AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right. Emergency live stream. This is of the utmost importance.
It's a complete emergency. Let's see what we need. Moderation helps keep everyone safe. Now, we're going to close that.
This is definitely not a safe place if you're here live. All right.
Let me do this. Let me share the live stream. You're welcome for my work.
I appreciate that. I appreciate that. Let's see. I'm not really an expert here, but yeah, there we go.
Share Twitter. Here we go. I'm working it. I'm working it as we go.
All right. Emergency live stream. When we understand the text.
I think I sent that tweet. Sorry guys, we'll get started in just a minute. I am a little bit technologically challenged.
I just want to make sure I tweet it. Yeah, I tweeted it. Good, good, good, good, good. All right.
Now, I got to find the tweet I want to talk about. All right.
Here we go. All right, everybody. Welcome. Welcome. God bless you all.
It's not really an emergency, by the way. It's definitely not an emergency, but I figured
I'd clickbait you guys a little bit. I saw a tweet from Gabe Hughes, from when we understand the text, which
I like. I like Gabe Hughes and I like when we understand the text.
I like the brevity of his videos. He puts these videos out and they're very brief. I hold that in high regard because I'm not as brief as I'd like to be.
But I appreciate that about Gabe. He sent this tweet that normally
I would have just ignored because I disagreed with it. I thought it was unfair. But I got to thinking a little bit about it.
I think I understand where he's coming from and I don't necessarily disagree. Let me just read the tweet to you guys and tell you what
I think here. Again, this is from Gabe Hughes. It says, I wish
Christian nationalism was known for spreading the gospel, upholding family values, equipping men and Christianizing nations.
Instead, it's known more for being pugnacious, wanting to stop women from voting and reading.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's known more for being pugnacious, wanting to stop women from voting and reading, calling brethren gay and making ethnic divisions.
Yeah. My first reaction was to just simply keep scrolling.
I was thinking to myself, that's really typical sadly in this debate for someone to say something like that.
It's just so untrue and all of that. But then I started thinking about it a little bit more. Why would he say this?
Because again, I happen to think that Gabe is a stand -up guy. I don't know him that well, but I've never known him to be a liar or a slanderer or whatever it is.
Why would he say this? I got to thinking that there is a little bit of truth to this, and I think
I know why. Because I think he doesn't say this in the tweet, so I can't hold them to this.
But he doesn't say that Christian nationalists aren't spreading the gospel, or that they're not upholding family values, or that they're not equipping men and Christianizing the nations.
I think that we would all agree that Christian nationalists promote these kinds of things.
Many of them, if you know any of them, many of them actually do a lot of these things as well, or at least are working on it.
Obviously, Christianizing the nations is a pretty complex thing. That effort is going to be most likely multi -generational, so we're not going to necessarily see the fruit of that right away.
But he sets it up as like they're really not doing this. Again, he doesn't say that, but that's kind of how this tweet is set up.
So they should be doing this, they're not doing this kind of thing. And then he says, we're known more for being pugnacious.
Now, I had to look that word up because I wasn't 100 % confident that I knew what it meant.
But what it means is like eager to fight, right? Like, you're quick to fight with somebody about something.
And so I was thinking, why is it that Gabe thinks that we're that way, or other people think we're that way?
And I think there's some truth to this, that Christian nationalists are known for being pugnacious. Now, there's a negative connotation to that word, of course.
But from my view, the Christian church has been too willing to roll over too quickly and to not fight.
And so anyone who fights even at a normal level, like anyone who pushes back just with a little bit of aggression, is going to be seen as pugnacious or more pugnacious than we've typically been.
And I say, good, good. I want you to think that the church is not going to roll over.
I want you to see Christian nationalists as people that are going to fight if necessary. I mean, I've said this many times, like my entire life, and of course, my online life is part of that.
But my entire life, even before online, I've always kind of set myself up as somebody that I'm not out there looking for fights, but I will fight.
You know what I mean? You're not going to just get me to sit down and shut up, with the exception of that one guy at the
Steelers -Jets game who checked me severely, and I just kept my mouth shut.
But yeah, good. I'm glad we're being viewed as this way, that we're maybe not eager to fight.
But yeah, I mean, there is an eagerness to it. We've been silent, and really, we've been soft for too long.
We've been soft for too long. And so to get back some of that oomph, we have to be more willing to fight today than we were yesterday.
You know what I mean? And so yeah, I think there is some pugnaciousness to us, right? He says, instead, it's being known more for wanting to stop women from voting and reading.
And I got to be honest, I think there's some truth here too. It's like, yeah, you know, the 19th
Amendment wasn't so great. You know, maybe it wasn't a good idea to have women's suffrage. And I think that when you hear that, you instantly hear,
I don't let my wife vote. But no, of course we want our wives to vote here, because now, in the system we have now, we want to have both votes to be, you know, doing the right thing and that kind of thing.
So yeah, I mean, this is definitely something that I think a lot of guys are reexamining.
Like, was that such a good thing? There's nothing in the Bible that would make you think that women voting would be a good thing.
And then, you know, you look at the results and the history of why they wanted to vote in the first place. You know, one of the things
I thought was so helpful about Andrew Isker's book, he talks about how politics is just a war without the bullets.
It's a war without the violence. At least that's ideally what it is, right? And so, you know, giving women the right to vote was essentially sending them to war, in a sense.
And the results of this have been catastrophic. The reading thing is just, that's what made me laugh every time when
I was reading it. We were known for wanting to stop women from reading. And this, I think this comes from Joel Webbin's, you know, comment about how he's in charge of what his wife reads.
And again, this is a good thing. Men should be very interested in and concerned with, or I don't want to use that word, concerned.
It's so gay. But men should be monitoring what their wives are consuming content wise, you know?
And if things get too dangerous for her, you know, the husband should step in.
Like, this is something that I think makes a lot of sense. And people are reexamining, what is actually the relationship between husband and wife?
What it ought to be? What should it look like? And this is something that I think is probably needed in a great many household in evangelicalism, where, you know, the man, yeah, the man should really take charge of that.
And it's not a domineering thing. It's about protection. It's about protection of the women. There was a couple times in talking with Andrew Isker that we were kind of both talking about this, that like, you know, for example, like things with the economy, right?
Like in my opinion, things with the economy are pretty, you know, like we're on the precipice, right, of a really big crisis.
That's what I believe anyway. But I don't tell my wife all of that. I don't want her to worry because I'm not worried in the sense of,
I think we're not going to be okay. We're going to be okay. We're going to make it. I think God is going to protect us. But at the same time, it is a concern of mine, but I'm going to bear the brunt of that, right?
Every time I see, you know, the interest rates go up another, you know, another basis point,
I'm concerned about that, you know, to use that word again. But I don't want my wife to worry, you know what
I mean? And I think like these are things it's like you could look at that as domineering or tyrannical, or you could look at it as like a husband should do, protect his wife and recognize that as the weaker vessel, she might have, you know, more, she might be more worried about that.
And it might affect her health. And it might like, there's all kinds of things like that, that we want to protect our wives. And so, so good.
Like, I'm glad we're known for kind of reexamining the role of women in the civic realm.
That's something that I'm glad we're known for good, you know, calling brethren gay.
Instead, Christian nationalism is more known for calling brethren gay. Yeah. I mean,
I think that, I think that many in the church have, have acted very gaily for a long time, and someone's going to have to put a stop to it.
And the thing is calling someone gay, you know, can have an effect. And I think actually a lot of this stuff, by the way, a lot of this stuff can have an effect to sort of shock the system a little bit too, because this is not how you normally hear people in the church talk.
And so if someone from the church who's a brother of yours says, dude, why are you acting so gay? Like it might, it might serve the same role as like, remember in the cartoons when, or even in movies, when someone's like freaking out and going crazy and someone just shakes them like, what are you doing?
Stop, you know, like, or smacks them in the face or something like that. Some of the rhetoric that's used amongst
Christian nationalists, I think serves the same purpose. It's, it's, it's supposed to be a jolt to the system.
And I think it's necessary these days because I feel like we've been asleep at the wheel for decades, for decades.
And then we woke up one morning and they're transing kids. And like the reaction of most Christians is, yeah, they're upset about it.
But like, they're like, they get most upset that, you know, maybe this might mean the end of women's sports. And it's like, that's not the reason why we're against transing kids.
You know what I mean? It's like, we need to wake up, right? We need to wake up. And so calling, calling someone, you know, a pansy or a sissy or, or gay or something like that,
I think is sometimes useful to, to, to, to, to put a jolt in the system. Like maybe
I got to wake up here. You know, what am I doing? It may is what I'm doing at really gay, like that kind of thing.
And so, you know, even though he's, he's definitely listen, Gabe is, there's no question.
He's definitely trying to insult us here, but I say good, good.
That's what we should be known for because we've acted gay for too long.
And we're not, we've got cojones. We like, we, we, we don't, we don't need to be acting this way.
We don't need to be a neutered in the public realm. We can actually talk with, with a, with a little bit of testosterone behind her voice.
And that's a good thing for everybody. So good. He says, instead it's, it's known for, for making ethnic divisions.
And I think that this is, this is the real kind of, this is the real knockout blow. And, and I, and I, and I, I don't agree with the fact,
I don't think that we're actually known for making ethnic divisions, but something we are known for is kind of at least, you know, being willing to sort of approach this subject without the, the, the ambivalence of, oh, there's only one race in under Adam.
Well, there's a truth there for sure. But there's also a lie there because there are clearly different cultures and traditions and, and, you know, and things like that, that, that you just, you just can't, you just can't deny them.
You know what I mean? It's stupid to deny those differences. And this is something that the woke church sort of gets right because, but they pervert it of course.
I mean, that's the thing with, with the woke church. It's like, and I've said this throughout my entire content, like they've got their finger on something, but they pervert it to the ends of, of, of the globalists among us, right?
They pervert it to the ends of, you know, the socialists among us, and they've got their reasons for why they pervert these things, but they, they, they, they typically have their finger on something true.
And I think that Christian nationalists are taking a look at some of that stuff and they're, they're, they're trying to figure out like, you know, you know, what is a nation after all?
Like, because those words are used interchangeably in, in a lot of circles, ethnicity and nationality and in some circles, right?
So what is a nation? Why is it important that we have a nation? You know, a few years ago,
I, I, I said publicly that, you know, I, I, I wasn't for taking down the
Confederate monuments. I was never for that, but I also kind of like said, you know, I don't really understand what the big deal with the monuments are.
I didn't understand like monuments in the first place. You know what I mean? Like I, so, so I wasn't for taking them down.
I could certainly see that the people taking them down, what they were, what they were trying to do, but I didn't understand like why the, why the emotional attachment to them,
I guess is what I could say. But I think I understand it a lot more now. And I was wrong about that, right?
It is actually a big deal because to be connected to a particular place that God puts you in, particular people that God puts you in and a particular nation, you know, that's what
I'm saying here, a particular nation that God puts you in, to be connected to that and to care about it.
And to, even if there's parts in the history, you don't quite like to still acknowledge them and to still acknowledge that there was some good there, especially in the case like of Robert E.
Lee, there's a lot of good there too. There's that's good. That's a good thing, you know?
And, and, and so I get that now. And so, you know, I, again, I disagree that we're known for making ethnic divisions.
We didn't make ethnic divisions, but I think we, we are known for being willing to engage those kinds of conversations, which what
I would argue is a clearer head, or at least a little bit more honesty is what
I would say. And so while, while I was, when I first saw this tweet, I wish
Christian nationalism was known for spreading the gospel, upholding family values, equipping men and Christianizing nations. Instead, it's known more for being pugnacious, wanting to stop women from voting and reading, calling brethren gay and making ethnic divisions.
My first reaction was to completely disregard it, disagree with it, ignore it kind of thing. But I think he's,
I think he's onto something that we are known for some of these things. And the thing is, depending on which circles you ride in, like the
G3 type circles, they're going to view this as a negative thing. But I think that a lot of people, an increasing number actually, are viewing this as, as a positive thing, because what we're going to be known for is where we're different, right?
Because Christian nationalists, of course, spread the gospel and are for spreading the gospel. Of course, we uphold family values and we're, and we, we, we, we practice family values.
Of course, we're for equipping men and practice equipping men. And of course, we're for Christianizing nations and we're attempting to do that.
But where we're different is in some of these areas. And, and, and, and, and Gabe here is thinking that these areas are horrific and there's some pearl clutching going on here.
And I got to be honest, I think from his perspective, this is horrific because this goes against what we were trained by many people to be.
We were trained to be very agreeable and to, and to just kind of go with the flow. And yeah, we make our protests, but at the end of the day, we lay down when they tell us to lay down.
We're trained to assume, of course, I mean, of course the Bible is for women's suffrage. I mean, obviously, right.
It's a democracy straight from the pages of scripture. By the way, every time democracy is mentioned in scripture, it's, it's mentioned negatively just for, just for the record.
Yeah, well, you never call anyone gay, even if they're, you know, have long hair and wear women's clothing. I mean, I got the,
I got the biggest pushback from, from saying that what's his face made or Jake meater was a borderline cross -dresser and acts pretty gay and he does, but you would never say it.
That's not what a Christian does. Are you sure? Are you sure? I think that these are, these are some of the differentiators that, that, that Christian nationalists are known for.
Depending on your circumstance, if you're fully entrenched in, in, in, in, in essentially what, what we've been trained by evangelical leaders to be, if you're fully entrenched in that and, and committed to that, then it's going to be a negative thing.
But if you're willing to just take a look at the failures of evangelicalism for the past decades and decades and decades, which brings us to here to mid
Eva. If you look at that and you're like, you know, I'll reconsider that. Maybe, maybe we don't, maybe we haven't been doing this the right way.
And maybe the results of that are the fact that, uh, you know, we're transient kids now, maybe if you're, if you're willing to just be open, maybe we were wrong about some of this stuff.
I think you'll start to view this at least neutrally. But I think very positively that look, when someone's acting gay, you can call them gay and you better be ready to be hit in the mouth.
If that's what it takes, but, but listen, if that's what it takes, then that's what it takes. So I guess, you know, all this to say that there is a transition coming and the old guard and the new guard is they're about to change, watch who's watching.
And that makes a lot of people very uncomfortable. And I'm not just saying older people like age wise, but I'm saying people that subscribe to the older system.
You know what I mean? Cause I don't think Gabe's that old. I think he might be the same age as me, you know? But there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a false
Fugazi Bunko rules of decorum that has led us to loss after loss after loss.
And they'll claim it comes from the scripture, but it doesn't, it comes from their perversion of the scripture.
And you talk to people and they say, well, why aren't you kind like Jesus? And I'm like, you mean the Jesus that, you know, you know, mocked people intentionally, you mean the
Jesus that provoked people intentionally, you mean the Jesus that offended people intentionally when it served his good purpose?
Yeah, that is the Jesus I'm trying to follow. That's right. That's exactly right. So that's my emergency live stream.
I, I, I, I don't, I don't have any ill feelings towards Gabe. I think Gabe is a great guy and I, I, I continue to love what he does on, uh, on what, what?
I like that. I like that. And so, um, but, uh, but I do think that, that there is, uh, something going on here where he, he, he's, he's very committed to seeing things a certain way.
And, um, and he's going to continue to throw shade our way because I guess, you know, we're doing things that he thinks he, he disapproves of and whatever.
And so he's going to make it seem like, oh, well, they're not spreading the gospel. They're not, they're not upholding family values. I mean, he didn't say that here, so I can't really hold him to that, but that's certainly the dichotomy that's, that's being presented here.
Um, you know, and so, so he's firmly entrenched in that. And so any deviation from that is going to be, uh, uh, worrisome or troublesome or, or, or he's going to throw shade that way.
I think that us on the Christian nationalist side, we just have to accept that. You know what I mean? And I'm not saying
Gabe is one of these people, but, but, but there are certain people that the, that you, you, you won't be able to reach.
You won't be able to convince. They will pro clutch at any given moment at the drop of a hat, we need to be just okay with that and continue plowing forward.
Because that is what's required right now. You're going to have naysayers the whole way. You're going to have people trying to undermine you the whole way.
Um, but you just need to plow forward. You got to have people in your corner that you can trust that know you, that know your character that can call you on, uh, on any oversteps that you might have.
But I got to be honest with you right now in our situation in 2023, there's two ditches, right?
You can go too far and get too aggressive, or you can be too passive right now. If this is the aggressive side and this is the passive side, these are the two ditches.
The church is way over here on the passive side. And so, yeah, we might take a few steps towards the aggression ditch.
And these people are going to say, whoa, whoa, you're going to fall too aggressive, but we're not even close to that side yet. That's, that's the reality of the church today.
And so keep plowing forward brothers. I love you. I love you all. And, uh, let me just, uh, let me just read some of the comments here.
All right. Let's see what we got here. Straw man by Gabe. I like his work. Yeah. That was kind of my impression, initial impression too.
It's a, it's a straw man. Um, but I, I think in some ways he's right. I do, uh, emergency, emergency, emergency.
Yeah. That was a scam. Sorry about that guys. Andrew Duggan. Yup.
Any resistance to the evil of the age is going to be labeled as pugnacious. That's right. I think, I think any resistance that's more, a little bit more aggressive than sort of like the standard conservative reform guy is going to be viewed that way.
And so you just have to be, you just have to accept that. It's just the way it is. And there's really nothing we can do about it.
We got to plow forward. Uh, here we American creationist democracy itself. Isn't all that great. Yeah, I agree.
Should I start from the beginning? Of course. Of course. This is a YouTube channel. Just start right at the beginning. All right.
Got Austin here. Hold on. Christian nationals is known for stopping women from voting. Time for me to guess.
Get off the fence. I guess I'm in and reading Austin. They can't read either.
Apparently get off that fence and join the fun. It is fun. G3. Yeah.
Reasonable Latino. Thank you very much. I am reasonable and I am Latino. All right.
G3 panders entirely to women. That's their audience. So they couldn't possibly have a different take. There might be some truth to that.
I think there might be some truth to that. G3 still hasn't dealt with Owen teaching ESS. Yeah, I've never really touched that issue because it's a little bit too high, high minded theology for me.
But, uh, but yeah, there's something there. That's for sure. And I, from what I understand, there's also some weirdness with, uh, with, uh, with Scott and, uh, potentially some connections to that guy
Gothard. Again, this is not my area. So I'm not going to pursue it too much, but I do know that he's got a, he's got a hair trigger for blocking people that mention it.
So, uh, there, you know, there's something there too. All right. Let's see what you, what you call the failures of angelicalism, actually the failures of cultural
Christianity. The church proclaims the gospel fruitfully. Cultural Christianity is not the church. Okay. Um, I mean, you know, there's some truth to that, of course, but, uh, but I, I do think that, uh, at the end of the day, um, the, the actual church, uh, has a lot of, uh, uh, a lot of responsibility here as well.
When you see how the actual church responds to things like, like the COVID situation and stuff like that.
Like, I don't think that all of those churches that kind of caved on that and we're brow beating Christians to get the vacs.
I don't think that all of those people are like unregenerate or anything. I think that's actually the church. And so there's definitely some, you know, that's just an example, of course.
Sam P. I just got here, bro. Is everything burning? No, it was a scam, Sam. Sorry about that.
I scammed you. Distinctive, um, Ramirez, uh, the shorter
AD is here now. What's going on? How's it going, brother
Edwin, man? You, uh, you are, uh, you are shorter, but you got your own thing going on anyway.
All right. Distinctive movements known more for its distinctives than what it holds to in common with everything else is else film at 11.
Yeah. There's newsflash. This distinctive movement is known by its distinctions. Shocking. If you showed up in the middle, no, he's not talking about Gabriel.
Did I put in Gabe wrench? Oh, I meant Gabe Hughes. Oh, I got to change the name of this.
Sorry about that. All right. Well guys, uh, that's really it.
I God bless you. Thanks for tuning in. And if you expected me to blast Gabe, uh, Gabe wrench, because the title's wrong.
Sorry about that. I better text him to let him know. I wasn't talking about him.
All right, guys. Uh, love you all. God bless you. Hope you found it helpful. God bless.