Jim Hamilton' Great Thread on How to Fight

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Jim Hamilton produced an excellent thread for how to navigate controversy and thread. I cheerfully agree with most of it. BUT the problem is, this is not how BigEva operates in general. Story time. #NoDespair2020


Hello there, this is A .D. Robles and you're listening to A .D. on the Fight Laugh Feast Network.
All right. All right. Well, I've got my ketogenic mint chocolate chip ice cream. It's from Aldi.
It's very very good. It is Thursday evening. This is a late episode. Maybe I can't eat while I'm doing this.
Anyway, sorry about the lateness. I had a big day. I put up a wall in my new office.
It's just things are happening here. Things are happening, but I wanted to get to this thread because it occurred to me today that a lot of people, you know, there's there's new people that follow me on Twitter every day.
There's new people that follow my YouTube channel every week or so, you know that kind of thing and you might not know my story.
You might not know kind of how this all started and all that kind of stuff and I think it might be relevant when you see how
I deal with Big Eva or even why I talk about Big Eva, you know, that kind of thing.
It might make sense and might give it more context. If you know a little bit about me and it's not like I woke up one morning and just decided
I hated Big Eva and I'm going to just rip Big Eva all day every day all day long. Like I didn't that didn't happen.
Like there's a story behind why I talk about the things that I talk about why I talk in the way that I talk and things like that.
So what I wanted to do is there were some dust up with Dr. Jim Hamilton regarding a friend of mine,
John Harris and whether or not he's a Confederate soldier in disguise and all kinds of different things.
And you know, if you follow my channel, you might know about the controversy. And so what I wanted to do is take a look at a thread by Dr.
Jim Hamilton who actually today he blocked me on Twitter for spurious reasons.
Let's put it that way, but I thought this this this thread was actually very helpful in some ways and in some ways it isn't and I just wanted to use it as an example of you know, how
Big Eva operates and how they assume that we operate which is so often a false assumption.
And so I wanted to use this for that reason. I hope you find this helpful and I think that you will now
Dr. Jim Hamilton is a Southern Baptist. He works at Southern Seminary and he's been defending
Southern Seminary against accusations of liberalism and the way he's been Defending it has been very very sad to see very kind of pathetic almost and what's so amazing about it is it, you know, this whole thread if he actually took his own advice here, he would be in a much better position today than he actually is.
And that's very typical of Big Eva as my story will unfold. You'll see they often know exactly what to do and they know the right thing to do, but they just don't actually do it.
And so let's take the good and spit out the bad and take a look at this thread.
Here's what Dr. Jim Hamilton has to say. He says and now for a thread on how a
Baptist might try to deal with suspected liberalism, even if the concerns have to do with a seminary professor and I would say this is a good thread by the way just for any
Christian not just Baptist but any Christian he goes on what would be a wise course of action that would obey
Jesus the first step it seems to me would be to go to the person directly in obedience to Matthew 18 15.
Now, here's the thing like a lot of people have noticed that you know, Matthew 18 15.
It's not really talking about, you know, public error public disputes public articles and things of that nature.
It's really more about a sin against you. Matthew 18 says, you know, this is the
Christian standard Bible. This is the new hotness amongst all the cool kids and evangelicalism.
If your brother sins against you go and tell him his fault between him and you alone. The idea here is that there's something between you and the brother and so you go to him and tell him his fault.
Hopefully you win your brother. We all know the steps of discipline in that regard, but actually even though this is really not, you know, it's not talking about public error and we've seen
Paul call out public error. We've seen Jesus call out public error without going to the person privately first.
I do think this is actually a good idea. You should go to the person that you if you're not really sure what they're saying, it sounds kind of funny.
It's a good thing to do. In fact, this is often what does happen with people. People do go to professors privately and talk about him privately.
In fact, the whole thing that started this dust up is about Dr. Fuller making some accusations against some of his old professor colleagues.
And every time in the story, he says, unless Jim is saying this is not true, Dr. Fuller says,
I went to them. It sounded kind of funny what they were saying. So I took him out to lunch and I asked them and they said the same thing.
And so this is good advice, but this is advice that we already take. But as we'll see
Jim Hamilton doesn't actually do this. And so let's go on and continue. He says, if you're not satisfied,
I'm going to assume that the people involved don't go to the same church. So the next step would be to bring some other trusted people into the conversation.
Again, this is this is actually really good advice. It's not necessary if it's if it's just correcting public error.
I mean, there's so many examples again in the Bible of people that are promoting pub error publicly being rebuked for it publicly without the whole steps of church discipline that the steps of church discipline are really about a sin between two people, but again,
I think this is good advice and very often this is exactly what happens from people on our side.
In fact, in my own story, this is this is exactly what happened. There was an issue between me and a member of Big Eva, you know, a member of the guild kind of thing.
He works at one of the Southern Baptist seminaries. He's a blogger. He writes for the Gospel Coalition. He writes for other blogs.
He's an author. You probably have him in your library if you're an evangelical and so that's what
I did. I mean, I went to him first and then it didn't work and so I brought others into that.
That's how I deal with controversy because you know, believe it or not Dr. Jim Hamilton like the
Christians on Twitter that are calling out Southern for what they've been doing that they're actually
Christians and they do care about what Jesus says, but as we'll see at the end here, Jim doesn't really do that.
He says do other people who understand the issues agree with your concerns? If not, maybe you should pray and reconsider whether this is your problem.
This is very true. This is helpful. But the thing is though that there's always going to be people on both sides of every issue and so I can go find people right now that will tell me that Jim Hamilton is the biggest liberal of all time and just because people agree with me doesn't make it so and likewise, you know, if people don't agree with me and say no, no, no, no, you don't understand
Jim Hamilton is the most conservative person to ever exist in humanity and they could find other people, you know, to agree with that as well.
It doesn't make it right. So I do think it's a good idea that if everybody seems to be saying you're wrong, you should reconsider it, but it doesn't mean that you're wrong.
In fact, I was just did a video this week about Nicodemus confronting the Pharisees about the law of God. Dude, like you can't just condemn a man because you want to you have to have a trial.
You have to find out what things are so and every other Pharisee was against him, but actually Nicodemus was right.
So sometimes you have to be willing to be the only one that's right. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't pray or reconsider.
This is actually good advice. That's what I'm saying. This this thread is actually really good in some ways, but as we'll see it's it's it's it's really not our side that needs to hear this so much as their own side.
He says but let's say for the sake of discussion that the concerns are valid and let's say that bringing others into the conversation doesn't bring satisfaction.
What next? This is very practical. I really appreciate this because this does happen from time to time.
He says one way to pursue academic concerns of faithfulness would be to write up an academic paper for publication.
Now, the problem with this Dr. Hamilton and I hope that you don't mind if I address you correctly because I'm pretty sure you'll watch this is that you know, we're not all academics, right?
Like I'm not an academic, right? It doesn't mean that I can't criticize an academic and it's possible that I don't understand your massive intellect in a certain area and I just don't get the topics that are at hand.
But but the reality is many of us on our side. We don't tend to talk about the things we don't understand.
We talk about the things we do understand and we ask questions about the things that we don't understand and sometimes those questions are pointed but it would seem to me that it that a true academic would be able to make complicated things understandable and answer direct scrutiny.
And so this, you know, yeah, this might be good idea for Dr. Fuller because he's an academic he could write an academic paper for publication.
But this is really not good advice for all of us. Also, the other thing that I think of when I see this is that, you know, try telling that to creationists right to get it get it get it, you know, you have a problem with evolution.
Well, why don't you write an academic paper in this evolution magazine or whatever it's called a journal and we can talk about it.
But the thing is like, you know, sometimes people are blackballed from that kind of stuff. There are certain topics that are no -nos and so and you know this
Dr. Hamilton. I mean you're in academia that people get blackballed and so this is not really this is nice and and and I know you're trying to put things into official channels with it.
First of all, this is not a biblical standard. This is your own standard and and really it's not accessible for all of us.
And so decent advice, but it's kind of missing the mark here. Not all of us are able to do that.
Dr. Jim Hamilton, not all of us are at your level and I'm not saying that in a sarcastic way. It's true.
I'm not telling you Dr. Hamilton to debate the likes of me. I don't have any qualifications.
Why would you? But Dr. Fuller has actually put the challenge out to anyone including you
Dr. Hamilton. And so I think you ought to take him up on stuff like that. You know, that's a little bit far -field.
So let's continue. He says, but let's say you don't go the debate in publication route and let's say people who understand the issues have considered your concerns and think that there could be something to them.
What would be a next step? You know, Dr. Hamilton, this is exactly the situation that we find ourselves in.
There are lots of people that are very accomplished that find our concerns very valid.
And so this is the exact situation we're in. I'm so glad you went here because this is important. This is where we're at right now, sort of.
What would be a good next step? He says going back to the idea that the people involved are members of different churches.
I think a good next move would be for the persons with concerns to take his or their pastor to meet with the pastor of the person whose
Orthodoxy is in question. Jesus did say, after all, I will build my church.
I'm an evangelical, but he didn't say I'll build this movement called evangelicalism. I teach at a seminary, but he didn't say
I will build seminary. So I think concerns like this need to be brought through the local church. Really good advice.
I actually agree with that. In fact, I think that seminary education should be primarily done through the local church.
I don't think huge institutions kind of like Southern are really the proper model for the kind of thing that I think most people want to accomplish.
But that being said, it's a side issue. It's just it's more of a personal preference and I know that you're going to defend Southern Seminary and the model to the death.
But I think you're right. I think the local church bodies are the most important thing in this regard. That's the institution, right?
That's the place. And again, the reality is, Dr. Hamilton, like many of us have done this.
I myself have done this. I'm going to reveal a little bit more about my story here, if you don't mind.
I had this exact situation happen where a member of Big Eva and I had a conflict together.
I got nowhere with him after many, many attempts. I went to his pastor to ask for help and I said, let me bring my pastor into so it's my pastor and your pastor and and and I had this issue with this particular person in your congregation.
Let's talk and and him and my pastor talked and it looked like we were going to get somewhere.
We're going to have a conversation. We're going to all talk and then what happened was I I posted a
YouTube video about one of their friends. I think it was Matt Chandler. Something he said that I thought was very inaccurate.
I thought it was very unhelpful. So I did a YouTube video about it, which is totally fine. By the way, Dr. Hamilton, I don't think you would say that doing a
YouTube video is a sin. I don't think. Anyway, and they canceled the conversation.
They said, nope, no way. You're going to continue to keep doing the YouTube videos and and so basically what they were saying was a stipulation for following Matthew 18 the way you're suggesting here was that I stopped doing my
YouTube video. So stop the very thing that's at question. That's instead that that's that's that's the debate here and like that's what often happens is that there's like all kinds of stipulations.
Dr. Hamilton that that you know, you demand up front before you're willing to actually follow the biblical steps, but but you gotta understand
Dr. Hamilton. So many of us have done this. This is great advice and we've done this and gotten nowhere.
And so that actually puts us back in the same place that you just said what would be a good next step?
And so I I'm with you here, but I also kind of wonder like, you know, did did did you do that before you retweeted?
Brad Mason about my friend John Harris. I mean, I'm pretty sure you didn't but you know,
I don't know that maybe that maybe we'll save that for later. We'll save that for later. So he goes on he says if you can't get your pastor on board with the idea that someone's orthodoxy is in question, maybe you should reconsider whether you're correct about that claim.
I agree. That's it's probably good to reconsider if your pastor is not in agreement there that there's an a question of orthodoxy, but it doesn't mean you're wrong again.
I mean, I just brought up the Nicodemus thing. It doesn't mean you're wrong, but it does mean I agree. You should probably reconsider he goes on.
He says if you get your pastor on board, but the pastor of the person who's orthodoxy or challenging zone agree.
Maybe you take the matter to the local Baptist Association. My point is that I think we should deal with these things through the churches.
I agree point taken just wish that you guys would do it. You know what I mean? Like because many of us are already doing it.
I just wish you guys would. Get your pastor involved if he disagrees with you reconsider get the pastor.
The person is theologies and questions involved. They disagree. There are next steps, but if they agree, then they can pastor the person.
This is exactly right. I really appreciate these words here. What should pastors do if they become convinced that a member of their church lacks sound faith?
They should seek to refute those who contradict and give instruction and sound doctrine. Amen. That's straight from the Bible. Thank you,
Dr. Hamilton for bringing the Bible into this. If the pastor's pastor and the accused pastor thinks the accused is in a better place.
How should the one who raised the concern respond? Quote, love does not insist on its own way rejoices with the truth love believes all things hopes all things endures all things.
That's first Corinthians chapter 13 good stuff. Let's say the pastor's pastor the accused does not come around the pastor concludes that the accused holds settled convictions against the church's statement of faith.
What then church discipline needs to happen the church needs to go through the steps and Dr.
Hamilton, I see what you're doing here and that's fine.
But but the reality is Dr. Hamilton, you know, and I think you know,
I don't want to say what you know. I think you know and many of your colleagues have bemoaned the fact that that people often hide behind church statements of faith that are very basic.
If you look at a church's statement of faith, that's wildly off the mark in many areas. They all pretty much look at the same.
I mean, there are some denominations that will say something about the sign gifts or or you know, there's some
Unitarian denominations that will mess with the Trinity but most evangelical churches like they have the same bare bones statement of faith and often the statement of faith of normal normal churches don't say clear things like, you know, homosexuality is a sin and stuff like that.
So so it's not just about the statement of faith and I think you know that I'm not really sure why you're trying to make that the main thing here, but there it's possible to be an error but be
Orthodox still. So in other words, not we're not saying that you're not a Christian or an unbeliever or reprobate or teaching the doctrines of demons, but you're still wrong about something.
There's got to be a category for that. There's got to be a way we can communicate about that where I see
I think that there's serious error here, but I I embrace you as a brother. I was saying this to someone today.
Somebody called me today on my calendar. He wanted to talk about my tone and I often take calls of people that want to have a problem with my tone and stuff like that.
They're always great conversations by the way, when you actually talk to someone get to know them, you understand each other better doesn't mean you agree, but you understand each other better.
I put it in my calendar as so -and -so is going to call me to tell me off and we talked for like half an hour. He didn't tell me off, but we were talking about John MacArthur and he had this impression that I'm like a
MacArthur. I everything MacArthur says I believe and it's just not true. I think MacArthur's in serious error about many things.
I think his eschatology is in serious error. His view on theonomy is in serious error. His view on alcohol is as basic as that is a serious error.
I think it's a problem a real problem, but I'm not saying that he's unorthodox like I wouldn't church discipline him and there's got to be a way for me to criticize
John MacArthur in some areas, but at the same time not think he's a demon. There's got to be room for that.
There's got to be a grounds for that. And I think you you realize that but you kind of try to set the rules sort of I mean in your favor, but also in a very inappropriate kind of weird way.
Dr. Hamilton and so I want to talk about that in a minute. He says church discipline needs to happen.
The church needs to go through the steps again. It's not just about church discipline. This is about correcting error and iron sharpening iron and fighting it out and stuff like that.
Like there's room for that in the Christian Church. I think. If someone doesn't hold the church a statement of faith, they shouldn't be a member of that church.
If a church does his job, the seminary will have to deal with a professor who has been excommunicated for theological unorthodoxy.
Let's consider what might happen if one prof is concerned that another prof is unorthodox, but the concerned does not go through the church but works up the chain of command at the school.
So they're going outside the church instead of they're just dealing with it through the school. He says if the concerns are about a member of the same department, but the concerned is the only one with the concern that is if everyone else in the apartment has no concern or maybe there is no concern or maybe the concerned should resign because the place is full of liberals.
Yeah, good point. Maybe the maybe the concern should resign or force the faculty to fire him.
That's also an option to some. I don't think sometimes resign is the right way to go. I think sometimes you ought to force them to fire you.
You're going to get rid of me if you don't want me here and have a feeling that that's what dr.
Fuller kind of did. I don't know. I've never talked to the man before but but the reality is though here dr.
Hamilton, you're right. Maybe there is no concern if nobody else agrees with you. But maybe there is.
Maybe there is and I don't think necessarily quitting is always the right answer. Sometimes it might be the right answer, but not always dr.
Hamilton. So you kind of mix it what I don't think is so helpful about this thread is he's trying to mix in things that are ironclad like if somebody is is breaching the statement of faith at your church.
Yeah, of course you kick him out, but then he's kind of mixing in like these kind of more smaller disagreements if you know what
I mean, but you know, he's not really telling you that this is actually more his opinion than it is scripture.
I kind of find that annoying but you know, that's just a small thing. He says or maybe the concern should resign because the place is full of liberals if he moves on from the department to the
Dean and the Dean doesn't agree then either the Dean is too liberal or maybe there's no concern at all again. That's true.
Maybe there is no concern at all or maybe the Dean is too liberal. Both are true. We should get to the bottom of it and that's what the whole point of this dr.
Fuller expose is we want there to be conversation. We want there to be interaction like real interaction beyond the level of hey, you're a racist.
I'm getting a little ahead of myself here. Hold on. If he goes up if it goes on up from the
Dean to the vice president then to the president, but none of them agree with the concerns and either they're all willing to tolerate liberalism.
Or maybe the accusers within the school's doctrinal parameters for the sake of discussion.
Let's say you have a valid concern about genuine liberalism that really does transgress the school statement of faith, but you've tried to go through the church and the chain of command and nothing has worked.
What then? In some instances, this is exactly where we're at. He says, well, the person with the concerns isn't going to be the only evangelical left in the land or the in the constituency.
If you want to bring a school back from liberalism, go study the conservative resurgence in the
SBC. I don't know if I should actually tell you this, but I'm going to because I'm not going to out anybody.
We do. That's exactly what we do. I can't tell you how many conversations
I've had with people that say, man, I reached out to so -and -so involved in the conservative resurgence and I asked him like, how'd you do it?
How'd you do it? Like what steps should we take? And sometimes their advice is helpful. Sometimes it's not like this is what we talk about because there is a liberal drift and I know you'll never admit that but there is and many more people than believe it today than did two years ago and more people are going to believe it tomorrow than do today.
And and so this is actually exactly what we do. We think about this and we want to make change.
We want there to be a new conservative resurgence. We want there to be a more effective one.
We do this, Jim. We do this. This is good advice. The people who brought that about took their documented evidence of liberalism at the seminaries to the churches.
The churches sent messages to the annual meeting of convention. Those messengers elected conservative presidents of the denomination.
The conservative SBC presidents then worked to put conservatives on the boards of trustees who then hired conservative seminary presidents who hired conservative faculties.
Now, no faculty member at any one of the six SBC seminaries denies inerrancy or the
Baptist faith of message. It's kind of what we were talking about about, you know, hiding behind these
Baptist faith and message or these statements on inerrancy. Like it's great if you agree with inerrancy.
It's great. If you agree with the Baptist faith and message, but the reality is though that there are people that say they agree to those things that clearly do not when they're teaching in their words in their actions like like there are that's what we have documented that and we are going to the churches.
You see, you might not like how we're doing it, but we're doing it and I'm not a
Baptist, right, but I but I've helped out in this process, you know, like there's been movies and synagogues and things like that and videos and articles written about this kind of stuff and and and the reality is that's that's literally what we are doing.
Dr. Hamilton. We're already following this script because this is a very good script in general.
I've had some quibbles. Of course, I've had some quibbles with some of the things you said, but in general, this is very helpful and I think that that our people should read this for sure.
I'm just wondering why you don't do it. But let's finish this and then we're going to talk about what I what
I'm referring to. He says. The point of this thought experiment is that if you love people and you love
God and you're concerned about doctrinal infidelity, there are courses of actions that can and should be taken.
Amen. Amen. Sorry about that.
Ice cream is really good. That's what we're doing, man. We're taking action.
Amen. More people every day are taking action. He goes on.
I can imagine that there might be occasion to raise concern about what's going on in forums beyond the local church and attempts to bring about change in the nomination.
How should someone seek to shape the opinions and perceptions of outsiders? Within the
SBC. Someone could write an article for the Baptist Press or another publication beyond the
SBC. I want you to hear this. Someone could write for or record a video interview or a podcast with the
Gospel Coalition, Nine Marks, Reformation 21, etc.
Big Eva. Says that the the the ways to fight the the doctrinal problems that you see in Big Eva.
Is to write for Big Eva. Write for Gospel Coalition, which of course, nobody has access to except unless you're in the guild unless you're in basic agreement with the doctrinal error.
Nine Marks is the same way. I mean, this is I'm trying to be nice here, but does he really think this is going to work?
I have a problem with Gospel Coalition. Lots of people do a problem with Nine Marks. That's me. I don't know Reformation 21.
I know Baptist Press. If you have a problem with these organizations, where where is approved to go?
You see he's he's stacking the deck here. He's trying to make it a pot. He's trying to make it impossible to actually really have a real conversation about these about these issues.
Like like why can't I have a podcast on Fight Laugh Feast Network? If I have a problem with this, why can't
I do a podcast there? Why can't I do a video interview on my YouTube channel? If I have a problem with it?
There's really no real issue there. Like Gospel Coalition, Nine Marks, there's nothing special about these things.
They've just been effective at winning the evangelical community at this point, but Fight Laugh Feast, we're working on it, man.
We're working on it. We're working on having real conversations, fighting, laughing, and feasting.
We're working on actually having legitimate controversies and duking it out when we have to and getting to the bottom of things when we have to because we know
Gospel Coalition won't do that. We know Nine Marks won't do that. We know, you know, seminary interviews where you ask the softball questions to the people that are under criticism right now.
Like that's not going to move the needle anyway. All it does is make you look more shady and us look more right.
And so we know that that's not the way to go. And so we confront things directly. There's no reason why I can't have a YouTube channel,
Dr. Hamilton. There's no reason why I should have to go to Gospel Coalition and beg for a seat at the table there.
There's no reason. But you know what, Dr. Hamilton? I tried that route.
You might not know that about me. You might not know that about a lot of us, but I used to write a blog for the church.
I only wrote like, I don't know, between five and ten blogs, something like that. I don't really remember. And I got memory hold.
I got blacklisted. You know why I got blacklisted? Blacklisted. I used to do videos were very gentle, very like, very nuanced, very winsome critiques of some of the social justice words of Matt Chandler and things like that.
I mean, you should watch these videos. I still have them up. They're so nice. They're so calm.
There's emotion in the videos. There's just, they're just, they could not be more gentle criticisms of things that I find quite dangerous in the social justice movement.
And I got taken to the woodshed for those gentle videos. I saw the
Latte Mafia in action. I saw Big Eva try to destroy my life because of some gentle videos
I did about words. I disagreed with with Matt Chandler. You should watch these videos. I say man.
I love Matt Chandler. I've learned so much from him. He's a great brother in Christ, but I have these issues with what he said and that was enough to bring the wrath of Big Eva upon me.
We tried that route and we were rejected because we didn't tow the line.
I know you'd like us to just shut up after we got rejected by Big Eva, but it's not going to happen because I think that the advice you've given here.
Sorry about that. I think it's fantastic advice. And so many of us are doing it man.
We're taking you up on this. We're doing this because we agree. This is too important. This is worth fighting for the truth.
Is worth fighting for and so we're doing it. The question
I have for you. Dr. Hamilton is why are you and your buddies not doing it? Like take your own advice man.
I saw you retweeting a thread by Bradley Mason. Like this is like the most.
This is the most slandering the slanderer that's ever slandered about how John Harris was a racist
Confederate soldier in disguise and stuff like that. Did you go to him? Dr.
Hamilton. Did you ask him about it? Like hey, man, are you do you hate black people or what?
Did you ask me, you know, one of your Big Eva buddies? One time
I said something about about racism. And he said, well, you're just saying that because you're white privileged.
Dr. Hamilton. Let me save you the embarrassment of doing the same. I'm not white. Okay, I'm not white man.
I got African blood in these veins my friend. Did you ask me?
I hear you. Are you a confederate? Somebody asked me that on Twitter today. They messaged me said, you know,
I know Jim Hamilton. I know dr. Hamilton. I have a question for you. I took your advice man.
This guy. Shout out to you man. I'm not going to out you but thank you for doing this.
He tweets at me and he says private message. He says hey D man. Would you consider yourself a neo -confederate now?
Most people would be insulted by that question. I wasn't I appreciated it. I said no man.
I know I thought the book on the Confederacy was very interesting. I'm not a neo -confederate. He said, okay, cool.
Well, thanks for telling me. You see the thing is like lots of people Jim take your advice on this.
Take your own advice man. And while you're at it tell your gospel coalition 9 marks Reformation 21
Baptist Press Southern Baptist Convention buddies to start taking their own advice before you start smearing people because they dare to ask you a hard question.
They dare to ask you a pointed question and worry about some of your colleagues some of the stuff that they're teaching mean so many of us aren't saying you're unbelievers.
We're just asking questions here because we've got some concerns and we point out those concerns.
It's not like we just woke up one day decided to ask you if you were a liberal take your own advice because all this stuff man.
All the stuff that you posted here on Twitter. So many of us are doing it.
Why aren't you anyway? I hope this podcast was helpful.
I mean a little emotional because you know brings back memories of stuff that happened to me that that that I was involved in that makes me very sad makes me very upset.
And so many of us have tried man tried and we'll continue to try we're not going to give up or continue to try.
Knowing full well that you're going to you're going to call us racist block us and then continue to Brad to your friends about how you blocked the racists like 80
Robles and neo confederates like John Harris. Not a good look man.
It's not a good look. It makes me sad for you because better than that man, you are you know not to do that kind of stuff.
You know how I know, you know, because you wrote a whole thread about it here a pretty darn good thread about what to do when you have an issue with someone.
And I'm pretty sure one of them wasn't go find the worst slander on Twitter retweet his research into the racist that just so happens to be the person that you don't like you have no idea if the racism is really true or not.
You didn't even ask him but you know, it helps you screw it. You're above that man.
Anyway, I hope you found this podcast helpful. God bless. Don't forget to tune in next week on Thursday for 80 on the fight -laugh -feast