F4F | October Prophecy Bingo


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseboro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ, and we have a special edition of Fighting for the
Faith. We do this from time to time. It's time for Prophecy Bingo! And for this month's installment of Prophecy Bingo, I have invited
Dwayne Atkinson of the Biblical and Reform podcast. Dwayne, welcome to Fighting for the
Faith. What's up, Chris? How are you, man? I'm so excited to be here. I'm a big fan of this game.
My apologies. Remember that bad company corrupts good characters, so we fully expect that you will experience corruption by the end of this episode.
I'm here for it. All right, all right, very good. Okay, so before we get into this, before we get into this,
Biblical and Reform podcast, you invited me on. It feels like we recorded that episode a few months ago, and then it was released just a couple of weeks ago.
Tell us a little bit about your podcast. Sure, man. So this is the Bar podcast, and it's called Biblical and Reform.
It started about four years ago, and it's an interview -style podcast, and by God's grace, we've had a lot of amazing guests.
If you can think of them in the Reform circle, they've been on my show, by God's grace. And Chris was a hard one to get on my show, and I want to make sure
I say that on YouTube, so the world can hear. And when I finally got on, he said it was unintentional.
But yeah, it's just a podcast, man, that interview -style, pretty much giving you a conversation that you wouldn't normally get.
We see those guys on platforms, we see them at conferences, but I bring a conversation that you would get more or less in your living room.
All right, very good. Now, did somebody tell you I was a Lutheran, though? Yes, you're my favorite
Lutheran, man. Okay, all right. So also joining us for Prophecy Bingo, we've invited back
Joshua. Joshua, are you there? Yes, I'm here. Yes, I am coming to you live from my basement.
That's your basement, but not your mom's basement. It is my own basement. I actually pay money to be here.
All right, very good. Glad we got that sorted out. All right, so gentlemen, I'm assuming both of you have gone on to the website, you have a
Prophecy Bingo card ready to rock and roll. Look at that, his is on his phone. Okay, so, and I've got my
Prophecy Bingo card loaded up here as well. I'm gonna go ahead and take my free space, because I can.
And you need to be advised, Dwayne, that I'm ruthless and cutthroat, and I play to win.
I got it, man. I stayed all night looking for the right card, kept cycling. I was like, this is a good one.
Okay, all right. I have card number six, just so we know that we're not all in the same card.
Oh yeah, what card do I have? Hang on a second. Nine. Oh, I mean,
I can change it up. I can get a different card. Yeah, you better change that up. Yeah, I'm changing it up.
Give me a moment here. Because, you know, Dwayne... I have card 26 now, so... All right, very good.
All right, so we got this all worked out. All right, so gentlemen, I thought we would just dive in headfirst.
We're gonna go to Glory of Zion, and I... for this installment, man, let's just put it this way.
I've decided that we're gonna season this entire Prophecy Bingo today with Glory of Zion.
Oh gosh. I've been there. Okay, you... on purpose? Yeah, man, before I got saved.
All right, so the name of this prophecy is, a Jezebel will...
capture will occur. A Jezebel capture will occur. Here we go. Now, I just heard this word.
Now, remember we're in last Sunday. I know Dutch knows this. The Lord said the next 12 days he would set a new administration.
We're watching God work. But I just heard the Lord say, every time you bring that up over the next month of October, these words flash across me.
A Jezebel capture will occur. Jezebel. It's on my card. Really?
If I knew this was Glory of Zion, I would have picked another card with more than one different kind of buzzwords, you know?
Yeah, right. Okay, I'm at a loss at the moment, so Joshua drew first bingo blood here.
But a Jezebel capture will occur. I have no idea what that means.
Lord of the Jezebel hunt. Okay. All right, let's keep going.
They got a standing O for that? A Jezebel capture.
Yeah! Way to go! We're gonna capture Jezebel! Yay! I'm backing that up.
This does not even seem real. Please tell me that's a track that they're playing.
Hang on a second here. A Jezebel capture will occur. They are on their feet.
Duane, you do not look impressed. I wish I was shocked.
I wish. Oh man, that is sad. Okay, let's keep going.
That means somebody that's pulling those strings at the gate is about to be removed somewhat.
I have no idea what he's talking about. And people are like losing their minds. So okay, sappy music.
Does that count? I hear the sappy music. Yeah, they are playing music back there. Yeah. Yeah, boom. I got them to work.
Nice. I'm just letting you guys get a little bit ahead so that your egos are not hurt.
The pirate is currently sandbagging it. Yeah, what he said.
We just right now we say Jezebel will be captured. We say there is exposure coming there.
You are about to reach down and you're gonna do some things. You're gonna suck. That's Dutch Sheets, man.
That's that's that's it. Yeah, he is a NAR luminary, man. He's up there, man.
Okay, some voices. You're going to show yourself strong. You're going to reveal truth. We say the blood of Jesus is attacking the deception and the darkness and exposure is coming.
Exposure is coming. Reversal is coming. Exposure and reversal.
I wish that was on my card. I don't see it. It's not on mine either. Reset is coming.
Reset. Okay. All right. So that's prophecy number one. Prophecy number two.
This is a gal we have not covered lately. This is Reyna4321.
Yeah, yeah, she's she's famous for her prophetic coloring book. Okay, let's let's take a look at the prophetic word for October.
It's happening. All right, let's look at the man. So it's not often that on the first day of the month, there's a full moon.
And tonight there is a full moon. So October will us has ushered in or will tonight.
Well, some of you, it might be. It might be over. You might be on it.
It might already be evening for you. So you might already have seen the full moon, but October being ushered in by a full moon in October will also end with a full moon, which is a blue moon.
So we've got our full harvest moon tonight, and we will end with a full hunter's moon on October 31st.
I heard the Holy Spirit say this is a full circle month. And then
I turn the page in my notes and my next coloring page is a circle with an acorn and a leaf in the middle.
So you've got your acorn. For me, this represents a mighty oak.
What? What? What? What do we what? That's a Eureka. I turn my page and there's a circle. Oh, my gosh.
Yeah, I know. It can't be a coincidence.
This has got to be the Holy Spirit. Oh, my gosh. Let's keep going.
These people think they're hearing from God, man. So tree was once a little nut that stood its ground.
So you keep believing on Christ. Keep believing in him. And then the fall of our enemies.
Well, that acorn just pointed right to it, man. So that's proof the fall of our enemies, man.
Jezebel is going to be captured. This can be exposure and stuff. Yes. But will the exposure at least be decent?
We can pray. We can pray. Okay. Let's keep going with this because this is the prophetic word for October, man.
Notice that she didn't hear anything about Trump getting COVID -19, you know.
So you totally missed that. Bummer. Okay, let's keep going. Full circle month. We're going to see some full circle things.
Where did I write that? So I was thinking about full circle with a harvest in our hands.
Full circle with a harvest in our hands. And full circle with the defeat of the devil.
He's going to be very blue by the end of this month with the blue moon prophesying.
Okay, this isn't... Yeah, that devil, man. Can we say that the blue moon sleeps faster than Tuesday?
I don't know. Apparently Jezebel is going to be sharing a prison cell with Glenn Maxwell.
Wait, Jezebel is going to be mooning us? No, that's not how that works.
But he talked about it so much exposure. You can't be telling dad jokes.
You're not a dad yet. Not qualified, man. Not qualified. You're way, way, way deeper than your depth.
Man, I'm the one that was a submariner, all right? You don't talk to me about depth. Okay, all right.
I'm pretty much thinking that Raina is not lucid here at this moment, and she's not going to help me in my endeavors to win
Prophecy Bingo. So let's move on to the next prophecy, shall we? And this is
Joshua August and the October 2020 prophetic word.
Now, I got to make a point here, and that is that I do believe that it is unsafe to prophesy while driving.
But I'm glad to see he's wearing a seatbelt, and I hope that he has airbags. But let's see how this
October prophecy goes. What's up, everybody? Joshua August here. I'm out exploring
Kansas today, heading to a Lauren Degel concert. Huge fan over here.
Anyone else? I'll probably talk a little bit more about that later. But there's just, you know, kind of prairies and fields.
Put your hands on the wheel. Get your hands off the camera. Oh, OK, let's keep going as far as I can see.
And I love it here. I just moved here. It happened so fast. A few months ago,
I got a word and boom, I'm here. And I technically live on the edge of Missouri, Missouri, but I work in Kansas and I just found out, you know, my parents went to college here in Kansas.
They came from opposite sides of the U .S. and kind of met here, fell in love and all that good stuff.
But I could just feel the spiritual wells here. So I'll be talking about inheritance today.
Inheritance is talking to me. And he put an applause line in there for inheritance. Inheritance, yay!
He's putting in his own canned applause. Correct. We've we've reached a whole new level of low here.
This is this is because, you know, the audience would definitely not be in the in the vehicle, so we know he's lying.
OK, it is no way to play that off. Like there's not a crowd outside. He just showed us there was prairie.
So, yeah, that's it. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Let's keep going here.
I don't want to miss it. And about reclaiming wells that are dug. And I can't recall it off hand, but I believe there's a scripture, you know, return to the land, you know, with the wells of your forefathers or something like that.
So, Dwayne, have you reclaimed the wells that were dug? I have not. I'm from the country, so I'm very familiar with digging wells, but I haven't reclaimed any.
You haven't reclaimed any. Yeah. And I I've never dug one.
So, you know, so if I reclaimed one, I think it would be theft. I think that would actually be a felony.
Right. So, OK, let's keep going here. Guys, gals, when your parents and your grandparents dig something and plow something and create something, it's easier for you.
Even if your parents build a business or a music ministry or anything, it's going to be easier for you.
But there are spiritual wells. I can't help but thinking that every time he puts a scripture in front of his face, is he able to see the road?
I was thinking the same thing. Blinded by the verse.
OK, that's terrible. OK. Out here, because a lot of spiritual activity with my parents,
Bible college with my dad went out here. It's just wild. I even lived 20 minutes from where my mom lived, which is cray cray.
I still say cray cray, I do, I do. Sorry. But anyways, enjoying the drive.
One of my favorite things to do is to drive and listen to music. I love, love, love music.
Oh, my gosh. I love it. But anyways, let's do this. And all this bliss is just you can't.
Wait a minute, what is going on? This is so random.
You don't even know what I'm doing here. I'm going to fast forward through whatever this this musical segment is, you know,
Kansas. No, no. Did you see the video? I hang on there.
There we go. What's up, everybody? Joshua August here. No, you actually restarted the video. We're back at the beginning.
Oh, that's terrible. How how did I pull that off? OK, I'll just drop the play head here.
We'll see where we go. Hang on a second. Kick pedal. It's going to knock me back in 2019.
But it's just been really awesome. I freshly moved to Missouri, Kansas City, Missouri. I work in Kansas, and I'm just really enjoying the heartland here.
And my parents went to college here. And my mom lived 20. I want to get out of the prophecy.
This is driving me nuts. Where's my October? Word of the
Lord, dude. Like sometimes I think if I went and met him now, like I'm almost. OK, we're not.
I'm losing patience with Joshua August in October. Also drew me into this song. But another thing that got me is her chorus.
It's one of my favorites. Where she goes when you don't. Is he going to be sharing recipes next?
You know, I think he's saying that like the word is like the name of that title of that song, as in basically he's an, you know, an iPod prophet.
Well, it was on Shuffle, you know, right? Yeah. OK, let's say it was actually from a collaboration.
It's from hard love that she did in need to breathe as a similar crescendo to first.
But the question I have breath, I have breath on my card. Does that count in the book? Was it it was it in the card that he threw on the screen?
He said he said need to breathe. But he said breathe. Mine says breath. I mean, I just want to give it's close enough.
I'm not going to give it to you. Oh, all right. I want to see if we can actually get to something that resembles like some kind of a prophecy.
This is this is the end in that calling. But anyways, congrats to her. She's no
Joshua. I guess you've let us down. That was down. This is I'm disappointed.
All right, let's go back to Gloria's. OK, the treasuries of heaven are shifting into the earth realm.
Prophecy says, let's see what this several dreams in the last few weeks. That you got what you got.
Yeah, dreams, dreams. Hey, I got dream. Hang on a second here. Dream. Ding, ding.
OK, back at it. Here we go. Somebody is looking at me and telling me I'm extraordinarily wealthy. Wealthy.
I have wealth. I knew you have wealth. Wait, I have wealth, too. Hang on a second here.
Ding. Thanks, Dwayne. We provide our own side effects.
OK, all right, let's keep going here. It wasn't monetary so much, but it was like the
Lord, when I woke up, the Lord said, you don't really fully understand the wealth of the kingdom that you represent.
You don't really understand the wealth of the virtue, the wealth of the excellence, and also even the economic wealth of God's kingdom.
And so I just feel like there is another shift in our identity to come.
OK, shift and identity are prophecy buzzwords. I'm just, oh, I have identity.
There we go. See, guys, look at this. I'm experiencing a suddenly. I'm having some acceleration here.
So OK, yeah, I lulled you guys into a false sense of prophecy bingo security, and now it's game on.
So let's keep going. To a new place of identification as ambassadors of His kingdom with great wealth and great, just extraordinary excellence and virtue on our lives.
And people in my dreams that did not know me were identifying me as that.
And I was like, I feel like it's a case of mistaken identity here. Identity.
I don't think that's who I am. But when I woke up, the Lord said, no, that's exactly who you are. And you've got to begin to understand who you are in this hour.
So even with that, yeah, yeah, all of us, all of us, all of us, all of us. Duane, do you understand who you are?
Not in this hour, sorry. Please insert another quarter for more self -enlightenment.
That's a great answer. OK, all of us, extraordinary favor, extraordinary access.
Favor is a prophecy buzzword, wealth and the resources of the kingdom for God's missions to be accomplished and his purposes to be carried forth.
I'm going to tell you, there is a portal following each one. Portal. It looks like Gloria Zayin invested in one of those really expensive jumbotrons on the stage there.
It might be rear projection. I don't know. It looks like it's one of those LCD things.
It's ginormous. And the colors are pretty vibrant. So I haven't seen that there before.
One of you that has full access to all the resources that you need to accomplish what he's called you to do in this hour.
So we just say right now, just a new mantling of wealth. Mantle.
Mantle is a... Mantle's a word. I've got it right there. Oh, my goodness. Roll. Yeah, but I needed it to be in a different spot.
I'm hoping somebody starts dancing there so that I can... I need that one, too. I'm also looking forward for high decibel prophecies.
Oh, you need Cain Ash. Oh, no. Okay, let's keep going.
And favor upon you. Wealth and favor. A new mantle of wealth and favor upon each of you, upon all of us, as we go forward to accomplish all that's in his heart.
Now, the reason I came up here was I went back. All of a sudden, I felt the spirit of God tell me to ask
Brian what time it was. And it was 2 .22. And of course, that's
Dutch's testimony. But all of a sudden, the spirit of God downloaded me based upon what...
Download. Download is a word. Yeah, that is a... I think I have it. Yep, here it is.
Good gravy. I'm on a... I just... I need some destiny and my people and I need some dancing and stuff like that.
How are you doing, Dwayne? Man, I started out fast, but I look like I'm going to end up last. Oh, yeah,
I told you. I take this profit... I warned you ahead of time. So yeah, all right, let's keep going. Let's see what happens next.
Leanna sang and he said, let the earth know that my treasuries of heaven are being imposed upon them.
I am changing the keys. Treasuries of heaven are being imposed on people.
Is the imposition a judgment or a blessing? That's a good question.
I don't know. I mean, if God's going to impose treasuries on me. I don't know.
It's a weird verb, you know? So, all right. To the treasuries of earth.
And I will be causing my kingdom people to start...
My people. Oh, my people. That's right. I got that one, too. All right. Very good.
All right. Wow. I'm really off to the races here.
All right, keep going. Those keys in supernatural ways.
I say tell the nations that their treasury supplies are beginning to change.
Now, this is a physical thing. You can read about it in the paper. I saw it so clearly. I saw headlines.
The Lord said, I'm changing treasuries. One of the words for this year...
Have you heard anything on any of the local news stations about treasuries in the news,
Dwayne? No, sir. I have not seen that yet. No. Well, this was only on September 18th.
So, we still have some time. This is still some fresh prophecy here. But, okay.
To do with gold. It is the only time that two different words are linked with gold like it is.
And God says, every place where gold has been uncovered,
I will either expose the corruption or recreate a new move of wealth.
I say to you, the treasuries of heaven are shifting into the earth realm.
I have no idea what that meant. Shifting... By the way, yeah, blues leaps faster than Tuesday.
I have no clue what he said. Is this like an incoming comet or meteor that's headed towards earth?
I have no idea. But, shifting is a prophecy buzzword. So, if anyone has shift on their card, they should do something about that now.
But, wow. I have no idea what that meant. Let's move along here. Oh, Kay Nash.
Kay Nash. Josh's favorite prophetess.
So, let's see if she yells at us this time. So, here we go. Hi everyone and welcome back to Prophetic Success.
I'm Kay Nash. I know it's been a little while. Thanks for bearing with me. I was celebrating my sixth year wedding anniversary and we were working on the prophetic calendar.
I have received all the words from the Lord for the next year each month individually.
A year in advance. She's front -loading it. She got all the words of the
Lord. They're all here. For the whole month. She was able to publish a calendar that's for sale.
All of them came and I got you for the whole year. No worries. Every month. That's amazing. I'm too much of a procrastinator.
If I were a prophet, it would be like, you know, the prophetic word of the Lord for the month of October. I know it's
October 31st, but still, it's the October word, man. Because if it wasn't for that last second,
I'd never get anything done. Never get it. All right, let's keep going. It's now going into graphics and they're putting the calendar together.
So, I'm excited for that. And we should have that out to you guys soon on a pre -order.
So, I'm excited to give that to you guys soon. Well, let's get going.
All right. So, first of all, I wanted to say welcome to 5781. Yeah, that Jewish calendar thing.
Because Rosh Hashanah was a couple weeks ago. Yep. Yeah, so we get
New Year's twice a year now, thanks to the NAR. Yay! When I was growing up, nobody ever talked about what the
Jewish calendar said. This is weird. I was first exposed to it through the folks at Gloria Zion.
Those folks are heavy on the Jewish calendar. Yeah, indeed they are. Okay. Okay.
Which is the Jewish or Hebrew year. And for those of you who don't understand what that is, we often believe that God operates not only on our current calendar, but also on the
Jewish and Hebrew calendar. So, it's interesting to take the Jewish and Hebrew calendar and see what's going on in the world and kind of line things up.
And so, we have now entered into a new year. So, welcome to the new year. Hallelujah.
Thank you, God. Thank you. Josh, it's looking good for you. I think she's warming up her voice.
She's warming up, yeah. Starts screaming at us. You know, with this whole thing of different calendars, God's day planner must be an absolute mess.
Like, oh, wait, hold on a second. I got a cross -reference that it was the Jewish or the Julian. Ah! He's got to keep two different day planners.
And what is... Oh, man. Nobody's words of the Lord agree with anything, you know?
These are all quite independent. But I will note that as of the time we are recording this installment of Prophecy Bingo, this particular prophecy of Cain and Ashes has 25 ,500 views.
And I've noted that there are other channels now that are taking her videos and reproducing them, saying that this is the voice of the
Lord that she's hearing. So, she's rising in the ranks among the prophetic crowds, and her street creds are getting up there.
So, how long before she appears on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural? How long before Patricia Cain?
Prophecy, she'll be there for the 2021. Prophecy for 2021, she'll be there that December.
Oh, wow. I hope you're wrong. Okay, let's embrace.
Josh, I'm really feeling good for you, man. I think she's really going to yell at us here in a second. Thank you, God. I'm going to talk about two things.
I'm going to talk about October, and I'm going to talk about the Feast of Booths. And so, I'm going to talk about both those things in this video, because they kind of run right into each other.
So, we're going to kind of go into both those things. The main thing I felt for October was sudden.
Sudden. So, if you have sudden or suddenly, yeah, that's a Prophecy Bingo word. And when
I first was praying about this, I kind of felt the Lord say, sudden judgment. And I was like, this does not sound like a word
I want to deliver. And then, after that, I heard Him say, sudden miracles.
And so, I kind of felt like this. Miracle. That's on my card. I got miracle. All right. All right. Very good. A dynamic of people experiencing different things, depending on the choices that they've made.
And so, I would say my main word for October is sudden judgment and sudden miracles.
Ooh, I feel the Holy Ghost. All right, let's pray and let's get into this. God, I thank you for this new year,
God. I thank you for this new year and every... She's warming up. She's warming up. I think we're going to be screeching here in a minute.
...thing you're about to do in it, God. I praise you that this would not be a witchcraft October, God, that this would be a move of the
Holy Ghost October, God. That leaders would rise and leaders would fall and things would shift as you want them to.
Hallelujah. Thank you, God. Thank you, God, for your suddenness in October. All right, let's...
It's good. You know, I got to say that there has been a weird, to use the phrase, shift in her actual production quality.
She actually has a set. She sounds like she's properly mic'd. You can see the mic. She looks like she's not terribly lit.
She's a little blown out at times, but she doesn't seem to have the spiritual
Tourette's like she used to. I think she might actually have a teleprompter. Either that or she's watched
Prophecy Bingo and thought, maybe I need to dial it back a little bit. I messed up just a little bit. Okay, let's keep going.
Getting to what I feel like the Lord was saying. Leaders will fall and new leaders will rise as we enter into 5781.
New mantles are dropping. Sudden October.
Mm. Dividing of saints from want to be saints. Cleansing, a deep cleansing in my church.
New growth, a washing, refining fire, a running. Those who sat during Rosh Hashanah will run.
Those who did not sit will sit now. I am part... I must ask you,
Duane, were you sitting or running during Rosh Hashanah? So I think
I was sitting, so it's time for me to run, right? Yeah, I was sitting too, but I do that all the time.
Is this like an interrogation? Where were you? Are you sitting or standing on Rosh Hashanah? Yeah, but then again,
I'm wondering what exactly does it mean to sit during Rosh Hashanah, and what exactly does it mean to run now?
So is this a prophecy saying that those who are sitting during Rosh Hashanah will now take up jogging?
Will we be running 5 and 10 Ks? What are we talking about here? Not me.
All right, well, let's see where this goes. The Red Seas now, but you have to do your part like Moses did.
Hang on a second here, hang on a second. She said, the God said, I'm parting the Red Seas now. A running, those who sat during Rosh Hashanah will run.
Those who did not sit will sit now. I am parting the Red Seas now, but you have to do your part like Moses did.
This is a mat picking up season. You will walk. Artificial light is being exposed and true light is being revealed.
A falling of the false, a removal of the false, shedding. Things will happen suddenly.
Sudden removal and sudden ups. You will see clearly as I show the new year.
The prophets and apostles will see clearly. Evangelists will rise with new fire.
Sudden births in my children and new worship coming out of the church. Sudden miracles.
Jesus. Oh, there it was. She couldn't help herself. She had to go with the Jesus. You know,
I do think she raised her voice high enough that that counted as yelling. Really? Yeah, yeah.
I was watching the video, the audio, and it was clipping.
I mean, and oh, man. So yeah, that was a controlled yell.
Okay, let's keep going here. Now, this is a lot to unpack.
First of all, you said, you know, there's... How was she supposed to unpack this? None of those words meant anything.
Honestly, I would love to try to pass this entire paragraph that she cobbled together and pass it off to a high school
English teacher and just see the red pen come out and destroy it. We could make that happen.
I have people. We could do that. All right, let's keep going here.
You need dividing of saints from wannabe saints. So I think, you know, I think there's different times and seasons where God reveals who's who.
And I think October is going to be one of those times. It's not like he does that every single month, but I think this is one of those months.
And if you are experiencing that every single month, you might be in an intense season shift or something like that.
Um, cleansings. There's going to be lots of cleansings this month. Well, I do bathe every day.
My wife is very happy about this. So I guess
I'm going to move forward. Yeah. OK, this is
Jojo Dawson. Jojo Dawson, October, prophetic word, open
October. OK, here we go. Hello, my friends. I hope everybody's having an amazing day.
I want to give you the prophetic word for October 2020. And it is open
October. Now, hang on, let's backtrack a little bit to September. My prophetic word was super September.
And my wife and I, it was a super month. We both had amazing
God encounters. Have you noticed that the background behind him is shaking?
It's a fabric background. So he bought a brick background and is using it as his video backdrop.
But he clearly hasn't tied the grommets on the bottom down so that it doesn't wobble.
So I'm actually getting motion sickness watching this. All right.
We had our health coaching business absolutely exploded to an all -time high.
It was our best month by far. Just everything with our ministry and network.
It was my greatest month I've ever had on YouTube by 800 percent.
It's just it was the best month that I can remember in a whole lot of different things. Our church, our health coaching,
YouTube. It was the prophetic word, super September. Now, I want to tell you about October.
The word I got was open. So last Sunday in pre -service prayer, we were praying and God gave me a strong prophetic word.
I'm not going to go into all of that because that'll be for a different time. But the Lord said doors and keys.
And he gave me some very specific things. I'll talk about that later. But I'm just going to. Oh, no.
God said doors and keys. I always lose my keys. So I was thinking about a janitor. You know, he always has a bunch of keys.
And he has a lot of doors he's got open, too. That's a that's not a bad point. This guy, 10 bucks says this guy's not even talking about the office of the keys, because, you know, that would be far too biblical.
Right. Okay, let's keep going. Let you know, and that word will be on YouTube, you're going to have doors open.
And God is about to give you keys. You know, we know about the keys of the kingdom, but a key unlocks.
Why would you need the doors open? I mean, why do you need the keys if the doors are already open? Well, see, now you're just being practical.
He's going to open the doors, then he's going to give me the key. Right. We did a video a couple videos ago, that David E.
Taylor guy out of Missouri, you know, who claims that he's an apostle, and he brought Jesus on stage.
And I didn't catch it in the moment, but there were a lot of people who caught it in the comments. There was the lady who shot the photograph that had
Jesus on it, right? Uh huh. Okay. Yeah. She said she took the photograph with her cell phone, and then she had to get it developed.
What on earth? Who gets their cell phone pictures developed?
I had to take it to Walmart and put it onto a CD. I thought the exact same thing.
I was like, wait a minute. You took it to your cell phone, you got to develop? And my question is, is that, well, how come her cell phone camera picked up Jesus, but weren't there other cameras pointed at the stage?
They didn't pick up Jesus. How come that one camera? They didn't take it to get it developed, Chris. That's the difference.
Yeah, see, that's a good point. You got to get it developed. That's how you see Jesus. That's a word for somebody. You are a very bad man,
Dwayne. You're a very bad man. Okay, let's keep going here. Lean in, lean in.
I think that's a prophecy buzz phrase. Something like that. Lean in.
And one thing about that, you need to lean into what the voice of God is saying, but also you need to lean in and ask the
Holy Spirit what books you need to read. Also, you need to lean into the
Holy Spirit. There may be a podcast you may need to listen to. And a lot of times... Yeah, biblical and Reformed.
It's funny because those are my signature questions. What books are you reading? What podcast do you listen to?
It's still in my material, man. Go to biblicalandreformed .com.
barpodcast .com, thank you. Yeah, there you go. I have a lot of people say, who do you like listening to? What do you listen to in podcasts and YouTube?
And I say, well, a lot of times I listen to people for a season. Maybe not all the time.
I don't have anybody I listen to all the time, but I'll listen to somebody over a series they may have, or for a season, or about a specific revelation they may have.
So I really want to encourage you today to be leaning into the Holy Spirit for October, November, December, really about who you need to listen to, what books you need to buy.
And I even know specifically, I've already written five books this year, and I'm on a few different projects with a few different people.
How many books have you written this year, Duane? Zero. Yeah, me too. This guy's written five.
Sheesh, we're behind, Chris. Yeah, well, we still have October, November, December, so you can catch up.
And in fact, I'm on a project called Igniting Revival Fires with Sid Roth and Bill Johnson.
Revival, wow, and fire, those are prophecy bingo words. You're doing that with Bill Johnson and with Sid Roth?
I don't know. Yeah, that's not good. John Kilpatrick and James Gull, and just a lot of voices like that.
That's a book that was just actually released today, and actually you can go find it on my Facebook page, or you can just find it on Amazon.
But there are a lot of books like that about to be released into the nation, in the nations of the world.
There's a lot of podcasts that a lot of people are going to just be releasing key revelation, and the
Lord spoke to me today about what subject I'm about to start studying in two weeks.
And the Lord said, I want you to take about six weeks and study this subject, study this topic.
And so what I do is when I get a word like that from God, I'll buy some books. I listen to some YouTube, some podcasts.
I find people who are experts in that field, and I will start to study it.
So the prophetic word was open. Yes, God will open doors. Yes, God will give you keys to open doors.
But I also feel the Lord saying strongly, He is going to give you relationships. Now, listen, you got to understand this because most people perceive this wrong, not relationships that can open doors for you.
But when you are healthy in the right relationships, then you will be able to walk through things that God has for you.
See, a lot of people, when they get a prophetic word and they want something to open up for them, it does not open up for them for their protection.
Because if God prematurely had a door open, He can do that, but He loves you too much to not let that happen.
You would walk through a door and it could harm you or destroy you.
So you need to understand the revelation that God will open the door in the right time.
What? So apparently there's some dangerous prematurely opened doors that God, in His graciousness, would never let you walk through.
Because as soon as you walk through it, a frying pan hits you on the face or something. I don't know.
This isn't helping my bingo card. It's not helping my brain cells either.
Yeah, all right. All right, back to Gloria Zayin. All right, let's see. You will demonstrate the procession of my ark from September 17th.
I'm not sure what that means, but let's listen in. The Spirit of God spoke to me and He said, my people have never understood my ark coming in.
But I say to you this year, you will understand the procession of the ark.
And I say to you, it looks nothing like anything that you have ever seen before.
For I have people that are excited about my glory.
And I have people filled with my glory. And when I start moving my glory through my people from nation to nation to nation, as the ark moves,
I say there will be an expression that the entire nation recognizes.
I say, get ready. You are about to be used to demonstrate the procession of my ark.
What? So? So I'm about to be used to demonstrate the procession of God's ark.
I think I saw some people dancing around to the music. I was going to say that. They were shimmy and shaking.
They were laying down a vibe. Do you think dancing counts as dancing?
I'm going to hang off on that one right now. I mean, he might get it, because me and you had a little jam going,
Chris. Yeah. I...
Wow. How is that church? Okay, next one. That was so short.
We might as well do another. I'm calling for Joseph's to arise. So if your name is Joseph, it's time for you to stand up,
I guess. The Lord says, I'm calling for the Joseph's to arise. I'm calling for those that have been imprisoned through accusations and those that...
Okay, so if your name is Joseph and you've been to prison because of accusations, you need to arise.
That's right. This is for you, man. ...have been treated wrongly by brothers and sisters to rise up with their voice.
All you have gone through has been teaching you to negotiate your future.
I say Joseph became a father of a nation and a father of pharaohs.
I am determined that my people... Is this the soundtrack for a horror movie?
What is that? I'm getting sci -fi vibes, man. I'm expecting to see little green men start coming across the stage.
What on earth? ...will use their influence this season. Enter in and you will see a new portion arise in your life.
Man, he's like one word off. Like, I thought he would say, enter in and receive an outpouring. Ding! But no, he didn't say that.
No, he didn't say that. Yeah, I'm more slack -jawed than anything after these prophecies.
My card has not advanced. I had a suddenly early on, and it was looking good, and then suddenly it turned again.
It's a shift, man. New season. Yeah. All right, JoLynn Whittaker. All right, all right.
This lady is a walking advertisement for cosmetics. So, okay, here we go.
Welcome to the broadcast, everyone. God bless you. God bless you as you are coming in, wherever you are watching from.
Amen. You are welcome in this place. We are grateful that you are here.
Amen. We are just honored, amen, to serve the Lord and to be used by God to speak this word, this impactful word for the month of October.
Amen. 2020, over your life, into your life. Life! Release it into the atmosphere.
I have life on my card. All right, life. I don't.
Okay. You should get a life. I agree. Okay.
One of those words that is going to be so impactful. Amen. I believe that it's going to speak directly to what has been on the minds of many people that the
Holy Spirit's going to lead to hear the word, and I believe it's going to speak directly to some things that you too have had in your heart, have been seeking the
Lord about, have maybe even feeling the weight of certain things. Maybe you believe you heard the
Lord say something specific. Praise God. But today's word.
Say a specific. She hasn't said anything specific since she opened her mouth. This whole thing is just that she's trafficking in vagaries here.
It is going to be a word of confirmation. It is going to be a prophetic release.
Amen. Once it is released, it's going to immediately go out. I have release on my card.
Praise God. That is what an authentic prophetic word does is it goes out and it begins to do things.
Watch this. And then it does things. It's a prophetic word that, man, they do stuff.
Does it slice and dice and make and make fries? Julien fries.
Yes, when I break. For the people who will come into alignment, for the people who...
Alignment is a prophecy. Bingo word. The Holy Spirit, you're going to be spirit led. Amen. But for the people who are spirit led by the
Holy Ghost to come into alignment, you're going to hear God tell you things and speak to you about things and give you specific revelation and instruction.
And then even more is going to happen. Amen. He's going to say things and stuff and things are going to happen and things.
Okay. This word is absolute dunamis. It is absolute fire.
Praise the Lord. And I am humbled, but very excited to release it.
Now, before I go any further, I do want to say this. It's a very serious word.
This is a very important word. I would go so far as to say that it is a crucial word for the season we are in, not only in the
United States of America, where I live and where many of you live, but globally.
What the Lord is going to reveal and speak and release to us in this word is going to, to affect
Christians everywhere on the planet. Amen. And so it is a very important word.
Praise the Lord. I want to say this before we go any... What is the word?
I know. Talk about a buildup, man. Good grief. I'm on the edge of my seat here waiting for this word. Praise the
Lord. Amen. I'm going to take a nap. Get on with it.
Further, I do not believe that you're hearing this by accident. One of the things the
Holy Spirit does, part of the Holy Spirit's ministry, is to lead people to the right places, to the right...
All right, I do this from time to time. We're speeding her up. Two times.
Yeah, we're double -timing her. All right, come on, JoLynn. So that you can have encounters and hear things and receive things and know things, right?
And so you are absolutely here on purpose. I believe God has something very specific and strategic for you. And if you'll position yourself for the next 30 minutes or so, and receive what the
Lord is going to say... Okay, position. That is on my card. I could have sworn
I heard Chuck Pierce talk about stepping into something, but I can't remember for sure. Hey, all you need is a little acceleration and you'll have a bingo.
Hey, that's true, yeah. Well, I did accelerate her, but that doesn't count. No, no, no, no, I know.
All right. I believe that many people are going to have their lives changed. And I'll tell you something, to be honest, it's probably going to be a little bit longer than 30 minutes, because we're going to get through all of this, and there is not one bit that can be left out or not spoken the way
God wants me to speak. So she was talking early on about the release taking 30 minutes. I'm looking at the timestamp.
She went almost two hours on that prophetic release there. So if brevity is the soul of wit, what is the opposite?
I have to think about that. Let me check my fortune cookies. I'll get back to you. Okay, hang on.
Amen. My name is Jolynn Whitaker. I'm a prophetic voice for the Lord. I am speaking to you today from my office of prophet. That's really all
I want to say about myself, really. My prayer is that when you hear or listen or watch, you don't even see me. That's really my prayer.
My prayer from my heart is that you only hear the Lord Jesus Christ speaking to you, that you only receive confirmation, revelation, instruction from the Lord. I assure you, nobody's hearing
Jesus when this lady's talking. Wait, wait. I hope you don't see me. You're literally center frame and you have your name above you.
Yeah. Pause the frame anywhere. The only thing you're seeing is
Jolynn Whitaker. You know, I'm... Yeah. Peace, Louise. And she's got a pretty good backdrop too.
That's not some bad photography. Yeah, and she's even got a logo. I guess that's a logo of hers.
The letter J kind of over and stylistically offset inside that box.
She paid somebody from the local art school to mock something up for her for about 20 bucks.
Yeah, she's put some time and effort into this. There we go. For sure. Heavenly Father, Amen.
It's all about God. It's all about the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. And so I'm blessed that you are here. Praise the Lord. If you are one who likes to take notes, this is definitely going to be one of those words.
You want to grab something quickly to take some notes, and I would encourage you to write things down. I want to say this very humbly, but some of the information in this word is going to have such forensic accuracy and impact that it's going to be incredibly faith -building for many of you.
Even that two -time speed is taking her forever to get to this word. She's wearing me out.
What do I mean by that? I mean, when you see God, when you see these things come to pass, when you see things manifesting, when you see the accuracy, personal manifestation of accuracy manifesting, it's going to make you believe like never before.
Amen. That's one reason God does these things. He shows himself mighty. Amen. That's part of how he gets glory. And so I glorify the Lord in advance.
Amen. Just in advance for what's about to take place. If you are one who has a Bible, grab your Bible. We have a lot of word today.
However, if you prefer to just follow along, you're already like, and you just want to follow along, that's perfectly fine as well. We will be putting...
She read our minds. She must be a prophetess. All of the scriptures are for you. And you can certainly go back and watch on the replay.
Amen. And, you know, take notes, whatever the Holy Spirit leads you to do. I'm just really blessed and grateful that you're here. I want to welcome all of our friends on the live stream, whether you're watching on Periscope, YouTube, Facebook, my website, but also to everybody who's watching on the replay.
Amen. We're grateful for your life. We love you. We love you all. Amen. And what a season we are in. What a God we serve. Amen. And I believe we're going to hear some things today.
A little context here. Kate Nash has 25 ,000 views on her video.
Joel and Whitaker, 9 ,600. Hang on a second here.
My camera just froze up. Did you forget to put the batteries in?
There, I'm back. Nice. Twice.
You need a check sheet, man. Okay. All right. Let's go back to Joel and Whitaker.
Oh, God. Okay. Okay. Hey, that's just gonna blow our minds. Praise the Lord. Without any further introduction,
I'm going to share something with you that I hope will give you a clear understanding of the importance of this word. I didn't know some of this information until this morning.
Some of the information we're going to prophesy today, the Lord gave me quite some time ago. I was careful to write it down. Amen. That's part of your responsibility when you hear God. Got to write down what you hear.
Praise the Lord. I thought she said she was going to have no further introduction, and she's still introducing this thing.
She keeps using that word. I don't think it means what she thinks it means. This is nuts. Say, if and when.
Why is this pausing now? You are to act on that. And there are some things that the Lord gave me that I was very, very clear that I was to wait.
That discipline is very important. That discernment is very important because we understand the timing of God is crucial. The timing of God is crucial.
The right thing at the wrong time can be critical. The right thing at the wrong time can be critical. Too much too soon can be deadly. And so the timing of God is a very important thing.
But also, God's timing is strategic in a different way. Some of this information I didn't even have until this morning. And as I began to write my notes, as I began writing everything down, and I was in a prophetic flow, amen, the
Holy Spirit was speaking, and I was... Flow, flow. Hang on a second here. Flow, yeah. I got that on my card.
As do I. All right. Double ding. All right, let's see here.
That's just my custom. I was writing everything down. Praise the Lord. He's blowing my mind as we went, as usual. Amen. And then I heard very clearly, this is for right now.
Right now. Do it now. Now, we have a scheduled broadcast tomorrow. Some of you know that. You follow the ministry, you know that we have a regular Friday broadcast. Today is
Thursday, October 1st, 2020. God said, no, I can't wait until tomorrow. It's for right now. It's for right now. That caught my attention immediately.
And please don't miss this. The reason it caught my attention is because when the Lord holds something back until a set time, when the
Lord... Watch me now. When the Lord keeps something hidden or secret or covered until a set time, it is usually for security purposes, for impact, right?
And I got that impression right away. The Lord just gave me the understanding that it was all of that. He was keeping it safe. He was keeping it secret. But he was also keeping it strategic.
How many understand when we talk about the military or think about the military? Strategic is a prophecy buzzword. Some of their moves are surprise moves.
Strategic moves, right? And so this word has that type of anointing. Amen. The Bible in Galatians chapter 4, verses 4 through 7 talks about Jesus Christ.
The plan was there. It was all worked out. He could not come to the earth until the fullness of time, until it was the set time.
So God sets specific times for things. Amen. This word, this month, is definitely a set time type of word.
And I really can't emphasize strongly enough the importance of this word. We're going to be talking and touching on some things that are going to be highly important.
Praise the Lord. And I think, I hope, I pray that I've really kind of emphasized that sufficiently. If you have not yet done so, I would ask you to share the broadcast.
To the ones who have already done so, I would say thank you. Oh, we're sharing it, all right. Spreading the word about it far and wide.
I know that many of you come into the broadcast and you share right away. I want to thank you for that. That helps us to reach as many people as possible, to be as effective as possible.
Amen. But for those who have not yet shared the broadcast, please do so. I believe that every Christian needs to hear this. Amen. So let's pray, and then
I want to get right into this word. Amen. So let's bow our heads and pray. Heavenly Father, I thank you so much, Lord. I thank you for this word,
God. That was a 14 -minute intro. I mean, Pink Floyd wasn't even that long -winded.
Yeah. Okay, here we go, here we go. I think we're to the prophetic part here.
Daniel chapter 2, 21 and 22. And he changeth the times and the seasons, talking about the Lord our
God. He changeth the times and the seasons. He removeth kings, and setteth up kings. He giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding.
We're going to come back to that in a moment. 22. He revealeth the deep and secret things. He knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth in him.
God changes times and seasons. God puts people in positions of power, from kings, to presidents, to influencers, to impactors, to kingdom ambassadors, and all down the line.
God puts people in positions of impact and import, and he also sits them down. Both. Raises them up, sits them down.
He's the one who does this. He gives wisdom to the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding. I want you to hear me. Many of you have people around you who do not have the faith that you have.
They do not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ the way that you do. They might believe that he was real. They might believe he's the son of God. But their faith in Jesus, their commitment to follow.
God bless them. And we pray that they are still in process. Amen. But they're not where you are. There are some people around you who do not believe in the word of God, the
Holy Bible, as the infallible word of God, like you do. Therefore, some of what you tell them or share with them, they don't get.
They don't see it. They can't even appreciate it. There's going to be some points in this prophetic word for October 2020. Don't be surprised if you share it with somebody whose faith.
She's still, this is still part of the buildup. What on earth?
I'm just going to randomly drop the play head somewhere. Okay, so let's take a guess.
Do you think she goes on for 10 more minutes in building up this prophetic word? You think I'm safe at 10?
So I'll go forward 10 minutes. Let's see if we finally get to this thing.
Amen. This is John chapter 10 where Jesus said, I have others and these must also come. A lot of these folks are going to be unchurched. A lot of these folks are going to be, you know,
I don't even know if I like that term unchurched. What does it mean to be churched? I know it sounds painful.
I mean, take a noun and turn it into a verb. Duane, have you been churched?
I grew up churched. Okay, all right. Are you in therapy for that?
Well, you know, still working through it. All right, good. Yeah, all right. Keep going here. Be prepared.
Be prepared. So this is a word for Christians everywhere, but also... She's still doing... She is. Okay, I'm going to go 10 more minutes ahead.
Wow, this is crazy. Why you can't hire them? Why you can't partner with them? Why you can't work with them?
Nice, nice person. Loves Jesus even. Not right for you. Maybe perfect for somebody else. Not you. When you have a call of God on your life, when you have a
God -given destiny, you cannot be with just anybody. Destiny. Destiny. Destiny. I got that one. Destiny.
No escaping, not from me. Okay, I need dancing. And if I get dancing,
I got a bingo. If I get acceleration, I get a double bingo. We're going to probably have to go back to glory of Zion for that dancing.
Yeah, I'm expecting something, hopefully. We'll see. All right, so let's...
All right, so she gave me a good word here. Even if it is another believer, they have to want to have the faith that you have. They have to have the perspective toward growth and elevation and destiny that you do.
Elisha functioned differently under Elijah than his own servant functioned under him. And it's interesting to note that it was that same servant who couldn't see the angels around them, even though he was in the school of the prophets, who later went on to betray
Elisha. Betrayed him. He was an opportunist. He was... That's really the best word. And Elisha actually, when he found out certain things, cursed him and he came down with leprosy and that was a wrap for him.
Talking about Gehazi. There are differences in levels of faith and there are differences...
Levels. Level. Yeah, hang on a second here. Oh, I got level two. All right, very good.
How's your car coming, Dwayne? Oh, we're scattered, man. We're like a bug shot. All over the place.
Just like the prophecies. Right, okay. All right, let's keep going here. I'm gonna tell you this.
I'm obligated to. I mean, it's all in the word. And this season here is a season where the Lord is going to be revealing to you the heart posture of some people around you.
And also, he's going to be revealing to you in stunning confirmations and revelation why he had to remove somebody. He's gonna let you see what you need to see.
All right? He's going to let you see what you need to see. Romans 8 and 14. Romans 8 and 14.
Amen. Hallelujah. Let's keep it moving in this prophetic word of the Lord for October 2020. I'm gonna tell you it's gonna get a little more intense.
So, I know, buckle up. Praise God. Get your notebook ready. And let's take notes and write things down and God will give the glory as these... She's still doing intro?
I don't know now. She sounds like she's still kind of building up the prophecy to some degree here.
Things come to pass and as we see it all play out and manifest. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Romans chapter 8 and verse 14. For as many as are led by the
Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
And of course the daughters of God as well. Praise God. That's not my humanity. It's only human beings. I prophesy over you right now in the name of Jesus that beginning today, effective immediately, you have just crossed over into a time of divine appointments.
Hang on a second here. Hang on. I got appointment right there. Wow. Okay.
She's starting to deliver here. Appointments where you are going to be led by the Spirit of God, where your relationship with the
Father, hallelujah, has created and given the opportunity and the correct environment for you to be strategically navigated.
Say navigated. Everybody say navigated. Amen. Strategically navigated to some divine appointments. God is going to make sure that you are in the right place at the right time.
God is going to make sure that you are where you need to be in order to meet somebody that you need to meet, in order to make a connection with somebody that you need to connect with, in order to receive something that He's already gone ahead and set up for you.
Divine appointments. Divine appointments. Divine appointments. Hallelujah. And again, it's not going to be applicable to everybody. It isn't.
Again, talking about Ruth and Boaz and then that Orpah. Orpah was Ruth's sister -in -law. They had been wives together. They were the daughters -in -law of Naomi.
They were married together. They lived their married lives with their husbands together. But then when the season changed, when the season changed, and there was a little bit of pressure on, and life got tough, and there were hard decisions to be made,
Naomi said, listen, we've got to get out of here. It's all falling apart around us. There's a famine, all kinds of things. But I've got people in my hometown, and this is where I want to go, and this is where I'm going.
And Ruth said, I'm coming with. And Naomi tried to say, no, no, no, no. You don't have to come with me. You are young. You've got a lot of life to live. Amen. Ruth was in her 40s, by the way.
Okay. So Naomi tried to say, no, you don't have to come with. And Ruth said, no, no, no. I am coming with you. Where you go, I'll go. Your God will be my
God. Your people will be my people. I'm going. But that wasn't the case with Orpah. Orpah, you know, they were just different people, she and Ruth.
Even though, watch me now. Even though Orpah, too, had learned of the God of Israel. Orpah, too, had been exposed to everything that Ruth was exposed to.
But Ruth was about to head into a brand new season. Ruth was about to have a whole life turnaround. Ruth was about to literally be strategically navigated into a divine appointment.
She was getting ready to meet somebody that would change the landscape of her life forever. Interesting to note that she didn't know it at the time.
Do you know that the day before your biggest breakthrough, you have no clue? Breakthrough. Breakthrough is a prophecy buzzword.
Oh, huzzah. I got to move on. I feel like I need to bash my head into a wall repeatedly just to.
Yeah, I think I hurt myself by putting that at two times speed. It was like a machine gun of like, you know.
A never -ending bombardment of pseudo profundities. All right, here's Heather Curnow.
October prophetic word and global prophetic prayer warning. Okay. Thank you,
Lord. The next one, and I believe this is the last one. Okay, so it's interesting.
The last one has to do with global leaders and particular global leaders.
Which ones? And that these global leaders are in a position where they are.
If you've heard my pimple analogy, that what's going on in the world is like when you have an impurity under the skin.
And to make the story short, the impurity has been there for years. The corruption in the world, it's rising up and the world is.
Oh, please tell me she's not going there. She's going there, isn't it? This is giving me
Animal House, you know, vibes. I'm a zit. All right, here comes
John Belushi. Okay. It sits there. And then the body with the impurity sends antibodies to the impurity.
And then, of course, there is a pimple that rises up. Well, the pimple is going to pop.
There's going to be a burst around the body. Yeah. I don't have pimple on my prophecy bingo card.
The pustule pimple prophecy. Oh, my God. I've never heard anything like this.
Sorry, Dwayne, we're doing damage to you here. I'm going to need therapy.
Send the bill to Josh. He'll pay it. Beginning in the third week of October.
Okay, so there's going to be a bit of a mess that's laid out.
So in the third week of October, a pimple is going to pop regarding global leaders. And it's going to make a mess.
They generally do. They generally do. Wait a minute.
If we're talking, like, there's certain world leaders that we can actually make, you know, alliteration. It's the Putin pimple prophecy.
Oh, my God. Oh, make it stop.
I'm going to hit play. And it's God is moving. He's doing a new thing.
He's doing new thing. New thing is, yeah. A new thing in you and I.
And he's also doing a new thing to the impurity. Okay, it's going to burst.
So the global tensions are rising. And when I refer to global leaders,
I'm talking about some of the most influential people. Name one.
Name them. On the face of the earth. And so people who head up the
United Nations, people. Who heads up the United Nations? Which of the UN leaders is going to have their pimple popped?
Who head up the World Health Organization? The leaders. Again, who?
Oh, sorry. That was, you know, who's on first? Never mind. Of the communistic parties.
The leader of Israel, which is President Rivlin. And the leader, which is appearing to have some of the greatest impact around the world.
Last month, we prayed that his global influence would increase. And it certainly has been increasing.
So we pray for President Trump. And so all these leaders, the
Lord just said, pray for their protection.
During the pimple popping, I mean. I'm confused now. 2020, the ulta -pimple.
I... Okay. You know, we have bonus prophecy from her.
Here we go. Transfer of wealth. Here we go. That's what I felt the Lord say to me.
That we're in the place right now that the blessings and the favor come.
And yes, the financial breakthroughs come. And the promotions come.
Promotion is a prophecy buzzword? Right now. But the true transfer of wealth.
Wealth transfer is a prophecy buzzword. Comes when the children...
MacGyver just called me, wants his mullet back. I apologize.
I don't think she ever left the 80s. Begin to step into the things.
Step into... I think I already got step into.
Oh, no, I didn't. Step into. There we go. Look at that. All right, back at it.
So it's not just primarily about dollars and cents here. Right. Well, let's take a look in the
Old Testament. The recorded wealth... No, we're gonna pass on the wealth transfers.
Okay, back to... All right. So this one's called, It's Time to Hit a New Quantum Leap.
It's sad when you're relieved when it's Gloria Zein. Things are gonna be bad.
Well, Gloria Zein is always entertaining. I'm kind of hoping that this means that they'll be like, they'll refire up the
Quantum Leap television show, right? Yeah, I used to love that show. Yeah, yeah.
That and X -Files, you know? Right. Right. Okay, let's take a listen to this thing. Here we go.
I am gonna have an epileptic seizure because of that background. What on earth?
We have now approached ludicrous speed. This is nuts. It's time to hit a new quantum leap.
Dwayne, have you hit a new quantum leap yet? You know, last time I hit a quantum leap, I pulled something.
So I try to stay away. Yeah, you're supposed to stretch before you do that. So I have no idea what that meant.
No idea. Wow. Okay, that didn't yield any fruit.
All right, let's... Oh, no. Oh, no. Okay, now... We're queen.
It's queen now. It is no longer Princess Bola. And we used to call her
Princess Ebola. She's been promoted to queen. So she's
Queen Ebola Adelani. It was a battlefield promotion. Clearly.
So here we go. Kingdom Proclamations. Welcome to Monumental October.
Hashtag Monumental October is here. The M &M month.
My God. My God. Yeah, she pats herself on the back.
Did you notice that, Dwayne? I thought it was a dance move, man. Kind of like the
Macarena, you know? You know, hey, Macarena. Does that count as dancing?
Not yet. No, no, it's not really a dance move yet. This word.
What did I say, people of God? It's the M and M month, okay?
I don't know what it is. Her energy levels are back, yay.
Okay. Because I believe that that is more prophetic than I think, okay?
The Lord said M &M. And you know the candy M &Ms, okay? So, but M &M, it stands for monumental and memorable.
Monumental and mind -blowing. My God, my God. Who am
I talking to? Hey, Macarena. What on earth?
Who am I talking to? Talk to me. Talk to me. It is the month of legendary.
Legendary. Legendary. Memorable. Hello. Mind -blowing and landmark.
Landmark breakthroughs and legislations. My God. Breakthrough of legislations.
Hey, Macarena. Hashtag good word, holy spirit.
What did I say? Good word, holy spirit. Okay, you all guys, you know
I'm gonna break it down. Please, because this already sounds like it is broken down.
So, definitely not working. I'm gonna break it down. But before I do, I'm gonna spend a few minutes, a few seconds, just introducing myself for the sake of those who don't know.
My name is Bola Adelmi. I'm a pastor, prophet, teacher, apostle, kingdom bringer.
She's all five of the five -fold ministry, man. She's got every one of them locked down.
Kingdom coach, the author of this amazing book. I'm sure you have your copy by now.
You don't? No. Why? Well, what are you waiting for? Because you're a heretic.
I find that. I don't want to give you my hard -earned money. This amazing international award -winning book,
The Master's Mind. What international awards did she win? Did she get a leg lamp from Italy that said fragili?
I mean, what international awards has this won? Oh, man.
A total success. Come on, go invest in a copy. You'll find a copy at amazon .com.
It will bless your socks off. And as for me, you will find me at royalproclamations .com.
Yes, royalproclamations .com. Yay, Macarena. It is the 10th month of the year.
The best month of the year. Hello. Guess why it is the best month of the year.
The 10th month is the best month. Okay. The Lord told me Powerball. 10 is the number of the
Powerball. It means - She's given Powerball numbers? Where's my pen?
Finally, one of these YouTube profits is actually gonna try to make their profit actually worth something monetarily.
I was wondering when that was gonna happen. I don't think one number is gonna cut it, though.
I think you need more than one. Don't tell her. Don't tell her. I'll take it.
Okay. All right. So 10. If you play the Powerball, 10. Okay.
What's jackpot? And what is the other reason why it is the best month of the year?
Come on, talk to me. Because queens like Queen Bala were born in October.
Hashtag queens are born in October. Hashtag. I told you she got promoted.
She's not a princess anymore. She's embraced the queen thing. She says queens are born in October, huh?
Okay. I'm gonna... You checking
Snopes on that? Oh, no, I'm not. I'm sorry. The current Queen of England, her birthday is
June 12th. All right. Okay. Apparently, Elizabeth didn't get the memo. No.
All right. This queen is born in October on the 28th day of the 10th month.
And so that is why it is actually the best month of the year. Praise God.
So welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome. I have the word. I'm gonna break down the word.
But before we do, you know, we have to enter his gates with Thanksgiving. We have to enter his courts with praise.
Dwayne? Yes, sir. How exactly does one enter gates and stuff like that during a
YouTube prophecy? I have no idea. It's a formula.
Whatever it is, it is a formula. You have to do it properly. Okay. So all right. So does it involve the
Macarena, you know? I think so. Okay. We have to observe kingdom protocol.
We just don't barge in into the presence of God. We just cannot just come in anyhow.
You know what I mean? No. If we take God for granted, you know what
I say? You'll soon be grounded. And we don't want to be grounded. I want to begin to appreciate the goodness of God.
Excuse me. And to begin to thank God that you made it to the 10th month of the year. Come on now.
Come on. Come on. How many of you are excited? Hey, Macarena. That you made it to the 10th month of the year.
You made it to the last quarter of the year. The first month of the last quarter.
Hello. With 91 days left in 2020. My God. My God.
All glory to Jesus. Hey, Macarena. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you,
Lord. Thank you, Lord. We are so grateful, God. Oh, hey.
Time to translate. She's breaking the rules here. You know, you cannot speak in tongues without a translation.
And so, oh, man. Well, where am
I feeling led in this translation? I, oh, oh, oh, wait.
I feel, oh, did you hear that she was saying that we were going to be receiving an acceleration and an upgrade?
I felt that, didn't you? Yep, yep. Definitely acceleration and upgrade for sure. Yeah, indeed.
So, yeah. I told you
I take this thing seriously. So, I've already got one bingo. I want you all to see that. One already.
Now, I just need some dancing and I got a double bingo here. Well, we got to go to more glory of Zion for that.
Yeah, well, let's keep going with Queen Bola here in the Macarena. Father, we don't take you for granted.
We don't take you lightly, oh God. We enter your gates with thanksgiving in our hearts,
Lord. We enter your courts with praise. We are so thankful unto you, Daddy. We bless your name.
We thank you for keeping us, sir. We thank you for preserving us, sir. We thank you for protecting us.
Come on, come on, come on now. Come on, come on, come on. Come on, lift your... Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, chameleon.
Sorry, I grew up in the 80s. Man, I swear she must have had like three cups of espresso before shooting this because she has not been this energetic in at least a year.
I haven't seen her this... She's on fire, man. October, man. Yeah, the queen, you know, queens are born in October.
That's right. All right, let's move ahead here. This one's a little different. So this is some prophetic soaking along with a prophetic word.
So I think you have to assume the lotus position for this, but I'm not sure. So let's...
You know, when the rivers come, it washes away everything. There's nothing that's left.
It's like, you know, the rivers are, they're powerful. They're torrential.
They're not some tame kind of thing. When the rivers of God comes, when they begin to burst out of you, it's like it begins to clear everything that's going on internally inside you and then around you.
So rivers, rivers, even right now, say rivers come forth. Rivers, rivers, rivers come forth in the mighty name of Jesus.
I can't, I can't afford to do this season dry. I can't afford to do this season burnt out.
I can't afford to do this season just living off the fumes of my last season's fuel.
No, I can't. I can't. I can't do that. I'm afraid my dog's going to start howling at the moon here in a second.
What on earth is that? Okay, rivers, rivers of blood coming out of my ears.
Okay, back to, oh boy, Glory of Zion.
I am the master of the chessboard. Okay, I'm not sure what that means.
Let's take a look. So this is what the Lord showed me. He says, the enemy thinks he has secured great victories in this season, but I am the master of the chessboard that the world, man and Satan have attempted to manipulate through humanism, demonic delay and antichrist agendas.
I have sudden moves that Satan and corrupt men and structures will not see coming.
What are they clapping for? I don't understand a word this woman's saying.
All right, let's start again. There will be sudden moves initiated on the game board that will trump evil and corruption and secure victory.
Remember that while I hung on the cross, Satan thought he had won, but I secured the keys he had stolen, and in a surprise not yet.
So she's channeling Jesus. Yeah, because, you know, she's using Jesus as, you know, like perspective.
Yeah, that's first -person perspective from the point of view of Jesus. Wow. That seen move,
I rose from the grave and defeated death and hell. Don't think that darkness and evil have won.
This woman has like no fear of Christ, you know, to channel him like that. Wow. Okay, moving forward.
Okay, this is Kevin Bridges. So I apologize, his prophecies are a little dry.
Okay, yeah, they're kind of dry gravelly desert -like prophecies, but he's good at the buzzwords.
Look to October, I see a shifting and a shaking. Shaking! Yay!
It's on my guard, yeah. All right, yeah, shifting and shaking. I told you this guy, he's good. He delivers every time.
Shifting and shaking. Shifting and shaking.
Shifting and shaking.
Shifting and shaking. Shifting and shaking. But there will be a friction between the heavens and the earth and things will move.
Watch and see as those who seem to be in secure high places will come tumbling down.
Watch and see as things will shift and move. For I am at work and I'm bringing a realignment, a realignment between the heavens and the earth.
I'm bringing things back into the right place. Watch and see for I am with you and I will give you the grace that you need for this time and for this season.
I will give you the strength that you need. Look and know that I am with you, that I am the one who is bringing an alignment between heaven and earth.
Now he's just repeating himself. Yeah. All right, all right.
Emily Rose Lewis. All right. I have no idea where this is going to go. She looks like Morticia's younger sister.
Yeah, okay. Like the churchy artwork there in the background. Over this whole year, you can go back in the archives and look, but this is just for October.
This is a wonderful, wonderful time, a wonderful season for the body of Christ.
And so I was asking the Lord, you know, what do you have for this month? And I was seeing, and you know,
I've not seen the movie, but you, you guys remember when the
Twin Towers happened and we were attacked as a country and I know that they had a movie out about the men that were on the airplane that was headed towards the
White House. It might've been the Congress building, but you guys, I don't have television.
So I haven't really, I don't watch the news that I don't recall. But. Is she referring to the plane that went down in Pennsylvania?
Maybe. Okay. But I do remember hearing a lot about these guys who took down the terrorists in the airplane.
And although everybody in the airplane died, they saved a lot of other people from being killed.
I don't like the way this prophecy is going, man. We're doomed. We're doomed.
Game over, man. Game over. Game over, dude. And so I know
God brought this to my mind and I'm like, what is this God? And he's saying, we're in a season in the church where it is crucial, crucial that my people are not idle.
And I almost called this idle, idle hands. But it was like, as the Lord was speaking to this to me, you guys, let me know where you're watching from.
Okay. Can somebody explain to me what being idle has to do with the people who took down the terrorists and crashed the plane in Shanksville?
I don't see a connection here. I'm lost. I'm seeing a lot of people say hi to me.
I want you guys to comment. I want you to say hi. Give me your name. Just, you know, speak back what
I'm saying. Write down verses or whatever. And if you have paper, I want you to take a couple of notes here in a minute. So I'm going to try to get this done in about 20 minutes.
But the Lord said, actually, the first thing he was showing me is idle.
And I was like, idle, idle. It was like a play on words, like idolatry. And then idle is like your car is idling or you're sitting idle.
And I was seeing this car and it has been idling. Just kind of sitting there idling, ready to go for a long time, but isn't moving forward.
And I felt like that was some of us in our Christian walk.
You know, the motors on, the engines running, we're ready to go. And the
Lord is saying, October is ready, set, go. Ready, set, go. And there's a couple of areas of our lives that I believe are going to be affected by this word.
And what does this have to do with the airplane that went down? The people on board were not idle.
Therefore, the plane went down and blew up. All of them had cars. Everybody on board owns a car.
I have no idea what this is. Oh my goodness. So as I was seeing the car,
I was just hearing the Lord speak that idleness in the kingdom to not be about your father's business, idleness leads to idolatry.
Idleness in the kingdom leads to idolatry. And did you know that if you are not moving forward in Christ, if you are not growing in Christ, you are not just staying idle, you are going back.
And so the Lord is saying, this is a month to grow and this is a month to go. I speak that a lot, grow and go.
But there's some stages to it, because a lot of you aren't even sure where the
Lord is taking you. Well, if you think that this is
God talking, I can't imagine why you would be confused and wondering where God is taking you.
This is the magical mystery tour indeed. So all right,
I think we got one more. Just one more. Just one more. I see glory all around.
All right. Are you guys ready to see glory everywhere, man? I'm ready. Go for it. All right, here we go.
In the morning, I couldn't get some of these words out of my head. And I thought, well, if I just write them down, maybe the
Lord will let me go back to sleep. So I wrote this down. A part of it, when I was hearing it, I actually heard
Tiffany singing it. And so I'm carrying faith in my feet right now, and glory is beginning to come up from the ground.
And everything that I see around, all around is glory. Glory is all that I will ever know.
All of my kids will ever know to 1 ,000 generations. I see glory all around.
Death has been defeated by the faith that my feet are releasing. So release your dance now.
Dance. You said dance. She's not dancing yet, though. It hasn't asked her. Release it, man. Her feet are releasing this faith.
Glory is all around. Release your song. You are a curse breaker, a devil crusher.
And you will dance on the enemy's head. Darkness must flee. Pain must go. Your enemies.
Oh, this is legitimate yelling prophecy. Yeah, this is definitely legitimate. High, definite prophecy. Defeated. Curses are broken.
So walk in glory. Walk in glory. Walk in the glory realm. Yeah. It's incredible.
I will just say, like, we are family. Aaron and I have been in such a war.
And we, this year, will celebrate 14 years of marriage. Y 'all, 14 years.
Anybody who knows our story knows that is God. That is God. And I remember our first year of marriage.
I was in our front bedroom of our house. And the Lord just said, your children will never know the curses in your blood.
Never know. And I didn't know what that would mean. I didn't know the things that we would have to face.
The things that we would have to stand up and face in our blood and stare wickedness in the eyes and say,
I don't think so. Not anymore. Not anymore. And so the fact that you heard this song.
I mean, it's incredible. So I'm going to try to sing it. I've never done this before. Oh boy.
This is a new song that will break an old cycle.
And I speak it over my children. You will not be taken out.
You will know glory this year. I'm carrying faith in my feet.
This is obviously a very emotional moment for them. And I cannot help but laugh. Right now, and glory is beginning to come up from the ground.
I'm carrying faith in my feet right now. And glory is beginning to come from the ground.
And everything that I see around is glory. It's glory.
Oh, you can see where this is going. The band is about to jump in and everyone's going to lose their minds.
What key is this in? I don't know. Oh man. Doesn't matter what you see right now.
You're meant to carry glory. Your family's meant to carry glory. Oh, your city, your nation.
It's meant to carry glory. Oh, they're dancing. They're dancing. Yeah, there it is. I got a double mingo, man.
I got a second here. Yeah, okay.
Hey, let's go back to that. Oh, wow. You see, it doesn't matter what you feel.
It doesn't matter what the past is. You're meant to carry glory, glory, glory.
Are those boo boo zellas I hear in the background? I just hear boo boo. Yeah, you do hear it. Yeah, yeah.
We say glory is all that I'll know. And for my children, glory is all that they'll know.
Glory is all that they'll know. Just say it, say it. I decree it over us.
Decree, decree. That is a prophecy bingo word. This is a shipwreck.
I decree it over us. Glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory.
I see glory all around. I can't do this anymore.
Oh, wow. So, double bingo for Roseboro. Yeah. We still think about the bonus words.
Yeah, oh, that's right. We do have bonus words for those of you who, you have to have subscribed for one of them, and the second one, you have to like the video.
All right, so let's talk about this here. Definitely, we need a victory, and we need deliverance.
Victory and deliverance. Those are the two extra words. And none of that helped me. I had deliverance, but I'm like one away, two different ways.
Yeah. I need somebody to sow and to have purpose. Purpose was sad.
I could have sworn that purpose was sad. I could have sworn that too, but I didn't know. I was like, I don't know if we can get through that many prophecy videos without purpose being mentioned.
See, I need prosperity and healing. Yeah, indeed. Indeed, you do.
So, Dwayne, real quick, give us the website again for your podcast.
Sure, so you can find us at thebarpodcast .com. You find all of the shows.
I think we're about 300 shows in. We've been doing it every Tuesday for the last four years. And like I said, there's a show with Chris on there and many other awesome guests.
I actually recorded with Kozer recently, but it won't come out until next year because I'm so far ahead.
Well, you're like Kay Nash. Yeah, man. I got all the prophecies for the year, man.
I'm good. Well, thank you for coming on.
It was a pleasure having you. My apologies that you didn't leave here victorious.
But then again, you were playing Prophecy Bingo with a cheating pirate, so you know how that goes.
Yeah, I'm very familiar with that. I thought I was prepared, but you threw a monkey wrench in at the end.
But I'd love to come back and avenge myself. Well, we'll have to keep that in mind for a future installment of Prophecy Bingo.
Real quick, I'm going to sign off here. Those of you online, thank you for joining us.
And if you would like to share the video, all the information that you can share it is down below. And thank you for all that you do in making it possible for us to do what we are doing.
And may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.