Caught In God’s Net - [Luke 5:1-11]




More was going on and I thought certainly I'll have to be serving in the military over at Vietnam Thankfully the
Vietnam War ended in April 30th 1975 but I still remember shortly after that going to the post office and Signing up for selective service to make sure that I was in part of the process
So if there was another war that I would have my name there to be drafted and or what we call
Conscripted It's an interesting topic. How do you fill an army whether you're
Rome or Sparta or Babylon? There's a battle and you need men to serve and to fight
How do you get those men and so you draft them you call them you can script them. I found some interesting conscription facts
Not overseas, but here in America May 8th 1792 George Washington the commander of the
Continental Army signed the National Conscription Act and here's what it said Every able -bodied white male citizen of the age of 18 years and under the age of 45 be enrolled in the militia every citizen so enrolled shall within six months thereafter provide himself with a good musket a sufficient bayonet and belt and not less than 24 cartridges 1812 war how do they get people to serve in that war?
well, you would get for 13 months service a $16 cash bonus when you signed up and then this is more attractive to me a 160 acre tract of land after you've completed your service
Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation and two months later Signed the Enrollment Act of Conscription And you would have to sign up a lot of violence happened around then and so if you gave $300 or you hired a substitute you didn't have to go into the
Civil War World War two 50 million men registered for the draft and many of them received the letter that started with greetings
To serve in the army you had to be at least five foot tall You couldn't be larger than six six for the
World War two you had to weigh at least 105 pounds Have correctable vision and possess at least half your teeth
They had different classifications 1a you are fit for service 1a.
Oh, you're a conscientious objector, and you would have a non -combative role and the other one
I thought was interesting was IVF and you were physically or morally unfit and you didn't have to serve
Of course in Vietnam there were deferments if you were a college student And a hundred thousand men did not want to go 25 ,000 indictments for those that did not serve and then in 1974
Ford President Ford and then President Carter gave amnesty Drafted into the army conscripted conscripted to serve
My question today is pretty simple. How does the Lord draft people into his army?
How does he call them? How does he conscript them back in the
Bible and even today? Take your Bibles and turn to the gospel of Jesus according to Luke and we're going to look at God's sovereignty over people.
It's one thing to say God is sovereign over the weather He is he's sovereign over the moon.
He is he's sovereign over when you were born He is he's sovereign over your parents.
He's sovereign over what age you'd be born He's sovereign over all those things, but it's another thing to really settle that question in your heart of hearts
God is sovereign over me And what are the implications of that? God is sovereign over me.
He rules me. He's my Lord He's my master and I'm conscripted as a
Christian into his army and what are the implications? So this whole section Luke 5 which we start today and Luke 6
Luke Arranges things sometimes a little bit out of chronological order because he's trying to show you whether God calls
Simon James and John Whether he calls Levi or whether he calls the twelve
But he is sovereign over people And so we're working through the gospel of Jesus according to Luke and we've seen all kinds of wonderful things so far
Have we not in this gospel that is written so that you have certainty that Jesus is the
Christ and that Certainty is for unbelievers who might read it and say, I don't know.
There's a lot of competing messiahs out there How can this one be really the one? but it's also good for us as Christians because we struggle in life and there are trials and their suffering and their difficulties and Sometimes we say does he care does he love me?
Is he really the God in Scripture? So this is good for both believer and unbeliever
And what Luke has been doing so far is he's been trying to prove to you This is the Messiah from his virgin conception
From his genealogy from the father saying this is my beloved son in whom I'm well pleased
One event after another after another showing that Jesus is in fact
God Highlighted maybe when Jesus walks into the synagogue of Nazareth remember and he opens up the scroll and he reads
Isaiah 61 And he says I'm that God So today we're going to look at Luke chapter 5 verses 1 through 11 and we're going to answer the question
How does God call people? How does he call people to himself for salvation?
And how does he call people to himself for service and? Ministry the sovereign
God calls people and this is really what we'll see in this passage is a template for what he does
This template for sovereign calling of people and I'll just give you a hint what happens in the passage.
I'll tell him I'll say it ahead of time God shows himself For who he is and what he's done
The people respond with fear right if you realize how holy God is you'll know how sinful you are
Then God reassures them and then he calls them into ministry. He calls them into service.
So God shows himself There's a human response. There's a divine assurance and then the divine call so those are the four we'll see today the revealing of the sovereign authority the response to sovereign authority the reassurance of sovereign authority and the
Reaction or the responsibility or the Commission because of sovereign? authority
Luke chapter 5 verses 1 through 11 God is sovereign over people including you and he calls
Them how does he call them? Well, the template number one is he reveals himself
He reveals himself versus 1 through 7. He shows that he's holy sovereign having authority
Remember the refrain in Luke the word authority authority authority. He's got authority over demons.
He's got authority over sickness He's got authority over everything We're going to see he has authority over people in verses 1 through 7 very familiar story
If you're a fisherman you're going to like this story. How many people love to fish by the way Not that many
I think fishing is on a way out. I don't fish much But I always tell Amos we're gonna go fishing my little grandson.
We're going fishing I don't know why grandpa's like to fish with their grandsons But I'm gonna do it
We're going fishing together Amos and I and we can just sit and talk about stuff and skip stones and and who knows what?
The revealing of the Messiah sovereign authority verses 1 through 7. This is the fish story
But it's Peter is the one who really gets caught Before I read anything in verses 1 through 7
Don't forget dear congregation that Luke is writing not just that, you know, some of these facts
Not just writing so that you'll say now I have a good way to pass a test if I go to seminary for what the gospel of Luke is about You're seeing these people like Simon Responding to who
Jesus is because Luke wants the same for you Luke is wanting you to see who
Jesus is. He's wanting you to respond like Peter He's wanting you to say that's exactly right
Only the God -man could do this and only someone like this what I yield my life to by faith and bow the knee with total allegiance
The highlight here if you look at the original language, the key is about the miraculous catch -a -fish
And so let's work our way up there verse 1 of Luke 5 On one occasion while the crowd was pressing in on him to hear the
Word of God we're talking about Jesus He was standing by the lake of Gennesaret And he saw two boats by the lake, but the fishermen had gone out of them and were washing their nets
Getting into one of the boats, which was Simon's he asked Him to put out a little from the land and he sat down taught the people from the boat
And so for those of you that have been to the Sea of Galilee you realize it's this beautiful place Called many different names.
It could be called the Sea, the Sea of Galilee It could be called the Sea of Tiberias and here it's called the lake of Gennesaret And it's beautiful.
There's all kinds of fishing boats there even today back in the day Josephus the Jewish writer said there were probably 300 fishing boats on the
Sea of Galilee Lots of different kinds of fish They say about 20 different kinds of fish and you can imagine if you'd like to make a living
Fishing would be a good way To do it. Even Mark Twain when he went to the
Sea of Galilee in 1867 said In the starlight Galilee has no boundaries, but the broad compass of the heavens
And is a theater met for great events Met for the birth of a religion able to save the world and met for the stately figure
Jesus appointed to stand upon its stage And proclaim its high decrees And Jesus is there remember what he's been doing.
He's been healing. He's been teaching He teaches as one who has authority and now they're pressing in they want to hear
Jesus They want to get close to him Maybe some to be healed but many to hear the word of God.
That's what it says in our passage They're pressing in the word is they're like lying upon him And so you can imagine if the sea is behind me the lake the
Sea of Galilee This 13 mile long by six mile wide lake that's lower than sea level that has kind of a
A jordan river current going through it because the jordan then the Sea of Galilee then the jordan works out that way
The crowd keeps coming if they're like lying upon him and he keeps backing up and he keeps backing up closer and closer
To the water. That's the idea. They're pressing in on him It's the same language when the people were pressing pilot crucify him crucify him crucify him here
But they're literally pressing upon him I'm glad they want to hear the word of God And here jesus
Is going to tell them many things I love it when jesus said in john 12 for I did not speak of my own initiative
But the father himself who sent me has given me a commandment as what to say and what to speak
I know that his commandment is eternal life. Therefore the things I speak I speak just as the father has told me
And so when you hear that he's speaking the word of god, he's literally speaking the word of god from god
They know they needed the word and there's how many boats by the lake verse 2 Well, why would they say two boats?
There are probably a lot of boats here. There's two boats here Nobody in them why because the fishermen are washing
And what does jesus do? He gets in one of the boats One guy said jesus finds a floating pulpit
Pastors are always fascinated with pulpit. I've had the same pulpit for now 27 years not too bad, but it's not a floating pulpit
That's for sure J. Vernon mcgee said every pulpit is a fishing boat a place to give out the word of god and attempt to catch fish
There's two boats, but in the sovereignty of god in the providence of god He wants peter's boat.
This will change peter's life for the rest of his life Sovereignly choosing peter's boat. There's two boats.
I don't think I want you to miss that in the passage And there's been people out fishing and they didn't catch anything.
And so you have to clean the nets Now there's different ways that you could fish the way I would fish when
I was a kid You just have a hook and you have a weight and you have When you're 12 a bobber, right?
That's not how they fished They had kind of a throwing net in shallow water Or they had kind of a larger net kind of a trammel net if you if you know about fishing or a a gill net and you could run it between boats and you would
Go out in the lake and you would run it between the two boats and you would catch fish that way and those things are
Valuable and they get stuff caught in them not just fish and after you're done You have to start cleaning them out and that's exactly what they were doing
Verse four And when he had finished speaking, he said to simon So he's preaching
And he said put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch I think this is a time for practical application of the sermon
We're not told what jesus said, but I think what now is going to happen is going to be practical application time application for the sermon
Here's a quiz peter. Did you get what I was talking about? Some people call this a petrine pop test
Let down your nets Now, I don't know peter could have probably said you're the carpenter i'm the fisherman
We worked hard we've already cleaned the nets there's a lot of people around here are crowds and Probably scare the fish away but You don't use these nets in the middle of the day
When the people when the when the people can see the nets Well, people couldn't see the nets if they were swimming underwater either when the fish see the nets they swim away
You do this at night. You don't do this in the day. Everything's wrong here but peter
Trust the lord And he says in verse five Master We toiled all night and took nothing
But at your word I will let down the nets Luke is the only one that uses the word master
Rabbi and teacher are used by the other gospel accounts. Why does it say master here? well
Luke has written to gentile people And gentile people might not know exactly what the rabbi was and so they do know what a master is
A master is a foreman a master is a supervisor a master is a boss master is one who has authority So luke here
Record simon saying master we toiled all night and caught nothing You're the one who set over us you're the one in charge
We'll do what you say But just to let you know we were out there all night and we didn't catch one thing we labored and labored
The word is sweat toil exhaustion. We are exhausted. We fished all night verse six
What does the text say And when they had done this They enclosed a large number of fish and their nets were breaking
They signaled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them and they came and filled both boats so that they both began to sink
The point is there was a lot of fish Well, that's true But the point is
Jesus is sovereign over everything Including fish including
People listen to psalm 8 You have given to him dominion over the works of your hands
And put all things under his feet All sheep and oxen and also the beast of the field the birds of the heavens and the fish of the sea
Whatever passes along the paths of the seas Oh lord our lord. How majestic is your name in all the earth?
So what happens in the bible regularly with moses elijah the apostles and jesus There's a word spoken and you know, the word is true
Because there's a sign to back it up the signs point to the word being true so signs and wonders and miracles like this confirm who jesus is and confirm his word
You authenticate the message and the messenger and so jesus wants to prove that he is in fact
The god man the teacher from god and so here we have all these fish that are caught.
It's a miracle I like it when one writer said Jesus does not assert his lordship at peter's weakest point, but his strongest professional fisherman
Jesus does not wait for an appropriate mood Have you ever done that trying to talk to somebody and maybe your spouse or something?
you're like you want to ask him something or tell him something you're waiting for a good mood to kind of I know you don't do that, but I do it all the time
Here's the lord jesus He's lord over everything he's lord over the demons he's lord over satan
He's lord over peter mother peter's mother -in -law's sickness. He's lord over people. He's lord over the seas.
I think he's lord over everything Master will will do whatever you want and they're all the fish
Okay, I I have to Say this to Make sure we we don't forget toward the end with peter by himself
No fish with the lord peter fish
We're going to talk about fishers of men pretty soon and you should get this picture in your mind It's the exact same thing when it comes to peter and his ministry without the lord without him.
I can do nothing Ministry catching men nothing without the lord's help ministry with the lord jesus
Catching men peter's first sermon in pentecost. How many little fishes did he catch?
3 000 men fish he caught see the picture here.
See what's going on as you read the bible. You're thinking that's exactly right Well, how does god commission a man?
He shows him himself Then there's a response
The revealing of the messiah's sovereign authority and now here's the response to the sovereign authority of the messiah
Verses 8 and 9 if you see god for who he is How do you respond ask ezekiel in chapters 1 2 and 3 ask daniel in january chapter 10
Ask paul on the road to damascus in acts chapter 9 ask gideon
Ask peter, but when simon peter saw it he fell down at jesus knees saying
I'm such an awful fisherman Is that what he said Depart from me for i'm a sinful man
Not oh master not oh boss. Not oh one who sent over me not an overseer, but oh
Lord, and he and all who were with him were astonished at the catch of the fish that they had taken
He falls down think about it just process this in your mind You've got two boats and they're pretty big boats
Don't think kayak don't think canoe if you've been to israel in the sea of galilee now They found a boat that's 2 000 years old
They've unearthed it and they've kind of put it back together and you can see how big it is That's a huge boat filled with fish.
There's another huge boat filled with fish and peter's in one of them He understands I have the god of the universe in my boat the holy one the transcendent one the creator of the universe the creator of me
And he falls down I can't prove it, but I certainly can it's not a stretch in the middle of all the fish
It's not like you put the fish over to the side in a little bait box a little stringer Something like that. No, he's falling down The text literally is at his knees at jesus's knees and the esv does a good job there and he's like get away from me
I'm sinful man, and what does he say? Oh master? No, oh lord
Now in the old testament when you want to use the name of god, it's yaweh That's the personal name of god
And when you want to translate yaweh Into the greek new testament you translate it into kurios, which is lord
You are god. You're not just sovereign. You're not just a master. You are god god is in my boat
Who else could redirect all the fish of the sea? And if you're god that means
I know who you are and that means I know who I am And this is the the key to all of christianity essentially is you know who god is and you know who you are
That's how john calvin started off his famous institutes The knowledge of god and the knowledge of you and when you know who god is you know who you are?
And you're like the tax collector standing far away peter unwilling to lift up his eyes beating his breath saying god be merciful to me the sinner
They were amazed by this Jesus isn't anybody. He's the holy one of god
Jesus isn't just a good teacher And when adam first sinned because he recognized how holy god was
He tried to hide himself israel under sinai Said let not god speak with us lest we die
The supernatural work of god because jesus is a supernatural one
Luke is wanting you to understand Peter sees that it's jesus the god man in his boat.
Do you see it? This is not just a report this is he's wanting you to read and interact with it
This reminds me of joshua Who was by jericho in joshua chapter 5?
He lifted up his eyes and looked and behold a man was standing before him with his drawn sword in his hand And joshua went up and said to him.
Are you for us or for our adversaries? He doesn't answer the question He said no, but i'm the commander of the army of the lord now have come and joshua fell on his faith face to the earth
And worshiped and said what does my lord say to the servant of my of his? And the commander of the lord's army said to joshua take off your sandals from your feet
For the place where you are standing is holy and joshua did so Joshua started off as the general of the army and now he's lieutenant general because the real general of the army the pre -incarnate jesus shows up And there's amazement and there's wonder
And so this happens regularly in scripture god shows himself you realize who he is and then you respond with fear
Well, does it end there? We've seen the template of god calling people. He reveals himself.
There's a response and now here comes the reassurance the reassurance of the messiah's sovereign authority verse 10a
And so also were james and john Sons of zebedee who are partners with simon and jesus said to simon do not be afraid verse nine
Get away from me verse 10 prayer not answered Do you see it?
Go away from me. There's some prayers that aren't going to be answered including this one Jesus isn't going to go away and he says don't be afraid
Now think about it. Is there a reason to be afraid? Yes Is that a good response yes
We have the transcendent god the holy One of israel. There is a reason to be afraid but god isn't a god of holiness
Righteousness justice only he is all those things But we know because we've already seen jesus tenderly at simon's
House with his mother -in -law healing we've seen jesus Kindly and gently dealing with the people who are riddled with demons and so god is holy and transcendent that is true
But he's also a god of love and a god of goodness and a god of kindness And he says don't be afraid
If you've seen who god is in his holiness And you've realized the depths of your sin
You're no longer comparing yourself to other people you realize before god. He sees me He knows me
He knows everything about me even before I talk And you respond with that's frightening to know that anybody would know me like that let alone god and I have to report to him
On judgment day, but then god says don't worry Don't be afraid. I mean jesus was sent to save people wasn't that true in luke chapter 19 to seek and save the lost
Jesus is one to be the mediator to step between god as it were put his hand on god the father
And put his hand on us and to be the arbiter or the umpire or the mediator Between god and man the man christ jesus.
He's come to save he's come to rescue And so he says don't be afraid i've come for you
What do you think peter's response would be to that what's the reaction when you see god you recognize who you are and you're reassured by god
Well, we see the fourth part of the template and that is The commissioning or the responsibility in verses 10 b and 11
Jesus said to simon don't be afraid from now on you'll be catching men And when they had brought their boats to land they left everything and followed him
You're going to be catching men You're going to be fishers of men You're going to be catching men
Why would men need to be caught? Do you know unbelievers are caught by satan to do his will
That's exactly the same language in second timothy chapter two That they the unbelievers may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil having been held captive Alive by capture to do his will
And now jesus is sending peter to do a rescue mission Did not jesus say in luke chapter 4 that he's come to preach the gospel to the poor and he sent me to proclaim release to the captives
Yes And what did they do?
They had so much fish this is going to last a long time And so they went to the market to sell all the fish. I mean the two boats were overflowing the fish
They just left it all they just walked away Here this friends of sinners this friend of sinners has caught me and now he's commissioned me
Do you know dear congregation? Can't you see it? This is exactly what happened in your life if you're a christian
By looking at the scriptures by hearing a sermon by listening to something online
You began to say Jesus is more than a man. He's a man, but he's more than man
He's the god man and this god man is the creator of the universe and he knows me
And he's made me And I understand How holy is because I see his law and I realize
I've fallen short of the law and i'm a sinner and i'm convicted And I know he's the god man
And i'm afraid And then haven't you received the comforting balm of assurance?
That whoever comes to me i'll never cast out God so loved the world. He gave his only begotten son
Haven't you then got that assurance that if you're trusting in christ? Jesus you have a mediator and you'll be saved to the very end, of course
And if that's the case and it is the case if you're a christian, what's your response? What's the response to the commission?
What's your response just i'm glad i've got myself saved and i've got my hell insurance and now
I need to go live my life That can't be the response. The response is god's sovereign over you.
He showed himself to you Not everybody. He's shown himself this way particularly And now you respond with fear and then there's reassurance.
You're his child. You'll always be his child He demonstrates his love toward us that while we were sinners christ died for us and then you say but i'm not going to serve him
I'm, not going to go That's not the right response and for many of you I watch you in your lives and you think
I will do anything for the lord out of gratitude This is the guilt grace gratitude paradigm guilty in an adam
Graced in christ. Jesus the last adam and now out of gratitude you send me anywhere. I'll go anywhere
You're sovereign over me. You're the holy one. You could have sent me to perdition
But you didn't It doesn't mean you have to go be a pastor or a pastor's wife
It doesn't mean you have to go be a missionary or a missionary's wife although we probably should have more of those here in the congregation, but it does mean
I will use my life as A mother as a brother as a sister as a father working in secular world as a an offering to you
And you say well i'm struggling with that part Then go back to the first part of how god is and how holy is and work your way through this template again
Some of the most famous passages in all the bible Certainly are genesis 1 and 2 Chapter 3 the fall chapter 11 the tower of babel the abrahamic covenant chapters 12 and 15 and 17 and 21 certainly the
Passover in chapter 12 of exodus But what about this? You see it in the life of peter.
I hope you see it in your own life. How about this one? In the year that king uzziah died
I saw the lord sitting on the throne high and lifted up and the train of his robe filled the temple And above him stood the seraphim each had six wings
With two he covered his face with two he covered his feet with two he flew and one called to another and said
Holy holy holy is the lord god of hosts. The whole earth is full of his glory
And the foundations of the threshold shook of the with the voice of him who called the house was filled with smoke and I said
Woe is me I'm like peter depart from me. I'm lost I'm a man of unclean lips and I do all in the midst of a people of unclean lips
For my eyes have seen the king the lord of hosts. Do you see it? God shows himself to isaiah.
Isaiah realizes who he is What do you think's coming next? Judgment here comes the death angel and one of the seraphim flew to me
Having in his hand a burning coal that he had taken from the tongs of the altar and then obliterated me
And he touched my mouth and said behold. This has touched your lips Your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for Forgiven.
Do you see it? He shows himself you respond with fear. Here comes the assurance
What do you think is next? If you've been saved by grace and grace alone, you have heaven for your home
Jesus is your savior forgiveness of sins A sovereign god who works everything together for your good on earth.
How do you respond? Just leave that alone christianity. Leave the commission alone.
Leave evangelism alone. Leave ministry in the church alone I don't want any of that. Of course not.
What was isaiah's response? I heard the voice of the lord saying whom shall I send and who will go for us?
And then I said here I am send me This is the paradigm for how god calls people
I'm going to make you fishers of men matthew says When you fish and let your catch and release
I never could figure those people out. I guess they just don't like cleaning fish You catch a fish it's alive and then you kill it need it.
Well now you're going to go fish after people And they're dead spiritually and through the gospel they become alive
I don't know if you realize this but when you study the old testament fishing metaphors are all about judgment
Fishing figures of speech are about judgment whether it's habakkuk or jeremiah or ezekiel 29, which i'll read now
I shall put hooks in your jaws And shall make the fish of your rivers cling to your scales And I shall bring you up out of the midst of your rivers and all the fish of your rivers will cling to your scales
And I will abandon you to the wilderness you and all the fish of your rivers You will fall on the open field and will not be brought together or gathered
I've given you for food to the beast of the earth and the birds of the sky Judgment judgment judgment when it talks about nations and fishing and hooks and snares
And now what does jesus do because of the work and person of the lord jesus? This is a way not to be judged but to avoid judgment
Like I said at the beginning I'd like to start fishing with amos I used to do a lot of fishing when
I was a kid, but we got kind of bored with fishing so we'd do different things and we would Sometimes hook up to gavin points gavin's point dam on the missouri river and we would snag paddlefish
Paddlefish don't eat bait They just kind of open their mouth and kind of just get the moss and other little particles
And so you have to put a big treble hook With a big weight short rod and you let the hook go all the way to the bottom and you just yank like this
And then you hit it and reel it in Sometimes we would put a zebco 808 reel on a bow
And we tie it to an arrow and then you would shoot fish with an arrow because that was Easier than just throwing something in a line
Here now we're fishing for men though We're fishing for men. You're fishing for men
Stephen wright said there's a fine line between fishing and standing on the shore looking like an idiot boston comedian
How do we fish you ever think about it, how do we fish for men? Not just the disciples are called to fish them in we're all called to fish for men
And by the way, you've seen the holiness of god. You've responded and now you're thinking. Okay, i've been reassured
So what's my responsibility in life? To be a hard worker to love god love neighbor certainly but to be an evangelist
You say well, I don't have a fishing license to be a good evangelist really Jesus said all authority has been given to me in earth and heaven go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit Teaching them to observe all that i've commanded and lo
I am with you always even to the end of the age You don't need a license you just need a command
I'll say oh i'm not i'm usually not led to evangelize Really? The illustration
I always use is kim and I would say to the kids They're 10 years old five minute room pickup five minutes and we have people coming over And you walk back in the room five minutes later.
Excuse me. I don't see one toy picked up Daddy and mommy we weren't led Your laugh is one of conviction
Well, I don't have a license here's a good question when you think about fishing for men and evangelizing what kind of bait do you use
My worst bait that we would use is like we'd have to use salamanders that were alive or crawdads that were alive
And you have to take that hook and jam it into this creature, you know that has a living soul I mean,
I like like rotten chicken liver better. I just didn't like the smell but it was easier to hook
We have been taught and so just to remind you dear fisher men and women The wrong bait is come to jesus and everything will be better Come to the lord.
Jesus. Your marriage will be fixed Come to lord. Jesus. Your children will all fall in line come to the lord.
Jesus. You'll be physically healed financially healed Sometimes it's the exact opposite because sometimes the sword of judgment splits families.
It doesn't bring them together We evangelize because we want god's glory shown in his honor
Therefore we evangelize the way we're taught to because the sovereign authority jesus has says this is how you evangelize
You give people the law of god to show them that they need a savior And then you talk about the savior the lord. Jesus the messiah truly god truly man who lived on this earth as a perfect man
Obeying god and everything dying on the cross for sinners sins and being raised from the dead and the response to that good news is dear unbeliever believe trust
I think the other thing that You have to do and this is one that's difficult, but lord can help us
If you're going to fish you have to love to fish If you're going to evangelize you're going to have to love people
Because they're very difficult to deal with Gary apple said give a man a fish and you feed him for a day
Teach a man to fish and you get rid of him on weekends Fishermen love to fish.
That's all they talk about is fishing fishing fishing I know there are several of you that when I talk to you, you regularly tell me about your evangelistic outreach
Maybe it's lunch at work. Maybe it's down in the commons other place and I can tell you just love to fish
What a joy it is to go tell people about the lord because I don't have to tell any weird fish stories
I don't have to after I evangelize say well, you know what I didn't lead them to the lord and i'm I'm, just a failure
I don't have to brag about something that I did or anything else. I just have to say by god's grace I got to tell somebody about who he is about his holiness and his law
And I didn't close the deal because there's no deal to be close I just told him about jesus and I entreated them and I begged them to believe in the lord.
Jesus christ We don't need to put tick marks on our bible saying these are all the big fish that we caught
The text is clear Let a wise man boast of his let not a wise man boast of his wisdom And let not the mighty man boast of his might let not a rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts
Boast of this that he understands and knows me that I am the lord who exercises loving kindness justice and righteousness on earth for I delight in these things declares the lord
My guess is Sometime this week you're going to have a perfect opportunity to evangelize someone to tell them the good news
How do I know that because oftentimes when you read the scripture then the lord gives you an opportunity to do something about it
And so when that opportunity comes May you put a smile on your face And talk about the lord.
Jesus This was not the first time
Excuse me. This was not the last time Where jesus was going to reroute? all the fish
Does this sound familiar to you when it comes to the lord? Jesus? He's been crucified.
He's been raised Simon peter doesn't know what to do and he said i'm going fishing
They said to him we'll go with you and they got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing
Just as day was breaking jesus stood on the shore yet The disciples did not know that it was jesus. Jesus said to them children.
Do you have any fish? They answered him. No Cast the net on the right side of the boat and you'll find some
So they cast it and now they were not able to haul it in because of the quantity of fish That disciple whom jesus loved therefore said to peter
It is the lord and when peter heard that it was the lord he put on his outer garment for he was stripped for his work
Threw himself into the sea and the other disciples came in the boat dragging the net full of fish But they were not far from land, but about a hundred yards off Jesus is sovereign over The sea and he can see into the sea and reroute fish and he can see into the hearts of people
Like peter like james like john like you and like me and in light of that My final question is this that'll do
I love that sound is there any thing?
That you wouldn't do for the lord knowing that he saved you pray. Thank you father for this word
I stand convicted with these dear saints Would you help our faith to increase?
Would you help our thankful hearts to increase? Would you help our complaining spirits?
To be silent And I pray lord that you would raise up such an army of men and women in this church
That we'd affect the globe And in your sovereignty if it's not the globe it would be west boylston
In lemonster and fitchburg and other places We all don't have to go, but we all have to catch fish