Rewind: Did we miss something?


Rapp Report Daily episode 81 What happened to the Rapp Report daily yesterday? Did something happen to Andrew? Yes, something did happen and he will discuss it on this podcast. This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources Listen to other podcasts on the Christian Podcast Community Support Striving for Eternity...


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And remember, if you mess with the bull, you get the horns. The Rap Report, daily edition, where we provide a quick biblical interpretations and applications.
This is a ministry of striving for eternity. Where was the Rap Report daily yesterday?
Well, to be honest, I was out of commission. I'm sorry for missing a day yesterday.
We got back from the Manti Mormon Miracle Pageant and I was extremely sick, along with three other members of the team, and just could not, couldn't even get to church, which is unusual for me.
So usually I go to church as much as I can every Sunday. It was even at church the
Sunday after I got married. So I'm not one for missing church. So it was surprising when
I did. And I was not feeling well and ended up having to miss church and didn't get the daily recorded either.
But I will say this, we had a great time at the Mormon Miracle Pageant, or actually the
Manti Miracle Pageant, which is a pageant in Manti, Utah, where they describe how the
Book of Mormon came about, supposedly, and how Joseph Smith got it. And what I wanna do at least tomorrow, probably give some details of what we were doing there, why we go, and more so later this week,
I'm gonna tell you an incredible story of what happened while we were down at Manti.
You're gonna wanna keep listening this whole week to hear that story. So make sure you subscribe to The Wrap Report so that you can get that, because you will not wanna miss this.
It was a great account. This podcast is part of the Striving for Eternity Ministry. For more content or to request a speaker or seminar to your church, go to strivingforeternity .org.
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