3 Powerful Reasons WHY the "Church of Christ" is a CULT!
Christ Rescued Me! ....from the "CoC" Campbellism: Its history and heresies https://amzn.to/3vUt1pC https://amzn.to/3GzsuLC
Church of Christ Exiles
This is a Facebook Group meant for people coming out of the Restoration Movement that are seeking community and help with receiving the Gospel of Grace.
- 00:01
- Well, hello and welcome to the apologetic dog where it's our heart's desire to contend for the gospel of grace here in just a moment
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- I'm gonna bring in a really good new friend one of the OG Apologist Matt slick and I want to bring him in to talk about why the
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- Church of Christ is so dangerous And why we view them as a cult and so I know we said we have three reasons why they're dangerous and it's heretical
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- But that's going to lead into many more reasons, but this is the slickest man alive
- 00:36
- Matt. How you doing out there? I'm slick. All right. That's right. Learn to run it as a kid because of that name.
- 00:43
- Yeah, really Well, hey, thanks for coming on to the apologetic dog
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- If you don't mind tell people a little bit about yourself and where people can find your content sure,
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- I'm a Matt slick my real name and I'm almost 68 years old
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- So I'm up there and have been doing apologetic since 1980 When someone read me a quote that Joseph Smith founder of Mormonism said it may be mad
- 01:08
- So I started studying and just always kind of did it kind of under the radar a little bit
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- Just did it and you know had other jobs But then I decided to go to seminary went to Westminster Theological Seminary Was a pastor and then
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- I lost my pastorate over the issue of the charismatic gifts I believe in the charismatic gifts, even though I'm reformed in my theology and they it was lovingly
- 01:29
- Okay, so it doesn't fit our mold. So that was it. I didn't know what to do. And then This new thing called the
- 01:35
- Internet came out and in 1995 next in fact this month Karma will be 29 years old.
- 01:43
- Oh, yeah That's right, that's when I was old so I started it just as a place to answer questions, you know karm .org
- 01:51
- carm .org and That was it. It was just I got tired of answering the same thing over and over ever write it down and Then it exploded and so we've had a hundred and sixty four million visitors
- 02:06
- So I've written about six thousand articles. I've debated hundreds of people On radio for 21 years written several books blah blah blah.
- 02:15
- So, you know, I'm a fanatic I love this stuff Well, Matt, yeah, you have benefited me so much and your articles are awesome
- 02:25
- So I'm gonna include in the show notes after the show where people can find you and you have a wealth of knowledge
- 02:31
- I read a lot of your articles pertaining to the church father and I believe you said in debate one time Well, my church father can beat up your church father to a
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- Roman Catholic or someone. I've never forgot that That's right Yeah, well,
- 02:45
- I just want to let everybody know that we are going to be fielding questions along the way so if you have any questions pertaining to the
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- Church of Christ or Baptism or the doctrine of original sin and total depravity and those things those are kind of questions that I want to talk about This evening and so I've gotten in trouble a little bit over the past couple years, man
- 03:06
- Because I'm willing to call the Church of Christ a cult now we'll say this the
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- Church of Christ do not like to be called a Denomination now I scratched my head because denomination is a nice term to say
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- Hey, you're within the fold you believe in the the gospel of grace, but we may be disagree on some tertiary issues
- 03:26
- But the Church of Christ Fundamentally claimed to be the one true church. Have you had some interactions with Church of Christ that say that?
- 03:34
- Oh Yeah, yeah, you know whenever someone says yeah, our church is the one true church. I just say oh another only true church
- 03:43
- Because a lot of groups say that and it's a cult mind Well position and that you
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- I should explain. There's a phenomenon in psychology called snapping and It's when you suddenly commit to a group an idea sports team
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- Whatever it is and that it becomes really something you focus on and you accept it and it's just true
- 04:08
- And so that's what happens in cults is that they snap and so they just believe the
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- Church of Christ is the one true church It's like the East North of Ducks is the one true church
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- Just like Joe's Witnesses the one true church and so they've snapped and it takes them a lot to to get out of that but Yeah, it's a non -christian cult because it preaches a false gospel.
- 04:30
- It has works of salvation Well, I want to maybe first lead into that so I kind of tell this video
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- Three reasons why you should leave the Church of Christ. It's a cult. It's dangerous I believe that it's legalistic to the core and so the first thing that I want to talk about is the
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- Church of Christ believe a False gospel and so when I talk about cult Let me pull up Maybe a functional scripture in 2nd
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- Peter chapter 2. It says about false teachers that are among the body teaching in bringing destructive heresies this is what
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- I mean by biblical cults any doctrine that teaches you and is going to lead you away from be believing the biblical
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- Jesus and How to receive the biblical Christ the way that he prescribed and so as I've I've heard you quote many times on the fly
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- Jesus said this I told you that you would die in your sins for unless you believe
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- That I am you will die in your sins So you got to believe the biblical Jesus the second person to try you and God who took on flesh dwelt among us lived a perfect sinless life died on Calvary Resurrected third day and ascended on high in a seat at the right hand of the
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- Father You got to believe in that Jesus if you don't believe that Jesus is the eternal creator of the universe
- 05:50
- Then you're believing in a false Jesus that cannot save and so I don't have to read this
- 05:55
- But Galatians chapter 1 talks about how you can't believe Another gospel one that is to be to receive
- 06:02
- Jesus by faith. And so I think when you start messing with the doctrine of Justification by faith alone apart from our works.
- 06:12
- Well, then it functionally you have deviated into some cult Construct.
- 06:17
- So what do you think about that Matt? You're correct. Yeah in order to know it's false You have to know what's true and most
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- Christians don't know what's true very well They just know it's sufficiently they have a some waders on they could just float in the water
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- That's about it, but they're not getting anywhere And that's the issue here is that justification by faith alone in Christ alone is demonstrated in Scripture And I can give a lot of references but the
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- Church of Christ is salvation by faith and a ceremony in fact on the radio show today we had a
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- Gentleman who called up and he said baptism was necessary for salvation and I said, it's a ceremony
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- He said it's not a ceremony. I said, let me ask you this a wedding a ceremony He said yes, but it doesn't say wedding is a ceremony and in the scriptures
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- But baptism is a ceremony because it's a series of things that you go through in a ritualistic kind of a sense That has a certain result.
- 07:05
- It's a ceremony. And so they start they teach salvation by faith and a
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- Ceremony and without the ceremony you can't be saved and this is the mark of a false religion
- 07:16
- Matt I like how you emphasize ceremony because this is how I demonstrate that it's a ceremony when we go to The Greek word baptizo and we see that it's to dip or immerse there is there's a more of a definition to talk about when someone is participating whether it be infants over there or believers like in Acts 2
- 07:39
- This word goes on to say it's a ceremonial, right? So it's baked into the word and I believe it's in John chapter 3 where there were
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- Jews dispute or there were John's disciples were disputing with the Jew over purification
- 07:55
- Right, and the context is that they were baptizing And so this has roots that I would even argue go deeper into the
- 08:01
- Torah where there were Ceremonies high priest being fully bathed in water, and I'm just saying it's a purification, right?
- 08:09
- Therefore it is Definitionally a ceremony and it can't be questioned Yeah, we could talk a lot about the use of baptizo in the scriptures
- 08:21
- But yeah Yeah, so no, actually, you know, I've got a baptism table
- 08:26
- I'm like site where I do went through every single instance in the New Testament of baptizo And to show that it's used in one two, three, four
- 08:34
- Five six seven eight different senses. Yeah. Anyway, we'll get into that yeah, so one of the proof texts for them because We're talking about Justification by faith so essentially
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- Romans 5 1 talks about how this is how we have peace with God Justification is by faith and it doesn't say anything else now what
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- I've seen with Roman Catholics is Pistis faith is kind of redefined into faithfulness your faithful obedience
- 09:05
- Matt. That's not your works so Sure, we believe in justification by faith, but that faith is your faithful obedience to a list of commands
- 09:14
- That's what I hear when I hear the church Christ said that you're participating Works and baptism is necessary to have your past sins washed away
- 09:24
- Yeah, and it's a problem there's lots of problems there one of the things that I'll do to get around that It's trying to him to see is
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- I'll say look God is one who grants that we have faith. Look it's 129 to you. It has been granted
- 09:36
- That's the aorist passive indicative in the Greek, by the way I've been to seminary too.
- 09:42
- And so we learned a lot of stuff So in as heiress passive indicative means that it's a heiress of past tense passive means it happened to you
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- Indicative means it's a fact. So God has Granted that you believe it's the work of God that you believe in whom you said
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- That's what the Bible is actually saying now all cults what they do is a D They they lower
- 10:06
- God when they exalt man man's freedom man's sovereignty man's free Well, we could discuss free will and what that is biblically we go through all of that as part of the necessity and so They fail to get that and they fail to understand that God is one who grants us faith and Jesus says this is the work of God that you believe on him whom he has sent
- 10:25
- John 6 29. So what I ask him is this I say look if faith it is granted by God and it's in Christ And of course what he did who he is and all that is it true faith.
- 10:36
- They have to answer. Yes Because they can't say that the faith that comes from God that's in Christ.
- 10:41
- It's a work of God They can't say it's false faith. I said good is that faith that God grants to us? It's in Christ. Is it sufficient in and of itself to justify us?
- 10:49
- That's the question Mmm, and if they say no Well, the Bible says having therefore been justified by faith
- 10:55
- Romans 5 1 or we maintain that man is justified by faith Apart from the works of the law and we get into I know what they do it all that Romans 3 28 and I say so what you're saying is that we're we're not justified by faith and no sometimes
- 11:08
- I'll say yes we are Because I'll say you you are when you get baptized So what I'll say is let me ask you does the
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- Bible teach were justified by faith They happen at Romans 5 1 having therefore been justified by faith.
- 11:20
- Does the Bible teacher justified by faith? Yes Then here's the question. Are we justified by faith when we have faith?
- 11:28
- That's the question. They say yes Baptism is not necessary if they say no they deny what the scriptures teach.
- 11:35
- Mm -hmm That's called quick and slick quick and slick. I like it
- 11:40
- And so what they have to do is redefine justification and redefine faith. They shoehorn obedience
- 11:47
- That's kind of the catch -all. I've noticed is the word obey and so What I add to kind of what you say because I really like how you're you're talking about is it by faith or is it?
- 11:59
- And then I say or is it when faith has worked a particular action like in baptism?
- 12:05
- So with the Church Christ, you know, they don't like me using work in that context like James 2 has all over the place
- 12:12
- So what I what I what I've heard from Church Christ say is well works doesn't refer to your general obedience
- 12:20
- I'm like, oh, yeah, it does Abraham was not justified by his general obedience to be circumcised
- 12:26
- He was justified by faith And so to me Abraham is the case example how
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- Abraham was justified which was by faith and not by ceremony Like you to your point That's the same way
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- Roman for concludes not just for his sake but for our benefit as well. We're justified that way
- 12:46
- Amen, brother. It was to say it again the Church of Christ teaches a false gospel
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- It teaches a false gospel because their salvation is not dependent on God alone
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- It's dependent on God and what they do and that ceremony of baptism and we could go to acts 238
- 13:07
- We go to act 16 We go to first Peter 321 or Galatians 327 we go to all this stuff and talk about put them in context but they teach a false gospel because they add a
- 13:23
- Ceremony to the finished work of Christ Yeah, I have someone in the side chat saying why do you add alone twice in Ephesians Chapter 2 verse 8 you were adding to Scripture and so I've come across this a lot and I just say
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- Justification by faith alone is a theological conclusion We're saying I've heard this illustration before tell me if you've heard it
- 13:47
- Matt you have a table and you could have an apple and an orange on a table you could take the orange off and the
- 13:55
- Apple would be alone. So when we're talking about faith and works and we're saying it's not by your works
- 14:00
- Then we're talking about faith alone. Have you ever heard that? illustration, oh, yeah,
- 14:05
- I use an apple and an orange in a bag and put a Romans 4 or 5 Romans 4 or 5 to the one who does not work but believes in him who justifies in Godly his faith is credited as righteousness, so if you have works in faith and One is removed either by itself.
- 14:23
- That's alone. That's it. And I don't say by faith alone in Ephesians 2 8 9 I don't add that word but I asked them to tell me in Romans 4 or 5 to the one who does not work but believes is
- 14:35
- Is Paul negating works? That's all I asked him. Is he negating works? And they have to say yes, because that's what it says.
- 14:43
- Okay, and they'll say well, what kind of works is it? Oh, did you tell me you tell me what kind of works it is that he's negating and show it to me
- 14:50
- And we talk about that. But yeah, okay This is why salvation is based on what
- 14:56
- God does not what we do because that's what cults do You know
- 15:01
- Mormonism says in 2nd Nephi 25 23, you're saved by grace through faith after all you can do
- 15:06
- Okay, the Roman Catholicism paragraph 2068 you say by faith baptism and the observance of the commandments
- 15:12
- It's an act of faith. It's the same as Church of Christ or you go to East Orthodox and they say the same thing
- 15:18
- Justification is occurring at baptism and then you maintain it through the energies of God the graces of God that you become justified over a long period of time the
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- Jehovah's Witnesses 1983 Watchtower April 1st says page 12 says that you have to obey the commandments or to be saved
- 15:33
- Well, what commandments? Well, these are the thing all false religions deny the sufficiency the blood of Christ in and of itself
- 15:40
- They deny the sufficiency of the faith that God grants to us. That's in Christ They deny its sufficiency that comes from God alone.
- 15:47
- They spit on the cross They spit on the blood of Christ and they say that a ceremony must complete what
- 15:53
- Jesus did and I need to believe With my obedience with my works I got to slip my works in there and what they're doing is are crawling up to the cross of Christ on that bloody day with the blood of God is coming down dripping down his arms as Back his knees his feet down into the dirt and they're crawling up to that clock cross with humility their faces down and then they get right up to the very feet of Christ and they take a list of their
- 16:19
- Deeds their goodness of their at works and they nail it to the cross. This is my baptism. This is my repentance
- 16:25
- This is my sincerity and all of this and they hope that God the Father will accept their salvation based on what blood the blood of God Christ and Their works
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- Their stuff that they do the arrogance the foolishness the demonic teaching that that really is
- 16:42
- It denies the sufficiency of the cross of Christ and the Church of Christ and all false religions need to repent of that false doctrine
- 16:50
- Now Matt you said, you know a lot you use the word works a lot there and even through the term obedience so we have somebody that I think is a kind of fan of The apologetic dog maybe a distant fan
- 17:05
- But think Oh philosopher. He is an advocate of the Church of Christ No doubt and he says
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- Matt slick the key to understand that the works of law Paul is talking about in Romans is we're not saved by the works of the
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- Mosaic law But by totally different set of actions that James says are
- 17:26
- Essential to saving faith, so you maybe haven't wrote any articles about James chapter 2
- 17:33
- But can you help think Oh Okay, well this is what I could talk to him and say what are you saying
- 17:39
- James is saying now we want to talk Tackle James What James is doing and starting in verse 14 and he says the one who does who says he has faith
- 17:47
- But he doesn't have works can that faith save him and then he relates it in verse 19 to the faith of demonic forces so it's obviously a false faith and I asked him very quickly is the faith that he's that that James is talking about the
- 17:59
- Faith that God grants Philippians 129. That's in Jesus John 6 29. Is that the same faith?
- 18:06
- That's the issue. So, you know, I'll ask him and you can type it out in your in Your text is the faith that God grants
- 18:15
- Philippians 129 to you it has been granted to believe and that faith that is in Jesus because Jesus says this is the work of God that you believe on him whom he has sent
- 18:24
- In fact, let me add something in here a little bit that'll help you guys out to believe biblical theology
- 18:30
- Not cult theology out of the Church of Christ This is what it says in John 1 12 and 13 and about believing but many has received him to them
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- He gave the right to become the children of God who even to those who believe in his name believe who were born
- 18:46
- That's in the context of believing born again Not of the blood nor the will of the flesh nor the will of man but of God This is another instance where God's work is what you need to focus on not your own.
- 18:56
- Don't be arrogant Don't be thinking that your salvation rests in your ability to keep the law to do anything, right?
- 19:03
- That's what James was talking about there. And he says in verse 18. He says you you You summon your faith by your works.
- 19:10
- I'll show you mine by mine. You show me your faith without I'll show you my faith by my works. This is the horizontal
- 19:15
- It's not the vertical because in James 2 it's you show me your faith.
- 19:20
- I'll show you my faith horizontal Romans 4 God's the justification by faith before him and all the false religious systems fail to understand what
- 19:31
- James is Speaking about but something may well say you have faith and I have works show me your faith apart from your works
- 19:37
- I will show you my faith by my works. I can't read your heart. I don't know what faith you have
- 19:42
- I can only look at your works. I can only live what you do That's what James is talking about, but God doesn't need that.
- 19:48
- God doesn't need your works to prove anything to him God doesn't need that because he knows your heart He's the one who grants you have faith and grants that it's in Christ Jesus Which is why
- 19:57
- Jesus says in John 6 65 you cannot come to me unless it's granted to you from the
- 20:03
- Father So this is the praise and the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ and the work of God the Father In our redemptive work not adding a ceremony to it and James 2 does not support their view
- 20:13
- Matt I've noticed something common with Eastern Orthodox Roman Catholics Mormonism Jehovah's Witnesses and the
- 20:21
- Church of Christ and they all have the same interpretation of James 2 and To me, that's that's the red flag is kind of failing to understand that horizontal
- 20:32
- You know human to human relationship because I can't see Matt's heart I can see the demonstration of his life by his works of things that are expressed
- 20:40
- But God knows his heart in James chapter 2 back to verse 14 if someone says
- 20:47
- He has faith So this is a mere said faith and a mere said faith is a dead faith and is useless
- 20:55
- And like I said, you know verse 18 really kind of indicates that mentality and when you go to Abraham He was he was fulfilling his faith before men all the
- 21:06
- Jews that had the Torah saw Abraham's life you had three witnesses to Abraham's vindicated faith by his works
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- Isaac and two travelers that were with him even God spoke on man's level and said now
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- I know Right, it didn't compromise his knowledge But God is testifying to the fact that the just shall live by faith
- 21:26
- And so this is the verse that I get thrown at me all the time Matt Well, I would believe justification by faith alone
- 21:33
- If you could show me one verse where it says faith alone and it's James 2 24 And that's the only time where it says not by faith alone and I try to point out here
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- You see that that keeps the context like you were just grounding this human to human interaction
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- You see human to human that a person is justified by works and not a mere said dead faith
- 21:56
- Alone, so a true living faith Will work itself out So it is
- 22:03
- God doesn't need our works But you know one of the things I'll do with Church of Christ and Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholics And I'll say okay
- 22:12
- Give me a list of the things you've got to do to keep yourself right with the infinitely Holy God Because it's obviously you're not trusting by faith alone in Christ alone and what he's done
- 22:22
- You have to add something they show your baptism is one of the things you add. What else do you add?
- 22:27
- What else do you add to the finished work of God, how do you maintain your place with the infinitely
- 22:32
- Holy God? Give me the list of things you're doing and I would challenge a Church of Christ person right now if you have that idea if you believe that that anything you do maintains your place with God initial justification that you've baptized and you got to maintain a good life and You're just an occult.
- 22:53
- That's all it is. That's a false gospel. You cannot maintain your place with God Think about it.
- 22:58
- Do you actually believe that you could? possibly maintain your position
- 23:05
- With the infinitely Holy being who is God you think you can maintain your position your salvation by your goodness
- 23:12
- I think you can actually do that because if you can you think so put out in the chat
- 23:17
- I'm looking at the the YouTube put in there the list of things you've got to do to keep yourself right with the infinitely
- 23:23
- Holy God, I'd like to see that list and one car here Henry Matt slick says show us in the side shit
- 23:32
- Right there So it's in this in the text, which I could log in so I could make some comments in there
- 23:38
- But I sure done it before show us what you got to do. Show me what you got to do What's the list of things you got to do to keep yourself right with the infinitely
- 23:45
- Holy God be baptized? Don't lie. Don't commit adultery. What? Matt you got to hear the word you got to believe you got to repent you got to confess your sin
- 23:57
- You got to be baptized and then there's another Sixth step you got to be holy you got to keep on repenting and if you don't
- 24:04
- Matt then you can lose your salvation Wow That proves they're already in a state of damnation.
- 24:12
- And the reason it does is because They think that in their own efforts.
- 24:18
- They can maintain their holiness That's what they're saying and they don't realize the great sin that that is
- 24:26
- It's an incredible sin to say I can through my sincerity
- 24:31
- Whatever it is my repentance my being holy my walk. I keep myself right with God That's what
- 24:39
- Islam teaches. That's what Roman Catholicism teaches so You know when they be holy say well
- 24:48
- What is well, let's go back to repentance if you are lying and you read the Word of God that says don't lie
- 24:54
- That's the law. So Repentance is compliance with the law Repentance isn't what justifies you.
- 25:02
- It's faith that justifies Repentance is the thing that is the result of the regeneration within you where you made new creatures second
- 25:09
- Corinthians 5 17 And you're dwelt by the Lord God That's Father and the
- 25:15
- Son and dwell us and that's John 14 23 and all the Spirit and dwells us Romans 8 11
- 25:21
- So we know that that when God is in us We're regenerated and then we can then do those things that are right that are good
- 25:29
- But repentance is compliance with the law So you have to repent and that's how you get yourself saved with faith with baptism and that's how you keep yourself saved so repentance turning from their sins means that they are supposed to comply with the moral teachings of the law either in the
- 25:45
- Old or The New Testament and that's how they maintain themselves with God at that point. This is what they should do They should do this one thing
- 25:55
- Man it would my arm would hurt if I was patting myself on the back that much like you would be sore
- 26:01
- Well, here's a thing. Here's a question then. Okay, but they ask you I think you know this stuff better than I do Now, let me ask
- 26:08
- Can a Church of Christ person know that they have eternal life? They know they have eternal life.
- 26:14
- Yeah, I know I they're being if they're being obedient they can know Oh See eternal life.
- 26:20
- Jesus says there's a little theological point. A lot of people miss in John 3 16 All who believe would have eternal life and never perish
- 26:28
- Jesus equates eternal life with never perishing in John 10 27 my sheep My voice I give eternal life to them and they shall never perish and you go to John 6 37 to 40 and compress it down And say that if the will of the
- 26:39
- Father's that Jesus not lose any that they have eternal life I'm never gonna perish Jesus equates eternal life with never perishing
- 26:46
- He does not equate eternal life with your maintenance of eternal life through your goodness of repentance and your sincerity
- 26:52
- That it rests in you and your ability that's what the devil wants you to believe because he wants you to take your eyes off of the
- 26:57
- Sufficiency of Christ and put it on yourself and your ability to comply with the law so you will keep that law
- 27:03
- You'll do those things. So you got to hear the word But God is the one who opens your mind to understand the scripture and that's acts 16 14
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- He's what it grants you repentance 2nd Timothy 2 25 He's one who grants that you have faith
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- Philippians 1 29 that faith thing in Jesus Christ John 6 29 in fact in Acts 13 48 as many as had been appointed to eternal life
- 27:25
- Believe you're doing you believe because God appointed you to eternal life. That's why now what they'll do is
- 27:31
- I say all of that rests on me all of that That is the work of the cross becomes effective when I believe the work of the cross becomes true when
- 27:38
- I do it the work of the cross becomes true and Powerful when I get baptized the work of the cross of Jesus becomes powerful and stays powerful based on my ability
- 27:49
- To keep the law to do what's right and I and I'll be the one who's gonna maintain my holiness
- 27:55
- I'll be the one who's gonna do that. That's what's going on. It's a false fall false gospel false gospel man,
- 28:03
- I Felt I felt some of the heat coming out through that but hey, this is this is serious stuff, isn't it?
- 28:10
- I'm keeping it calm I'm serious. I am toning it down Well, hey you're on the apologetic dog you you can just you can let the the fire come out
- 28:21
- Have a good question from a dear brother And he and he knows that you're the person to ask because you know when debating
- 28:27
- Roman Catholics Eastern Orthodox, they will a lot of times talk about Baptismal regeneration.
- 28:34
- Well all the early church fathers. They believed in baptismal regeneration
- 28:39
- You're gonna tell me that You know the church got it wrong for so many hundreds of years
- 28:46
- What do you think the best way to respond to someone that says all of the early church fathers believed in baptismal regeneration?
- 28:53
- well, I Say my church father can beat up your church father And then I say hey go to calm org and look up the early church fathers on baptism and salvation
- 29:04
- In fact, did you know that Irenaeus said baptism is necessary for salvation that did as did origin and Tertullian and Ambrose?
- 29:12
- Oh, but how about this Clement of Rome said it's not necessary polycarp said it's not necessary Marius Victorinus said it's not necessary.
- 29:21
- These are just some of the examples So when they say the all the church fathers I say wrong you have not done your homework
- 29:28
- Anybody who says all the church fathers agree. No, it's not true. And I know instantly they've not thought
- 29:35
- They've only regurgitated what they've been told The truth is they've not researched it.
- 29:40
- They've not seen it. They don't know This is another part of the cult mind You just believe what you're told by your church and it's just the way the truth in the life
- 29:49
- And when I go and I do my research, I find the opposite of what they're saying is true So they do not know the truth.
- 29:56
- I'm gonna say it again. They're in a false religion They're in a false gospel in a non -christian cult and they believe false things and if they were to die right now
- 30:04
- Believing what they do in the Church of Christ doctrine and I'm not it's not a threat. It's not me being mean It's me being pastoral you're gonna end up going to hell because you're not trusting in the blood of Christ alone
- 30:17
- Just to briefly add a little bit I think it's Cyril of Jerusalem explicitly says that regeneration precedes going into the font of water and there are some other church fathers that say very similar things like that and Then you have the historic debate about baptism
- 30:35
- Is it the work worked or is it the one working and we're like, oh that kind of sounds like the just Shall live by faith and John Christendom so many of the early church talked about well justification
- 30:47
- They would say explicitly is by faith alone apart from works
- 30:53
- And so you got to let the early church be the early church and we hold them to the bar of Scripture and when they get
- 31:00
- It right we yes and amen. We're called to be noble Bereans and when we see some inconsistencies, that's okay
- 31:06
- God is sanctifying his bride over time That's kind of a bigger principle that I would take away from Ephesians chapter 5
- 31:14
- And so and I would argue and I know Matt has written many argue or articles about this
- 31:20
- But the early church they believed in solo scriptura. They would not want us to take their word as Infallible so it's fun to get into those bigger worldview discussions about who has the ultimate authority
- 31:32
- Is it God and his infallible word or is it is it man in his traditions, you know, so there's bigger things on the table
- 31:40
- Appreciate you saying that yeah preach at the Paul Jack dog. You like my beard. I got a little bit.
- 31:45
- Uh, that's a part of the logo My wife says if I do no more smooching.
- 31:52
- Oh I understand. Hey, you gotta listen to the wife. That's good I want to continue after I want to continue talking a little bit about justification as it relates to baptism so acts 238 perhaps is one of the
- 32:07
- Most major of the proof texts, but there's another verse in Acts and it's 22 16
- 32:14
- I didn't know if you wanted to maybe touch on these briefly Let's go to X 238 because there's a lot of stuff there that people don't know so it says
- 32:24
- I Want to show you something? Peter said to them repent and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ For the forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the gift of the
- 32:34
- Holy Spirit So I asked him is that a formula for salvation What do they say? You know, you know people are listening.
- 32:40
- Is that a formula for salvation? Okay, repent each of you be baptized for the forgiveness of your sins
- 32:47
- You'll receive the gift of the Holy Spirit if you say yes, it's a formula Well, then how can you have a formula for salvation that excludes faith because faith isn't mentioned there at all
- 32:56
- So it can't be a formula. That's point one Point two is simple in that the phrase in Greek for the forgiveness of your sins.
- 33:04
- It's a fish in Ace a fish in her martyred on into the forgiveness of sins that exact phrase is found in But of John the
- 33:17
- Baptist and I think it's mark one For where is that for the forgiveness?
- 33:22
- I'll get my notes open here of sins. Okay There we go. And so the exact same phrase is that is assuming yeah mark one for where it says
- 33:36
- Mark well mark one for that's why I typed it wrong. So that's why so mark one for says this
- 33:41
- I'm going to show you guys something if for the forgiveness of sins means that's how you get forgiveness of sins then watch this
- 33:47
- Because the exact same Greek phrase ace a fish in a martyred on occurs in mark one for John The Baptist appeared in the wilderness preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins
- 33:58
- So if the phrase forgiveness of sins means that's how you get saved or get your sins forgiven. Then here's the question
- 34:04
- Did the baptism of John get them forgiveness of sins? If they have to say yes, because the same phrase most most
- 34:13
- Church Christ will bite the bullet on that and say yes Okay, then here's some questions if that's the case did they need to get baptized later in the
- 34:21
- Trinitarian baptism? That's a question Because if they did and the Trinitarian baptism later is for forgiveness of sins
- 34:28
- Why would you do it twice when you're already forgiven of your sins? Unless they maintain their salvation by goodness, but they need to do it again.
- 34:34
- That's a second question. Okay, there's something else I'll show you go ahead Well, I was gonna say yeah Well baptism just washes away your past sins
- 34:41
- So John accomplished that and then in Acts 19 How to get back they had to get baptized for the gift of the
- 34:48
- Holy Spirit and get some more of that sin washed away Yeah, they don't understand what that is to get to the Holy Spirit I'll show you so here's another question about John the
- 34:56
- Baptist baptism If they were baptized for the forgiveness of their sins, were they still obligated to offer sacrifices in the temple?
- 35:05
- This is critical question because in Hebrews 8 13 and Hebrews 9 15 through 16
- 35:10
- It says that the new covenant is ratified with the death of Christ So under the
- 35:17
- Old Covenant everyone's off is obligated to offer sacrifices for the temple work for their own sins
- 35:23
- That's not abrogated or fulfilled or moved away until Jesus died
- 35:29
- So if John the Baptist baptism gets them forgiveness of sins, were they still obligated to give that?
- 35:37
- sacrifices in the temple They say yes Then they negate the true forgiveness that they say no then
- 35:44
- Then they're denying what the scripture says, that's another point. All right. Mm -hmm.
- 35:49
- Here's something else About acts 238. What is the gift of the Holy Spirit? People say it's salvation.
- 35:57
- It is not It is not ladies and gentlemen Read the context what's happening in Acts 2 and I'm going to show you something.
- 36:07
- The Holy Spirit is always poured You can go through the Old Testament the Holy Spirit's poured you can go to Joel 2 28 29
- 36:15
- The last days the Holy Spirit God will pour the Holy Spirit upon you. The Holy Spirit is poured
- 36:20
- That's how the Holy Spirit is delivered. All right, and you can go to Acts 2 17 It shall be in the last days.
- 36:26
- God says I'll pour forth my spirit on all mankind your sons and your daughters Will prophesy your young man will see vision.
- 36:35
- So your old man will see have dreams And in those days, I'll pour forth my spirit and they shall prophesy
- 36:43
- What is the gift of the Spirit? What's the gift that he's talking about because these men they're going wait a minute, you know they're listening the men of Israel are listening in verse 22, they're listening to what's going on and Peter gets up.
- 36:58
- Oh, he's there's so much to talk about And he goes on and he says having received from the father the promise of the
- 37:04
- Holy Spirit as verse 33 Which he has poured forth this which you both see and hear.
- 37:10
- What's the pouring forth? It is the manifestation of the charismatic gifts. All the
- 37:15
- Church of Christ don't like that It's the manifestation of speaking in tongues and prophesying and dreams
- 37:20
- That's what's going on in the context and in verse 33 having received from the father the promise of the
- 37:26
- Holy Spirit He has poured forth which you both see and hear that's what you're seeing and you're hearing
- 37:32
- Then he says let all the house of Israel know this in verse 36 now when they had heard this for 37
- 37:37
- They're pierced to the heart. Well, what do we do? repent each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins because of That's what it really is doing and you will receive the gift of the
- 37:48
- Holy Spirit the charismatic movement and the gifts now You think I'm wrong. All you got to do is go to acts 10 44 okay
- 37:58
- While Peter was still speaking the word these words the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who are listening to the message fell upon the pouring of the circumcised believers who came with Peter were amazed because the gift of the
- 38:10
- Holy Spirit have been poured on the Gentiles also For they were hearing them speaking with tongues exalting God The gift of the
- 38:16
- Holy Spirit is the movement of the charismatic thing that God the Holy Spirit does upon them It's not simply salvation that you get because you go to a baptismal ceremony
- 38:24
- The baptism is a covenant sign of entering into that covenant of God the new covenant That's there the communion elements are the participation of that covenant that you maintain in they don't have good theology
- 38:35
- The cults always have bad theology. They don't know all of this stuff That's how you know what the gift of the
- 38:41
- Holy Spirit is They need to believe what the Word of God says not what their church tells them to think. Amen Amen, so something else you point out here because I think this is an excellent move of saying look acts 2 and acts chapter 10 are
- 38:56
- Not going to be preaching different Gospels not one for the Jews over here and another one for the
- 39:01
- Gentiles It's the same and I've always pointed out Repentance is a change of the mind and then there's a second imperative that Peter is giving to Demonstrate that repentance in a ceremony like baptism
- 39:13
- And so acts chapter 10 like we're Gentiles 2 ,000 years removed so kind of following the flow and we even back up to verse 43 and when
- 39:25
- I when I highlight this verse The Church Christ really want to go back to Acts chapter 2
- 39:31
- But to him all the prophets bear witness that everyone who is baptized
- 39:36
- Matt Oh, I mean believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins through his name now while Peter's preaching the gospel
- 39:46
- The Holy Spirit is at work like you're talking about and I love the point in verse 46 the these people are
- 39:54
- Regenerate they are praising and extolling God because they have been justified their sins are forgiven and then what happens
- 40:02
- Next these are already believers Peter says can anyone withhold water for baptizing?
- 40:09
- These people who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have and I try to make the point that look
- 40:18
- Baptism comes after what do repentant believers do? Well, they want to obey all that Christ has commanded us.
- 40:25
- That is our sanctification. That is Discipleship, this is faith going public to the watching world to show that Christ is
- 40:34
- King I mean you have a little bit different covenant theology and we're coming at these things and a little bit different angles
- 40:40
- But me and you clearly can show people the forgiveness of sin comes by faith alone in Christ alone
- 40:48
- Amen Okay, I want to look at Acts 22 16 because maybe
- 40:56
- Matt maybe you've never written on this verse either Because there is a there is a broader context here that I love pointing out because I tell people
- 41:11
- Ananias by the way is saying this but Ananias is talking to Paul Matt slick
- 41:16
- Slickest man alive and says and now why do you wait? Why does thou Terry and your old
- 41:22
- King James rise and be baptized and wash away your sins? Calling on his name.
- 41:29
- So what's the deal Matt? What what in the world is Ananias getting it here a Literal translation would reveal that there are two commands in the strict sense each associated with a participle a
- 41:42
- Participle is a word that ends in I NG. Okay walking talking. It's a continued action
- 41:49
- With a parcel now the command be baptized is connected with the words get up Which are which is one word in the
- 42:00
- Greek and it's a participle. So while getting up, okay Well, the command wash away your sins is connected with a participle calling on his name
- 42:08
- Now about that phrase calling upon his name if you go to the Old Testament and you you can look someone 16 for you
- 42:16
- Go to Zechariah 13 9 I believe it is and other places where it says they call upon the name of the
- 42:23
- Lord and It's always prayer worship adoration to Yahweh So calling upon his name is to appeal to God by his name
- 42:32
- Yahweh the great I am in this case He'll be Christ who is our Savior the name of Christ you go to Acts 4 7 that the name of Christ is no other way and so what the salvation is
- 42:43
- Occurs by calling upon the name of God you get up He says get up go because get up and be baptized and wash away your sins
- 42:53
- Calling on his name the calling on his name the participle form is what is washing your sins away not getting baptized
- 43:01
- It is real simple. I can go in more depth if you want No, that's good I usually will ask this question and I love it because I can see that the deer and headlights look a lot of times
- 43:11
- I Asked Church of Christ. When did Paul first? Call upon the name of the
- 43:17
- Lord and before I even get done asking the questions They're already trying to quote Acts 22 16. That's okay.
- 43:23
- Let's actually go a little bit earlier in the context here Where Paul's on the road to Damascus?
- 43:30
- This is him telling, you know, essentially the account of him on the road to Damascus and encountering
- 43:36
- Jesus. And so Let me see here. Let's start in verse 7 Paul says
- 43:42
- I fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to me Saul Saul Why are you persecuting me?
- 43:47
- And I answered who are you? Curious now what's interesting here is
- 43:53
- I would say Paul sees the Shekinah glory of God. He invokes the divine name curious
- 43:58
- This is not just a general sir. He knows it's Yahweh, but he does ask who he knows
- 44:06
- It's God, but he's asking who are you so the conversation continues and he said to me
- 44:11
- I am Jesus of Nazareth whom you are persecuting and when we skip down to verse 10
- 44:20
- Solve Tarsus Paul here says what shall I do? Lord now, however, we look at Acts 22 16.
- 44:28
- That's Ananias speaking. We have to ask the question. How did Paul Understand Ananias when he said those words when we go to Romans chapter 10, which is very didactic very explicit very good clear teaching we should interpret the narrative books in light of the epistles to the churches because Romans chapter 10 says for by you know
- 44:49
- With with the heart one believes and is justified whoever calls upon the name of the
- 44:54
- Lord that God raised him from the dead shall be saved and so here Paul already called upon the name of the risen
- 45:03
- Jesus Jesus of Nazareth who who he knew already was crucified and Allegedly had resurrected and so my point is
- 45:12
- Galatians 1 said that that Paul received the gospel not from man But from Jesus and we get to see this account right here.
- 45:20
- So what do you think about that? Good stuff Good stuff Okay. Well, I learned a lot from carm.
- 45:27
- So I have to ask you a question. Yeah, so Carl Henry he snuck this in here.
- 45:34
- I have to read this to you because I appreciate the super jet I Carl is a church Christ, but I'm telling you
- 45:40
- I have some Fans out there that are fans of the apologetic dog
- 45:45
- And I guess I guess they find me entertaining a little bit. So here's here's a comment maybe slash question
- 45:52
- That cross says Matt Your answers are not crisp and to the point you you took
- 45:59
- T Fisher, which is Trey Fisher one of my good friends. You take the cake on storytelling.
- 46:06
- What? formal as in a plan Equally opponent have you had so what kind of debates have you had on this subject man?
- 46:16
- Lots, I don't know the kind formal where you have time to intro outros You know opening statements response
- 46:23
- Q &A moderated. I've done several of those. Yeah You debated Travis Thomas a lot of people know grandma's church.
- 46:32
- You have to look it up sometime It's we call him old TT He he gave us a nice sound bite for a soundtrack there
- 46:39
- And then you also debated a K Richardson who is also Church Christ and you debated I believe both of them on baptism
- 46:46
- That's what I remember you saying Are you justified when you have faith or when you not have faith? Because I remember you went on apology and they're like hey, it's one or the other.
- 46:54
- This is a true dichotomy That's right. It's one of the other and this is the logic.
- 47:00
- I use a lot of people in false religions It's either the case that you're justified by faith alone or it's not the case that you're justified by faith alone
- 47:07
- And it's a simple necessity of answering one or the other cannot be if for orange, whatever it is either one of the other
- 47:14
- It's a logical necessity because it's a true dichotomy and logic And so I'll ask them which is the case and I'll ask them what they say and then what
- 47:22
- I'll do Whatever answer they give I'll go in and I'll analyze what they're saying even further
- 47:27
- But the fact is what they're doing is they're adding works to salvation So I just asked Carl in there.
- 47:33
- Is he keeping himself by his goodness? Okay, are you doing enough to keep yourself safe?
- 47:38
- He would say he's trying his best. He would say that means you're not That means you're not so this is here's the thing that Paul says
- 47:49
- Okay, one of the things I would do with the Church of Christ, you know, they're slightly different I'd say please tell me and show me the things in Scripture That you have to do where it is in Scripture in order to be saved
- 48:02
- I say just show me the list and Not trying to be mean but you know, they might say that acts 238 get there to be baptized
- 48:10
- It might use it as a verse for that Which of course I have an answer to you might say repentance is necessary for salvation
- 48:16
- I'm gonna say show me the verse where it says repentance is necessary That's what gets you say it or anything like that.
- 48:22
- Just show me the verse I want to see I'm gonna ask him more questions What things besides these are you having to do?
- 48:29
- Can you see an R -rated movie? Yes No, can you you lust after a woman and you blew it and did you lose your salvation during that time or you know?
- 48:37
- Just I'm not trying to be nitpicky and accusatory But I'm trying to understand the details of their theological position
- 48:46
- Because I'll tell you the more details I have the more I can use it against them because that they don't have their theology understood in their own sense of what's necessary and They're arguing with me
- 48:58
- Then that means they don't know they're talking about if they do know it and they're able to articulate to me what those particulars are
- 49:03
- I'm gonna ask him. Are you doing those particulars? Well, I'm trying that means you're not That means you're not doing it.
- 49:10
- And that's why I want to know what laws Are you saying you have to keep because in Galatians 310?
- 49:15
- For as many as are the works of the law are under a curse for it is written Curses everyone who does not abide by all things written in the book of the law to perform them as a quote from Deuteronomy 2726.
- 49:26
- All right So what things in in the Bible are those things you're listing that you have to do? Is it Old Testament?
- 49:31
- Is it New Testament? Where is it? And I'm going to have them and require them to tell me from the
- 49:37
- Word of God what it is that they have to do To keep themselves right with the infinitely Holy God and then when they do that I'm gonna jump on like a monkey in a cupcake
- 49:45
- I'm gonna rip it up because I wanted to believe what the truth is I don't want to believe in their false gospel. All right.
- 49:51
- Okay. Yeah, I get going about this. I could keep myself calm down Well, they have they have the five -step formula and you have to obey that last command to be baptized
- 50:03
- And then this the hidden sixth one There's a hidden seventh one. You got to do all these things in the one true church, but it's to continue to live a holy life
- 50:12
- Let me ask you. Can you be bad? Can you be saved if you're not baptized? Period. No, no.
- 50:18
- Okay. So then babies in the womb who die all go to hell. Oh I'm glad you brought this up Matt because I actually wanted to transition a little bit into something else that's behind the the baptismal justificatory regenerating false gospel and it's because Keep the
- 50:38
- Church of Christ the Church of Christ deny Original sin and total depravity so Matt Babies don't need
- 50:47
- Jesus. They're they're pure. They are perfect without any stain of sin And so they're they're on their way to heaven not by Jesus They don't need
- 50:56
- Jesus many of the Church of Christ will say but yeah Babies don't need to be baptized because quote -unquote. They don't they don't need to Okay, then
- 51:04
- I have a question for him. Is that true that the wages of sin is death Romans 6 23? Yes, Matt.
- 51:10
- That's the actual death Okay, spiritual death and in Genesis 2 17
- 51:16
- God said that Moses said that Moses said to Adam the day Moses was in there.
- 51:21
- Well, he was he was bound up Yeah, but he says to Adam they you're gonna die.
- 51:27
- Did they die that day? The answer is yes It's a spiritual death and physical death is the result of spiritual death.
- 51:32
- Is that true Matt? Matt, did you know Church of Christ believe physical death is a part of the original design of God?
- 51:40
- It's not a result of Adam's sin. Where'd they get that from the book of 2nd
- 51:47
- Miracles? Where's that from? that look the original state of Mankind in Adam was that he would not die because he'd had no sin the
- 52:04
- Okay, so What you can pull up your screen? Let's go to a Bible verse and I'll show you tell me but here's a question
- 52:10
- Here's a It's Romans 5 19, but let me ask you the Church of Christ people
- 52:16
- Why did my son Jacob die in my arms when he was born? Hmm. Why did he die?
- 52:22
- What sin did he commit that he died? literally in my arms literally
- 52:30
- I Heard his last heartbeat on the stethoscope Now, what did my son
- 52:35
- Jacob do to deserve? Death if he was Innocent, why'd he die?
- 52:42
- What's the answer? I want to see what their answer is. Well from my research is Physical death was always going to happen.
- 52:51
- That's a part of design. That's not a bad thing It's spiritual death. That is the thing that's to be avoided by I loved what you said death is not just spiritual mankind is both a physical and spiritual being and Spiritual death is the power of sin that permeates our members that guarantees us to return back to the dust of the ground
- 53:11
- So you're right to pointing that that's Romans 5 6 7 and so forth But that's that's what they had.
- 53:18
- So what you just pointed out though is they want to avoid answering that? Because they know that infants do die physical death and they don't have personal sin because for them we are not
- 53:30
- Sinners by nature that will sin you become a sinner the moment that you actually transgress a law that's very important to their anthropology
- 53:40
- Okay. Well, we have problems. Okay There's a doctrine called federal headship, which most
- 53:47
- Christians aren't aware of and the cults certainly are not Federal headship is a teaching that the male not the female represents a descendants
- 53:55
- Adam and Eve are in the garden she Eve sinned first But sin entered the world through Adam Romans 5 12 sin and of the world through one man
- 54:07
- So we know for a fact that Adam represented us That's called federal headship.
- 54:12
- You can go to Romans or Hebrews 7 7 through 10 when Abraham and Levi pay ties to Melchizedek while in the leaps the loins of his father
- 54:21
- Abraham We can see first Corinthians 15 22 in Adam all die now in Romans 5 19
- 54:30
- I'm going to show you guys something if you should share that I'll show you over Screen, let's see. Is it up yet?
- 54:36
- Let me check over here. Okay good. So Romans 5 19 and For as by the one man's disobedience the many were made sinners were made sinners in the
- 54:45
- Greek is aorist passive indicative Who was made sinners by Adam's sin?
- 54:51
- This is original sin right here now go back to the verse 18. I'll show you something.
- 54:57
- Okay, so This is unfortunately, the
- 55:02
- ESV is not what you should be using I'm serious Romans 5 18. I can give you a
- 55:08
- Bible study Romans 5 18 and why the end it the NSB is right The ESV is wrong the
- 55:13
- NIV is wrong the King James is wrong because of what it actually teaches in the Greek which is a really interesting study and the cults don't like It and most
- 55:21
- Arminians don't like it and most Christians aren't aware of what it actually teaches But that's another topic. The word lead is incorrect.
- 55:27
- It should be result Because the trespass of Adam resulted in condemnation we know that from verse 19
- 55:33
- They were made sinners because it happened by Adam's action. It wasn't made possible
- 55:38
- It's an actual occurrence as one trespass there resulted condemnation to all men
- 55:44
- So also to an act of righteousness the result of justification of life to all men That's the best translation all men
- 55:50
- The second point can't be everybody and I get into federal headship and identity and relationships. I don't have time for that verse 19
- 55:58
- For as by the one man's disobedience Adam the many were made sinners not will be made
- 56:05
- But they were made sinners by what Adam did That is right there shows that everybody who is in Adam If you go to 1st
- 56:15
- Corinthians 15 22 and you can take a look there and I'm gonna have you go someplace else I'll show you Call federal headship in 1st
- 56:23
- Corinthians 15 22. It says In Adam all die in Christ all should be made alive in Adam is a term of federal headship in Christ is a term of federal headship when you go to Romans 6 6
- 56:37
- It says we were crucified with Christ in Romans 6 8 We died with Christ because it was
- 56:43
- Jesus who was our representative. He was our head In fact in 1st Corinthians 15 45
- 56:49
- He's called the last Adam right in Adam is all people they died
- 56:54
- That means the babies too, which is why in Ephesians 2 3 it says
- 57:00
- We are by nature Children of wrath. That's our natural state. So let me make it.
- 57:06
- I know I'm going a lot. I'm speaking fast I know I'll keep going as long as you want. But the thing is this when you error begets error
- 57:15
- Hmm and here's the difference between biblical theology and humanist philosophy and inserted into cults
- 57:23
- Biblical theology God's the master God's the sovereign God's the king God's the one who calls
- 57:30
- God's the one who justifies God's when he does everything Therefore what we do is trust in what he did.
- 57:36
- That's all But false religious systems they take God and they just they just kind of move him down and up him
- 57:44
- It's up to your free will and the wisdom of your identity and your self -awareness That then makes the cross applicable and and true when you believe in what
- 57:53
- God has done Then you apply it to yourself through your wisdom and your faith that you manifest That's how it really works and then you and your wisdom you maintain your position with the infinitely
- 58:03
- Holy God by your goodness Excuse me while I myself on the bow. I'm so wonderful.
- 58:09
- Look at how good I am It's humanist philosophy that is creeping into the church is creeping in Arminianism.
- 58:16
- It's already in the Church of Christ It's already in Eastern Orthodoxy in Roman Catholicism in Mormonism and Jehovah's Witnesses Christadelphianism Islam It's all the same.
- 58:25
- I've been studying this stuff since 1980 1980 yeah, okay 44 years and I can tell you the similarities and commonalities between false religious systems.
- 58:35
- There's only two religions in the world. Hmm Christianity and all the others faith alone in Christ alone because he's
- 58:41
- God and what he did and Everything else faith and what you do pat yourself on the back take a bow and then face
- 58:49
- God and I'll show you how to Scripture I know I'm going I'll show you how to scripture what Jesus says about both of those, but so if you want sorry going
- 58:57
- Yeah Let me let you take a little bit of a breather because I do have a do have a super chat question
- 59:03
- I just want to thank you so much for the super chats out there and for everyone that has liked this video When you like the video that really lets
- 59:10
- YouTube know. Hey, this video is worth circulating to other people So, please like the video and if you haven't subscribed to the apology dog do that and to karm
- 59:20
- You have a YouTube channel, don't you Matt? several Several so this question really interesting goes back to acts 238 and the kind of verse 39
- 59:30
- I don't know if you wanted to touch on this, but this person says brother Matt Can you briefly talk about the tenses in the relationship of the words and acts 238 into 39?
- 59:41
- So I will bring that up I didn't know if I would have a few thoughts to speak to that verse
- 59:47
- But I didn't I didn't know if you had anything right off the bat I'm not sure what they mean by tenses as it relates to what?
- 59:55
- For the words from acts 238 into verse 39 Well, I'm not sure what they're asking if you honest the tenses
- 01:00:05
- Meaning I know what tense means, but I mean as it relates I don't know what that there's so much as repent each of you be baptized
- 01:00:14
- Repentant command be baptized. I believe it's it's an imperative For the things you will receive which is future tense
- 01:00:21
- And then the promise is that's present tense for you and your children all who are present tense, etc
- 01:00:27
- So I'm not sure what they mean by the tense is how it relates it to the verses Yes, so if you would please maybe
- 01:00:35
- The person that asked that question just maybe ask it again Maybe gives a little bit more specifics and we will definitely try to honor that super chat
- 01:00:43
- I like to point out in verse 39 I don't know how this relates to the tenses either but man do people just either stop with you know
- 01:00:52
- The promise here and I just say hey We're gonna keep going for you and your children for all those who are far off Everyone whom the
- 01:01:00
- Lord our God calls to himself And so I just want to encourage the audience Matt those people dealing with the
- 01:01:06
- Church of Christ keep reading past verse 38 into verse 39 because this is
- 01:01:13
- God's Sovereign call in the election and so I'm just saying Church Christ don't really talk a whole lot about verse 39
- 01:01:21
- No, they don't in fact, I've discovered that Church of Christ Chris Adelphi doesn't job as witnesses and others.
- 01:01:29
- They don't study biblical theology They don't have a good theology of how the Trinity relates to the personal work of Christ and justification imputation propitiation
- 01:01:37
- They don't understand the relationship of covenant and federal headship and because they don't understand these things they come up with faulty
- 01:01:44
- Insufficient theologies and that's just how it is Thank you for that, um
- 01:01:50
- Have another question here. Let me let me pull it up Matt. You're bringing in those super chats, man
- 01:01:56
- If you ever come to Jonesboro, Arkansas, I'll take you out to some coffee That sounds good
- 01:02:03
- All right from mr. Bill said my father Recently passed my brother Church of Christ told me the night
- 01:02:10
- We buried our dad that our father's baptism was false and he's burning in hell
- 01:02:15
- For not going to the one true church so any Anything to kind of speak to that know you kind of talked about your child just well not going to the true church
- 01:02:28
- Is that what the emphasis is right baptism? Oh, yeah, okay Here's the thing
- 01:02:35
- Jesus says in Matthew 11 28 come to me all who are heavy laden and I will give you rest
- 01:02:40
- I'm gonna ask the Church of Christ people some questions here And you can just you know, you can type in the answers or just you know to yourself say yeah,
- 01:02:48
- I don't know whatever Is Jesus God in flesh? Yes, I can give you a lot of references for that Does he have the authority to forgive sins?
- 01:02:58
- I can give you the references for that. Well, yes Does he say ask me anything in my name and I will do it
- 01:03:05
- Yeah Here's a question We'll get to the true church thing if you were to ask
- 01:03:11
- Jesus To forgive you of all of your sins you pray to him. You mean it you're sincere.
- 01:03:16
- It's real. You're on your knees you just realize how big of a sinner you are and You just go and you say
- 01:03:24
- Lord Jesus. I got nothing. I got nothing to offer you Please I trust in you.
- 01:03:30
- Please forgive me of my sins. I know you have all authority in heaven and earth Matthew 28 18 Asked me anything in my name.
- 01:03:37
- I will do it John 14 14 and He says come to me
- 01:03:42
- Matthew 11 28 So here's the question if you were to go to Jesus and pray to him and ask
- 01:03:48
- Jesus to forgive you of all of your sins Then would he forgive you of all of your sins?
- 01:03:54
- You see if you say yes No, I'll get to the true church thing. I'm bringing this up If you say yes, then your baptism isn't necessary because when you go to Jesus by faith and you ask him he forgives you
- 01:04:06
- If you say no, you're contradicting what Jesus himself says The truth
- 01:04:12
- I'm trying to show you here. Is that truth is found in Jesus not a church All the false religions
- 01:04:19
- I know who use the Bible that they talk about the true church the true restored church the true restored organization the
- 01:04:27
- Apostolic Church Their organization has the authority their church has the truth.
- 01:04:34
- Their church is the way the truth in the life They functionally replace
- 01:04:39
- Jesus with their church and they use Jesus to substantiate Their church.
- 01:04:44
- This is why I said if Jesus is God. He asked says ask me come to him alone
- 01:04:49
- Would it be sufficient in asking him to be forgiven if they say no, it's because they're loyal to their church
- 01:04:57
- Above Jesus That's the point. We don't go to a true church There is no true church like an earthly organization with robes and incense and smells and bells.
- 01:05:07
- That's not the issue the issue is Jesus is the one we go to Jesus says come to me.
- 01:05:13
- He didn't say you need to belong to the true church Okay Yeah well, thank you so much for that and Something I want to encourage
- 01:05:23
- Bill is what we talked about earlier Romans 5 verse 1 which is kind of the conclusion the grand conclusion of Romans chapter 4 a argument with Abraham being the case example that he was
- 01:05:38
- Justified all of his sins. He's you know, the Blessed Man the one that's trusting in Christ alone by faith alone has their sin paid for in full and so I want to pull up this verse and Hopefully this can be encouraging to Bill Therefore since we have been justified by faith
- 01:05:58
- We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ And so a lot of times we talk about faith here and how it's alone.
- 01:06:06
- No works. We talked about justification. It's judicial It's vertical like you were saying before God.
- 01:06:12
- I want to emphasize this word right here peace with God Cease fire
- 01:06:18
- Matt. What a beautiful message, right? There's no more hostility There there's no more war between you and the
- 01:06:25
- Creator is holy righteous and good your sins been paid for And so this is the beauty of the gospel of grace is when you're trusting in Christ peace
- 01:06:34
- Forgiven in full and awesome If you don't mind me preaching a little bit
- 01:06:43
- I know I get going here All right, I'll type the verses in in the chat room, okay first John 3 -4
- 01:06:53
- Okay, sin is lawlessness sin is breaking the law of God on John 1930
- 01:07:01
- Jesus said to tell us die So it's a legal term used for paying a debt in in full in Matthew 6 12 and Luke 11 4
- 01:07:13
- Okay Jesus says our Father who art in heaven Hallowed be the name in Matthew 6 12 forgive us our debts in Luke 11 4 forgive us our sins
- 01:07:21
- Jesus equates sin with legal debt. That's what he does now. I'm going to show you something
- 01:07:26
- This will lead someplace. This is Colossians 2 14 Mm -hmm and talk about Jesus in verse 13 having canceled having forgiven us all of our transgressions
- 01:07:37
- That's the end of verse 13 and verse 14 having cancelled out the certificate of debt Consisting of decrees against us, which is hostile to us.
- 01:07:45
- He's taken it out of the way having milk to the cross What did he take away? He canceled the certificate of debt.
- 01:07:51
- The Greek word is karagra fun It means a handwritten IOU of legal indebtedness
- 01:07:56
- What was it that Jesus cancelled a legal debt in first Peter 2 24?
- 01:08:01
- Okay, I'll type it out and first Peter 2 24 Jesus bore our sins in his body in the cross since sins
- 01:08:09
- Equivalent to a legal debt not only that but it's equivalent to a legal debt and legal debts can be transferred
- 01:08:15
- He bore our sins in his body in the cross But Colossians 2 14 says he canceled the certificate of debt at the cross.
- 01:08:22
- It's not canceled when you believe It's not canceled didn't get baptized It's canceled when Jesus did it on the cross and to say that baptism is necessary And that's where your sin debts canceled is to deny the work of Christ on the cross where it says specifically
- 01:08:37
- It was canceled at the cross nailing it to the cross. That's where it is this right here proves
- 01:08:45
- The Church of Christ theology is false Colossians 2 14 cancelling the certificate of debt.
- 01:08:51
- That's what it is. All of your sin that not part of it We can get into that too. Go ahead Well, let me tell you something that's gonna get your blood a little bit more boiling
- 01:08:59
- So when I talk with Church Christ about this verse They say and I think they try to play on the
- 01:09:04
- King James wording a little bit, but they say the law of Moses That's actually what was nailed to the cross.
- 01:09:10
- Great. Great. No problem. Go to the law of Moses now what you do is you go to Romans 5 13 and 415 and what it says is when there is no law sin is not imputed if there is no law
- 01:09:23
- Then sin isn't counted for it so if they want to say the certificate of debt deals with the
- 01:09:28
- Mosaic law the law which is what is a summation of Jesus says in Matthew 11 20
- 01:09:33
- Matthew 22 37, which quoted Deuteronomy 6 5 and then in 39 he quoted
- 01:09:40
- Leviticus 1918 love God and love your neighbor and in verse 40 of Matthew 22
- 01:09:45
- He says that's the summation of the law. That's it. That's the whole thing So if they want to say it's
- 01:09:52
- Mosaic law, then the Mosaic law is canceled it's done away with it's removed at the cross Then they can't have any sin go to anybody
- 01:09:59
- Then the question is why would anybody go to hell if everybody's sin that the law is canceled and removed it has no effect upon Anybody so either way
- 01:10:08
- They're messed up Well, I agree. That's why we had you on we had to talk about this man so they deny original sin and Really called
- 01:10:21
- Church Christ boots soulless bootstrapped us I mean, this is a pull yourself up by your bootstrap not you don't just have libertarian free will but you have to obey and be in compliance to all the the list of the commands and I think what a big fundamental problem
- 01:10:39
- Matt is a conflation of justification and sanctification a conflation of faith and works a conflation of law and Gospel would say you all cults do that all cults deny the sufficiency of justification and the human work of Sanctification they combine them the way to refute that is to go into Romans chapter 4 verses 1 through 6
- 01:11:08
- We could do that if you want what defines what justification is and how it's obtained and so we and it tells you what?
- 01:11:15
- Justification is it tells you how it's obtained in that pericope a pericope is a section of Scripture Big or small and that pericope it tells you what it is and how it's obtained and that can prove that they are yet again wrong
- 01:11:30
- Well, I appreciate you mentioning Romans 4 I mean that that is the the key passage is showing with Abraham being the case example
- 01:11:40
- He was not justified by his obedience to a ceremony right is by faith now
- 01:11:46
- When you have a wrong anthropology it will necessarily Lower God to man status and then even though they have denied the gospel of grace by adding works to faith
- 01:11:58
- I really do think they believe in a false Jesus They've made God on man's level and when you do that then
- 01:12:05
- God's just simply made after your image not the other way around Something else
- 01:12:10
- I want to bring out because Matt you're awesome I really want to respect your time and I know we've talked about justification how it relates to baptism
- 01:12:18
- We've talked about how Church Christ deny original sin and the implication of total depravity
- 01:12:23
- And so this last third major reason what I want to tell people be the Church of Christ are not just another
- 01:12:30
- Denomination where we just kind of disagree over tertiary matters for one. They don't like you to call them a denomination
- 01:12:37
- And They actually you may have known this tell me which thing They many
- 01:12:42
- Church of Christ. They are split over an issue amongst their own ranks many
- 01:12:47
- Church of Christ will deny the personal Indwelling of the Holy Spirit and so many advocate for a view that's called the word
- 01:12:56
- Only view that the Holy Spirit only as you're reading the words in Scripture the
- 01:13:02
- Holy Spirit can influence you but does not Personally indwell you what's your first thought when you hear something like that?
- 01:13:11
- Do they not understand what the Trinity is? They apparently they don't understand it The Trinity is that God is one simple being one substance.
- 01:13:20
- The substance is triune There's not three parts of God where one part does something like become incarnate and another part is done something else that so the doctrine of the
- 01:13:32
- Ontological Trinity is that all the members fathers and Holy Spirit each share the same divine
- 01:13:38
- Essence they are all divine. They are all of the Trinity. The Trinity is by definition all three
- 01:13:45
- Each one is all three, but it's not gonna understand gonna say what I'm saying here when we say that we're not saying there is no distinction
- 01:13:53
- We're saying that the essence of what God is as Trinitarian Is that which is the father's and Holy Spirit and each possesses the quality of the
- 01:14:01
- Trinitarian essence we recognize distinction Between the father's and Holy Spirit as they relate to each other and as they relate to us
- 01:14:10
- So the father is one who begets the son and the Holy Spirit is sent by the
- 01:14:16
- Father and the Son So we see there the distinction inside and we see the distinction relationship to us
- 01:14:22
- And so that's how you recognize distinction, but they all share the same divine quality the divinity
- 01:14:29
- But the divinity of God is triune So when the Father and the Son and the
- 01:14:34
- Holy Spirit are there's another doctrine called inseparable operations inseparable operations is like for example,
- 01:14:40
- Jesus says John 5 13 and John 5 30 he says He says
- 01:14:47
- I can only do what I see the father doing So what he's saying and he could do nothing of his own initiative except that which the father does and so he's talking in the
- 01:14:55
- Present tense about what he sees the father doing this is because he Jesus has two natures divine and human the divine nature is still
- 01:15:04
- Trinitarian in its essence Therefore by his indwelling there is that sense in which the father's indwelling and the
- 01:15:12
- Holy Spirit's indwelling and we see that Because Jesus says the father and I will come and make our boat in you
- 01:15:17
- John 14 23 But in in Romans 8 11 is the Holy Spirit who lives in us
- 01:15:23
- So it's necessary that all three be in us Yet we also see the distinction of the three as they indwell us all so that we see in that the ontological
- 01:15:35
- Trinity and what's called the economic Trinity the economic Trinity means the different persons of the
- 01:15:41
- Godhead display different Functions, let's just say the father elects the son redeems the elect the
- 01:15:47
- Holy Spirit applies or the redemptive work to the elect I have Ephesians 1 4 and 5 and think stuff like that Now, I know
- 01:15:53
- I went too quickly because we don't I know how much time you got But this is the issue if they don't understand this kind of theology
- 01:15:59
- They're gonna make even more mistakes and they already are you have to understand that and so God himself indwells us
- 01:16:05
- But it's also each person does and so in the unity of the whole they have unity and diversity within that Now Matt, I'm gonna tell you something.
- 01:16:15
- That's probably gonna get your guns going again because many of the Church of Christ are the radical cessationist because I think healthy debate between Continuationism cessationism rages on and we can listen to the
- 01:16:28
- Matt six slicks and the Andrew Rappaport's, you know Get at it and we can learn we can glean from one another iron sharpening iron, but the this hard line
- 01:16:38
- Stance of the the COC because they're not all cut the same and I've just said, you know It's the difference between Pharisee and Sadducee is they would say we believe in the
- 01:16:48
- Father Son and Holy Bible I mean that that's I'm being a little facetious, but what
- 01:16:54
- I'm talking about Matt, they would say we believe in the Godhead We'd like to stick with the King James on this one
- 01:16:59
- But Matt the the Spirit is only in you when you're reading the spirit inspired words
- 01:17:05
- So when you look at 1st Corinthians chapter 6 that are our bodies a temple for the Holy Spirit what they are
- 01:17:11
- Redefining and I want to plead with Church of Christ that are out there Understand if you're like you will of course the
- 01:17:17
- Holy Spirit personally and dwells you well, that's biblical I want to look at a passage here in just a second in Romans chapter 8, but going all the way back to Alexander Campbell You'll you'll find this interesting
- 01:17:27
- Alexander Campbell affirmed this proposition in 1843 when he debated a
- 01:17:34
- Presbyterian on this thesis in conversion and sanctification the Spirit of God operates on Persons only through the word and as you can send continue to look at Alexander Campbell The Holy Spirit only can influence you when you're reading the
- 01:17:52
- Bible There's not it and they would deny anything Matt anything miraculous happening in your heart and in your mind
- 01:17:59
- They would fundamentally deny them Yeah Well, that's obviously not biblical because the
- 01:18:08
- Holy Spirit indwells us as it says in Romans 8 11 refuted I mean, it's just that simple.
- 01:18:13
- So how do you reference that? I did want to this I had this pulled up so Romans 8 11 says if the
- 01:18:21
- Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells
- 01:18:26
- In you there's the indwelling right there He raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his
- 01:18:35
- Spirit Who dwells in you now Matt? Like I said, they the
- 01:18:40
- Church of Christ are split on this I mean as we continue to read this passage It's the
- 01:18:46
- Holy Spirit bearing witness with our spirit that causes us to cry out Abba Father that we are adopted sons of God from on high it's beautiful.
- 01:18:57
- And so not only do they attack justification by faith alone a Denial of self and all your works and your accomplishments and resting solely in Christ finished work
- 01:19:08
- Not only do they attack that but they reject many now what I want to be cautious to say it's not all
- 01:19:15
- Church of Christ Read Reject the personal indwelling, but I want to let people know
- 01:19:21
- This stems all the way back to Alexander Kimball. And so that's why this is dangerous
- 01:19:27
- These are destructive heresies that cause people to swerve from the truth
- 01:19:33
- All right You're right. And here's a question If you're gonna deny the
- 01:19:40
- Holy Spirit's indwelling, how does he convict us of our sin? The word The word but now
- 01:19:47
- I get more technical people get irritated with it. I say get him the word Convicts us.
- 01:19:52
- So the word has the action ability. Is it because God empowers the word because the word reflects him or Is there something because it says he when he comes that's a
- 01:20:04
- Holy Spirit who we will send right to help her He will convict you So if it's the word you're saying is convicting
- 01:20:11
- Where's that in Scripture because the Bible says the Holy Spirit's when it does the convicting in John 16 8
- 01:20:17
- Look what it says in it. Well, like I know you gotta go say that but you're good. You're good
- 01:20:23
- So here they say here's the argument Ephesians 5 19 talks about being filled with the
- 01:20:29
- Spirit and then I think they jump and skip over to like Colossians 3 16 let the word of Christ dwell in you richly and what we
- 01:20:39
- Necessary inference glean from that is the the Holy Spirit only is in us by virtue of the word only
- 01:20:46
- I think that's the line of thinking. Yeah, it's a mystical kind of a New Age thing is what it is
- 01:20:52
- It's a mystical quality of it. But the Spirit the Bible says the Spirit convicts us
- 01:20:57
- That's it. It he does the convicting see and he when he comes at the
- 01:21:03
- Holy Spirit will convict the world he will do it and It's the active voice which means active voice means he's performing the action of convicting you duh sometimes when
- 01:21:17
- I'm talking to people and I'm walking them on my block. I got my bows, you know,
- 01:21:22
- I'm talking the phone and I'll bring us something like this. I'll say Next because it's over.
- 01:21:28
- We're done. You can't refute that you can deny it But you can't refute it because the active voice is
- 01:21:36
- Referencing the direct object he which is reference of the Holy Spirit is when doing the convicting.
- 01:21:42
- There you go BAM We're gonna show you something if I can find it.
- 01:21:47
- I actually have a debate coming up in November and I will be
- 01:21:53
- Let's see if I can find it. It may it may take me a moment, but I will actually be debating Caleb Robertson kind of a
- 01:22:01
- His dad is an OG Church of Christ apologist Johnny Robertson, and we will be debating on is total depravity true because this this relates to Everything it relates to you know, can you obey
- 01:22:18
- God in such a way to earn salvation? They don't like the word earn But they're just calling a rose by another name when you deny these things and you have to obey a five -step formula
- 01:22:30
- You see when they deny total depravity that proves it's true. Mm -hmm only those who are totally depraved would
- 01:22:38
- Would deny it right they deny that they're touched by sin in all areas that they are In fact, if you you can do it publicly or privately
- 01:22:47
- Give me your email. I will send you my file on Which I've been working on for years and it has all kinds of stuff and shows that how great
- 01:23:03
- Calvinism is Oh, man, I could do that easily The doctrines of grace and I also call them the doctrines of love because when we truly
- 01:23:12
- Embrace those doctrines it kills man's pride at the very core
- 01:23:18
- You didn't do anything God showed mercy It wasn't by the things that man does externally how he runs his works his accomplishments
- 01:23:26
- It wasn't even man's will as Romans 9 one of our favorite chapters talks about Amen, brother.
- 01:23:34
- So I got it ready. So I get your email address I'll just hit send and you can open up and you can look at it. You can all right
- 01:23:41
- Well, we will we will close out and then hang on because I would like to talk with you for just a minute
- 01:23:48
- Afterwards, but Matt, thank you so much for your time We covered we covered more than three reasons why people should be on high alert and leave the
- 01:23:57
- Church of Christ false gospel That's the the big takeaway is we're not justified by ceremony.
- 01:24:02
- We're justified by faith alone in Christ alone Would you like to have any parting words? Believe in the true gospel and this is it
- 01:24:11
- Jesus Christ God in flesh did everything necessary for your salvation Therefore you can only trust in what he did to trust in what he did means nothing else because otherwise it's not trust and That's why he says we're justified by faith without the works of the law
- 01:24:29
- Romans 328 and without any works Romans 4 or 5 That's it.
- 01:24:35
- Trust in Jesus who has God in flesh who has all authority in heaven and earth Who forgive sins ask
- 01:24:42
- Jesus to forgive you for sins right now? And I get into this we got so much you could talk about future past all the sins we can talk about that But for now ask
- 01:24:52
- Jesus not your church Not don't look at your baptism. Look to Jesus and him alone
- 01:24:57
- If you can do that, you can find salvation in him. If you can't do that, you'll never find salvation
- 01:25:05
- Thanks so much the slickest man alive for coming on to the apologetic dog That's right
- 01:25:14
- All right, thanks so much Matt I'll see here and just sure Okay. Well, thank thank you all for your super chats your comments in the section and once again, and please like this video
- 01:25:24
- I simply just want God honoring content to go out into the
- 01:25:30
- YouTube algorithms and I just pray that this was a blessing to you. I don't do Content solely that's negative towards the church cross.
- 01:25:38
- We want to see people saved And so the apologetic dog it also vindicates the truths of Scripture And so there's so many more so much more content.
- 01:25:47
- I'm explaining the doctrines of grace reformed theology Blocking line by line through many passages of Scripture.
- 01:25:55
- And so this is an apologetics ministry. Hopefully you see in the logo first Timothy 620 where Paul told
- 01:26:01
- Timothy Oh Timothy guard the deposit that's entrusted to you How do you do that avoid irreverent babble pagan philosophy?
- 01:26:09
- How do you do that? by avoiding Contradictions that is falsely called knowledge.