The Hope of the Lord


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the Gospel of Luke, Luke chapter 24. Before we look to the
Word of God, let us ask Him to bless our time together. Our gracious Heavenly Father, once again as we gather in this your house on this your day, we would ask that you would open our hearts and minds to understand your truth, you would give guidance, you would give protection against distraction.
Most importantly, Lord, we pray that the Spirit would meet with us this day. What we do may be all to the honor and glory of the name of Jesus Christ.
In His name we pray. Amen. I hope I make my connection.
I hope I make my connection. I can't tell you how many times I have texted that.
As soon as the wheels touch down, I get the cell phone out and you fire it up and I'll text my wife or I'll text
Rich or somebody and say, oh man, we're late. I hope I make my connection.
I know that happens a lot these days. I remember flying,
I don't know why I was flying from, getting back I think from New Orleans if I recall correctly, but I had to go through Charlotte.
That's sort of going backwards, but that's how airlines work and I had to take this commuter and the commuter was delayed and I looked at a map later on of the
Charlotte Airport and physically there was no gate farther away from the gate
I had to get to than the one I came into. Isn't that always how it works? And I had to do the
OJ Simpson thing, which had nothing to do with killing my wife. It had to do with running through an airport, which is not easy to do when you're dragging something behind you and you've got a bag on your shoulder and it is a chiropractic nightmare to be perfectly honest with you and you always run into the folks that are, you know, going up the escalator very slowly or whatever when that happens, but I was the last one on to the flight.
I actually made that one and amazingly so did my luggage. I mean my carry -on luggage,
I mean even my check luggage somehow got all the way across the Charlotte Airport and onto that plane in a very, very, very short period of time.
But notice the language that I used. I hope I make my connection. Now how would that be, how differently would it would it sound if I actually texted my wife and said
I believe I will make my connection? See in our language we differentiate between those terms believe and hope and for some reason,
I'm not exactly certain why, we have attached an element of doubtfulness or negativity to the term hope.
Well, I hope the suns get better. Or I believe the suns will get better.
See the difference? It's not just the the use of the of my voice. I mean I obviously you could you could say
I I hope the suns get better but still there's this there's this but it's not looking like it right now you know type of an attitude to it or but when you say
I I believe there's a there's an automatic positive aspect to that utilization of the language.
Now what I'm referring to is the fact that in our text today we find the term hope.
We find the term hope and I began thinking about that word.
I began thinking about how absolutely central it is to Christian theology and I did a little word study on it and wow it is central to the expression of our our hope of eternal life.
In fact just just recently Paul used the language we'll look at later on and in Romans 15 and what did he call
God? The God of hope. The God of hope. Remember that? And yet for most of us that's sort of like well the
God of well maybe it'll happen but probably won't. But that's not what the term means.
And so here's an instance where we have a word where the proper English translation well it communicates something to us that the the original language does not communicate to us.
There is nothing there is nothing doubtful or negative about the term hope as it's used in the original languages but when we translate it that way very often we allow our linguistic use our cultural use of that word to end up influencing how we understand scripture and what's even more than that hope is used very similarly to the word faith and yet how often do you and I we talk about justification by faith alone the faith believing it's all good stuff when do we talk about hope well at a funeral once in a while we'll talk about shouldn't be that way it is a central affirmation of the
Christian faith we are to be a people of hope and that doesn't describe people who are in a really bad situation just hope things can get better that's not the
Christian understanding here in Luke chapter 24 will encounter that term and it seemed fitting
I'll be perfectly honest with you I was I was just going to continue on in until I realized oh oh it's it's resurrection
Sunday we are so bad with the quote -unquote liturgical calendar around here that we don't have one
I mean honestly people could come here and not have any earthly idea what what holidays or anything else we're going on outside and and I guess
I've really adopted that attitude and it took me a few days this week to go you know I think people might be expecting a little something different than something about Old Testament laws on Sunday morning this coming
Sunday morning might be a little disappointed so I thought we would look at Luke chapter 24 it might be a little bit more appropriate beginning at verse 13
Luke 24 13 and behold two of them were going that very day to a village named
Emmaus which was about seven miles from Jerusalem they were talking with each other about all these things which had taken place while they were talking and discussing
Jesus himself approached and began traveling with them but their eyes were prevented from recognizing him and he said to them what are these words that you're exchanging with one another as you are walking and they stood still looking sad one of them named
Cleopas answered and said to him are you the only one visiting Jerusalem and unaware of the things which have happened here in these days he said to them what things and they said to him things about Jesus the
Nazarene who was a prophet mighty indeed and word and sight of God and all the people and how the chief priests and our rulers delivered him to the sentence of death and crucified him but we were hoping that it was he who was going to redeem
Israel he besides all this it is the third day since these things happened but also some women among us amazed us when they were at the tomb early in the morning and did not find his body they came saying that they had also seen a vision of an angel of angels of an angel who said that he was alive some of those who are with us went to the tomb and found it just exactly as the women also had said but him they did not see and he said to them
Oh foolish men and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken was it not necessary for the
Christ to suffer these things and to enter into his glory then beginning with Moses with all the prophets he explained to them the things concerning himself in all the scriptures amen now this of course is a story we know if you didn't know it and you're in Sunday school you have heard it just recently because we covered these things but here is a story well known it has been put into a work of art the two disciples along the road to Emmaus and and it is an amazing story when we consider all of it and what it
I wonder how many times Cleopas and the other had to narrate that story over the next number of decades as people would ask them to tell them what obviously became to them the old old story but as they're walking along they are speaking with one another and it's interesting that term in verse 14
I had never noticed it before but the the Greek word that is used there is the root word of the term homiletics homileto to speak with one it's not the normal term but it seems to have been a fairly in -depth conversation
I mean they are going over things and they are they are very much invested in this conversation that they have going on between them about the things that have taken place and certainly we cannot help but give consideration to what it must have been like to be a follower of the one that you believe was the
Messiah be a follower of the one that possibly you had you had seen him be the five thousand maybe you had been one of those who had stood outside of Lazarus is great and you had seen him come forth bound in the grave club and maybe even though the
Bible doesn't tell us about what the conversations were maybe you had spoken with Lazarus you knew he was dead it wasn't some magician's trick you had seen him raise the dead you had seen him work so many miracles maybe you had spoken with the disciples and you knew about his walking upon water you knew all of these things and so you thought this was the one this was the one even though there were there all sorts of traditions and you didn't really see how everything fit together and he didn't seem to want to gather together an army or anything like that but he he spoke words of wisdom and life and and grace and then he said we must go to Jerusalem it's necessary the
Son of Man die and and there had been dispute and and Peter had said no no no master and Lord said get behind me
Satan and so you you you've you've been there you maybe heard from the disciples themselves who are eyewitnesses about his death but his trial about the beatings the mockery
Oh and your own leaders Oh the chief priest scribes
Paris you knew of their hatred you did you had seen it in their eyes you had heard that if anyone confessed that Jesus was
Messiah they're gonna be put out of the synagogue and so you knew that but but how could they have done this how could they have colluded with the
Romans and hear it at this high time of the year this special time and oh it's it's just how could this be certainly from Friday night all day
Saturday what were the conversations like was it primarily silent the deep disappointment the confusion he could give life to others but he couldn't couldn't save him himself what has happened what a tremendously dark time it must have been for the disciples themselves for those that were close to them a time of fear darkness despair disappointment confusion how could we have been how could we have been wrong for so long how could we have missed it we've we've given up so much what a dark dark time it was it must have seemed like forever but then
Sunday came and strange things start to happen
Cleopas and the other disciple had some business I mean they had a there was a home they could go to there so I had to visit with someone some reason to go they say farewell but not before some strange things start happening there are reports that the women have gone to the tomb and they've had visions of angels and he's not there and he's risen and and Peter and John they've they've gone and and they've they've looked and they did something strange has happened tombs empty stones been rolled away but they've left evidently shortly after this takes place and so they're on the road to Emmaus and they are talking they really don't care who else is around much they're talking with one another and this stranger approaches and began traveling with them that wasn't overly unusual and we already noted in our
Sunday school lesson a few weeks ago that something supernatural happens their eyes were presented from were prevented from recognizing and something supernatural takes place because God wants to accomplish something in their lives he wants to demonstrate to them something important and if they just looked over and always
Jesus he would not have had the opportunity of opening the scriptures to them but before he opens the scriptures to them he draws out from them a confession of what it was like to be a hopeful but disappointed believer in that dark time between the crucifixion and the resurrection he asks him what are these words you're exchanging with one another says they stood still looking sad they did not hide their disappointment it did not hide their sadness these were individuals who were experiencing dark depression confusion disappointment then
Cleopas speaks up and maybe there's some sarcasm maybe there's some disbelief are you the only one visiting
Jerusalem and unaware of the things which have happened here in these days how could you not know the whole the whole city has been in an uproar what everyone's talking he said to them what things of course he knows he's drawing out from them the expressions of their hearts and here's their description they said to him the things about Jesus the
Nazarene who was a a prophet mighty indeed and word in the sight of God and all the people and how the chief priests and our rulers delivered him to the sentence of death and crucified but we were hoping that it was he who was going to redeem
Israel indeed besides all this it is the third day since these things happened but also some women some women among us told us these amazing amazing things
I want to stop there for a moment and listen listen to what was said by those individuals they didn't want to talk about this and in fact there's some sense in my mind that they were a little bit concerned
I mean I would have been if I were them there there did seem to be some concern on the part of the disciples because remember when when
Jesus appeared to them what had they done that they have the doors open and they were gonna have a
Christian prayer meeting in here and we're gonna know they were at the doors locked they were more than just a little bit afraid and so these individuals
I'm a little bit surprised maybe that's why they they stood still at first but did they have some fear were they concerned about what was going on I think they probably were and they were now confused because these these women they've brought a report we don't understand they couldn't find his body and some of us went to the tomb found as they said but they don't have any conclusion you and I sit here and go but how could they not have known how could they not have known
Jesus had said it to them Jesus had told them it is necessary that I go it is necessary that the
Son of Man be delivered into the hands of the Gentiles you told them you and I we read the whole story but still we do have to ask ourselves the question why was it that what
Jesus had so clearly communicated to these individuals just didn't seem to get through to them they don't they only heard up to a certain point and after that traditions the
Messiah Messiah can't die I've been taught that since I was this tall the
Messiah will redeem Israel the Messiah will ever all the nations will stream into Jerusalem and they will they will worship
Yahweh there in the Messiah can't die never underestimate never underestimate the power of tradition because even when the
Lord Jesus says things with a clear voice what's the result what's the result well
I can't hear and even think of the amount of time that they spent on Saturday thinking someone had to have at some point said well remember he did say but that didn't seem to have come up wasn't someone thinking about well remember that's
Rhea Philippi remember Philip what he said remember remember Peter well we don't remind
Peter what he said but remember Tom and well no Thomas's somebody do you remember what he said where was the where was the faith where was this you have any evidence of searching scriptures nothing like what was going on well
I want us to look especially at what they said to Jesus about what their faith in him was to be they said we had hoped right after talked about the rulers delivered him to the sentence of death and crucified him and by the way
I've seen him over the past few weeks I don't know if you did too but every time this year there's some discussion who killed see it
I saw it maybe you don't but social media and in various places who killed
Jesus and I'll be honest with you I didn't pursue most links but most of them were trying to avoid giving a full or biblical view
Jesus gave himself freely the father delivered him over the spirit was involved and there were means that were used
Romans you can't avoid what said right here our rulers delivered him to the sentence of death and who crucified him our rulers they recognize they recognize that but you're not allowed to say that by the way in much of theology it's not allowed to just considered to be too inappropriate but then here is the phrase we were hoping we were hoping that it was he who is going to redeem
Israel now it's interesting the majority of translations follow what seems to be the best reading the original language there is a textual variant here but they the best reading uses what's called the imperfect tense we were hoping there's one possible reading of a perfect tense and there's one present tense as well but the best reading is we were hoping the imperfect describes an ongoing action in the past but it doesn't assert that that action continues till today we were hoping it was an ongoing thing we we even following for a while we don't know who the other disciple here was but we haven't we were we were hoping not we had hoped just a just a statement that you know briefly this was something that was ongoing this was something that had impacted their lives but now in the midst of darkness that hope was flickering and there in fact is not a statement here that they were still hoping which might explain
Jesus words because remember what he says you foolish men slow of heart to believe didn't you know that this is what the
Christ would have to suffer and then he begins to open the scripture them so maybe this is what the Lord was responding we were hoping we were hoping that was the phrase that began my thinking but what do
Christians hope and I thought back to the sermon just recently that that pastor
Fry presented to us because he had mentioned in Romans chapter 15 that description of God it's
Romans 15 12 I'm sorry there's a bunch of places in Romans chapter there it is
Romans 15 13 now may the God of disappointing expectations of course not may the
God of doubtful expectations no may the
God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing see the connection between hope and faith there and that came right after an
Old Testament citation which is interesting to me I'd always know Paul had said again Isaiah says there shall come the root of Jesse and he who arises to rule of the
Gentiles in him shall the Gentiles what hope now see for most of us we're going well what's the difference between hope and belief here and it is fascinating as I as I considered this word hope
I was struck by how often hope and faith are directly linked to one another listen to a couple of these passages a bunch of them here but we're gonna we're gonna do a little run through on on hope and the
Apostle Paul my he was the he was the Apostle if we describe of almost anything
I'd call him the Apostle of hope remember Romans 824 for in what you have been we have been saved in hope so I think if we were to frequently ask a lot of Christians to fill in some of the blanks where the term hope appears in a
New Testament they'd put in faith or belief if they weren't familiar with the text but for in hope we have been saved but hope that is seen is not hope for who hopes for what he already sees but if we hope what we do not see with perseverance we wait eagerly for it remember that section
Romans 8 that right before the the great section of the golden chain of redemption everything else there in hope we have been saved you ever think about yourself in those terms does hope describe you and I think one of the main reasons that I think and I could be wrong maybe you are a big hope person
I know I've spoken at hope reform Baptist Church back on Long Island so there's some folks that that maybe don't don't need this exhortation but I think for a lot of us because of that false distinction between trust believe and hope one being positive and one being negative that sort of in our minds we sort of do a little translation thing and sort of flip hope into belief but there's nothing in the original language that substantiates that differentiation hope is a positive thing and may
I suggest that that hope is faith looking forward to the promises of God resting on the character of God that's what hope hope is faith looking forward to the promises of God and resting on the character of God so notice what
Paul said in Romans 5 through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand and we exult in what in hope of the glory of God see hope and faith connected together again but hope is looking forward to what it's looking forward we exalt in hope of the glory of God and that's not oh
I I hope someday that'll all work out I hope God can make it work that's not what it's saying this is an expectation
I mean if I were to say I expect the
Diamondbacks to win the World Series someday again they did it in four years first time but been a while now but I expect this is the year that's different than well
I hope but this is the expectation we exult that means we rejoice we we have great exaltation in hope of the glory of God God's glory is going to be revealed and we are going to see that Romans 5 continues on to talk about that one of the things
God works in a Christian life is hope perseverance proven character proven character brings about what hope and hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts the
Holy Spirit who was given to us we're to be hopeful people we're to be people who are not always just dragging our feet along the ground and looking down and oh we're the persecuted lot we may be persecuted but the very power that defeats persecution is the hope of the glory of God and that hope does not disappoint why because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through what
Holy Spirit I think one of the things that made that time period between the cross and the empty tomb so dark as it was before Pentecost it was before Pentecost we could never really experience that now because God has poured out within our hearts through the
Holy Spirit his love we have that testimony of the Holy Spirit remember in 1st
Corinthians 15 Paul said if we have hoped in Christ in this life only we are of all men most be pitied remember what he was talking about he's talking about the resurrection notice how it's hope basically is faith cast forward looking forward we could have said certainly if we have trusted in Christ in this life only we are of all men most to be pitied that would be a true statement but there is that added aspect of that forward -looking here to the promise of our own resurrection
Christ being the firstfruits of that likewise the
Ephesians he said to the end that we who are the first to what in Christ oh we were the first to hope in Christ would be to the praise of his glory and second
Corinthians 110 who delivered us from so great a peril of death and will deliver us he on whom we have set our oh you set our hope upon him intimately connected is hope and faith intimately connected there can be no hope apart from faith very clearly and so if faith is the work of the
Spirit of God within our hearts repentance is the work of the Spirit of God within our heart then it makes sense we've already seen that that part of the work of the
Spirit within our lives is to make us hopeful people we look forward to we accept the promises of God all set as Thessalonians 2 16 now may our
Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father who has loved us and given us eternal comfort and good hope by grace
I've ever thought of hope as a gift I guarantee you if you've been in the sick room if you've been in the
ICU you have thought of hope as a gift right
I've told some of you this before and some of you have been around here so long that you remember this shortly after my wife and I began attending here
I began working at what was back then called Thunderbird Samaritan Hospital some of you would remember that right after the
Sunday morning service I would have to leave or sometimes even earlier to get out of the hospital because on Sunday afternoons the hospital had a lost support group that the chaplain had the lead and I was one of two chaplains and we were supposed to it only every other week but the other chaplain was candidating all over the place evidently it took him forever because the first year that I was there the 52
Sundays I had at 48 that's not quite half and I'm gonna tell you that was some of the harsh work
I ever did I rarely have sleepless nights but I had a complete sleepless night right over there in that caretakers front room that building right behind us there because I had gotten a bunch of books about grieving and lost support at the
Christian bookstore and they were all impossible for me to follow their counsel because they all had the wrong doctrine of God they were all telling me to distance
God from the loss and and you know insulate God and I'm like even back then even before all the experiences
I ended up having in the hospital I recognized that if you distance God from what has caused this then how can you tell someone that God has a wonderful plan for their life in the future if God was off on vacation when this happened what kind of faith is the first is supposed to have that for the rest of their life he's not going to be going on vacation again it removed any meaning and purpose couldn't do it had wrong theology
I remember that night just just wrestling what how am
I gonna handle this what am I gonna do well after doing that for quite some time
I made some observations I learned some things and some of you know that that one of my most popular books is a little teeny tiny book on grieving but I wrote a couple years later actually after I wasn't a chaplain any longer but the one thing
I discovered we were if you know where Thunderbird is now I think banner or whatever it is out there on Thunderbird around 55th
Avenue not very far from where Sun City and so we would have a lot of older folks and normally what it was is that group would be filled wasn't a
Christian hospital that group would be filled with elderly women who had lost their husband and many of them have been married for many decades which is a good thing but most of you probably know that in many situations when people who have been married for a long long long time lose that other person they don't tend to live all that long themselves after and it became very clear to me and I preached it in those classes that the key word the key concept as to whether someone was going to be moving up the spiral of grief toward fulfillment happiness the ability to look toward the future or going down the spiral toward depression sickness maybe even death itself the one word that made a difference was the word hope sought over and over if that woman would lost that husband that had so defined her life and her experience could look forward and see something other than just dark could see a purpose could see a reason to continue on in many instances these were folks who are separated from their family you know they had retired out here all the family all the grandkids someplace else and they did not see any reason to continue on the future was simply dark they had no when
I would see that I would do everything in my power remember it wasn't a quote -unquote religious hospital but I was the chaplain they were there so I could at least mention things but to to talk to them and try to find some support in their life to try to encourage them to be able to look forward and see something other than murky darkness and despair
I would suggest practical things like well why don't you could you is there some way of getting involved in other people's lives serving others was a huge way of creating hope it drags you out of yourself and helps other people it brings tremendous light to people to serve other family if there was family all
I would want to get them involved and if that could happen I saw people who at first were just in darkness and despair but slowly over time they began to move outside of themselves serving others seeing in their family members and others a reason to continue on but then there would be those who just wouldn't come again wouldn't see him again and since it wasn't something you signed up for there wasn't any way of contacting people word was hope that was the one thing that made the difference could they look forward remember that text when
Paul talked about death he said that we are not to grieve as believers as those who what have no hope have no hope now don't get me wrong
Paul did not say we don't grieve he didn't say that sometimes that text is misunderstood anyone who is old enough to love will grieve the loss of the object they love
Christians grief but we're not to grieve as those who what have no hope now the world hears that phrase and doesn't like how dare you because you see the only way to understand what
Paul said is that there is only one true way of having a hope that allows you to look forward a hope that allows you to press forward in the midst of the deepest darkness and despair and it doesn't come from psychology and we don't work it up within ourselves and it doesn't come from the other religions of man
Christian messages the reason that there is hope the reason that we can have hope because is because of the faithfulness of God to the promises he began making all the way back in the book of Genesis and chapters about one who would come and he would bruise the serpent's head he would crush that serpent while he himself is only bruised and then you then you have more light coming in more prophecies and and then of course we've read
Isaiah 53 and yet God remains faithful and you have an empty and I think that's why
Jesus responds they're saying we were hoping we were hoping
Jesus's response is to point them to the scriptures and say don't stop because the one who made these promises has now shown himself faith hope we were hoping that it was he who was going to redeem
Israel that was a true hope they were right but for a brief period of time the light of that hope had flickered and we know why spirit not yet given the scriptures not yet open to their minds traditions crowding in and bringing confusion so you don't even hear what
Jesus himself we were hoping since that conversation every
Christian has changed the tense of the verb the resurrection changes the tense of the verb because the description of you and I today is we are because of the love of God that has been shed abroad in our hearts by the
Holy Spirit we have the hope of eternal life we are a hopeful people and we need to take that word back from its misuse in our language it needs to be a positive word it needs to be a word of light in our minds we need to be a people of hope as my friends we live amongst a people we live amongst a nation has a message that you are but a highly evolved animal it's going to live a little while die a painful death and turn to dust does not bring hope especially to those especially to those who know that there is more and everyone create the image of God knows so where will they get hope folks
God has given you hope in your heart don't hide share it proclaim it direct people to the one source of an empty tomb and arisen let's pray a gracious Heavenly Father we do thank you for this day and though many in the world today briefly stop and in the sort of bemused fashion give consideration to the claim of the
Christian faith that Jesus rose from the dead we are here this day and we have hope we know that is that very resurrection which is the very foundation of our hope of our own resurrection our forgiveness of sins eternal life all found that empty may we rejoice not just today but every day may we see that every