F4F | Keith Craft's Prophetic Pay Day


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Rosebro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying and doing in the name of God to the
Word of God. Well, we've we've started a brand new year and the false prophets are out thinking that they are going to make a big prophetic teaching payday.
Yeah, that's right. That's exactly what they do. So this week we're going to take a look at a few examples of false prophets that are out there doing their thing during this time of the year.
And we're gonna start off with Keith Kraft of the Cathedral of Frisco. This is a fellow that for years,
I mean more than it almost a decade, maybe more than a decade, I've covered this guy's so -called end of the year, beginning of the year prophetic words.
He has a special church service. And in that special church service, he builds it up.
I mean, this is a multi -hour long affair with praise, worship, and then a big build -up sermon to the big point where they reveal the
Word that God has given to the prophet Keith Kraft, specifically only for the
Cathedral of Frisco. And then a weird thing happens is that as soon as they reveal the
Word of the Lord, it's time to open up your checkbooks. So yeah, you'll be able to see this.
We're doing a reaction type video today, but I assure you that Keith Kraft doesn't hear directly from God.
This is not a prophetic word. God doesn't give these things to individual churches at the beginning of every calendar year.
This is not a biblical practice. And Keith Kraft fails many of the tests of a true prophet.
In order to be a true prophet, he would have to actually pass a biblical test. And so you'll note here, one of the things that we're going to do is we're going to put a link to the video we recently did, a long video on how to test the prophets to see if whether they are from God or from not.
And what are the biblical tests of a prophet? And so we're going to put it over in this corner over here so that if you haven't already watched it, you need to watch it.
But all that being said, let's whirl up the desktop. And I need to stretch because this is going to be annoyingly bad.
I just recently shot that video, not video, photograph. I really enjoy that one. Good black and white work.
We had something called hoarfrost here in North Dakota, Minnesota, and made for some interesting black and white compositions.
But that's, alas, that's a different story. So let me whirl up the web browser. That's Keith Kraft.
So we're going to drop into a portion of his New Year's Eve sermon that he delivered.
And you're going to note, we're going to modify his voice a little bit because he's one of these guys that doesn't like it when you critique him.
And so we're going to tweak things just a little bit in order to not make it so easy for him to give us a so -called copyright strike.
But before we do that, here's the verse that we're going to, verses that we're going to use to warn us against guys like this.
And it's found in 2 Peter chapter 2. Here's what Peter, the
Apostle of Christ, he's an actual Apostle of Christ, he was martyred for the Christian faith, crucified upside down.
And this is a fellow who, you know, he walked on water with Jesus, you know, he then he denied
Christ three times, Christ restored him. I mean, Peter, this guy, you've heard of him? But here's what he prophesies, and I would note that Peter is a true prophet, and he can truly operate under the gifts of the
Spirit and give prophetic utterances. And here's what he says, but false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the
Master who brought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And listen to the prophecy, and many will follow their sensuality.
Sensuality has to do with the passions of the flesh, which also would include greed!
Yes, and because of them, the way of truth will be blasphemed.
And in their greed, in their greed, they will exploit you with false words.
Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, their destruction is not asleep. And I cannot think of a more quintessential example of somebody legitimately exploiting others with false words in their greed.
You're going to see this in spades in this particular video. So, let's go to the
Cathedral of Frisco. We're going to get a little bit of context, how far into this are we? We're an hour and 23 minutes into a two -hour long
New Year's Eve service. He does this every single year, and Keith Craft isn't the only guy that does this.
I think of Bishop T .D. Jakes, he does this too. In years past, Stephen Furtick has done this.
I haven't been able to find evidence that he still does it, but he's done this in the past. And if you have, if your pastor's doing this stuff, you got to leave.
You are under a false prophet, a false teacher. So, this is not a biblical practice.
You'll see that as we get going. So, I backed it up just a little bit so you can hear the context.
He's in the final stages before he's ready to reveal the word that God has given the
Cathedral of Frisco for the year 2023. Let's do this. You say this when we say purpose.
Purpose. Proof. Proof. Plans. Plans. Prosper. Prosper. Problems. Problems. Process. Process. So, stop right there.
How many of you are on some kind of problem right now, or process in your life? Let me just see your hands. Welcome to the— All the P words. Okay. —promise.
But guess what? It's over tonight. What's over tonight? We're in. We're in.
And as we are in our promise, watch what's going to happen. We're in our promise. What are you talking about?
We're going to start to see possibilities like never before. No, we're going to see possibilities because we're in our promise.
You know, the Apostle Paul prophesied of days like this, and you can find the
Apostle Paul's prophecy in 2 Timothy chapter 4. I charge you, he writes to young Pastor Timothy, in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, by his appearing in his kingdom, to preach the word, be ready in season and out of season, reprove, rebuke, exhort with complete patience in teaching.
For the time is coming when people will not endure sound doctrine or teaching, but having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions.
You'll note that in the decade that I've been reviewing Keith Kraft, I have yet to hear him rightly handle a biblical text.
And this is a guy who, the best way I could put it is that everything he speaks is always sunshine and rainbows and prosperity and health and stuff like that.
He's very adept at scratching itching ears. We're going to have more power than we've ever had.
We are. Wow. You're going to have more power than I've ever had.
I have the power. I don't even know what that means. Some of you have heard me teach this before.
They step over into the promised land and from Joshua, the first chapter.
Oh, they go into the promised land. This is awesome. Then there's Jericho. Oh my goodness. Then all of a sudden chapter four happens, chapter five happens, chapter six happens.
You can tell he's a false prophet by virtue of the fact that he is twisting God's word.
No true prophet of God who's legitimately hearing from God would contradict or manipulate or make void of the already revelation that we have in scripture.
This does not look like a promise. This is a horrible problem. It's a horrible process.
What in the world? And we get to chapter 12 and for the first 12 chapters of Joshua, there's 31 kings after they get into their promise that they have to defeat.
Some of y 'all have been fired. You know, I didn't say it normally, by the way, I don't remember this happening this week.
It probably did. But normally the worship team sends me the worship set and I'll look at it and I pray over it.
And then I decide if I'm going to add anything. I didn't even look at it this week. Okay. And all of a sudden
I heard Danny say, this is how I fight my battles in the year of our promise. He's a way maker, miracle worker.
Prop. This is how I fight my battles. Is that a, is that a praise song? Who are you singing about?
You're singing about yourself. I'm a miskeeper. Why do we need the promises of God? Because we don't see it.
Why do we need the promises of God? Because he wants you to know your life has purpose and his kingdom is being formed in you so that his kingdom can happen through you.
Why do we need God's promises? Because miracles have to happen for you. So miracles can happen through you. He's a shouty man too.
Yeah. Just cause you shout it, does it make it true? This is manipulation. You'll see.
You'll see the veneer, the thin veneer of piety is going to come off very quickly here.
Come on y 'all. This is still the year of our promise. Oh yeah.
Yes. See, you know, I serve a couple of congregations and physical congregations, both of them in Minnesota.
And you know, we show up to church. We don't get a prophetic word of the Lord for the new year like they do over at the
Cathedral Frisco. No, we just get the word of God. We get the Lord's supper.
We get the forgiveness of our sins and all the ordinary stuff that ordinary churches have been having for 2000 years, you know, stuff like that.
But, uh, no, see a Cathedral Frisco is a bright, shiny penny, a brand new type of church where they get direct revelation from God every single year.
Yeah. It's still our promise. Don't let the problem sidetrack you.
Don't let the process sidetrack you. What problem? What process? What are you talking about? God's promises give us power.
So on this last power to do what day of 2022 on December 31st,
I want you to lift up your hands. Here it comes. It's the, it's the, it's the revelation of the wheel, the word, the single word of the
Lord that God gave to the prophet Keith craft. God, I thank you. And we receive your power right now.
I want you to, I want you to receive his power right now.
We receive, by the way, the purpose of sappy music is to create the false impression that God, the Holy spirit is now descending lightly on the congregation for the purpose of doing business, making decisions and things like this.
Your power, not just to live another day, not just to survive another day, but we receive your power so that every purpose, so that every problem, so that every process, so that every situation that comes, it comes our way, that we will not get sidetracked because all the promises of God in him are yes.
And in him, amen. It's time for the word y 'all. Here it comes. Here it comes. It's time for the word.
Let me, let me back this up just a little bit. And in him, amen. It's time for the word here.
It is the big reveal, the big reveal. I mean, we need confetti and balloons and things. It's the brand new fresh minted word from God.
But the thing is, this isn't from God. And the source of this is, um,
Keith crafts, greedy, greedy, greedy little heart. God's promises. Give us the power to watch this.
Come on y 'all. All right. This is the buildup, the final video montage. They're going to reveal the word.
It's one single word for the whole year of 2023. Here we go. We're believing in God for jobs and better jobs, raises and bonuses, benefits and settlements, states and inheritances, interest and income checks.
Oh man, they're going back in time. Are you ready for a launch?
You can feel the base flooding in your chest. This has to be from God, right? Nope. Not at all.
7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
The Kingdom of God. Advance, advance. Yay. This isn't from God.
Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. I mean, so we bought some video off of a, you know, a site that provides people with video.
I mean, whoop -dee -doo. Say it like you mean it.
Why would I shout advance? Come on. Put a big hand clap on that. Come on. See, look, there's confetti.
I mean, this isn't from God.
And like I said, hang on. You'll see what this is really. Jobs and better jobs, raises, bonuses.
Scratching itching ears. I mean, seriously, you attend the congregations that I serve in Minnesota where God isn't handing out jobs and bonuses and money and things like that.
It's unbelievable. Everyone's sitting there going, man, we go to the best church ever. God's giving us lots and lots of loads of money all because of the prophet
Keith Kraft. No, he's not. He's taking money away from you because you're not listening to him. You'll see. Benefits, settlements, estates and inheritances, interest and income, checks in the mail, finding money, bills paid off, debts demolished, royalties received, and the
Kingdom of God. For 22 years, we've been saying it. But as we go into 2023, we are going to advance
God's kingdom like never before. Come on. Yeah. With all that money, I mean, how could you not, right?
And I just go to a normal church and the pastor, all he ever does is just preach the Bible and tell me to repent of my sins and trust in Jesus.
I don't like that. I want to go to a church where God's giving out advances and paychecks and bonuses and suddenly and stuff.
Look at somebody and say, get ready. Come on. That's right. Get ready to open your checkbook.
You'll see. Lay your hands on somebody's shoulder and say,
I charge you in the name of Jesus to advance like never before.
What does that even mean? I charge you in the name of Jesus to advance like you've never advanced before.
Yeah. Okay. Uh -huh. In Jesus name. Get ready. This is blasphemy.
He's breaking the commandment that says you shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. God didn't give him this word. Get ready.
I'm ready. So go ahead and be seated just for a second.
I'm not going to speak long. No, it's time for their offering. Thank you, Chuck. I'm not going to speak long, but I want to give some definition to what
God's saying to us. No, you do that. Are you ready? Oh yeah. We're about to give.
I want you to get ready. Told you. This is the pre -giving speech now that the word of God has been revealed.
It's time for you to write a large check. And I kid you not, one of the amounts that he's going to call out prophetically is $100 ,000.
Here we go. We'll give. I want you to understand what the word means that we're going to give. To advance means to get better.
Look at somebody and say, you're going to get better. Look at them and say, you're going to get better. I'm feeling okay. Thanks. To improve.
Look at somebody and say, you're going to improve. To make progress.
Look at somebody and say, scratching itching ears. Yeah. How did Peter put it again?
Second Peter chapter two. And in their greed, they, the false prophets and false teachers, they will exploit you with false words.
This is a quintessential example of exactly what Peter prophesied would be coming. You're going to make some progress this year.
Just wait, just wait. To grow better. Look at somebody and say, you're going to grow better.
Come on. Greater. What does it mean to advance? It means you're going to grow better, greater, wiser, and older.
Oh yeah. Older y 'all. Man, my ego is feeling stroked here. Yeah. I might need to repent.
Some of y 'all you're old enough. You're old enough for some good adult things to start happening in your life.
And that's what God wants to give you too bad. You for everybody else that doesn't attend the
Frisco, they're not in on all this money bag stuff that God's just throwing out there at the cathedral.
But believe me when I tell you, God ain't handing any of this stuff out. This is all about him making a prophetic payday.
Paul said, when I was a child, I acted like a child. I thought like a child.
But when I growed up, wow, I got a compliment this week, y 'all.
Zeus, you don't even know what a blessing it is for me to be in a gym, working out with my son.
So we're going to be preaching about ourself here. And to have a little old lady, old lady, eight years older than me, 70, come walking up to the gym.
Is that your brother over there? I go, I go, come here.
I said, go tell him that. She walked up to Josh. She goes, are you guys hearing anything about Jesus?
Sound doctrine rightly handled biblical texts. No, no, not at all. What'd she say to you?
She goes, he told me to ask you this. And what'd she say? Are you bro? Are you brothers?
I just wanted to make sure I wouldn't just say. So look at the word advance. I mean, this is the word of the
Lord for 2023, man. There's a whole lot of stuff that this apparently means.
He's unpacking that word. Yeah, I was just making sure. Except for he's talking about himself right now. I'm making sure everybody knows that even though he's 62, he really looks young.
Terrified in front of God and everybody. So she goes, are you brothers? And what'd you say? No, he's my dad.
And then what else would you tell her? He's 62. I'm 35. What else did she say?
Or did you say? You said, I'm honored. That's what you said. And I thought, you know what?
I'm honored too. I'm honored too. Cause guess what? I can still outlift him. Yeah. That little comedy here is to help ease them into being more comfortable with writing a very large check.
That's what he's doing right now. I don't know when that's going to change or if it's ever going to change. You get them laughing and all of a sudden more zeros show up at the end of that check.
I'm not trying to outlift him, but Josh in the gym, there's not enough weight on the rack. True or false? It's true.
It's true. And here's why I'm telling you that. Not to say how strong I am, but to tell you. Yeah, actually tell us how strong.
Yeah. He used to be on something called like the power team. Yeah. I used to break phone and pull phone books apart for Jesus and stuff like that.
This is the kind of life that God wants you to have. You're going to grow better. God wants you to have the same kind of life that Keith Kraft has, you know, where he's 62 and it looks like he's 35.
You're going to get greater. Come on y 'all. You're going to get wiser. Come on this year. It's going to go exponential
Matt. You just wait. And he's shouting again. All of this is manipulation.
This isn't from God. He's a false prophet and a false teacher fulfilling the prophecies of the apostles.
So glad y 'all are here. Welcome from California to your new home in Jesus. I mean, I'm just telling you, you're going to grow better.
You're going to grow greater. You're going to grow wiser. Except you can't say that about everybody there at that church hearing these words.
Can you? You're going to grow stronger. You're going to grow richer. Some of y 'all. I've got to grow richer.
And he goes into convulsion. Was that the condolini spirit? You're going to grow better.
You're going to grow greater. You're going to grow wiser. You're going to grow stronger. You're going to grow richer. Some of y 'all.
Come on. He's going to grow richer. You'll see.
I'll tell you. That's what advance means. No, he wants you to take a cash advance on your credit card in order to pay him money.
To advance in faith, in knowledge, in stature, in wisdom.
Lift up your hands. In favor with God and man. And now in the grace of giving.
Here it is. Now, now, now, now that he's laid the foundation, it's time to give. For the purpose of advancing
God's kingdom in the earth. We're going to grow in this power to give, to make a difference.
Y 'all ready? What do you recommend, Keith, that they give?
Father, I thank you. We just honor you right now. Are you on the piano over there, my friend? He can't even finish his prayer.
He's looking for it. Cha -ching, cha -ching, cha -ching. It's his prophetic annual payday. Man up. Turn my wing man up.
More manipulation music. We need that manipulated music out there to make people feel like this has been inspired by the
Holy Spirit. And boy, he's got a little swagger in his step. He's knowing that he's going to get a lot of money.
God, I thank you. As we get ready to give in this offering, it's a holy moment. Uh, no, it's not.
This is an unholy moment. And in your greed, you're exploding these people with false words. God didn't give you any of these words.
Based on the word that you've given us, and we do not play with this. We know it's for our family.
We know that the uniqueness of the DNA of who you've called us to be as the Elevate Life family, that God, you have an assignment for us on the earth to not be a cultural center for spiritual disease.
Like, actually, they are the center of a spiritually transmitted disease, the prosperity, health and welfare.
See right there in Frisco, Texas, you know, many places to become. But God, we are counterculture for the glory of God.
No, you're not counterculture. You're as greedy as the general culture to lift up Jesus above every.
You haven't lifted him up at all in this sermon. Adverse, demonic circumstance, situation in the world today.
And God, I thank you this. We give in this offering that your kingdom is going to take a giant leap for the glory.
The kingdom of God will not advance a single millimeter as a result of this, this particular giving.
His bank account will advance quite significantly. Of God. Now, hey, y 'all look at me.
Some of y 'all, this is kind of new to you. Yeah, if you're new here, we expect you to give a large amount.
If you want your life just to stay the same way it's always been, just give tonight the way you've always given. You want your life to change?
You got to give a big amount. This is not biblical.
This isn't God speaking to this man. This is his greed. In their greed, how did
Peter say? In their greed, they will exploit you with false words. He's a false prophet.
He's doing this for greed. But if you want your life to be a little different in the future. Yeah, you want your life to be different?
Well, you got to write a large check. God doesn't just give away wealth without you priming the pump, you know?
Lead tonight with your seed. Lead with your seed, yeah. And watch what God does.
Watch what God does. Lift up your hands one more time. God, we give this to you. Danny, come up here real quick.
We give this to you. Danny, I want you to think about a song just to lead us in. We give this to you,
God. No, he's going to be writing himself a check at the end of this service.
Because if the kingdom of God can happen in us, then God, the kingdom, your kingdom come. And the sappy music, all this is just pure manipulation.
On earth as it is in heaven can happen through us. God, for every penny, nickel, dime, quarter, half dollar.
He's counting the money already. Dollar, some people believe in a $2 bill, $5, $10, $20 seed, $100 seed.
These are suggestions, of course. $50 seed, $1 ,000 seed, $10 ,000 seed.
What? You want somebody to give you $10 ,000 for this manipulation?
Let me back this up. $5, $10, $20 seed, $100 seed, $50 seed, $1 ,000 seed, $10 ,000 seed, $100 ,000 seed.
God, I pray. $100 ,000 seed. Now do you see it?
This isn't a prophecy. This isn't a biblical practice. God isn't speaking to Keith Kraft or any of the men who do this thing at the beginning of every year.
No, they're false prophets. They are exploiting you in their greed.
And Keith Kraft, he just put it out there in a so -called prayer. Lord, we thank you for $100 ,000 seed.
That's what he wants because every single December 31st, right about midnight there at the
Cathedral of Frisco, ah, Keith Kraft, he milks his congregation for a prophetic payday and fulfills the prophecy of Peter talking about false teachers and the false prophets who in their greed exploit you with false words.
He's not a prophet. He's a false teacher and a false prophet. So hopefully you found this helpful. So all the information on how you can share the video is down below.
And until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ. And his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.