Saul of Tarsus
Apostle of the week
-Recommended Resource: Twelve Ordinary Men by John MacArthur
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- So the Apostle we're going to be looking at this Sunday is the final Apostle that Jesus called, a man named
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- Saul of Tarsus, more commonly known as the Apostle Paul.
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- No man did more to further the spread of Christianity than him. If you count the book of Hebrews, Paul authored 14
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- New Testament epistles, far more than anyone else. So the primary source of information concerning Paul's life and ministry is the book of Acts.
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- Although he does talk about his former life as a leader in Judaism and his epistles as well, but the book of Acts, the book is known as the
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- Acts of the Apostles, right? And Peter is the main character from chapters 1 through 12, but starting in chapter 13, it has been said that the book, the
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- Acts of the Apostles, could be titled or should be titled the
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- Acts of the Apostle, singular, since it focuses solely on Paul.
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- The Jews as a group had rejected Christianity, so the Lord called Paul to this unique office as the
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- Apostle to the Gentiles. Acts chapter 9 records his conversion on the road to Damascus.
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- And at this moment, Saul, of course, originally was a Pharisee, a persecutor of the church, and he had this authority from the
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- Jewish government to arrest Christians and take them back shackled to Jerusalem to stand trial.
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- Paul even seems to be the ringleader. When the first Christian was martyred for their faith, that's the story of Stephen in Acts chapters 6 through 8.
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- But in Acts chapter 9, the Lord turned the church's most fierce opponent into its greatest defender.
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- The Bible says in Acts 9, 3 through 6, as he journeyed, he came near Damascus, and suddenly a light shone around him from heaven.
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- Then he fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?
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- And he said, who are you, Lord? Then the Lord said, I am Jesus whom you are persecuting.
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- It is hard for you to kick against the goats. So he, trembling and astonished, said,
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- Lord, what do you want me to do? And from that moment forward, his life was never the same.
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- And not only that, the world was never the same as he and the others helped to spread the
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- Christian message, the Christian faith, to the uttermost parts of the earth, a mission that the church is still on to this day.