Beth Moore & The Chosen - Daystar Connection - Leaving TBN - Judas Wasn't So Bad After All?
Christian news update for 12/16/2024, Beth Moore announces that she is leaving TBN after 9 years, she also appeared on Joni Lamb's program Table Talk to praise the Television Network, also Dallas Jenkins decides to portray Judas in an unbiblical way.
Check out my "Testing the Spirits" podcast on Spotify!
Evangelical Dark Web
Jonathan Lamb
Suzy Lamb
Julie Roys
Jimmy Evans
Trinity Broadcast Network
Daystar Television Network
Michael Youssef
Jack Hibbs
David Jeremiah
Ray Comfort
Justin Peters
Joni Lamb
Judas was flawed claims The Chosen -
#discernment #daystar
- 00:00
- Hello and thank you for watching. I have two stories for today Monday, December 16th
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- First a little more on the Daystar controversy and the Beth Moore connection So Beth Moore it's come out.
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- She is leaving TBN So we'll talk about the Daystar connection and why
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- Beth Moore is leaving TBN after almost 10 years but first we're gonna talk about The Chosen it's been a little while since we've talking about Dallas Jenkins and his
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- TV show The Chosen they did it again This time they're getting
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- Judas Iscariot wrong very wrong They portray him basically as a man who had good intentions
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- This is very common for Hollywood for modern apostate teachers to do this to sort of rehab
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- The image of Judas that he really wasn't such a bad guy After all, so we're gonna look at where fake
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- Jesus fake Jesus Not the real Jesus the fake hippie Jesus that Dallas Jenkins has made up in his own mind and that we see on screen
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- He's gonna be talking to fake Judas and they're gonna have a interesting conversation
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- Now I saw this clip on the channel evangelical dark web so you can check out their video where they talk about or show the other clips where Judas is really made out to be more of an innocent
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- Figure more innocent than he really is. And of course, he's not innocent at all
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- So check out their video, but I just want to show you this brief clip where yeah Fake Jesus and fake
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- Judas are having this unbiblical conversation watch You have a choice to make
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- Judas Who you belong to Who has your heart and I've had it before You followed me willingly.
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- I want to continue. There's nothing more than I want than that Then I will pray for you.
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- Okay, so Jesus fake Jesus says to Judas. I want your heart
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- Because I've had it before What does that mean? There's only a few possibilities here.
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- Number one Judas was again really just well intentioned and You know
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- Jesus had him as a loyal follower at the beginning. I had your heart. Do I still have it now and That is one possibility one way of interpreting it, but that's not true
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- Judas was a devil from the beginning. So that's that wouldn't be biblical The second possibility of what's meant by that is that Judas was saved and then he lost his salvation
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- Like does anyone on earth think Judas was saved There's no way you can possibly believe that but I actually had a conversation with a
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- Pentecostal pastor and he told me. Oh, yeah Judas I believe he was saved and then lost his salvation
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- That's crazy. And again going back to point number one Judas was a devil from the beginning.
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- That's not possible. So the third option Because the Chosen has a lot of Mormon influence it could be
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- I mean, I don't know I don't know if this is what's meant or not, but it's possible because of the Mormon Involvement in the show is that God or the
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- Lord once had? Judas's heart back in the former life because according to Mormon theology
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- We were all once spirit children in heaven So maybe the Lord had his heart in the previous life the previous existence in heaven
- 04:06
- So is that what's meant because what was it? What season did they have
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- Jesus quoting from the Book of Mormon? So that's a possibility either way all three of these
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- It's not biblical. Okay, so that's the first thing and then the next statement that fake
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- Jesus makes That's problematic. He tells Judas. Okay, I'll pray for you.
- 04:30
- Well, how can that be wrong pastor Mike? How could that be a bad thing? Well number one in the
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- Bible Jesus never says this so Dallas Jenkins Basically is he's adding to the scripture.
- 04:43
- I mean at this point. That's what we can say Dallas Jenkins is adding to scripture.
- 04:49
- You say well, this isn't scripture. This is a movie. Well But Dallas Jenkins claims that he is portraying the authentic Jesus Well, if he's saying the authentic Jesus said this well
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- That's adding to the Word of God, I don't see how you get around that So that's the first problem
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- Jesus never said this number two. It actually contradicts Scripture we are commanded first John for one test the spirits, right?
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- we we have to test this over and against the Bible and it's a Contradiction why because Jesus never prays for Judas.
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- He doesn't pray for the world, right? He did he prays for his disciples Let's look at this
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- John 6 10 through 12. I'll just quote part of it. Jesus says I do not pray for the world
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- But and this is his high priestly prayer. Jesus is praying to God the Father He says I do not pray for the world, but for those whom you father
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- Have given me Judas is not included in that Because Jesus goes on to say that those whom you gave me
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- I kept That's all the other disciples and none of them is lost
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- Except Judas the son of perdition that the scripture might be fulfilled So the third reason why this matters why it's not biblical is the false
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- Jesus and the Chosen He didn't get his prayer answered because Judas I'm assuming in the series.
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- He's gonna end up as the betrayer. So Jesus says Judas I'll pray for you that I can keep your heart and keep you but you know, sorry my prayer failed so that's that's what you're gonna find
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- Jesus prays for Judas and The fake Jesus the hippie
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- Jesus of the Chosen. He doesn't get his prayers answered See the real Jesus would have his prayer answer all his prayers would be answered but fake
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- Jesus know his prayers fail, so Dallas Jenkins Just more of the same and if you remember, like I said, it's been a while since we've talked about the
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- Chosen the last video I did on the Chosen We talked about how the writers some of the people involved were saying how they wanted to portray
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- Jesus flaws in all remember Oh, our Jesus is flawed
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- And then you see how their version of Jesus they actually said in that same video
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- They said well Jesus doesn't really care how you live Right that that's the fake
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- Jesus of the Chosen where if you go on set You'll find the rainbow flag and you'll find the actors who play the
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- Apostles They go on Twitter and wish each other a happy Pride Month. And yes, it's true Their Jesus doesn't care how you live their
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- Jesus doesn't get his prayers answered their Jesus thinks
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- Judas is probably just a swell guy who just got a few things wrong and just Totally unbiblical this again leads people astray now, let's talk about more dangers and the reason why
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- I do this podcast is so that people to help people discern
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- What is right? You could do this on your own. Obviously some people don't have discernment.
- 08:02
- Some people are still defending the Chosen I saw this clip of Melissa Daughtry.
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- Is that her name? She's one of these big youtubers that Does videos with Mike winger and that other girl there from the the
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- Christian R &B? Girl band back in the day. I forget her name, but I think it was
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- Melissa Daughtry who was like Praising the Chosen praising
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- Dallas Jenkins So it's the rank -and -file Christians are still listening to the Chosen even some of the big
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- Youtubers Alan Parr was another one. He thinks the Chosen is great Obviously, there are some people who have no discernment.
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- There are some people who they know there's something wrong They just can't put their finger on it.
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- Maybe they're new in the faith and they can't discern they know it's wrong, but they don't know why
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- I'm just trying to help people understand and There's a lot of error out there, but let's get into the next story next
- 09:01
- Beth Moore Decides that she's going to remove her show from TBN So some people were reporting that she decided to leave the
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- Daystar Network I saw once one story on or one video where someone was saying yeah,
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- Beth Moore's leaving Daystar and TBN well Then others were saying no Beth Moore is not on Daystar But of course she is because all the biggest false teachers go on Daystar watch
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- Generations Well from the outside looking in it would be easy to assume that Beth Moore has had the easy road in life
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- She's a beloved author and teacher Okay, so Beth Moore is on Daystar.
- 09:58
- She loves Daystar It's true. She doesn't currently to my knowledge have a regular program on Daystar But I did find this so let me just show you this screenshot
- 10:12
- So you saw that chasing vines Beth Moore's content is on Daystar so yes, there is a connection between Beth Moore and Daystar, but when you click on that link you have to pay for the content, so there is some
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- Beth Moore content on Daystar, but the the main story is Beth Moore has decided to pull her show off of TBN and it does not seem to be for Integrity reasons a matter of fact
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- Beth Moore doesn't really give any reason why she's pulling out of TBN Let's watch the clip that she posted to her own
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- YouTube channel a few days ago watch Psalm 126 one says the
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- Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy This is the verse that came to mind as I prepared to share an end -of -the -year update with you
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- It has been a tremendous privilege to serve you through this television program for the past nine years
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- There's truly no greater joy than to open God's Word with you each week and delight in the
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- Lord together at the end of 2024 we will be signing off of TBN I never in my wildest dreams thought
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- God would open this door to have a television program It has been such a blast and such a grace gift in seeking the
- 11:34
- Lord for the future of Living Proof Ministries We have felt our time here was complete
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- We plan to continue uploading new teaching content to our YouTube channel and Living Proof app.
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- We hope so much you'll join us there Thank you for the privilege to serve you
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- I do not take this opportunity lightly on behalf of our entire team at Living Proof Ministries We pray
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- God's richest blessings over you. Okay, so a lot of people have been commenting about this
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- I heard I saw some comments where people are like Beth Moore her voice, you know the way she's talking.
- 12:11
- It's just weird. Like we've all heard Beth Moore talk This doesn't sound like her like so people are asking like why is she talking like that?
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- Like what's what's going on here? But the bigger story here is that Beth Moore is leaving
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- TBN she doesn't really give a reason though why she's leaving TBN my personal opinion
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- You know and take this with a grain of salt, but I think it's pretty well established
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- Beth Moore has lost a lot of followers so My my theory is that she probably just can't afford it.
- 12:51
- Maybe I'm wrong But Beth Moore has lost a lot of faith She used to be one of the most popular a lot of people called her the most popular female preacher
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- In America, maybe the world. I don't know like she was on top I mean she really was very popular, but Beth Moore during the
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- Trump years became Ultra political and since then she has lost a lot of followers so What happened several things started to develop
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- Beth Moore basically Beth Moore and Russell more no relation They are friends, but no relation
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- They were essentially pushed out of the Southern Baptist Convention But a lot of people get tired of them pushing their liberal politics.
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- And of course Beth Moore is very much anti -trump and Beth Moore even went on a podcast wearing an
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- Elizabeth Warren campaign shirt and Me living in Massachusetts. I can tell you that Elizabeth Warren is
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- She has about as anti -christian of a platform as you're going to get so anyways long story short
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- Beth Moore has become very outspoken on political matters She has advocated some pretty liberal if not progressive
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- Viewpoints so her popularity is definitely taken a hit So maybe she can't afford to be on TBN anymore
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- Here's the here's the bigger point because some people are saying well Beth Moore is Living she's leaving
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- TBN because of integrity reasons, you know she doesn't want to be associated with Daystar TBN and all the false teachers that's not the reason she didn't say that was the reason and I'm saying it's not the reason because Beth Moore herself is a
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- False teacher. Okay, Beth Moore. I could tell you but Justin Peters said it so well here in this clip
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- So let's just listen to him explain why Beth Moore is not a sound Bible teacher watch
- 14:55
- Beth Moore very very troublesome Teacher unfortunately a lot could be said of her but Beth Moore I want to read this quote to you from her book praying
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- God's words. He says what little I know I want others to know before God tells me a secret now if he's telling you a secret
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- He says he knows up front. I'm going to tell it so I'm not sure how secretive that is But he says she says by and large that's our deal.
- 15:20
- So Beth Moore has this secret deal with God This is Gnosticism. This is a modern -day version of the ancient heresy of Gnosticism also from Beth Moore in her book entitled when godly people do ungodly things and this is
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- Rather ironically subtitled eight arming yourself in an age of seduction But Beth Moore says this she says
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- I heard the voice of God speak to my heart come and play I love that. He said calm not go calm.
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- That meant he was already there I also love how I could tell by the sweet tone of his silent voice
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- I'm not sure how a silent voice has a tone But she said I could tell by the sweet tone of his silent voice that he was smiling
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- I could have outlined his expression with my finger now
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- Other than that just being a little bit weird. She goes on and she says I Built a snowman. I laughed with God.
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- He laughed with me. I am so in love with him. I am so in love with him Beth Moore wants you to believe that she has such an intimate
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- Relationship with Jesus that she hears him not only hears him but can even see the expression that is apparently on his
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- Face and God wanted Jesus wanted her to go and play with him. And so they built snowmen together
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- You see Beth Moore has such a deep relationship with Christ far deeper, of course than what you have
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- This is an ancient verse. This is modern -day version of the ancient heresy known as Gnosticism Okay.
- 16:55
- So yeah, Beth Moore is not a sound Bible teacher most of the people on TBN Most of them are false teachers
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- Most of the people on Daystar are false teachers. I said it before we don't need celebrity
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- Christian we don't even need so -called Christian television because the Lord did it perfectly fine for 1900 years before television came around and I said this is why
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- You know Beth Moore if it's a financial thing why she's pulling out TBN This is what
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- I said about these other people Ray Comfort Michael Yousef Jack Hibbs another reason why I don't think
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- These more dependable Bible teachers should be on TBN and Daystar is because you have to give the
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- Lord's money You have to pay millions and millions of dollars for TBN and Daystar to run your program
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- So God's people are donating money to your ministry and you're taking millions of God's money of God's Dollars in giving it to false teachers to Joni Lamb so she can buy another private jet
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- For what so you can be on TV and be a celebrity. I mean you can upload your
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- Sermons because we all want to get the word out and that's why I I don't
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- I'm not condemning any of these people You know Ray Comfort and Michael Yousef. This isn't condemnation.
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- I disagree. It's not condemnation because I do want to leave The door open yes,
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- I understand the motivation of wanting to get the word out As as many ways as possible, but I mean
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- YouTube gives you a free platform To air your programs and YouTube is more accessible than Daystar Daystar You have to get some you know cable package and pay all this money, so I just don't think
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- Christian television is necessary I think it's wrong to give millions and millions of dollars to Heretical false teachers like Joni Lamb and the crouches
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- Paul Crouch and TBN, and it's just it's just a mess So Beth Moore yeah leaving
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- TBN. That's the other big story, and that's all I have for today But just a reminder.
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- I'll leave you with this Yeah, it's just best to avoid Christian television altogether
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- There again there are plenty of sound ministries on YouTube for free that you don't have to pay $150 a month to get this package you can just watch good content on YouTube for free
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- But what's more important than even that? Is that we all should be part of a good local
- 19:33
- Bible believing Church? That's the again, that's the way Christians have been spreading the gospel
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- God's been doing it through the church all these years Christians have been spreading the gospel since the beginning by being part of a local
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- Bible believing Church And then the church sends out and supports missionaries.
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- That's God's way. That's the best way and I'll just say it one more time.
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- It's best. I really do believe it's best to just avoid Christian television altogether
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- But take what I say and test it over and against the Word of God if you have any comments Leave them in the comment section below and until next time may the