Naming Children Messiah and Lord


On today's show, Pastor Mike discusses a variety of topics including fast growing and unusual baby names. Also, learn 8 symptoms of false teachers by J.C. Ryle.


Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the apostle
Paul said, "'But we did not yield in subjection to them "'for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel "'would remain with you.'"
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her king.
Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio. My name's Mike Abendroth, and I'm sitting here,
I think it must be about May 11th real time, but of course, it's probably June or July by the time you hear this show.
And looking outside, it's snowing. Just kidding, just kidding.
It's windy, it's rainy, and I have all kinds of things in front of me here.
I actually have a booklet called 500 Things Your Minister Tried to Tell You, subtitled, but the guy sitting next to you was snoring so loud you couldn't hear.
And when you open it up, it has some Bible verses, and then it's got a bunch of, for the most part, moralistic ditties, pretty much.
So once in a while, though, there's something good. I'm just gonna give you one. I'm gonna try to give you a good one today. 500
Things Your Minister Friend Tried to Tell You. This is by, I think it's Nab Depressed.
We used to call it that because they had so many books that they published that were all psychologically related.
Oop, I am wrong. Starsong Publishing Group, a division of Jubilee Communications.
So see, there you go, NIV 1984. There you have it, okay? Copyrighted in 1993.
St. Augustine, there is one case of deathbed repentance recorded that of the penitent thief that none should despair and only one that none should presume.
See, that's good. That's good. I always thought Spurgeon said that, but maybe Spurgeon stole it from Augustine.
Now see, I'll open it up again here. He that lives to live forever never fears dying. This is bringing me back to my first concert
I ever gave, my recital, a guitar recital. I had to sing Leaving on a Jet Plane in 1972, 40 some years ago.
The true recipe for a miserable existence is to quarrel with providence. Now see, I like that.
That's written by James Alexander. All right, let's keep going. Let's see. How's this gonna work today?
Thy way, not mine, O Lord, however dark it be, lead me by thine own hand.
Choose out the path for me, Horatius Bonhart. See, I like that.
I'm so far, maybe I'm biting my own words. I'm eating my own words. Sorry, Dad.
Aye, aye, aye. Okay, let's just do one more just to see. This is going really badly, but hmm. Okay, it says
Luther, so I'm hoping. Anyone who is to find Christ must first find the church.
How could anyone know where Christ is and what faith in him is unless he knew where his believers are?
See, very, very tasty morsels. And I'm gonna put that book away.
Where's Steve Cooley, by the way? When is he coming back? I don't know, when is he coming back? I did read this week from Washington, Jacob and Sophia, top baby names in the
US in 2012. So this is always fascinating. So, you know, a couple of years ago in the
UK, the number one name for baby boys used to be Jack. You know, you kind of like that,
Jack. And now it's Muhammad, at least it was a couple years ago. And so now we have these out in America and there are a couple names on the rise.
So here we go. Talk about high expectations for a newborn, the article says.
King and Messiah are among the fastest rising baby names for American boys.
No, at least it's not the girls. When I got laid off from my corporate
America job while I was going to master seminary, I decided I needed to do something while the headhunter was trying to find a job for me.
So I became a janitor at Grace Community Church because every pastor needs to be a janitor sometime or another.
I think that's at least what MacArthur said or somebody. We had to rearrange the
Grace Community Schools classrooms and change them into the
Sunday school rooms for the Sunday school on Sunday. And then we'd have to tear down the set and re then arrange them
Sunday night for school that started on Monday. And we had certain ways to rearrange every room per the teacher of that particular class and that particular grade.
And so there's names on the top of some of the desks. And the one that I always thought that was the most amazing was
Lord, L -O -R -D. I mean, I guess you've got to be named King as the dad if you call your kid
Lord. Come here, Lord. I thought, well, is that a different language? Is that like Afrikaans or something that means something else?
Now the Jesus name, I understood that because you know,
Joshua, Jesus. I wouldn't name my own kid Jesus, but okay, maybe they're thinking it's going to remind me of what would
Jesus do? Example, government view of the atonement.
I don't know, maybe there's something that there was a reason for it. And plus, if you just pronounce it
Jesus, then it doesn't seem like you're saying Jesus. See, at least to an English speaking person.
But if you're Spanish speaking, then of course my theory is out the window. But now on the rise, just a little bit behind the name
Major, M -A -J -J -O -R. By the way, Lee Majors, wasn't he the bionic man, the $6 million man?
Jacob is the most popular for boys and Sophia is the top for girls. 14th straight year,
Jacob is at top, Jacob. Next we're Mason.
Okay, Ethan. Noah, and William.
Liam cracked the top 10 for the first time, coming in at number six. Daniel slipped out of the top 10 for this first time since 1998.
Sophia, second year in a row, was the top for girls, followed by Emma, Isabella, Olivia, and Ava.
Now what I'd like to know is, why do all the children's names for girls, top 10, start with, excuse me, end with A?
So Sophia, Emma, Isabella, Olivia, and Ava. How about the baby named
Wizard? One man said, you don't get a lot of Messiahs, you can have a lot more
Majors. So how'd you like to name your kid Messiah or King? See, I've got a problem with that.
I'm very non -legalistic, but there's just something about that.
A man named Wattenberg said Americans have long given their children aggrandizing names.
She noted that Noble and General were on the list of popular boys' names for much of the 20th century, though neither ever cracked the top 100.
So you call your kid Noble? Okay. General? We're pretty much running out of presidential names all the
Jeffersons and Jacksons and Madisons, so we're moving on to the aristocracy, I guess, or to the military.
Okay, sometimes people naming their kids Justice or Chastity. All right, so that's dropping off the list here,
Chastity. What else does it say here? John, Mary, still popular.
Okay, what else? Gail, G -A -E -L, Jays or Jazz, J -A -S -E,
Brantley, Jays, Robinson is a character, on the reality
TV show, Doug Dynasty. P .S.,
Church of Christ, Baptismal Regeneration, avoid the theology laugh of the show if you want.
I personally have watched it, but I do not watch it. Right, so past tense, present tense.
Okay, who else do we wanna name kids after? Mason, oh, in 1992,
Michael was the top name for boys. We're seeing a total revolution in terms of the diversity of naming.
So, I thought that was good material, but it obviously wasn't.
I was gonna share that on Todd Friedel's show, but I try things out on you first.
All right, so there's other things that we have here. J .C. Ryle's Eight Symptoms of False Teaching.
Got this from a website, unlockingthebible .org. J .C. Ryle's Eight Symptoms of False Teaching.
So, today on No Compromise Radio, I'd also like to talk about J .C. Ryle. God has gifted men and women for the local church, and I think about some of the men who have died and gone to glory, and they're still valuable to read.
And so, this Anglican bishop, you should read the 39 Articles sometime, great writer, very apropos, and here's the thing.
If you preach from the Bible, this transchronological book with the truths of the eternally relevant
God, I mean, what else could be more relevant than God? Then your messages are always timely and relevant.
And so, when I have to go to South Africa to preach or to Germany or to the Czech Republic or anyplace else,
India, I still preach the same things. I might not say soccer there,
I'll say football. I might not say hockey,
I might say cricket. But besides that, they're applicable in the
Orient, they're applicable in Asia, they're applicable in Asia Minor, because it's the eternal relevant word from the eternally relevant
God. And J .C. Ryle, so stuck to the text that he's relevant today.
So, you ought to read Warnings to My Churches. That book will rock your world. That used to be in my top 10.
I think I've read a bunch of other books now and probably should reread it, but that really influenced me for the good.
Warnings to the Churches, selection of articles. You can read practical, well,
I can't see that far away. I don't know, I'll just call it practical religion. Great stuff.
So anyway, J .C. Ryle, Eight Symptoms of False Teaching. Number one, first,
Simpson. I've never watched one
Simpsons show in my life, but the guy who came up with the
Simpsons, this is hard to do, I'm tired. He used to have a little comic strip in the
LA Weekly when I lived in Los Angeles. And he did have really a funny one once. And it showed a guy with a big thing on his forehead.
It looked like it was scrambled eggs or something slapped on his forehead. And the caption underneath was just a simple caption.
Two words, hash Wednesday. Corned beef.
First Simpson, this is so bad, I wanna restart the show, but it is what it is.
First symptom, there is an undeniable zeal in some teachers of error.
Their earnestness makes many people think they must be right.
Interesting. Two, there is a great appearance of learning and theological knowledge.
Many think that such clever and intellectual men must surely be safe to listen to.
See, before J .C.'s time, he didn't really know you could go get all kinds of online degrees.
Three, there is a general tendency to completely free and independent thinking today.
Many like to prove their independence of judgment by believing the newest ideas, which are nothing but novelties.
Four, there's a widespread desire to appear kind, loving, and open -minded. Many seem half ashamed to say that anybody can be wrong or is a false teacher.
Five, there's always a portion of half -truth taught by modern false teachers. They are always using scriptural words and phrases, but without scriptural meaning.
See, that's the best one. I was working my way up. I was thinking J .C.'s Ryle's kind of let me down a little bit here.
So far, I think I could have made a better list myself. But now we come to the good stuff.
J .C. Ryle, a symptom of a false teacher. And this happens all the time.
I'll never forget the time my grandmother, Erna, Erna Hedwig Klassen, Alvin wrote.
She said, well, you know, the Mormons believe in Jesus too. Why criticize the Mormon?
Well, it's the wrong Jesus, right? There are wrong Jesuses even talked about in the
Bible. Another Jesus, another gospel. So it's got to be the one that is in the
Bible. After all, it might be Jesus, right? There's a guy named Jesus. What does he say?
What does the Bible say about Jesus? And so when you talk to false teachers, when you talk to cults who come to the door peddling their cyanide, what happens?
Well, what do you mean by sin? What do you mean by Jesus? And for the Jehovah's Witnesses and for the
Mormons, they don't believe that he's the eternal God, that he's the eternal son. And so we're talking about the wrong
Jesus and a sincere belief in a wrong Jesus, a Jesus who doesn't save, a
Jesus who doesn't redeem, a Jesus who doesn't have enough righteousness to bestow on all those who will believe, will not save.
Be careful. Six, there is public craving for more sensational and entertaining worship.
People are impatient with the more inward and invisible work of God within the hearts of men.
Boy, that is so true today, even for seeker -sensitive churches. And I'm not trying to say every seeker -sensitive pastor is a false teacher, but you just have to have more and more and more and more.
What are you gonna do if you just preach the Bible? What are you gonna get next week? And by the way, once you start down that path of craziness, what will make you stop?
Because you realize, you know what? People are coming for these spectacular things and I've gotta get them to keep coming, so I've gotta keep coming up with more spectacular.
I'd much rather say, well, you know what, tonight we're gonna sing some songs about Jesus, we're going to hear some scripture reading about him, and then we're gonna hear preaching about him, and then next week we'll do the same.
I like to end my Sunday morning announcements just before the benediction. The announcements on Sunday morning are first given before the service, and then
I preach, then we sing a hymn, and then I stand up to basically say, tonight is this message, tonight we're gonna do
X, Y, and Z here at the church. Just before that announcement about Sunday night worship and inviting the people back,
I like to say there's more to tell about Jesus. There's more to say about Jesus and his word, and we'll do that tonight.
That's about the best I can offer people, because it is the best, see? Number seven, J .C.
Ryle, symptom of false teaching. Number seven, there is a superficial readiness all around to believe anyone who talks cleverly, lovingly, and earnestly, adverbially, sorry, forgetting that Satan often masquerades himself as an angel of light.
And then, number eight, there is a widespread ignorance among professing
Christians. Every heretic who speaks well is surely believed, and anyone who doubts him is called narrow -minded and unloving.
A very, very common today, people want to be known for what they're for now, don't they, not what they're against.
It's that kind of mentality that has a difficult time with church discipline, and that has a difficult time with what?
Telling false teachers no, keeping those false doctrines out of the church, because we need to love, we need to embrace.
There's a reason why the New Testament says that Christ's church should be led by and shepherded by older men.
Why is that? Well, they've seen these things come and go, so they can easily spot it.
There's a plurality of older men, because what one man's good at, maybe another man isn't, and they can help unify and shore up their weaknesses with this mutuality of strength.
And they're men, not ladies, because ladies excel men in many areas.
But what men are better at, men can see false teaching for what it is, and then stand up against it.
And I'm just talking generally, there are some ladies that are, of course, better than men at this. But women by nature are affirming and loving.
And I know my kids, out of my four kids, even as they're older now, if they're sick in the night and they come into the bedroom, they don't come to my side of the bed, because I'll just tell them to quit coughing so loud, go back to bed.
But my wife will be kind and generous, and women are made by God to do that very thing, to be open and receiving and loving and affectionate.
But that's not good to do with false teachers. You need men who say, you know what, that's wrong, these people are wrong.
And even though they're nice, they look like grandpas, they look like grandmas, they're false teaching, lying, heretic dogs, and we need to run, run.
They're wrong. They're divisive. That's not loving.
All right, what else do we have here? Mike Abendroth here, NoCompromiseRadio .com. Share the gospel even if you do it poorly.
A blog post written by Mark Altrogi. This is liberating when we share the gospel with our children, friends, and relatives.
It's not our brilliant articulation that saves anyone, it's the power of the word of God and of the
Holy Spirit. Of course, we want to express God's truth as clearly as we can, but even if we stumble and share the gospel imperfectly, it is the power of God that saves.
Great little article, and think about it. The spirit of God must attend our words.
It is the spirit of God who works, and he saves, and the power of the gospel can save.
And so we preach the Bible, and we try to do it as best as we can, but just think about how much better now you can preach the gospel than you could when you were first saved.
It's not your eloquence, it's not pronouncing all the words correctly.
I'm thankful even for the show. I don't have to say everything perfectly to get my point across.
What liberation we have, and here Altrogi talks about that in his
May 1, 2013 post. We can just get up and preach the power of the gospel because God is powerful, and then he gives the story of when
Spurgeon stumbled into church when he was unsaved, and the text was, look unto me and be saved, all the ends of the earth,
Isaiah 45, 22. Spurgeon says he did not even pronounce the words rightly, but that did not matter.
There was, I thought, a glimmer of hope for me in that text. The preacher began thus.
This is a very simple text indeed. It says, look. Now, look and don't take a great deal of pain.
It ain't lifting your finger. It just, look. Well, a man needn't go to college to learn to look.
You may be the biggest fool, and yet you can look. A man needn't be worth a thousand a year to look.
Anyone can look. Even a child can look. But then the text says, look unto me. Aye, he said in broad
Essex, many on ye are looking to yourself, but it's no use looking there.
You'll never find any comfort in yourselves. Some say, look to God the Father. No, look to him by and by Jesus Christ.
Look to me. Some on ye say, we must wait for the Spirit's working. You have no business with that just now.
Look to Christ. The text says, look to me. Spurgeon then said, then the good man followed up his text in this way.
Look unto me. I am sweating great drops of blood. Look unto me. I'm hanging on the cross.
Look unto me. I'm dead and buried. Look unto me. I rise again. Look unto me. I ascend to heaven.
Look unto me. I'm sitting at the Father's right hand. Oh, poor sinner, look unto me. Look unto me.
Spurgeon then said, when he had managed to spin out about 10 minutes or so, he was at the end of his tether.
Then he looked at me under the gallery and dare say I with so few present, he knew me to be a stranger.
Young man, you look very miserable and you will always be miserable. Miserable in life and miserable in death if you don't obey my text.
But if you obey now this moment, you will be saved. Young man, look to Jesus Christ.
Look, look, look. You have nothing to do but look and live. Spurgeon said,
I saw at once the way of salvation. I know not what else he said. I did not take much notice of it.
I was so possessed with that one thought. I had been waiting to do 50 things, but when
I heard that word look, what a charming word it seemed to me. Oh, I looked until I could almost have looked my eyes away.
There and then the cloud is gone. The darkness had rolled away and that moment I saw the sun and I could have risen that interest and sung with the most enthusiastic of them of the precious blood of Christ and the simple faith which looks alone to him.
Oh, that somebody had told me this before. Trust Christ and you shall be saved.
Even if you give the gospel truth poorly, the gospel when energized by the sovereign spirit saves.
So if you'd like to have more preaching opportunities, don't hide behind your lack of eloquence.
It doesn't matter. And by the way, if I've proved anything on No Compromise Radio, it's that you don't need proper and excellent diction to communicate your point.
Well, my name's Mike Abendorf, nocompromiseradio .com. No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life transforming power of God's word through verse by verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at six. We're right on route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.