The Opponents of the King Luke 19:45-48

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June 30, 2024 - Morniing Worship Service Faith Bible Church - Sacramento - California Message "The Opponents of the KIng" Luke 19:45-48


For announcements prayer meeting tonight at 6 our missionary of the month is Jack and Bev McMahon From New Zealand and you can read more about them on the back there and also in your bulletin
Next Bible study is Wednesday the 3rd this week the 3rd at 5 30 p .m There will be no men's breakfast in July.
We're kind of taking the summer off Summer Greek class is on the 6th at 930
Summer church gathering just mark your calendar in August. It's the first Sunday afternoon after service at the
Huffman's and Lunch is provided and all those good things and you can read up more about it
And I think that's it for announcement just before we go to the Lord in prayer. I just wanted to share a psalm
We've been going through the psalms in the morning Sunday mornings pastors been doing an amazing job of that and a couple weeks ago psalm 98 and it's a
It's a kind of a three -part psalm. The initial part is the deliverance of his people.
The middle part is the worship of God and then it concludes with the restoration
Which is yet to come or in glory and I wanted to read Just the the middle part which is worship.
That's our time when we know the Lord This is what we're due to our we are to do until we get to glory
Shout joyfully to the Lord all the earth break forth in song rejoice and sing praises
Sing to the Lord with harp with the harp in the sound of a psalm with trumpets and and the sound of a horn shout joyfully before the
Lord the King and it's just Putting our hearts in that mode of rejoicing with Thanksgiving with from a place of humility
That's what our God deserves that's what he would expect of us because of His holiness and so let's go to the
Lord in prayer Lord God, we thank you father that you have brought us here together to worship together as believers
Lord when we can lift our voices when we can sing songs of praise and Thanksgiving we can hear your word preached and taught father.
We thank you that we are Your children father and we thank you for faith
Bible Church that you have placed it on the hearts of people here to to Follow the word to follow you father in in truth and God that we won't add anything
External anything worldly to our worship to our our process of growing and being sanctified.
That would be Living according to your word. So God this morning we pray for Kim Lord that you would heal her body father give the doctor's wisdom as they determine what's
Going on in her body father and we just pray that she would find rest in you father and as well as for Kevin God we pray for Continued recovery for Wayne and his surgery father.
Thank you and give you praise for for that miraculous incredible outcome
Lord that he went through is going through and we Pray for Ramaya and Modestus Chioma.
What a blessing she is as a new father Addition to your kingdom
Lord and we thank you that you brought her into this world father We pray for the parents that they would bring her up in the admonition of you father
So God today we rejoice in all things. We thank you that we might show the love of Christ to one another and That you would be glorified in all that we do father
So Lord go before us as we prepare our hearts now in song and we give you praise in Jesus name.
Amen Right The scripture reading this morning is from Jeremiah chapter 7 verses 5 through 11
That's Jeremiah chapter 7 verses 5 through 11
For if ye throughly amend your ways and your doings if ye throughly execute judgment between a man and his neighbor
If ye oppress not the stranger the fatherless and The widow and shed not innocent blood in this place
Neither walk After other gods to your hurt Then will
I cause you to dwell in this place in the land that I gave to your father's forever and ever
Behold he trusts in lying words that cannot profit Will you steal murder and commit adultery and swear falsely?
and burn incense incense unto Baal And walk after other gods whom ye know not and Come and stand before me in this house which is called by my name and say
We are delivered to do all these abominations Is this house which is called by my name become a den of robbers in your eyes?
Behold, even I have seen it sayeth the Lord The Lord had his blessing to the reading of his word
And In which we
Christ our hope
What God is
God is good Where is his praise? and goodness known in our great
Redeemer's blood who holds our pain when fears arise
Who stands above? The stormy trial who sends the waves that bring us night unto the shore the rock of Christ Oh Oh Jesus calls you
Jesus draws you To bring us peace
Tender shepherd mighty Savior rest in Sure Oh So come come to Jesus and rest in Are you hopeless?
Are you guilty caught in shame for all your sin?
He pursues you Forgive you He has paid for every failure mercy flows and in the streams
Come and follow Freedom calls you rest in him
Now sure His compassion for us
Is Please turn with me to Luke chapter 19
Luke chapter 19 verses verses 45 to 48
Luke chapter 19 Verses 45 through 48
Then he went into the temple and began to drive out those who bought and sold in it
Saying to them it is written. My house is a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves
And he was teaching daily in the temple but the chief priests the scribes and the leaders of the people sought to destroy him and Were unable to do anything for all the people were very attentive to hear him
This is the word of the Lord Let us pray Father we're grateful for your watchful eye upon this church.
Thank you for taking care of all of us Both spiritually and physically and we pray for continued
Recovery and growth for Wayne and Kimberly and The baby
Chioma we pray that you would watch over them and Give them all that they need and we're grateful that you have given us
Jesus Christ who died for our sin and suffered the judgment that we deserve and rose from the dead so that we may be forgiven and Adopted into your family
Help us to love you and seek you more and trust you daily in Jesus name
This is a rather short passage, but it's an important passage and it is more detailed in Matthew's description of the temple cleansing right in Matthew's description of the
Temple cleansing he He gets even more violent, right
Luke keeps it concise But this is to say these are the type of people
Who opposed Jesus but not only that these are the type of people whom
Jesus opposes If you want to know what makes Jesus angry look to this passage
And this is important first of all because Anger is not inherently a sinful emotion.
Oftentimes. We're just taught to be nice in this culture No disagreement. You just say yes and You know be tolerant anger is actually
An emotion that God shows anger is an emotion that Jesus shows and Anger is an appropriate response for many of us in certain circumstances in fact in some in after certain events not to be angry would be actually sinful and The reason being is that anger is a defensive
Response that's a defensive emotion. It exists to Protect something that's loved
Now, when does it become a sinful anger? Well, if you're protecting something you love and it's yourself
Right, that's that's sinful anger. It's about you. It's self -centeredness, right? How dare he say that to me, right?
That's that's sinful. It's a sinful response, but all you can see here. Jesus is not
Selfishly getting angry. He is rather Angry for God's honor his cleansing the temple because the money changers have defiled it
Right. It's about God and the worshippers Jesus is showing a selfless anger
So that's just one Key thing to remember when we read a passage like this anger is not inherently sinful
It's how we respond to it and what motivates it so until Starting here and until the end of chapter 21 the central location of Luke's narrative will be the temple and The temple is quite important.
We don't really have this concept of the temple
Anymore, and and the main reason is it's not existing right on the
Jerusalem Temple Mound, there's not a temple. It's a mosque, right? and The second reason why we don't really think about the temple is under the new covenant.
You can Encounter God you can approach God Through the
Holy Spirit, right wherever you are. Whomever you're with you can go to the
Holy Spirit You can go to God through the Spirit in Jesus Christ because he made you righteous
At any time anywhere right your bedroom you can pray to him Here you can pray while driving you can pray and you can encounter
God, right? However, back then the temple was the place in which you encounter
God That's why it's an important place in this narrative Right, I want us to have that in mind so Today's text shows the glimpse of who the opponents of Christ is those who will challenge
Jesus authority and rule and This is the first passage after his entry into Jerusalem the city of David and Remember, it has all been building up to this moment
Jesus has been journeying to Jerusalem to deliver his people from sin through his death and resurrection
And he has been headed to Jerusalem since chapter 9 right? We're in chapter 19 and That's the central mission of the gospel
And one may wonder with such a marvelous goal of salvation who could possibly oppose him, right?
So the main point of today's text is who are the opponents of Jesus reign?
Who are the opponents of Jesus reign? And this is crucial today because although these figures may not exist now
Right. When's the last time you ran into a Sadducee or a chief priest? right
Satan and the world often do recycle the same old concept, right?
They they just use it again and again and again right to oppose
Christ and oppose his followers the opponents of Jesus reign have
Really just changed names over time, but not the function
We must ask these questions When we Discern how we discern all if someone or some organization is opposing
Christ Is there anything or anyone who comes between you and God?
Are there any intermediaries between you and God? Other than Christ.
Is there anyone that takes Jesus place between you and God? Various cults have different individuals or groups who serve as intermediaries there are some things or some people who come between the worshiper and God and You know some of you might be thinking popes priests and prophets.
Oh my right I too but this is not just against Catholicism, right or Mormonism or Anything like that in which those offices exist
Islam Mormonism actually place alleged angelic encounter and prophetic testimonies to override the person and work of Jesus Christ right
Why is this problematic the one who controls access to God enjoys a tremendous power the one who controls your access to God enjoys a
Tremendous power the one No, and and and these cults may deny this but if you can tell a
Group of people how they can approach God or not or what makes you righteous or good enough to approach
God That's an immense power and influence over them right
It's another way of deifying yourself and de God in God because in the end the only person who has control over access to God is
God himself and any group any individuals that attempt to take that role is
Taking a throne attempting to take a throne that's already taken, right?
So the main point again, who are the opponents of Jesus reign, right? The king has finally arrived who are the ones opposing him first Jesus opposes anyone who prevents his people from approaching
God Jesus opposes anyone who prevents his people from approach approaching God So after Jesus enters
Jerusalem his ministry Fittingly starts in the temple. It's it's the house of God.
It's where the worshipers come to experience God's presence Verse 45 then he went into the temple and begin to drive out those who bought and sold in it
This would have happened at the court of the Gentiles. It's the outer court not the inner temple, right?
that's only accessible to a Specific group of people like the priests and the Levites, right?
This is the outer court it's outside but inside the gates And In the
Herod's temple so Herod the great actually refurbished the temple in his reign
Because it was kind of run down and it was beautiful. It was a beautiful building.
It was many people Visited it even if they're not Jews just because of how beautiful it was
Right, the outer court would have been about a 35 acres That's a big chunk of land and Even foreigners would come and pray
Right just because of how beautiful it was and their curiosity So this is also the place in which the sacrificial animals were sold
Luke's temple narrative gives the least amount of details. That's why we have Four verses two of which only focus on the cleansing, right?
But this is the famous scene of Jesus furiously overturning the money changers tables
This account is often called the cleansing of the temple and I think some believe that Jesus was angry at the presence of the animals at the temple
After all these animals would have been stinky and not potty trained however
That's wrong for three reasons Why the cleansing was that Jesus was angry at the animals?
First the Old Testament did not forbid animals in the courtyard after all
Where are you going to sacrifice the animals if not in the courtyard, right?
You had to bring the animals Second Jesus addresses the very people he is opposing, right?
He's not addressing the animals here He is angry at the he's not angry at the presence of the animals
He's angry at those who are selling them. That's he actually addresses them Those who are selling them third
Clean in the temple context is not a hygienic category remember
But a moral category The temple was not defiled by the animal feces
But the corrupt money changers who are benefiting at the expense of the worshippers right in this category the defilement is moral rather than physical right and of course we we did go over the physical category of Temple cleanliness in this case.
It's moral the The dead giveaway is you have made it a den of robbers, right?
That's that's moral stealing is a moral issue So under the
Old Covenant and Old Testament we have to remember animal sacrifice was crucial for every
Israelite or Anyone who wants to approach God for that matter? God ordained the physical animal sacrifice
To teach them a spiritual reality, right? A lot of the animal rights activists here would not like that.
But but that was How God taught his people a crucial lesson if you sinned against God you had to slit the throat of an innocent unblemished animal on your behalf an innocent life
Had to be given in order to make yourself right with God once again
And it is your fault hence you put your hand on the animal and you slit the throat yourself and It's your animal.
What does that mean? There's a cost to you There's a cost to this sin
You can just sin willy -nilly when you sin against God Something precious had to die a
Precious animal who did not sin But for your sake was put to death because the
Holy God cannot allow sin to flourish in the land Or else he would not dwell among his people, right?
It's all about God's presence here. That's the main function of the temple God's presence among his people and it also provided the means by which the
Holy God dwells among Sinful impure people how to make them pure again at least on the outside right animal sacrifice
Because if you sinned again Another animal would need to be sacrificed and over and over again animals were killed
This was necessary in order for Israel to continue their relationship with the
Lord The sacrificial system was God's gift to his people in order for the sinful rebellious people to continue to dwell with God on his land
Right. That's why when you read the prophecies, it's about you dwelling on the land right
Israel dwelling on the land that God has given them and When when it gets too much and they don't really care about make being right with God the ultimate
Judgment is the exile which happened right the
Babylonian exile and the Assyrian exile Needless to say animal sacrifices were crucial for one's relationship and access to God Right, it's it's not something we think of as I how burdensome
No, it was the cruise. It was one of the most crucial components of one's relationship with God How am
I gonna be right with God again? Because the reality is I'm gonna keep sitting against him
Now how are the money changers morally defiling the temple Well, we hear from Jesus himself verse 46 saying to them
It is written my house is a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves
Jesus here Mixes two different allusions two different allusions from two different prophets of the
Old Testament The reference to the house of prayer only occurs in Isaiah 56 7
Isaiah 56 7 the house of prayer Here it says these
I will bring to my holy mountain and make them joyful in my house of prayer their burnt offerings and their
Sacrifices will be accepted on my altar for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all people's plural all
People's nations not just the Jews house of prayer house of prayer It's it's it's the place in which
Anyone who who wants to have access to God will go to commune with God to talk to God right and Israel Here is not the only subject here
Isaiah actually refers to anyone who follows the Lord no matter the bloodline and no matter the socio -economic background
Isaiah 56 gives us an eschatological picture of proper worship of the
Lord the only true God Yet Because Jerusalem missed
Recognizing the visitation of the Messianic King Jesus Christ now that they have missed the proper response
To God in the temple when Jesus has finally arrived People from all over the world were to worship the true
God unfettered uncontrolled with no burdens The temple was supposed to be the house of prayer all peoples having personal relationship with God Now when the
Messiah visits the temple and instead of the worshippers personally communing with God He witnesses financial frauds that burden his people from accessing
God personally right The Money changers were enriching their purses while the worshippers were crushed by the undue financial burdens right imagine that if Animals are required for animal sacrifices in order to be made right with God But the animals sold in the temple are marked up a bit
But there will be worshippers who cannot afford to Participate in the animal sacrifice now, what do they do?
They they can't sacrifice they have to go home With impurity sins and That's it
And with this heavy burden of I can't be made right with God Mainly because I'm not rich enough
While the money changers grew wealthier the the poor worshippers grew farther away from God because they could not afford to sacrifice
Hence Jesus alludes to Jeremiah 7 11. This is the second Verse that's alluded to which was read by Kevin this morning
But you have made it a den of thieves Jeremiah chapter 7 is a powerful rebuke against the worshippers of the temple before the
Babylonian exile Whenever the Old Testament is quoted
I recommend you read the whole context not just the verse that's that is quoted because the the author of scripture never quotes out of context the context has to be acknowledged in Chapter -7 the temple of The context is actually centuries before this is not even
Harrods temple. This is Solomon's temple and And it's fitting for this specific group of money changers of the first century because in Jeremiah 7
Jeremiah the prophet he prophesies against the temple worshippers who Externally worship at the temple, but are wicked inside Right They have the appearance of godliness when they stand before the temple but their reality is
Stealing murder adultery and idolatry among the few that were read, right?
So they think that they will get away with their sins because they go to the temple
Right because they go to the temple. They're all good with God That's this idea.
It is not far from how many Christians treat the church Live like pagans
Monday through Saturday, but don't worry. I worship on Sunday right or if The Catholic background is get drunk on Saturday night, but go to confessions on Sunday morning right, it's it's it's easy to make a
Lucky charm out of God's presence and That's what
Jay are the Israelites the Judah Judah Judaites dead in Jeremiah 7 right the prophet
Claims however, God is fully aware and warns them to stop treating the temple as their good luck charm
Right verse 4 sets the context do not trust in these deceptive words
Did this is the temple of the Lord the temple of the Lord the temple of the Lord? Right.
Well, what is this say? Well, what what they're saying is we're not gonna be exiled. We're not gonna be destroyed
This is the temple of the Lord I'd like to see judgment come
It's the temple of the Lord, right? And What Jeremiah is saying is the temple will not save them from God's coming judgment
Don't presume that you're secure from his judgment just because you're in the temple
You think you're safe because you're in God's house, but you have made it into a den of robbers a
Den of robbers think of a cave full of robbers and they think they're safe They're secure as they're hiding in a cave
These false worshipers are finding false security in God's temple rather than God and That's why later in Jeremiah 7
God reminds them of what happened in Shiloh Everyone what happened in Shiloh remember in first Samuel they treated the
Ark of the Covenant as the lucky charm and they lost it They lost a battle badly
Why because they thought they could use the Ark as a lucky charm. We're gonna win the battle against the
Philistines That's the presence of God They were doing it all over again except with a bigger building the temple
And they made it into a den of robbers a cave if they're finding false security in the temple
In the same way When the Messiah visits the temple, he sees those who appear to be faithful on the outside because they're in the temple
They're serving but in reality they are fraudulently benefiting at the expense of the common folks the religious leaders in the first century
Falsely believed that they're secure as well because they're serving at the temple.
Oh, that's my ministry. I served directly in the temple
Yet Jesus smelled the hypocrisy when he entered he saw how the leaders were taking advantage of the poor believers and They were not helping
The leaders who were meant to shepherd the flock were fleecing the flock instead They were taking advantage of the desperate
They too treated the temple as a secure and sheltered cave And had no regard for God now, although we don't do animal sacrifices anymore because Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice who not only makes us clean on the outside, but inside Right.
Our sin is washed away inside because of his atoning sacrifice on the cross
So that once is enough However this den of robbers is an reoccurring theme in Human history
The religious establishment still finds ways to prevent the people from approaching
God by taking advantage of them right, oh One of them one of the main ones we see in the
Protestant churches the prosperity gospel How are the prosperity pastors driving
Lamborghinis and flying On their private jets to conferences in the name of ministry
Well, they promised their overly trusting flock that they would be on God's good side
That they would be on the side of Blessing that they would be the recipients of God's blessing if you first give
If you give generously God also will give generously God would bless them if they gave to the church more
In One sense generosity is an important virtue and trade in Christian living But not through manipulation
It has to be done through joyful heart cheerful heart inside So they guilt trip and shame those who cannot give generously and these worshipers feel feel more distant from God In their minds
God becomes Unapproachable I've had someone who's not really like a knowledgeable believer so a mature believer and Someone called me one morning
And and she lives farther away so she can't possibly attend faith Bible Church And she she noticed that her church is that prosperity gospel
So she stopped attending it, which praise God And well, she stopped giving praise
God, right? So she however Being brainwashed in that kind of teaching
Asked can can can I start giving to faith Bible Church? And I said, well, what's the motivation?
It's like well because I need to keep giving right? Like where where in the scripture do you see that you have to keep on giving to church?
Well, that's what she's been taught. I said if you want to give give because you're cheerful giver right because you you want to You know, you want to be generous toward a ministry that is furthering the gospel but don't give because you have to Because God's not making you do that Right and I said the the best deal is find a local church that's faithful Near you and you start investing there not just money but also time right, but again, it's this
Manipulation that went on that you had to give in order for you to be good with God In order for your access to God be solid and secure
You need to give that's the lie And it is way too common everywhere in this country and they are the money changers, they're the
They have made the church a den of thieves their local churches Right, and we know
God's Attitude towards that He will overthrow them and if you've been
Abused like that spiritual I call that spiritual abuse if you've been abused like that That will not happen here
And not only that the most importantly You know
God's view on those people. He's not on their side And you can take a breather right if you've been spiritually abused by those kind of pastors
God's not on their side God understands and is vehemently furious at What they've done to you
That's the comfort and hope we have this morning and we see that in the person of Jesus Christ This is important because the true gospel
Says that all of God's blessing comes to the believers not because they gave but because Jesus gave his life for them
Our spiritual blessing does not depend on how wealthy you make your pastor
But the tremendous riches that Jesus poured out when he suffered for your sin on the cross
Ephesians 1 3 tells us that every spiritual blessing in heaven comes from God in Christ What does that mean you're not only forgiven but you're adopted into his family all
Because Christ suffered for your sin on the cross and rose from the dead
Your access to God does not depend on you but on the completed work of Christ By trusting in Jesus and his work you have full access to God that the
Old Testament Saints could only dream of and That is the biggest blessing to us this morning
You have a personal relationship to God and you can go to him at any time anywhere and He will be there
It's not about the private jets It's not about your dream car the blessing all of spiritual blessing found in Christ is a personal familial
Relationship with God and no one can come between you and God The second example we see is the
Catholic priesthood Why did the Catholics have to confess their sin to their priests?
It's nowhere in the Bible In fact, the Bible tells us that all believers are royal priesthood
Right second Peter 2 9. You're all royal priesthood What does that mean?
We all have access to God under the Old Covenant That was not so you they had to rely on the
Aaron's line of priests one specific tribe and among that tribe one specific family
Aaron and You had to take your sacrificial animals there to their family they had to rely on one family where the laypeople needed to go to the temple and the priest would sacrifice on their behalf and The reason is is because the priests represent
God to God's people and God's and and God Is represented to them by the priests.
It's both ways. The priests are the intermediaries of the Old Covenant They represent
God to God's people and they represent God's people to God both ways However under the
New Covenant through Christ you have direct access to God hence You're called the royal priesthood pastors don't replace the priesthood of the
Old Covenant Believers replace the priesthood of the
Old Covenant. That's important You have direct access to God just as much as I do if you believe in Jesus Christ.
I Don't have a backstage pass to God We all have the same access to God if you believe in Jesus Christ Now, what do they all have in common
They all seek to manipulate the worshippers by controlling their access to God while they keep on accruing power
All false religions place humans in between the worshippers in God and that is how they retain their control and that is how they control the masses if You can tell a person made in God's image that What they must do in order to be made with God That's what you call a glimpse of tyranny
You must avoid certain foods or God will not be pleased with you Under the
New Covenant that is blasphemy Because Jesus made all foods clean
Your access to God will not be hindered by what you eat or what you don't eat But there are cults to this day that try to control what you can eat or what you can't eat
You must give a certain amount of money and time or you cannot be right with God The Jehovah's Witnesses they have to stand out there in the sweltering
Sun not because they want to because they have to That's not grace
That's worse You must submit to a few elite members of or a council in order to understand
God's will for you Catholics the the
Council of the Cardinals the Pope The Mormons they have a council of prophets and they get to decide where you end up in the mission field
Isn't that crazy? thousands of young Mormon men and women their
Next couple of years are decided by 12. I think 12 men 12 or 13 just a handful of men
That's control. It's control of someone's life Now, what does the true religion look like?
Christianity is unique in that God graciously comes down to his own people Your access to God does not depend on yourself nor others, but God himself alone
In fact, Jesus is our only intermediary and he is God Right.
Yes, you do have an intermediary. Don't get me wrong I'm just saying no one else is your intermediary only
God Comes between you and God We have a triune God in fact
In order for you to be made right with God and have access to God you have to go to God incarnate
Right Jesus Christ alone. God made flesh. He became man
Ultimately God did not send an angel nor a prophet to rescue his people from their sin
But he himself came down to deliver his own Not only that there is nothing you need to do to be saved by God It's not about good works
It's about trust Because it's all done for you by Jesus on the cross
It's freely given Jesus alone took on your sin and died the death that you deserve so that you may live
When you trust in him alone you may live with God Your access to God has nothing to do with the
Pope sitting in Rome Your access to God has nothing to do with even your record of goodness your access to God only depends on Christ alone and On the judgment they these imposters will be condemned
Second the religious Establishment seek to destroy
Jesus despite his popularity The religious establishment seek to destroy
Jesus despite his popularity the second section picks up at the temple again and He was teaching daily in the temple, but the chief priest describes and the leaders of the people sought to destroy him
Now verse 47 tells us that Jesus opposition to the money changers did not go unnoticed
It shook the foundation of the religious establishment The chief priests were highly regarded
They belong to a group called the Sadducees They don't exist anymore because they were heavily tied to the temple worship and we haven't had the temple since AD 70
They took Only the first five books of the Old Testament as scripture the
Torah And in this case the chief priests They're plural.
The reason is usually there's only one chief priest at a time But under the
Roman rule What happened was a prefect a governor named
Valerius Removed one of the chief priests
Annas and And after that he installed his son -in -law
Caiaphas and His son -in -law remained in place until AD 36 after Jesus death and resurrection for that reason
Formally Caiaphas was the high priest during this time however, the actual influence was shared by the two
Annas and Caiaphas because the Jews resented the fact that a Roman a foreigner a foreign governor
Decided to remove a high priest of their own Right. So that's why you see two high priests in the gospel accounts
One was formally the high priest and the other one was removed but the Jews highly regarded him, right?
It's it's kind of like When we have US presidents and they serve their term, we still call them
President, right Trump President Bush so on Now the second group of people are the scribes and they actually belong to the group called the
Pharisees They all believe all the Old Testament books were scripture, but they heavily relied on the traditions of the elders right
And they were actually more opposed to the Roman rule than the Sadducees So normally they weren't the best of friends.
I mean, they weren't sworn enemies, but they didn't really work together Until you get to opposition against Jesus they group together
Now not much is known about the leaders of the people Presumably they were the lay people who had a lot of influences.
Think about maybe the elders of the Groups or villages
By no means were they all super close After all the Sadducees and Pharisees had different agenda and even different view of Scripture However, when
Jesus came to the temple and rebuked the money changers the whole religious establishment felt threatened and they saw their power grip coming loose when
Jesus entered the temple and Here their goal is quite barbaric and desperate at the same time
Let's destroy the threat and in our case They wanted to assassinate
Jesus. Let's kill him He's a threat let's just kill him the irony here is tremendous in order to protect their ministry and ministrial influence
They want to sin against God by murdering an innocent man Not only that there's a double irony in order to Serve God in their own wicked perverted way
They want to murder God incarnate Verse 48 however tells us why they could not succeed and were unable to do anything for all the people were very attentive to Hear him for now the people who see and hear
Jesus at the temple clung to his teaching they were captivated by the superior quality of teaching from God's Word and from the author himself and Consequently the religious
Establishment which garners its power from the popular support of the people or could not touch
Jesus yet But they will soon change the minds of the crowd to Have them desire to kill
Jesus in which they will cry out crucify him crucify him Now Those who have influence over the people
Ultimately are threatened by Jesus Christ and that that is universal all competing religions restrict the worshiper from reading scripture on his own
This spans from communism right communism socialism statism. They they they they worship the government
Have the government provide for your food. Oh, what about God the government? Why are they?
Why do they all burn the Bible and per persecute the churches? Jesus Christ is a competing opponent
One for Israel a Christian ministry that reach out to the Jews also
Have shared that the modern synagogues skip over Isaiah 53 Because it is one of the clearest prophecies of the suffering of Jesus Christ so that his people could be restored
That's alarming Over 700 years before Christ the
Prophet Isaiah accurately wrote the following verse Surely he has borne our grief and carried our pains yet.
We esteemed him stricken struck by God and afflicted and This verse foreshadows the substitutionary atonement that Christ would fulfill
Jesus Christ faced God's wrath on behalf of his people for our sin
Right yet to this day In synagogues all over the world
Jews will not get to encounter their Messiah from scripture that God has given them And that's why we need to continue to pray for the
Jews Because they are God's people God has Promises to them that have not come to fruition yet And and and we eagerly wait for the day in which
Jews and mass come to the saving knowledge and faith in Jesus Christ Right, we wait for that day
That's an eschatological event But the religious establishment they don't want to compete against Jesus The Catholics the
Catholics are discouraged from reading the Bible on their own and When they do they can only read their version of the
Bible which is restricted by the Roman Catholic Church's acceptable Interpretation which will be printed out for you on the same page
This means the versions that we freely use today even among us this morning
KJV and KJV ESB NASB, right? They're forbidden for the
Catholics they cannot read them without sinning as Early as 1229 the
Church of Rome the Roman Catholic Church Heavily discouraged the lay people from encountering
Christ on their own. This is the quote from the Council of Valencia We Prohibit also the permitting of the laity non -priests to have the book of the books of the
Old and New Testament Unless one anyone should wish from a feeling of devotion to have a
Psalter Psalms or breviary for divine services devotionals or the hours of the
Blessed Mary But we strictly forbid them to have a the above -mentioned books in the vulgar tongue in a language that's
Understandable as in not Latin, right? That's shocking in the end
The worshippers access to Christ in Scripture is governed and guarded by the
Roman Catholic Church No wonder the Arnett's might have shared it with you that their former
Catholic friends even though they're Not related at all They have shared that the
Catholic Church hid Jesus from them this is because true freedom is only found in Christ alone and When a person truly believes in Jesus No one else can come between you and God the religious
Establishment lose all loses all the power over you when you come before the throne of King Jesus Christ and This is why all the opponents of Christ are threatened by their people directly hearing from Jesus and the antidote to such horrible spiritual imprisonment is
Again Christ alone. The only one who can free you from the religious cults and Overwhelming burdens and and an abundant weight of shame and guilt is
Unadulterated pure words of Christ Unfiltered untainted voice of Christ booming from Scripture If this is you this morning or you know someone who belong to a cult
Like that Jehovah's Witnesses Mormonism any of them Catholicism Islam There's there's hope and you may try to argue with them and they get slippery
Because they will change the topic When you have a good point to make and they'll change it and some of you might have experienced it yourself
But make sure you offer them with this advice Read the gospel
I rate I usually recommend the gospel of Mark mainly because it's the shortest and the most straightforward gospel
You don't need to know a lot of the Old Testament As much compared to Matthew and John and Have them read it for themselves
Read the gospel account for yourself No need
No need for a commentary Commentaries are great. I use commentaries all the time, but you know what read it for yourself first Read it and interpret it just as the words of Scripture say
Just the straightforward understanding of what God's Word says
No need for another person no need for a Bible study leader No need for whatever mentor you have in your religion
In fact, no need for a pastor. Just open it read it No need for another person to regurgitate their view
Just Open it and read it read it clearly read it simply as the words say and ask yourself
Continuously, who is this Jesus? Who is this
Jesus? many souls
Have been freed from such a divine encounter the only way for those who are trapped in a cult that Furiously opposed
Jesus to be freed is for their personal encounter with the
Lord Jesus Christ In his word, there's no one else who can free
An overburdened Person Except for Jesus Christ alone, let us pray father.
We are grateful That only Jesus Is our
Savior only Jesus is our King and only Jesus controls our lives and we only submit to Jesus alone
Help us to be protected from such false teachers and wolves in sheep's clothing Even in the local church, even in the
Protestant Church who attempt to manipulate and control your sheep Help us to encounter with the
Lord Jesus Christ Daily in his word
Although commentaries, although pastors professors may be helpful help us to first seek
Jesus for ourselves Because he reveals himself to us
As he speaks And he does not need another mouthpiece
Because he speaks well by himself in Jesus name Me with your cleansing
Your holiness is my desire