WWUTT 1439 The Righteous Are Delivered From Trouble (Proverbs 11:1-13)

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Reading Proverbs 11:1-13 where we see repeatedly that with righteousness comes bless, but the wicked will suffer great loss. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!


Consider this seeking the wisdom of God is loving your neighbor because we're saying it's not about me and I'm emptying myself to be filled with more of God and when we do that even our neighbor is blessed when we understand the text.
This is when we understand the text teaching through a New Testament book on Monday Tuesday and Wednesday an
Old Testament book on Thursday and a Q &A on Friday. With our Old Testament study today here's
Pastor Gabe. Thank you Becky. Proverbs is what we've been studying on Thursday. If you want to open up your
Bible to chapter 11 unless you're driving just remain as you are as you are and I'll read it to you.
Two hands on the wheel 10 o 'clock and 2 o 'clock right? In my Bible I've got 12 verses right here on this page so I'm gonna go ahead and read
Proverbs 11 verses 1 through 12. A deceptive balance is an abomination to Yahweh but a just weight is his delight.
When arrogance comes then comes disgrace but with the meek is wisdom.
The integrity of the upright will lead them but the crookedness of the treacherous will destroy them.
Wealth will not profit in the day of wrath but righteousness will deliver from death.
The righteousness of the blameless will make his way straight but the wicked will fall by his own wickedness.
The righteousness of the upright will deliver them but the treacherous will be captured by their own desire.
When a wicked man dies his hope will perish and the expectation of vigorous men perishes.
The righteous is rescued from distress but the wicked takes his place.
With his mouth the godless man corrupts his neighbor but through knowledge the righteous will be rescued.
When it goes well with the righteous the city exalts and when the wicked perish there is joyful shouting.
By the blessing of the upright a city is raised up but by the mouth of the wicked it is torn down.
He who despises his neighbor lacks a heart of wisdom but a man of discernment keeps silent.
And I'm going to add verse 13 just because it keeps with the context. He who goes about as a slanderer reveals secrets but he who is faithful in spirit conceals a matter.
Alright let's go back to verse 1. A deceptive balance is an abomination to Yahweh but a just weight is his delight.
You go back to the law go back to Leviticus and instructions are given there to Israel about having just balances just weights and measures.
Leviticus 19 beginning in verse 35. You shall do no wrong in judgment in measures of length or weight or quantity.
You shall have just balances just weights a just ephah and a just hin.
I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt and you shall observe all my statutes and all my rules and do them
I am the Lord. So God has instructed Israel to deal with one another justly even when it comes to weighing things out that they have the same measure for every person used for each person.
The rich receive the same measure as the poor receive and when I'm when
I say measure I don't say the same amount I mean that you're gonna use the same a system of measurement for both you're not gonna show favor to the rich or even defer to the poor as if to say well the rich already has a lot you know he already has a lot going for them so let's give more justice to the poor because he deserves it since he is since he doesn't have as much.
You're gonna use the same system of judgment for both no matter what so Leviticus 1935 again you shall do no wrong in judgment verse 36 you shall have just balances just weights and we see this come up again in Proverbs later on in in Proverbs 16 11 a just balance and scales are the
Lord's all the weights in the bag are his work so you don't have one system of weights and measures for the rich another system of weights and measures for the poor nor do you have a certain system of weight for Jews but a different system of weight for Gentiles everybody is to receive the same treatment so deceptive balances where you're trying to show trying to show favor to one person more than another that's unjust and that is not of God it is an abomination to Yahweh a just weight is his delight in our culture even in Western society right now amazingly enough because this has not been the case in Western society for hundreds of years but in Western society now that which
God would call in just our culture is calling justice justice the culture says is that everybody needs to have the same so if anybody is rich and anybody is poor there's injustice that's according to the secular mindset of justice of of social justice that exists in the culture right now that because there is rich and there is poor there must be injustice and we have to seize from the rich and redistribute to the poor we're starting to see the effects of this in the culture right now
I mean the long -term effects of this have not been felt yet but they will eventually as we continue this slow methodical move toward socialism it's accelerated in recent years but that's eventually where everything is headed where the state seizes what rightfully belongs to one person in the state redistributed as they see fit that's called stealing but when the state does it it's called socialism we've seen some element of this happening for decades like how there will be one system or or one tax rate for the rich they pay a certain amount in taxes the middle class pays a different amount in taxes and the lower class pays a different amount if they even pay taxes at all and all of these numbers are completely arbitrary it's just a group of people decides well this is what we determined to be fair for the rich in the middle class and the and the poor to eventually where we get to this thing where the the rich are paying like 80 to 90 percent in taxes that's what
Bernie Sanders wanted to do if he became president and then the poor are paying nothing so eventually everything kind of balances out it equals out everybody's getting the same amount and that's what a secular or godless culture determines fair God calls that an abomination he calls that deceptive when you show favoritism toward one group and discriminate against another a deceptive balance is an abomination to Yahweh right now what's been going on since kovat hit is you've got people who are not working and they're getting paid by the government they're getting unemployment they're getting stimulus checks you know stimulus checks is another politically correct term that means to rob from the rich and give to the poor but now since people are receiving money from the government at home they're realizing hey these unemployment checks that's more than I was getting when
I was working so I'm just not gonna go back to work anymore and now there are not people working there's plenty of jobs out there that need to be filled but people don't want to go to work because then it means they won't be getting unemployment anymore and my unemployment is more money than I was getting from my job and so when you go out to a restaurant now it takes longer for you to get your food if you notice that it's not because of kovat regulations it because it's because there's not enough employees there not enough people working in the kitchen not enough people working to get the food out to people at their tables recently
Becky and I bought a washer and a dryer it's the first time we've ever had to buy a washer and dryer in our marriage we've always had somebody has been kind and willing to give us their old washer and dryer work just fine we're not complaining about getting hand -me -downs we don't have to buy it so but we have more children now and we have a fifth one on the way so we needed a bigger washer and dryer to be able to wash more clothes we finally bought our own
I went to the store and I ordered it and I had to be put on a waiting list now I could have bought a different washer and dryer but it wouldn't have been as reliable a model as this one that I wanted plus there was a great deal on it so in order to get the deal
I had to buy it now but I was put on a waiting list for it to get to me and it wasn't because there weren't enough washer and dryers they existed somewhere but there were not enough employees to get the washer and dryer from the warehouse put it on a truck get it delivered to the store get it taken off the truck get it put on the floor get it moved up to the front so that I could come pick it up and take it to my house that's why things are moving so slow now is people are not going out and getting jobs when they realize
I can just stay home and collect unemployment but that's unsustainable we can't keep doing that as it's often said about socialism eventually you run out of other people's money and so the the culture will eventually collapse now this is just natural law this is just the way that God has set things up it's common sense to recognize that we can't run an economy this way go figure that God's ways are better than our ways right so a deceptive balance is an abomination to Yahweh and the people even suffer when we deal with one another deceptively this way when we say we're going to deal with this group of people like this but this group of people with a different system of weights and balances a just weight is his delight and all the people said amen verse 2 when arrogance comes then comes disgrace but with the meek is wisdom and you can even pair this with verse 1 about deceptive balances and just weights it's arrogant to say that we can come up with a better system than what
God has said is good and when arrogance comes then comes disgrace it's going to be a disgrace for all the people now put this on a more individual level not just talking about it as a culture but talk about it as individuals the word here for the arrogant and your translation may even say pride with pride comes disgrace but with the humble there is wisdom the word here for pride or the word for arrogance is a word that means to flow over when a person is just so full of themselves that's literally where that expression comes from it's the definition of pride they're so full of themselves that they're flowing over so when arrogance comes a person is disgraced other people suffer as a result of that as well but with the meek with the humble there is wisdom because wisdom comes from outside of us the wisdom that comes from God is objective whereas when we try to make ourselves wise or we think that our own thoughts are better than everybody else's well that's subjective so with the meek is true wisdom because they're not full of themselves they have emptied themselves and are looking for the wisdom that comes from God wisdom true wisdom is with the meek but those who are arrogant what they have is disgraceful foolishness verse 3 the integrity of the upright will lead them but the crookedness of the treacherous will destroy them still flowing from verse 1 a deceptive balance is an abomination to Yahweh but a just weight is his delight the integrity of the upright leads them again still something objective something that is outside of themselves they're not following their heart they're not doing what they think is right they are following what
God has said is just and good and it will lead them the crookedness of the treacherous will destroy them they will be led down a path that will eventually go to their destruction this is
Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapter 7 saying to enter through the narrow gate for wide is the way and broad is that road that leads to destruction and many find it because that's the easy way but narrow is the way and hard is the road that leads to life and few will find it verse 4 wealth will not profit in the day of wrath but righteousness will deliver from death once again still same concept here a person cannot save themselves salvation does not come from oneself they cannot rely on what they possess or earthly treasures to save them it does not profit in the day of wrath but righteousness will deliver from death going back to the
Sermon on the Mount again Matthew 633 seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all the things you need will be added to you as well it is only by the righteousness of Christ that we are saved on that day of trouble the day of judgment verse 5 the righteousness of the blameless will make his way straight but the wicked will fall by his own wickedness the righteousness of the blameless and again this righteousness that we possess comes not from ourselves it is given to us by God we wear his righteousness and therefore we live in a righteous way when we have the righteousness of Christ our way is made straight the
Lord directs our paths consider back to Proverbs chapter 3 trust in the
Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths but the wicked falls by his own wickedness it will come about it will come back on him and he will be judged in it on the day of judgment verse 6 the righteousness of the upright will deliver them but the treacherous will be captured in their own desire by their own desire you see the theme going on and in all six of these first verses here of Proverbs chapter 11 the treacherous captured by their own desire
I talked earlier this week when we were reading from Titus chapter 3 that we ourselves before we came to Christ we were once enslaved to our own passions and pleasures passing our days in malice and envy hated by others and hating one another but when
God our Savior appeared he saved us not by works done by us in righteousness but according to his own mercy so it's in the righteousness that has been given to us by God will be delivered but the treacherous who continue in their way who are still enslaved to their own passions and pleasures they're captured they're captured by their own desires and will perish in them as well verse 7 when a wicked man dies his hope will perish and the expectation of vigorous men perishes what is that last part mean well it's it's the desire for wealth so when a wicked man dies whatever his hope was in goes with him whatever we're putting our our hope and trust in our desires in here on this earth well it's gonna perish along with everything else that perishes in the judgment that comes by fire everything that is transient that is wasting away is eventually gonna come to nothing so a wicked man puts his trust in that which is not gonna last we need to put our hope and trust in that which lasts forever and that is
Jesus Christ put your faith in Jesus and you will live forever put your hope in the things of this world you're gonna die and all that other stuff comes to nothing as well the expectation of riches that that perishes along with the wicked verse 8 the righteous is rescued from distress but the wicked takes his place in other word the in other words the wicked gets what he gets the righteous is rescued from distress the wicked gets distress that's really what the what the verse is saying there verse 9 with his mouth the godless man corrupts his neighbor but through knowledge the righteous will be rescued the wicked man has no consideration for his neighbor we're still talking about pride here right he's just full of himself he has no consideration for anyone else so it doesn't matter what he says he's not thinking about edifying or encouraging anyone else with his words whereas isn't that how we are supposed to be speaking with one another in Ephesians chapter 4 it says in several places in Ephesians 4 that we need to be speaking the truth in love and we need to speak in such a way that it may give grace to those who hear that is how we are to subject our tongues even to the ways of the
Lord that every word we would say to our neighbor would be honoring to God but the godless man corrupts his neighbor with his words he's not interested in encouraging his neighbor building him up he speaks lies to his neighbor that maybe his neighbor follows to his own destruction or he just tears his neighbor down with his words but through knowledge the righteous will be rescued and here we're talking about an objective knowledge that comes from God the humble meek man seeks not his own ways and his own ideas but the knowledge of God and those who are righteous who receive the knowledge of God are rescued by the knowledge that we possess ultimately the knowledge of Jesus Christ and believing in him following him worshiping him he is our rescue he is our
Savior and our deliverer verse 10 when it goes well with the righteous the city exalts and when the wicked perish there is joyful shouting so we see joyful shouting on both sides right it goes well with the righteous when the when the righteous are thriving when they are doing good when righteousness is in the land people rejoice there is shouts of joy there's also shouts of joy when the wicked perish when the wicked perish there's joyful shouting because the corruption that was in the land has been taken away verse 11 by the blessing of the upright a city is raised up but by the by the mouth of the wicked it is torn down don't you want a city that is governed by righteous men and not by wicked men most definitely you want people in governing positions who seek an objective truth outside of themselves righteousness that is given by God the whole city benefits when you have leaders that are leading in that way verse 12 he who despises his neighbor lacks a heart of wisdom but a man of discernment keeps silent once again you've got you've got an expression of humility going on here that the person who is humble doesn't belittle his neighbor the person who is full of pride despises his neighbor and tears his neighbor down the humble have a heart of wisdom and they are discerning and they keep silent not letting their emotions get the better of them and tearing others down but once again we should have as Christians tongues that have been taken captive and submitted unto
Christ that we make every member of our bodies servants of Christ let me do verse 13 we'll wrap up with this he who goes about as a slanderer reveals secrets but he who is faithful in spirit conceals a matter there are some things that are nobody else's business speak truth speak kindness and know what needs to be public knowledge and what needs to be private okay that's all what we get from the kindness and love and wisdom that God gives to us through Jesus Christ our
Lord and then next week when we pick up we've got verse 14 very popular proverb and very often taken out of context
I'll let you go look that up and then we'll come back to it next week Heavenly Father we thank you for this good word may it be written upon our hearts and we exercise it every day living our lives in service to our
God and King and in love to our neighbor loving our neighbors as we love ourselves as Jesus instructed us to do and we pray these things in Jesus name
Amen this has been when we understand the text of Pastor Gabriel Hughes for all of our podcasts episodes videos books and more visit our website at www .utt
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