DUMPSTER FIRE: Number 2 Adventure


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Welcome to another installment of Dumpster Fire here on the Fighting for the
Faith channel on YouTube. This will be a mini Dumpster Fire. Not a long one, but a short one.
And we're going to be heading over to the YouTube channel of the Throne Builders.
And let's just say that there's certain things here that are not coincidental. Throne Builders, every time that name is brought to mind,
I can only think of, well... Let's explore the amazing world of numbers from heaven, continuing with number two.
And at least that's what I think is appropriate for the Throne Builders.
And today we're going to be listening to Krista Shirley as she is literally teaching people on her YouTube channel that God, actually,
Papa, as she calls him, has taught her how to learn how to read numbers as revelations from heaven itself.
The Bible actually calls what she's promoting here the reading of omens, and it's strictly forbidden in Scripture.
So let's do this. Let's head over to the Throne Builders as Krista Shirley explains to us all about number two.
Here we go. Hi, I'm Krista Shirley, and welcome to my new video series, Numbers from Heaven.
I'm excited to teach you what I've learned about numbers through my personal revelations and experiences.
I strongly... What she's learned about numbers from her personal revelations and experiences.
Yeah, the Bible doesn't teach us... By the way, if the Bible wanted us to expect that God was going to be speaking to us through numbers in this way, then the
Bible would actually teach this. Now, that's not to say that numbers don't have significance in Scripture.
They do. The number three is quite important. Number seven, very important. Number 40.
It's also a big number in Scripture, but paying attention to how
Scripture uses numbers is something different than looking for numbers out here in your everyday life and expect them to somehow be conveying revelations from God, which is what
Krista Shirley is doing here. And it's not like there's an entire book in the
Bible literally called Numbers. Is Krista Shirley going to properly reference it?
No, definitely not. That'd be way too rational and reasonable. We believe that numbers are speaking to all of us, and God, He uses them all the time to speak to us.
Many think out there that numbers are irrelevant, and because of that, they miss out on the revelation and healing that the numbers bring.
Numbers bring revelation and healing. Who knew? The Bible never says that.
Where'd she get this? And this exciting teaching series is to help you see what Papa sees about numbers and apply those truths to your life in such a way that numbers become something real and tangible.
Are you ready to take a numbers journey with me? Let's explore the amazing world of numbers from heaven, continuing with the number two.
It's been said that two are better than one. Unless we're talking about your lame videos. But to that point, zero is better than one.
And or zero is better than any number greater than one. Could it be because Papa plus you make a powerful two?
Maybe he's trying to show you how... I forgot to take
Advil before we started recording today. It's like I picked the wrong week to quit smoking.
A partner with him to birth your destiny. You know, when we're connected... Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. What did you see?
I got to hear this in context. Backing it up. Here we go again. More number two from the throne builders.
Than one. Why is that? Could it be because Papa plus you make a powerful two? Maybe he's trying to show you how to partner with him to birth your destiny.
You know, yeah, that's what I thought she said. Maybe the number two is there.
There you are. It's two o 'clock. What happens at eleven o 'clock? Or maybe you wake up in the middle of the night and the alarm clock says two twenty two.
Twelve, eleven, ten. Ah, it's time to birth my destiny.
And does that mean that my destiny's water needs to break first? Are there midwives for destiny birthage?
I'm curious. We're connected to the father's heart. Real restoration can take place in our lives.
Several years ago, I was seeing twos all the time. And those were some of the most intense times because as I look back,
I realized that Papa and I were birthing new foundations of my identity. Oh, wow.
That was so kind of Papa to help you birth new foundations of your identity. What does that sentence even mean?
Now to kind of help us out here, I wanted to show you something from the Bible. Omens be bad.
This is actually forbidden by scripture. Deuteronomy 18. I'll start in verse nine for our context.
The Lord speaking to the children of Israel. When you come into the land that Yahweh your God is giving you, you shall not learn to follow the abominable practices of those nations.
There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering.
Anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes, or here is the important part, interprets omens.
Yeah, that's right. If you're trying to look for a hidden revelation in numbers that are appearing out here in the world that you live in, that's called the interpretation of omens.
So this is forbidden. Sorcery is also forbidden. A charmer, or a medium, or a necromancer, or one who inquires of the dead.
Whoever does these things is an abomination to Yahweh, and because of these abominations,
Yahweh your God is driving them out before you. So I don't care who you are, or how much you claim to be filled with the
Holy Spirit. If you're teaching people to look for revelation in birds flying on their windows or numbers appearing on their car dashboard, yeah, that's called the interpretation of omens.
It's strictly forbidden, and it's an abominable practice. Another fellow, by the way, from the
Old Testament who practiced the reading of omens was the evil king
Manasseh. Here's what it says in 2 Chronicles 33. I'll start at verse 1 for context.
Manasseh was 12 years old when he began to reign, and he reigned for 55 years in Jerusalem. He did what was evil in the sight of the
Lord according to the abominations of the nations whom the Lord drove out before the people of Israel.
So all that abominations list that we read in Deuteronomy 18, yeah, Manasseh, the king of Israel, was all into that.
So he rebuilt the high places that his father Hezekiah had broken down. He erected altars to the
Baals and made Asheroth and worshiped all of the hosts of heaven and served them.
He built altars in the house of the Lord of which Yahweh had said, in Jerusalem shall my name be forever.
Yeah, that's right. He set up altars to false gods in the temple itself. He built altars for all the hosts of heaven in the two courts of the house of Yahweh.
He burned his sons as an offering in the valley of the son of Hinnom and used fortune telling and omens and sorcery and dealt with medians and necromancers.
Yeah, this sounds like just a great guy, right? He did what was evil in the sight of the
Lord, and the reading of omens, strictly forbidden. It is evil. It is not a permissible practice for God's people in any generation, any covenant, whether old covenant or new.
Now, all of that being said, Christa Shirley is, again, she's telling us the importance of the number two. Of course, she's a throne builder.
And so she's telling us Papa talks through these things, and she and Papa birthed new foundations of her identity and stuff, you know, because she saw the number two.
Can you relate to this? No. People get to the stage in their growth, and they become wearied and worn out.
And this is mainly because of a time of rest that is needed after the birthing. Well, guess what?
When a birthing takes place in the natural, a woman needs much rest, right? Well, it's the same when birthing spiritual and the emotional realities as well.
Right, yes. Have you considered how much do you need to take maternity leave after you've birthed the new destiny?
I mean, talking about rest, I mean, I'm thinking maybe at least six weeks off of work.
Can you imagine calling into the boss and saying, I'm pregnant. Yeah, I'm going to need to be taking some maternity leave.
But you're not married. Yeah, I know. But me and Papa last night at 222, we birthed new foundations of my identity, and it's all related to my destiny.
And according to Krista Shirley, one of the throne builders, I need to rest after birthing this thing.
And so I need to get some paid maternity leave. But you're a dude, what are you talking about?
Yeah, I'm sorry, it doesn't matter. Male or female, you can birth destiny. And so I saw the number 222, so it has to be the case.
What do you think? Have you been seeing a crazy amount of twos? Well, consider that you need to rest spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
Resting requires trust and wisdom. It's one of the hardest things to do. We tend to strive when our life doesn't look like we want it to.
And then we go into a fix -it mode, right? I know what it's like to be a fixer and to constantly strive and to make things happen.
Yeah, you might want to spend some time fixing your theology. It's not
Christian, it's pagan. So she's a bit of a fixer -upper. That's a minor thing.
So let me share with you a secret that I learned the hard way. There's acceleration in the rest.
So trust me when I tell you this, okay? Because if you can learn to completely trust... I would never trust you with anything.
I mean, I don't even think I'd trust you walking my dogs at this point. And rest and papa and trust that he knows where he's taking you, then you're going to succeed.
Here's another way of putting it. Rest produces results while striving produces stagnation.
So while you're birthing new levels of your identity right now, rest and allow papa to teach you a whole new side to life.
Let's switch gears. I don't even know what you're talking about. And look at numbers through another lens, the
Bible. You'll find that the number two has much significance in the Bible as well. You know, when I was seeing twos,
I realized that the concepts that are in the book of Genesis really matched my experience. Let's look at the first part of Genesis 1 .22.
And God blessed them saying, be fruitful and multiply. Okay, so how does this relate to your experience?
Were you fruitful and multiplied? What are you talking about? It shows what I was discussing earlier when
I talked about the birthing stage. Papa tells us to be fruitful and multiply. And would you know, the twos are right there in the reference.
What about... I wouldn't you know, be fruitful and multiply. He wasn't talking about birthing destiny.
It was actual children. You know, babies. Genesis 2 .2.
This is what it says. And he rested on the seventh day from all his work, which he had made. So we see a picture there of Papa resting from all his labor.
Wow. We also talked about that earlier. So you are aware that when
Moses penned Genesis, there were no chapters and verses. Yeah, the whole apparatus whereby chapters and verses were put into the
Bible, that apparatus was added long, long after the Bible was completed.
They're not inspired. Yeah, no, not at all. Could this be for you as well?
Let's look at another amazing verse in Genesis 2 .22. And the rib which the Lord God had taken from man made he a woman.
And brought her unto the man. This is the famous verse where Eve was created from Adam. Yeah, again, this is no way to read the
Bible. And the fact that it occurs in Genesis 2 .22 doesn't matter because there were no chapter or verses when it was originally penned.
Rib. You know, she was birthed and brought forth to complete him. And I believe when people are seeing two... No, actually, she wasn't birthed.
She was fashioned. She was actually put together by God. No birthing took place for Eve.
There was no womb that held Eve nor Adam. Because they are in a season where their marriage is being healed and brought into completion.
I saw this in my own life, you know, when I was going through this twos adventure. And I'm sure many of you out there can identify with this.
You know, just like Eve came to life and completed Adam, which was her co -laborer, many marriages will start to come to life for the first time in years and bring about a completion as they labor together in love.
This new connection between husbands and wives will bring about a powerful shift in the earth and heal the land.
All because you saw the number two. There's going to be a powerful shifting in marriages throughout the whole earth.
Who knew? And so marriage 2 .0 is about to be unleashed and accelerated into the birthing canal of the universe so that earth can benefit from it.
Yeah, I don't know. Since we're taking a journey through Genesis and looking at powerful concepts in Scripture, let's look at another verse that really matches what
I lived during my twos adventure. Genesis 22. Yeah, I haven't had a twos adventure.
Have you had your twos adventure yet? I feel totally like I'm missing out here, you know.
You know, this verse falls right to alignment because it paints a picture of sacrifice and obedience. As we birth new levels of our identity and learn to rest in Papa, the time will come where we'll be challenged to sacrifice and obey.
You know, it was a wild time in our family's life as we saw the number two because that was a time of great sacrifice and obedience for us.
You know, Papa was asking us to sacrifice some big things and he was challenging our minds and hearts to obey regardless of what it looked like in the natural.
You know, this is when we really learned to trust him more fully. And as we trusted him, a shift occurred in our relationships.
Oh, this is painful. I mean, none of this has anything to do with Scripture.
The whole technique is forbidden by God in Deuteronomy 18. And this woman really thinks that she's been through a foundational destiny birthing process, which later resulted in sacrifice on her part.
Just, I, yeah, wow. This is not Christianity.
This isn't even like sane. So if you know anybody who thinks the throne builders are the bee's knees and that they're legitimate people bringing prophetic messages and, you know, that God wants to release onto the earth and stuff like that,
I could have filled out a prophecy bingo card while this lady was spewing on. You need to warn them.
The throne builders are deceived and they are deceiving and there's nothing
Christian about them. In fact, they are full -blown heretics and the religion that they're putting forward, it might use terms somewhat loosely related to Christianity, but none of the doctrines they teach are actually found in Scripture.
These people are not Christians. They're heretics. And the body of Christ needs to be warned about people like them.
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So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.