You Probably Are Already a Christian Nationalist

AD Robles iconAD Robles


The god of modern Judaism is an idol. The god of Islam is an idol. The god of secularism is nothing. Christ is actually there. The government rests on his shoulders. Therefore the civil government must bow to Christ and his commands - there is no place in government for any other


Okay, okay, okay, okay, all right, here we go, here we go.
It's been a good week so far. It's Tuesday. I hope you had a good weekend. I know I had a great weekend.
On Sunday, I went to church, and that was great. On Saturday, I spoke at an anti -abortion conference, and I spoke on the passage in Ephesians 4 about speaking the truth in love, which, in my opinion, is a perfect passage for me to speak on.
And I got a lot of positive feedback after it. I also noticed that there were a variety of times, and I went pretty hard,
I mean, don't get me wrong, but there were a few times when I would say something, and you could hear a pin drop in the place, and it was like, you know, to be honest,
I think a lot of people were very troubled by some of the things that I was saying, in a good way, and maybe some in a not -so -good a way, but it's interesting because, you know, speak the truth in love, that comes from Ephesians, but there's a particular context that that passage comes in, and it's amazing how upside down we use the phrase speak the truth in love these days.
If you look at, you know, the situations where you're likely to hear someone that, you know, to tell you, you need to speak the truth in love,
A .D., A .D., you need to speak the truth in love. It's usually when there's a little bit of fire in your voice, you know, you're obviously angry about something, you know, you say something about the pedophiles that are grooming our children in schools, and they'll be like, speak the truth in love!
And basically, it's used as a bludgeon, they're essentially telling you, don't be so angry, right?
Nobody's gonna care how much you know until they know how much you care, something stupid like that. But it's interesting that that's upside down from what
Paul's saying, because Paul, in that passage, like a few sentences later, he says, speak, speaking the truth in love, and a few sentences later, he says, be angry, but do not sin.
Be angry, but do not sin. In the middle of him talking about the sins that you used to do, don't do it anymore, he doesn't soften anything, he doesn't, he doesn't smooth out the edges, he doesn't try to finesse you into the truth, he just gives you the truth, and then he says, be angry and do not sin.
How do we have a passage that is now used, essentially, to tell you to stop being angry?
They want you to speak like John Piper all the time. They want you to be, oh, and the transgenderism, and like, that's what they want you to do, they want you to be like that, pathetic, all the time.
Sometimes that tone is right, but most of the time it isn't. And they want you to stop being angry, but in the passage itself, where it comes from, it says, be angry and do not sin.
I wonder how a passage can get flipped upside down like that. And what's interesting is that I think, and the topic of today's video is
Christian nationalism, I think that this is another time where the passage just gets flipped upside down.
It's just amazing to me how often Romans 13 is used to essentially tell you to stay out of government,
Christians. You submit to the pagan government. You don't try to improve it.
You don't try to advocate for justice. You must submit, you Christian heretics.
And it's just, that's upside down from the passage. It's just unbelievable. We're going to talk about Romans 13 in just a minute.
But I do want to talk about Christian nationalism a little bit, because I think that people are starting to wake up that a lot of the propaganda they've heard about Christian nationalism is actually completely made up.
It's fabrication. People have heard that Christian nationalists want to forcibly convert people.
That's one of the propaganda pieces. They want to force you to be a Christian. And of course, there is no
Christian nationalist that wants to do that. Christian nationalists are accused of thinking that the
United States was written about in the Bible, and that the Constitution is theanustas, and they always say it like that because they always want to impress you with their vocabulary.
That just means breathed out by God, inspired by God, right? Don't be dazzled by the words.
A lot of these guys will use Latin words as well, just to kind of dazzle you and stuff. Don't be dazzled by that nonsense.
They're telling you that Christian nationalists believe that the Constitution of the United States are the words of God.
They're breathed out by God. That's also not true. And there's a lot of stuff that people are pointing out about Christian nationalists that normal people, they've heard it again and again, and they just kind of believed it because people that they trust have said this.
But it's not true. It's just not true. People are pointing this out all over the place.
I'm not the only one. But Christian nationalism is growing. The idea of Christian nationalism is growing, and I think one of the things that we're getting right right now is the fact that Christian nationalism, by necessity, if it's going to be successful in the short term and the medium term, it has to be a very big tent.
It has to be a movement that has principles that lots of people from different perspectives can agree to.
Let me give you a perfect example. Another thing that people are saying is that Christian nationalism is just theocracy, right?
It's just theocracy, theonomy, whatever you want to call it. Now, this is something that I find quite interesting, because personally,
I myself, I am a theonomist, right? I'm a pretty hardcore theonomist. I think that adultery should be outlawed.
I think that homosexuality should be outlawed. I think that God's law is the standard, right?
So we have the principles of God's law, and then we also have, in the Bible, we have these case laws that give us a little bit more detail on how to adjudicate
God's law, how to punish evildoers and things like that, and I think that that's the foundation of what we should do if we're going to be pursuing justice.
I think we need to do that. But here's the thing. I don't think you need to believe what
I believe about that to be a Christian nationalist. All you really need to believe is that Christ is
Lord over the governments. Christ is the King of kings.
He's the King of all the other kings. And we have to believe that in more than just a sloganized kind of a way, because if you ask the random
Christian, do you believe Christ is Lord over the government? They'll say, yes, I do, absolutely. If you ask a random
Christian, do you believe that Christ is the King of kings and the Lord of lords? They're going to say, 100%, sign me up on the dotted line.
The minute you put content behind that, though, so people are okay with it as a slogan, but the minute you put content behind that, does that mean that the civil governing authority is accountable to God in order to be pursuing what is good according to what
God says and punishing evil according to what God says? So they should be punishing abortion as murder.
They should be not granting privileges, special privileges to homosexuals and to things like that.
Adultery should be something that they should actually take a look at, and they should take that a lot more seriously than they do.
Things like that. Is that what you mean by that? Well, of course not. I mean, I don't mean that. So basically you just mean
Christ is the King of kings and the Lord of lords as a slogan. You don't actually mean it. You just say it because you know the
Bible says it, but you don't really put any content behind it. See, this is the thing. When it comes to saying
Christ is Lord of the government, that has to mean certain things, and at the very least, it has to mean that God defines reality.
God created everything. Nothing that was created was created outside of Christ, right?
So everything that exists, every institution, every piece of nature, everything was created by Jesus Christ, and so Jesus Christ, because he was the creator, gets to define these things.
He created AD Robles, and so he gets to define AD Robles, right? I don't.
I'm not the person that gets to define who I am. Christ already defined me, right?
I was his idea, and I tell my sons this all the time. You were his idea, and he just gets to define you.
He gets to tell you what's what, and this is important because as a Christian nationalist, we believe that God defines reality.
God defines the role of the civil governing authority. God defines justice, and the civil governing authority is accountable to God in the same way that the church is accountable to God.
You see, God also gets to define the institution of the church and what a pastor's supposed to do and what a deacon's supposed to do and what a congregant's supposed to do.
He gets to define all of these things, and our role as a church is to acknowledge them, submit to them, and then carry it out.
So when you're a pastor of a church, your only role, your only job, you've got one job, is to acknowledge what
Christ has said for you to do and then do it. That's it. That's it.
And so it's the same thing with the civil governing authority. They're accountable to God in a different area, but in the same way.
So in other words, when the civil governing authority says, you know, we're going to define what marriage is, and marriage is the contractual agreement between two parties, and then they get the benefits, and they start defining what a marriage is.
That's not their role. That's a government that—and even if they get it right, by the way, this is something I was talking to—oh my goodness,
I'm forgetting the name. I'll have to come back to you, because I'm going to probably have this guy on my channel one day.
But anyway, he's making these cases about marriage, and it's like, even if you get it right—so even if you say the civil governing authority is going to define what a marriage is, a marriage is—we're going to define it.
We're going to define what a marriage is, and it's a man and a woman, and even if you get it right, you're actually in rebellion against God, because you actually don't get to define that.
The only thing you can do as a civil governing authority is acknowledge what God has defined.
That's a big difference. That's a big difference. That's the difference between doing things according to God's standard, a man and a woman, and then—or ending up in pagan land, where all of a sudden you've got zee, zim, zur, and stuff like that.
And they think—these people think they can create reality. It's like the party in 1984. They think that they can make two plus two equal five.
And because the premises of their whole society say the government is essentially God, a government can essentially define what is just, what is good, what is righteous, what is holy, and all these things.
And a Christian nationalist says, no, the only one who can do that is God, is
Christ, Jesus Christ, the King of kings and the Lord of lords, and your role as a civil governing authority, your proper role, is to bow the knee to Jesus Christ and to say,
I acknowledge what you say is true, and I'm going to accomplish it to the best of my abilities. That's it. That's it.
So you don't have to be a theonomist and agree with everything from the Old Testament or the civil case laws from the
Old Testament. You don't have to be a theonomist to agree with that, that Jesus Christ is actually a
King of kings. He's actually a Lord of lords. And this is the thing.
A lot of well -meaning people, in my opinion—maybe they're not well -meaning, I don't know, but in my opinion, they're well -meaning.
They're pushing back on this, and it's hard to understand why. This is a tweet from Andrew T.
Walker. Andrew T. Walker. And he says this.
If the goal of Christian nationalism is political aggrandizement, that's worldliness.
And of course, he has to use a $50 word, you know, we'll talk about that word in just a minute. That's worldliness.
But if our hearts are intent on sharing the riches of Christ and passing on the faith to posterity in hope and love, then cultural leavening is inevitable, even if that's not the primary motive.
So this is a very common sort of pietistic view of government. So of what the
Christian—how they should engage in government and things like that. And Andrew T. Walker is not a
Christian nationalist, although he in some ways understands the play that the pagans are running.
They basically are the pagans, like I said before, they're running the play that any Christian involvement in politics is
Christian nationalism. Andrew T. Walker understands that, but he doesn't call himself a Christian nationalist. And here he is kind of promoting this idea that, look,
Christian nationalists, they have to have the goal of love and hope and sharing the riches of Christ, then that's okay.
But political aggrandizement is not. Now, a lot of people said, you know, you need to define that word because most of us, number one, don't even know that word.
And number two—so you scholars, you got to stop doing this. We don't like it. We don't like it.
And it certainly seems to us like you use these words on purpose to kind of dazzle us and it doesn't work on us anymore.
But anyway, number one, you got to define it because we don't know that word. Number two, that could mean a lot of different things. So here's how
Andrew T. Walker defines it. He says, And so this is the thing.
He thinks that the goals for Christians should be that Muslims and Jews should have as much influence over the government of our society.
They have just as much right to it as Christians do. And that is not true.
It's not true. Now, if you mean like they repent from being a Muslim, they repent of being a
Jew, and they accept Jesus Christ as the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, then of course we would all have to agree because anyone can convert to Christ and anyone can acknowledge
Christ and kiss the sun and kneel before the sun and all of those things. Of course, of course.
But I don't want Jewish law to have anything to do with the law in the United States, nothing.
I don't want Muslim law to have any influence on what the civil governing authority does as far as punishing evildoers and promoting what is good because the problem is that Jews and Muslims have a different Lord.
They have a different system. They have a different view of morality. They have a different view of jurisprudence.
They have a different view of how to adjudicate things. I want nothing to do with those things.
I want Christ's rule. I want Christ's reign because Christ is there. He is the
King of Kings. He is the Lord of Lords. And the God of Judaism, modern Judaism, isn't.
He isn't. And the Muslim God isn't King of Kings and Lord of Lords because it's not
Christ. And so if their God is not Christ, then he cannot possibly be the King of Kings and the
Lord of Lords. And so therefore, I do not want the civil governing authority to acknowledge idols.
They don't have the same crown rights. They don't have, idols don't have crown rights at all.
So the civil governing authority shouldn't be acknowledging their law because their law is wrong. Their law is pagan.
Their God isn't really there. And so it ends up being just the law of people.
And a lot of times they're pretty sick people, in my opinion. And so this is the thing, like, you have to break this up because Andrew T.
Walker's saying something here that sounds quite pious, but he's wrong. Because the civil governing authority is not about spreading hope and love.
It isn't. And so a Christian civil governing authority should not be about spreading hope and love.
That's the job of the church, the institution of the church, and the people of the book, the people in the church.
They're the ones that are supposed to be spreading the gospel. The church of Jesus Christ is the one that's making disciples, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything Christ commands. That's the role of the church.
The role of the civil governing authority is not about spreading hope and love. Though the people that are involved, of course, they have a dual role.
In one sense, they're a magistrate, and they've got a certain job, we're going to talk about that. And in another sense, they're a person, an individual, they're a churchman, and of course they're spreading the gospel in that regard.
They've got a dual mandate here. But when they're in their role as the civil governing authority, number one, they most certainly should not acknowledge the
God of Judaism, and they most certainly should not acknowledge the God of Islam. They have to acknowledge the
King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ. That's what a Christian nationalist believes. I'm not sure why
Andrew T. Walker thinks that it's moral to say that the God of the
Jews and the God of Islam should be acknowledged by the civil governing authorities.
And of course, everyone who hears this understands I'm talking about the God of modern Judaism, not talking about the actual
God of the Jews, which is Jesus Christ. So here's the thing, why would
Andrew T. Walker turn this on its head? This is Romans 13, right? We all know this.
We all know this. Talking about the civil governing authority. Let every person be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.
This is talking about Christ, the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords. It's not talking about the God of Islam.
It's not talking about the God of modern Judaism. He's talking about, Paul's saying there is no authority except from Jesus Christ, and those authorities have been instituted by Jesus Christ.
Therefore, whoever resists the authorities resists God, what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment.
Here's the key. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority?
Then do what is good. Good according to whom? Good according to the God of Islam? Good according to the God of the
Jews? No. Good according to Jesus Christ. Do what is good, and you will see
His approval, for He is God's servant for your good. That word servant, that's deacon. This is
Paul telling you that the civil governing authority is a deacon of God, a servant of God.
He goes on, but if you do wrong, here's the role of the civil governing authorities. Andrew T. Walker seems to be thinking it's about spreading hope and love and things like that.
No, it's not. This is the role of a Christian civil magistrate. This is the role of any magistrate, but a
Christian at least acknowledges this. A Christian in politics should acknowledge this. I don't expect a pagan in politics to acknowledge this, even though it's still their job, right?
So in other words, even if a pagan in politics doesn't acknowledge Christ, they're still held accountable to Christ. That's the thing.
They're still held accountable to Christ, and on the last day, Christ is going to judge them for not doing this.
Here we go. This is the role of the civil governing authority. I don't know why Andrew T. Walker thinks it's about spreading hope and love, but it's not.
Here it is. Ready? If you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain, for he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out wrath on the wrongdoer.
That's the role of a Christian civil magistrate. It's not about spreading hope and love. A Christian civil magistrate is an avenger.
The King James calls it a revenger. A revenger. That's what it is. It's not about spreading hope and love.
It's about executing vengeance on God's behalf for the evildoer.
And by the way, this is the thing. A lot of people don't read Romans 13 in context. You have to read
Romans 13 in context, otherwise you end up using it as a slogan, and it ends up meaning the opposite of what you want it to mean.
The context of Romans 13, of course, is Romans 12. Romans 12.
Here's what Romans 12 said. Okay, so Romans 12. Beloved, and it's 1219, beloved, never avenge yourself.
Never avenge yourself, is what he says, beloved, never avenge yourself, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, vengeance is mine,
I will repay, says the Lord. So Jesus, Paul is saying this, look, don't avenge yourself.
If someone does evil to you, don't go back and do evil to them in return. That's not the role, because vengeance is mine, says the
Lord. Vengeance is mine. I will repay. Leave it to the wrath of God.
And then three sentences later, three. This is not something that, you know, we get one hint in the beginning of the book, and then at the end of the book, it wraps up the argument.
Three sentences later, it's the same thought. He talks about how he gets vengeance upon the evildoer.
Beloved, don't take, don't revenge yourself. Leave it to me. Vengeance is mine, says the Lord. Vengeance is mine, says the
Lord. And then he says, the civil governing authority is my servant, it's my deacon, it's my slave.
And his job is to execute vengeance on the evildoer.
Vengeance. That's what a Christian civil governing authority is. So a Christian civil governing authority should be putting an end to child grooming.
A Christian civil governing authority should be putting an end to abortion, because vengeance is
Christ's. That's what he said. A Christian civil governing authority should be executing vengeance upon the evildoer.
It's very simple. This is all that Christian nationalism is. This is all that Christian nationalism is.
It's acknowledging the fact, the reality, that Christ really is there. We don't just say we believe it.
He's really there. He's really at the right hand of the Father right now. He's a man right now in heaven.
And he's there until all his enemies are made a footstool for his feet. And that's happening currently.
His enemies are being made a footstool for his feet. And when we say Christ is King, when we say
Christ is Lord, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, we don't just say it as a slogan. We say it as, there's content behind it.
And so we demand, we absolutely demand that the civil governing authority acknowledge and respect the fact that Jesus Christ is the
King of Kings. And that their only job is to acknowledge what he says, to execute vengeance upon the evildoers according to his standard, according to what he says is evil, and to promote what is good according to what he says is good.
That's what Christian nationalism is. It's basically admitting that Christian morality is superior to every other form of morality.
Jewish morality is nothing. Muslim morality is nothing. It deserves no respect.
It deserves no place in our political process. None. That's what Christian nationalism is. Because God is actually there, and Allah is not.
And whatever the God of modern Judaism is, is not. He's not actually there. Christ is actually there.
We actually believe it. And tons more people every day are realizing that this is the only way forward.
This is the way forward. It's a big tent. You don't have to believe every single thing I believe. Obviously, I'm going to try to convince you of what
I believe, because I believe it. You don't have to believe every single thing Andrew Torba believes. You don't have to believe every single thing
Andrew Isker or Stephen Wolfe or all these guys believes. But here's what you do have to accept.
Lots of Christians already believe this, and they're joining the movement because they realize we don't require purity here.
Christ is there. He's not silent. And the civil governing authority must bow their knee to him.
Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful. Christian nationalism is the way forward. We're going to get so much pushback from all the usual suspects, but even some new people will be pushing back on us.
And the reality is, it's always going to come from a place of, well, it's going to come from a place of essentially saying, look, you know,
I believe that Jews should have just as much impact on our political process and Muslims and stuff like that.
All of that is purely this, political polytheism. And Christian nationalists, if we're anything, we're not political polytheists.