Baptism of the Belcher Sisters

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Good morning.
When we bear witness to a person receiving the sign of baptism, it is a time to celebrate, but not to celebrate the action or the decision of the recipient, but rather a time to celebrate God's gift of sovereign grace, because salvation is of the Lord.
The Second London Baptist Confession of expresses the meaning of the sign of baptism.
Baptism is an ordinance of the New Testament, ordained by Jesus Christ to be to the person who is baptized a sign of his or her fellowship with Christ in his death and resurrection, of his being engrafted into Christ, of remission of sins, and of that person's giving up of himself to God through Jesus Christ to live and walk in the newness of life.
The Bible says we are buried with Christ in baptism, raised to new life.
This is a symbol of dying to the world and living for Christ, and only those who actually profess repentance towards God and faith in and obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ are proper subjects of this ordinance.
And so today we have two who are receiving the sign of baptism, two sisters who came to me over six months ago proclaiming faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, wanting to go through our time of counseling, which we have done for many hours together, talking and praying, and today they will be receiving this sign based upon their profession.
And so I want to begin by speaking to Mackenzie.
Mackenzie, do you believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God? And do you believe that Jesus died on the cross for the remission of sins, that he was buried, and that he rose again on the third day, and that he lives forevermore to make intercession for his people? Have you submitted to Jesus Christ as both Lord and Savior through repentance of sin and faith? Jesus taught that his disciples must be willing to give up all things to separate from the world and to count the cost.
Have you deliberately and prayerfully considered this decision to receive the sign of baptism? Amen.
Mackenzie Belcher, I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
And now Ashley Belcher, if you would answer the same questions.
Do you believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God? Do you believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for remission of sins, that he was buried, that he rose again bodily on the third day, and that he lives forevermore to make intercession for his people? Have you submitted to Jesus Christ as both Lord and Savior through repentance and faith? Jesus taught that to be his disciple we must be willing to give up all things to separate from the world and to count the cost.
Have you deliberated prayerfully on that decision to receive the sign of baptism? Ashley Belcher, I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
It is a wonderful blessing to see young people receiving the sign of baptism, having made a confession of faith, and having come to the Lord through repentance and faith.
Let us be mindful that this isn't what saves anyone, but this is a sign of God's promise to those who put their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, that we have been baptized into him, that we have been placed into him, and just as Noah and his family were in the ark and saved from the wrath of God, those who are in Christ will be saved on that last day.