F4F | Amanda Wells Prophetic Business Scam


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube. If you've ever heard of Amanda Wells, outside of this channel or Fighting for the
Faith, the podcast, go ahead and hit the subscribe button and ring the bell. This is a woman who is extremely dangerous and is deceitful beyond all reason.
And she is a charlatan, that's the best way I can put it. And I don't, my personal opinion is,
I don't think she's mentally sound. I think she's lost her mind and that this is a woman who shouldn't be teaching anybody anything about Jesus Christ, Christianity, or of the sort.
And by way of kind of demonstrating what I'm talking about here, there's a website that you should go to, we'll put a link to it down below, titled
WeedingOutWells .com, WeedingOutWells .com, and it is just chock full of example after example of not only the bizarre, non -substantiated claims that this woman has made, she's like the
Todd Bentley of Australia in that sense. But also, this is a woman who has plagiarized many, many books, and she was put under church discipline at Glory City Church in Brisbane, and as far as I know, she has not been restored to ministry at all, but she has been making new appearances, if you would, via webinars and other things, and she's going to be speaking at an upcoming event at Alpha Crucis College in Brisbane on the 20th of February, and we want to get the word out that this is a woman that nobody should be listening to.
She should have all of her preaching and teaching privileges revoked across the board, is the best way
I can put it. In fact, let me put this over here, make that just a little bit bigger, there we go. And so you'll note then, for February 20th, it says that you are invited to our first Business Blessings Prophetic Night with Amanda Wells.
And by business blessings, what she means is she wants people in the marketplace to come and hear so -called prophetic words so that she can be financially blessed.
That's basically how that works with her. And they recently did a YouTube video, she did a
YouTube video where she was discussing the upcoming event, and this was with Wes Leak is his name, and we're going to listen to this right now, watch it and listen to it, and notice that this lady's theology is utterly depraved, completely wackerdoodle, not connected to any kind of reality at all, yet alone a biblical reality.
But here they are, Wes and Amanda. Well, good day everyone, it's Wes Leak here from Business Blessings, and I have the privilege of having
Amanda Wells with me today. Good day, Amanda, it's so great to see you again. Hi, it's great to be here, and I'm so excited about what
God is about to do. Amen, preach it sister. It's really encouraging.
So the reason why we're doing this short video interview is we're going to host another prophetic night, something we actually haven't done for quite some time, which will be on Wednesday night,
February the 20th. Prophetic night. Here in Brisbane.
And Amanda, just as I was praying about that, your name kept coming to mind, and I know we've had you a couple of times in a few years.
If Amanda Wells' name kept coming to mind, that wasn't God the Holy Spirit who was causing her name to pop up in your head.
That would have been Satan. Yeah, for doing that, and I guess what
I really appreciate you is you're always so accurate in individual words, but also -
And Amanda Wells, accurate. She never says anything that means anything when she prophesies.
The corporate word of what's happening, and your heart and passion for the marketplace is incredible.
So, you know, Amanda, we are at the start of a new year. What's God been speaking to you about, and how are you seeing things unfolding prophetically this year?
Why would you think that God's speaking to Amanda Wells directly? And so notice, what should we expect coming up for this year?
What is God telling you? Like somehow she has a direct channel to the Holy Spirit, right? Well, it's in different ways.
One way is the secret place. I feel that God is saying, this is where we get renewed.
Yeah, God's saying the secret place. Like I said, she don't say nothing.
In the marketplace, because everything is so busy, high -paced, we're doing things all the time.
I'm trying to get people to come back into the secret place and just sit. You don't have to -
Come on back to the secret place and just, would you sit for a while? Tell God all your needs, just sit.
Because God wants us to come back because there is so much of the supernatural, not just healings and miracles.
I mean - So much of the supernatural in the secret place, you know. Really supernatural that he wants to break out, and particularly in businesses.
And the other side, of course, is the political and business. Of course, specifically in businesses, because they have money and she wants it.
That's why she's doing what she does, by the way. You know what God is doing there, and I'm looking and watching, and the transition that God is really, it's almost like that things are being uncovered that were covered for so long.
And there is certainly an attack there that we've never really seen before. Never.
So God, right now, is saying that there is a secret place where he's going to give you the strategies.
Yeah, so there's a secret place and God's going to give you the strategies. So come to our business prophecy meeting so you can get those
God strategies so you can become more wealthy. Yeah, notice that this is a kind of a hook to get to marketplace business people to come to this event so that they can, the expectation is they can get strategies and stuff.
And the blueprints of what he has, but sometimes we don't have even time to sit and read what he has from heaven, the download from heaven.
I've just got to get to work. I've just got to finish. I've got to do emails when I get home. Sit and listen.
Yeah, you got to take the time to listen to the downloads in the secret place.
Well, where is the secret place? She can't tell you. It's a secret.
If you knew where it was, then it wouldn't be a secret anymore. Breakthrough. And, you know,
I mean, I would so agree with that. And the other thing I do with that is he's... What would you exactly be agreeing with,
Wes? She didn't say anything. And you agree with that?
...asking for a lot of time in the sitting, but it's like we're thinking it's going to be an hour, two hours, three hours.
I have seen him, like even before going into meetings now, he's just saying, just take that one or two or three or four extra minutes and say to me, what's on your heart for this meeting,
Father? And he's just giving one or two words, but those one or two words are blowing things up like I've never seen before.
Yeah. So I would agree wholeheartedly with what you're saying. You know, sometimes I just sit there with music, not worship, because otherwise
I'll worship, but just music. Put my headphones on so I can't hear what the outside noise is. And just sometimes it's five minutes.
I'll just sit there and say, Father, I want your heart, not... I know what's on mine.
I want your heart. And I'll just sit there and listen. And like you said, one word from him, bang.
I think I'm seeing with that too, an acceleration. Like he seems to be wanting to do things quicker.
I've got to get a prophecy bingo card. There's one of our prophecy bingo card buzzwords, acceleration.
How many times have I heard that? It doesn't mean anything. Then what I've seen before, I don't know, like it's so this, this two hands thing of slow down, listen to me, do that.
But in so doing, it just bursts and something happens. It's, it's a interesting phenomenon
I'm watching. I don't know whether you're seeing something like that as well. Yeah. Are you seeing that Amanda? I mean, the slow down so that you can burst into acceleration.
It's such a, such a paradoxical thing, you know? Yeah. Absolutely. And that's the paradox of God, isn't it?
Everything is sort of opposites, everything you look at. And I think, yes, slow down, take, take time, but time is accelerating.
Notice that what she just did there was basically regurgitate back to him.
The words he just said, she kind of put her own spin on it, but she just said the same thing.
Oh, yeah. Yeah. The paradox of the slow down with the acceleration thing. Isn't that so much like God?
I think we need to know who we are in God. That's the one thing. In two years where I've been in the hidden place, you might call it.
Amanda Wells for two years has been in the hidden place. For two years, she's been dealing with the fact that she's a plagiarist and she ain't no prophetess at all.
And, you know, in Glory City Church and Catherine Manala stepped her down, stepped her down.
So she's been in the hidden place. Yeah. God has been showing me how we are situated in time and how we've got to work with time and time, light, energy, all of these things.
And it comes out of knowing who we are. And I think that's the big thing. Wait, but run.
That's a paradox. But that is God. That's how he works. Wes is just so, oh, oh, oh, this is so God.
This is nonsense. She's not she's not saying nothing. If I wanted a word from God, I would open my
Bible and I read it daily, by the way. Yeah, I would agree with that.
So Amanda, we've got to agree with what again? She didn't say anything.
Wednesday, the 20th of February, as I said before, what's on your heart for that night? Like, like,
I don't want to know all the details. You know, what's God been downloading so far to you?
Please tell us, Amanda, what has God been downloading to you? Because, you know, the church couldn't survive without you,
Amanda. Why should people come? And I sense that God is going to be really giving people their identity, who they are.
Yes, God's going to be giving people identities. Right. Yeah.
Will there be destiny card readings going on there? Will Christ alignment be, you know, revealing people's identities?
Who they are, knowing that they are set in that place for a reason. They're not just called because they had an idea.
That idea was a God idea. And what God wants to do in the long term with that idea.
And then moving from just having in the natural, because we're kindness being, 2
Corinthians 517, when we're in Christ, we're a new creature, a kindness creature. So that kindness is a kindness creature.
Okay. Unseen before, unheard of. And as that being,
Matt, I tell you, we will blow the marketplace open and we will be transforming the marketplace, not the earth transforming us.
Oh, yeah. It's all going to start in Brisbane, by the way, folks. Yeah. At Alpha Crucis College. Yeah.
On the 20th. On the 20th. Yeah. At Alpha Crucis College. This word is going to just blow the marketplace up.
Yeah. It's 7 p .m. to 9 p .m. Free offering taken up for Amanda.
And in that two hours, strategies and accelerations are going to be released. And those strategies and accelerations are going to just totally transform the business market of Brisbane.
Uh -huh. Okay. And I think people will get an identity download on that night.
Bring it on. Bring it on. Yeah. Oh, man.
Yeah. You remember that part of the Book of Acts where, you know, Peter and Paul, they did that business marketplace apostolic, you know, marketplace apostle strategy releasing session.
I think it was in, oh, was it in Madagascar? Yeah, yeah. And remember the identity downloads that, oh, that they were just handing those things.
Yeah, that didn't happen, by the way. You know, some are tired.
Some are at the end. Well, I don't know what to do next, God. God just gives, hey, you've been waiting for this long now, that Kairos moment is there.
Do it. This is what we need to do. Yeah, no. Nobody needs to do any of this, because none of this has anything to do with Christianity at all.
Yeah. These people are complete wackerdoodle wingnuts who are basically trafficking in the insane and calling it
Christianity and basically using the marketplace for their own financial gain, all in the name of Christ and prophecy and identity downloads and stuff.
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God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.