Faith For Winners & Losers


Scripture Reading and Sermon For 01-22-2023 Scripture Readings: Jeremiah 32.11-21; 1 Corinthians 4.8-13 Sermon Title: Faith For Winners & Losers Sermon Scripture: Hebrews 11.32-40 Pastor Tim Pasma


Can you please stand for the reading of God's Word. Old Testament reading today is in Jeremiah 37 11 through 21
Now when the Chaldean army had withdrawn from Jerusalem at the approach of Pharaoh's army Jeremiah set out of Jerusalem to go to the land of Benjamin to receive his portion there among the people
When he was at Benjamin Gate a sentry there named Uriah the son of Shalima Son of Hananiah seized
Jeremiah the prophet saying you are deserting to the Chaldeans and Jeremiah said it is a lie
I am NOT deserting to the Chaldeans but Arisha would not listen to him and seized Jeremiah and brought him to the officials and The officials were enraged at Jeremiah and they beat him and imprisoned him in the house of Jonathan the secretary for it had been made a prison
When Jeremiah had come to the dungeon cells and remained there many days King Zedekiah Sent for him and received him the king questioned him secretly in his house and said is there any word from the
Lord? Jeremiah said there is then he said you shall be delivered into the hand of the king of Babylon Jeremiah also said to the king
Zedekiah What wrong have I done to you or your servants or this people that you've put me in this prison?
Where your prophets who prophesized to you saying the king of Babylon will not come against you and against this land
Now here, please Oh my lord the king let my humble plea come before you and do not send me back to the house of Jonathan the secretary
Lest I die there So King Zedekiah gave orders and they committed Jeremiah to the court of the guard and a loaf of bread was given him daily from The Baker Street until all the bread of the city was gone.
So Jeremiah remained in the court of the guard New Testament reading is 1st
Corinthians 4 8 through 13 Already you have all you want already you have become rich without us you have become kings and with that you did reign so that We might share the rule with you for I think that God has exhibited us
Apostles as last of all like men sentenced Sentenced to death because we have become a spectacle to the world to angels and to men
We are fools for Christ's sake But you are wise in Christ. We are weak, but you are strong.
You are held in honor, but we are disrepute To the present hour we hunger and thirst we are poorly dressed and buffeted and homeless
We are and we labor working with our own hands When reviled we bless when persecuted we endure when slandered we
Entreat We have become and are still like the scum of the world and refuse the refuse of all things
Maybe seated. I'd like to remind you and there is a reminder in our bulletin that today is sanctity of human life
Sunday This is the Sunday that's closest to the infamous decision made by the Supreme Court in 1973 again
We need to be reminded that even though that That ruling was overturned this last year
The battle still goes on because the only thing that ruling did was turn this back over to the states to determine what in each
State whether abortion would be legal or not So we need to remember that and we also need to remember simply this it's not going to be the matter a matter of laws
That it's going to change people's hearts People's hearts will only be changed with the gospel Certainly law can restrain evil, but it can never change a human heart
So remember that and as we do our best as citizens to deal with this evil.
We also need to do our best as citizens of the kingdom To see people transformed by the gospel
So you remember that remember our ministry to New Path and in the ministry that they do as well
I'd ask you now to turn in your Bibles to Hebrews chapter 11 as we finish this chapter
Hebrews chapter 11 we'll be looking at verses 32 through 40 today That is our text for this morning.
So if you will join me in prayers We ask God to minister that his word to our hearts father.
Thank you for your word. We are so thankful that In every way you minister to us in every situation
We pray now that you would open your word to us Make this the living Word of God in our hearts
Cause us Lord to be transformed by your word and we'll thank you in Jesus name.
Amen Hebrews 11 let's begin in verse 32
And what more shall I say? for time would fail me to tell of Gideon Barak Samson Jephthah of David and Samuel and the prophets who through faith conquered kingdoms enforced justice obtained promises
Stopped the mouths of lions quenched the power of fire Escaped the edge of the sword were made strong out of weakness became mighty in war put foreign armies to flight
Women received back their dead by resurrection Some were tortured refusing to accept release so that they might receive a better resurrection
Others suffered mocking and flogging and even chains and imprisonment. They were stoned.
They were sawn in two They were killed with the sword. They went about in skins of sheep and goats
Destitute afflicted mistreated of whom the world was not worthy Wandering about in deserts and mountains and in dens and caves of the earth and all these
Though commended through their faith did not receive what was promised since God had provided something better for us
That apart from us They should not be made perfect Well, we've come to the end of this chapter and I asked this question who needs to live by faith
Who needs to live always believing the promises of God? Who needs the assurance of things hoped for who needs the conviction of things not seen?
and the answer is all of us do we all need to live that way, especially in terms of Especially as we face persecution marginalization
Suffering for our faith. We need to live by faith Now I want you to notice something as we begin
I want you to observe in our text that two groups of people are described in verses 32 through the first part of verse 35
We have the winners the winners The winners are the ones who by faith
Experience triumph and then the second group from 32nd part of 35 through 38 are the losers
That is although commended for their faith. They seem to experience only tragedy So we have what we might call the winners and the losers in this text
But both of them are held up to us as examples as to how we ought to live by faith
Today how we ought to live believing the promises of God now the first Believe God's promises in triumph believe
God's promises in triumph verse 32 and What more shall I say?
For time will fail me to tell of Gideon Barak Samson Jephthah of David and Samuel and the prophets who through faith conquered kingdoms enforced justice obtained promises
Stop the mouths of lions quench the power of fire quench the power of fire Escaped the edge of the sword were made strong out of weakness became mighty in war put foreign armies to fight women
Received back their dead by resurrection So he says believe
God's promises in triumph. I want you to notice a couple of striking features here
The first is this he says and what more shall I say? The first thing to know is the writer could go on for hours
About people who expressed their faith he could go on for hours about people
Throughout the whole Old Testament who had lived by faith, but he didn't want to load them down with too much
You know what one rule one rule of thumb. I've learned as in ministry and preaching and in counseling here it is
My rule of thumb is this if you say too much the hearers will walk away with nothing Right if you give them too much they'll walk away with nothing and that's what he believes
I don't want to give you too much and he could have appealed to many more examples after all He's only gotten as far as Rahab Right.
He's only got far as Rahab. He's got the whole entire Old Testament He could turn to but he stops here and he concludes with a quick list of past practitioners of faith
Here's the second strike Feature that strikes me the second one in this group the heroes of the faith that he mentions are
Also known for their weaknesses and their sins Some of you as we've approached this text have said to me how in the world could that person being be
Included in this list right because they're known all some of them are known for their weaknesses and their sins
I mean, let's look at the list Gideon Gideon wanted signs from God because he lacked faith
Barack he was afraid and he refused to go fight the
Canaanites unless Deborah came along with him Samson good night his sexual infidelities and his
Impulsive behavior is almost the definition of the man. Then we have Jethro He made a rash vow to sacrifice his daughter if God would give him victory
We all know David for his adultery and his murderous manipulations, we know
Samuel Favored his sons just like his mentor Eli He favored his sons and appointed them as judges when they were not even close to being morally qualified for the position
But notice it's not the sins and faults that he points out In fact, he doesn't even mention him.
In fact, we could say why didn't you pick Josiah? That that King of Judah who was a paragon of faith and virtue, but no he picks these people
He doesn't even mention their failures, but he does mention their faith and trust in God.
Can I say something to you this morning? Perseverance and faith is not the same thing as perfection
Perseverance is not the same thing as perfection and you may be saying to yourself. Oh my
I'm not good enough to persevere That's not the point the point is do you believe the promises of God?
By the way, one of those promises is there's forgiveness for you in Jesus. All your transgressions are forgiven, right?
Perseverance is not the same thing as perfection. So don't get in your mind that only perfect people have the ability to persevere
It's people who trust God who persevere Remember and I want you to burn this phrase in your mind and I want you to burn it in your mind
Just in case we may face persecution that we've never faced before Perseverance is fueled by faith in the promises of God.
It isn't fueled by willpower It's fueled by faith in the promises of God Always remember that when you come to this chapter from now on for the rest of your life.
I want you to be thinking Perseverance endurance is fueled by faith in the promises of God That's what produces endurance now
Each of these that he lists each of these trusted God's promises there's
Gideon Gideon defeated an army that's described in Scripture as large as the sands of the sea and He did it with 300 men and he did it following this absurd
Ridiculous tactic that God told him to do which was carry torches and pitchers and Then you break the pitchers the torches flame out
Blow a trumpet shout and you'll defeat the enemy How ridiculous can that be but Gideon believed it and they were successful Barack Barack went up against 900 iron chariots now you got to understand something in those days.
You know what that's like That's like sending an infantry company to fight an armored division
Okay, you got to get that in your minds and they defeated them Samson Samson said
Lord unless you're with me. I cannot pull these pillars down Unless you are with me.
You must be with me help me and he did that and accomplished God's judgment And more more
Philistines that day than any he had dealt with before There was Jephthah he defeated the
Ammonites because God told him to do it. So he said, okay and he did it David David was almost undefeated against all his foes who had great military advantages over him
But he obeyed he believed what God said go take the land It was part of the whole conquest of the land that David was involved in the land that God had promised
Samuel won a significant victory against the Philistines merely by prayer You can read about that in 1st
Samuel chapter 7 Here's what we need to remember Faith trust in what cannot be seen but it produces effects in the real world
Faith trust in what cannot be seen But it produces effects in the real world in all these instances faith in God's promises produced triumph
It produced triumph Kingdoms were conquered Barak Gideon Jephthah Samuel Samson not to mention
David They enforced justice the judges and David and other
Kings Bringing justice to an unruly people they obtained promises Right David obtained a promise of an eternal dynasty.
They stopped the mouths of lions referring to probably to Samson and David and also who else
Daniel right Daniel Quench the power of fire
Who's that? Shadrach Meshach and Abednego. They said Nebuchadnezzar. We are not gonna bow to this idol
For we believe that God can deliver us from the fire And if he does not we're still not gonna bow
See they believe that God could quench the fire Escape the edge of the sword you ever read the story of Elijah and Elisha Ahab and Jezebel and other
Kings were always after them always ready to kill them and they were never successful There's a story of of a king sending out
These companies of soldiers like four of them right to get Elisha and every one of them is consumed by fire
Until the fourth one comes along says look. I'm just talking for the king. Okay, don't burn us up Right, they escaped the edge of the sword
Some were made strong out of weakness. What comes to my mind is Gideon and Barak, right?
some became mighty and worn put form of foreign armies to flight David Joshua Barak and Jehoshaphat right
Josh you remember that story? They got all these aren't these this alliance of these of these
Canaanite countries and and they're coming against Judah and they're they're they're terrified and they meet at the temple and they pray and God says yeah
Here's what I want you to do. I want you to take your choir and send them out in front of the army It's like what? What kind of absurdity is that by the way?
Do you ever notice how many absurd things God tells us to do and you got to believe it's gonna do something
He says sends the choir out said the choir out Can you imagine being a choir member great the armies behind us?
They're gonna chop us all the bits and none they get to the army, right and yet what happens
Confusion the army is defeated Received back. They're dead through resurrection. These women he's talking about Elijah with the widow of Zarephath and Elisha with the
Shunammite son now look Believing God's promises and acting in accord with those promises can produce amazing things now
Can produce amazing things now those heroes believed what God had promised and even though it seemed impossible they
Conquered you see Through the absurd things that God tells us to do and says these will accomplish things.
I Think of a Romanian brother. I'll call him me. Hi Who was paid by the
Orthodox priest in the village in Romania the Orthodox priest? And there's like you see an
Orthodox Church like every two miles in every village they are the they are the almost if you will the unofficial rulers of the village
These so there's this Orthodox priest and he wants to shut up the Baptist Pastor or they call him the repenter pastor, right?
So he gets me high who's a drunk and He tells him I'll pay you money if you go beat this guy up if you just beat him, right
So he's planning to do this and this pastor just befriends him and loves him and me high gets converted
Right, he gets converted Eventually becomes a leader in the church and a great spokesman for Christ Why because this pastor did this stupid stuff like loving him, right?
What about your neighbor who despises you what about your neighbor who despises you can have the attitude of all right
You're gonna treat me that way watch what I can do to you or you can choose to do
What Jesus says is more effective which is love those Do good to those who abuse you pray for them
Right love them and see what happens and that neighbor maybe comes to you and says man
What's wrong with you what's different about you what's going on See the point sometimes believing the promises of God actually leads to change and our enemies then love us
So here's the point when you face the pressure to abandon Jesus Remember that others who believe the promises of God not only persevered, but they also triumphed
Sometimes when it looks like the gigs over and You believe what
Jesus tells you to do oftentimes Sometimes it may lead to your enemy who's going to persecute you
Becoming your brother Now At the second half of verse 35 our writer turns the corner after recounting the exploits of those
Who exercise faith now he turns the corner It's going to tell us about those who in faith suffered
Here's what he says Some were tortured Refusing to accept release so that they might receive a better resurrection
I think that's the better translation so that they might receive the better a better Resurrection others suffered mocking and flogging and even chains and imprisonment
They were stoned they were sawn in two they were killed with the sword They went about in skins of sheep and goats destitute afflicted mistreated of whom the world was not worthy
Wandering about in deserts and mountains and in deads dens and caves of the earth
Now instead of triumph God turns our attention to tragedy those who did not conquer in faith
But those who suffered in faith now look how they suffered he talks about those who were tortured
He might have in mind here a scribe by the name of Eliezer or or this unnamed woman
With seven sons you read their story in the book of second Maccabees now We don't consider second
Maccabees a part of Scripture nevertheless, it's helpful in giving us some of the history of God's people between that in those 400 years between the
Testaments and This story is found in second Maccabees about this mother and her seven sons and the book records that they died these
Unbelievably gruesome deaths so gruesome. I'm not even gonna tell you you want to look it up look up the book of second
Maccabees chapter 7 it's horrible what happened to those people because they refused to disobey and Adopt pagan ways.
They had a pagan king and they who was if you read the story was intent on Defying and defiling everything that the
Jewish people held sacred and this woman and her seven sons refused to bow and you read their story and You see these men and their mother refused to abandon their faith and Gain life.
That's what he means here when he said refusing to accept release they refused to accept the release they could have if they bowed the knee and met and and put their pagan gods on their
Lips, they would then be released right and They would gain their lives
But they refused to deny God and They refused because they believed in a resurrection now what this king did was he took the first son and Killed him and the second and killed him and the third just went down the line
Imagine here's the fourth son. He's seen three of his brothers gruesomely brutally killed and Here's what he says
It is good It is good being put to death by men to look for hope from God to be raised up again by him as for you
King you shall have no resurrection to life I'm sitting there thinking what am
I gonna do? What would I do what I sit there and shake my fist and the guy is just gonna lop off my limbs
Am I gonna do that? That's what he did. Why because he says I believe in this resurrection
That's what it means he says so that they might receive a better resurrection a better resurrection than that Experienced by those two boys with Elijah and Elisha.
What happened to those two boys? They died again, didn't they but they're talking about they received a better resurrection in which they would never die ever
The promise of a resurrection fueled their endurance in the face of incredible unbelievably brutal torture
He talks about mocking flogging chains and imprisonment the prophets were often mocked ignored
Sometimes even flogged and in prison you saw that in our Old Testament reading this morning
Jeremiah that great prophet of the Old Testament what happened to him? He was beaten. He was imprisoned.
He was put in chains King Asa in prop in prison the prophet
Hanani King Ahab in prison the prophet Micaiah and yet they continued to believe the promises of God They did not relent why even in even in the in the face of Imprisonment and mocking and flogging they stay true.
Why because they believed that God had something better Some were stone. There's an old prophet
Old Testament prophet named Zechariah Zechariah prophesied under King Joash Joash ordered that he'd be stoned and Zechariah was stoned in the very courts of the temple of God But he did not relent sawn in two
Now we don't know for history from history We don't know this from the Bible, but the
Jewish legend is that Isaiah was sawed in two Okay, and this may be what our writer has reference to killed with the sword
Look at the days of Jezebel and Ahab. They were killing the prophets of God left and right
You remember Obadiah was one who had hidden some in a cave why to save them from the murderous?
Royal family living lives of destitution here. He talks about goat skins and sheep skins and being
Afflicted and so forth their living lives of destitution the animal skins speak of poverty and the actions speak of persecution
They were poor forsaken and persecuted by their society wandering in Inhabitable places in the wilderness finding shelter in caves and dens
Many of God's people had to flee to the wilderness and this is where they stayed in caves and dens. Well, what's the point?
What's the point? well a minor point here is if you think you're gonna find acceptance and Praise and you need to rethink matters
Because of what happened to the people in the Old Testament God's people were faithful to him in the Old Testament If you're faithful to God don't expect acceptance and praise
But the primary point is simply that you can endure you can endure you need not abandon
Jesus and suffering here are examples of people who endured in faith
You can endure how did they do it? They could because that perseverance was fueled by faith in the promises of God and we've seen some of those in this chapter right another city an eternal city a
Resurrection greater reward all of those are promised you hang on to those promises
You believe that God has something better and you too can endure because those promises
Have become clearer to us on this side of the cross with the death and the resurrection and the ascension of Jesus for we
Have seen a man raised to eternal life Never to die.
His name is Jesus We see the promises clearer than they did We can't endure by faith in those promises.
I want you to note verse 38 Even in the present we have
God's verdict. What is he saying verse 38? This is a marvelous statement We need to hold on to this of whom the world was not worthy of Whom the world was not worthy
The world is not worthy of those who suffered then and the world is not worthy of those who suffer now
Here is God's verdict Here is God's verdict Listen the world calls those who suffer for Christ losers
You're called losers, right? We despise you because of your
Christ and we despise your determination to follow him Isn't it amazing how you could accept the teachings of anybody but boy you live faithfully to Jesus and people will hate you
Right, you can talk about God Once you start talking about Jesus watch what the what happens to the conversation.
It's amazing to me How offensive Jesus is and we're called losers
Because we follow him. What is it profit you to give up everything for this religion you fools
Listen, you're not worthy of notice much less respect. That's how the world looks at us
But God says the world is not worthy of such faithful persistent steadfast
Champions if you even go so far as losing your life for Christ the world will look at you as a loser
Why did they die for that? God will see you as a champion Believing God's promises and acting in accordance with those promises can produce endurance now
Now the last two verses he concludes this entire Exhortation for faithfulness that he's put in put to us in chapter 11 here.
He concludes. What does he say? and in all these Though commended through their faith did not receive what was promised since God has provided something better for us
That apart from us they should not be made perfect Bottom line was he say believe
God's promises There it is, here's what I want you to get from this chapter he says believe
God's promises Now here's what you need to know if you would remain loyal to Jesus You need to know faith sustained our ancestors in the faith faith sustained them in good times and bad in prosperity and suffering faith sustained them
You need to know That all these heroes from Abel to Noah to Abraham to Gideon were commended through their faith
You need to know that The smile of God rested on them because they believed him God saw them endure refusing to abandon
Because abandon him because of their faith and they endured because they believed the promise of God that something better awaited them
You need to know that they continued to trust God even when they did not receive what was promised
You need to know that They trusted God even though they did not receive in this life what he had promised you see they had title to the city to the reward to the
Promises and they endured because they know that God will honor the title
They remain loyal to the father because they were convinced of things
Not yet seen but you also need to grasp your part in those promises
This phrase puzzles me or it did puzzle me. I had to really think it through and get help and do all that They did not receive what was promised notice because God had something better for Us.
Oh, wait a minute. Wait a minute. They didn't get what God promised Since God had provided something better for us.
That's why they didn't get it. What in the world is that all about? Well simply put it's this Despite despite the remarkable faith of the
Old Testament Saints something better would arrive for us in Jesus Because of Jesus they didn't have the full light of revelation
Jesus was in a foggy mist. They didn't see it all we now see it all we now see it all
We have all the wonders of salvation accomplished in Jesus revealed to us in Jesus you have access to God forever
Remember as we want as we looked earlier in this book how it seems that God was always guarding his presence
But now in Jesus, there's full access to God and that full access is forever from now forever
We will be with God in Jesus. The sacrifice has been offered that frees us from our sins in Jesus We have the redemption that secures the renewal of the entire creation so that this world will someday be renewed and all
That is perfect will be ours And he says this happens so that they the champions who went before us
Would be glorified with us Would be perfected with us you see
We had the final revelation of all those promises and They're going to be perfected with us
Those who were tortured Will share with us the resurrection to a perfect life those who were destitute and persecuted will be glorified and Vindicated those who lived in caves and dens
Will come along with us to heavenly dwellings We will be together in that day we will be perfected with them and day with us
So what What do we say as we come to the end of this chapter simply this?
Faith trusts in God in triumphs and tragedies in prosperity and suffering
Faith is always what we live by faith in the promises of God faith
Gives itself entirely to God God can ordain victory through faith.
He can ordain victory through faith For us like he did for David and the judges
But if there's torture death and suffering Faith holds on to God but in both suffering and prosperity
Tragedy and triumph in both you hold fast to God Knowing that God has promised something better even when faith
Conquers, you know that something better still awaits and when faith endures suffering even death
You know a resurrection and a new life will be yours Now as I close today, let me just say this there's one more promise that everyone needs to lay hold of Convinced of Something you haven't seen assured of this hope that if you trust in the promise that God makes that in Jesus in Jesus you'll be reconciled to God and experience blessings unknown to you
That's the promise you have to lay hold of that's the gateway to all the rest You don't see it, but you're convinced of it you believe what
God says there's life in my son That is the promise that opens up the gate to all these others
Bottom line is You can endure because God will always keep his promises father.
Thank you again That you have encouraged us by your word that we can endure
Lord not only that we must endure but we can endure In a perseverance fueled by faith in the promises of God Father be building strong faith in this congregation.
God help us not just to look at endurance Through faith in the promises, but help us now to give ourselves to even
More service to you because of those promises father in the ministries you've given us sometimes we grow weary and We want to quit and yet we know that as hard as this is
You have promised us something that far outweighs the affliction that we bear now encourage us in our ministries
Encourage us to endurance even now in endurance that withstands the slights and The the reviling that we have from the world even now
Help us to endure those through faith. God build faith in us we pray