Griffin Gulledge' s Gay Ops - Another Gospel Coalition Contributor Comes At Me - Slimy Tactics

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Well, another day, another folder on my desktop full of deleted tweets from Big Eva.
This is pretty weird. I don't understand this mentality. I don't understand this pattern. But Big Eva dispatched a low -level goon to me last night, and we had a very cordial conversation, at least
I thought. And then I go back this morning, and they're all deleted. I was trying to figure out who this person was.
I didn't know it at the time. In fact, I wasn't going to do anything with these tweets until I found out that he's part of the Gospel Coalition.
So it's just like, what is the deal with these tactics? We're going to go through the tweets and what the exchange was all about.
Again, I thought it was quite cordial, but apparently Griffin Goolidge was embarrassed about some of the things he said.
He deleted some of the tweets, and he also protected his tweets. So now you can't read his tweets if you wanted to go see him right now.
But before I did, I was going to comment on this situation, which I found pretty interesting, that an
ERLC policy director, obviously hired by Russell Moore, apparently had left the
ERLC to go work for Joe Biden. And I thought that was quite remarkable that someone would do that, because that would be very interesting to go work for Biden in an official capacity, leaving your
Christian organization, or at least Christian organization, to go work for a pagan. But actually, it looks like it didn't happen.
It looks like he doesn't work for the ERLC, and he doesn't work for the Joe Biden campaign.
He's just campaigning for them. So we all knew that was going on. I mean, obviously, there have been
Democrats at the ERLC. There still are Democrats at the ERLC. There are people who are going to be voting for Joe Biden at the
ERLC. I would suggest that probably most of the ERLC is going to be voting for Joe Biden.
So it's not really a story anymore, so I'm not going to say anything about it. It's just kind of like, yeah, obviously.
And the reality is, when are you guys going to stop paying for the ERLC? The SBC just needs to end it.
It just needs to be ended. Forget the audit. Forget the review. Just cancel the ERLC.
If you want to have a group that does lobbying or whatever, start a new one, because the
ERLC is completely compromised from top to bottom. There is no reason to fund it anymore.
Anyway, well, that's an issue for a different time. So let's pull up this guy's thing.
Oops. This is a document about the CIA's use of journalists and clergy in intelligence operations.
How did that get there? See the link in the comments section. Okay. This is the guy that confronted me.
His name is Griffin Goolidge. He's a graduate of Auburn University and Beeson Divinity School at Stanford University.
He serves as a director of marketing and communications at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he's working on his
PhD in systematic theology. It says here you can connect with him on Twitter, but, of course, you actually can't.
Oh, wait. Look at this. Did he unprotect his tweets? Looks like he might have unprotected them.
That's interesting. So he's gone from deleting tweets to protecting his tweets to now unprotecting them.
That is very interesting. Let's try to follow him. Great. That's pretty weird.
It looks like he had a change of heart. Anyway, so this is what started it all. So I commented on Russell Moore's pathetic little video about how there shouldn't be a religious test for Supreme Court.
Like it's okay to have a pagan. It's okay to have a Muslim. It's okay to have whoever. Who cares?
I mean it's not like it's the definition of justice here. It's not like they have to understand that Jesus Christ is the king of kings, the lord of lords, and that we're all under his authority.
I mean who cares? It might as well be Allah. It could be mother nature. Who knows? I mean it doesn't really matter in the terms of justice.
So of course this is just another attempt for Russell Moore to get a date on CNN of course.
And I called it as such. He's probably still hurting from being stood up by CNN the other night.
And so here's his hot take supposedly from a Christian perspective telling the pagans exactly what they want to hear.
This is pathetic. And I called it such. He's just willing to say anything about the Bible so long as it gets him a date with CNN, MSNBC, the whole nine yards.
So I called it as such. Here's Marcus Pittman calling him a simp which is definitely simping.
But if you notice here, we've got some deleted tweets here. We've got some deleted tweets here. And this is this guy,
Gryffindor Goolidge. And so let's take a look at some of these tweets. And we'll talk about the slimy tactics here because it goes beyond deleted tweets here.
He's actually trying to personally attack me using my past. Although the people he's been talking to about my past didn't quite get it right, which is, you know, truth -telling is a big problem for people in Big Eva.
So here's how he responds to my initial comment about Russell Moore and his little
CNN audition tape.
That's his little CNN audition tape. Listen, CNN, I'll tell you what you want to hear. No religious test. No religious test.
All right. Gryffindor Goolidge says to me, he says, do you think that when you stand before the judgment seat of Christ that you will be rewarded for scorning and mocking a fellow believer, even one whom you think is deeply wrong on the political issues of the day?
Do you think Christ rejoices in the way you engage online? Now, unfortunately, I didn't get every screenshot here because I didn't look at Gryffindor Goolidge as one of these kinds of guys because I didn't even know who he was.
But something told me last night, screenshot some of these. Screenshot some of these. So I didn't get them all.
I actually responded to this, yes, I do think that I will be rewarded for the things that I say online. Obviously, scorning, and he's framing it in a certain way.
He's a low -level propagandist, right? He's not Joe Carter status, but he's a low -level propagandist. So I'm not agreeing with some of these false premises here, but I do think that the things that I say online,
I'll be rewarded for in heaven. I could be wrong, but I wouldn't say it if I didn't. And that's what
I told him. I said, I wouldn't do the things I do online if I didn't think I was going to get a reward from Christ because I'm working here to get a reward from Christ later.
I'm doing the good works now, so hopefully I'll get a reward later. There's nothing wrong with that. I know some people think that sounds icky, but that's what the
Bible teaches, and that's what I'm trying to do. So I told him, yes, I definitely do. And then
I said, what do you think about it? And he says, I ask myself these same questions. I do fail more often than I'd like to admit, but every time
I see your name online here, it is some statement of mockery, vitriol, or scoffing.
Maybe you don't see it. I hope you will reconsider. This is a very kind of passive aggressive. I just reconsider.
And I said, reconsider what, Griffin? What is the actual sin I'm being accused of here? And his response is super weaselly.
It doesn't actually give me anything to go on. All he says is behavior contrary to what we see of the blessed man in Psalm 1, among other things.
So you notice oftentimes you say, OK, tell me how I've sinned, and I'll consider it.
And usually you'll get just a very vague answer. You're just not acting like the Psalm 1 blessed man guy. And unfortunately, it doesn't help you.
You see, when I accuse somebody of sin, I will tell them exactly what they did. I'll tell them exactly which tweet it was, what statement it was, why it's wrong.
And we can have a conversation from there. But Big Eva doesn't work that way. Big Eva doesn't want to do that.
They don't want anyone to see the receipts because the receipts typically don't help them. So I would just always caution you when you're interacting with someone making a vague accusation against you.
You can consider it if you'd like, but be careful. People tend to try to trap you and stuff like that.
And so I try to help Griffin out here. I try to make it a little bit more clear. So I say, so Griffin, so no mocking?
Did Christ ever mock? And of course, he doesn't answer the question.
He doesn't answer the question. I say, does Christ ever mock? And he says, look, man, I'm not your pastor.
I'll quit here because I'm not responsible for shepherding your soul. But there is a very clear pattern of mockery, scoffing, and vitriol to your opponents.
What do you owe brothers in Christ with whom you disagree? Only harsh rebuke? Romans 2 tells us that it was his kindness that leads us to repentance.
Of course, the Lord also rebukes and disciplines us. He knows us better than anyone. If he didn't, he wouldn't love us.
But you don't have a reputation for loving rebuke, only harsh rock -throwing criticism.
You don't have to listen to me, but I just felt like I was going to say something. And this seemed like a good time because it was a harsh word against a pretty innocuous basic statement by Dr.
Moore. And the reality is that I appreciate Griffin telling me how he feels.
And so I told him so. But this is a very kind of black and white way to see it.
If you notice, he does admit that Christ does rebuke and criticize. And I'm not allowed to do it because I guess
I don't know how to do it. And all I do is mock. And all I do is that.
And so I pointed out to him, like, you didn't really answer my question. But the reality is that Christ does mock certain people and other people he treated differently.
And my goal, I tell him this, I'm attempting to follow his balanced and righteous pattern.
I respect more from the religious leaders, as did he. I have sympathy on the crowds that these people have led astray.
So I won't treat you, Griffin, who I don't know, the same way I treat Russell Moore, who I do know. As far as I know, you have not led anyone astray.
He knows better and teaches vile things to the world. And it's shameful. And so the idea here is that,
Griffin, like, I understand what you're saying. But we need to have, we need to see Christ in the way that he is, in the way that he reveals himself.
And Christ doesn't reveal himself as this nice guy that doesn't have harsh words for people that are leading the crowds astray.
He has very harsh words for those that are leading the crowds astray. He calls them dehumanizing names.
He mocks them. He rips them very often when he sees that they're leading people astray.
And people in the crowds, he doesn't tend to treat that way. And so, Griffin and Big Eva, I'm trying to follow
Christ's complete example. Excuse me. His complete example of how he deals with these things.
I don't want to have a halfway Christ. I don't want to follow half of his example because, to me, that doesn't make any sense.
Now here's where Griffin starts to, I think Griffin starts to feel on the defensive a little bit because he understands that I'm actually right about this.
I think this is what he's saying. Because he changes tactics. Instead, he tries to attack my character and he tries to attack me personally with, as we will see, hilariously bad information.
So he face plants here. This is an absolute face plant. But he's trying to hurt me. If you see this, this is a consistent strategy with Big Eva.
Gospel Coalition, I'm sorry, but this is your people. These are the people that are part of your organization that they just try to hurt you any way they can.
Any information they can use against you, they will try. It's really gross. It's really gross.
So here's what he says to my very straightforward, look, Christ did both things. I'm trying to do both things.
Maybe you should try it kind of statement. He says this. He says, Russell Moore isn't wrong about the gospel.
At worst, he's been wrong about politics and I don't agree with you there. Now listen to this. Ready? This is where the slime comes into play.
Griffin, this is shameful. You should apologize for this. He says this. He says, your own church confronted you over your views and you didn't agree.
Are you condemned? You didn't like that, right? Where is the freedom to agree to disagree?
So some of you guys are new to my channel. You might not know this, but I actually left a church on my own accord in order to attempt to save the church from splitting up.
And what actually happened here is Griffin's got his information all wrong.
He's got his information actually upside down. This is actually not what happened. What happened is that my co -elder, there was two pastors.
I was one of them. He had a problem with my views and the things that I did. He came to me. We couldn't resolve it.
So this happened according to biblical parameters. He came to me privately. We couldn't resolve it.
We brought the church involved. Other men came and mediated a conversation with us.
And every other family sided with me. I was in the right according to the rest of the church.
So the church did not confront me about this. An elder did. And what happened was that elder said,
I'm going to leave the church now. And this might have been a mistake on my part, but I said,
I am not willing to pass the church on my own. It's just not something I'm willing to do. So how about I leave?
And then the church can continue meeting. So I left so that the church can continue meeting.
That's how it went down. So my church didn't confront me. A person confronted me and was rebuked by the rest of the church.
I was in the right, Griffin. But you've got your story mixed up. And how did you get that story mixed up, Griffin? Here's how.
Here's how you got that story mixed up because you never heard that version from me. You heard it from some other
Big Eva goons. Because the reality is, guys, you might not know this about me either. You might be a new viewer.
I've got connections in Big Eva. Big Eva people actually impacted my church. In fact, there is a lower -level
Big Eva person, not quite as low -level as Griffin, who was part of that whole controversy in my church.
I've never named him. That's the other thing too. I've kept my integrity this entire time. I've never named him.
But there is a Big Eva operative who was partially responsible for blowing up that church. That's who
Griffin has been talking to. Griffin has been talking to that man. And that man has told him that the church confronted me.
But it actually didn't happen that way. I've got the receipts, my friend. I've got the receipts.
Every other man sided with me. And so you see what Griffin is doing here?
He's taking information. People have been talking about me behind my back. He's taking this information.
And listen, I'm an open book. I can't wait for this Big Eva goon, this guy I'm talking about, to try to make this public.
Because I've got all the receipts. I've got all the emails. I've got all the back and forth. And it's just in a little folder.
And it's ready to go. So when someone tries to destroy my reputation like Griffin tried to do, low key here, that I've got it all.
It's going to be all out there. And so the reality is that Griffin here is trying to – it's just so slimy.
He's trying to destroy my reputation with false information. And it's just so sad.
It's just so sad. So I tell him this. My own church did not confront me over my own views, Griffin.
Your facts are severely misinformed. I would urge you to not speak about things that you know nothing about because Griffin doesn't know anything about it.
And I told him here. I said, my elder confronted me. My church sided with me. Just so you have the facts.
But Griffin, you see, this doesn't compute for him. This doesn't compute for him because this was supposed to be the death blow to me.
And so he responds to that. It's easier to be accused than – it's easier to be the accuser than to be the accused, it seems.
Your reputation as a mocker, misrepresenter of people, an accuser precedes you. I hope you will repent and learn to disagree better with brothers even if they're in the wrong.
So he hasn't proven anything. He's just repeating the charge. Even as I corrected his facts, he's still pretending like I'm on the defensive here.
I'm not. I'm quite comfortable being accused of these things because I know I haven't done them. And I told him that.
I said, I'm quite comfortable being accused like this. I'm not ashamed of this tweet or any of my Russell Moore content. So I'm okay to hear you out and let the work stand for itself.
Griffin, I don't believe that that's just my reputation. Sure, maybe with some people. Maybe with your people it is.
But you need to understand that a lot of people find my content edifying, refreshing, and helpful.
And some find it too agreeable for their taste, believe it or not. So this is the thing.
People will tell you what your reputation is. They'll tell you, you have a reputation as being a mocker. You have a reputation as being evil.
And it's like, well, yeah, with your buddies probably. The people that I criticize, of course they don't like what
I have to say about them. But you see, don't let your opponents tell you what your reputation is.
You understand what I'm saying? Don't let your opponents dictate how you disagree with them. That's a losing strategy.
If an opponent to your content, because Griffin has admitted he thinks Russell Moore is right about politics.
He thinks Russell Moore is right about theology. He thinks Russell Moore is right about this, all this nonsense. Like, of course, he's going to have a problem with my criticisms because he doesn't agree with them.
So, of course, they're always going to sound too harsh. And this is actually helpful for you personally because people will come at you with very harsh sounding things.
People do this to me all the time. And I don't mention their tone hardly ever because I recognize that I'm really in no position to judge how appropriate their tone is because I disagree with the content.
So I try my best to typically focus on the content. Now, I'm not always perfect on that. But this is just a word of advice for you.
When people come at you hard, like, listen, let me say this. Let me say this. I've got two friends.
And I know people don't like that I'm friends with these guys. And that's okay. But I'm going to call them out here. I'm fine with this. Jacob Brinton and Cody Leibel.
I know that people find them distasteful. I get it. Both of these men have come at me hard about certain things in the past, about God's law and about, oh, my goodness, presuppositionalism.
Both of these men have come at me hard, and I found it extremely distasteful. And we've had a little bit of controversy, you know, privately, not really that publicly.
But the thing is, like, I have to understand. I've got to get over that because they don't agree with me on these things.
So, of course, their rebukes are going to sound super harsh towards me. So I'm not going to judge their tone.
I'm just going to judge with their words and stuff like that, and we can still be friends. It's all good. But the reality is, like, Big Eva, they're majoring on the tone.
It's like, well, I don't agree with your message, so it must be evil that you're saying it in the way that you're saying it. Like, let's just try to get past that.
The tone thing is important for yourself. But let's stop judging everyone else's tone because sometimes, especially when you're disagreeing with the content, you're just really not in a good place to really judge that fare.
So here's his response because I said, look, a lot of people find my content very encouraging and refreshing and edifying.
And he says, I'm sure many people do. But the Bible says, as far as it's possible with you, be at peace with all men.
Do you think that your online engagement fosters peace with brothers in Christ with whom you disagree or peace that could only be had with those who agree with you?
Now, this is an interesting charge because there's some truth to it. But I think there's an error here.
So here's what my response is, and let me explain it. My response is, I am striving for peace and unity in the truth.
These men brought division and war into the church. I'm trying to stop them. There can't be any peace with people that purposely seek to divide.
I had no real beef with Russell Moore until his evil MLK 50 conference.
Now, let me just explain myself. That is not to say that he didn't bring division into the church before MLK 50.
But what I'm saying is it wasn't on my radar until MLK 50. I'm not a Southern Baptist, so I'm a little bit out of those circles.
But the reality is that this, yes, I do want to be at peace with all men.
But the key here is as far as it is possible with you. I told
Griffin in another tweet that I didn't get screencapped that this war came to me. I didn't go looking for this fight.
This war came to me. Here's what happened. Here's what happened, just so you guys know. I started putting out my little content out there.
And in the beginning, it would get like 10 views, 20 views, a couple pieces of interaction. It's just a little content, right?
I don't have the same opinion as some of these people, and I just would put the content out there.
Then the MLK 50 conference happened, and I put some content out there about Matt Chandler and Russell Moore.
That was the first time I did this. And the response I got from Big Eva goons, including the guy who was very much responsible for blowing up my church, was unbelievable.
It was absolutely unbelievable, and this is how I know it's really not about tone. Because if you ever have a few minutes, go back and watch some of those early videos.
The tone is so tame. It is so tame, and yet I was told that I was in great sin for criticizing brothers in the
Lord who have done great things for the kingdom of God. How dare you touch the
Lord's anointed! And it's just like, you know, I couldn't believe it. And so I knew
I had to fight this fight. This fight came to me. And that's what I told Griffin. I said, I didn't go looking for this fight.
I didn't wake up one day and say, I'm going to start throwing shade Russell Moore's way. No, the fight came to me.
And that's how so many of you feel, I know. I get messages constantly. Like, I just don't know.
Like, these people I've respected all my life, they started talking like this. And I knew it was wrong, but I don't really know how.
And it's like, I just don't even know what to do. And it's like, that's what's going on here. The fight is coming to you.
And so there's truth in this tweet by Griffin, but he misses the point. It's no longer possible with you to be at peace with men who are insisting on dividing the church along racial lines like a pizza.
Why is this so difficult to understand? It doesn't depend on you anymore when error is coming into the church,
Griffin. And I'm sorry that I've raised my voice, but you got to wake up. You got to wake up because it's the people that are bringing the dangerous doctrines and the evil wickedness into the church that are responsible for this lack of peace.
All they would have to do is to stop teaching error. And it's not just run -of -the -mill error.
This is vitriol. This is divisive, inherently so. They would have to stop, and my channel would be defunct.
I would close it down. Because I'm not in this fight just to fight every theological error there is.
I'm focused on this. If you stop this, my channel would be no more. It's just that simple.
So wake up, Griffin. I know you're trying to work your way up the ladder here.
I mean I can see this over here in your little Gospel Coalition author spotlight or whatever.
You're trying to work your way up the ladder, but you need to wake up. Because there's things that are more important than climbing the
TGC corporate ladder. I didn't expect to get heated on there.
But it's the prophets that are saying there's peace, but there's no peace.
And then they're getting mad at you for fighting back. Just let it happen. Griffin's position is just let it happen.
Don't do anything. These are great men of Christ. Just let it happen. No, Griffin.
No. I said this. So no, I'm not striving for peace with divisive people.
If they stop, I'll stop. That's the end of it. I didn't go looking for a fight, Griffin. The fight came to me.
And then this is, oops. He says, you fight every single day on this website.
Yeah, Griffin, you got that right. My weapons are not going down. They are not.
It's just that simple, Griffin. Deal with it. He says, that's like a fish saying that it didn't go looking for water.
Blow me off. Ignore me. Your choice is the more passive -aggressive nonsense. I hope you will reconsider the way you attack those you disagree with.
Griffin, I consider everything that I do before I do it. And I'm not perfect, but I consider everything
I do before I do it. So I'll take your advice, but, I mean, this is not anything new to me.
Then he says this. This is the funny part. This is where you see the extra kind of tactic of Big Eva, where they talk big and bad and revere people in the past.
They LARP. They're role -playing games. But people in the future or in the present, no, no fighting.
The fighting was for the past. Now it's just for just let it happen. Here's what Griffin says. He says, Calvin and Luther, my heroes would have had men like you and me drowned for the sake of unity and the truth.
I believe that unity is found in the truth as well. But surely this is not a zero -sum game. If it is, thank
God we weren't Baptists in the Reformation. Griffin thinks I'm a Baptist. So, no, Griffin, I wouldn't have been drowned in Geneva.
So don't get it twisted. I'm not a Baptist, but I love Baptists. But the point is, though, that he understands that people fought in the day, and these are his heroes.
But the fighting, it's not for today. Just let it happen. If a Russell Moore or one of the religious leaders just says it, then just do it.
Let it happen. If you're going to disagree, first you apologize for disagreeing, and then put your hat in your hands and say,
Sorry, Russell, I just don't think you're right. No, Griffin, that doesn't work because I tried that route.
That's how people started ripping me. If you watch those older videos, that's pretty much what
I did. I didn't have my hat in my hand, but I was apologizing up one side, down the other. I love this guy.
He's a great brother in Christ. You can still get value from his writing. The whole nine yards, and people still were like,
You're evil for criticizing them. This is not how it works, Griffin. This is not how it works. I know this is how the bootlickers like to think it works, but it doesn't work this way.
Stop LARPing, Griffin. Find your cojones. Find your balls in the here and now. Don't leave the balls with Calvin and Luther.
Find balls. They had balls. You have balls. Use them. Anyway, and then this is the last little tweet here.
This is kind of out of order. Like I said, it's very difficult to do this kind of order stuff. But anyway, he says,
I said, There are a lot of ways to approach this fight. I've chosen one path, and I'm trying to walk it carefully. The pattern of Christ, as I understand it, is strong words for compromised leaders and compassion for those being led astray.
Ironically, the exact opposite of how Russell Moore handles it. If you notice, Russell Moore, he reserves his strong words for the layman, the layman in the pews, the bunch of racist backwards white rednecks in the pews.
That's who he reps. That's who he reps. And then the people that are bringing error in the church, he tends to have softer words for.
And that's the exact opposite, in my opinion, of the example of Christ that we see. And so, Griffin, you know, these slimy tactics that you've used, trying to personally hurt me with bad information, trying to passive -aggressively get me to agree with you, trying to just make it so that I can't criticize anything.
It's just let it happen. Like, oh, then the deleting of the tweets and then, I guess, re -upping the tweets.
I don't know. Like, this is just a weird way to go. I don't understand this behavior. This is the behavior of a guilty conscience.
You see, I don't have a guilty conscience. And you might think, well, maybe that's just because you're reprobate. But no, that's not it.
See, I'm not ashamed of the tweets that I've put online. I delete tweets only when they're unclear, when there's like a grammar issue or something like that in them that causes the meaning to be lost.
But when I say something online, I'm typically, I stand behind it. I don't delete the evidence.
I don't delete the tweets. I've made mistakes online. But what I do is I leave them up for posterity, and I apologize for them like a man.
I don't delete tweets. I don't delete evidence. That's preposterous. That's preposterous. And so why would you?
Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful. God bless. Oh, man,
I was about to upload this video and it looks like this Griffin guy responded to me again.
So he didn't block me, but what he did do is he protected his tweets so that people wouldn't be mean to him on Twitter.
But he did delete all of his tweets. It's like, so he's trying to like defend himself here.
He said, I never blocked you. I put my account on protected because I didn't care for you retweeting and quote tweeting throughout our interaction to get your followers to jump in and question my salvation, insult me.
I thought the conversation was plenty cordial. So Griffin is saying that I was quote tweeting him so that my followers would insult him and question his salvation, which of course he couldn't possibly know to be true.
It's just an accusation. You see, this is what Big Eva does. They just accuse you of stuff. You have no idea what they're talking about.
I quote tweeted him and retweeted him so that people could see my answers to the questions that he was offering.
He was challenging me saying I was an accuser of the brethren and I wanted people to understand that this is a tactic that people use.
Here's how you deal with it. Don't accuse the brethren, but don't just assume that someone calling you an accuser of the brethren is actually accurate.
So then I responded though, because, okay, he protected his tweets. I can understand that. You don't want to get ratioed.
I understand that. But then why did you delete your half of the conversation if you thought our conversation was cordial?
And his response was, it stopped being cordial when you started quote tweeting me and putting me on blast to your followers.
I didn't do that to you and would not. The exchange itself was what I was referring to. So Griffin is saying that our conversation was cordial, but it wasn't cordial when
I was quote tweeting him, which I was doing throughout the entire conversation. It's a little bit of a twisted view of things, like it was cordial, but it wasn't.
And then he's passive aggressively, I'm muting you and moving on. Guys, you have to understand, everything that you do with Big Eva, you personally, in my opinion, you cannot trust them.
You cannot trust them. This is such a mixed up person. He understands what he did was weird, blocking people or protecting his tweets and then deleting his part of that conversation.
He understands that is weird. And he's like trying to defend it by saying it wasn't a cordial conversation, even though he admits it was a cordial conversation.
He says the conversation was plenty cordial, but then the next week he says it wasn't. All you have to do to combat this is just confront them with the truth.
I said, okay, so if our conversation was cordial, why did you delete your tweets? And then he instantly folds it wasn't cordial.
What is this? What kind of thinking is this? How could somebody engage like this?
I just simply don't get it. And why is it so common with Big Eva and specifically
Gospel Coalition? What are you guys doing over there? Anyway, God bless.