Where Does the Bible Say Explicitly That the Miraculous Gifts Cease?

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EPISODE SUMMARY In this installment of Iron Sharpening Iron, Pastor Tim answers a series of questions related to the cessation of the miraculous gifts. Who bears the burden of proof to demonstrate that the gifts have ceased? What are the purpose of the sign gifts? Is it reasonable to expect them to continue if their purpose has been fulfilled? What does the Bible say about their cessation?


Warning the following message may be offensive to some audiences these audiences may include but are not limited to professing Christians who never read their
Bible sissies Sodomites men with man buns those who approve of men with man buns man bun enablers white nights for men with man buns Homemakers who have finished
Netflix, but don't know how to meal plan and people who refer to their pets as fur babies Your discretion is advised People are tired of hearing nothing but doom and despair on the radio
The message of Christianity is that salvation is found in Christ alone And any who reject
Christ therefore forfeit any hope of Salvation any hope of heaven
The issue is that humanity is in sin and the wrath of Almighty God is
Hanging over our head. They will hear his words They will not act upon them and when the floods of divine judgment when the fires of wrath come
They will be consumed and they will perish God wrapped himself in flesh
Condescended and became a man died on the cross for sin was resurrected on the third day
Has ascended to the right hand of the father where he sits now to make intercession for us
Jesus is saying there is a group of people who will hear his words They will act upon them and when the floods of divine judgment come in that final day their house will stand
And Welcome to Bible bashed where we aim to equip the Saints for the works of ministry by answering the questions.
You're not allowed to ask Listen and enjoy this installment of iron sharpening iron as pastor
Tim answers your sincere questions. Here's pastor Tim We recently did a podcast on the question of the difference between cessationism and Continuationism the question that we were trying to ask was the question
Should people who claim to be speaking speaking words directly from God today essentially
Be considered false prophets now a sincere question that we had that was related to this was the question coming from an individual who
Occupies basically the open but cautious position And that position is essentially the kind of position that says hey look a lot of the charismatic
Phenomenon that I'm seeing the tongues the gift of healing The direct words from the
Lord these things kind of creep me out to be honest But then when I'm reading the Bible, I don't know that I have some sort of direct biblical
Reason to say that these things are no more. So as I read the scriptures, I see that hey, there was a thing like a gift of tongues and there was a
Gifts of prophecy you see people speaking directly from God in the New Testament in the Old Testament It seems safer to just say hey,
I'm Open to the idea that God can still do that sort of thing if he wanted to do it
But then I'm cautious meaning like I what you know, I'm looking out and seeing what
I'm seeing It doesn't seem to be done very poorly But in the absence of some sort of direct word from God saying
I'm not going to do that anymore It seems the safer bet just to be open to the idea, but cautious and basically suspicious.
And so Is there anything in the Bible that would seem to close the door on these kind of things? Is there any direct sort of statement in the scriptures that would our verses in the scriptures which would tell us that we shouldn't expect?
The supernatural gifts anymore the gift of healing the gift of tongues this kind of stuff. So what would you say to that now?
Part part of what's happened here related to this kind of question is That there is a misunderstanding of what the sign gifts are the miraculous gifts actually are
One of the things that the charismatic movement has done is the charismatic movement has come along and basically normalized the sign gifts essentially basically the charismatic movement is built on the assumption that the sign gifts were normative for Believers throughout the church age and this is an assumption
It really is incredible when you think about it and this assumption that doesn't That has to be assumed it has to be read into the text of Scripture It's not something that naturally arises.
And so typically when God gives sign gifts These sign gifts are always limited in their function if that makes sense
So what I mean is that when God sent Moses into Egypt? One of the things that he did was he gave him certain signs to perform
So when God sent Moses into Egypt, he gave him a leper's hand He gave him a serpent staff and the ability to turn water into blood.
Now, why did he do that? well, he did that because essentially Moses Understood the basic dilemma of him going into Egypt and speaking to Pharaoh Moses was essentially a homeless man who was going to walk into Egypt and he's gonna say to Pharaoh God's that says the
Lord let my people go and Moses says well, how will they know that I'm sent from you? Like well, how will they know that I'm not just some, you know, raving lunatic some, you know meth addict or something like that Why would they believe me why why won't they think
I'm crazy and out of my mind and God essentially in response to that gives Him a certain series of signs to perform.
He one of them was the leper's hand He could put his hand inside of his coat Pull it out and it would be leprous and then put it back in and bring it back out and be clean ability to turn a staff into Serpent and water into blood and that kind of thing and so God gives him science.
These are sign gifts There are signs that are going to establish him as his messenger. That's what they were for All right
So now no one under the Old Covenant there is no expectation under the Old Covenant that these sign gifts
Were normative things that your average Jodo Israelite, you know magic tricks that they could perform in order to edify the church or something like that They're not for that.
That's not why they were there and no one ever made the assumption that they would ever be normative They had a specific function.
They were going to validate Moses as the Prophet of the Lord when that function was fulfilled
The the sign ceased and so here's the thing I mean, there's no verse in the
Bible that says that Christians shouldn't expect to turn a staff into a serpent or be expected to turn water into blood or To have a leprous hand.
There's no Verse in the Bible that's gonna say hey, that's done away with just like that But the reason why there's not is because literally no
Thoughtful reader of the Old Testament should ever assume that that's a normative thing It was given to a particular purpose person for a particular situation for a particular purpose
That's the point. Okay. So when it comes to tongues One of the things to realize is that tongues in the
Bible you just we'll just deal with tongues for it For example just to establish this basic point in order to try to illuminate
Where the cessationist position is coming from you think about something like tongues tongues are clearly foreign languages
That's what they are. So if you go to Acts you go to Acts chapter 2, one of the things to realize is that Act Acts 2 talks about tongues in the language of foreign languages now
Acts 2 verse 1 when the day of Pentecost arrived They're all together in one place and suddenly there came from heaven sound like a mighty rushing wind
Which filled the entire house where they were sitting and divided tongues of fire appeared upon them and rest on each one of them
And they were all each of them Filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues or languages as the
Spirit gave in utterance How do you know there are languages? Well, that's what it says verse 5 Now there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews devout men from every nation under heaven and at the sound the multitude came together and they were
Bewildered and each one of them was hearing them speak in his own language and they were amazed and astonished and saying are not these Who are speaking
Galileans? So, how is it that we hear each of us in his own native language
Parthians and Medes Elamites in the residence of Mesopotamia? Jude Judea and Cappadocia Pontius and Asia Phrygia and Pamphylia Egypt and parts of Libya belonging to Cyrene and Visitors from Rome both
Jews and proselytes Cretans and Arab Arabians We hear them telling in our own tongues or our own language the mighty works of God and they were amazed and perplexed saying to One another what does this mean?
But others mocked saying they are filled with new wine. So here's the thing God like God says to us
Apostles Hey, I have more commands to give you but you can't bear them So you're gonna be my witnesses to Jerusalem to Judea and to the ends of the earth
Wait for me and the promise coming of the Holy Spirit and when the Holy Spirit comes he's gonna guide you in all truth
He's gonna take from mine and declare it to you. He's going to give you those additional commands
And so what was the sign of the coming of the Holy Spirit? It was the sign of the Jews from all nations under heaven
Speaking words they were speaking human languages. So they were speaking human languages and the people from different parts of The country were saying we hear ourself.
They didn't hear babble and here like I want to buy a Honda They heard people speaking in their own language so tongues and acts was the sign of the coming of the
Holy Spirit To God's Church. That's what it was. It was a sign of the
Holy Spirit coming now The same thing happens later on So first the
Holy Spirit is poured out and acts to on the Jews and they all hear they all speak in tongues And they hear them speaking in their own language and then in Acts 10
The Holy Spirit falls upon the Gentiles and the Gentiles also hear them speaking in tongues
And so they hear them speaking in foreign languages human languages that they actually understand
Why would that happen? well because God first went to the Jews and afterwards he went through the
Greek and This was something that happened with Peter where Peter became aware that God makes no distinction between Jews and Greeks He's building his church.
It's gonna be included of Jews. It's gonna be Included of Gentiles and so the Holy Spirit came in two different phases first to the
Jews and then it came to the Gentiles and That was to unify the Church of God. So it had a particular purpose.
It was a sign now Paul says it is much like when you read through 1st Corinthians. One of the things that you're gonna see is
This 1st Corinthians 1420. He says brothers Do not be children in your thinking be infants and evil
But in your thinking be mature in the law It is written by people of strange tongues or languages and by the lips of foreigners
I will speak to this people and even then they will not listen to me says Lord Thus he says tongues or the gift of human languages are assigned
What does he say not for believers but for unbelievers while prophecy is a sign not for unbelievers but for believers
If the whole if therefore the whole church comes together and all speak in tongues and outsider or unbelievers enter
Will they not say that you are all out of your minds if you're just babbling in foreign languages without interpreters?
Well, then they did not think that you're out of your mind So but if all prophesy and the unbeliever outsider enters he is convicted by all he's called an account by all the secrets of his
Heart are disclosed and so falling on his face. He will worship God and declare that God is really among you Here's the thing
Paul Paul says don't be infants in your thinking. So don't be childish in your thinking, right?
don't Don't be childish in your thinking in the law is written by people of strange tongues in the lips of foreigners
I will speak to this people and even then they will not listen to me what we're taught Science tongues it says thus tongues are a sign not for believers, but for unbelievers
What was the purpose of tongues the purpose of tongues was a sign of judgment in the law is predicted that God was going to?
Speak to the Jews by men of foreign tongues what happened in an axe Well, one of the things that you see in acts is that there's
Jews from all over heaven the Holy Spirit comes and They all hear them speaking their own language.
Then the Holy Spirit comes to the Gentiles. This is a sign of judgment For the
Israelites basically saying by by by men of strange strange languages
I'm gonna speak to them and for all this they were not here. The issue is tongues had a historical significance
It was a sign of judgment on the unbelieving Jews They were being judged by God And this is a sign that God was moving from the
Jews to the Gentiles to be his primary base of operations That was the purpose of tongues And so you say well, where is a passage which says like tongues will be done away with where is that passage, right?
well, I mean I think You know, you can go to first Corinthians 13 and 13 8 says love never ends as for prophecies
They will pass away as for tongues They will cease as for knowledge It will pass away for I know in part and prophesy in part
But when the perfect comes to pass will pass away The text is saying that tongues are obviously gonna cease but you want it you want to know
Well specifically when does it say they cease will it cease when the function of tongues cease the there is no need
Here's the point. There is no need as you as you read through the New Testament There is no there's no need for a continual sign of judgment against the unbelieving
Jews Who last periodically throughout? the entirety of the church age
The this was a sign of judgment against the Jews tongues was a sign of judgment against the Jews It was a sign that God moved from the
Jews to the Gentiles primarily in terms of his primary base of ministry Once that sign of judgment was enacted
There's no more purpose for tongues or this miraculous gift as far as that goes now
There's much more that we can say about the other sign gifts as well Like whether the gift of healing which was a sign or whether the gift of knowledge, but a gift of prophecy or anything else but this is just one example of the kind of the way that a
Person has to learn to think about the way these signs gifts actually work It's not enough just to assume that if there's a sign gift is going to continue in perpetuity
Throughout the church age you have to ask what was the purpose of the sign and in this case Paul tells us the purpose It was a sign of judgment for unbelievers
This has been another installment of iron sharpening iron as always If you would like to have your question included in one of these midweek episodes email us at Bible bashed podcast at gmail .com