F4F | Jim Bakker's Magical Trump Coins


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Rosebro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. Now, if you've been told or you believe that Donald Trump is the fulfillment of a prophecy regarding Cyrus, King Cyrus, yeah, you know, of Babylon, you know, the
Medes and the Persians, King Cyrus. If you think that Isaiah 45 is really pointing to, not
King Cyrus, but Donald Trump, yeah, go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below.
Don't forget to like the video and ring the bell so you can be notified when we update our channel. No, Donald Trump is not the
Cyrus of Isaiah 45, and conservative Christians and evangelicals should be pushing back hard against these concepts, and you do not have to embrace them if you are a conservative and you're a
Christian. In fact, far from it. You should not be embracing these concepts at all. Case in point, we're gonna be heading to the
Jim Baker show where he recently had Lance Wallnau of the Seven Mountains Mandate, of the
NAR, the New Apostolic Reformation, on his program, and they are selling a coin.
It's called electroplated coin, so it'll turn green in your pocket if you keep it there for any length of time, but it's, you know, it's apparently struck in Israel, and the
Jewish Sanhedrin's all up on it, they just think it's the bee's knees, and they're selling this electroplated gold coin and saying that God says it's a touch point and things like that.
We're gonna take a look at that segment of the Jim Baker show, and we're gonna explain why
Trump is not the fulfillment of Isaiah 45, like not even close, not at all, and why
Christians should be rejecting these kinds of crackpot wingnuts within the visible
Church, because they're not helping the body of Christ, in fact they're destroying the body of Christ, and even worse, they're a cancer and they're not really gonna help us politically either.
You don't want to partner with people like this, you need to call them to account and rebuke them and make sure that they're not teaching what's in accord with false doctrine and making merchandise of the
Church and things like that. Yeah, yeah. So heading over to the Jim Baker show, hope you're sitting down. Have an open
Bible. By the way, I never ask anybody to listen to what I'm saying with an open mind. Nah, it's not necessary.
Just have an open Bible. Fact -check me, if you would, and you'll see what we're saying. All right, so heading over to the
Jim Baker show, here we go. Yes, yes, yes.
Then we have something very special that I've been trying to get for a long time, and you finally got it done.
You told me to do it. You said, why don't you do this? But it took a connection, an
Israeli connection. Yeah. Tell us about... this is something at the coin from Israel.
Trump -Cyrus. Yeah, so Donald Trump in the front,
Cyrus in the back. The 70 -year decree, Cyrus -Trump proclamation.
Donald Trump is not the Cyrus of Isaiah 45.
King Cyrus of the Medes and Persians and Babylon. He was the
King Cyrus whom Isaiah was prophesying about. Cyrus and Trump's picture on the front.
The Sanhedrin approached you about this, right? It's crazy. I mean, honestly, life gets surreal at times.
And so I was talking about Donald Trump and Cyrus, and I was getting banged on by the New York Times and all the left media because they said, these evangelicals are nuts.
They're trying to make Donald Trump, that barbarian, into a Bible hero. And it's like... Yeah, Donald Trump is not a
Bible hero. He's not mentioned in Scripture. He's not even mentioned in passing. He is the
President of the United States, and whether you support him or not, that doesn't matter.
Under no circumstances should you turn Donald Trump or any politician into a Bible hero, unless that person turns out to be the
Antichrist or something like that. But Trump isn't that either. So yeah, and you're gonna note here,
Lance Wallnau is talking in such a way that he's totally expecting that if you're a Christian, you're on board with him in his assessment and prophecy regarding Trump.
Yeah, no. Like, they're calling him a Bible character, and I'm going, oh my gosh. He's a Bible character.
He is a Bible character. No, he's not. You're a Bible character. Exactly. So I got a call from the guy from the
Sanhedrin saying, well, the Sanhedrin wants to thank you for your work. The Sanhedrin.
Woo! Yeah, just, you know, I want to point out that when
Jesus was doing his earthly ministry prior to his, you know, crucifixion, the
Sanhedrin wasn't exactly on board with Jesus's ministry, and then, you know, when
Peter and John and James and the Apostles that were spreading the good news of Christ and him crucified for our sins, and his, you know, and claiming that they were eyewitnesses of the resurrection of Jesus, yeah, the
Sanhedrin wasn't exactly, yeah, you guys just go and preach that stuff.
Yeah, we're with you. No, they were opposing it all the way. So, you know, why, as a
Christian, should I be sitting there going, well, the Sanhedrin is on board with this.
That's great. No. Work with Donald Trump.
They've been following the prophecies on Cyrus with great, this is a Jewish Sanhedrin, and they've, they agree with what you've said, and they're minting a coin and sending it to you.
It is a coin of the head of Cyrus and Donald Trump, and the new and expected
Jewish temple on the other side, they believe this is a prophetic minted coin, and they're calling it the temple coin.
So they sent it to me, and I'm holding, I'm going, wow, I, that's amazing. They had more creativity and faith in my prophecy than I did.
They have more confidence that that was a real prophecy than even
Lance Wall now. That just doesn't speak well of him. Now, let's do a little bit of work here.
We're gonna pause and open up the Bible. Let's take a look at the passage in question,
Isaiah chapter 45, and this is a prophecy given by Isaiah, you know, in more than a century before Cyrus lived.
So, I mean, this is an amazing historical prophecy, extremely accurate in calling forth the name of this fellow even before his parents were born, you know, and probably before his grandparents were born.
So here's what it says, Thus says Yahweh to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand
I have grasped, to subdue nations before him, to loose the belts of kings, to open doors before him, that gates may not be closed.
I will go before you and level the exalted places. I will break in pieces the doors of bronze and cut through the bars of iron.
I will give you the treasures of darkness and the hordes and secret places, that you may know that it is
I, Yahweh, the God of Israel, who call you by your name. So, you're gonna know that if Daniel quoted
Isaiah to Cyrus and showed him this prophecy long before, yeah, that would have been quite an impressive prophecy long before he even lived, and that's the point.
For the sake of my servant Jacob and Israel, my chosen, I call you by your name, and I name you though you do not know me.
I am Yahweh, and there is no other. Besides me there is no God. And so God, through the prophet
Isaiah, is sending a message to King Cyrus. I am the only
God that there is. I am Yahweh, that's my name. There is no other God beside me. I equip you, though you do not know me, that people may know from the rising of the sun from the
West that there is none besides me. I am Yahweh, and there is no other. I form light, and I create darkness.
I make well -being and create calamity. I am Yahweh, who does all these things.
So, great prophecy, but I'm gonna point something out that's a little bit obvious here.
Are you ready? Trump.
Cyrus. Trump. You see, they don't even sound the same, because they're not the same.
This is not a prophecy regarding Donald Trump. This is a fulfilled prophecy, a prophecy given by God through the prophet
Isaiah to King Koresh. That's his name in Hebrew. Not Trump.
The United States is nowhere mentioned in Isaiah. And this is important.
We as Christians must, and I mean this, must say no. Don't let your politics keep you from saying this is false doctrine, this is a twisting and manipulating of God's Word.
This prophecy is not about Donald Trump at all. And you don't want wingnuts like Lance Wallnau and Jim Baker being the front and foremost spokesmen for conservatives.
Not at all. These men are dangerous, dangerous wolves. Now, let me walk through a couple of other passages here and kind of point this out.
Now, one of the things I specialize in and bring to my programs is this idea that Scripture clearly says that the
Old Testament is symbolic. In the Old Testament, you have types and shadows, and the substance is found in Christ.
Now, that's not something I made up. That's something the Scriptures teach us. So, Colossians chapter 2,
I'll start at verse 16 so you can see this talking then about the Sabbath and the New Moon festivals and things like that, which are part of the
Mosaic Covenant feast days. And here's what it says, "...let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a
Shabbat." These, verse 17 says, are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ.
So, Scripture itself, the New Testament, makes it very clear that in the Old Testament, you know, so why do they have
Sabbath? Why do they have the Sabbath? Why do they have the feast days, the Passover, the Feast of Booths, the trumpets, and tabernacles, and all of those things?
Those were types and shadows, and the substance is found in Christ, and Christ is the fulfillment of those things.
The book of Hebrews makes that also explicitly clear. In Hebrews chapter 10, it says, "...for since the law has but a," and here's that word again, shadow, skia, "...of
the good things to come instead of the true form of these realities it can never, by the same sacrifices that are continually offered every year, make perfect those who draw near."
So, let's say for a second that there is a connection then, there is a way in which
Isaiah chapter 45 is related to something in the
New Covenant era. Well, the way the types and shadows work is that they are a type and shadow pointing to Jesus, and you're going to see how
Lance Wallnau manipulates one of the prophecies from Jeremiah chapter 23 that is clearly about Christ, and tries to misapply it to Trump, and that's a problem.
That's a problem altogether. So, even if there is a type and shadow going on in Isaiah chapter 45, it's not pointing to Donald Trump, it's pointing to Jesus, and so if you're going to work with the types and shadows in that prophecy, you have to find the fulfillment in Christ, and that's going to be a little bit tough to do because that prophecy really isn't pointing to Jesus, it's pointing to Cyrus, and Cyrus has come and gone already, done his thing.
Now, a little bit of a note here. Jim Baker, Lance Wallnau, these men are parasites.
They are wolves. They are teaching for shameful gain things that they ought not to teach. They twist God's Word and manipulate it, and they are doing so for money, and that's very clear in what we're going to be seeing here.
So, this is where the book of Titus and the qualifications of a pastor and the responsibility of those in pastoral ministry come into play, and so you're going to note that as you listen to these qualifications,
Paul is talking to Pastor Titus and saying that he needs to, you know, appoint overseers, other pastors, for the care of Christ's Church, and the qualifications are actually quite important, and then we'll note why.
Titus chapter 1 verse 5 says, "...this is why I left you in Crete, so that you might put what remained in order and appoint elders in every town as I directed you.
If anyone is above reproach, husband of one wife, his children are believers, not open to the charge of debauchery or insubordination for an overseer, as God's steward must be above reproach, he must not be arrogant or quick -tempered or a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain, but he must be hospitable, a lover of the good, self -controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined."
And those are the moral qualifications, but there are theological qualifications as well, and those come into play now.
He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine, and also to rebuke those who contradict it.
Yeah, sound doctrine is a biblical qualification, and what we're hearing from Lance Wall now, and what we're going to be continuing to hear, this isn't sound doctrine, this is a manipulation of God's Word, and watch why.
The reason why pastors must be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and to rebuke those who contradict it is because God wills for them to be silenced.
Here's what he says, "'For there are many who are insubordinate, they are empty talkers, they are deceivers, especially those of the circumcision party, and they must be silenced, since they are upsetting whole families by teaching for shameful gain what they ought not to teach.'"
You'll notice that there's a lot of money in false teaching, in false doctrine, and for this reason we are warned about these false teachers, and we are instructed to rebuke those who are contradicting sound doctrine.
You sit there and go, well, they claim that they're Christians, they claim that they're Christians, and they support Trump, and I support
Trump. Yeah, I get that, but also kind of keep this concept in mind, is that Jesus on earth, when the demons would say, we know who you are,
Jesus, you're the Son of God, he didn't allow the demons to go and preach the gospel and let everybody know who he was.
Yeah, consider this idea. Luke 4, starting at verse 40, "'Now when the sun was setting, and all those who were sick with various diseases brought them to Jesus, and he laid his hands on every one of them, and healed them.
And demons also came out of many, crying, you are the Son of God! But he rebuked them, and he would not allow them to speak, because they knew that he was the
Christ.'" So here's the idea, is that Lance Wilenow, Jim Baker, they are wolves, they are false teachers, and having them be representatives of conservative politics in America, as well as Christianity, would be akin to Jesus allowing the demons to go out and preach the gospel.
I mean, after all, they know who Jesus is. But the last thing you want to do is give credibility to the demonic. Same principle, by the way, applied when the
Apostle Paul was preaching the gospel in the city of Philippi. There was a slave girl there who was possessed by a spirit of Puthona, which means she was associated with the
Oracle of Delphi. And watch what happens here. So as we were going to the place, this is
Acts 16, 16, we were met by a slave girl who had a spirit of divination, and brought her owners much gain by fortune -telling.
She followed Paul and us, crying out, these men are servants of the
Most High God, who proclaimed to you the way of salvation. Yeah, I mean, that's accurate.
Yeah, but you don't. You do not want demons preaching the gospel.
What you end up doing is giving them credibility, and then they end up destroying people.
That's how the demonic works. So she kept doing this for many days, and Paul, having become greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit,
I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her, and it came out of her that very hour. Notice Paul doesn't decide, you know, she's got that right, man, look at that.
We are servants of the Most High God. We are proclaiming the way of salvation. We should partner with her, you know?
I mean, whoever is not against us is for us, right? No. No. So I think you kind of get the idea, but let's go back to the
Jim Baker show as this train wreck continues. I met you, and you said, why don't you do something?
I thought, yes, why don't I do something? And on the back,
Isaiah 45 1 is on the back of the coin. Now, this is not a gold coin.
It's gold electroplating, which means if you put this thing in your pocket, it's gonna turn green, the gold's gonna rub off. And it's amazing.
And this is beautiful. Tell me, you talked about him being Cyrus, a type of Cyrus.
A type of Cyrus. And that doesn't make any sense. So Cyrus is the type in shadow, and the fulfillment is
Donald Trump, not Jesus? No. I'm sorry, but Colossians 2 and Hebrews 10 make that absolutely impossible.
The reality is that the Jewish people had an external, notice, a $45 donation for the
Trump -Cyrus bundle deliverer that came in, because the Jews were in a messed -up condition.
And when they were in Babylon, God raised up an outsider. So notice what he's doing here.
He's trying to basically draw a connection between Cyrus and Trump by claiming that there's some kind of biblical pattern that's being repeated in U .S.
history and Israeli ancient history. No. No, not at all.
Donald Trump was not one of the card -carrying evangelicals. We had seven evangelicals going in and an outsider.
Yes. And I started looking at the 45th presidency, and then I heard the Lord say Isaiah 45.
All right, now note, that's a huge thing to say. He claims, I heard the
Lord say Isaiah 45. That means this. I mean, let me just put this kind of out there in blunt terms.
God is the ultimate authority. There is no higher authority than God. So when you play this card, you are claiming the highest authority is behind you in what you are saying.
Therefore, anybody who is opposing or denying this teaching is not opposing
Lance Wallnau, but is opposing God himself. That's how serious this is.
And I went to it, and there it is. Thus says the Lord to Cyrus, whom I've anointed, I am going to...
Again, Cyrus or Koresh. Trump. Very different.
Very different. Loose the belts of kings, I am going to open up the pathway. And it's a prophecy a hundred years before Cyrus was born, written by Isaiah about a coming leader who was going to deliver the
Jewish people. Well, I looked at that, and I said, my gosh, if I keep reading it, it says, and the Lord says,
I'm doing this, though you do not know me. And I thought, of course. Donald Trump doesn't know the Lord. He's prayed with half a dozen...
That is not a prophecy regarding Donald Trump. Of course. He's cracked the code.
He's figured out who Isaiah 45 is really about. It's not about Cyrus. It's about Trump.
Who knew? An evangelist sent to them. Because God told him. Mm -hmm. I'm telling you. I talked to them.
But at that point, he didn't know the Lord. He went down to Iowa and was interviewed by the evangelicals. They said, and have you ever had a sin that you repented of?
And he goes, none that I could think of. It's like the total wrong answer for our crowd.
But then the Lord said, I have called him for my people. Notice what he just said.
I have called Trump. The Lord said that. Ultimate authority. Israel, and for Jacob's sake, which would be the church and Israel, though he does not even know me.
And I thought, oh my God, the person that God's... He just said OMG. Is that okay?
When did that become okay for Christians? ...is the one who doesn't know him. Because America doesn't know who
God is right now. And so God's got a controversy with the church for letting America get in the condition it's in.
So he's going to pick the vessel he wants to start to fix it. That's it. That's so good.
I'll tell you, there's an anointing on that if you catch it. There was an anointing on that? Really?
Yeah, I don't think so. The authority of the Word of God. The authority of the Word of God. Notice that they're invoking the authority.
But this is, by the way, this is a breaking of that commandment that says, are you ready? Thou shalt not take the name of the
Lord your God in vain. This is blasphemy. Attributing to God doctrines and teachings that he has not taught or revealed.
Claiming that his voice is saying these things when they're not. And you do not have to be an anti -Trumper to recognize this.
You just have to be a discerning Christian. This coin is minted in Israel.
And so you receive, whoo, it's minted in Israel. Oh man,
I'm sure it'll stop a bullet. You know, make sure to keep it in your front pocket when you're traveling through, you know, sketchy neighborhoods.
The video, this is at least about an hour long, I would say. Yeah, it is. And it explains, and Jim, what's important about this, which is different than anything else
I did, is the church is in desperate need of clarity. Christians are still... Yeah, real biblical doctrinal clarity.
This is not adding any clarity to an understanding of God's Word at all. This is just muddying the waters beyond the ability to see through them.
Still confused. They're confused because leaders are confused. And so here's where... And he's saying this unironically.
Mm -hmm. We are. The prophecy that God would raise up a deliverer. Now watch, look at this.
The prophecy that God would raise up a deliverer. And the verse that's coming up is
Jeremiah 23 verse 5. The days are coming, says the Lord, when I will raise up for David a righteous branch.
Jeremiah 23 verse 5 is a prophecy about Christ. Yeah, let me show it to you in the biblical text so that you can see this.
Jeremiah chapter 23. I'll start at verse 1, because our three rules for sound biblical exegesis are context, context, and context.
So let's kind of work through the context here. Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture, declares
Yahweh. Therefore, thus says Yahweh, the God of Israel, concerning the shepherds who care for my people, you have scattered my flock, you've driven them away, you've not attended to them.
Behold, I will attend to you for your evil deeds, declares Yahweh. Yeah, should get every pastor to like to pay attention here.
Then I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all the countries where I have driven them, and I will bring them back to their fold, and they shall be fruitful, and they will multiply.
I will set shepherds over them who will care for them, and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, neither shall any be missing, declares the
Lord. Now behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will raise up for David a righteous branch, and he shall reign as king, and deal wisely, and shall execute justice and righteousness in the land.
In his days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell securely, and this is the name by which we he will be called.
Yahweh is our righteousness. That is a prophecy about Jesus, and Lance Wallnau here just made that prophecy about Donald Trump.
This is utter blasphemy going on here. Jeremiah. Daniel went into praying, the 70 -year cycle would end, and when he did, while Daniel was in Babylon, Cyrus came in.
Daniel, we believe, went to Cyrus according to historians, and showed him the prophecies that had predicted his emergence, and that was why he made a decree that the
Jews could return to Israel and build their house. Where we are now is in this stage, where we're not in that stage.
Cyrus is dead. You know, the exiles returned from Babylon millennia ago.
Like, we're not in this stage. So notice, he's seeing these texts of Scripture, and apparently they're revealing some secret pattern that's playing out again right now.
This was the same, this is actually the same shtick that Rabbi Jonathan Cahn plays, and this is a total mangling of God's Word.
Prophetic voices have been prophesying revival, awakening, God's going to do great things, and suddenly it looked like America was going over a cliff, and we're going, oh my
God, is it all over? There it is again, OMG. When did that become okay? Last election.
And some of us saw it. You saw it more clearly than most. But the prophetic promise for America required intercession, and so intercession and fasting came before this election at an unprecedented rate.
Out of that intercession, 23 million Christians who had not clearly made up their minds could not sleep the night before.
This is based on George Barna data. This isn't like Pentecostal hype, this is data. 23 million
Christians who didn't know what they were going to do couldn't sleep, and they were troubled, and they knew they had to vote.
They went out with no coordination, and 83 % unity pulled the lever to give
Donald Trump a chance. And that ended up translating to 250 ,000 votes in an electoral college in five states, which put him in the
White House, much to everybody's shock or angst. Now again,
I want to point this out. I support Trump. I'm a conservative, and I don't want to have anything to do with this man and what he's doing, because you do not have to embrace this if you're a
Christian and you support Trump. So what this man is saying and doing here, this is parasitical.
This is demonic. This guy's a wolf. He's teaching for shameful gain things they ought not to do.
He's making merchandise of Christians. So where we are now is we're right at the moment where prophecy has been done.
Intercessions happened. God's put a Cyrus in there like a wrecking ball. Now the next phase is the response to the open window and the open door.
It's the Christian moment. So now the Lance Wallnau, Trump, Cyrus prophecies go to the next phase.
What? And Christians are staring at the open door not knowing what to do. This is where Zerubbabel and Ezra and the characters we don't study in a bit.
Who knows? Zerubbabel's involved in Ezra and Nehemiah as well.
Oh that's right. Of course it's got to be Nehemiah because you know
Nehemiah built a wall. Yeah. Oh yeah, it's that bad here.
Characters who went in through the open door, a remnant responded to the opportunity. They moved in.
God sent revival to build this house and then Nehemiah followed up and rebuilt a wall.
And you're telling us what's going on. Every preacher should have this tape. No. Nobody who is a
Christian who says that they believe scripture should have any of this. They should reject it and rebuke
Lance Wallnau and Jim Baker. To know what's next and know the plan.
I need that to know what's next. Oh good grief. And in the Bible and and you go you go beyond Cyrus.
Yeah we do. And we have a booklet I guess you'd call it. It's pre -published.
We get this material first and we're gonna actually print it. We're printing this and publishing it.
That's some pretty expensive toilet paper right there. Just saying. This will come with this offer.
So what you'll do you'll get this. You'll get the video which is so...
Listen. Listen. I'm listening. I'm listening Jim. I wouldn't buy this or any of your food buckets.
No way. With the way I sit here today, this is the most important piece of material
I want to get into your hands right now. Yeah. This is it. This is so high on my list.
In my lifetime of 60 years on television. How many years in prison? How long were you?
Just curious. This is so powerful. I saw it in at home.
It was so powerful. I couldn't shut it off. I was supposed to go to sleep. I mean he had to go to bed.
He just couldn't go to bed. So powerful. I kept watching. I kept watching. It is it is the now.
It'll help you understand where we're going. It's the now. And you bring us beyond Cyrus.
You bring us what's next. Right. It's happening now because the house of God was being restored and then the wall was built.
To this day I don't think we understand the relationship between Nehemiah and our own history. What's the
Yeah. The fact that anybody would take this seriously is mind -boggling.
This is just a complete flim -flam con show here. Subject right now on the border.
It's the wall. What was the big issue in Israel? The wall. What's the common ground? The common ground is
Satan wants to tear down nation -states that have
God's calling on them. So the United States is called by... Yeah you know
I I'm sorry but that just is over -inflating the role that the
United States plays in human history and why we exist as a nation. By God.
Satan wants to destroy it. How do you destroy it? You literally have to deconstruct it's called.
Deconstruct the nation -state. You have to make them hate their history, hate their... Now a little bit of a note here.
The tactics that he's describing used by socialist communists and the
Antifa crowd were basically any kind of patriotism that you have towards the
United States is interpreted as fascism or some kind of overt nationalism of the kind that the
Nazis had. That is a rhetorical tactic that is absolutely duplicitous and wrong.
And so I'm gonna basically make this point and that is that I agree that the tactics being used by the social justice warrior left in trying to get us to hate and despise ourselves and our history as an
American, this is absolutely reprehensible on their part and I would say even treasonous.
But again that being said, it's the doctrine that we're going after.
These guys are parasites. They are boils on the rear end of the body of Christ and they need to be lanced.
Pun intended. Yeah flag you have to accuse people that are patriotic of being right -wing nationalists and fascists.
You have to make it popular to despise your own history and then start tearing down the symbols of your own history.
Yeah I'm glad that Lance Wallnau has joined the fight against the SJW left. But sorry
I'm not gonna get in the same trench with this guy. Won't do it. No way. This guy, because he's a wolf, is ultimately an enemy.
He is not our friend. Because you hate your own history. That's what
Marxism does when it wants to do what is called the long march through the institutions. It goes through education and entertainment and government law and politics and it invades and deconstructs.
What this does is this gives you... Okay notice then. The problem is the long march of communism and their deconstruction of the institutions of society as a whole.
I am absolutely 100 % on board in saying that they are doing that and it is dangerous and we need to oppose them.
But the solution that Lance Wallnau is pointing to is this booklet that they're selling on the
Jim Bakker show along with the gold coin, electroplated gold coin, of Trump and Cyrus.
No. The problem that we face is a mortal enemy.
Mortal enemy to freedom, to humanity as a whole. And the solution is not found in this booklet put together by Lance Wallnau where he's somehow drawing a connection between Trump and Cyrus and Nehemiah and Ezra and Zerubbabel.
Yeah, no, no, no. The solution is actually the real Word of God rightly preached, correctly taught, calling the
United States and others to repent of their sin, of their idolatry, and to be forgiven by the shed blood of Christ and then bearing fruit in keeping with repentance, which then does have an impact on your votes.
In this manual, the timeline for God's counter -movement. You could,
I could describe what's bad, we all get it, but what's the move God's doing? We have the prophets prophesying.
Jim, you are... Yeah, there is no pattern that's gonna be repeating regarding Daniel and Cyrus and, you know, and these people.
This is, this is utter flim -flam. You're a prophetic voice. What you're doing with with your broadcast is a prophetic voice.
No, Jim Baker is a false prophet. It's the voice of God telling us what's coming and what is possible.
No, God's Word is being manipulated. Turn it into, you know, somehow tea leaves that we can somehow see the future regarding what's coming in the immediate days of the
Trump administration. No. And so out of that comes intercession. How many of you have been praying all across America?
How many have been praying? This coin is our point of contact. When I asked the Lord why... What? This coin is a point of contact.
Notice what he just said there. When I asked the Lord, let me back this up just a smidge, listen again, he's going to claim direct communication from God regarding this coin.
It's the voice of God telling us what's coming and what is possible. And so out of that comes intercession.
How many of you have been praying all across America? How many have been praying? This coin is our point of contact. When I asked the
Lord why the coin, the Lord said, because when you take the coin, it's a point of contact. So your faith is being...
So, no, the Lord, why the coin? Well, the coin is your point of contact, says the
Lord. And if you disagree with this, well, thus saith the Lord.
You're opposing God. God wants you to have this coin so that it could be a point of contact.
Uh -huh. ...released with a million other believers to pray protection and peace and wisdom and counsel over the
President of the United States and over his family. That's our point of contact every day when you see it. The coin is our point of contact.
Remember, God... You know, people could, you know, if they want to pray for Trump, and they should be praying for Trump, they should be praying for all of our elected governmental officials.
You know that a number two pencil and a piece of paper, that could be a point of contact too.
A lot less expensive. And it doesn't require you to support the ministry of a false teacher and a false apostle like Lance Wallnau and Jim Baker.
Put something in your, in your hand that you have a role in. Get them, get them now while we have them.
Yeah, I think you get the point. Utter flimflam. Utter flimflam. This is a complete con job mangling of God's Word, and if you are a
Christian, a conservative, and a supporter of Trump, you need to reject this, this kind of parasitical false teaching, and drum these people out of Christianity and out of the
Republican Party, because this has, this is not what God's Word teaches.
These men are clearly, you know, trying to line their pockets with money, and are manipulating
God's Word, and kind of riding on the Trump bandwagon along the way, you know, in order to line their pockets and to fleece people, all in the name of, oh well, this is,
God told me, and all that kind of nonsense. God didn't tell him any of this. I think you get the point.
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God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.