Revisiting "McGee and Me" as an Adult

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Do you guys remember the the content we did a few weeks ago about right now media?
Yeah Well, it turns out I was actually I found myself at my brother's house in Pennsylvania.
I was there for a Rangers game they're playing the Penguins and It turned out that my my brother's wife has access to right now media
Through her I think through her school that she used to go to I don't remember exactly how she had access to they're not paying
For it, but my brother had a surprise for me. How many of you guys remember this?
This brings back so many memories Some of you might already know what this is this is the show
McGee and me man, when I was a kid living in Windsor, Connecticut, I We we had a church that we went to Methodist Church is what
I grew up in and they had a pretty decently sized library and they stocked the
McGee and me book Videos in the library and we used to rent those little tapes out all the time
And we didn't have them all, you know, but we saw a good portion of them there were a few that we hadn't seen but But I remember this this intro right here, man.
I thought this was the coolest thing ever I thought Nick he's the main character was like the coolest kid ever.
He was neat. He was an artist He could draw. Well, it made me want to learn how to draw. Well, which I never actually ended up doing
I don't know man When I was a kid, I I grew up thinking that when I was older my room would look like this it had these contraptions
That part right there that part where he's coloring in the hands, I don't know what it is
But when I was a kid that was so satisfying just to watch him color in the hands You know what?
I got to see that again. Just I just want you to see this I when I was young young ad used to love this
And What a rocking song and when I was a kid I didn't really get this but and and I have a few fan theories about McGee and me
We're gonna go into them right now but when I was a kid, I thought McGee really came to life like like he was a real character and And all of that when you watch the series as an adult though There's a number of hints that this is all in his imagination
Like it's not like a it's not like a a world where I guess cartoons can come to life like Nick is actually a crazy person, maybe a schizophrenic and in fact, there's a and McGee if you if you think about McGee As an adult when you look back on the show as an adult
McGee gives terrible advice. It's like it's like the cartoons, you know Remember in the cartoons when you know
Like the Bugs Bunny would have a decision to make and on one side he'd have the Bugs Bunny angel and on the other side
He'd have the Bugs Bunny devil and they would kind of fight it out to see what he would do It's like that except McGee is just the demon side like I have a theory and I'm not gonna go into this part of the theory in this video, but but I think that Nick I Think that that McGee is sort of like the devil version of Nick and and Nick is like it's like his sin nature
Almost I think that's what I think McGee represents Nick and his sin nature like in his flesh and and and when you look back on the show
I mean, I dare you to watch some of these episodes like McGee is he gives awful advice evil advice
It's not very good at all. Let's continue This is the moment where Nick like loses his mind like this guy's schizo a little bit
He could see you can even see it and you could there's a few there's a few scenes where he's arguing with McGee About something
McGee is saying and and and he He closes the book, right?
He closes his drawing book and McGee is like he's you look at me and he opens it again McGee's just a drawing and and he drew he draws
McGee like in a pout So like you like you could tell they're in an argument So like this whole argument is happening in his head and he's drawing out what
McGee would look like in this argument It's kind of disturbing when you think about it, but that's not what I'm here to talk
I used to love this part too But he goes like that with his hand and like the McGee and the McGee me symbol comes out.
I used to love that part All right, all right, all right, oh actually
Are very distinctly So I I watched somebody else's content on McGee and me recently and He and I had a very similar thought
I I always thought that this was McGee McGee's dad or something because he was bigger But it's like it's obviously a robot this robot never appears in the show, by the way
But it was so funny to hear somebody else that kind of obviously was similar to my age And he had the same exact thought that I did.
But anyway, that's the McGee and me introduction now The McGee and me show if you remember it would
It's a Christian show, of course, and it's not really that preachy, but they're all they're all teaching lessons
You know every show starts with a Bible verse and like you're supposed to learn something about that verse during the show
But it's not that preachy. There's there's one or two episodes that are very preachy We're gonna talk about that in a minute, but this is one of my favorite episodes
Do you remember this one where they go sneak out into a movie? I can rate it our movie This is this is this is his friend
Lewis and here's my fan theory I think that the show really is a story about Lewis more than it is about Nick Lewis is not the main character clearly, but I think that if you look at the character arc of Lewis He's the one that actually ends up getting saved
Nick. I'm not so sure that Nick is even saved to be honest That's I know that might be shocking to you.
But I think that Nick is is he's really struggling You know he's he's he's he's definitely got some kind of mental illness
And he gives in to his sin nature just so much and his friend Lewis here
It's weird because they become friends in the first episode Lewis helps him to not get beat up in the very first episode
But he's kind of like a bully Lewis is a bully in his own right like he's friends with Nick But he's constantly digging at him constantly making fun of them and even here
He's making fun of Nick's parents because his Nick's parents say it's getting dark soon And they got to come inside and it's like daylight so but but but watch this is the part where they decide to go to this movie
Nick just blasted his friend Night of the blood freaks
Oh This part this part left a memory on me that I'll never forget The reason
I remember that part cuz I was in the commercial for this episode, but in any case they decide to go to this rated -r movie
Called night of the blood freaks, and he goes to the movie And it's really gross like it's like very gory
And you know he starts like just kind of being grossed out and when he leaves the movie he comes home
Oh, and the whole point of this episode is he sneaks out of the house, right? He sneaks out of the house because his parents say he's not allowed to go to the movie.
He gets mad I think he says you're stupid or something like that, and they ground him and he sneaks out so he goes to this movie, and he has a horrible time because it's you know it's disgusting and all that kind of stuff and This is the thing like There was always in my opinion.
There's a lot of questionable like morality in this show Because he gets home.
This is the part where he gets home Oh Every one of these every one of these episodes has a montage scene like this.
It's good stuff classic 80s 90s Good stuff right here
This stuff this stuff still holds up today, I gotta be honest got the slow motion
So he's obviously very disturbed by what he saw All right, so so he's about to come home, right?
He's about to come home from sneaking out to watch this movie. That's rated R movie and You would think that his parents well, let's just watch it.
Let me show you what the parents say Mom and dad
Classic white parents, you know, I know nothing about this. I would have got the chancleta if you know what
I mean a Lot of you probably don't know what
I mean So he gets home and his parents are waiting for him.
They obviously know he left he came up with this elaborate scheme where he had a like a Robot kind of like a home alone type thing where they knock on the door and he goes come back later.
I'm drawing But they obviously find out Did you enjoy yourself
It was awful Do you realize what you've done? Okay, so she says do you realize what you've done and what what you expect is for her to say?
You you you snuck out of the house. You you broke our confidence you we told you specifically you cannot go to this movie and We then you we grounded you and then you not only did you go to the movie?
But you left the house when we told you not to do it And then you came up with this elaborate scam with the robot and things like that Like this is this is a breach of trust the likes of which it's unbelievable
That's what you expect her to say Sit down Nick Do you realize what you've done?
She doesn't say that newsflash When your mother and I told you you couldn't go it was for a purpose
We were trying to protect you Your mind is the most important thing you have this is all true like it's very important to protect your mind from seeing disgusting
Pornographic things it's all true But the real issue here at least the first issue has to be addressed
We told you not to go you went we grounded you you snuck out You came with an elaborate scheme to scheme your parents like this is so out of bounds.
It's unbelievable Yes, you poisoned your mind. Also. I hate to say it, but like the more immediate concern right now is
The fact that you completely have no respect for the word of your father by the way It would be one thing if they kind of when they told him he couldn't go to the movie that they explained him about you know sort of the
Problems with filling your head with garbage they do mention it, but they focus more on do it because I said so No way hey
Absolutely not We don't want you filling your mind with that kind of garbage. You know that but mom
I told you shut up Nicholas One more word out of you young man, it's not fair everybody else gets to go see it
But I have to sit around with the bunch. Oh, that's it Now you don't talk that way in this home
Go to your room you're grounded McGee made him say it
I know it I know it so that's basically it and so they don't explain the whole thing about the
Images that they're gonna. They're gonna poison you make you feel bad. They don't say any of that They just say you know we don't want you filling your head with garbage
Go to your room because I said so and it's like look that should be enough like listen if you're a kid
And your father says don't do something, and you know and you're under his roof. You're under his rules.
That should be enough They don't need to explain themselves But I think it would have been helpful here like like with yesterday's video about the pornos like like yes
You should all you should say you know don't watch pornos to your kids But I think it would be helpful to explain some of the reasoning there how you're gonna enslave yourself
To not only to sin But also to people who want nothing better than for you to be obsessed with pornos for the rest of your life
And and and and and it ruins your relationships and and all this stuff like I think it's helpful to explain
And yeah, but but they don't do that they don't do that and then and then when later when they could revisit the situation
They don't even mention the fact that he totally broke their confidence and did a horrible thing all they focus on is the poison of The movie which again, that's that's true.
That's not really what they said the Lord is very clear when he says we have to be careful What we put in it? What is this basically turn this is this this is a very serious situation and they turned into an anti rated -r movie thing
Which it doesn't make any sense anyway, so there's questionable morality in this he ends up getting spanked or something yet You don't see that, but they could they strongly hint at it because he says at one point.
He says We'll talk about your punishment later. That's what the father says and then Nick's like You might say we did more than talk about my punishment
Even says it just like that anyway But yeah, let's go. Let's go back to Lewis his friend this guy
Lewis He's his friend, but he's like a kind of a mean friend like he's constantly taking digs at Nick.
Here's an example Nick Nick Nick's challenging this guy to a skating race, so he'll leave this one kid alone, and here's what his friend says
Bad news Nick Sure I do
I can beat him No way, I've seen you skate Derek won third place last year in the
Tri -City finals. He'll smear you He'll smear you So he's very discouraging like that like Nick's Nick's you know he needs a little confidence
It needs a little attaboy, and he's like he'll smear you he constantly makes fun of him Here's another example, and this is one of my favorite episodes
This is my favorite episode twister and shouts, and this is where everything comes to a head by the way This is the thing this is why
I think this show is about Lewis more than it's about Nick He's uh he's with it
He's home alone with his sister his sister's babysitting and Lewis came over and that other girl came over that And and and and so there's gonna be a tornado apparently
So they're home alone. They probably appreciate a couple of men like us around What is your major malfunction
Nothing I heard the thunder and I Thought you guys might be scared or something scared
Nanic. We're used to your face by now You See this like in front of the girl, but and I think the girl likes
Nick And it's like he in front of people he's cut and that's the thing that's the other thing about this guy Lewis It's like he doesn't insult
Nick when they're alone like in that in that scene where they're saying the night of the blood freaks Those are just two friends.
You know There's goofing off, but whenever there's some people around I I'm telling you watch this series whenever there's people around Lewis is so mean to Nick taking digs at him.
You're ugly. Here's another one. All right. Hold on. That's not another one Oh, hold on. Hold on Look at this for by the way as well.
This is something else I noticed Look at Lewis kind of like Sidling up to his sister here.
This is very I think this is intentional. Look, this is a kid show. I get it. I Think this is intentional.
Look how close he is to his sister So not only is he taking digs at Nick constantly and in fact, there's a few others that I got to find in this where Nick discovers that the the basements flooded and he makes another dig at him and stuff like that So not only is he taking digs at him constantly in front of people including a girl that I think he likes
He's also trying to get with his sister and I kid you not I do not think this is an accident Look how close he is.
Look where his head's at. This is not an accident. I'll tell you why in a minute Scary Oh The sister the sister solution to the tornado watch is to change the channel
Man let me let me find the other by the way Look now he's really close to the other girl, which
I don't again. I don't think this is not this is intentional You might even be
Watch this watch this great idea. I checked it. It's flooded anywhere.
You are. It's gonna be flooded What does that even mean anywhere you are? It's gonna be flooded
There's like his insults may even make no sense. But but seriously, here's the thing So he was like right in her lap essentially now.
He's like kind of next to this girl and it's very I Think it's intentional.
I really do anyway, so so let's let's continue. So they have the whole, you know montage where they
They they they start working together it went one by one point a tree limb comes through the window and you know during a tornado
You're supposed to be away from the window so nothing can hit you but they go right to it They do the exact opposite thing you're supposed to do again, there's some questionable the show
But anyway, so they all end up working together and and I think Nick at some point like he preaches the gospel or he talks about how you should not be afraid because God's With you and and Lewis said, you know
They asked Lewis about about about the Lord and Lewis says I never really thought about it And you could tell
Lewis is very like conflicted and all this kind of stuff because he's been here and and this is my theory
Lewis has been saddling up to Nick this entire time and It's clear that he's really not that into Nick like he doesn't really think he's a cool guy
He doesn't want to be friends with him in this episode. I think it makes it very clear that Lewis is using
Nick I know this sounds crazy He's using Nick to get to his sister and to get to this other girl, and I think he's really trying
He's really trying to get with these girls and then he hears the gospel and Lewis is a changed man
And I I've got proof first of all, I want you to watch this montage of them all working This is after they start trusting the
Lord and look look at this I know you think this is a small thing, but it's not it's not this entire time every scene up until now
This is episode 5. So in 4 episodes and this episode before this moment Every time they're in front of people
Lewis is taking digs at Nick. He's just bringing Nick down and I think he does it to elevate himself
You know, he's he wants himself to look good especially in front of girls and then in this episode you see him basically in her lap and then touching this other girl and Then he here then he gets scared out of his mind from the power of God the twister the twister the whirlwind
God sends this Whirlwind he strikes the fear of God and Lewis. I kid you not. I really think this is what's happening
He hears the gospel and now he's he's a he's a good dude check this out
He's he's shaking hands with Nick man. Good giving him dad. He's dapping him up in front of the girls He would never have done this in episodes 1 through 4 and the beginning of this episode, but here's the moment
This is the moment when you know, he's turning from his wicked ways He came to this sleepover in order to get with these girls and now watch this
They're all sleeping together because they're scared. Look how he turns Do you see that he turned from his sin
I want you to see this the whole purpose of him being here He doesn't even like Nick. He doesn't even like Nick.
That's very clear through episodes 1 through 4 I dare you to watch these episodes and think he likes
Nick. He doesn't He's using Nick to get to the girls and now he has this opportunity. It's dark.
There's no lights Everyone's scared and watch this Watch him turn from his sin
They're all sleeping together they're scared this is the opportunity when you're when you're a creep a predator
This is your chance. There's the girl he turns Look at that. Look at the way the camera pan.
You cannot tell me you cannot tell me that that was not intentional Okay, you're thinking 80 you're crazy
You're totally crazy and I understand you might think it because maybe you haven't seen these episodes episodes 1 through 4
Lewis is a horrible person Episodes 5 the first half he's a horrible person making fun of Nick.
It doesn't even make sense to what he's saying All because he's trying to get with these girls now episode 6.
Okay. This is the very next episode after Lewis gets saved So it's called back to the drawing board.
There's a new kid in school. Who's also an artist He's also an artist and now all of a sudden
Nick is very self -conscious because he just draws this McGee demon guy and This kid comes in and he has these awesome drawings of a robot.
Well, I want you to see this He's very self -conscious right now.
This is the new kid. Oh, man. This guy's cool. Let's get around. Look at him. Look how cool he is I'm Nick Martin.
I saw you drawing back in class. Oh, yeah Yeah Look how cool this drawing is
I mean, this is a robot that has a wheel and he looks powerful McGee's like a little he's just he's a pipsqueak
Compared to this guy right and now notice Lewis is with them and they're in front of people and there's a new cool kid in school
This guy's way cooler than Nick. There's no question. Look at his sweater Look and look at he's got two watches on this guy's this guy's like Adam Banks who wouldn't want to be friend with Adam Banks You know what?
I mean? He obviously has a lot of money too. I mean, this is a high quality art pad He also had high quality markers.
You didn't see that part, but he he had a whole thing of markers like a hundred markers I mean, I remember when I was a kid I'd get the eight packs, you know
I get the eight pack of markers and I would always envy the kids that had a hundred markers This guy had a hundred markers and he brings him to school with his trapper keeper and everything
This is a perfect opportunity for Lewis the jerk to take a dig at Nick the perfect opportunity
This is what he would do in episode one through four. He he's got a cooler kid He can insult
McGee right now Nick all Nick can draw a stupid McGee. That's what the old Lewis would say But the old
Lewis is gone. He got saved and now we've got a new man. This is new Lewis I want you to hear this is proof ironclad proof that Lewis got saved in the twister and shout episode
Oh sure, it's fully three -dimensional call him jawbreaker interesting And they can draw to show me
Sure See that's McGee Okay, so so so so so clearly
Lewis is like, oh, he wants the new kid to feel welcome. Oh, that's a really cool drawing jawbreaker. That's cool And he he's totally sincere
Nick can draw to show him Nick That's McGee and you could you could hear the excitement
McGee is awful. Look how stupid McGee is Actually, let's just let's just go back.
I want you to hear the tone. Okay, this is Lewis By the way, Lewis looks a lot cooler, too. What were you drawing?
Does he open up with like lasers and blasters and stuff inside? Well, let's hear his voice fully three -dimensional draw to call him jawbreaker interesting
Nick and draw to show me Sure That's McGee McGee sucks.
Let's just face it. He sucks. But but but Lewis is like see that's McGee. Like he's like he's he's he's a new man
I'm Good knows he sucks Anyway, I want you
I really want you if you if you watched McGee and me I want you to think it through and maybe watch it again.
Maybe watch it with your kids It's really fun. And I gotta say after this There's like I think there's like six more episodes in the entire show
Lewis is a changed man. He is a nice guy. He he's got his friends back
He's he's he's he's in his corner. It's very clear Lewis got saved.
I'm sorry and twister and shout I want you to see the moment this is if you've never seen the moment a person gets saved on TV You're about to see it right here.
This is the moment Watch out the camera pan.
So you see the whole transition. This is what repentance looks like There's your set and you turn from your sin
Never to return to it again beautiful Beautiful.
I absolutely think this is the beautiful moment. I think that I've cracked the code here.
This is the story of McGee and me It's about Lewis Lewis who was
Obsessed with with with when he was a womanizer and he was befriending this this kid
Nick Just to get to the girl just to get to his sister this episode where is where he was making he was making his move
Dummy, do I have to show you how his head was in her lap essentially look at this Look at him he's making his move.
He can't he doesn't even like Nick at this point every episode He insults him in front of people
He he only is nice to him privately just to kind of maintain the friendship enough But he's here and he wants this girl his sister and you know, just in case here's the backup
He's making his move God intervenes. I don't think this I'm not making this up. I'm not trying to make fun
I really think this is what happened God intervenes with a tornado to stop him from his sin and then you get oh, by the way, this is the funny part where This is the funny part
Blew a tree through the window and they instantly are going to the window. Look, this is the opposite of what you need to do
Then I want you gotta see it you gotta see the Listen God God God writes good stories man.
He could save someone through a tornado. I'm sure he saved many people Man beautiful,
I gotta say that When I realized what McGee me was really about I Just have a whole new appreciation for it.
You can you can you can subscribe the channel I believe is called McGee and me the first six episodes are there So you don't get to see the rest of the the story where Lewis is continually a good person after this
But you do get to see the lead -up and the one episode after and I wonder if that's why they shared the six episodes
So, you know the whole story without sharing every single episode Anyway, there's some good stuff here the big lie.
He claims to have gone into an Indian's house And something like that and the
Indian was like eating animals, but he really wasn't starring the breaking He gets on this this
TV show, but he actually ends up really stinking at the TV show. Not so great escape We talked about that one skater expectations.
We talked about that one. It's just good stuff, man I hope you found this video entertaining helpful, whatever. God bless
Use the bucket to put under that leak I want to start a
McGee and me montage cover band Oh And this is the thing like you see
Lewis here he's really like it's a very serious Moment for Lewis like he just got saved and he's thinking this through and he's instantly tempted within the first Few minutes of his faith
He has the opportunity of his dreams. He's there at a sleepover with the girl Dark, it's scary everyone's there
And he turns You know the thing about this episode too again, this is for a predator
This was a dream this little girl here the one he turns from She has father issues because she mentions a story about how you know, she would always be scared of noises in her house
After her parents divorced, but when her when her father was there and in the house She was never scared of the noises when she stays at his house.
She's never scared of the noises she has father's for a predator that was a dream come true and I'm gonna watch it again, man.
Watch out get saved bro. This is good stuff. Oh You did it brother you did it
King. Oh, man. Oh Man, beautiful beautiful moment.
I'm not even joking man. This is good stuff a little bit joking, but it's good It's good stuff.