray that God blesses you guys. Thanks. Thank you for the compliment, James. Appreciate that.
You might try the middle part again. I'd be curious to hear what you were talking about in your men's study at church about the
Apostle Paul. But yeah, I was kind of on to what you were saying there. So Paul was really zealous in the beginning.
And of course it was all that knowledge that he had as a Pharisee. Talks about it in Philippians chapter three about being a rockstar among Pharisees.
But he didn't have the fear of God. He did not know Jesus Christ as Savior. So all that knowledge became really, really dangerous.
He was preaching heresy. He had this zeal for what he thought was correct and was putting
Christians to death or rounding them up to be either thrown in prison or put to death. And yet the
Lord appears to him on the road to Damascus. And then everything changed after that.
Everything changed. Paul's plans were suddenly turned upside down. That's what
I was gonna say. You were gonna say just that? I was gonna say his life was turned upside down. Yeah, pretty much.
I think we've known each other for a while. You know. We're gonna figure that out. Well, this is the
Friday edition of the broadcast. And we take questions from the listeners. You can send those questions to whenweunderstandthetext at gmail .com.
Or as you just heard, there's a voicemail that you can send us. Go to www .utt
.com and click on the voicemail tab in the top right. And you can record it either through your phone or through your laptop.
And it'll get to us. We love to literally hear from you. Yes. As well. Those have been great. When they work.
Yes. Oh, man. There has been a couple of glitches with it. Like the minute and a half cut off and things like that.
So it's, but it's totally worth it to hear talking with someone, you know.
Yeah, or feel like a little more interactional. Yeah. It is great. Now I can say this is not my tech.
So none of those snafus are my fault. Yeah. So, yeah, anyway.
Not on your end anyway. Not on my end. Yeah. It bugs me too when it doesn't work.
So, yeah. And we would like to fix it. We just can't. Most of the time though, you know, this is our 30th voice message or something like that.
So I think we've only had two or three that messed up somewhere in there. Yeah. So, so far the success rate is.
So far so good. Yeah, pretty good. Okay, before we get to some of these questions, we've got a question for you. For me?
For the general audience. Oh, for the audience. Yeah. Yes, okay, I was going to say, you looked at me and said you.
So I was a little confused. This was actually a poll question. Okay.
And this poll is still ongoing, but it already has over 1 ,350 votes. Oh, wow. So the results are not, it's not going to change at all.
So over 1 ,300 people have responded to this question. Christian, if two men were in desperate need, one is a
Christian and the other is not, but you have the means to care for only one of them right now.
Whom are you most obligated to help? So two men in need, one a
Christian, one is not, who are we most obligated to help first? Okay. Here's the options.
Number one, the Christian. Number two, the unbeliever. Number three, either one, just choose.
And number four. Yeah. Okay. Eeny, meeny, miny, moe. Okay. And then number four,
I don't know. Okay. So who do you think it is that we are most obligated to help first?
Christian. Yeah, the Christian. So here's how those results are coming out so far. That's what the Bible says. Yeah. So far the results are 82 % for the
Christian. Oh, okay. Pretty good. So of those 1 ,300 plus respondents, 82 % say the
Christian, 8 % say the unbeliever. Oh, wow. Okay. Now the remaining 10 % is split between the other two.
5 % say either one, just choose. The other 5 % say, I don't know. Now of the
Christians that responded to that and would have been in that 82 % crowd, there were a lot that included the verse
Galatians 6 .10 in the comments. And of course, Galatians 6 .10
is that we should show charity to everybody as we have opportunity, but especially to the household of faith.
Yes. So there's an especially in there, particularly to our brothers and sisters in the
Lord with whom we worship, care for, praise God, weep with, rejoice with.
Those Christians that we are growing with in the body of Christ that we are a part of, there is an obligation to help those first.
Just like you would provide for your own family first. Right. Before you would provide for anybody else.
There's also, let's see, 1 John 3 .16 -18. By this we know love that he laid down his life for us and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers.
But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does
God's love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk, but in deed and in truth.
And so there, when the word brother is used, we're talking about brothers and sisters in the Lord, specifically fellow
Christians. Neighbor is anybody. Everybody would qualify as a neighbor.
Love your neighbor as you love yourself. Including the people inside your home. Yeah, right. Not literally outside, but inside too.
Yeah, neighbor would even include your brothers and sisters. But there are commands that we will have that are specific.
Like your family, brothers and sisters, like your blood relatives. Yeah, okay. Because we were talking about brothers and sisters and then you said brothers and sisters and that was too -
Oh, well, yeah, no. I meant brothers and sisters in the Lord. Right. Blood relatives by the blood of Christ.
Oh, okay. So this time you meant brothers and sisters. Only when - I'm so confused now,
I'm sorry. We're gonna turn into who's on first here in a second. So only when
I gave the example of you would help your family first. Like if you make a paycheck, you're gonna provide for your own family before you divvy up that paycheck to help others or pay bills, whatever else.
You're probably paying bills first. That's even caring for your family. So that was the analogy of blood brothers and sisters.
That's the only time I referred to that. Everything else, brothers and sisters, has been in reference to the spiritual.
Well, I thought the neighbor was including your blood brothers and sisters.
Yes, it does. Yes, but also Christian. Also the spiritual sense. Okay, check.
Yes, neighbor is everybody. Everybody. Yeah, everybody. Everybody. As Vodibachan would say.
That's more than everybody. That's everybody. Everybody. Yeah, I sound really white when I say it.
Me too. So anyway, we do have an obligation to care for one another in the body of Christ first.
And even when you talk about like the qualifications of a pastor that are given in 1 Timothy chapter three, remember that he must manage his own household well.
Right. The way he loves his wife, cares for his children, disciplines his kids. If he's not doing that well, then how can he care for God's church?
So we're looking first there at the way that he cares for his immediate family. And that tells us something about the way he will care for the spiritual family, the body of Christ.
And so it must be the same with all of us. We're caring for our family, church family first.
Thanks for the clarification. Yes. And then as we have opportunity, we should show charity to other people.
Yes. Loving our neighbor, showing charity, helping others, and always taking the gospel with us in those opportunities.
So looking at some of the comments that we had, of course, like I said, Galatians 6 .10 came up a lot.
So then while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.
That was a comment from Sean. Arach Jager, I think I'm saying his name right. He's actually from right here in Arizona.
He says, we should help the Christian first, unless the unbeliever is my own family.
That's a good point. Yes. Because remember 1 Timothy 5, I think it's verse eight, says that if a person doesn't care for his own household, then he has denied the faith and he is worse than an unbeliever.
That's true. Yeah. Because even unbelievers know to care for your own family. That is true. Whether you agree with them politically or not.
Yeah, but the way the - Sorry, I had to throw that in. Whole question was worded, sounded like it was someone outside your home.
Yes. But - That is the way I intended it to be. Okay, but that was a very good caveat.
Right. Or fine print. Yeah, no, you said that right. I did? Yeah, caveat's good. Okay, fine print.
So this gal who just goes by Child of the King, we should help the unbeliever first only because sometimes seeing
Christ in action means more than just words. I would be the hands and feet of Jesus.
See, I still think that's emotionally driven. That response was emotionally driven rather than what does scripture say about this?
This fellow who goes by Daily Dive Disciple said, this is sad. Are you guys not fishing?
We are called to be fishermen. In this situation, you have one fish already in the boat, talking about the
Christian. You need to get the other. Yeah, but doing charity to the other doesn't save him.
Right, that's not what saves. And again, this still seems to be emotionally driven. I get what you're -
I understand what you're getting at. Isn't that kind of like inviting them to church so they can enter a raffle for an iPad or whatever?
Yeah, right. Like, you don't - Right, it's as though you're giving a person food so that you think that that will win them to Christ.
Right. But that isn't what - No. That isn't what will bring a person to an understanding of the
Lord. Share with them the gospel. Yeah. Or share the gospel with them. Anyway, however that's worded.
In my head, it sounded right, and then it came out wrong. I think it was right both ways. Okay, well, there we go.
Anyway, and like, that's important, sure. But if you can only care for one with actual funding, then that's all you can care for.
And there's nothing wrong with that. But definitely share the gospel with the other one.
Sure. This fellow named Godfrey. Depends on what kind of need. Particulars matter.
If you mean only in general, then the Christian brother. I don't know. I mean, 1 John 3 doesn't mention a specific need.
It just says needs in general, and we're still supposed to help our brother. So I'm not really sure what he means by that.
Like specific need. Like emotional need. Like they need, they're depressed or whatever.
I would still say you gotta go for the Christian first. That's what I'm thinking too, but I don't know. I can't think of any need that would trump one or the other, you know?
Yeah, this is from Kristen. It's just a funny question. What's the point of this? This person who goes by Clever.
Okay. I'm a Christian, but I surely don't know who I would assist. And whereas I would have desired to assist a fellow,
I'm not sure how the spirit would lead me when I meet the duo. But I would have desired to help a fellow, though not compulsory.
I don't know. I'm guessing that he means fellow, as in the fellow believer. Yeah. That's what he means.
This guy, Chris, how about half of each? Well, I mean, there is that.
That's not the exercise though. That's not the point of the exercise. Labby says, it would likely depend on whomever
I could help the best. Not sure their faith would play into it. Yeah, I still see that's emotionally driven.
Yeah. Joshua, I think the answer is the unbeliever because the Christian is destined for heaven and the unbeliever still needs to repent.
Still, I clicked, I don't know. But once again, caring for the need of somebody else is not sharing the gospel with them.
It's not the same. Right. So you're caring for their physical needs. And we do have an obligation to care for the brethren first before we show charity to others.
But again, that's not to say we shouldn't show charity to others. Right. Cornelia says, the Christian first always.
This gal, Char, I would do everything within my power to help both, but church family would take priority.
Radar, some people haven't heard about the lost sheep parable. Well, the unbeliever's not a lost sheep.
Right. Yeah, definitely not. So still caring. That's not the same category. Right. Still caring for the sheep.
Then we're supposed to be caring for one another. Anyway, so there you go. There was our question, and there's a few of the responses that we got from.
My answer would be, I would care for the brethren first, and then
I would point the other person in the direction of where else he could find help for whatever need he had.
Agreed, that's good. While sharing the gospel. But still. That is my ultimate goal, but.
Still, that's not the point of the exercise. I know. Yeah. Totally understand, but that's where my heart is, because I am feelings -driven.
I hear you. And I try to not follow my heart, because that makes me gag, but, you know, there's just so much
I could do, you know? I wanna help everybody, so yeah, I get it, I get it. That's where our oldest daughter gets it from, too.
Yep. She wants to help everybody. That's true. All right, here is Anthony with a voicemail message.
Hello, Pastor Gabe and Mrs. Hughes. My name's Anthony. I'm from Michigan, a Reformed Berean Annex.
I have a question about churches binding the consciences of their congregants.
So I've been looking for a more Reformed church than the one I currently attend, and based on where I live in Michigan, it's difficult to find that.
But I found a Baptist church that is good on the, at least their website shows them to be good on the doctrines of grace, the regular principle of worship, plurality of elders and whatnot, but they are very adamantly, and have a paper that the pastor wrote, adamantly against alcohol and advocating for the abstinence of alcohol.
As a Baptist, and a Reformed Baptist, I have studied scripture, and I see no prohibition of alcohol for Christians.
I see a prohibition on drunkenness, but not on drinking and consuming.
Alcohol in moderate amounts. And my question is, does a church have the authority to bind their members' consciousness on an issue that scripture does not explicitly bind the conscience of?
And could I faithfully attend that church, and yet disagree with him on alcohol?
Because they seem to be quite adamant against it. Anyway, thanks y 'all. Okay, so here's a great comic for you.
Okay. This is in response to Anthony's question. All right. It just made me think of this comic. So there's these two guys that arrive in this blue spiral behind them.
Okay. And one says, we did it, we time traveled. And the other one says, but to what year?
And he says, let me ask that guy over there. Do Baptists think drinking alcohol is a sin?
And the guy in the distance goes, no. And he says, we are in literally any time before 1920.
Okay. So this whole thing of thinking that drinking alcohol is a sin, and the absolute prohibition on drinking alcohol, this is a fairly new phenomenon.
It's only been in about the past hundred years. Most people have consumed alcoholic beverages of some kind throughout human history.
Because an alcoholic beverage will stay good longer before we had refrigeration and all of this.
Right. And water can be contaminated. It can be dirty, but the alcohol in wine or beer or other strong drink will help to purify the drink.
Right. As bad as it tastes. Like, I just think it's gross. It's used as a disinfectant. And it's used for coughs and.
Yeah, oh yeah. All sorts of. A sleeping, you know, help you to sleep.
Yeah. Make you drunk during surgery so you won't feel it. You know. Right, numbing.
I'm not advocating for that one, but anyway. No, but it was used for those things.
You could pour it on wounds. Sometimes it would be poured on wounds to try to clean the wound. So drinking alcohol, consuming alcohol of some kind, very, very common.
But yeah, like you mentioned, Anthony, there's nothing in the Bible that gives an absolute prohibition on drinking alcohol.
There is a prohibition on getting drunk. So just to give you an example,
Ephesians 5, verse 18, do not get drunk with wine for that is debauchery, but be filled with the spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the
Lord with your heart. We also know from 1 Corinthians 6 that drunkards will not inherit the kingdom of God.
And as I gave qualifications for eldership a little bit ago, an elder is not to be given over to drunkenness or a man to be qualified for eldership.
Yeah, and in Titus 2, the older women are supposed to help the younger women not turn to wine.
That's true, yeah, that's a good point also. Now, when the apostle Paul talks to Timothy in 1
Timothy, and he says, no longer drink just water, but mix in a little bit of wine to help with your frequent stomach ailments, one theory behind that is that Timothy was not drinking alcohol at all because he did not want to cause anyone to stumble, but he had these stomach problems.
So Paul's giving him permission. You can drink some wine because it'll help you with your frequent stomach ailments.
Don't worry about that being something that might cause somebody else to stumble. So you have that allowance that's given there.
Paul even encouraging Timothy to drink wine. Yeah, as a medicinal purpose. Yeah, as a medicinal thing, right.
And we know that Jesus changed the water into wine at the wedding feast at Cana. Yep. And don't listen to anybody who says, well, he changed it into grape juice.
No, he turned it into wine. They even commented about it. Yeah, right, how good it tastes.
It was even better than the rest of the wine. So now how you deal with this, I would say,
Anthony, you really have to go to the elders and talk to them about that. How strong are they on the prohibition of alcohol?
Do they have the authority to bind the conscience? No, they really don't. But this is going to come down to a question of your conscience.
Can you be a part of that church and be a member in that church, knowing that they're binding the conscience on this issue?
Is this a disqualifying thing for you? If they're willing to bind the conscience here on an area that the
Bible doesn't bind the conscience on, then they might even be doing it in some other places. That's true. So you have to be aware of that.
You have to be cautious of that. But any questions that you have specifically, how far do they take this?
To what extent is this a make or break thing? You're just going to have to ask the pastor and talk to the elders.
And what's the reason behind it too? Because I know some areas deal with alcoholism, like that's the big, big issue in their area.
So maybe it's to help the other brothers not stumble. And so they've just went ahead and made it as an agreement of the church to like, this is your safe place to not have that in front of you.
I mean, you just have to ask them, like you were saying, just ask them the reasons and whatever else is on your mind and would cause you to not be able to worship with them.
Yeah, yeah. I mean, it's a very common thing, the teetotaling thing, it's common in the South. Anthony's from Michigan though.
Yeah, yeah. Well, I was thinking of, there are places that are more, what do you call that, destitute, where there's not much else to do.
Right. And so - Destitute. That's not the right word. There's not a lot to do around.
And so maybe it's a small town or a rural area or something like that, because it's Michigan. So Michigan has a lot of land.
There's busier areas and then there's not busy areas. That's true. I mean, you can live really rural or you can be in very urban areas up there in Michigan.
Well, thank you for your question, Anthony. I hope that we gave you some things to think about. That's going to bring this first segment to a close.
A reminder that you can listen to the extended Q &A by going to the podcast. For those of you who are our radio friends,
God bless you. Check us out online at www .utt .com. King James only -ism is the belief that the 1611
King James Version of the Bible is the only divinely authorized English translation. While modern translations corrupt the
Bible. It's not just a deception. It's a satanic conspiracy against the word of God.
The most glaring flaw with this doctrine is not one verse in the Bible supports it. And that's pretty much it.
It's a false doctrine. Now, if someone wants to use the King James Bible, that's fine, if you can understand it.
But to say it's the only translation God approved is a lie. King James only -ists argue the KJV is translated from the majority text, while modern versions are from corrupt
Alexandrian texts. But the Byzantine texts used by King James translators were no older than the 11th century.
We now have access to older and more reliable texts closer to the originals. King James only -ists say modern translations removed references to Christ's Lordship and deleted entire
Bible verses. But the Byzantine texts added these verses to the original text and the extra references to Christ's Lordship.
It's just extra pious language from some overly ambitious scribes. King James only -ists say the 1611 authorized version is the only true
Bible. Unless you have a King James Bible, you don't have a Bible. You need a King James 1611 authorized version.
Actually, no one uses the 1611, which also included the Apocrypha. Today's King James Bible is the 1769 revision.
God has preserved his word, which we have in some very good translations of the Bible. Jesus said, heaven and earth will pass away, but my word will never pass away when we understand the text.
Now that was our video on King James only -ism. Because our first question here, well, first question for the second half of the broadcast.
This comes from Nicole. Hi, Gabe, I love your podcast. I have lots of time to stay caught up while I sit in the car between dance and soccer or a multitude of other activities.
I find myself taxiing my kids too. I understand that. Well, we've got two kids in soccer right now.
We've got Annie and all the school stuff that she does. In theater. She's in theater. We've got football games we're even gonna start doing.
Yes, just attending. Yeah, just attending. Nobody plays football, but we just have to go.
So we understand. Yes. I learned about you and what while attending a church in Saginaw, Texas and have grown so much in understanding the word through your teaching.
Well, that is so kind. I appreciate that. My question is this. After moving to Florida last year, our family has tried a number of churches.
The crop is thin in Ocala. I think I'm pronouncing that right. When looking for a scripturally sound church but we have run across many
Presbyterian and Baptist churches who are King James only and have heard statements that it's the closest to the original translation making it uncomfortable to even wanna try these churches.
I personally love the ESV and the LSB but the KJV is a little hard to read.
Why are churches so pro KJV and why would they consider this the best translation?
Thanks so much for your expected response. Well, here's the thing about at least the way that you describe these churches.
There are not many Presbyterian churches out there that are King James only. Like King James only is in the sense that they would say this is the only divinely authorized translation.
Yeah. There are Presbyterian churches that will read only from the King James. That doesn't mean that they're
King James only as there's a difference between the two. Okay. So some just - So one's more particular than the other?
Yeah, one just prefers the King James. Right. And probably for the reason that Nicole just gave they just think it's the most accurate translation.
Okay. That might be the reasoning that they have for that. But then there are those that are the King James only and they are the ones that say the 1611
King James is the only divinely authorized English translation of the Bible. Okay.
It's the one God gave us. It comes from God. Okay. That's how far they go with that.
Wow. So like the Babylon bees made those jokes like archeologists discover the Apostle Paul's King James Bible.
All right. So like everything has to be from the King James. Even if you translate into another language it can't be translated from the original
Hebrew or the original Greek. It has to be translated from the King James. That's how far they take that.
They think that their manuscript tradition. They think their manuscript tradition is more accurate.
Okay. But we have access to more manuscripts today than they did in the 1600s.
Oh yeah. Even the King James translators would say that our translations today are more accurate than theirs.
They were not King James only -ists. Right. And there were certain things that King James told them that they could say or could not say.
There were certain words that he prohibited them from using. Oh, interesting. So there were political motivations behind that as well.
Now it's still a good translation. Sure. You won't have me sitting here saying, yeah, the King James. No, that's a bad one.
You need to go find something else. King James is a great translation. But the reason why I don't recommend it is kind of for one of the reasons that Nicole gave.
It's difficult to understand. It's old English. And so there are a lot of words in there that are not the same as what...
They don't mean the same thing anymore. Language changes. So over time, there's gonna need to be updates.
And the most accurate translations that I have recommended include the
NASB, would be the NASB 95, not the 2020. They messed that one up.
They did. And then the English Standard Version, the Legacy Standard Bible, and I still recommend the
New King James as well. So New King James, if you love the King James, great, but the New King James is just kind of some updated language.
Right. So, Nicole, you might need to ask them, like, to what extent are you saying that you are only gonna read from the
King James? Are you King James -onlius or are you only King Jamesers? Yeah. So there's a distinction there.
There's a difference. Now, it is more likely that you're gonna encounter a Baptist church that's
King James -onliest than a Presbyterian, but you still need to ask. Do you just prefer to read from the
King James or are you saying that this is the only authorized translation, which
I would say that's false doctrine. That is a false teaching. Yeah. To say that God only authorized the
King James Bible and any of these other translations are false. And hence why, you know, I said that in the video that I did too.
It's false doctrine. You can't find any biblical justification to say the King James Bible is the only divinely authorized translation.
I'm just surprised there's that many in one area. Like, I don't feel like it would be that popular.
Oh yeah, it's around. Is it that, like, dense? Okay, okay.
So like in Junction City, where I was a pastor for 10 years, where when we understand the text got started, there was a church that moved into town that was
King James -onliest. Right, I remember that. And the church that planted them was from Manhattan.
So which was, you know, just 20 miles away. There was a King James -onliest church there. They looked at Junction City and they thought there's no
King James -onliest church in Junction City. So they planted one there. So they're looking for places where there are not
King James -only churches and planting them. Yeah. Okay, okay. If you pass by a church that will have 1611 on the sign, then you know that's a
King James -only church. Oh, I haven't even paid attention. Really? Yeah, no.
So 1611. I look at the building. I'm like, oh, pretty. Now they can be called any number of different things.
They might be like Berean Baptist Church, could just be, you know, Saginaw Baptist Church.
Sure. Since you mentioned Saginaw. Yeah. It could be any number of things said on the sign.
I don't remember ever encountering a King James -onliest Presbyterian church, but.
I don't know. I guess they're out there. I just don't know that I've encountered them. So yeah, like I said, Nicole, you just kind of have to ask.
And it might be the sort of a thing where you could still read your ESV Bible. It's just the kind of preaching and teaching that you're gonna hear is gonna come from the
King James. Yeah, and it sounds like she has kids too. So the kids would be taught those
Bible verses as well. Yeah, out of the King James. Now my grandmother, she was a diehard
King James Bible fan, not a King James -onliest. She just loved her
King James Bible. Yes. And she was never gonna change translations because this was where she knew the most text.
And so that was the translation that she was gonna stick with. Now, when I was a kid, well, the
NIV came out in what was it, 1984? Was the first translation of the new international version.
So my parents who had both been raised on the King James, they made a decision at about 85 or 86 in there, decided we're gonna raise our kids on the
NIV because it's easier to understand than the King James, even though they knew all the
King James language. They wanted us, their children, to grow up with the NIV.
So I was in the new international version until 2012, I think was when it was.
And that was when the NIV dumped their 80s version. Oh, yeah.
You couldn't access it online anymore. They had the copyright on it. So they just took all versions of the original translation of the
NIV off because they wanted their new one to be the version that everybody was accessing. Well, it was so different from the original that I was like,
I don't wanna learn the NIV all over again. Unless it's worth it. Yeah, and I didn't like it.
When I was looking at the changes, I didn't care for it. You didn't like any of the changes. No, I felt like I was learning the NIV all over again, the keywords that I knew.
And when I try to search those keywords to try to find the verse that I'm looking for, it wouldn't come up.
I'm like, if I'm gonna learn another translation, I'm gonna pick, or if I have to learn this all over again, then
I'll just pick another translation. So the four that I settled on, the four that I kind of went over when
I was trying to decide as a pastor with a preaching ministry, what translation of the Bible am
I gonna preach from? Because that'll change all of the Bibles in the sanctuary. In the church as well, yeah.
So it was either the ESV, the NASB, the Holman Christian Standard, which is now the
CSB, the Christian Standard Bible, or the New King James.
And I settled on the ESV. And part of the reason being that a lot of the preachers that I was listening to at that time were all preaching out of the
ESV. Right. Also Crossway, which publishes the ESV, was making great
Bibles and making them really cheap. Yeah. And that was another deciding factor. So right now we've got this scripture tradition stretched across a number of different preachers that I recommend, all coming from the
English Standard Version. You got some great Bibles that are on the cheap. We can buy a bunch of them for the church.
So that was how I ended up settling on the ESV. Now, I recently said to somebody, if I could go back and do it all over again,
I would pick the New King James. And the reason why is because that's more plentiful than even the
ESV. So if we've got new believers that come in, I can tell them, go down to Walmart and buy a
New King James Bible. You can go to a gas station and buy a New King James Bible. Yep. So they'll have King James and they'll have
New King James. They're just, they're plentiful. They're all over the place. The King James and the New King James are almost consistently in the top three best -selling
Bibles. It's often King James, New King James, NIV. Oh, interesting.
Those are often the top three best -selling translations. ESV will often hit in the top five.
And the Legacy, I don't think, has yet to break the top 10. Yeah. So even though there are a lot of people into the
Legacy, it's the translation that's come out of Masters. It's the translation that, oh, by the way, so they've got the
MacArthur Study Bible that they're re -releasing and finally putting it in the Legacy translation.
Okay. So the Legacy is getting its first study Bible and it's gonna be the MacArthur Study Bible. That's either this year or it's at the start of next year.
I wonder if they're gonna release it at ShepCon. Oh, maybe. In 25. Maybe that's why it's sold out within 24 hours.
Yeah, that could be it. Shepherd's Conference is already sold out. It is. They just went out,
I think Wednesday was when they put tickets on sale. Went up and shut down. Right, yeah, just within a matter of hours, it was already sold out.
So yeah, you've got the John MacArthur Study Bible and the Legacy that's coming out. Y 'all know that I've been reading from the
Legacy. I'm actually gonna go back to the ESV and that's because that's what I'm preaching from. So out of consistency,
I'm gonna go back to the English Standard Version. But because of the easy access to the new
King James. You would have done new King James. Yeah, hindsight's 20 -20. Yeah. Kind of what people say.
And especially with the church that I was pastoring there in Junction City, we had so many people that were coming from wherever, just people driving through town and they would come to the church.
Military, since we had that revolving door of people going in and out, people that would come in the church, a lot of times bringing in their new
King James Bible or they're looking for a Bible and they're familiar with King James language. Yeah. So I could give them the
NKJV. Just things like that. As I kind of look back over all of that, I might've gone new
King James and then never changed. Yeah. So I'm shifting back to the ESV because that's what
I'm preaching from. That's what our church has. And so out of consistency, I'm gonna stick with that.
I'm still in Hosea in the legacy. I'm gonna finish Hosea out in the legacy. But when we start Luke on Monday, it'll be out of the
English standard version. All right, looking forward to it. So anyway, we kind of a rabbit trailed there, Nicole, but hopefully gave you some things, some tools that you can use there.
Just ask, ask them how committed they are to the King James.
And then what's that website we always recommend to go find a solid teaching or at least -
Wwutt .com. Church. Oh, a solid church, yes.
So you can go to founders. There you go. Founders .org, go to Michelle Leslie's site.
Cause I think Michelle Leslie has put together a bunch of different church sites, church search sites.
Church search. That's almost a tongue twister. Yeah, I can't even get that out. But that's
MichelleLeslie .com. Yes. Yes. So check her website out and you can do a church.
You can search for a church through her website. Now the question that Nicole asked was why our church is so pro
KJV and why would they consider this to be the best translation? Just tradition. It's a tradition thing.
And it's been around so long. And their parents did it and their parents did it, you know, had that memorized from the
Bible. And I'm sure it holds a lot of memories. I've worked with a lot of pastors. Like if they're over the age of 50, they've told me
I still know more Bible out of the King James than anything else. So even though they might be onto a different translation now.
Oh, I think I heard Allie Beth Stuckey say something about that recently. So she was raised, if I remember right, on the
NIV. Okay. But she spent more time in whether, you know, the teaching that she gets from her church, more time reading, family devotionals.
She spent more time in the ESV. But because she was raised on the NIV, that's still the translation that comes into her mind whenever she thinks about.
Oh, interesting. So you think about your formative years. Yeah. How much that gets ingrained into you.
And so that even with, you know, you spend your first 10 years of your life in the King James, the next 30 in the ESV, you're still thinking
King James verses. True. That you were taught from when you were a kid. That makes sense. So yeah, again, that's probably the reason why.
Tradition. Yeah. They were raised with it and it just kind of continues on that way. Easy access, easy to find a
King James Bible. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. That's right. And I mean, the King James Bible isn't broke, but yeah, that language is, it's tough to get through.
It is. This next one is from Justin. Dear Pastor Gabe, I'm wondering if you've ever seen this before and if you could tell me how accurate it is.
It strikes me as being one of those internet myths, but I don't know enough about these Hebrew names to know if it's wrong.
Happy hunting. Okay, so what is he talking about? It's a challenge.
Yep. Well, he shared this particular video. This is something that was going around on TikTok. Of course, it's moved on to Instagram and X and some other places.
Sure. So listen to this video and then we'll talk about its accuracy. Here we go.
I think this might be the craziest thing I've ever seen. That's a big call. It's a big call, but this absolutely blew my mind when
I found out about it. So the Bible, the early books are written in Hebrew, right? The genealogy in the first few books of the
Bible, for those that know, is like Adam first, then his son was Seth, then Enosh, then Kenan. I probably pronounced those wrong, but in the original
Hebrew, when you take the meanings of their names, get this. Oh, I've heard something about this. So Adam means man.
That's like the original translation. Seth is appointed. And then the first 10, I'll read out each of their names, their meaning.
It actually spells this. Man is appointed mortal sorrow, but the blessed
God shall come down teaching. His death shall bring the despairing comfort and rest.
What? I don't know how long ago, but it was long before Jesus came. Bro, that's insane. When I found out about that, imagine that God's prophesying
Jesus from the first people who ever walked the earth in their names. I think this might be the craziest thing. Okay, so did you get that?
Yeah, that's interesting. So how accurate is that? Curious minds want to know.
The meaning of those names in Genesis 5, does it actually lay out the gospel in the meaning of their names?
So in Genesis 5, here's the names once again. Adam, Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Mahalalel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, and Noah.
Now I understand why he didn't say all the names. And here's what he said that the gospel message is in the meaning of those names.
All right. Man appointed mortal sorrow, but praise God, descent, dedicated or consecrated, man will he lies when it will be sent, the powerful will, or sorry, the despairing will receive comfort or something like that.
Anyway. Anyway. So however he translated those names, it was a little more clear.
It was a more clear sentence than I just made, but that's the claim. Those names, the meaning of those names actually lay out the gospel.
There's a gospel code in the genealogy of Genesis 5. So is it true?
Is it true or not? The answer, let me tell you point blank, is no.
I kind of figured that was coming. Now I've dealt with this myth before and it's an old one. Like it goes back, yeah.
The very first time I ever saw it was in chain mail emails.
Oh, wow. Way back when. Way, way back when. What was this?
A little over 20 years ago, way back when. And I'm curious as to how much it circulated even before we got to emails.
So this myth probably existed before that. Stuff just gets around to a wider, yeah.
It gets around to a wider audience with the internet. So back then when it was an internet chain mail thing,
I was already contesting this. Even before I was a pastor, before there was when we understand the text,
I was telling friends of mine, no, that's not accurate. That's not what those names mean. Now there was once upon a time where you could go to Google and you could enter in these names and it would straight up tell you if we don't know the meaning of the name.
Like for example, Mahalalel or Methuselah, that one in particular, we don't know what
Methuselah means. We don't know what that name means. But now if you do it. It has something.
There's something there every time. So if you type in Methuselah, what's the meaning of the name? It will tell you, yeah, the name means man of the earth or when he dies, he will be sent or something to that effect.
That is a later tradition. That is not what the name originally meant.
It's added. It came about later. And it's probably because of things like this that get circulated around.
So the later tradition now comes into the definition and saying, oh yeah, we do know what that name means.
It means this. I was wondering if it was that or if it was the fact that they don't like not knowing and like, you know, because people will then dog on them for not knowing everything.
Yeah, why don't you know this? Yeah. I thought you knew everything about the Bible. Right. Hebrew was a dead language at the time
Jesus was born. True, yep. So there were already things about Hebrew that the
Hebrews did not know. And that because of the exile, because of having, you know, they were forced to have to learn the
Babylonian language. When Daniel and his friends became wise men to the
Babylonians, and then later to the Medes and the Persians. And then they are able to go back to their land.
But because of all those things that happened in the exile, the original language gets lost. And then after that, you have the conquest of Alexander the
Great. Yeah. And he is forcing Koine Greek on the world. This is gonna be the universal language that everybody is going to speak and going to write.
And even when the Romans conquered the Greeks, they liked the Koine Greek idea.
Though they were speaking Latin, they were like, yeah, let's stick with this Koine Greek thing. And so that became the common written language across the
Roman empire. Now this was very providential that God would arrange things this way because it made the spread of the gospel a lot faster, a lot easier.
True, yeah. When all the New Testament is written in the same language, Koine Greek, and those letters can go out anywhere.
So even today when we're translating the New Testament, we only have to translate one language. Yeah. Those 27 books are written in Koine Greek.
And that was, again, that was by the providence of God. The Old Testament at that time was the
Septuagint, which was the Greek translation of the Old Testament. Even during that time, that was what they were reading and circulating around.
It wasn't written in Hebrew. The language that the Hebrews spoke was Aramaic, which was derived from Hebrew, but it still wasn't the same thing.
There were Hebrew words, even at the time of Christ, that the Hebrews had lost the meaning of.
Yeah. And so these names, we do not know for sure exactly the meaning of all these names.
Now, some of them we do know. Adam definitely means man. Yes, for sure. Adam is really the way that you say it, means man.
Seth likely does mean appointed, because when Seth was born,
Eve said, his name will be Seth because God has appointed for me a son in place of Abel because Cain killed him.
So Seth probably does mean appointed. We don't know that for sure. No pressure, Seth. Yeah. We don't know that for sure, but that's what we derive from the context.
And can draw that from the context. Enosh does mean man or mortal.
So Adam means man, Enosh probably means mortal, though we don't know that for sure.
Okay. Enosh is kind of mysterious. Same with Enoch. We don't know what Enoch means, though it probably means to introduce.
So there's a lot of similarity between Enosh and Enoch. It's kind of Hanak is the way that Enoch would come out in the
Hebrew language. Kenan though, does not mean sorrow.
It doesn't mean possession or sorrow. Kenan is from the name Cain. So it's the name
Cain, but with a suffix on it. Oh, okay. And we don't know what Cain meant. True. It could have been man of the dirt, man of the earth, since he was a farmer.
So it's something like that with a suffix on it, but otherwise we don't know what the name
Kenan means. Enoch probably means to introduce. The way that they translated it was dedicated or consecrated, but it means it's more of an introduction.
Methuselah, as I said, we don't know for sure what Methuselah means. Now the suffix to Methuselah, or the second half of the name is
Selah. Oh yeah. That's the same word that we see in Psalms, where you'll have breaks in the
Psalms and it will be marked by the word Selah. What does that word mean? We don't know.
Becky's looking at me shaking her head. Oh my God, I don't know. That was a scholarly response. Oh, okay.
Because we actually don't know what Selah means. We have some guesses as to what it means because of its usage in the
Psalm, but for certain we don't know what it means. So therefore we don't really know what
Methuselah means. Then Lamech, that name too, we have no idea. Noah does mean rest.
So there are names in there. We've got one. Yeah. How many is that, like four? Yeah, out of all those names, we probably know half of them.
That we're not guessing? Yeah. So it is a myth to think that the gospel message is coming out in that genealogy somehow.
Now there is something of the gospel in the fact that Noah was called rest because the expectation was
Noah's gonna give us rest. Oh yeah. So Lamech has a son, names him
Noah. We're finally gonna get a rest from all of our struggles, all of the difficulty that's going on in this world.
The fact that we've been separated from God. Maybe Noah will be the promised seed.
In a terrible way. I mean, the whole world was flooded. Yeah. Everybody did get a rest,
I suppose. Right. So Noah was not the man of rest. That's awkward.
But he's pointing toward someone greater who was to come, Jesus Christ, in whom we have our rest.
So we see that throughout the Old Testament. There are things about these people that we read of that are pointing towards something else that is to come.
So just like Cain was not the promised seed, remember the curse when
God said to the serpent, I will put enmity between your offspring and her offspring.
He will crush your head, you will bruise his heel. Well, we call that the Proto -Evangelium, which is the first pronunciation of the gospel.
Talking about how from the woman a seed is going to come that will undo the work of Satan. As John says in 1
John, the reason why the son of God came was to undo the works of the devil. Destroy the devil, undo what it is that he had done in deceiving woman and man to sin and then bringing about the curse.
And we've been in this state ever since. So there's a pronunciation of the gospel there. And then all throughout the
Old Testament, you have this expectation that this is gonna be the one. Cain was not the promised seed.
Right. Seth is not even the promised seed. Noah is not the promised seed. You get to the judges.
This judge is not the promised deliverer. Right. That judge is not the promised deliverer.
You get to the kings. This king is not the one that is going to rescue us.
The Davidic covenant, that king is not the fulfillment of the Davidic covenant. That king is not the fulfillment.
So there's always this unresolved tension all the way through the Old Testament that doesn't get resolved until you get to Christ in Matthew.
So it's always pointing ahead, always looking forward to the one that God has promised that he's going to send, that will finally save his people.
Yeah. That will undo the curse. Amen. That will forgive our sin and reconcile us to God.
And Jesus Christ is the one, the greatest judge, the greatest king. He is our rest.
And the whole Old Testament points forward to him. New Testament is pointing back at him.
Yes. But all of world history, all of cosmic history surrounding that event that happened at Golgotha, when the son of God was crucified, gave himself as an atoning sacrifice for our sins, rose again from the dead so that all who believe in him will not perish, but have everlasting life.
Amen. We don't need these little mythical translations of those names.
Right. To get that message. Right. It's right there at the cross, which you can read about in the
Bible. But that's not as fun to some people. Yeah. You know. You gotta make up some, there's almost kind of a -
But the gospel is right there. I mean - It's right there. It's where God sent or said his curse, you know?
Yeah. I mean, the gospel's there. I don't know why you have to jump back to Genesis 5 to the genealogy to try to find the gospel there.
There is the gospel. I mean, if you wanna dive in and look at all those names, go for it and read about those people.
Sure. Yeah. It's good to read your Bible. It's almost kind of a Gnostic thing.
Don't go looking for stuff that's not there. Or making stuff up. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's not even just going and looking for things.
It's just making it up and wedging it in there. That's true. And like I said, it's kind of a Gnostic thing. It's almost to say, see,
I've got this knowledge that you don't have. Yeah, so that's an automatic red flag for me that somebody is like, oh,
I learned something that nobody else knows and nobody else is talking about. And nobody else, you know.
From a TikTok video. It's new. Oh, yes. Yeah. Well, you know.
So anyway, thank you for your question. Who was that? Justin. Yes. Appreciate it. We're gonna wrap up there.
We thank you so much for joining us this week. Thank you for praying for us as we're still trying to sell our house in Texas.
Thank you. That hasn't sold. We've had several showings in the last week, no offers. Mm -hmm.
And so, yeah, it's a struggle. Still paying rent and a mortgage at the same time.
And now school has started up and paying for all the things that our kids are doing. And it's really, really tempting to just tell our kids, you can't do anything right now.
Yeah, it is. Because we can't afford it. But we're finding ways of finding the cheapest, most cost -effective ways for our kids to find stuff to do.
And not trying to - Trying to be thrifty. Yeah, that's right. Being thrifty at the same time.
So I even bought something in the past week that I was like, what am I doing? I can't do this. And I sent it back. It's like, we've got to be conserving money.
Yes. It might feel like I'm comfortable right now, but if the house hasn't sold in two months, then
I'm gonna wish I had that money back. We're gonna be uncomfortable again. Yes, leaning on the Lord in all of it. That's right. He has always provided and y 'all have been a blessing to us as well.
Amen, yes. I wanna give a special thanks, by the way, to First Baptist Church of Lindale, Texas, because several folks there took up an offering for us and had it delivered through our friends,
Bob and Wanda, who came for a visit this past weekend. Yes. And friends, that was amazing.
It was. We thank you for that. Becky and I praise God over your gift. And if anybody else would like to help us out, you can go to www .utt
.com, click on the Give tab. You can give, that will go through our church, by the way.
So if you give through our church and just mark it on the memo section, I want this to go to the Hughes family, it's a tax -deductible gift because you're giving to a nonprofit.
Otherwise, you can send to us via PayPal. When we understand the text at gmail .com
is our PayPal address or Venmo was Gebeke Hughes? Yes, G -E -B -E -K -I.
H -U -G -E -H -E -S. Yes. So that's the Venmo ticket.
What do you say, a username? I don't even know. I don't know. But as always, your prayers are appreciated especially.
Amen, yes. I am preaching at Foothills Community Church in Marble Hill, Georgia on Sunday.
There's a conference going on tomorrow. If you go to foothills -community -church .org, you can find out about the conference, the
White Harvest Conference that I'm gonna be speaking at tomorrow along with Scott Anuel. And then I'm preaching in their worship service on Sunday morning at 1030
Marble Hill, Georgia, just a little bit north of Atlanta. You can look that one up.
And it'll only be you, but you get to see Gabe. Just me, yep. Just traveling alone on this one. So thank you guys so much.
Let me, let's pray us out. Yes, let's. Heavenly Father, we thank you for the kindness that you show us daily, your mercies that are new every morning.
Great is your faithfulness. And I pray that we would desire to live in godliness, that we would follow after the example of Christ, following the example of the apostles and the other great men and women of faith that we read about in the scriptures and continue to grow in holiness and sanctification as we hold fast to the word of life, looking forward to that day when
Christ will return to judge the living and the dead and will draw us into his eternal kingdom forever.
And we will be with the Lord in eternity. Lord Jesus, come quickly.
And may our desires be for Christ and his kingdom first and foremost, and then living as Christians, as children of God in this world.
Keep us from sin, help us to turn from idolatry. We turn to Christ and we hold fast to him until the day of the
Lord. It's in Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Amen. What?
So apparently I've done this enough times by text that there is an auto -correct for babe.
B -A -A -A -A -A -B -E. Mine is
U. Y -O -U -U -U -U -U -U. Thank you.
Yeah, I thought you took my standoff for a reason. No, somebody took off with it for a reason.
Well. Or for no reason. Eh. Either or. All right, can you hear okay?
Yeah. You can even turn it down. Okay. That, is that good? Yeah, that's good.
Good then. Whenever you are ready.
Hang on, let me bring my thing back. Whenever you're ready, hang on. Whenever you're ready. Oh dear.
This is when we understand the text, a daily Bible commentary to help encourage your time of the word, that we may grow up.