FBC Daily Devotional – May 27, 2021


A brief bit of encouragement for your day from God's Word


Well, a good Thursday to you. I hope your day is going well. This is a milestone day for me personally.
It's my my birthday. So it was a long, long time ago, back in the 50s, when this
Qadr came into the world, and I guess I get to celebrate that today in some way or another.
But anyway, happy birthday, right? Well, today we're reading in Luke chapter 1, and I hope you read the passage again, or if you haven't yet,
I hope you'll go back to the Scriptures and open it up. But Luke chapter 1, we're reading in the angelic, about the angelic announcement to Mary and her response.
So the angel Gabriel comes to Mary, and you know, it's...
I mentioned this the other day, alluded to this the other day, about the angel appearing to Zechariah and how
I really suspected that he did not come in what we would normally think of as an angelic form, that is bright lights and, you know, brightness in his garments and a halo around him and all that kind of thing, some kind of some kind of bright aura that would be startling.
I didn't think so the other day, and I'm even more convinced of it today, that what when the angel appeared to Zechariah and now to Mary, he does so in the form of a, you know, fairly typical human being.
And the reason that I suspect that, and I'm pretty sure of that, is that in Mary's response, she's not startled by his appearance.
It's not that he shows, it's not that all of a sudden this angel appears and she is astonished and startled and stricken with terror by his appearance.
The thing that strikes her is not his appearance, but his announcement that she is highly favored of the
Lord. What does this mean? This is what startles her. So I think that in itself gives us some insight into the the interaction between these two, between these two, between an angel,
Gabriel, and a young girl, Mary, not startled by the appearance of the angel, but by the announcement of the angel.
And then, I also think it's interesting that of all of the astounding information that Gabriel gives to Mary, you know, you're going to have, you're going to give birth to a son and let me look at it again here, get my get my eyes back on you, these, yeah, these old eyes, you know,
I gotta gotta have this to cheat and see what he actually says. So he comes to her and, and again,
I just want to read this out of the scriptures because it says that the angel, when she saw the angel, she was troubled at his saying, at his saying, and considered, what manner of greeting is this?
What is this that that he's telling me? And he goes on to tell her this, he says, you're going to conceive in your womb, you're going to bring forth a son, and you will call his name
Jesus, the Lord saves, and he will be great.
He will be called the Son of the Highest, and the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father
David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.
Wow! What a truckload of information, and significant information at that, and with all that, all that the angel tells her about this child that is going to be born to her, the
Lord saves, Son of the Highest, he's going to be the the heir of David's throne, and there's going to be no end to his throne, he's going to reign forever.
Of all those things that Gabriel tells her, what Mary zeroes in on, and the only thing she said asks about is, how in the world can
I have a son? I'm not even married yet. I, you know, how is this even possible?
And I'm glad she asked that question. I'm glad she zeroed in on that, because that allowed the angel to respond with the information that tells us of the virgin birth, that Jesus was going to be born, not of the normal relations between a man and a woman, but by virtue of the divine intervention of the
Holy Spirit, creating in her womb this baby, this child, who would be fully man and fully
God. Mary's response to all of this is a challenge to us, isn't it?
That we would have the same kind of humble, submissive obedience to the
Lord and to what he says. So I trust that as we read this account of Mary, we'll read it through the eyes of human beings, that, you know,
Mary was just a girl, just a girl, and all this came upon her, and what an announcement that she received, what a response that she gave.
Our Father and our God, I pray that even as Mary was humbly submissive to the truth that was given to her, we would likewise be humbly submissive.
We would receive her Son as our Savior, follow him as our
Lord, and this we pray in Jesus' name. Amen. All right, have a good rest of your day, and I trust that, you know, one of the things
I'm gonna have in my day is a good piece of strawberry rhubarb pie. That's my birthday cake.