Matt Slick Live, 8/10/2023, 877-207-2276



Matt Slick Live, 8/10/2023, 877-207-2276


Hey everybody, welcome to the show, it's me Matt Slick Mr. Matt Slick live if you want you can give me a call and all you have to do is dial eight seven seven two zero seven two two
Seven six it's easy last four digits spell C a R M on your phone or any dial like as you'd say if you want to just type that in You can do that eight seven seven two zero seven two two
Seven six. All right, and we don't have any waiting right now. So, you know, you can call me if you want
Also, one of the options is you can Email me and you can email me at info at calm dot -org info at C a
R M dot o RG and There we go, let's see, so I'm looking at some of the emails right now, they got radio questions and stuff like that So, there you go
All right Simple well, that was easy. Hey Oh, and by the way, if you want to watch you join us and join a bunch of people
Who are in the chat area in the chat room and stuff? You can go to rumble .com forward slash
Matt Slick live and that should get you right in there So last night that's not
I was on I Was on let's see. I was on Clubhouse And I do a
Wednesday night thing at 9 p .m. Eastern Time do over a couple of hours where I just answer questions and This this atheist guy comes in the room and another atheist guy.
He was really nice I mean, no problem. We had a great time talking this one kid comes in demanding pushy and Spoke very quickly and then trying to force answers out of me very rapidly
And I said slow down slow down and he continued to over talk as a slow down then he started insulting me and then he said he was going to attack my wife and Man, and so he got pretty quickly and I tried to find out how to ban him or report him
I couldn't figure it out, you know, you and righteously reminded me. Hey, I did it
I don't try to do it, but I couldn't figure it out So anyway, that's what it is and we have a prayer ministry also run by joy
And if you want to you can email us a prayer request a prayer at carm .org prayer at carm org, you know if you've got an issue, you know, and you just need prayer and maybe even someone to talk to you because they're
Pretty good there. Do what does a good job at that and she runs the during the radio show? She supervises the clubhouse that he did last night to does a good job and Charlie He's helping out in the room and we've got people let's see in the rumble area and There you go.
All right. Hey having said all that why don't you give me a call eight seven seven two zero seven two
Two seven six. I think what I'm gonna do is get to Some of the calls to the
Congress and callers coming in but let me get to an email here This is a good one I used to listen to Hank Canegraaff often and I'm not asking to judge his heart
But his full acceptance of Ethan or Eastern Orthodoxy has this placed him into a false religion.
Yes, it has He seemed to have a fault all of our guests. That's true. Yeah, it's true and Can't trust
Hank Canegraaff. I've met the guy and I used to do volunteer work at CRI when it was in Southern, California And it was interesting and got to meet him.
Not a big deal and I know stuff I won't say with radio and I've had some connections with people on the inside over there when dr.
Walter Martin died and he took over and I've got information from both sides and Stuff and I'm not surprised that he went to East Orthodoxy and that is definitely a sign of apostasy that East Orthodox Church teaches false doctrine when it comes to Soteriology the doctrine of Salvation he's a false teacher there because it's a false religion
All right. Hey, we have four open lines. You want to give me a call? It's seven seven two zero seven two two seven six
Let's get to Nelson from Mexico and Nelson welcome. You're on the air.
God bless man. Where are you in Mexico? You see a lot? Okay Good Mm -hmm
No, you know, it's not true. In fact,
I might be talking about this tonight in the Bible study and I'm teaching In Romans 9 24, it says you guys he called people not only from the
Jews But also from the Gentiles and he says I call those my people who are not my people. Okay goes on and he says
It within in verse 30 the Gentiles who did not pursue righteousness
Attained righteousness, even though righteousness is by faith, but Israel Pursuing a law of righteousness did not arrive at that law
Why because they did not pursue it by faith, but as though it were by works they Stumbled over the stumbling stone.
So Paul is condemning them. He's saying look, you know They rejected the Messiah and are seeking to be justified by the law.
They don't have it So the one this guy is is, you know, he's it's a cult anyway, and he's just teaching false doctrine
Okay Good Then I would at that point when
I give him the truth and he doesn't receive it I'd say well, by the way, let me ask you let me ask you so what do you do to to keep yourself right with God because it's a cult and Cults always have works had to do just you know find out you know what it is
And then just put the weight of the law on him. Oh, so you do this this and this I often will take notes from an individual that I'm talking to you know
See, I got my fingers on that on my keyboard What you know what things you have to do in order to keep yourself right with God and say what you know?
Well, you got to believe okay And what else can't see movies or what you can or you can't lie you have to do this or have to do that What is it and then give me a list?
And so I said are you doing these things and then I asked him are you doing them on the same level as Jesus? because he's the standard of righteousness and And Then what they say well,
I'm trying well, you're not doing it and if they say yeah, they're good enough that way Then you're just being arrogant So, but you know, that's one of the follow -up things.
I'll do with them. Yeah Okay Yeah, yeah, yeah,
I would gladly have a public debate against him on that Because it originally we just the original languages if anything support it and And You know
James White and he or friends James White say a Calvinist they've had friendly discussions I would be glad to debate him.
I would be glad to say well, let's take a look, you know And see so the issue is what is the script the scripture say, you know, and you know, one of the things
I'll do Questions to 14 And where it talks about Jesus having cancer forgiveness all of our transgressions having canceled up the certificate of debt
And I said, what is that certificate of debt you may go through it so it could only be two things Either the law or the sin
Sin debt and if it's the law that's canceled then you can't have sin because Romans 5 13 and Romans 5 14,
I think it is or by 15. Let me check Always learning new verses and stuff Yeah, Romans 4 15
Says that when there is no law there is no sin So if the law has been fulfilled and canceled
Removed and there can't be any sin against anybody if they say it's a sin debt that I'm gonna ask them then
Is it's in debt paid for everybody? Well, yes, then how can they go to hell? They don't believe but that's a sin and doesn't matter because there's what they want to do is say well, it's all sin except for this one, but they play games with logic in the text don't make it so You know, it's
I think that is have a discussion with him I've talked to him before he's a good guy, you know, okay
All right Well, God bless. All right Now, let me get this job.
I'm reading something in the text of Clubhouse Clark says
Matt should stop debating lower -tier people of other camps like the monarchism guy.
He was a train wreck And it was a train wreck for that guy, um,
I still can't get over the last night. I hope everyone reported him Yeah, he was bad. He was that's right. Okay, let's We are two open lines.
If you want to give me a call eight seven seven Two zero seven two two seven six.
Let's see. It's crystal from Utah crystal. Welcome You're on the air
Sure Of course oh well
I'm glad you're the one talking to her. Not me because you'd say something much better than I would
And I can tell you're not telling your tone that you know, it's just a strain on you it's stressful and and there's emotion involved and you know, you're hoping and that's a good thing, but You're doing fine.
Okay, just love her and and You know, don't be too pushy
Because you know how it is mom and dad can say the same thing The neighbor says they'll listen to the neighbor but not mom and dad so you got to just you know be patient and and moms have that way of being just so good and supportive and Touching the heart and everything.
So I am sure you're gonna do a great job That's good, yeah
Yeah Just trust God And move. Yeah Okay Well, thank you and praise
God and you know, I hope it goes well and let us know We don't just give a feedback to you know, sometimes they call up There's those going on because and people will pray for her too, you know
So your name's crystal and we'll just say everybody pray for crystals daughter. Okay You're welcome so much.
God bless Okay Okay Okay All right.
Hey, if you want to give me a call eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six and thanks to Marsha Marsha Marsha for the $10 rent and Rumble and what that is.
Hold on a sec What that is is people can donate they often do that You know like to show them to write this live they can just don't hate it and stuff like that We appreciate that which by the way, if you want to support the ministry, please consider supporting us at carm
Carm that work forward slash donate and we would really like it We'd really appreciate it and you know, I was talking about thinking about today and the number 25 came in my mind
I don't know why but $25 that's what we would ask on a monthly basis not too much not too little but it's just enough
Would you please consider that carm that org forward slash donate and we'll be right back after these messages 800 772 or visit ssa .gov
ssikids To learn how to apply today That's ssa .gov
ssikids It's real help for the children It's Matt Slick Live!
Taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276. Here's Matt Slick.
Alright, welcome back to the show. Thanks for listening. If you want to give me a call, all you got to do is dial 877 -207 -2276.
And let's get to Grant from Utah. Grant, welcome. You're on the air. How you doing, sir?
Doing alright. Hanging in there. What do you got? Alright, I got a question about 1
John 2 .19, I think it was. Okay. Talking about if they were one of us, they would have stayed.
Yeah. And then with the verse, talking about if they were one of us, well,
I'm sorry, the natural man that cannot come to God. 1 Corinthians 2 .14.
Yep. Yeah. And then you hear about ministers or pastors leaving the church after 30 years.
How does that work? Help me understand that. Well, sure.
Okay. So there can be people who have a false conversion.
Like, for example, think of the heretics who teach false doctrine in public, like Joyce Meyer.
Yeah. And she taught, not that I'm aware of, she's never repented of teaching damnable heresy, denying the sufficiency of the atoning sacrifice.
Alright. So hopefully she's repented of that, but I've not heard of it. If anybody knows, if she has, then let me know, because she said that there's no salvation without believing that Jesus went to hell and finished the atonement there.
And that's heresy. That's damnable heresy. Right. Okay. So I'm going to work from this, use her as an example.
She would be non -regenerate. She would be a person who thinks they're regenerate and in the place of power and authority, etc.
And so they stay in that. There could be that, and then she'll find out on the
Day of Judgment she's in a lot of trouble. There are pastors who are actually atheists right now.
There's a few. And I've heard about them. There's an article written about them. And they can't say that they're atheists because they'll lose their job.
And that's the only thing they know to do. And so there's that. Now, in between, we can have people who think they're saved, who keep their salvation.
They think they keep their salvation by being good. You know, they don't go to bad movies. And they say, well,
I've not committed adultery, so therefore I'm going to stay saved. So their compliance with the law is the means by which they're justified.
That's a sign of no regeneration. And so in such cases, a lot of times those who are not regenerate in that respect, what they'll do is gradually get tired of their law -keeping, their self -righteousness, their pride, their arrogance.
It weighs upon them. And they start having doubts. And they lose their faith.
But it wasn't an ultimately true faith. It was a faith that they had in an idea without being regenerated.
And they're gone. And so you can have that. You can also have people who are not covenantally faithful.
And that's a little bit further out there theologically as far as the options go. Where someone, like a
Jew, could be covenantally consistent but not be saved at the same time and then leave because of that kind of a thing.
It's similar to the last scenario I gave with a non -Jew. Someone's keeping a lot of what they do. Okay? So there's options.
All right? Okay. Okay. Can people still get saved from them?
I didn't understand. They get saved from them? Is that what you said? Yeah. Of course. Absolutely.
Yeah, let's say that an atheist pastor gets up and he's just got to do this because people have been asking him to do it.
And let's say he gives the salvation message. The power of the message is not in him.
The power of the message is in the truth conveyed whether he believes it or not. And so absolutely people can be saved.
And we have to make sure that we don't commit what's called the genetic fallacy. Well, that atheist pastor, false pastor preached the gospel so people can't get saved with him.
No, it's not true. Okay? Right. Right. Okay. All right. I was just wondering about those two verses.
Sure. You know. Yeah. I have questions on a lot of things, but I slowly want to put it together so I can have a good point forward.
Do you believe that people can lose their salvation? Only if they're not fully, you know, a false witness.
Well, okay, if they're really saved, truly really saved, can they lose their salvation?
If they're truly saved, they cannot lose their salvation. Good. Good for you. All right. Good for you.
All right. Okay. And, you know, I appreciate your help, man.
Thank you. God bless and praise the Lord. No problem, man. God bless, buddy.
All right. Okay. That was Grant from Utah. And now what we're going to do is get to Eric from Charlotte, North Carolina.
Eric, welcome. You're on the air. All right. Thank you, brother,
Matt. Can you hear me clearly enough? Yes, I can. All right.
Great. Calls on. There's a lot of road noise. But anyway, I'm wondering how you respond to the skeptic, the scoffer, the atheist who do
Psalm 137 verse 8. I guess you could read, not verse 8, verse 8 and 9, but especially verse 9.
You say that we are advocating violence against babies and to try to squelch among things our defense of the unborn and against abortion and all of that.
So how do you respond to that? What do you say? Well, first of all, let's read it so people can hear what it says.
I'll read verses 8 and 9 out of Psalm 137. O daughter of Babylon, you devastated one. How blessed will be the one who repays you with a recompense with which you have repaid us.
How blessed be the one who seizes and dashes your little ones against the rock. And so this is what's called an imprecatory
Psalm. An imprecatory Psalm deals with wishing harm upon others.
And it's a tough one. I mean, it is. But there's ways to look at it. And we'll do that.
I'll examine it. One of the things about it is that it doesn't say that it actually happened.
Okay. So the fact that God allowed people their sinful desires and he worked within their culture to permit all kinds of bad things.
That's one of the things that's going there. You know, a knife for a knife, a tooth for a tooth. And the psalmist, the psalmist is speaking in such a way that he wants the, because it says even before then, remember in verse seven, remember,
O Lord, against the sons of Edom, the day of Jerusalem, who said, raise it, raise it. That's R -A -Z -E, which means to destroy, raise it to its foundation.
So he's responding. The psalmist is responding with a very strong invective.
So two things. One, if the, two things. Okay. This is what
I do with the atheists. I say, is it morally wrong to do? If they say yes, then
I'm going to jump on them and say, then what's the universal moral standard you have?
They don't have it. And then they have to go to what's called an internal critique. And that's what we'll go to here.
And after the break, we got a break coming up. So hold on. Okay. And we'll get back to this. So, hey folks, we'd write back after these messages.
We have three open lines. If you want to give me a call, 877 -207 -2276.
We'll be right back. We all make promises big and small tested over time and distance tried by circumstances and decisions.
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The National Forest. It's Matt Slick live taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. All right, everybody. Welcome back to the show. If you want to give me a call, you can 877 -207 -2276.
All right. Let's get back to Eric from Charlotte. Are you there? I am here.
Okay. So the basic response on an internal critique is that they have to go in and analyze the text.
What I tell them is that nowhere does it say that God approved of what the psalmist was wishing.
Nor where does it say that it was carried out either. So what is actually the case is that the psalmist is wishing a curse upon the people, the same retribution upon them that they received at the hands of the
Babylonians. So he's just wishing a curse on them. And, you know, in the
Christian context, we wouldn't wish that. But this is what's recorded. And what he's doing is wanting recompense.
He's wanting, this is what you do. This is what you're going to get back. I made it happen to you. And that's what he's saying.
So right or wrong, that's what it is. Okay. Yeah. I thank you so much.
That's pretty much how I like the way you put it there. My response is one of that.
He's not saying the psalmist is not saying that he's or the Jewish people are going to do that.
He's saying those who are going to come after you. They're the ones who are going to be happy to do that to your children.
And so it is obviously a gross twist by those who obviously don't know the Lord and don't know the word of God.
Because the psalmist is saying that the Jews are going to do it. He was saying those who are going to do that to you didn't.
But this is also part of the just thing that you deserve.
You're getting paid back what you've done. And so I appreciate you sharing it that way.
Go ahead. Yeah, that's what it is. And a lot of people forget that the Bible in the Old Testament, it's a lot of history.
There's a lot of bloodshed. There's a lot of bad stuff going on. And the psalmist is whoever it is.
We don't know who because there are many authors of the Psalms. But he was wishing retribution upon the people who did the very thing to Israel and the horrific thing that they did.
This is maybe done to you. But that's what he's doing. And it may not be the case that he's actually wishing that specific thing because in the
Jewish mind, it could be. But in the Jewish mind, they would speak in such ways that a curse for a curse, an eye for an eye, and just speaking that way.
And it means you lose an eye over this as you have done to us. And it may not be that they're actually wishing that it happened, but that they get what's coming to them.
Okay. Yes. One thing people fail to understand is that death is not an easy thing to perform, to accomplish.
And God did a forceful thing. Life is in the hand of the
Lord. It's appointed of men to die. And God may just take your breath away, or he may allow an accident to occur, or he may allow someone to take your life.
And there's no easy way, but there's no way in the world of scripture is saying that God was encouraging the
Jews to throw babies down. I mean, of course they had to destroy certain patients, but I'm sure that whatever they did, they did it in the quickest way possible.
And it's a bloody thing for life to be taken, but sometimes God requires life to be taken and he does it through the hands of men.
And so, but I thank you so much. Go ahead. I thank you so much, my dear brother. You got other callers and I'll save my next question for another day.
All right, brother. Thanks a lot, man. God bless. All right. God bless you too, brother, man.
Okay. Well, that was Eric from Charlotte, North Carolina. We have four open lines. If you want to give me a call, 877 -207 -2276.
Let's get to Shannon from Charlotte, North Carolina. Shannon, welcome. You're on the air.
Shannon. Hello, Shannon. Yeah. Shannon, are you there?
Well, you know what, folks? If you want, you can give me a call, 877 -207 -2276.
I want to hear from you. Give me a call. And just kind of stalling with her and hopefully maybe she can fix the phone.
I'll leave it open while I do some email questions. We've got some of those. Let's see.
Okay. Yeah, that's right. Okay. That one I've already answered about Hank Hancock.
If it's really too bad that he went into Eastern Orthodoxy, it really is. You know,
I was talking to Roman Catholic and an Eastern Orthodox people in the past couple of weeks.
I talk and do impromptu debates. And it's really amazing to me to see how people, and I talked to my wife about it, to see how people just refuse scripture, just refuse to believe what it says.
And, you know, I've known that for years, of course, but lately it's really starting to intrigue me when something is so clearly taught, it's right there, and then they just refuse it.
And I'll repeat things to them. I remember once I was talking to a guy about what a certain verse actually said.
You know, it was Colossians 2 .14 where Jesus nailed the certificate of death to the cross. It was finished at the cross, canceled at the cross.
And it literally took 20 minutes for him to finally admit what the text said.
And it was really interesting because he did not want it to support my theology because he hated my theology.
And he wanted his theology to be true. And he refused to just acknowledge what the actual wording was.
And it took 20 minutes before he finally did. And I asked him, I said, why would it do that? You should just, if your theology is so good, shouldn't it just agree with scripture right from the beginning?
Why do you have to deny what it says? Why does it take 20 minutes to get you to admit what the text actually even says?
And it's interesting that as I look at people in cults and I see them behave this way, I get it.
But Christians do it too. They get so loyal to an ideology that they submit the scriptures to that ideology.
And that's idolatrous. They should be careful. Let's get to Ricky from Virginia. Hey, Ricky, welcome here on the air.
Hello, Matt. Hey, how are we doing, man? You there? Okay. Okay, good. Yes, I am.
Matt, I appreciate your ministry. Listen to you as often as I can. And I really appreciate the work that you do.
Praise God. I do have a question that pertains to the book of John, chapter 10, verse 34.
It says, Jesus answered them, is it not written in your law?
I said, ye are gods. Now the NASB in the 1995 version, it has a capital
G for gods. All the other modern versions has a small G.
I just wanted to call and see what your take is on it. The reason the NASB, I'm looking at that exact version, that's my standard version
I use. It says, I said, you are gods are all in the cap, which means it's a quote from the
Old Testament. Okay. Oh, okay. Okay. It's a quote from Psalm 82.
Yeah, that kind of threw me off. That's all right. Right, right. And even in the Psalms, when I pull that up, it's a small
G. Well, yeah, but. And not a capital G. Okay.
Okay. So generally you don't want to pay attention to caps and not caps when you have a question like that, because in the
Greek it's not there. Okay. It just doesn't exist. Oh, okay. Yeah. So like I'm looking at the
Greek, you know, and it says, you know, it's just the letter for the capital
T. It's not a capital T. It's just, you know, God's. That's it.
And so what we do in English, what they'll do in English is if it's referencing God, like in verse 36, he says, are you upset with me?
Because I said, I am the son of God. And the word God there is capitalized, but it's the same word.
Okay. So. Oh, okay. All right. Well, interesting.
I think it might be. Anyway. So that's all it is.
And you should quote from Psalm 82, six. That's all it is. And it's an imprecatory song. Right. You know, he says, because the unrighteous judges were, were having the power of life and death.
They were, you know, there. And then, so what Jesus is doing is quoting that as a mockery against and judgment against the
Jews at that place were condemning him. Okay. Yeah.
And it says in the next verse, chapter 35, it says, if, if he called them
God's with a Lord G until then the word of God, capital G came in the scriptures cannot be broken.
I was just curious because like I say, the NASV is the only one that capitalized
God's in that verse, even in Psalms as you know, capital
G, all the other modern versions has it in a small G in which exact verse
John chapter 10, verse 34, 34. Okay. I'll check it out during the break. You want to hold on? I'll look at different versions.
Okay. Yes, sir. All right. Hey folks, we right back after these messages, we have four open lines. If you want to give me a call, 8 7 7 2 0 7 2 2 7 6.
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Here's Matt Slick. Hey everybody. Welcome to the show. Welcome back. If you want to give me a call, 877 -207 -2276.
Ricky, are you still there? Yes, sir. I am. All right. So I looked at some, uh, other translations and, uh, you know, make sure
I'm following you correctly. Uh, it says in verse, oh, verse 34, the wrong one, but, uh, it says you are gods.
And, uh, so all the other translations don't have it capitalized.
Is that what you're saying? Right. Yeah. Because the reason it's real simple reason, because in the
NASB, they capitalize a quote from the old Testament. They just, it's all in caps.
That's a designation. Hey, that's from the old Testament. Here's exact quote. That's what it is. Okay. Um, I was,
I thought that the verse in Psalms referred to when they mentioned, uh, he, our
God is the fact that back then, all of those who were in, uh, administering law like judges and punishment for laws was referred to as God with a
Lord gene. Okay. You're understanding. You're understanding. Okay. If there was a quote in the old
Testament and he walked by the water. Okay. And something like that, they quoted in the new
Testament. Then he walked by the water would all be in caps because it's, it's just, it's just the way the
NASB 95 does it. It just puts old Testament, uh, quotes. It just puts them all in caps.
That's all it does. That's, that's all that's going on. That's why the whole word. So I said, you're God's or you,
I said, you are God's. I is capital. The word said is capital. You is capital. R is capital.
God's is capital. All of it is just capitals because it's a quote in the old Testament. That's just how they do that.
Okay. All right. Well, thank you. Thank you, man. Sure. No problem, man.
All right. Okay, brother. Okay. God bless. All right. Now let's get to Sharice from Charlotte, North Carolina.
Sharice, welcome. You're on the air. Are you there? Sharice, Sharice, Sharice, I think her name is.
Hi, welcome. You're on the air. Yes. Yes. Um, my question is, what would you tell a person that says once they always say, and I know that being is what separates us from God.
Well, I believe that we're once we're saved, we're always saved. I believe we're always saved.
Once we're saved, we cannot lose it. That's my opinion. Do you think we can lose salvation?
Well, do you think we can lose it? No, I don't think we can lose it, but I know that it can break your relationship.
Oh, sure. It can affect it. It can surely make it, uh, you know, uh, troublesome, but God will never leave us or forsake us.
Okay. Right. Yeah. And so for example, there's a
Greek construction, uh, John six 39 for all of the father gives me, it will come to me. And the one who comes to me,
I certainly will not cast out. I will certainly not cast out in the Greek. It's who may it's two words and it's an emphatic form.
It's called, uh, emphatic negation subjunctive. And it means it's like saying no, not even any way, no way.
It's like saying that. So he says, you'll no way cast him out ever.
Okay. John six, six and 35. And John six 35, it says that too.
I'm the bread of life who comes to, uh, who he who comes to me will not hunger.
It says, and that's who may will never, ever, ever hunger. And he who believes in me will never.
That's number 30. That's who may also never, ever, ever not going to happen. Not even possible.
That's what he's saying. It's a very strict Greek construction to designate an absolute.
Okay. Are you there? Okay. All right. Yes. I'm here.
Can you hear me? Oh yeah. Yeah, but you're right. Sin can affect our relationship with God. And he, you know, would be patient with us, hoping they'll repent.
And then, uh, if we don't, sometimes he disciplines us. And, uh, I've been disciplined, let's say more than once.
And one time very significantly. And praise God. My youthful exuberance of stupidity after I walked with Christ.
And so, uh, he's just never going to leave us or forsake us. It's just not going to happen.
Okay. Are you there? You have any questions about that? Yes.
Thank you. Okay. Okay. Well, then good. All right. Well, God bless. Okay.
You be blessed as well. Okay. Thank you. All right. You know, I think because we had no callers waiting right now, if you want to call me 8772072276, you know, a lot of people teach that you could lose your salvation.
And my position is that you cannot. Now think about this. If God has really redeemed you, then he's indwelling you.
That means he's regenerated you. Is it possible for you to undo the work of God?
Is it possible for you to rebel against him and then lose your salvation?
Well, that's a problem because let's think about this. If you lost your salvation, then that would mean that all of your sins were not forgiven because if a person hypothetically got saved at 30 and then became a non -Christian at 50, hypothetically,
I don't believe it's possible, but hypothetically, then those sins afterwards are not forgiven.
Well, but, but wait a minute. How could he have been saved in the first place if all of his sins were not forgiven?
Even the future ones. Well, then the common response is, well, you see, he's only saved, the sins are only paid for up to the point of, of believing.
And then the rest of them, he's got to confess. He's got to maintain his position and it becomes heresy to say, to teach this.
There's, you know, we can get into quite a bit of, of logic problems with this, this position, but no,
Jesus said he'll never lose any people. Well, we can lose ourselves, but it's not what the issue is between, it's between the father and the son in John 6, 37 to 40.
It's the will of the father that Jesus lives. not that you can lose yourself. It's the, the father doesn't want
Jesus to lose any. Well, if you lose yourself, then Jesus failed. And that is a problem.
You can't have that. All right. All right. Let's let's get to Michael from Raleigh, North Carolina.
Michael, welcome here. Are you there? Hey, how are you today?
I'm doing fine. Good. Fine. So what do you got, man? Good. In terms of what's the question that was just asked.
I kind of have the same, similar question. Um, the verse that Jesus says, um,
I never knew you'd get away from me. Um, even though you've done things, even though we've done things in your name.
Yeah. Jesus says, I still never, I never knew you get away. Right. Get away from me.
Um, in terms of like someone who says they're there, you know, they believe in God, but they're just non -repentant.
Okay. Well, do you have a question or I'm not sure what, what's your question?
Uh, the question is, what do you say to someone who will proclaim God and tell you they believe in God, but they do not live a life of repentance.
Well, the Bible says in first John two, four, if you say you know him and don't keep his commandments, the truth is not in you and you're a liar.
Okay. So they're not saved. That's right. They're just lying. They're lying to themselves or lying to others.
They don't know. And so, you know, when we're saved, we're not saved by what we do and we're not kept by what we do.
But the thing is that if you're a Christian, that means you're regenerated. It means you're going to have a change of heart, a change of attitude, and you're going to war against your sin.
But if there's no change in a person who professes Christ and then lives like the devil, that he's not a
Christian, he's a self -deceived liar. Okay. Yeah, I understand.
Well, I appreciate that. Sure. Sure. Okay. Anything else? Okay. No, no,
I just, uh, I just have, you know, I have a buddy who, uh, you know, trying to help him out a little bit, but...
Well, have him call the show. Have him call the show, you know, if he's a Christian. And if he's not, you know,
I've told people before over the year, you know, I've been in radio, uh, over 20 years so far.
Um, and I've told people over the year, I've said, look, uh, you know, you don't sound like a
Christian. You don't behave like one. If you were to die right now, you'd probably go to hell. Cause I can't say for sure, but from what you're telling me, it does not look good.
You need to repent. You need to come to Christ. And sometimes that's what's needed, needed, you know, just to, uh, tell them.
Okay. Okay. All right. Well, thank you. All right, man. Well, God bless.
Have a great night. Okay. You too. All right. Well, that was Michael from Raleigh, North Carolina.
You know, I have to get out to Raleigh, North Carolina. I would have to get out there. Cause I know a lot of people hear me out there and I'd love to get out to a few churches and, and, uh, you know, it'd be fun.
I like doing this. I've done this before is, uh, go to a town and did this in Salt Lake city cause my radio shows down in Salt Lake and went to, uh, so, okay, everybody, we're going to be at a certain restaurant at a certain date and a certain time show up and people show up and it's fun and we've had a good dinners and fun like that.
It'd be fun to do something like that in Raleigh, fly out there, speak in a church or something like that. And then, you know, it's like, uh, just say that the big restaurant, we're going to say,
Hey, we're going to announce this on the radio and we don't know how many people are going to come, but Hey, you know, or we might even get a, uh, uh, you know, an
RSVP. So we know we can go in there and people can meet. Uh, it'd be fun.
It'd be fun to do something like that. I'd go out there for that. Fly out there. I'd love to speak at a church though.
I'd like to, to teach. It's a lot of fun. I get to do that in Pennsylvania in about four weeks, actually about three and a half weeks.
And I'll be teaching on the pair, uh, the Trinity as it relates to the perichoresis and also the, uh, the undefiled and absolute deity of Christ.
Two awesome topics. I'll be talking about the nature and extent of the Trinitarian communion. And what the, what the perichoresis is in the, in the person of Christ and how it relates.
But I believe that in the foundation first, and that'll prep the waters, so to speak for the next thing
I have to speak, uh, out there an hour or two later on the deity of Christ.
Oh, what a pleasure that's going to be defending Jesus. He is
God in flesh. Oh, it's so wonderful. I'm just loving it. Loving the thought of being able to do that.
One of my favorite topics to do along with the doctrine of salvation. So, um, there you go.
All right. So let's see. So anyway, I'm hoping that, uh, those of you who are listening, we only got about a minute left in the show or less.
I hope that you are secure in Jesus and that you know you're saved.
But if by chance you're having doubts in your heart because you're not as good as what you need to be, what you think you should be, but you want to, you want to be saved.
You want to be right. And you're making a lot of mistakes. Then that's a sign of being saved.
It is. Being saved doesn't mean we always have absolute victory in every area, but it does mean we struggle.
It means we fail still. And that, you know, Hebrews 13, five, God will never leave us or forsake us.
What you need to do is trust in him. Decide to rest in what
Jesus did in spite of how you may feel and in your sins, confessing to him and do your best to stop them and follow him.
And when you fail, you go back to that cross, but don't use that cross as an excuse to sin.
That's not good. There's consequences to that. May the Lord bless you. And by his grace, we're back on the air tomorrow.
And we'll put the Bible study link information up tonight on karm .org
forward slash calendar. You'll see that. God bless everybody. Talk to you later. Bye. All right.
Now you can hear me in the yard. Now what
I got to do is go over to their clubhouse and now they can hear me in the clubhouse.
All right. There we go. One of the reasons
I messed up on getting the sound of the callers in is because when
I pulled down the microphone or the speaker, which one was it? And there's so many.
There's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 options. And three of them have
LG. Three of them have speakers next to them. The word speaker. So I have to scan down to find which one, look at each one, read each one.
And sometimes I just miss it. That's what it is. All right.
There you go. Hope you guys enjoy the show. From a
Calvinist point of view, Hank H was never genuinely converted. That's what we would say, Freddie. And I know, like I said,
I know stuff about Frank and let's just say, I would think that it wouldn't surprise me.
Let's just say. Okay. Wow. My rumble was so behind. I just heard Matt say he would like to go to Raleigh.
Yeah, I would. I'd do that. If someone had a church that they, you know, I could speak at, they could fly me out.
You know, I'd go out there, spend a few days. I'd even, you know, pay for an extra day or two, say, you know, get a hotel myself or something like that.
Stay there if other people want to meet and stuff like that. And then fly back and be fun. Yeah, it'd be fun.
I'd do that. Another thing I was thinking about, I'd like to do this one. This went out to a range. If we can get someone to arrange with all the people, is for a bunch of us to fly to Denver.
Because Denver is like in the middle of the United States, pretty much. we could go maybe to, what's that town in Nebraska?
But it is, Denver is pretty, it's a major hub, and it's pretty central.
And that's another option. Just find a place there and have a meet.
You know, I don't know if people want to do something like that. I don't know if they would. I don't know. Yeah, Denver.
Denver is, yeah. And then there's Kansas, which is more, more middle. And there's
Missouri, which is middle too. But Kansas is doable. You know, like Kansas City.
Have a place in Kansas City if we do. Anyway, whatever. I'm just saying there's options. It'd be fun.
I'd like to do something like that. You vote for North Carolina because you're so close. That's right. You're welcome to my golf course any time.
You know, I golfed twice in my whole life. I did 18 holes twice.
And, once I was done, I had no interest in just,
I mean, I'd go out with somebody and they go, you want to go shoot? Shoot somebody. Fine. If you give me a handicap of about 50, then sure.
Because my goal, my goal was to get below 100 or it was 110 or something like that.
And I couldn't even make that, you know. And I actually, now I remember, my goal was to break 120 and I couldn't do it.
That's what it was. That's how bad I am at it. And the guys I were with were just having fun. Because they were, they're pretty good golfers.
And they would show me what to do and I would slice it. I'd drill it. I'd do all this stuff. I couldn't shoot. And we're, you know,
I didn't care. And we're just having fun. And I said, maybe my goal should be to get twice. What do you guys get?
Less than twice or something like that. And, at one time, there was a river that was, had been diverted and there was this drainage area and my ball went down in there.
And they said, what you do in this case is you just, you take a single, you take a penalty shot. You put your ball down here and you keep going.
I said, oh no, I'm getting down there. And I'm gonna, I'm gonna get it out of there.
So, eight strokes later, I finally got it out. We're just having a good time, you know.
It was fun. I got it out. So there you go. Oh. I once shot a 75 on the front nine.
The front nine? Was that a miniature golf? No. No, I think 72 is par for the course.
For all 18 holes. Yeah. on the front nine,
I, yeah. It's fun though. Well, I had a miniature golf once. I did 18 holes.
I got a 42 or it was a 43. I can't remember. It was just like one lucky shot after another.
It's like, how'd that get in there? You know, it's one of those. But, yeah, golf to me is like,
I got important things to do besides chase a ball that I don't know how to do. It's amazing therapy.
Yeah. If you want to get aggravated, I used to play tennis.
I like tennis. It's more, I gotta, I gotta get me a new racket. I wish I had someone to play with.
I'd have to play tennis some more. I can do that. Yeah.
So anyway. So you're having the Bible study tonight, right?
Yep. Good. All right. Just seeing if anybody's going to comment or any questions or anything and nothing's happening.
So we'll probably just kind of get going and take a break, eat.
And how about Frisbee golf? Oh, that'd be more fun. I think I played
Frisbee golf before too. And I suck at that too. But you see, stuff like that,
I don't go out to win. I just go out to have fun. That's all. And whoever wins, hey, it was great.
Okay, that's good. You know, and that's, that's fine. Tennis, I used to take seriously. I used to want to go pro in tennis, but I discovered
I didn't have the talent. That was a rude awakening. But I'm glad I found out.
Anyway, what are my thoughts on Sam? Stay away from Sam. Okay. Can't trust him.
All right. He's going off the deep end. I don't know what's wrong with him. He may have a chemical imbalance. Who knows?
But something's wrong. All right. All right.
Okay. Now, before I go, who would like to actually have a calm get together someplace?
Now, in Clubhouse and in Rumble, type yes or no.
So Charlie's saying yes. Okay. There's a yes. I want to see how many would say yes and how many would say no.
Yes, yes, yes. Look, in Rumble, they're not saying anything. Man, I think they're just, you know, that's right, preacher.
Sam snapped. Robert, yeah, you can do it or we can have a meeting over there.
Look, now we got some yeses coming in. Okay. Now, where would you, okay, let's try this one.
I'm just curious. Keep saying yes. How many would be willing to, just different options.
How many would be willing to fly to say Denver for this? How many would be willing to fly to Denver?
It's pretty much in the center of the country, but, you know, from the East coast, but actually, Kansas City is, is, is more better centralized.
As long as it's in Hawaii. now that would be fun. I would do that. Tacoma, Washington.
Oh, yeah, yeah. Look guys, come on. You guys are troublemakers. So how many would be willing to fly to Denver?
Say Denver. Yes. Denver. No. Just say that. Denver. Yes. Denver.
No. Okay. I want to see. Okay. Denver. No for Joanne.
Ernie can't even drive to his mailbox. Denver. Yes. Mr. Bill. Try to make it fair for everybody.
Denver is just a, a good, a good place. Denver. No. Denver. No.
Okay. Well then, Denver. No. Why? Wow. Okay. How about Kansas City?
It's that, oh, that's pretty much the center of the country. Okay. How about Kansas City? Say Kansas City.
No. Denver. Yes. I live in Canada.
So yeah. So Joanne says, oh, well, everybody wants, everybody wants to go out to where they are.
I'm willing to fly. Come on, you guys meet me halfway. North Carolina.
Yes. Kansas City. No. Denver. Yes. How about Kansas City? That area.
Go to a hotel. We just had a room at a hotel. Kansas City, Kansas or Kansas City, Missouri.
Oh, I don't know. That'd be tough. Because they're basically the ones big city.
But we'd figure it out. Okay. The city. No. Before. All right.
Kansas City. Yes. Mr. Bills could do it. Somewhere cool.
we should go to Hawaii. Man. I'd love to do it in Hawaii. You know, it'd also be fun.
The Bahamas. The Bahamas would be fun. Or an island off of the
Florida or at the Florida Keys. That'd be fun to go to the Florida Keys.
I've been to the keys. There's not much there, but you know, it's all fun. Okay. So. And here's a free for all.
What city would you want to go to? I want to have a car meeting in. It was on the east coast.
It's going to have to have a church out there that can like fly me out. Okay. And I do speaking.
Cause that's a big trip. For that. All right. So down for that.
What's down for what? Give me a specific. Charlotte. None of the beach locations have much appeal to me.
I grew up in Huntington beach. Well, I like the high desert. There's Bermuda and Bahama.
Come on, pretty mama. That's right. Go to Ernieville. It's not going to work because everybody is all over the place and not willing to go halfway.
Cause Charlie, if you went, you're in Spokane, you're further away than I am. And then if Dave.
It's happening in Spokane. No, that's one thing. If we didn't. Dave Kimball, he's in.
California. Wine country. Very beautiful down there now.
So, Oh, well, I guess it's not going to happen. It's all right. About international falls,
Minnesota. Nice and cool. Yeah. Minnesota would be interesting, but Kansas city is, or St.
Louis, I'd go, you know, St. Louis. That's a pretty, pretty far out there too.
And it's, it's three quarters of the way, basically to the east coast. But she, the problem is you'd have to get your own hotel room too.
If you just float, fly out there. And stuff like that. Yeah. Oh, well, that's
Jeff, James White and Jeff Durbin. They're good guys. I've met them both. All right.
So let's see. Where's the best homesteading, which state? I don't know. They're in Kansas city.
So that would work for you. See if someone were to say, Hey, we've got a church that would fly you out like on the east coast.
I can see doing that because I could speak and things like that because, you know, it is an expense and I get that.
And Charlotte, North Carolina, Raleigh. See, here's the thing.
If we went to Charlotte, people in Raleigh would, they wouldn't drive. They wouldn't go. They'd say, it's too far. They'd go, okay.
So that makes it not worth it. So only we talk about real estate and it's deductible.
Actually, we could for real, because I want to learn. I want to see if I can buy a second home and do an
Airbnb or a rental out of it. Well, I want to learn how to do that. I don't know how to do that. What's needed.
You take a train. Oh, that'd be fun. It actually would be fun. Actually, that would be fun.
Take a train, just like a vacation, train from Idaho to say Kansas city. Take two days probably to get there.
That'd be fun. I'd drive from Raleigh to Charlotte if needed.
That's good. Oh, well, someone would have to take the reins and arrange it. I don't have time to do all that.
We can teach you how to do real estate. I want to do real estate. I want to, I need to,
Nick and I, my wife and I don't have any retirement fund. I need to find some way to get something coming in for retirement.
Now, our current, we hope is our retirement, but the way things are going, we're, we suspect it's going to become illegal and we'll be done and we'll have, we'll be in trouble.
So that's what we're thinking. Okay. I'm located outside of Boise, Idaho sky,
Boise, Idaho, and a 25 minutes from an airport. Usually from Idaho, you take a, a, there's a layover someplace.
Usually they go to the East coast. It's usually a layover, either Chicago or Denver, sometimes
Minneapolis, or sometimes even Dallas. But those, that's how it's been. I haven't been out to the
East coast in a long time, but I like Florida. I'd like to go to Florida and do a thing on the keys and just take a,
I would combine it as a vacation to just have, just take some relaxed time, relaxing time.
I'd go to the Bahamas. I could do. Okay. Here's a, here's a question. Okay. Now this is a, this, this is another one.
Now this one, I don't think any of you are going to want to do, but we did this about five years ago. We did a calm cruise and we flew out to Florida and we took a cruise in Florida.
We went to, I don't know. He went to the Bahamas, but we went to Haiti.
We went to Jamaica. We went to the
Cayman islands. We went to the Yucatan peninsula and we didn't go to Cuba.
And I loved it. I loved it. Okay. So now here's one. Okay. How many of you would do a cruise where a bunch of us just got together and did a cruise for five, seven days.
It costs two grand. That's a thing, you know, stuff like that. How many would do something like that?
Tom cruise. Yeah. If you meet outside the city limits,
Airbnbs aren't a problem. That's right. Can't do a cruise. Okay. Yeah.
I love, I love being out there. I want to do it. I would even do it by myself. If I could, if, if Nick was, you know, my wife,
I didn't have to worry about her. I would do a cruise by myself. I would just go. And I just totally relax.
I totally relax. Oh, we're Catholic. We're just ending the radio show. We're not ready to quit here.
We're just talking about all of us meeting someplace in the States, just as a get together for calm people.
And I said, Hey, what about a cruise? You know, we can meet in Austin to Austin, Texas. That's another place where we could all meet.
That's right. So anyway,
I'm partial to, to come carry New Mexico. Why there?
I once broke down there and had a really great time. Okay. Well, we can go to truth or consequences in New Mexico.
And I gave people a doctrine exams and truth or consequences. That'd be fun. All right, everybody.
The five babies who bark that would, I would last 30 seconds or less with barking dogs.
Yeah. If we were to ever have a meeting, if anyone brought a dog that barks, I would not be able to be in the room.
I would have to leave and say, Oh, sorry. It can't be here. I get overloaded. So that's how that would have to be.
I'd say, Nope, no pets, no pets. Mexico is fun to go to. Also.
I've been to Mexico, Mexico, Riviera. Okay. I'm out of here, guys. I'm gonna just stop rambling for nothing.
And I'll bring an atheist. All right, buddy. Hey, we'll talk to you later.
Beyond in a couple hours teaching on Romans. So God bless. We'll talk to everybody later.