Steven Furtick / Revives "Little gods" Doctrine Taught by Kenneth Copeland & Paul Crouch of TBN


In a recent sermon Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church taught his congregation that "whatever God is, you are too". Article Link:


Hello, in this video, we're going to be looking at a story from protestia .com. It says in the headline, heresy alert,
Stephen Furtick says, whatever God is, you are too. So this is basically the little
God's doctrine that Benny Hinn and Kenneth Copeland used to teach. Stephen Furtick is taking this old heresy and he's making it cool for the new generation.
So here's what the article says, and I'll show you the clips in a moment, but it says Stephen Furtick is the lead pastor of Elevation Church, a former
Southern Baptist associated mega church that has over 25 ,000 members with 17 different campus locations.
And by the way, if a church has multiple campus locations, that's typically a bad sign.
It says he is known for having the term narcissus named after him based on his inability to exegete scripture in a way that doesn't make every story revolve around him.
Basically there's three words, there's exegesis, eisegesis, and narcissus.
One is good, one is bad, and one is really bad. So exegesis is what a pastor should be doing.
You open the Bible, you read the text and you exegete the text. That is you draw the truth out of scripture and preach and teach it to the people.
Eisegesis is when you read your own ideas into the text. That's bad. Narcissus is when you read your own ideas into the text and you make the story all about you.
And that's what Stephen Furtick does. He's always reading himself into these biblical accounts.
So for example, the story of David and Goliath, well, who's David in the story?
Well, biblically speaking, David is a type of Christ, but the way
Stephen Furtick preaches, he's David. Or he'll turn it around and tickle ears and say, you're
David and you need to, you know, defeat the giants in your life and that type of a thing.
So he always reads himself into the text. It says during his February 11th, 2024 sermon, after announcing his new book, do the new you.
Okay. So that's, that's what his book is titled. Not, you know, something about Christ or God and glorifying
God. No, it's do the new you. Let's watch what he said. Today, I'm releasing to my church.
My first new book in eight years, do the new you, that's right.
This is written so I can come home with you. Sound kind of weird.
This is where I get to coach you. This is where I get to be a voice in your life that reminds you that you are the righteousness of God in Jesus Christ.
The voice in your life that helps you realize that you are more than the math of what is against you, that you are more than the mistakes that you have made, that the great
I am lives in you and whatever he is, you are too. All right.
Let's continue with the article far from merely suggesting that we share some attributes of our creator.
Furtick is engaging at best in some little God's theology at worst.
He is directly comparing himself to God and seeking to co -opt all of God's attributes for himself.
God is perfect. God is sinless. God is omnipresent. God is omnipotent, all powerful.
God is omniscient. He's all knowing, right? God is a million other things that we are not.
And any suggestion to the contrary, according to the article is rank heresy.
While Furtick may receive a barrage of criticism for saying this, it doesn't matter as he famously tunes out his critics and he just dismisses them and calls them haters.
Right? Where have we heard that before? And it says, besides Furtick taught similar theology before in his 2019 sermon titled
My Maker is My Mirror, he repeatedly referred to himself as the great
I am. Watch. I'm not in covenant with a person. I'm not in covenant with a political party.
I'm in covenant with God almighty. I am God almighty. Okay. So this is little
God's theology. This was taught by Benny Hinn and Kenneth Copeland and Paul Crouch.
This is also called name it and claim it. This is the word faith movement.
So if you just speak the words of faith, because you are a little God, you can do whatever
God can do. So God created the heavens and the earth out of nothing. Therefore, if you just believe hard enough and speak a positive confession,
Joel Osteen does the same thing. This is really just Pentecostalism mixed with new age religion, the law of attraction.
If you, if you, if you're a positive person and you speak the words out into the universe, it'll come back to you.
So if you believe that you're a champion, you're going to be a champion. If you believe and have faith and say, speak the words of faith that I'm going to be rich, you'll be rich.
So name it and claim it, speak the words, word of faith. And this is the health and wealth prosperity gospel that if you speak these positive confessions,
God will bless you with health and wealth and all the rest. And people buy into it because yeah,
Joel Osteen and Stephen Furtick and Kenneth Copeland and Benny Hinn, they all have mansions and or private jets.
They're all multimillionaires. So it seems to be working for them, but it only works for them because they're the con men.
It doesn't work for the people they're scamming. Right? So that's the problem. Basically this is, this is the doctrine of Kenneth Copeland.
And it's ironic because, well, I guess it's no surprise that Stephen Furtick was actually the one to replace
Kenneth Copeland on the Trinity Broadcast Network. Let's listen to what
Kenneth Copeland and TBN founder, Paul Crouch had to say, listen. When I read in the
Bible where he says, I am, I just smile and say, yes, I am too. He doesn't even draw a distinction between himself and never, never.
You never can do that in a covenant relationship. Do you know what else that has settled then tonight? This hue and cry and controversy that has been spawned by the devil to try and bring dissension within the body of Christ, that we're gods.
I am a little guy. Yes. Yes. I have his name. I'm one with him.
I'm in covenant relationship. I am a little God critics. You are anything that he is.
When I read in the Bible where he says, I am, I just smile and say, yes, I am too. I've been covenant with God.
Okay. So you can see that's where Furtick got his doctrine. This is the same thing that Kenneth Copeland teaches.
It's just, you know, a new spin on it. Okay. So in conclusion, this is dangerous, a
Stephen Furtick on Sunday morning, he's not opening the Bible and preaching a message from God's word.
Go online. I mean, don't do this because you really shouldn't listen to his sermons, but you could go online and click on any
Stephen Furtick sermon. He's not reading from the text. He's not exegeting the text. He's not preaching the whole council of God.
He uses a verse here and there out of context to spin this narrative where again, he's the, he's always the hero of his own story or you're the hero.
And what is this? This is ear tickling. It's not glorifying to God. It's glorifying to Stephen Furtick.
It's glorifying to the people that are puffed up listening to him because they think Christianity, it's all about, it's all about me.
That's the problem. So mark and avoid Stephen Furtick. This is not the first time he's done this.
He claimed to be God almighty. I have a whole video on my channel. You can search for it.
It's called the problem with Stephen Furtick. And I go over all of this.
So my friends, you know, as much as I care about you and the fact that God does love you, he loves mankind so much that he sent
Christ to die on the cross while we were yet sinners. Christ died for us, Romans 5, 8.
With all that said, the Bible, you know, it's, it's really not all about you. It's all about Christ.
Amen. Amen. So if you want more on the little God's doctrine, watch my video.
The link is on the screen right now. So click on that and I explain the ins and outs of this heresy, the little
God's doctrine. Thanks for watching. Until next time, may the Lord be with you. Have a great day.
The power of God was in Jesus. The healing power of God, the restoring power of God, the same power that made demons flee was in Nazareth, but Jesus could not release it because it was trapped in their unbelief.
And there's one thing that even Jesus can't do. One thing that even the son of God can't do.