Thoughts on the Day After Election 2012 in the United States


Four years ago I uploaded a video with my thoughts after the general election in the United States. With the re-election of Barack Obama, and the other massive swings to the left in related issues (marriage, homosexuality, etc.), it seemed appropriate to consider the theological and world-view implications once again.


So, here we are on the day after election day 2012. Four years have passed since I recorded a video the day after President Barack Obama was initially elected.
A lot of people watched that video as I discussed the clash of world views and what this election meant and here four years later, here we are again, 2012.
Now, I have to admit, I had held out some kind of hope in this situation that the
American people would, now with a track record, go, no, that's not the direction we want to go.
And I was surprised at what took place yesterday and yes, it was a very close election, a very slim margin of victory, but it was still a victory.
And that in spite of now a record and the clarity of that record on such issues that directly affect ethical and moral reasoning on the part of the
American people. So why was I surprised? As I thought about it, there's no evidence since 2008 of repentance in our land.
Instead, there's massive evidence of acceleration toward both socialism as well as the enshrinement of the culture of death.
But I guess, at least when I was raised, you were raised to have hope in your country, hope for the best.
And so, I hope for a sign of mercy from God or at least a slowing of the pace of degradation in the society.
But that mercy was withheld and we must say was withheld justly.
Mercy can never be demanded, grace must always be free. I simply must state that a nation that will vote, even if by a slim margin, to re -elect the current regime, knowing full well its promotion of homosexuality, its profanation of marriage, its almost cultish adoration of and protection of the murder of unborn children, well, as a nation has no fear of God.
I cannot help but think of those words of the Apostle Paul, there is no fear of God before their eyes.
That is what we are looking at in this situation. The tipping point, my friends, has come and it's gone.
We are past it. The inertia left by generations of Christians teaching on morality and ethics has been wiped from the minds of the populace.
It's been replaced by a feel -goodism of subjective morality, secular humanism, and evidently an implicit trust in the state as well.
One of the things that Christianity does is it causes you to recognize the depravity of man and hence causes you to build into a governmental system restraints upon men because we know what man is capable of doing.
It seems that anymore we're not aware of that in this culture. We keep saying, we,
I'm referring to Christians here, we Christians keep saying that we know we are in a small minority in America, but do we really believe it?
I mean, I've said it, yet I have to admit that I don't necessarily act that way.
Clearly, many of us think that if you just reason with folks, if you lay out the facts, they'll do what's right, they'll do what's best.
We need to realize the worldview difference between us and the large majority of our culture is only becoming more pronounced.
It's only becoming a greater chasm than it ever has been in the past. Why is this happening?
Many people are asking that question, why? And I have said the same thing for a long time, at least
I'm being consistent, it's the judgment of God. It's the judgment of God, it's just that plain and simple.
What else can explain the utter historical amnesia of the
American people at times like this? The utter disconnection. Just a few generations ago, we were fighting against these kinds of things and now we're embracing them as if they're wonderful things.
And the moral and ethical degradation of the culture is a shocking thing to see.
I think it's the judgment of God. The Bible says God removes his hand.
He gives people over in their sin. And that's what we're seeing, is a giving over on a large scale of an entire society to a worldview that leads only to death and destruction.
Homosexuality leads to destruction of human beings, it does not produce life, abortion is the very essence, it is the high sacrament of the culture of death.
So now we see with greater clarity than before our true condition here in the United States.
Like most believing communities all around the world, we are a small minority.
And we are a small minority in the midst of cultures that are more or less viscerally opposed to our beliefs.
The life that we must live in obedience to the Lordship of Christ, it will bring us into inevitable conflict with those cultures that stand against his
Lordship. It's going to cost us to be disciples of Christ in a way that it has not cost us in the past.
We need to be salt and light, and for this we have been called.
But we need to realize that when God judges a people, he will keep his people, he will protect us, but they will experience the diminishment in living standards that everyone else does when his judgment comes upon a people.
Protecting us doesn't mean that we're going to be somehow insulated from all of this. God will not bless a nation that will knowingly and with a high hand rebel against his ways.
For example, our economy is already in shambles, and with the current regime in power, it will surely proceed from bad to worse.
Our military might cannot progress without economic prosperity.
It costs a lot of money to make those uber cool weapons, you know. And to do all that research and everything else.
So I truly believe that we will watch our position in the world, I'm speaking again of the
United States, lessen and lessen, and that in short order, as more disciplined nations that don't spend themselves into oblivion, pass us by militarily, economically, in the area of influence, as we become a second tier nation.
Our quality of life will diminish. Our freedoms and our liberties will lessen. Our choices as to what we can do in life will narrow and constrict.
It is a true statement, my friends, that the larger the government, the smaller the citizen. And clearly, the majority of the people in this country, they want that big government.
They want the nanny state. And once you give that kind of power to the state, it's taken away from you.
I don't think most people in our country even understand what liberty means anymore, let alone what it costs. I mourn over this for my grandchildren, but I also know,
I also know that God has not promised to continue blessings to a nation that rebel against His ways.
And He can be all my grandchildren could ever need or want, if they will but turn in repentance and faith toward Him.
So, I can leave them in His hands and trust that He will take care of even them.
So once again, we are reminded by major events that we are pilgrims and travelers in this world.
Many of us in the United States have become, I say this for myself, far, far too comfortable in our prosperity and our wealth.
We have been able to love the things of this world, while at the same time professing to love the
Father. And you know what? God's Word says that simply isn't possible.
It's one or the other, and God has a way of forcing that issue upon us. My friends, remember as we face an ever more hateful world, that the only power that the world has is the power that we give to it.
We give it that power by loving its things, those temporary things that are passing away rather than the eternal things that only we as followers of Christ can truly possess, truly value, truly know.
May God cleanse us of our love of the things of this world so that we might be in a position of being free from the interference of the world, the control of the world over us.
We've been called to stand as lights, as prophetic voices, even in the midst of judgment.
We are to be warning our culture that pursuing death can only bring death.
Our nation has moved forward indeed, forward toward the precipice of self -destruction. We are called to point to the truth and be spent and used of God for His purposes and His glory.