Our Triune Creator



I would invite you to turn in your bibles to genesis chapter 1 and Today the miracle of miracle is miracle of miracles is that we're going to read two verses instead of just one Because we have been in genesis 1 1 now for over a month And so we're going to move our attention to genesis 1 1 and 2 Amen Now it is our custom and our tradition to stand for the reading of God's word So I would invite you to stand as we read Can you bring my slider down just a little it's just I'm just really hot in the mic if you could thank you in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth the earth was without form and void and darkness was over the face of the deep and the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters May God add his blessing to the reading and to the hearing of his word May he write its eternal truths upon our heart and may he keep me from error as I preach Amen, maybe see well we have spent a good number of weeks Laying the foundation stones for our study of genesis We've learned about its authorship, which is Moses We've learned about its literary form it comes to us in the form of the historical narrative We have learned about the different ways in which God has presented his truth in this book We did an overview of the beginnings that are in Genesis all the places where we see the word beginning And we see the beginning to different things we have seen Though that even though all things find their beginning in Genesis one thing does not have a beginning and that is God himself God is eternal without beginning and ending and We examined last week When it says that God created the heavens and the earth that those Items those things the heavens and the earth Bear witness to God's creative genius his creative power his creative majesty and might this is Why it says that the heavens do declare the glory of God Well today, we're going to expand into verse 2 Genesis 1 1 is powerful Speaking of God's creating the heavens and the earth and that phrase is certainly literal God did create the heavens and the earth, but then in verse 2 we see a new introduction into the mix of Information we see that when God created the heavens and he created the earth There was a sense in which the earth was without form and it was void There's a sense in which the earth was not yet full in its glory and majesty of creation And so we are introduced to another person in verse 2 The first person we see is God and we're going to talk about that word person in a minute So I'm going to stress it a little but we see God and then we see the person known as the Holy Spirit of God and He is there hovering over the waters preparing for these next few days where there's going to be a massive upheaval and a massive amount of change that the Holy Spirit is going to bring on those waters and bring into the world this this new and amazing creation and so Prior to going into that which I am looking forward to in the next few weeks getting into the creation days prior to that I want us to stop for a moment and consider that in these first two verses We are introduced To our triune creator In fact I would say that this is the first implicit reference to the Trinity now, I need to make a point When I say implicit what I mean is that it is stated, but it is not explicitly Stated it is implied within the text and I'm going to show you today how it is implied within the text and I want to make the point and I'm going to make the point throughout today's lesson that we are going to bring in other Revelation that is later what we would call progressive revelation to help add understanding to this text And and what I'm saying is we're not Isogene we're not reading into something something that's not there But what we are doing is we're using Revelation as a whole to lift the veil and look at what is truly there Because God the Holy Spirit is the author of the whole book He's the author of Genesis all the way to Revelation and so there's information here in Genesis 1 that we might Only understand if we look at the whole and then go back to the to this part And then we can unfold it and pull apart and see what's truly there in fact I want to mention something that most of you probably don't know and that is that the word God in this Text when it says in the beginning God the word God in Hebrew is Plural Now what is plural me? more than one in Fact I if I had a whiteboard and one day I will One day I when we get our new chancel, which we've been talking about why me? I'm gonna have a whiteboard because I just I love it.
I like to be able to write things down the the Hebrew word for God is the Hebrew word Elohim and The last few letters the I am on the end of that in Hebrew make something Plural this is like you've heard of a cherub But when you talk about the cherubim you're talking about more than one seraph or the seraphim that's more than one and so when you hear Elohim That's adding a a plural suffix at the end.
And so you say wait a minute pastor If I know anything about Jewish culture if I know anything about the Hebrew Bible it is this God is one Deuteronomy 6 Clearly says here Oh Israel the Lord thy God The Lord is one Lord and you should worship the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind And all your strength.
There's one God.
In fact, that's what made the Israelite nation unique among the other nations Is they were not a pluralistic uh people they were not a people who understood that there was a God of the mountains and a God of the rivers and a God of the seas and A God of the uh, the stars and a God of this and a God of that but they had one Almighty God and yet The first time we see the name Not really name.
Let me back that up the first time we see the word God because by the way God as a word is not a name It's a it's a title Right.
God's name is not God That's name is Yahweh That is what he calls himself.
God is a title.
So the first time we see the title God it is in the plural and yet We see throughout the Old Testament in Hebrew Elohim is given a singular pronoun You say wait a minute.
That sounds confusing.
It is a little confusing It is a little confusing.
So let me try to unpack it for you We have this this word that has plurality and yet we understand the singularity God is single God and yet he's given this this title that is plural and some people have tried to explain that By saying that what this is is called the plural of royalty or the plural of majesty Now, I don't know if you're familiar with we don't have royalty here in America.
Well, we have celebrities They're sort of like royalty, but we don't have kings and queens and duchesses and all that So we have a hard time connecting with royalty but if you go over to England They have a queen and she has a throne and when she says something she very rarely uses the phrase I or me She uses like if something happens and she's not happy she'll say we are not amused And she's referring to herself because there is something called the royal plural and what it is speaking of is when royalty speaks They're speaking from the throne and therefore they're not speaking alone, but they're speaking with the power and the majesty of the throne They're speaking with all the authority of the kings that have come before and thus they're speaking in a sense in communion with this position So it's called the royal or the majestic plural Therefore a lot of people hear Elohim as plural and they say here is an example of God using the royal plural for himself And I wouldn't argue against that certainly if there's any being in the universe that has the majesty might and power to speak of we and not just I Then it would be God In fact if you go down to verses 26 and 27 when God speaks of creating man.
He says let us Make man in our Image and according to our we know he's not talking about the angels God's not in communion with the angels creating him and a lot of people say well here is the royal Plural here is the majestic plural and we see this again in Isaiah 6 you remember when Isaiah 6 Where the Lord was seated upon his throne and the train of his robe filled the temple and Isaiah was there And he put his hand over his mouth and he said woe is me for I'm a man of unclean lips And I'm among the people of unclean lips and what does the Lord say who shall go for us? The Lord's not speaking of himself in the angels.
He's speaking of himself in the majestic royal plural But I want to challenge this today By saying that I think there's more to this plural language than just the statement of Majesty I'm not denying that it's part of it I'm not saying that the royal plural the majestic plural doesn't have certainly a Possibility of that being part of it, but what I want to Propose to you today is that the reason why the first time we see Elohim in Scripture the first time we hear of God speaking of himself.
He says us and an hour is because when we Understand God on this side of the cross We understand God as father son and Holy Ghost three persons in one God and Therefore I can go back to Genesis 1 I can see Elohim and the very next person that's introduced Is not an angel Not even the Son But the very next person who is introduced is who? the Holy Spirit of God who is hovering as it were like a Chicken I think of this and I know this maybe sounds funny, but I want you to think about a I want you to think about how a chicken sits on its eggs Waiting for that hatch the Holy Spirit of God this word hovering is the picture of the Spirit of God as it were brooding and I did I've tried to find a translation that used brooding couldn't find one so we'll call that the key standard version The Spirit of God is is brooding He is there and he's preparing everything for this miracle That's about to happen the ESO the King James says he was moving over the waters.
He's he's preparing everything And so he is there he is named the Holy Spirit of God is there and So we have here an implicit reference as I said to the Trinity so my goal today is simple That was all introductory.
My goal today is simple.
I want to show How in the first two verses of Genesis? when we see them through the lens of the whole of Scripture, we have a witness to the triune God and therefore when we worship We should worship our Creator Rightly as Father Son and Holy Spirit So let's begin.
I don't have an outline.
I normally have a very structured outline My outline today is a little looser, but I do have headings So I'll give you the headings as I go the first heading I'm going to give you is the heading called progressive revelation I want to explain what that means, but I think it's very important when we study Genesis Our first goal is to try to understand what the original audience would have understood What did Moses when he was writing to the Israelites in the wilderness? What would they have understood? What would they have known by what he was writing and so that is the first step of what we call exegesis Reading and reading the text and pulling out what's there? So that's the first goal but We are not limited to what Moses's people understood Because if we had to limit ourselves to only what the people of Israel understood Then we would we would have to eliminate the rest we could say well We don't we can't bring in anything that Isaiah said we can't bring anything that David said we can't bring in anything that Job said Can't bring anything that Jesus said because we're limited only to what? Moses's audience would have understood that is too limiting That's we're not told to do that.
In fact, the New Testament does the opposite The New Testament tells us that we are to interpret the old in light of the new That the New Testament becomes the lens through which we interpret now some people take a big issue with this hyper dispensation Let's say this is wrong No, they'll say no.
No, you can't interpret the old in light of the new You have to interpret the old according to the grammatical historical process You can only interpret it in light of what they knew below me It's absolutely blowing and here's why Because the New Testament writers don't do that The New Testament writers interpret the Old Testament in light of the cross.
Oh That's an amen moment, right? Please.
That's true The New Testament writers look at everything in the Old Testament and they look at it through the lens of Jesus So we can do that, too Now we have to be careful because we don't want to superimpose things that aren't there and we don't want to become people who are Creating analogies that don't fit.
We don't want to create all kinds of foolish Typologies that aren't there, you know I used to I heard people talk about how whenever they put the blood on the on the on the doorpost that it was in The shape of a cross it may have been in the shape of the cross I don't know but but to me it looked like a number seven, but that's a whole other conversation The point is we don't want to force analogies But when the analogy is there we can we can jump on and ride with it because it's fine When we discuss The Old Testament and we're looking at it we have the benefit of being on this side of the cross And that's why we call it progressive revelation God began by revealing himself to Moses well, actually if you want to go back you're going to Adam to Noah to Enoch to You go down the line, but my point is revelation scripture wise he revealed himself to Moses Then to Joshua down through the historians and down to those special people We call prophets and then to Jesus every time God reveals himself We learn something more about him and that thus we call that progressive revelation We learn some is it not true that we know more about Justification because of what Paul wrote in Romans Then we would have ever known without it We know more about God's work in Saving our souls because of the Gospels and if we didn't have those we wouldn't know About Jesus and about his resurrection his crucifixion resurrection.
So we have Progressive revelation we learn more and I've said this and again some people get offended don't get offended just Well, you can't whatever We know more Than Moses did Because we're on this side of the cross Now some people say well Moses knew about Jesus.
I'm sure he knew that a Savior was coming I don't know that he knew his name was Jesus that he was going to die on a cross and all those things were going to Happen exactly as they happen.
We have the benefit of hindsight That they didn't have therefore Progressive revelation is simply this We can talk about the Old Testament in light of the New Testament Now when we discuss the subject of the Trinity Which is the subject of the morning? We have to understand first and foremost that the Trinity is New Testament revelation What I mean by that the Trinity Without the New Testament, we would not have a full understanding of God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit The New Testament is necessary for that knowledge and So I Can now look at the Old Testament I put my gospel glasses on and I can read it and say okay now Are there allusions to the Trinity? Are there things that imply this grander truth that we're going to get later? And my answer is Absolutely.
In fact, I would say to not do so would be wrong I think if I would preach Genesis 1 2 3 4 if I'd have preached that and I didn't mention the Trinity I would be Because the Trinity God's man in the fullness of Father Son and Holy Spirit But very quickly, I want to take a step Back because I know that many of you Have been with me a long time some of you haven't and If there's anything I've taught on a lot It's the Trinity.
I wrote a book on it.
I've taught seminars on it.
I It's just one of my favorite subjects But I imagine there's some of you've never heard me teach on Some of you never ever been in a class on the Trinity So when you hear the word Trinity, you might be confused.
So I'm going to just take a second I want to explain what the Christian doctrine of the Trinity is and just give this to you as a Way to make sure that we're all on the same page So just for a second, what do we mean? When we talk about Trinity? Well the Trinity refers to God in his essential nature That God is one in essence and that God is three in person Let me say it again.
God is one in his essential being God is three in his personal being The three persons are the father the son and the Holy Spirit They are not three different gods But they're three different persons in one God Therefore we affirm what we would call monotheism The doctrine that there is only one God But we would deny what is known as Unitarianism you ever heard the phrase Unitarian? The Universalist Unitarian Church, maybe you've maybe heard that phrase Unitarian Unitarian say God is one being one person Trinitarians and by the way the historic Christian Church all the way back to the Apostles has affirmed that God is one being and Three persons and you say well, what's the difference between being and person? What I encourage you if you've never read it go back and read the Athanasian Creed the Athanasian Creed does a very good job of fleshing out the difference and distinction between person and being But probably the illustration that I think is most helpful is this This desk has being I've been great.
If you don't agree come here.
I'll drop it on you.
You'll say wow heavy being exists But it has no person.
I Can hit it.
It's not going to hurt it It's not going to argue with me.
One of the few things that don't it's gonna it's this Pulpit has being But it doesn't have person you have both being and Person and you are a one-to-one ratio You have one being one person and that's what we're used to.
That's all we know God is one being three persons the three persons of the Trinity share the one being of God This is why in Colossians it says all the fullness of being dwells in Christ's Father Not part of the fullness of deity not some of God Jesus wasn't part of God But the fullness of God dwells in him completely Therefore when we refer to God we can refer to him as one being not subdivided into three parts, but one being and Yet we can talk about the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit as co equal and co-eternal persons within the being of God.
There's no sense of hierarchy There's no sense of subordination Within the essential being of God.
No one is lesser.
No one is greater The Father the Son and the Spirit co-equal co-eternal co-majestic co-creators altogether the one God Now this doctrine I want to say something about doctrine Did you know doctrines big issue for me this doctrine was the earliest and most firmly established doctrine among the Christian Church? This doctrine is not up for debate It was taught among the early church leaders It was established among the early church councils the only people who teach against this are the groups that are rightly called Heretical Jehovah's Witnesses when they come to your door rat-rat-ratting upon your chamber door early on a Saturday They want to tell you that Jehovah Which by the way is a Germanic adulteration of the Tetragrammaton It's not even the way you say it, but that's another story when they say Jehovah is the Father and the Son is created You can say none of it That dog won't come And they say the Spirit is not personal.
He's just a force like electricity or energy or lightning He's not personal say that dog don't Because we go to the scriptures.
We see Jesus is God We see the Holy Spirit is a person and is God so both of your arguments are dead You know what and by the way this Trinitarian doctrine again has been upheld And I do I mentioned Athanasian Creek.
Let me read to you just a snippet.
It's long I love it read it many many times, but I'm going to read just a sentence We worship one God in Trinity and Trinity and unity neither Confounding the persons nor dividing the substance for there is one person of the Father another of the Son and another of the Holy Spirit But the Godhead of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit is all one The glory equal the majesty co-eternal This is the this is the doctrine of the Trinity people always tell me you know The doctrine of the Trinity nobody understand it Let me let me say that Nobody can fully comprehend it because it's just like pouring the Atlantic Ocean into a bucket Can't do that It's just too much.
It's too majestic to fully comprehend, but you can understand what we're saying and what we're not saying That's what the first 300 years of the church There were these these movements that came out said well, we think Jesus was created He wasn't fully God and that created a movement called Arianism Arius believed Jesus was created by God But he wasn't God That's what led to what was called the Council of Nicaea But there were others there were other movements which all wanted to teach something some taught Jesus didn't have a Real human spirit the others taught Jesus didn't have a real body There was all these weird views about Jesus that were very early in the church and the church came out and said no We're going to stand on the truth.
We're going to teach what the Bible teaches and is it hard? Yes, if it was easy you are easy Go fishin now Andy.
Don't you go fishing? But this is not this is not easy.
I Tell you what, this is why a lot of people abandon Christianity for the cults Because the cults are going to give you something easy They're going to give you easy doctrine and they're going to give you a workspace religion Both of which are going to appeal to your mind and your heart because both of them are corrupted by the flesh It's the reality of it Christian doctrine is not easy because it's based on God who is the most complex being in the entire Ways not in the universe.
He's above the universe You think it would be easy to just say God is simple But he's not Without our ability to understand what is being said God is Trinity his father his son his Holy Spirit Therefore when I pray I pray to God through the son because he's my mediator He's the one who died on the cross for me by the way The father didn't die on the cross the son did because there is a distinction in the person we can distinguish between who did what? The spirit comes to live inside of me people always talk about Jesus living inside of me I'm pretty sure Jesus at the right hand of the father and it's the spirit who lived with him And so we can discuss the distinctions within the Trinity, but at the end of the day, it's all God And that's the doctrine of the Trinity as simply as I can lay it out I said I've done weeks and months of study on this so to do it in 15 minutes is a little unfair But it's necessary.
So having said that now, let's go back and consider this when we talk about creation Creation is a Trinitarian action We've already seen the plurality of in the beginning God that word it has a plural.
Yes, it's majestic But it's also I believe a veiled reference to the fact that there's not just the one person of the father but it's father son and Holy Spirit are active and They're involved and we see all three persons involved I want to give you just a few verses to consider The father is certainly involved in creation 1st Corinthians chapter 8 verse 6 Says for us there is one God the father from whom are all things and from Excuse me and for whom we exist.
Let me say it again For us there is one God the father from whom are all things and for whom we exist All right.
So there we have we are from God and we exist for God He created us Isaiah 64 8, but now the Lord you are our father.
We are the clay.
You're the potter We are the work of your hand God.
The father is active in creation Not many people would deny even the people who come on Saturday morning They're not going to deny God the father is active in creation I don't think I have to prove that much but where we really get into the fray Is Jesus in Creation now, I want to say he's not mentioned in Genesis 1 and verses 1 and 2 You see Elohim, which I believe is referenced all three, but I mean not specific It's not an explicit reference implicit, but not explicit, but I want to show you where he is Explicitly said I want to just open your Bibles go to John 1 on my favorite passages of Scripture Because it's explicit in fact John follows the same language as Moses Moses says in the beginning God created the heavens and earth by the way that word heavens and earth there that that's an idiom It basically is an expression which means everything like if I said, you know head to toe or from beginning to end Heavens and earth in that sense is expressed means God created everything in the beginning God created everything nothing came about on its own all created by God and Then we get to John 1 and it says in the beginning in archaic and the Greek is the same language that's used by Moses in The book of Genesis in the beginning now, of course Genesis is written in Hebrew John is written in Greek, but here's an important point.
There was a Greek translation of the Old Testament It's called the Septuagint that language that is Translated into Greek is the same language That John uses which is a proof to me That John is making a point to tie his word back to Moses.
We know in the beginning God Here in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word Was God what's God what's good? I'm sorry you look son Cuz it said, you know, if all I said is he was with God Then we can just okay.
He was with God.
He was there That's not what it is.
It says he was with God and he was God You say I don't understand that if you go back ten minutes ago when I was talking about the Trinity That's the only way to understand You know what the Jehovah's Witnesses do they add an a here in the beginning was the word the word was with God The word was a God and they try to make Jesus little g-god created by God as a sub deity Which again is baloney You can't be a God You're either God or you ain't And when you start creating sub deities and demigods you've gone into Greek mythology and you exited biblical theology Jesus is either God or he's not this says he is God and RK and how long us in the beginning was the word work with God I Say us and how long us and the Word was power Very cool, but then it goes on to say this All things Were made through him How many things are made through him? But just in case we missed that Without him was not anything made that was made The beauty of that statement is that's motor or John's way of saying this everything that was made Was made by him Nothing that was made didn't go through his hands Jesus is Creator and he says in him was life And here's the great part and the life was the light of man and the light shines in the darkness and the darkness is Not overcoming now.
I don't want to make too big of an analogy here But if you go back, what's the very first thing we see after we see this creation? light and Jesus John says Jesus is the light In heaven, we don't have a son, you know, we have in heaven The Bible says the light of the Lord is How we see everything? We don't have to have a son in heaven or a moon or stars because the light of God is the light of the Again, it's just it's here and we see it we see in the beginning was the word words without the word bless God Now very quickly again.
I just have to show you this go to Colossians 1 Just turn over a few pages to Colossians 1 now, this is verse 15 to 19 Were I given the time to exegete it completely I would but I don't so I'm just going to make a few very brief comments because He does say some things here that have to be understood in light of the whole Speaking of Jesus Paul writes this he Jesus is the image of the invisible God the firstborn of all creation and some people say right there Jesus is created firstborn No the word firstborn means Preeminent one the one who is head of all the firstborn in Hebrew culture with the one who had control over everything This is not related this is not talking about his being created.
This is the positional title firstborn position But listen to the next sentence for by him all things were created in heaven and on earth Visible and invisible whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities all things were created through him and for him and he is before all Things and in him all things hold together and he is the head of the body the church He is the beginning the firstborn of the dead that in everything.
He might be preeminent that again It's the reason why he's the first he's the preeminent one.
He's the vocal point For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell He is God is in the fullness of God's love and he created everything Jesus did not come on the scene in Bethlehem That is when he came in his incarnate state, but Jesus has always been the second person of the Trinity And just in case two witnesses is not enough I'll show you one more witness Hebrews 1 Very quickly Because this is this is where the proof often has to come is who is Jesus Jesus is your creator Therefore you're responsible Hebrews 1 Verse 1 long ago at many times and in many ways God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days He has spoken to us by his son whom he appointed the heir of all things through whom also he Created the world now there are other testimonies in Scripture to Jesus as creator But I think those three they're pretty good witness Creator maker nothing was made that wasn't made by him.
This is who Jesus is Well, let me add another thought for you.
This is just from an illustrative perspective I love to talk about Jesus And especially talking about Jesus is greater because I could never thought about They read right past these passages.
They don't ever really consider this but think about this when Jesus was in his Incarnate form when he was as when he was here as a man he did things that demonstrated his power over creation and I believe he did that to demonstrate himself as the master of creation what? Better way to show that you're the ones who did all this than to show that you're the master of Walking on water is not something normal people do Jesus says Here I go.
Boom right on the water.
No question water doesn't Water can't do anything but obey Jesus is in the boat.
All the other guys are freaking out.
I think they're going to die Jesus.
Why are you asleep? He stands up peace be still the the sea listens It doesn't even have ears and yet it hears the command of God And the sea is like ice Still like glass Jesus has five loaves and two fish and the people just keep feeding By the way, that's creation there because at the end he had like baskets full of fragments Which means he stopped with more than he started with that's Incredible it's also impossible unless he was creating more my favorite story in the Gospels outside of the Grand Narratives of the cross those things.
It's the very first time Jesus ever did in there He was at a wedding Cane of Galilee and his mother like Many of us have mothers who? Encourage us to do things, you know for whatever purpose they might have the mother There's no why and Jesus is why do you tell me it my time has not yet come Like mom, you know, I don't get all that but it's like what what do you but he says? Bring the water possibly comes and You realize there's water there But there's more things in wine with water All of the chemicals that it takes to make wine We're not present until Jesus Commanded and they were made present.
So there's creation in that there's creation out of nothing I mean the water is there but all the chemicals that needed for wine are not there and here's the point you go to John chapter 4 when this happens I'm sorry.
That's John 2 You know that There's six water pots.
I'm not a numerologist.
I don't get into big like number things, but six water pots Jesus creates out of nothing this wine these chemicals You go back to the beginning of the world how many days? six days Jesus is demonstrating again.
I'm not I'm not fused on analogies, but I just can't miss The very first it says in the text.
This is the first miracle he did What did he do? He showed himself having the power of the Creator Jesus Is the Creator so we see the Father see the Son and the Holy Spirit is Present.
We've already seen this Genesis 1 2 the Holy Spirit is brooding And later in the book of Job Job 33 the Spirit of God has made There's no question the Trinity In his in its fullness is how we ought to understand our Creation, but I want to I want to add one more analogy that I'm going to draw to a close Because there is an analogy here for something even greater than creation You know, what's greater than God created the universe you might not realize this There's something greater than God created God saving your Sinful soul he created the world by speaking it into existence, but he sent his son to die Save your soul and that it's a greater miracle Aside to brooding it says this is one of my guys.
I listen to he says God breathed the universe into existence He spoke and it was so but if you're saying God didn't breathe died for Jesus died and In that sense salvation of one person is a greater miracle than the creation of the entire universe And here's why I'm bringing that up as much as creation is a Trinitarian miracle so too is your salvation a Trinitarian miracle God the Father Chose God the Son died to redeem God the Spirit lives within and regenerates your dead so not only is creation a Trinitarian miracle But regeneration and rebirth and salvation is a miracle of the Triune God It is essential Absolutely essential that when we think about God to think in terms of Trinity We do not worship One person at the expense of the others But we worship one God in three Persons so my question to you today, and this is my challenge to you.
Do you really understand creation? as a Trinitarian work Do you really understand your salvation as a Trinitarian act and do you understand? Worship when you come here to worship that this is Trinitarian worship praise God from whom all blessings flow Praise him all preachers here do I Praise him above you heavenly host praise father son and holy Father I thank you for this opportunity to To look at the reality of you and your fullness as Trinity God it's more than we can really ever comprehend, but yet at the same time We are thankful That you've given us in Scripture truth to believe truth that there is only one God and yet truth that there are three persons who are called God and truth that these three persons Are co-equal and co-eternal? God may it be that we understand More today about you than we ever have before May it be that we understand The wonder and majesty of who you are better than we ever have before May you use this sermon? Make our worship more pleasing To make our understanding of salvation more accurate To make our understanding of who you are more in line with who you truly are Father we do pray We pray And say thank you and we pray for those Lord who came today who don't know you Lord Maybe there are those here today who do not know if they're saved.
Maybe they know they're not Maybe they've come today and they wonder about How someone can be saved Lord may they understand today that there is only one? Person that they can be saved through the matters through the Lord Jesus Christ He came into this world.
He lived a perfect life.
He died a substitutionary death And father in his death, we have the forgiveness of sin Lord may it be That you might use this time to save souls today.