FBC Daily Devotional – October 21, 2021


A brief bit of encouragement for your day from God's Word


Well, good Thursday morning to you. I trust your day's gotten off to a good start today, and have you been able to get into God's Word this morning?
Did you read 2 Samuel chapter 12? Of course, chapter 12 follows right on the heels of chapter 11.
I know that's a no -brainer, but the story of chapter 11, of David's sin with Bathsheba, ends with it seeming like he's gotten away with it.
But chapter 12 makes clear he hasn't. And how often we find that to be true, don't we?
That we may think that we have sinned and gotten away with it. We've covered our tracks.
We've moved on and you know, okay, not gonna have to deal with this.
But then later we get confronted and we don't get away with it.
No, be sure your sin will find you out is the exhortation of Scripture. It's not always easy to remember that, is it?
In the middle of temptation and yielding to that temptation, giving in to it. But after the fact, we better realize it and better make short account, keep short account with our
Lord and be repentant. It takes confrontation for David to be repentant.
He's committed these sins of adultery and then of an arranged death, a form of murder, if you will, of Uriah and Bathsheba, with whom he's committed adultery, is with child.
We don't know how far along she is in this pregnancy, but it looks like it's pretty close.
It seems like she's pretty close to giving birth, if she hasn't already. The way
I read it and understand chapter 12 is that the baby's already been born and you know, so it's maybe up to a year from the time
David committed this sin with Bathsheba and tried covering it up and it's, you know, it seems like okay, got away with that one, you know.
Baby's born, all is well. And he hasn't dealt with the sin, therefore, he has to be confronted for that sin.
And this is where Nathan the prophet comes in and Nathan the prophet tells this story.
It's a, you know, a parable, but he presents it like it's an actual thing that's happened about the rich man with a whole flock of sheep, steals a little lamb from a poor guy and David responds with great justifiable anger toward that rich man and he's gonna have to deal with, you know, he's gonna have to restore this fourfold and all the rest of this kind of thing.
And it strikes you, the passage strikes you with how like this we can be, how like David we can be.
Where we are quick to see the sin of other people and condemn them for it, but reticent to see our own.
We're blind to our own or at least we don't want to admit it, don't want to face it. So David is like, like, you know, we can be like David in this and I want to challenge us not to be.
Not, not to be, you know, the kind of person who looks at other people, looks at their sin, is quick to judge, is quick to condemn, while at the same time we're overlooking our own.
As Jesus dealt with this too, didn't he? In the New Testament he says, you know, why are you so quick to pull the speck out of your brother's eye when you got this beam hanging out of your own?
Now deal with the beam first and then you can see clearly to help a brother. Well, David needed to see clearly the beam in his own eyes and Nathan finally confronts him, says you are this guy.
You, you. You're the one that has stolen that little you, that little lamb from his master's lap.
You're guilty of this. David finally comes to acknowledge his guilt and freely confess it and to deal with it.
Doesn't mean there are gonna be consequences, but the Lord does say to him through Nathan, he says the
Lord has put away your sin. You're not gonna die. You're gonna face consequences.
This has been public sin. This has been horrific public sin and they're going to be public consequences, but you yourself are not going to die for it.
Now one of the expressions of humility is seen in how we handle that kind of confrontation.
Can I, so confronted, bow my head and accept the chastening, accept the conviction and when, when the chastening comes, the pain of the chastening itself, when that chastening comes, can
I, can I submit to it without complaint or do
I lash out at at God for the pain that he's causing me and all the rest of this stuff.
See, David responded very well even to the pain that he suffers as a result, as a consequence of his sin.
The Lord says this child is going to die. The child is gonna die as a consequence of your sin.
You and I may, you may read that and we may think this isn't fair. Why should the child die? Well, let's not second -guess
God. We don't know what God spared that child from and all the rest of that stuff. Let's not, let's not go there. But let's just see how
David responds to this. While the child is sick, David is pleading with God to be merciful and to be gracious, to spare the child's life.
God doesn't do so. God doesn't do so. The child dies and David gets up from the, from, from from his knees and begging
God and he goes and washes his face and he sits down to eat and he just humbly accepts the consequence of his sin.
No complaint, no lashing out, no screaming at God in anger.
He just humbly accepts it and he goes and comforts his wife, realizing
I'm the one that brought this on. That's humility. That is humbly dealing with our sin.
May God give us that kind of humility and may we never, never have to really face the kind of thing
David had to face, that kind of consequence. May God spare us and deliver us from temptation that would bring about such consequences.
But if we must face them, let's face them with humility. Our Father and our
God, I pray that you would deliver us from the pride and arrogance that is quick to see the sin of others and so difficult to see our own.
Instead, give us the humility that sees it, accepts it, bows the knee before you and accepts even whatever chastening and discipline that you must bring our way.
We pray this in Jesus name. All right. Well, God give you a good rest of your