#WokeChurch is Asleep at the Wheel

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Shocking lack of spine after Democrats embrace infanticide even further.


Well, I woke up this morning at 3 30 and I couldn't go back to sleep But I've been waking up pretty early lately just because I've got so much to do so this is only like maybe like an hour before I normally wake up, but Had an extra hour of my day today and I took advantage of it to do a variety of things
But one of the things I did was I painted a new miniature You might not know this about me
But I do play Star Wars tabletop games war games and I gotta say, you know tabletop gaming has been infected by the social justice
Crisis as well. They're injecting feminism and all kinds of weird things into the games But I have to say
I really appreciate this miniature. I Appreciate them finally getting some bald rep is representation here.
This guy kind of looks like me I think Anyway, so that's what I did this morning. But I wanted to do a quick video over the weekend.
I had a Frustrating conversation about theonomy or God's law Not theonomy proper, but just the just God's law in general the general equity of God's law and Someone strongly implied that I was sort of hiding my my real beliefs about the
God's law regarding sexual ethics and crime and things like That and I find that that kind of a insinuation so frustrating, you know, because you know
You know my beliefs on God's law Could cost me very dearly And I'm open about them and I just the idea that I'm hiding it for some reason is just preposterous
And now if I was hiding it, I'd probably have good reason to hide it, but I'm not I remember When I when
I came to Vermont I was coming for an internship and like a pastoral internship kind of thing
And I remember the pastor, you know, one of the questions he asked, you know me, you know Before I before he took me on was you know, the five most influential books of my life and at the time one of them was a book by Gary North called millennialism and social theory and That raised all kinds of red flags for him.
He was like, whoa, you're not one of those Reconstructionists Are you you know and and I was just open about what I believed and and you know, he said well
But he this is what he basically told me as long as it doesn't come through and you're preaching It's fine. And so like and obviously it did come through my preaching.
But but anyway, um The point is though that like, you know when somebody believes what I believe about God's law
You're not a very popular person, you know what I mean? It's just even in Christian circles and so that insinuation really bothered me
But but the reality is though that that I understand that some of the things that I believe about God's law are even debated
Within people who have a high view of God's law, you know Not everyone who has a high view of God God's law believes the same things
I believe or you know, you know Marcus Pittman was involved in this conversation as well, you know And and he's a he's a real zealot, you know him and I are zealots when you know when it comes down to it
And the reality is so here's the thing. Look people have debated this stuff for a long time, you know, Joel McDermott Has a really good point in one of his articles.
I read recently He actually sent it to me and it was talking about how the Westminster Catechism the
Westminster Standards It's a it's a it's supposed to be a consensus statement. So that whole thing about the general equity of God's law
It's written deliberately so that you could subscribe to it But believe very different things about God's law
You could believe how Greg Bonson believes or you can believe how someone a little bit more flexible on God's law believes and that's that's
Intentional that that's what that's what the intention of the statement was regarding the general equity of God's law But one thing you cannot do as a
Christian I think and this is whether you subscribe to the standards or not. I think this is a biblical teaching
You cannot just dismiss the law and say oh, well if we did that today, well that that's tyranny
That's just tyranny because we're not under the law anymore or something to that effect Yeah, you know these people that I was talking to weren't saying that but they were basically dismissing it with sort of the normal stuff
You know, you know the Acts passage where they say to the Gentile believers All they have to do is not eat a strangled animal or you know meat sacrifice to idols and they they said well see there
It is we're not under the law and I'm like You can't just do that. It takes a little more nuance than that I mean even if you you know
Someone was citing Joel McDermott in this thread to and about how his views of sexual, you know Crime and things like that have changed and you know
They're referring to the Karim principle and the reality is that that you can cite Joel McDermott all you want
But but he's he's not doing what you're doing. He's not dismissing the got that God's law As applicable what he's doing is he's interpreting it a certain way
And so he's you have to actually do the work. You can't just be like, well, we're not under the law You know what? I mean? I don't necessarily agree with Joel McDermott, you know,
I ought to be honest I haven't looked into it as much as I potentially should and I'm planning on doing that He says a book is coming out about it.
That's great. I'm looking forward to it But the reality is you could cite him but the thing is
Foundationally, I agree with him about the abiding validity of God's law now there we're gonna have differences
But but foundationally we are much more in line than he is with people who dismiss God's law
You know what? I mean? Like that's I don't know why you would cite him. I mean, obviously he's got differences, you know with a lot of people who believe in the general equity of God's law, but Fundamentally foundationally, we're in in much more agreement.
You know what I mean? Anyway, I would just caution if you're gonna be commenting on God's law and calling it and being so bold as to say that if We implemented certain aspects of it.
That would be tyrannical Man, I would not want to be in that position, you know to be you know, kind of sort of In a blasé sort of way saying this is tyrannical.
This is God gave this to the people. He gave this to us This is in the Word of God to us directly and it's like well, you know, you're gonna have to have you know
Some kind of nuance there. You can't just wave it off. You know you quoting a passage from Acts about sacrificing meat to idols
It doesn't work that way But anyway, I don't want to talk about that too much and want to get into the weeds there Probably more to come on that because I believe that God's law is critical for this social justice movement you don't have to be a theonomist or anything like that, but You have to have a high view of God's law.
You just have to you just have to it's just that simple What I wanted to talk about today was just this
You know, God is God is at work. He always is at work. And I think he's making fools fools of Many people in this woke movement right now
He is pulling back any kind of mask of civility that the
Democratic Party has any kind of well You know, there's some nuance here about what they believe he's pulling that he's ripping that back and exposing them for what they are
It is pure evil pure evil This this bill, you know
You can't you can't even agree that if a baby is born alive is outside of the womb
You can't even agree that that is a human being that has all of the rights that any human being has from God You can't even agree with that That is that baby should still be allowed to be killed
Simply because he or she is not wanted. I Get much more evil than that And so all these people that are that are sort of trying to sanctify voting for Democrats because you know over here
They're right. They're better than the Republicans over here. You guys gotta take a good look in the mirror You guys are crazy.
You guys are crazy and I got to be honest. I feel Extremely vindicated from my my comments on the cross -politic network where I said you should be church disciplined probably
If you continue to do this kind of stuff, I mean It's it's getting embarrassing you guys are embarrassing yourselves and you're dragging
Christ's name through the mud It's just that simple. But but here's what I want to talk about you know,
I saw this tweet and this is the kind of tweet that I just I Don't even know how to describe it cowardly, but it's not really it's it's not cowardly.
It's not even the right word. It's just Infuriating. That's really what it is. It's infuriating J .D.
Greer J .D. Greer the president of the Southern Baptist Convention He sees that the
Democrats pretty much to the man vote for infanticide I mean, this is not even like hard to see as infanticide like I Look all abortion is infanticide.
I agree with that, but I can at least understand how someone would say Oh, well, you know when they're when they're only a few weeks old.
It's not infanticide I can at least understand why someone might think that way as stupid as that is I can at least understand it
But but here we're talking about a baby. That's outside of the womb fully formed Everything is just as human as anything like like there's no mistake here.
There's no mistake here. There's there's even a Satanist in my town There's a literal Satanist He worships demons like a literal guy who worships demons who lives in my town who says
Y 'all Democrats are crazy. You guys are crazy This is as pro -abortion as you can get and this guy is saying you guys are crazy.
I mean, but anyway J .D. Greer, here's what here's what here's his hot take. Here's his tremendous
Contribution to the conversation. This is the southern leader of the biggest denomination in the United States.
Here's what he has to say about this This is not a Democrat or Republican issue.
It is about whether to keep babies born alive alive When I saw this
I Literally facepalmed, you know, I literally facepalmed and I just I just I can't even believe it
Guys, I'm not a Republican. Eventually. I got to do a video about why I'm not a Republican, but I'm not a Republican So this is not partisan for me.
And I think that's what he's trying to say. This is not partisan issue It's about morality, but but but this is a democratic issue
It quite literally it is the vote was almost Almost perfectly on party lines.
We've got one party who is absolutely insane Voting for infanticide and you're telling me.
Oh, no. No, it's not really about Democrats and Republicans Get some spine Get some spine
J .D. Greer You this is this is DEFCON 1 and you're over here equivocating you're over here being as obtuse as I've seen anyone ever be
This is not a Democrat. It absolutely is It absolutely is This is what the
Democrats are all about They're crazy They're crazy for this and I'm not saying every person who's a
Democrat is crazy for this I'm just saying the elected officials are crazy for this. This is what they're all about And you're over here is telling me well, it still might be okay to vote for them because I like their economic policy
They care more for the sojourner. What are the chances? I've said this many times What are the chances that a party of people who get the easiest moral question anyone's ever been asked?
Hey, should it be okay for you to kill an infant? That's the easiest moral question anybody's ever been asked in the history of humanity.
They get that wrong What are the chances that they are getting right some of these more complex questions about what to do with refugees?
I mean, I think we could all agree. That's a much more complex question. Even if you think that they get it, right
What are the chances that that that someone who can't even think on a basic moral level?
Can understand the complexities of a more complicated issue? The chances are about zero about zero percent
J .D. Greer It's infuriating. It's absolutely infuriating now. Here's Donald Trump Donald Trump Because look
Donald Trump is not known for his grasp of complicated morality, right Donald Trump is not known for that kind of thing
I mean, let's just be honest about that and you might say well
Donald Trump is just using this to get elected Okay, fine granted, but I want to ask you a question
Why is it that Donald Trump is thinking more clearly on this issue than J .D. Greer?
Why is that? Let's listen this Senate Democrats that is literally true by the way
Senate Democrats did this not Senate Republicans This is a Democrat issue Senate Democrats just voted against legislation to prevent the killing of newborn infant children
The Democrat position on abortion is now so extreme that they don't mind executing babies after birth that is a
Billion times more clear than J .D. Greer's nonsense. This is a Democratic issue
The Democrats are doing this the Democrats want this. This is what the Democrats like This is not a bipartisan support for infanticide
I Mean, I just I just can't even imagine Donald Trump this will be remembered as one of the most shocking votes in the history of the
Congress I agree with that if there's one thing we should all agree on is protecting the lives of innocent babies lives of innocent babies
So Donald Trump understands like you look Do I think that Donald Trump hasn't has enough of an understanding about the fact that we've been talking about infanticide this whole time?
No, I don't think so. But now that it's so obvious God has pulled out any veneer of Civility to this he's pulled it out from under you
Donald Trump somehow is landing on the right side of this and Many Christians aren't oh, yeah.
Yeah. Yeah I know that they support infanticide, but I like the fact that they really care about Disenfranchised communities and blacks and Latinos more they they're not racist.
And so, you know, I can I can I gonna be okay with it I just I honestly just don't get it.
This is so perplexing to me This is Defcon 1 and our leaders are equivocated and Donald Trump somehow comes out on the side of truth unequivocally unequivocally
Wow, I Just I just don't I just don't get it. I don't get what's going on.
But no, no, that's not true. I do get it I don't get why it's being allowed By the the run -of -the -mill person in the pew and you know what?
I don't think it is. I Don't think it is. I Think there's a sleeping giant in the church
And I think that the gospel coalition and the ERLC and all these people have made a very big strategic error
People are starting to understand what's happening here that we've got a political beast a
Political machine that's that's just running roughshod over to the church And a lot and a lot of these people are
I I think intentionally doing it They're not thinking as Christians here they're thinking as political operatives
And so when you're a political operative, you're you're you're just trying to get your team to win So it doesn't matter exactly how it happens.
It's just the important thing is that your team wins That's why we're seeing people that are that are so quick to believe
Jussie Smollett So so quick to believe all the the ridiculous nonsense of the Covington situation and all of that But but you won't see anyone anyone talking about the very overt
Obvious political violence of the left you won't see it because it's about their team It's not about what's what's just and what's what's good and what's right?
I mean my goodness anyway That's what I have for you today. And hey, hope this is helpful.