Reject Despair - Take Your Freedom

AD Robles iconAD Robles




You know in early March when I started talking about the Rona I kind of was very conflicted about it because this is a channel that's primarily about the woke church movement and big
Eva and then I started talking about the coronavirus lockdowns and stuff like that and it kind of took over the content for a while and so I always kind of felt bad because I didn't know
I mean you know I want to provide the content that you guys tune in for right but I just kind of kept coming back to this coronavirus stuff and you know
I was thinking about it over the weekend and the truth is that the coronavirus stuff is related to the same mindset of the woke church stuff and that might offend you but I want to make that case in the next few minutes yeah
I see these as very similar and what I want to talk about it today is sort of like the similarities between this despair mindset and this victim mindset because they're very very similar in the woke church movement one of the things that I find so disgusting about it is this idea of consistent and constant victimization like these people think that they're victims even as they're eating the best foods living in the best houses have salaries bigger than most people they're wearing nice clothes they've got stacked they've got drip they've got all of it they're still looking at you in the face and saying
I'm a victim and they can say it with a straight face like Kyle Howard is one of the most disgusting men
I've ever known in my entire life he's he grew up with privilege he grew up with I think it's both of his parents
I think are lawyers you know what I mean like a privileged existence according to most standards and yet he will get on Twitter every single day and play the victim like a child it's so disgusting and that's that's a mindset that I absolutely abhor in myself because I know that I often play the victim when
I am not the victim and that's something that I seek to destroy in myself because it's very sinful to have that constant mindset that everyone's out to get you that you're the victim that that if if only things were fair you would have you know
XYZ really what you're doing is you're shaking your fist at God that's what that is and the despair mindset is very similar you see the despair mindset is holding on to this fear holding on to this this this state of of of hopelessness almost as if it's somehow legitimate it is not legitimate you know
I posted the other day on my Facebook actually somebody posted on my Facebook a quote of me and I said that despair is not a
Christian mindset and I had people jumping out of the woodwork trying to defend their despair as if it is
Christian it is legitimate to be in a state of despair and what I kept telling people was look if you experience a momentary despair or a momentary grief or lament or sadness that's totally fine that happens that's appropriate but it should be very different than the way the pagans despair that's what the
Bible says we grieve but not as those who have no hope and so if you're constantly in this state of panic in this state of of despair or hopelessness that's a sin that needs to be mortified and again that is the same thing with the victim mindset like sometimes you are victimized but if you're constantly if you're if you're if your persona is that of a victim
I don't care who you are if your persona is that of a victim constantly and you're constantly referencing your victimization and you're constantly pumping out this this victim mindset that's something that ought to be mortified for a
Christian how could I say that how could I say that because there are people that live in oppression there are people that are victims and all that kind of stuff that's true that's true there are people that physically are in bondage physically in chains and that's not a sin to be in chains you know in reality in the physical realm however we have to understand that the
Bible says something about our freedom and we need to understand it and embrace it and if we're
Christians no matter what kind of bondage that we're in we ought to be free we need to grab onto the truth of our freedom this is john chapter 8 this is
Jesus talking our lord and our savior Jesus Christ he says Jesus said to the
Jews who had believed in him if you continue in my word you really are my disciples you will know the truth and the truth will set you free
Jesus Christ says the truth will set you free and so if you understand the truth of Christ right if you understand
God's commands and God's moral law and all of that stuff that's the stuff I always talk about no despair because God's law is easy to understand if you do those things if you know the truth and you continue in his word you will be free and we know that if the son sets you free you will be free indeed like the son has set you free that means that you can't be put in bondage again that's just how it is we need to understand that and so how can you be in bondage and yet be free
I often think about the movie the Shawshank Redemption right one of my favorite movies if I ever if I'm ever scrolling on TV which
I don't really have time for anymore and I that's a movie that's on very often and I'll always watch it for a few minutes because it's just a great movie and the
Shawshank Redemption if you remember the main character I forget his name at this point he's in he's in prison he's wrongfully been accused of something he was convicted wrongfully of something and so he's in prison and one of the things that the narrator of the movie mentions about him is that how he doesn't act like he's in prison he's actually in reality he's in prison right he's got homosexual rapists that he's dealing with he's got all kinds of of disgusting awfulness that comes with prison sentences and yet when he's in the yard he's strolling like he's just on a
Sunday afternoon stroll he's thinking about he's he's he's sitting in the hole and he's thinking about classical music and he just acts like he's a free man because he is a free man because he's not allowing himself to become a mental slave he's he's in there in prison but his mind is free and so he's doing what he has to do regardless of what the warden tells him if you remember the what did the warden say he says he says put your trust in the lord your ass belongs to me right he refused to consent to that no it doesn't no it doesn't
I don't belong to you yes I'm in prison yes there's nothing I can do about it sort of because he does do something about it but no his situation was a ridiculously horrible situation
I wouldn't I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy and yet he's sitting there and he's free and so here's what
I have to say to you because there's despair on both the left and the right there's despair all over the place you go on Facebook you're gonna see despair you go on Fox News you're gonna see despair you go on to CNN and MSNBC all they have is despair because pagans that's their religion despair is the religion of the pagans you need to understand that and it's coming at you all the time in media and social media all the time people are despair despair despair telling you not to enjoy
God's good gifts you see this is the thing the media and social media it's like the prison walls right it's like the prison walls and Andy Dufresne is sitting in the yard and God's good gifts are all around him the the sun is blue the sky
I'm sorry the sun is yeah is bright the sky is blue the air is good all that kind of stuff and Andy's enjoying his time outside in God's good gifts even as all the prison bars are all around him and it's like the despair coming at you from the media right but yet God still has good gifts out there for his people and so what you need to do is take them and appreciate them the way
Andy Dufresne appreciated the nice breeze on a summer day the way Andy Dufresne appreciated the gifts that God gave him as an accountant and he used them to grab a few beers for him and his buddies right on a hot summer day that was a beautiful good gift and he accepted it even as he's in chains right and so when we're in chains and we have a tyrannical government which we definitely have let's just be honest like they think they have the authority to tell you how you can celebrate
Thanksgiving here's how you be free right you just be free Christ has set you free so what can
Caesar do to you Christ has set you free so what can Governor Wolf do to you he can do nothing to you nothing could he put you in jail could he put you in prison yeah he could do that but he can't take away what
Christ has set free so what my suggestion is is that the next time the government tells you to shut down your business just say no and you're free that's it the next time government says
Sunday morning worship is not an essential service just chuckle that's cute
Tom Wolf no and you're free you just take your freedom because it was given to you by Christ Christ is powerful
Christ will protect you and even if he doesn't you serve Christ not Tom Wolf you serve
Christ he set you free and so you're free so you're free you can't have
Thanksgiving you need to wear the masks on the inside you need to do it because you're gonna die if you don't and so is
Grandma laugh at them no I'm gonna have
Thanksgiving and I'm gonna be with my family and we're gonna have a great time and that's that you're free if Christ has set you free then you are free indeed it's just that simple because the reality is you can have bars all around you look we could have we could be live in a police state which we in many ways we do right because we've set up a system in our country with the consent of everybody essentially where every single day you commit felonies that you don't even know about they've made everybody a criminal and now the mask stuff and not a social distancing stuff everybody's a criminal now and so we live in a police state so they can come and get you at any time and you probably have committed a crime today that they can incarcerate you for probably have people written books about this how people commit like three felonies a day because we have so many freaking laws that everybody is a criminal right that's not how
God's law is that's how man's law is and so in many ways we have bondage already right we have physical bondage we in reality we're in bondage but here's the thing about Christ people you have been set free so act like it act like Andy Dufresne because here's the thing it doesn't matter if he was in prison or he was on the beach he acted the same because he was enjoying
God's goods gift good gifts and they could not take away they could not make him a mental slave they couldn't make him a mental slave so anyone who tries to make you a mental slave reject them and just say no
I'm not closing down my business I've got a family to feed I'm not gonna not have
Thanksgiving I've got a family to enjoy you who are who are you who are you to tell me what to do in my own house listen if I want to have people over at my own house and they want to come over that's what we're gonna do the answer is no we're free men here we're free men here despite what everyone else says we're free men
Christ has set us free and so we're free indeed that's a biblical truth and so we need to start acting like that's a biblical truth if Christ has set us free we need to start believing that and how do you demonstrate what you believe it's how you act and I have a feeling my friends that that would be contagious especially amongst
Christians you start living and acting as if you are a free man because you are
I think others will join you they'll see the joy that you have and that'll be the biggest apologetic that you can use right now well how is it like that you're like this why aren't you despairing of coronavirus
I mean haven't you seen the the the the scary maps and the and the and the death charts and the rates are going up at 200 200 000 cases a day what does the bible say about that stuff what why what are people gonna they're gonna ask you why why aren't you in despair what what is the deal with this hope that you have and then you could tell them then you'll be prepared to tell them why are you acting like a free man when we're all on lockdown and you can tell them exactly why because Christ has set us free and so we are free indeed there are free men here we're not slaves we're not slick we're not victims we're free men here and we're victorious in Christ and those are truths that you need to start believing and start acting like you believe and if you don't understand one thing that's a sin to be mortified that's a sin to be mortified this is why the woke church project is is dead on arrival because they don't act like they're victorious in Christ they don't act like they're free because so they don't believe it they don't trust it they don't have the hope that's within uh those of us who are in Christ they don't have it you look at the difference between like like I always think about this you you look at the difference between a black man who's who's uh who's in the woke church movement and a black man who's a
Christian and there's a huge colossal difference in the joy you will see in each of those people there's no question about it you look at brothers like Daryl and Virgil from the
Just Thinking podcast you look at Chocolate Knox and there is a distinct difference between those brothers and the brothers that are in the woke church movement and those people are miserable you know why they're miserable because they're mental slaves they're slaves and they're mental slaves because so in a lot of cases
Christ hasn't set them free and so they're slaves but you see here's the thing if you're a
Christian you that's your profession you can change right now and just reject all of the despair that's coming your way and realize that look
I'm gonna believe today that Christ has set me free I'm gonna believe today that I'm victorious in Christ I'm gonna do that today
I'm gonna act like it today and I gotta tell you man once you get a taste of that freedom you're gonna love it you're gonna love it because freedom is beautiful Christ is good
Christ is powerful and look when you're with the Lord life is rarely easy but it's always good
I hope you found this video helpful God bless can
I say something to conservatives because you know conservatives we have a lot of things right especially with this coronavirus stuff a lot of us just kind of intuitively understand that the tyrants are having the field day and we're just gonna refuse to do that kind of thing but I just want to make sure to be clear that there's despair on our side as well and I'm guilty of it at times and I know that a lot of you are guilty of it at times you know we talk about the things like the great reset and stuff like that and social media you know censorship and sometimes the way that we talk is as if the sky is falling you know they stole the election and the sky is falling and stuff like that and I know
I'll speak for myself I'm not going to speak for you but maybe this will resonate with you I have to reject that despair sometimes in my life because the reality is that of course they stole the election they're pagans this is all they have of course they're going to do everything in their power to get the small the illusion of victory and they think that they're beating
Christ and Christ's people and stuff like that it's all an illusion but of course they're going to do that kind of stuff and here's the thing guys like I talk to a lot of people and a lot of people will ask me what when are people going to when are people going to resist when are we going to have the revolution all the founding fathers would be rolling in their graves they would have had a revolution a long long time ago and that's probably all true right here's the thing though guys like before you can have an actual revolution and I'm not
I'm not in favor of violence you you guys understand that about me I'm non -violent kind of guy