Biblical Correction For Hailey Bieber...

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. For starters, here's why
I'm making this video. Because the video you're about to see has been viewed by over 400 ,000 people.
The video also contains several ideas about Christianity that are unbiblical and just plain deceitful.
Colossians 3, 9 says, You see, lying about God and about His Word publicly as a famous Christian is a danger to the
Church at large, and that is why I must make this video. Just so we're clear, this is not an attack on Haley Bieber, this is a video that is meant to tell the
Church the truth. I simply don't want the Church to be led astray by these popular lies told by a popular
Christian. Also, I want to give you guys a heads up. The Bible says flee from sexual immorality in 1
Corinthians 6, 18, so if you struggle with lust and you think that may be an issue here, I would encourage you to skip this video because you are about to see some serious immodesty.
And I want to warn you about that beforehand. The reason I'm not going to censor it is because I want you guys to actually see how bad this is.
I know that if I don't show it, there are going to be people who say that I made it up. Haley Bieber, wife of Justin Bieber, is a professing
Christian. She did an interview with a girl named Yvonne Orgy. There are some who will say, Colin, you shouldn't be correcting her about what she said in this interview.
That's a job for her pastor. And to that I would respond by saying this, I wholeheartedly agree that it's a job for her pastor.
I wish I didn't have to make this video. But the video she made was posted two months ago and it contains very serious theological errors and frankly, blasphemy.
Clearly, whoever her pastor is, he's not doing a great job of shepherding her. But that's what happens when you listen to false teachers.
In any case, as I said before, just like Peter in Galatians 2, her actions are misleading church members.
Therefore, like Paul, who was not Peter's pastor, one must correct this false teaching publicly to protect the church from it.
So again, I'm not attacking Haley Bieber. I'm simply protecting the young, impressionable Christians who watch her channel, who will watch her video and agree with her.
With that said, let's get into the dreadfully unbiblical statements made by Haley Bieber and her friend
Yvonne Orji in their video. I'm going to ignore the immodesty of what she's wearing because any
Christian with common sense will be able to know that that's wrong. First Timothy 2 .9 says likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel with modesty and self -control.
And Haley, I mean absolutely no offense, your wardrobe in this video is immodest by biblical standards and it's causing lust in your brothers in Christ and I would encourage you to stop.
Please repent of this and of your false teaching. It's never too late to apologize and move forward with a better understanding of Scripture.
Just a heads up, all the clips I show will be distorted in both audio and video in order to avoid copyright strikes.
Let's watch their video. Here's the first clip. Both in different ways work in this industry where I feel like a lot of the time people misunderstand
God and believing in Jesus and sometimes it can be difficult to be in this industry believing what we believe in so.
You have a book that's coming out called Bamboozled by Jesus. Full title is Bamboozled by Jesus, How God Tricked Me into the
Life of My Dreams. And I got some flack like there's the sentiment like does
Jesus bamboozle people? He's a loving, he's a loving God and I'm like yeah okay but he will tell you to do some stuff that either you don't want to do or you are not certain how doing it is going to get you to a place that you don't even know you can go to.
So first we hear about Yvonne's new book, Bamboozled by Jesus, How God Tricked Me into the
Life of My Dreams. My one word response would be, what? My six word response would be, what on earth is going on?
I am genuinely confused as to why any Christian would use the language of God tricking them.
There is no evidence in scripture to suggest that God would trick anyone into following him. He may confront them, he may transform them, he may regenerate them, etc.
But there is not a single verse to say that he tricks them. So the fact that she wholeheartedly believes that God tricked her into following him tells me that her conversion to Christianity, it needs to be called into question.
Now I know a lot of you guys just angrily reached for your keyboards to comment something along the lines of, how dare you say something like that,
Colin. But before you do that, let me explain what I mean biblically. If the Bible thoroughly describes the gospel, and it does, and the
Bible also thoroughly describes human conversion to Christianity, and it does, and then you describe the gospel you believe and the conversion that happened to you, and neither of those things line up with the biblical description, maybe, just maybe, you didn't experience biblical conversion by definition.
You see, the Bible didn't get it wrong. You did. 1 Corinthians 14 .33 says, For God is not a
God of confusion or disorder, but of peace. So if your God bamboozled you into following him, chances are he's not the
God of the Bible. So please, don't listen to people like this. They need to repent and believe scripture instead of making up whatever they like and calling it
Christianity because they mentioned Jesus a few times. By the way, Yvonne Orgy was featured on Hillsong's channel.
Yes, on Hillsong Church's own channel, she was featured and asked questions about confidence in God.
Yes, she was there teaching Hillsong Church members on what it's like to have confidence in God.
By the way, this is the same woman who you will see later on in this very video of hers is going to say that she wishes she could show up to church wearing absolutely no clothes.
This is the discernment being practiced by Hillsong. You know, that church whose songs you sing every single week in church?
That's the very same church that's inviting this girl to speak. So here's my main point. If Hillsong is practicing biblical discernment in the way they write their music, shouldn't that also be present in the way that they interact with others?
Shouldn't that also be present in the people that they invite to speak to their congregation? My guess is that if Hillsong is not practicing biblical discernment whatsoever in who they allow to influence their congregation, chances are they're not doing it in their music either.
Let's keep watching, shall we? When God told me to do comedy, I kind of had this back and forth. I was like, nah fam, you don't know me.
That's also how I talk to God. Like, nah fam, you don't know me. Which I think is so amazing because it's like people think there's like a certain way where you need to have this certain type of relationship with God, but like, he's our friend.
I give him the side eye all the time and he'd be like, but daughter though, like who else you gonna trust?
And I was like. Then we have Yvonne Orji saying, quote, you don't know me fam. That's how I talk to God.
And in response, Haley Bieber actually says, I think that's so awesome that she talks to God like that because people think there's a specific way that you should have to talk to God.
Hold up. Let's take these one at a time. First, saying you don't know me fam to the God of the whole universe is extremely irreverent and disrespectful.
That kind of statement does not approach God with any kind of respect or fear. Proverbs 9 10 on the other hand says, quote, the fear of the
Lord is the beginning of wisdom. This fear is a healthy respect of God's might and authority.
And saying something like you don't know me fam in a prayer is a rejection of that authority.
Also, telling God he doesn't know you is blasphemy because it's a lie about God's knowledge.
God does know everything about everyone. He is omniscient. Psalm 139 verse four says, quote, even before a word is on my tongue, behold, oh
Lord, you know it altogether. Second, Haley Bieber says, I think that's so awesome because people think there's a specific way that you should have to talk to God.
Actually Haley, and I wish your pastor would teach you this instead of the motivational mumbo jumbo he spouts off.
There is a specific way that we're told to talk to God. And Jesus says just that in Matthew six, nine, when he literally commands his followers, when he says, quote, pray then like this, and then he offers the
Lord's prayer. Two times earlier in the passage, he also says, quote, do not pray like this.
And then he gives examples of the wrong kind of prayer. There are absolutely objective standards about how we should pray to God.
And Haley and Yvonne's comments here are deceiving Christians into praying to God in an irreverent and disrespectful way.
And that's why it's so important to refute this stuff. Let's keep watching. You're an actress, you're on this show where you are doing sex scenes and cursing and doing things that a lot of people who are
Christian would probably see that and be like, oh, well, you're not a real Christian because you're doing sex scenes and you're doing this.
And in a similar way, sometimes I'll, you know, for my job, I have to show skin or like I'll get photographed in like underwear or lingerie or like something.
And people are like, well, that's not a good representation because you're not modest and you're not this. And well, first, let me just say God knew who he could trust with certain bodies, because if I had your body,
I would wear pasties to church every day, just crop tops and pasties. This is very interesting because here we have these two ladies talking about holiness.
Haley asked Yvonne about the fact that she is involved in sex scenes in her acting career. And Haley mockingly talks about Christians who would say that this behavior is incompatible with scripture.
Of course, those people are just simply legalistic Pharisees to say that a sex scene for a
Christian is totally out of bounds. And then she talks about how she personally has to show skin, as she puts it, and dress immodestly for her job.
First off, let's make this clear. No one is forcing you to be half naked to make money. You are choosing to dishonor
God by doing that. It's not something that randomly happens without your consent. And yes, every action they mentioned is completely dishonoring to God.
And you need to repent of those things, Haley and Yvonne, not encourage them and make excuses for other people who do them.
Then Yvonne says something that is, quite frankly, absolutely disgusting. She says that if she had
Haley's body, she would go to church wearing nothing but pasties. That's an actual quote of hers.
Pasties, of course, for those who don't know, are small stick -on coverings that are put only over a woman's nipples.
This is the type of Christianity. This is the kind of reverence for God's church that is being practiced by Yvonne Orgy and Haley Beaver.
And it is completely unbiblical. Yes, sex scenes are absolutely sinful, even for an actor or actress.
Any sexual activity with somebody who is not your husband or wife is sinful. First Thessalonians 4, 3 says, quote,
This is the will of God, your sanctification, that you abstain from sexual immorality, that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor, not in the passion of lust like the
Gentiles who do not know God. What are these two ladies going to do about their sin, though? Because we are going to sin as Christians, but will we repent of those sins?
That's the question. Let's see if they repent. Let's keep watching. I think I also like take a place where I'm like, okay,
I wouldn't want to ever be shot naked, but like props to any woman that's comfortable doing that.
Everyone's own preference and choice. I just knew. Justin, come get your girl, please.
You need to hide the cameras in your house. Don't let them be anywhere near her because she has absolutely no business giving advice to anybody in the church.
In fact, her advice is destructive and damaging to the church, and you need to practice better headship over your household.
These ladies talk about how their only ethical limit is that they wouldn't be in front of the camera naked, but then they immediately negate that by saying it's awesome and empowering if other women want to do that.
Romans 1, 32, on the other hand, rebukes people who affirm the sexual sin of others when it says, quote, not only do they do these things, but they give approval to those who practice them.
And Isaiah 5, 20 says, woe to those who call good evil and evil good. There is no room for approval of sin in the
Christian life. Let's keep watching as Yvonne tells us why she, as a Christian, had to do a sex scene for her
TV show. Comfortable with, because I also knew I couldn't go in there and be like, I'm a Christian.
I love Jesus. So what I'm not going to do. They'd be like, great. Let's recast her now. So I had to meet them where they were in order for me to understand how to help them meet me where I was.
Cause I was nervous. Like they're going to be like, here's what, here's where the road end. What you just heard was
English, but it certainly made no sense. Let me offer you the translation. I had to disobey
God's word for fame and money. That's what she's saying. Make no mistake about it. If you have to be sexually immoral in order to get an acting job, then don't get that job.
It's really as simple as that. It's quite easy. First Corinthians 6, 18 says, quote, flee from sexual immorality.
It doesn't say flee from sexual immorality unless you're making a sex tape for a popular TV show. Then all bets are off.
Then the Bible all of a sudden doesn't have any power here. It doesn't apply. We're not going to watch too much more of this because the foolishness of this video is quite literally hurting my brain.
What is the biblical argument from Yvonne and Haley about why they believe that they can do these things? That's what's important.
Why do they think they can participate in this sinful behavior with no guilt at all as Christians? Your relationship with God is not going to be the same as mine and not the same as yours or any other person in this room or in the world.
Like we all have different relationships and ways that we relate to the Bible and relate to Jesus.
And to me, my relationship with Jesus is, I believe that he was about love and acceptance.
I don't like when people use God as a scapegoat for acting ridiculous.
Yeah, because apparently it's ridiculous to obey the word of God as a Christian, right? That's unrealistic.
That's pharisaical to obey the word of God. Here's the real defense though. Haley basically said this,
Jesus was all about love and acceptance so I can do whatever I want. So he doesn't have power over my life.
That's really what she's saying. And this is a complete misuse of the Bible and you have no idea what you're talking about.
If you say stuff like this, you're loving and accepting Jesus is the very same Jesus who said in Matthew 5 28 quote, but I say unto you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart, loving and accepting
Jesus directly calls out the sexually immoral actions of his day. And yes, that applies to Haley and Yvonne's careers.
So here's my conclusion. These two women are not practicing biblical Christianity in almost any way.
I asked them both to repent and believe in Jesus. I ask you these things in love. I really am making this video because I love you and because I love the church.
I absolutely believe that Christians can sometimes fall in sin. In Romans 7 21 for instance,
Paul says, quote, although I want to do good, evil is right there with me for in my inner being,
I delight in God's law, but I see another law at work in me waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me.
Christians can sin, but they don't make a practice of sinning. And more importantly than that, Christians believe in the
Jesus who is described in scripture, but I do not believe either of these women do. And I know a lot of you guys think that statement is a stretch too far, but it's not my opinion.
Let's just compare the Jesus they described with the Jesus found in scripture. Yvonne believes in a
Jesus who tricks people into following him, her words, not mine. And Haley believes in a Jesus who thinks that sex scenes are awesome and empowering and totally acceptable because he's loving and accepting.
If it offends you to hear this, that's okay. Sometimes the truth hurts, but the biblical truth of the matter is still the biblical truth.
Neither of these women can articulate the true gospel. Neither of these women seem to believe in the Jesus described in scripture.
And the good news is that if they recognize this, they can repent and believe in the true
Jesus. But if they continue to make believe that they're Orthodox Christians, that's why none of this will help.
So all of you guys out there who are going to say, well, this is too far. This is unloving. No, you're unloving.
If you're not helping them believe in the true Jesus, you're the one who's being unloving. If you're going to help them participate in more sinful acts and encourage other people to participate in these sinful acts, then you are the problem.
So I pray that the church would not be deceived by these two people who present wicked ideas and call them biblical ideas.
Pray that they would repent and believe in the one true gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank you so much for watching that video.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you and God bless.