Elevation Church Lost Their Case Against Me!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So about 14 days ago, one of Stephen Furtick's own employees reported one of my videos for copyright infringement.
Now copyright infringement is when one copyright infringement is when one content creator uses the content of another creator and passes it off as their own without getting adequate permission from the original creator's channel.
Of course, the video I made, which was entitled, This Video Should End Stephen Furtick's Career, link in description, did not violate
Elevation Church's copyright at all, but YouTube removed the video from my channel nonetheless because Elevation reported me.
Now it is actually against United States law for Elevation Church to falsely report me for copyright infringement, but of course
Stephen Furtick and his henchmen, for whatever reason, believe that they're above the law of the land. They think that they can report me and make a legal case against me when
I've done literally nothing wrong. Their lying about me violates Exodus 2016, which says, quote, you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
And reporting my channel falsely for copyright infringement is against the rules of the United States government, which violates
Romans 13, 1, which says, quote, let every person be subject to the governing authorities.
So Elevation Church operates unbiblically, I know. What else is new? I mean, we've all known this for years now.
And of course, if you're willing to manipulate and misuse the word of the living God every Sunday like Stephen Furtick does, it's not much of a stretch to say that you'd also let your staff illegally report a small
YouTuber just for criticizing you. You see, the reason I'm making this video is because I want to praise
God for the blessing of what just happened in my case with Elevation Church. I had filed a counterclaim against Elevation Church for reporting my channel falsely and getting my video taken down illegally.
And I was honestly losing hope at this point that YouTube would reinstate my video because I had spent many days waiting for an answer from YouTube.
And then just yesterday, I received a message from YouTube which said that my video had been fully reinstated because Elevation Church had, you guessed it, no case against me.
I reached out to the employee who reported my video via email to see if he would apologize after all of this, knowing that he's wrong.
And of course, I got absolutely no answer. They had plenty of time to file a false report against me, but not enough time to apologize for breaking the law of God and the law of the land.
Go figure. I'm telling you all of these things for two reasons. Number one, praise
God that Elevation Church's underhanded and slimy and sinful tactics here did not succeed.
They can't fight against the truth any longer. And number two, I want you all to be aware of how utterly unbiblical the operation at Elevation Church is.
A lot of people who comment on my videos about Stephen Furtick and Elevation Church, they say the same thing.
They say, I know his theology isn't perfect, but Stephen seems like a really nice guy. He's a really loving man, and you're a mean, nasty man for calling him out.
And to the people who have said this from the beginning, from the inception of my channel, I would ask you one question.
Do you believe that a man who operates his church in this way can be classified as a nice guy?
Do you really believe that? Do you think that someone who lets their employees attack the livelihood of another person on the basis of false information, you think that's nice guy behavior?
You see, the Bible has a thing or two to say about this, folks. Just because someone says something in a delicate way doesn't mean they're being biblically compassionate.
Biblical compassion is defined by the truth of Scripture, not by your own personal feelings. Psalm 55, verse 21 says,
His speech was as smooth as butter, yet war was in his heart. His words were softer than oil, yet they were drawn swords.
We need to stop being deceived by the nice guy fallacy. It's way too easy to fake being a nice guy when you're in front of the camera.
How about instead, when we analyze a pastor and their motives, we should look at their actions and their teachings and see if they honor
God that way. That would be a much more biblical way of handling this. You see,
Stephen Furtick's words are all -inclusive, they're sweet, they're kind, they're politically correct, yet he has his church deceiving people with fake baptisms regularly.
Check out my video on that in the description. He is a liar and a deceiver. There's absolutely nothing else you could call someone like that.
But there are people who would ignore his deception because they think he's nice. You see,
Stephen Furtick is not a good man who's just a little bit misunderstood. Stephen Furtick is a manipulative and heretical teacher who has absolutely no place of leadership in the real church of God.
Now I know that some of you guys are grabbing your keyboards, getting ready to tell me how un -Christ -like I'm being, but before you do that, let me show you how
Christ dealt with false teachers. Our loving Savior Jesus, and he was loving, told the false teaching
Pharisees in Matthew 23, 33, quote, you serpents, you brood of vipers, how are you to escape being sentenced to hell?
What if I said this? What if I called Stephen Furtick a snake? Everybody would be like, he's not Christ -like,
I'll never subscribe to Colin Miller. But I would be treating him in the very way Christ treated false teachers who were deceiving people.
You see how backwards this is? Because we're not allowed to truly be Christ -like anymore. Christ told the truth, but when the truth becomes offensive in a new generation, it's no longer
Christ -like to tell it. Like true idolaters, we have made God in our image instead of acknowledging that we were made in His.
We have redefined Christ -likeness to mean a soy latte -drinking, skinny -jean -wearing, politically correct person who is afraid of telling the biblical truth.
Harsh words like this will never come out of Stephen Furtick's mouth because he is afraid of scaring away his audience.
That's the truth of the matter. Seriously, when's the last time you heard Stephen Furtick say anything harsh? Anything even remotely contradictory?
Yet I could show you dozens of times that Jesus was harsh, and dozens of times where He contradicted the culture, yet you still think that Stephen Furtick is
Christ -like? It doesn't make any sense to me. His allegiance is to man, not to God.
James 4 .4 talks about this when it says, quote, "...he who wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God."
Seriously, just try to see where and when. See if you can tell me in the comments where and when Stephen Furtick has called out abortion, homosexuality, or promiscuity.
Find me a case wherein he calls those things wicked. Look it up on Google. It's never happened, ever.
Seriously, look up what Stephen Furtick's perspective on those issues are. It's radio silence. Yet Paul, Jesus, and Peter call out false teachers and false teachings in a harsh way all over the
New Testament. And this begs the question. Why is it that you are so afraid to do the same thing?
Why is it that you accuse others of being unloving for doing the same thing? Maybe instead of calling people like me out, you should read those passages and ask yourself why you're so offended by people who use them.
Just food for thought. If the Bible offends you, chances are it's your fault, not someone else's.
In any case, thank you guys for all of your support. I had hundreds of people, literally hundreds of people, commenting
Fight for Truth in my last post about my legal battle with Elevation Church, and I was very encouraged to see that.
It really strengthened my spirit. Now that we have won the battle, though, I think it's only fitting that I ask you to comment something else.
I want everybody to go in the comment section and comment Praise the Lord. It's the statement Praise the Lord in the comment section below.
Of course, we always praise God, no matter the circumstances. Even if we would have lost, we praise God. But today is a special day of thanks for the specific blessing that God has given in this situation.
This whole thing has taught me one important truth. Even though churches like Elevation are extremely rich and powerful, deep down, they are afraid of this movement.
They are afraid of the discernment that is sweeping the nation. Think about it. This channel has gained over 15 ,000 subscribers in just under a year by God's grace.
We have made a dent in Furtick's operation to the point that his own employees are attacking my channel.
And that is a very good thing to see because it means that our efforts are not in vain. So thanks again for supporting me in this fight, and just know that we are making progress.
We are going to continue to fight for truth until the entire church is doctrinally sound. That's our goal, and that is the prize at the end of this race.
We will continue to love our brothers and sisters by pulling them away from churches that preach false things like Elevation.
In any case, getting my video reinstated is a huge win for us and a massive blessing from God.
Remember to comment, praise the Lord in the comment section below, and please pray for Furtick and his followers that they would repent and turn to the
Word of God. Thank you so much for watching that video. If you want to see more, please like, comment, share, subscribe, and hit the notification bell so that you never miss another video.
This channel can only happen thanks to generous donations from my amazing patrons. If you'd like to help my channel out, hit the link in the description or go to patreon .com
slash Colin A. Miller. You can donate to my ministry there and earn tons of rewards just like these.
And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you, and God bless.