Jesus - Son of God


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Please turn your Bibles with me to John chapter 5 Gospel of John chapter 5 we continue exactly where we let off this morning as We are continuing our series in papyrus 45 and here this morning
We we actually covered a fair amount of territory for Reformed Baptists. I apologize for that We moved very very quickly that might have been somewhat disorienting, but we covered 16 verses in one sermon, that's
I'm not sure that sermon audio will even allow us to upload that sermon in light of its Being out of the ordinary in that way
But we probably are not going to go nearly as far this evening. I can assure you of that as you will recall we saw that the chapter begins with the
Supernatural healing of a man by the pool in Jerusalem. We saw that this pool has been discovered
Archaeologically that it was accurately described by John just another one of those things where again if these books were written at for example if if John Were written post 70 and and and most people believe
John was written post 70 But much of modern Liberal scholarship would tell you it was but not but written by a disciple of Jesus It was written by someone around the turn of the century probably far far away
Well, the problem is that the descriptions given by John Clearly indicate that the person who wrote the book had been in Jerusalem and the environs prior to 8070 they and they were probably an inhabitant of that city or at least familiar with That city having visited a number of times before its destruction by Titus and the
Roman legions in 8070 And so there are so many examples of this
You not only have the accuracy of the archaeological information you have the use of patronyms
The names of people based upon their family relationships, which was very common in that area
It wasn't common in other areas You wouldn't know those things if you were trying to write some fiction and project it back into that time period
It just simply wouldn't work. There are so many reasons To reject well, it's that time of year again.
So over the next few weeks, you'll undoubtedly see I predict I predict you will see
You will see things in social media and on cable
Questioning the veracity of the Bible and its story of the birth of Jesus now there is there's a prophecy no one needs to be worried about standing behind because If it's
December or if it's March April That's just simply what we've gotten used to isn't it?
I mean, it's it's a sad thing to say but that's gonna happen well since it does happen it is good for us to know at least in our own minds that we can as Parents speak to our young people as young people give testimony in our schools or wherever else we might be to recognize that there's there's a lot that is not told and There is a lot that is said in our society that is far far from the truth and so we looked at the healing of the man at the pool this morning and we we had some questions about exactly how the man responded to these things and whether we should take a negative or or Maybe neutral view of him.
But the point was that all of this led to What was going to happen afterwards and that is this conflict that is it going to exist between the
Jewish leaders and Jesus in regards this this issue of breaking the
Sabbath now once again People will say well look that conflict took place in the
Synoptic Gospels Matthew Mark and Luke But it didn't result in this
Extended discussion on Jesus as part of his relationship to the Father. So John must be making this up well you have the connection between the
Synoptic Gospels and John in regards to the issue of the
Sabbath and Jesus did say in the Synoptic Gospels that the
Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath and you'll notice that in almost every single one of those situations, that's where it ends period of time and carried about and the
Synoptic Gospels seemingly being written at an earlier period of time Focus much more upon the teachings of Jesus the parables of Jesus the actions of Jesus Whereas John writing at a later period of time focuses upon the specific interactions of Jesus his dialogues with other
Individuals and so here in John chapter 5 we have seen the healing we see in verse 16
Because of this the Jews were were persecuting or pursuing coming after opposing
Jesus because he did these things on the Sabbath remember when they had seen the man carrying his his
Palate his his mat with him. They had said you're breaking the law. It's the Sabbath day
You're not supposed to do that. Well, the man who healed me told me to do that. Well who healed you? I don't know and then when he finds out well, is that guy at that Jesus guy?
he's the one that told me to do it and so They are persecuting Jesus.
And so he says in verse 17 So Jesus answered them My father is working until now and I am working now truly
You have to have some kind of background in the
Jewish understanding of The Sabbath and God's relationship to it to have any idea of what
Jesus is saying. Otherwise it is really really
Difficult to follow what is being said here, especially because of what comes afterwards of verse 18 for this reason
Therefore the Jews were seeking all the more to kill him not just not opposing him
But they're seeking all the more to kill him Because he was not only loosing the
Sabbath that is claiming to have the ability to define or redefine the
Sabbath but also was referring to calling
Speaking of God as his own father making himself equal to God now a lot of folks would look at verses 17 and 18 and Say I'm obviously missing something here
How does saying my father's working until now and I am working result in not only the escalation of?
The attitude of the Jews, but he's he's He's making himself equal with God.
He's loosing the Sabbath. What what is going on here? Well, the answer as is so often is the case is to be found in an understanding of what the
Jews believed during this time period loosely called
Taniatic Judaism second temple Judaism After the rebuilding of the temple and especially in that time period
The hundred years before and after up to the destruction of Jerusalem What did the
Jews believe and it's it's a fascinating area of study There is good and bad material on it there's a lot of really bad material in the internet about it these days a lot of people like to sell books by Coming up with wild strange theological answers based upon Hebrew roots and all sorts of things like that But from what we can seriously obtain and come to understand
The Jews understand understood what Jesus was saying and there's two ways to understand it either
You take the perspective some Jews recognize that in a technical sense
God broke the Sabbath because God continues to Uphold all of his creation even on the
Sabbath day The stars continue in their orbits and the
Sun comes up and the Sun sets and the moon does the same thing and Nature, you know rain falls and It just keeps on running on that seventh day and If God is the one who is sustaining his creation then
Obviously whatever it means for God to rest on the Sabbath doesn't mean that God stops sustaining his creation, but but There were other
Jews and I think I've met some of these these folks at least their modern -day descendants on Facebook who just couldn't stand the idea that their other rule had been broken and so They had the idea that well you see
You're allowed to carry your mat in your house You can you can take the the the dishes off the table and and put them away in your house
As long as you're in your house there are certain things that you can do and of course the entire creation is
God's house and So God doesn't really break the
Sabbath Because it's all his house. And so he's just not bound by the same law.
He's he's he's keeping the Sabbath, but They would emphasize he is still sustaining the
The creation itself. He is still working in that sense But he's not technically breaking the rule because it's hey, it's his universe anyways
And so the extension of the house rule would be to all the universe
Well, the point is that the Jews recognized that Resting was not a complete cessation of activity that God continued to rule his world even on the
Sabbath day and So when Jesus says my father is working until now and I am working.
What's he saying? The Jews understood God has been working in sustaining his creation since the seventh day itself back in Genesis chapters 1 & 2 and So the language that Jesus uses here
He doesn't he doesn't say our father He doesn't say the name the mighty one
Any of the euphemisms that eventually would be developed so that you would not profane the name of God He says my father
My father not our father my father in a particular and special fashion and You might say that yes, you've had in John chapter 3
You've had John talking about Jesus as the only begotten and you've had the introduction but in Public disputation this is a key
Transition point in the gospel This is going to become central Chapter 5 chapter 8 chapter 10.
What is the constant? What is what results in the Jews here seeking to kill him eventually pick up stones to stone him?
It is his claim to this special unique relationship to God as his father
Not as you find over and over again in the Old Testament text
Where yes, God is described as father in most instances in the Old Testament when that terminology is used
It's referring to God as the creator of all things It doesn't have the intimate
Relationship and certainly doesn't have the Trinitarian Overtones in the vast majority of instances that you would find in the
New Testament where it's laid out very plainly and So Jesus in response to their opposition to him says my father is working until now and I am working
What's this in the context of? his exercise of divine power on the
Sabbath he is claiming the same divine right to exercise divine power in the sustaining of the creation
That his father exercises and that the Jews themselves recognized
That's an amazing statement So many times when Jesus makes these types of statements and the
Jews respond in a particular fashion if we but knew What they believed at that time we would be
Far more impressed with the forcefulness of what Jesus says In John chapter 8 when he says before Abraham was
I am they pick up stones to stone him They know he's using the I am
Names of God found Isaiah and the minor prophets harkening back to Exodus But first and foremost and Isaiah the minor prophets using divine names of himself
Even in Mark in his trial when he conflates
Psalm 110 with the quotation from Daniel 7 At his own trial the result is the high priest tears his clothes.
You've heard the blasphemy What what further testimony do we need and they judged him worthy of death?
Very often we read these and go. Wow. These people are really sensitive No, actually
Jesus was making amazing claims Amazing claims and so the rest of the chapter is going to be an explication of what is said here, but What's really important is before you
Mark this one down for the next time The Jehovah's Witnesses come by your house and wake you up on a
Saturday morning and go. Oh, I've got I've got one Uh, um, this is gonna be fun
Be careful for this reason the Jews were seeking all the more to kill him because he not only broke or loosed the
Sabbath So that was their initial approach was you're breaking the
Sabbath you're commanding people to do things they shouldn't do on the Sabbath and now he's claiming the authority to actually loose the
Sabbath to actually from their perspective redefine the rules But and then the form of the verb here strikes me as Something Jesus was doing more than once in other words
I I doubt Jesus just simply said my father is working in Niamh where that was it and immediately they started
There was there was more of a conversation that went on shall we say? It seems to me that it's saying
Jesus was repeatedly calling God his own father and Then the last section of the last phrase is
Making himself equal to God now
Here is what? The Unitarian is going to say and there's all sorts of Unitarians.
There's there's the old Unitarians we're all used to dealing with those Jehovah's Witnesses that come
Come by our door once a while you see him. I Stop at a lot of rest stops while I'm doing my long rides and they've started setting up at these rest stops
Or you're going on a trailhead or something like that, and there there's these elderly Jehovah's Witnesses their suit and tie on and ladies in a nice dress and everybody else is wearing shorts and sweating profusely and And they've got their watchtowers out on their little they got little portable stands with wheels now, and it's just so sad
To see those folks who have given so much of their lives for for a lie But they aren't the only
Unitarians out there Oh, no, there are there are a bunch of Unitarians all over the internet these days
And if you dare say almost anything and almost any social media platform, they will be all over you and here's what they're gonna say
They're gonna say oh Yeah That's exactly what it says. Those those
Jews were very confused about what Jesus was saying See what they're gonna say is they're gonna say well
Jesus wasn't breaking the Sabbath and Jesus wasn't Calling God his own father making himself equal with God.
That's just how the Jews Interpreted his words and the rest of John chapter 5 is gonna be
Jesus going no no no no no you guys You've misunderstood me Because the very next verse says that the son is not able to do anything of Himself except what he sees the father doing so he's not making himself equal to God see
You you've misunderstood 518 that does Jesus isn't making himself equal to God and He's gonna go on say the son can do nothing of his own
So obviously he's not God if he can do nothing of his own see and this is where We need to put down a deep interpretational stake shall we say
To be able to understand and deeply appreciate what we have in John chapter 5
Because yes Jesus says truly truly I say to you The son is not able to do anything off Hey, I'll to by himself except what he sees the father doing
For what that one is doing the these things the son does likewise now We're not going to unpack past verse 19 or even get to verse 19, but the point is this
When you carefully and you can't make everyone You you can't make folks carefully handle the
Bible It may frustrate you to no end and You will encounter many people who will just close their eyes and they just don't want to see
All you can do is seek to handle the Word of God, right?
Be an example Teach others to do it the right way, but you can't force anybody here you notice the balance in verse 19 the son
Does nothing by himself There is the son is not a renegade deity out there seeking followers in opposition to the father and Any charge of polytheism any charge of the son making himself equal to God?
But being outside of perfect unity with the father. That's exactly what the result would be here
You've got a deity Other than the father that's we're monotheists. We can't know that's blasphemy.
That's why they're seeking to kill him and even by the end of John chapter 19 verse 26 We have a law by this law.
He ought to die because he made himself out to be the Son of God Do nothing of himself
And that's exactly What you would expect if the doctrine of Trinity is true the divine persons do not act in opposition to one another in contrast one another
There is a perfect unity, but notice the very next phrase He well first of all he he sees what the father is doing and What the father is doing the son does likewise now wait a minute
You see the Unitarian says see that makes him something lesser. So wait a minute. Could that be said of any creature at all
The Muslims gonna say well, yes, that just means that we're supposed to act like God, but that's not what Jesus is saying That's not what
Jesus is saying No human being can say I see what God's doing and I do what he does
Because he's giving life These are divine prerogatives. This is creation.
This is sustaining the universe So the point is the father and the son
Must be distinguished from one another the son is the one who's become incarnate not the father
The son has submitted himself to the father but there is a
Perfect unity between the two and that's why just a few verses down verse 23 in order that all may honor the son
Just as they honor the father the one not honoring. The son is not honoring the father who sent him
You can't fit that into a Unitarian scheme There is perfect Balance between the father and the son not an equation.
I mean you it is amazing That there are still so many people out there who try to defend the idea of modalism try to defend the idea that what the
New Testament actually teaches is that Jesus was two persons and and that there aren't three divine
Persons and things like it it it just crashes on the rocks of the Gospel of John That's for sure.
Even though the couple passages they use are primarily taken from John. It's amazing. People still go there and it's amazing how people can come up with Unitarianism, but what must be
Understood by those who want to understand what John is saying the father and the son are clearly
Distinguished from one another their roles and redemption are distinguished from one another
The son has been sent by the father The son is acting in perfect harmony with the father
But it does not change the reality that the very language that Jesus used when he says my father is
Working until now and I am working my father sustains the world my father sustains the creation and so do
I No prophet had ever said that no prophet would dare to say such a thing
But Jesus did that's why people who Utterly reject the authority of the
New Testament who are critics of the New Testament unbelievers Don't have any difficulty in looking at the
Gospel of John go. Well, it's obviously teaching the deity of Christ Bart Ehrman is a
Critic leading English -speaking critic of the New Testament in the world today
His views are constantly evolving and changing and and I suppose on once one level that's a good thing
But when it comes to the Gospel of John, he's always said well It's obvious that John Intends to communicate the deity of Jesus.
I mean it's all through it It's obvious because he doesn't believe any of it. So he doesn't have to you know
Soft pedal anything. It's yeah, it's right there Now he's been writing more and more on the New Testament recent on the other
Gospels and he's he's had to come to conclusion Well, you know what? Actually all the Gospels do it. They just do it in different ways
He doesn't believe the New Testament is consistent with itself, but he has been forced to the conclusion that Yeah, they pretty all pretty much do present
Jesus as at least a divine figure in some fashion and John clearly This has this ridiculously high view of Jesus It's true he does have this ridiculously high view of Jesus But what he misses is that you can allow
Matthew Mark Luke and John to speak together and they give us the full perspective and so Jesus makes the claim and When the
Jews therefore seek to kill him They were right that he was claiming
Authority over the Sabbath just as he had in the synoptic Gospels son of man's Lord of the
South But they also recognized that that specific utilization of my own father was different than any of the many many uses of References to the sons of God elsewhere in Scripture Some of you have heard me make reference over the years to a man by the name of Ahmed D dot
Ahmed D dot was the founder of the IPCI in South Africa an
Islamic propagation Center and He was a showman a very good speaker a very poor scholar, but a very good speaker and And He coined the phrase
God has sons by the tons sons by the tons and So there wasn't anything special about Jesus God has sons by the tons anybody who is a godly man is a son of God sons by the tons what is painfully obvious in opposition to the late
Ahmed D dot is That Jesus's use of son of God Must be defined in the light of my father not just our father, but my father the one who sent me as John began his gospel this word that became flesh was in the beginning with God Was it was at the very father's side in eternity past according to verse 18 of John chapter 1 and so the unique son
The term that's been used only begotten
Really the emphasis and I know there are people trying to overthrow this today, but in the gospel John seems obvious to me
That it is the uniqueness of the son that is so offensive
To the Jews even here. He calls God his own father. He's making himself equal to God Well, obviously the way in which he's doing it is some special way and they picked up on it they understood it and So is this just simply the
Jews? misunderstanding Or is this a proper?
Understanding of what Jesus was saying and the rest of the chapter then becomes
Jesus's Explanation because it starts off verse 19 with the ants.
It's the normal term for giving an answer what does he teach and the rest of the chapter does not present to us a
Rival to the father There is no inconsistency there is no disharmony
There is perfect Unity between the father and the son in the accomplishment of what the father has sent the son to do
And that's going to lead then to the father and the son sending the spirit in John chapters 14 and 16 which is so important in our understanding of the formation of the church and Jesus promised that I and the father will come and make our abode within you how by the
Spirit of God Extremely important Most of us don't spend almost any time of our day
Thanking God for the absolute unity and harmony that exists between the father and the son but we should
We should because our very salvation is
Based upon the acceptance of that general rule that the father and the son the son always does
What is pleasing to the father? Remember John chapter 6 the father's sent me
Not to do my own will I've come not to do my own will the will of him who sent me What's the will of him who sent me of all that he's given me?
I lose none of it raised up on the last day your very eternal life is dependent upon the faithfulness of the son
In doing the will of the father It's not dependent upon you It's not dependent upon anything external to the
Godhead itself, but it is dependent upon the son doing the will of the father with consistency
That's what it's based on and that's laid out for us here in chapter 5.
That's what we're going to be seeing and So when you when the Unitarian says see
Jesus can't do anything of himself that means he's not God in himself No, what it means is he's not a rebel against the other two members of the
Godhead You cannot destroy the unity of father son and spirit
Without destroying the very Godhead itself That's why it's astounding that I have encountered people debated a man in Denver a couple just a couple years ago an open theist
Who absolutely believes and teaches that the son could have rejected the father's will for his life and introduced fundamental disharmony into the very
Godhead itself I Don't even know how you How you manage to believe that creation is going to continue to be upheld
When you take views like that, but they're out there They're out there and it's it's not overly surprising then to recognize that they have some serious gospel malformations as well so when you
Get into those conversations if you're thinking about going to John 5 18
It does say that this special Relationship between father and son and the unique claims of Jesus in regards that does make himself
Equal with God same term that's used over in Philippians chapter 2 Equality with the father
But you need to be prepared to continue on past verse 18
That's why simple proof texting can get us in trouble If you've ever memorized a verse,
I hope you have at least taken the time To read the next few verses afterwards to make sure you're familiar with what the context really is
Because the Muslims the Unitarians the Jehovah's Witnesses, however
Will be very quick to point you to the very next verse or two verses to come afterwards and they will press this idea upon You he can't do anything of himself
Well, it is not the father's will to act of himself Separate from the
Son of the Spirit. It's not the Spirit's will to act separately from the father and the son There is perfect unity that exists between each one and in this case, we're talking about the incarnate son who has submitted himself voluntarily to the humiliation of incarnation and And he as the incarnate one says the father and the son
I do exactly what the father has sent me to do there is perfect harmony and You need to understand as he's going to say
I can give life I Can give life you just saw an example.
He's gonna raise Lazarus from the dead later on the gospel. I can give life But I do so not to attract
Worship to myself separate from and in derogation from the father that balance of the absolute monotheism of Scripture together with the revelation of the triune nature of that one
God That is the balance. You cannot force anyone else to embrace But it's the only balance that will allow you to interpret consistently all of Scripture and that is the ultimate testimony to the truthfulness of the doctrine of the
Trinity It's not just an exchange of texts the reality is that the truthfulness of the doctrine is found in the
Ability it gives you to consistently handle all of God's Word Rather than having to change your methodology of interpretation over here over there.
I don't like that text left it that dodged that text over there That's where the truth of the doctrine is going to be found and so One little fray one little sentence.
My father's working until now and I am working Wow What an amazing statement that is made by our
Lord and Savior in these words And so the next time we have the opportunity of being together. I don't like It's gonna be around Christmastime, I'm not sure if John chapter 5 necessarily fits there real well
So we'll see we'll see but the next time we continue in p45 We will pick up at John chapter 5 verse 19.
Let us now be dismissed in prayer Our Lord God once again, we bow in your presence and we thank you for this day
We thank you for this time together for the instruction that we have received and indeed we have been made to think about how glorious is
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and we ask that you would help us in this coming week
To walk worthy of our callings. Oh give us wisdom Lord God as we are faced with many decisions and Lord God We are mindful of those who cannot be with us because of bad health
Might you be merciful lift up the light of your countenance upon them and heal them and now
Grant to us journey mercies grant to us a night of your protection and of peace