- 00:07
- Alright, well I didn't think I was going to get to any videos this week, I got the flu.
- 00:13
- It's as simple as that. I've got the flu. Can you believe it? My whole family has got the flu. But this was, you know,
- 00:20
- I'm feeling a little bit better today, I slept better last night and all that kind of thing, and so here we are.
- 00:26
- I wanted to just comment on this post by Cody Liebolt, anti -communist, with a picture of the
- 00:35
- Statue of Liberty as a reminder that he's an anti -communist. In any case, you know, alright, so this is a picture, what he's done here, what
- 00:48
- Cody has done here, and this took him a lot of work, so you've got to give him a lot of credit here, I mean he works really hard at this kind of thing.
- 00:54
- What he's done here is he's put a picture of the marketing material for the Christ is
- 00:59
- King How to Defeat Trash World conference, and it's got the pictures of everyone that's going to be speaking at the conference on the marketing material.
- 01:09
- What Cody's done is he's posted this. He says, God, once again
- 01:15
- I ask, please permanently remove every one of these men from public life.
- 01:21
- Show your power, expose them, humble them, silence them. That's how
- 01:27
- I read it. He didn't put an exclamation point, but in my mind, that's how I picture him saying this.
- 01:33
- And you know, Cody talks a big game, but the truth is that Cody and I, we're friends.
- 01:39
- We're good friends. At least as far as I know we are. I mean, we're good friends. We haven't talked a lot lately, but we used to talk a lot, you know, every now and then we'd talk and stuff like that.
- 01:50
- But I've got to be honest, you know, and I do this with my friends, so this is a friendly thing that I'm doing here, but this is the gayest thing
- 01:58
- I've ever seen in my entire life. Simple as that. See, this is the gayest post
- 02:04
- I have ever seen in my entire life. And I've seen some gay ones, man. I've seen people post some overtly gay stuff, and this is gayer.
- 02:14
- It's even more gay than the other gay stuff that I've seen. What he's done here is, this is the equivalent of gathering your pious robes, you know?
- 02:24
- You get your robes on, and you gotta gather them, because your pious robes, they flow, you know? And sometimes they're a little out of order, so before you say something like this, you gotta gather your pious robes, you know, get them all in order, and then you hold them like right here.
- 02:38
- So you got, you gathered your robes, and then you hold them, and you kind of stand like this, right? It's a very dignified way to stand.
- 02:43
- So you do that, and then you address the Lord, right?
- 02:49
- So I mean, that gives what you're saying a lot of authority. If you're addressing the Lord publicly, then it means you've got a lot of authority, right?
- 02:55
- So he's got his pious robes, he's addressing the Lord, and he expresses his desires.
- 03:01
- And I'm not gonna argue with these desires, right? I mean, he wants everyone, including myself, because there's my picture right there.
- 03:08
- Me and this guy, we're the only ones smiling. Well, that's not true. Everyone's here smiling, but we're the only ones showing a little teeth, you know?
- 03:15
- I don't know what that means, but whatever. So, you know, he's saying, I want all these guys removed from public life.
- 03:22
- Okay, you can express those desires, that's fine. He's asking God to show his power, that's certainly a good thing.
- 03:29
- He wants God to humble us and silence us. Those are his desires. But then there's something very particular that he says here, right?
- 03:36
- He says expose them, right? He wants us to be exposed, right? And so if Cody's asking
- 03:43
- God to expose us, the implication that a listener would get from something like this is that there's something here to be exposed, right?
- 03:52
- There's something to be exposed about not just one of us, not just Stephen Wolfe.
- 03:57
- You would think that maybe it would be Stephen Wolfe that he'd be targeting. Maybe Andrew Isker too, you know? Maybe CJ.
- 04:03
- I mean, these are like the villains, right? We got Wolfe here, we got Joel here. That's a villain. Isker, Oren McIntyre, he's a villain.
- 04:11
- This guy, he's a villain. But some of us, you know, we're just kind of regular people. Dusty Devers, just a regular dude.
- 04:16
- You know what I mean? You know, John Harris. I mean, what, you want to expose John Harris? So here's the thing.
- 04:22
- What he's trying to do is he's trying to, he's addressing God. He's got his pious robes on, you know, and he's saying expose them, right?
- 04:30
- And what this is, this is something that James Lindsay does a lot too. What he's trying to do is to pretend like there's something to be exposed because he wouldn't have said it if there wasn't something to be exposed, right?
- 04:41
- So what he's trying to do is to project into your mind through his confident sounding proclamation.
- 04:48
- That's what this is. This is supposed to project confidence, right? That there is something hidden that needs to be exposed.
- 04:54
- What is it? Is it funding? Are we being funded by the bad guys? Are we taking money from China?
- 05:00
- You know, something like that. The Chinaman goddess, stuff like that. Who knows? Maybe it's some kind of secret dark sin, right?
- 05:06
- Maybe there's some like secret dark hidden sin that they're trying to hide and they're overt, like they're just totally, you know, enthralled by it and stuff like that.
- 05:16
- Or maybe it's like, maybe they're thieves, right? Maybe they're grifters, you know, that's a common one, grifters, you know, expose them.
- 05:24
- But here's the thing though, guys, this is the thing that you need to understand about stuff like this. When people just kind of throw vague accusations, they say it in a way that projects confidence, right?
- 05:34
- But let's just be honest about this. Cody doesn't have a lot of scruples, right?
- 05:40
- Cody's not like the kind of guy that you'd want to trust with your darkest secrets. So if Cody had information to expose us, don't you think he would have just done it already?
- 05:51
- He would have just done it already. He wouldn't be asking God to do it. He would have just done it. He's trying to project into your mind that there is something that Cody, of course he knows, he knows about it, you know, to be exposed by not just Steven Wolf, not just Andrew Isker, not just Joel Webbin, but all of us, each and every one of us.
- 06:11
- There's like, there's like 15 guys on this image, I don't know, I'm just, I'm just saying that. Let's count them. One, two, three,
- 06:20
- I'm being very careful with my counting, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, dang.
- 06:35
- I just, I just glanced at it and I, did I say 15? I don't even remember what I said. My mind's still a little bit jumbled up from having the flu.
- 06:44
- He's like, expose these 15 guys, expose them. And it makes you think like Cody knows there's something to be exposed, right?
- 06:52
- But the truth is he doesn't have any idea what he's freaking talking about. He's just being gay. This is what he's doing. He's doing gay stuff online.
- 06:58
- This is gay, this is gay ops, right? He's, I wouldn't be surprised if Cody Leibel is involved in gay ops online all the time.
- 07:04
- You know, secret accounts and secret hidden things to try to get, you know, try to, try to tempt you into saying something that he could post online for everybody.
- 07:12
- I wouldn't be surprised if he's like calling your employers and stuff like that. You can call my employer, call my, call my employer,
- 07:17
- I'll show you how that would go right now. I'm self -employed. He'd go, Hey, are you, are you the manager of AD Robles?
- 07:25
- Yes, I'm the manager. Hey, well, he said something online. Oh really? What did he say?
- 07:31
- Oh, you know, he said, uh, you know, you know, Christ is King. Can you believe it? It's anti -Semitic.
- 07:36
- And I know, you know what, Cody, I'm going to take care of that right now. I'm going to take care of that right now. You have my word. You have my word,
- 07:43
- Cody. I will take care of that. And that, that kind of anti -Semitism will not stand. At Covenant Recruiter, in any case,
- 07:50
- I'm a little loopy. I'm a little loopy from the flu. I don't know why
- 07:56
- I even did this video. You know, honestly, I do know why I did this video. I mean, I'm going to keep it 100 with you guys. You know what
- 08:01
- I mean? I use the slang that the kids use these days. Everyone's hating on rap these days. And then, you know,
- 08:06
- I'm not too big a fan of rap, but, uh, I like the slang sometimes, you know, I'm keeping it 100, yo, no cap. So I'm keeping it 100.
- 08:13
- Oh, you know what keeping it 100 means, Noah? All right, hold on.
- 08:18
- I'll be with you in a moment. I'm wrapping this up. Keeping it 100. The reason
- 08:24
- I did this video is because I'm trying to get my voice, you know, a little bit warmed up so I can do some, uh, do some cold calling.
- 08:31
- You know what I mean? I'm going to do some cold calling today. Well, I mean, not quite cold calling. I don't do a lot of cold calling, but I do some warm calling.
- 08:37
- You know what I mean? That kind of thing. So I'm going to be doing some of that. I'm going to get my voice going. Trying to get my, uh, my mojo flowing.
- 08:43
- That's what I'm trying to do. I'm also going to be doing another video for the business later. So I need my, need to get my bearings for that as well.
- 08:49
- But in any case, yeah, this is the gayest thing I've ever seen. I mean, honestly, yeah, Cody, you need to get a life.
- 08:54
- You need to get a life. I mean, he tries hard. I mean, he really does. He does those circles and he does a lot of research. He puts a lot of research into this, but then he goes and does stuff like this where it's just like, hey, what's wrong with you, dude?
- 09:06
- Yeah. Just maybe, maybe it doesn't make, I don't know. What's wrong with you? That's all