Louie Giglio Did Nothing Wrong (reupload)

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Louis Giglio said nothing wrong. I've always wanted to do a video like this.
There was a guy on YouTube that I used to follow. His name was Sargon of Akkad. He used to do videos like that where he would defend people that you wouldn't necessarily expect him to defend when the social justice mob came for them.
And I always really appreciated those videos because Sargon was a pretty principled man. I have a lot of disagreements with Sargon of Akkad.
I don't think he's right about everything. But if anything, he's got a spine.
There's no question about it. Sargon of Akkad has a lot of principles and he's got a spine. So I respect him for that.
But yeah, Louis Giglio said nothing wrong. I found out about this clip. This is Louis Giglio speaking to Lecrae about race because that's what we talk about these days, baby.
It's 2020, June 2020. But I found out about this because I posted a
Twitter thread about how I'm grateful for the slave trade because my ancestors were brought over in the slave trade.
It was very bad for them and I want to downplay the suffering. But had that not happened, my family probably wouldn't be
Christians right now. God used that to bring the gospel to my family and now most of my family worships the
Lord. Most of my family is in the kingdom of God and I'm grateful to God for that. Also most of my family is in a better financial situation and social situation than they would have been if they were still in Africa.
And so I'm grateful to God for that. People meant it for evil. God meant it for good.
Any Calvinist can affirm that kind of thing. In fact, any Christian ought to be able to affirm that kind of thing.
But apparently Louis Giglio had the audacity to say that in a panel when he was talking to Lecrae where he should have been lamenting and agreeing with everything
Lecrae said, of course. So let's look at this video. I've heard... So after I watched the video,
I looked into it a little bit. It looks like Louis Giglio has apologized instantly after the social justice mob grabbed their pitchfork.
They're always ready to grab their pitchfork. They grabbed the pitchfork. They started coming for him and he instantly caved.
Let me just give you some advice before we begin. When the social justice mob comes for you, and it definitely will at some point, do not apologize unless you've said something wrong.
Louis Giglio said nothing wrong here. Don't apologize for that. If someone's feelings are hurt by something that you said, and you didn't say it in a mean way, and it's factually correct, it's true theologically, it's true about God, and someone decides to take offense to it, do not apologize.
This is what they thrive on. This is what they live for. They live to put you in this position where you're begging for their forgiveness.
Don't give it to them. Don't give them anything. Don't give them an inch. No quarter for this kind of nonsense.
No quarter for this kind of a pagan, self -flagellating, ritualistic lynch mob.
No quarter for it, baby. Anyway, let's watch this video and take a look. It's interesting because I feel like on the inside of the church, we're fucked up.
Hold on. I forgot to tell you. Let's lean in and listen to Louis Giglio, shall we? ...fighting
this historical context you talk about. In other words, we love the blessing of the cross, but we don't love to sit in it and realize this is what
God's asking me to do, to die to myself and to live for him, whatever context that's going to look like for me.
But I want to flip that upside down because I think the other side of it is true with our nation's history.
We understand the curse that was slavery, white people do, and we say that was bad.
But we miss the blessing of slavery, that it actually built up the framework for the world that white people live in and lived in.
So a lot of people call this white privilege, and when you say those two words, it just is like a fuse goes off for a lot of white people because they don't want somebody telling them to check their privilege.
And so I know that you and I both have struggled in these days with, hey, if the phrase is the trip up, let's get over the phrase and let's get down to the heart.
Let's get down to what then do you want to call it? And I think maybe a great thing for me is to call it white blessing, that I'm living in the blessing of the curse that happened generationally that allowed me to grow up in Atlanta.
And you're talking about being 57. If you were 57, I can't imagine being that old, Dan, and being 57.
But I've said to our church, Lecrae, a few weeks ago, when I was born, the day I was born on Boulevard at Georgia Baptist Hospital in 1958, black people did not have equal rights in this city.
Not my grandparents' lifetime or their lifetime, in my lifetime, this is right now what we're talking about today.
All right, so that's the clip. That's the clip that's going around and people are getting pretty mad about Louie Giglio over.
There's nothing to apologize for there. Yeah, he's trying to be a little bit provocative and stuff like that by changing white privilege into white blessing.
But it is definitively a blessing. Privilege is a blessing. We should be passing privilege on to our children.
You know, my father, I've said this story many times. My father did better than my grandfather did here in the
United States. My grandfather immigrated here. He did better than his father.
My father did better than my grandfather. God willing, I'll do better than my father, and God willing, my kids will do better than I did.
You see, the Bible says that a good man, a righteous man, leaves an inheritance to his children's children.
That's a blessing. That's privilege. We should be seeking to pass on privilege to our progeny.
That's what a righteous man does according to the scripture. Furthermore, if you read one of my favorite books,
I did a whole video about this. I'll try to put it in the link in the description here, but I often forget to do that kind of stuff.
Anyway, I did a whole video just reading the blessings and curses from Deuteronomy. And if you look at those blessings in Deuteronomy, what it says that God will bless his people with, it looks like an entire list of what the woke church calls white privilege.
White privilege is nothing to be ashamed of. White privilege is nothing to be repented of. White privilege is nothing to be guilty over.
God blesses people. He blesses people spiritually. Yes, he also blesses people materially.
He loves to shower gifts upon his people. And so just because he doesn't shower gifts evenly, take that up with God.
That's not me. Take that up with God. And I think that there is a responsibility for those who have to share with those who don't have.
You see, that's the thing. God has expectations of those who he gives resources to.
And I don't think there's anything wrong with pointing that out. But to feel guilty and to feel shame as if this white privilege, this unearned privilege that you got is somehow a problem and you've got to flagellate yourself, flagellate yourself until the woke mob is satisfied.
The woke mob will never be satisfied. You see, that's the problem here. Because so much of this woke stuff that's causing divisions in the church right now, it's described in James perfectly.
You see, what causes divisions and quarrels among you? You desire, but you don't have.
And so you fight and steal and argue and all of this stuff. It comes from within your own soul.
You're not satisfied. Your soul is never satisfied with what God has blessed you with. And that's why
I can say without any hesitation that I am satisfied with my station in life.
God has blessed me beyond what I'm owed, beyond what I deserve. And I understand that my slave ancestors in the past had a pretty raw deal and they were treated brutally and stuff like that.
But even that God has used as a blessing for his people. You see, if the slave trade never happened, and this is not unique to me, this is true of so many people, if the slave trade never happened, there is hardly any doubt that I'd either be a pagan or a
Muslim. I would be damned and lost. Not only would I be damned and lost, but I'd be in a worse situation than I am now just in general, because there are many, many blessings that God has showered upon the
United States in all kinds of different ways. And the problem that we have right now is that we've forgotten that those blessings came from God.
We think that we're awesome and we gather these blessings on our own and we've forgotten about God.
You see, Deuteronomy also warns about that. He says, I will shower blessings upon you, the blessings for obedience in Deuteronomy.
That's what people call privilege right now. And they forget that those blessings came from God.
And so now we've turned our backs on God. And so those blessings have become curses. And we're going to see the outworkings of that pour out on this country as it sits in judgment, because God is judging our country definitively.
Look at the way, look at the curses for disobedience that the book of Deuteronomy talks about as well.
And those are happening to us as we speak. And so the reality is that Louis Giglio said nothing wrong.
He had the audacity to bring biblical truth to this situation. White privilege is definitively a white blessing.
God has showered blessings upon whites. Now, what whites do with that, that's up to them. You see, each individual does something differently with their blessing.
Some people, and there are many white people out there that do this. Don't let the woke crowd twist the narrative. Don't let the woke crowd twist the narrative.
There are many white people that take their blessings and divest themselves of it. They start giving, they start using it to serve others and to bless others.
They share what they've been given with others. I was just, oh my goodness gracious. Last night, I couldn't help but think this last night.
I'm going to give you some details, but not a lot, because I don't want to put anyone on blast.
But I serve on the board of a crisis pregnancy center, and we were at our monthly meeting last night.
And there was this white woman that we were talking to, and she was telling us about how her and her family, and her husband's a cop.
You know what I mean? Her husband's a cop. Her and her family have taken in foster kids, and they're going to adopt two of them.
And one of them they're trying to adopt, but there's some issues and whatever. The point is, though, that I see this family, and I know they don't have tons of money.
It's not like they're just, money's coming out of their ears. I know that that's not the case for them, but they are still taking what
God did give them. They're Christians. They love the Lord. They're taking what God did give them, and they're using it to share with those who don't have.
The situation is very sad for these three kids. You know what I mean? And they're taking their time, their money, their effort, and all of this.
And they're saying, God, thank you for this. We're so grateful that you provided us, and now we're going to give to those.
We're going to share with those who don't have. Just like the Bible says they're supposed to do. These people are good people, right?
They're good people. They love the Lord, and they want to do what God says. And these are the kinds of people, this is not a unique situation.
Tons of white Christians do this. Tons of Christians of all colors do this. These are the same people that charlatans like Jim Artisby, and charlatans like the
Faithfully Magazine, where I found this clip, and they were all up in arms and stuff like that. These are the same people that they would say, oh, this is white evangelicalism.
That's not how we... Let me calm down. Usa. Usa. Don't let the woke church trick you into thinking that pretty much all white people are demons.
You know what I mean? That they've got this white privilege, and they didn't earn it, and they don't share with anybody, and they're just racist, and they're just greedy, and all this stuff.
White Christians aren't like that. Christians aren't perfect, right? Christians aren't perfect, but Christians are great people.
I love you guys. I love Joe Sixpacks and the Pew, because I know that you're seeking to honor the Lord, and you're trying, and all this stuff.
And look, we could all do better, right? We could all be more obedient to Christ. We could all do that.
But let's stop limb basting a man because he said something that you don't think is so nice, because you decide that,
I don't want white people to get any credit at all. Like, Louie Giglio said nothing wrong here.
This is exactly right. This is exactly the kind of thing that the Bible is talking about in the book of Genesis where it says, you meant it for evil,
God meant it for good. You meant to rob, and steal, and kidnap, and sell into slavery, and all this kind of stuff because you hated black people.
Well, guess what? God flipped the script. God flipped the script, and not only did he bless this country, but he also blessed his people of all colors, including blacks, and browns, and otherwise, who would not have been here otherwise, and now they are in the kingdom of God.
Now they're full brothers with you, and all of that stuff. I thank God. I thank
God for the blessings that came from the slave trade. God meant it for good.
Despite the evil imaginations of mankind, God meant it for good. And that's why I can have joy.
That's why I can have no despair, because as much as the world has gone crazy, as much as Matt Chandler is teaching error, as much as Jamar Tisby and folks like him are pushing this new religion on you, and trying to get you to kneel before them, and to worship at the same altars that they worship at, despite all of that, and it's very disorienting, people don't like it.
It feels very uncomfortable to say, oh man, these preachers that I love, now they're teaching all this heresy, and this nonsense, and all of that.
That can be very disheartening, but I can still have joy. You know why I can have joy? Because I know that God is going to flip the script here as well.
God is going to flip the script here as well, and all of this chaos is going to turn into a blessing for God's people.
That's what it means when it says all things work out for good, for the good of those who love him.
That's the quotation. Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful. Louie Giglio, you did nothing wrong.
I recommend that you never, ever, ever, ever apologize again, unless you said something wrong.