Blue Collar Work, Obstinance on Twitter and Conspiracy Theories

AD Robles iconAD Robles




This one goes out to all of you who are staying at home, all of you who are supporting the
WHO, the WHO, the World Health Organization, all of you who heroically stand for the coronavirus vaccine and the
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, all of you who are sheltering in place. This one goes out for you.
And they say that a hero can save us Alright, well
I was being a hero this morning. I woke up about 5 .30 in the morning. My son woke me up. All my sons are sleeping in the same room now.
But the problem is that my oldest son, he can read, so sometimes he puts his reading light on in the middle of the night and he forgets to turn it off.
And then my youngest son wakes up and he sees a light on and he thinks it's party time. Anyway, so he woke me up at 5 in the morning or something like that.
And so I was still pretty tired, so I put him in his little area and we turned on Blippi.
Have you ever watched Blippi? Blippi's a good one. Blippi's a good show. He's a funny guy. But anyway,
I noticed something about Blippi as I was sitting there watching with my youngest son. Blippi is often exploring jobs that are really valuable.
He'll explore farms, many different kinds of farms. He explores construction equipment, vehicles, stuff like that.
Chocolate factories, bakeries. Jobs that have been jobs for millennia.
He doesn't go to a coding farm. And I'm not saying there's anything wrong with coding.
Coding is fine, but coding is a relatively new practice. It's a relatively new job.
But what Blippi does and what kids are interested in... It's hard to make a kid interested in coding, although there are things coming out that make it a little bit easier.
But what Blippi is interested in is what kids are interested in. Heavy machinery, buses, cars, jet skis, farms, farm animals, different kinds of vegetables, that kind of stuff.
And it occurred to me that when I was younger, those were jobs that I was never encouraged to pursue, but yet those are so necessary.
Now I'm trying to catch up. I'm trying to learn how to grow my own food. I'm trying to learn how to make a garden.
I'm trying to learn how to build things. I built this chicken coop, I was telling you. I built a wall. And I had to learn how to do that as an almost 40 -year -old kind of thing.
And so it's like, I really don't want to do that to my kids. I want to encourage my kids to pursue the things that they're interested in.
If they want to be a builder, if they want to be a farmer, if they want to be a baker, or they want to be a chocolatier, or whatever it is, you know what
I mean? I want to encourage them in that, man. For some reason, when I was a kid, and I don't think this is accidental, but the schooling system that we have does not encourage kids in that.
That's kind of like a low -class type of a job to a lot of people. And maybe it's just from where I grew up.
I grew up in New England. But yeah, I don't know. It just occurred to me that if you think about kids' shows and what kids are interested in, it's always like building stuff.
I think that's totally natural. I think that's a good thing. And I'm all about that nowadays. I want to learn those skill sets.
I want to have those skill sets that I never had before. I mean, again, there's nothing wrong with making money doing something else.
I'm not saying white -collar is bad. But my kids, I'm not going to make this weird dichotomy where white -collar is good, blue -collar is bad, and it's kind of like low -class.
No, that's not what I'm doing with my family. I don't know if you want to follow me in that. That's fine.
I think it's a biblical thing. The Bible talks about working with your hands and how you should be dependent on no one and that kind of thing.
I had a guy – I love this. I love when this happens. You ever have this ever happen to you where you basically quote scripture, but you don't actually quote it?
So you quote it, but you don't attach the verse to it. And somebody gets on Twitter and is like,
Actually, hmm, like that kind of thing. And it's like, dude, that's a literal quotation from the
Bible. This happened to me like a year ago where I said something about acting like men, how you should learn how to act like a man.
And someone was like, well, what does that mean, act like a man, hmm? And to me, it's like, well, you better figure it out.
If you're a Christian, you better figure that one out. Just like you better figure out what it means to be dependent on no one.
People are trying to zing me. What is that supposed to mean? I love that kind of stuff. The first time that ever happened to me was a debate about Calvinism where I was talking to some guy, some lunatic
Armenian. And look, I don't think all Armenians are lunatics, but there are lunatic Armenians out there.
And this guy, I was talking to him, super obstinate. And I said something about how God has consigned all to disobedience so that he might have mercy.
And he said, well, that's stupid, Adam. That's like a doctor poisoning you with the disease so he can cure you.
And I'm like, yeah, that's literally a quotation from Scripture. And, you know, he's like he came back to it.
Well, that must mean something else because we know that God is loving. Anyway, yeah,
I don't even really know what I want this video to be about. I think that, you know, that pretty much covers it.
Let me say this, too. I was thinking about UFOs and stuff like that. And if you've watched my content for any amount of time, you know
I've talked about UFOs many times. I believe in UFOs. I don't believe in aliens, but I believe in UFOs. I think
UFOs are absolutely real. They've been real for a long time. And I want you to think about what's happened here. Okay, so the
Pentagon admitted that they film and track and study UFOs. They've been doing it for a very long time.
And I want you to really think about what this means, right? There's lies and layers of lies that you've been told ever since you were young that are being exposed here.
And then I want you to think about what you're being told now. And I want you to ask yourself, how in the freaking world do you know what is true now that the government is telling you?
Because the government always said, oh, it's ridiculous. We don't study UFOs. That's ridiculous. But they always have. They always have, and they always did.
Now they're revealing that this is true. But you've been told to consider people who believed in UFOs like me, for example.
And I don't care what you think about me. But you've been told to think of them like backwoods
Neanderthals, essentially. You've been told, well, that's conspiracy theory. And you've been told that they're idiots and morons, and that's how movies present them.
And that's how you were taught to react when somebody starts talking about UFOs. And so many of you react that way right now.
And so now that they've admitted it, I want you to think about what that means. You've been lied to for decades, decades.
You've probably been lied to all your life. And the question is, what is being talked about right now that you have been taught to react as if, oh, that's a conspiracy theory.
You're an idiot. Let me offer a few suggestions for you. Pizzagate and the pedophile rings that exist.
You've been taught to react to that term, Pizzagate, like, wow, you are such a moron.
You believe in Pizzagate? What are you, Trump? You probably support Trump too, you idiot. That's how you've been taught to react to Pizzagate.
How do you know what Pizzagate's all about? The reality is you have no idea.
You don't know what you're talking about. Just like a few days ago, when somebody would bring up UFOs, you had the same exact reaction.
It's a programmed reaction that they have taught you how to react to this stuff. And unthinkingly, you said, what, do you believe in UFOs?
E .T. But it's actually real. Or maybe it isn't.
See, that's the other thing. So they were either lying then or they're lying now. These videos are fake or they were lying back then.
It doesn't matter which way you slice it. So you could either believe in UFOs or not believe in UFOs. In some way, the government is lying to you.
And so you don't have a freaking clue what to believe. And so what do you do? Well, let me suggest to you that one thing you could do is mind your own business, work with your hands, and be dependent on no one.
Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful. God bless. By the way, more to come on this
Pizzagate and like the pedophile ring stuff and stuff like that. And if that makes you not want to watch my channel anymore, that's totally fine.
I don't really care about that. I really don't care about that. Because the reality is that there are some sick people, some sick politicians, some sick celebrities, and they love little kids.
And they like to abuse little kids. And they like to talk about it and joke about it and stuff like that. And the reality is that so many of us, including myself, have just refused to see it.
Because if you consider that this actually might be true, then you need to start doing some things about it.
I'm not exactly sure what to do about it. Because the reality is I can't control if there's high -level pedophile rings everywhere.
And they're diddling little kids all over the place. But what I can control is how I deal with it, right?
How I deal with it. And that's why I say mind your own business, work with your hands, and be dependent on no one.
There are people that are going to be generals in this fight, right? There are people that are responsible for shutting down these pedophile rings and stuff like that.
Your responsibility is to you and your family and to your God. And so you have to decide what you're going to do about it.
And if your decision is I'm just going to shut my eyes and not think about it and not even acknowledge that it's true,
I guess that's one way to deal with it. But I don't think that's a way that a Christian ought to deal with that kind of stuff.