The Advent of Moral Anarchy

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It was not hard at all to put together a string of articles on the moral anarchy in Western culture today, especially on the “transgender” issue. Touched on the conviction by a lower court of two men for daring to quote John 14:6 in public discussion in the UK. Then talked about a few other items, including the upcoming debate on the Trinity with Mr. Ventilacion of Iglesia Ni Christo up in Rapid City, South Dakota on April 21st. For those wondering, we kept it to an hour today!

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Greetings, welcome to The Dividing Line. My name is James White and we weren't here yesterday because I was flying back from speaking at the
TMAI Symposium, which is sort of the pre -conference, the pre -Shepard's
Conference. I guess that's sort of how it functions because the Shepard's Conference starts the next day and this is the second year
I've been there. I don't expect to be there every year but it's been an honor to speak on the subject of Islam both times and yesterday
I spoke on the subject of Christology and Islam. I had a limited amount of time.
Whenever, I don't know, well, I'm sure my daughter understands this and maybe she can explain it to you, but whenever I go to a conference
I'm the guy who feels some sort of moral pressure to get the entire conference back on to schedule.
If the speaker's before me, if the first guy went five minutes over and the next guy went ten minutes over,
I'll go fifteen minutes short and get us back on and I'll just talk really fast.
In fact, I talked so fast yesterday that my poor dear friend Nick, Nick is my
Russian translator from Ukraine. I've talked to you about Nick before and he's actually one of the translators there.
So if you go into the Russian translation room, man, the place is just set up so well, even though they have it at Calvary Baptist Church instead of it at the other one where they're setting up for the
Shepard's Conference. But you go into this room and they're showing the speaker, but then you can,
Nick is in the back live translating into Russian and they have
Korean and Spanish and I don't know how many different other languages they have. But anyway,
Nick had set things up so that he'd be able to be in my session, get to listen to my talk,
I was talking so fast in my presentation, they had to come get him and have him come back to do the translation because he was the only one that could keep up with me.
And of course, he can keep up with me because I was narrating a few hadiths toward the end and he's heard me narrate these hadiths so many times before that I was going so quick, he just summarized because he knew what the hadith was anyway.
So when I teach in Kiev, he's my translator, so he's translated me for classes on church history, textual criticism, the
Trinity, we're doing the Trinity again in early June, late May, early
June and looking forward to that. So anyway, I spoke on the
Muslim view of Christ and again, attempted to encourage my fellow believers to reach out to their
Muslim friends in love and not in fear, that's sort of become a theme when
I have such opportunities as these. So Paul Washer was there,
I got to speak briefly with him, pray for brother Paul, he's having physical issues and the simple fact of the matter is he needs to take about six months off and he's got a young little girl, he's my age, but we just call him
Paul Abraham Washer and he needs to take care of himself and I'm not sure that he's convinced that he needs to do that but I am.
So pray for him and if you get a chance, talk to him, encourage him to take care of the one temple that God has given to him.
Anyway, saw him and Emilio Ramos was there, Emilio and Nick and I went out and had dinner, that was a lot of fun and it was just a good time was had by all and I was just telling folks,
I've just gotten word that there's a planned
AHA thing at Shepherds Conference and I just sort of chuckled and said they won't get a foot onto that campus because even at the pre -conference, there were more earwigs and bulging belt lines, if you know what
I mean, than at an FBI conference. So it's like, I ain't gonna go very far, they can stand out on the street all they want but there's generally a little bit of a distance between that street and anybody that they'd want to be talking to,
I guess. But they have a lot of security there at the
Shepherds Conference and so we hope that that security does not have to be utilized in any particular fashion other than, you're not going here, you go over there.
So I understand that today is
Zero Discrimination Day. Zero Discrimination Day.
Yeah, what do they have against the number zero? That's very unkind to the number zero.
I pointed out on Twitter yesterday that the abuse of the word discrimination in our society is really self -defeating and irrational.
That the term comes from the Latin discriminare, which means to make distinctions between things and that this is an activity that human beings must engage in every single day, every single moment.
When you come up to an intersection, you discriminate between going straight, turning right or turning left.
You make a choice. You make a decision. That's what discriminare means. When you pass by, this will make
Gene Clyde really upset, but if you pass by Chick -fil -A to go to Cane's, which
I normally do, because in my opinion, 85 % of the time at Cane's, I get really good chicken and about 35 % of the time at Chick -fil -A,
I get really good chicken. So you figure out the relative proportion there. But if I pass by Chick -fil -A to go to Cane's, I'm discriminating against Chick -fil -A and discriminating for Cane's.
This is what the word means. And obviously what's happening today is an attempt to turn the word basically into its opposite, non -choice.
It's attacking the term tolerance and turning it into a word that means only one thing, and that is the acceptance of leftist, communist, radical ideas.
That's what tolerance is. You will be, well, and if you listen to Al Mohler this morning, he was talking about a radical philosopher from the middle of the 20th century that utilized the phrase intolerant of intolerance and that they have to be intolerant of intolerance.
And that's what is being picked up by the leftists in Hollywood and stuff like that.
Well, these words are being used in a way where their meaning is being stripped from them and replaced with something else.
It just really bummed me out that I had a bunch of people on Twitter that instead of hearing what
I was saying and recognizing what I was saying and recognizing the abuse of the language that's inherent, there are a lot of people who's like, well,
I just had a guy just a few moments ago, a guy named
John. Is this a justification for discrimination based on race or nationality?
And then somebody else said, well, actually Carson says you're wrong because that's how words change over centuries in the
New Testament. And I was just like, you know, I really sometimes think that Twitter might be best just being turned off.
I really do. Then somebody got really mad at me about that. Oh, this is how you treat people. I'm going to unfollow you and you're not Christ -like.
So for those who struggle to understand satire, for maybe many of the millennials in the audience,
Zero Discrimination Day would be a wonderful thing if what we were talking about was unrighteous bias and prejudice based upon irrational grounds.
So if you discriminate against someone, if you refuse to be kind to someone because of their religion, because of their race, there you go.
That would be an appropriate use, but you need to understand what's going on today. Now, zero discrimination means that if you do floral arrangements for weddings, that you need to do those for the profaning of weddings.
Oh, there's no such thing as profaning of weddings, you see, because all weddings are the same. See, there's an entire worldview comes rushing through the misuse of language.
And especially the millennial generation just goes, well, yeah, I don't want to be intolerant. So you will be intolerant of religious liberty.
You'll be intolerant of objective morality. You'll be intolerant of anyone who says this lifestyle and these choices destroy human beings.
They destroy life. But you need to be tolerant of that.
We're seeing it so much every day that a lot of it doesn't even make the news anymore.
It's being buried because there's so much of it. The story about this poor, confused girl in Texas who is involved in wrestling and is being abused.
That's what it is. I know what term is. The term is transitioning.
That is a lie. It's a lie. I don't care what anybody says.
The term is a lie. There is no such thing as transitioning. This young woman is destroying her body.
Her body is being destroyed by medical professionals who are being paid well to do it. She is hopped up on testosterone and she went undefeated 56 -0.
I wonder why. I wonder why. Isn't it illegal for athletes to get hopped up on testosterone?
Yeah. Why? Because that's what produces muscles and you recover faster and all that kind of stuff.
Well, but it's necessary medically. For what? For his transitioning into a male.
That young lady will never father a child. Won't happen.
Can't happen. Doesn't matter what mutilation they do to that poor woman's body.
Never be a man. May want to pretend to be a man. May want to try to shave and cut her hair like a man and wear men's clothing, but she will never be a man.
And there's no such thing as transitioning. It's a lie. It's deception. And everybody knows, everybody already knows the studies.
These individuals are many times more likely to commit suicide. And it has nothing to do with society.
It has to do with the fact that they have a serious mental problem. And the problem is our society has decided to encourage this serious mental problem because our society has a mental problem too, because it's lost its collective mind.
No longer has a meaningful moral or ethical basis upon which to make any judgments whatsoever. And I've said many, many times, there is a small percentage of people in what's being called the transgender community.
There's no such thing as a transgender community. You can't have a community based upon confusion, but that's what we're stuck with now.
There's a small percentage of people that are actually confused about their gender. The vast majority of studies show that if you just simply write it out, that getting through puberty actually cures a lot of things.
It really does, including confusion along those lines as well. But now in our days, when you've got people actually planning to mutilate six and seven year old boys and girls, as if they have a clue what's going on, and you know that confusions come from their parents, you know it's been brought about by some external forces.
Small percentage, the vast majority of this transgender community is nothing more than rebellion.
It's nothing more than I refuse to be what God has made me to be. I refuse to live within the confines of what my own conscience tells me
I should and need be, and I'm going to rebel against that.
That's all there is to it. So, the level of societal insanity is at such a point that, obviously, you look at the situation in Texas.
This young woman should not have been allowed to compete, hopped up on testosterone.
When did we lose our minds and think it's more important to allow that young lady to beat 56 other young ladies because she has an unfair advantage, and call that fair, call that good?
What about the other 56 young ladies? You just made all their training, all their competition, everything that they did, worthless.
For the sake of one person, it's insanity. It's evil is what it is.
It needs to be called what it is. It is evil. It's evil to crush those young ladies' dreams.
Women's sports are being destroyed by this insanity. It's evil. It needs to be called what it is.
It's evil. There is a
Hebrew term that's used in Leviticus 18. We've talked about it before.
It's the Hebrew term tevil, and it can be translated as confusion, but when it's used in certain contexts, it becomes perversion.
The Greek septuagint translates it by the term museros, abomination, something that's loathsome, abominable, detestable, and when the natural categories that God has placed in his own creation are thrust aside by man's rebellion, the result is tevil, museros, confusion of categories that becomes something that is detestable in God's sight and should be detestable in man's sight.
This is what we're facing in our society today. You may have seen the article that was published by Michael Brown a few days ago with the picture, once again, of Bruce Jenner where he said, this is a man wearing a dress, and he is exactly right.
Now, he filled the article with, I am not mocking, but we have to say what the facts are here.
Now, the other side doesn't care if you say you're not mocking or anything else. They're just going to focus upon that and attack you as being hateful and the reason why people commit suicide and all the rest of that stuff because there's no meaningful conversation to be had with the left.
You can't do it. It's not there any longer. In fact, I'll be honest with you.
You look at the divide in Western culture today. I don't know how this divide can be healed outside of just the coming judgment which brings everybody to their knees because there's no conversation going on.
There is no conversation going on any longer. There's no reasoning.
When language itself becomes a malleable thing, when you can ignore the fact that everybody discriminates, that we have to discriminate.
You have to discriminate, and in a land of liberty, you actually have to allow people to discriminate in a way that may be offensive to you.
That's the only way you can continue to have liberty. Once you place into the authority of the government the ability to start judging your motivations in your mind and saying, oh, that motivation.
No, they can't see hearts. That's what's so dangerous about these hate crimes laws.
They require people to look into hearts. You can't do it. Only God can do that. Leave that to God. Put the law out there.
Base it upon God's revelation. This is right. This is wrong. Don't do this to your neighbor. But there is nothing anywhere that says, and by the way, you have a right to never be offended.
Where did that come from? That has to be challenged. It has to be challenged continuously, and we have to be the ones doing the challenging because, folks, nothing is more offensive than the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Did you see the article? Oh, yeah, it's over here. Over in the
UK, I'm just wondering. I'm supposed to be doing two debates over in the UK. I just really wonder if we're even going to be able to do it.
Two street preachers have been convicted of public order offenses after a public prosecutor claimed the quoting parts of King James Bible in the context of modern
British society, quote, must be considered to be abusive and is a criminal matter, end quote. Michael Overd and Michael Stockwell were convicted the 28th
February at Bristol Magistrates Court. It's a very low court, so probably,
Lord willing, be overturned fairly quickly, but it'll be very costly, and I'm sure there's probably a
GoFundMe or something somewhere where you can help these gentlemen with their costs.
But during the four -day trial, Prosecutor Ian Jackson claimed, quote, check this out, to say to someone that Jesus is the only
God is not a matter of truth. To the extent that they are saying that the only way to God is through Jesus, that cannot be a truth, end quote.
That's the prosecutor. The men were found guilty under section 31 of the
Crime and Disorder Act of 1998 for using, quote, threatening or abusive words or behavior or disorderly behavior within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused harassment, alarm, or distress thereby, and the offense was religiously aggravated.
Michael Phillips, who represented the street preacher, said this prosecution is nothing more than a modern -day heresy trial dressed up under the
Public Order Act. Mr. Stockwell had quoted a Bible verse in which
Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life, and that he is the only way to heaven. He also entered into debate with a
Muslim gentleman in which both individuals stated opposition to the other's religious beliefs.
Now, what's fascinating to me, I really wonder if the
Muslim quoted from the Qur 'an. Let me quote to you from the
Qur 'an. They have certainly disbelieved who say Allah is the
Messiah, the son of Mary, while the Messiah has said, O children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your
Lord. Indeed, he who associates others with Allah, that's the sin of shirk. Allah has forbidden him paradise, and his refuge is the fire, and there are not for the wrongdoers any helpers.
They have certainly disbelieved who say Allah is the third of three, and there is no God except one.
And if they do not desist from what they are saying, they will surely afflict the disbelievers among them a painful punishment.
So I just wonder if quoting, and I'm speaking to my
Muslim friends, we're going to be having some hopefully very pointed discussions in two weeks in London.
And the second one isn't all set up yet, so I'll try to let you know on the website or via Facebook or, yeah, even
Twitter. The first debate's going to be at Kensington Temple like last year, and that'll be on the
Friday. What's the date on that? The 17th. It's St. Patrick's Day, I think.
And then we're going to try to do another debate the next night at a mosque. And that's what we're working on.
We're talking about the two Muslim gentlemen that I'm working with.
Please pray that there is such a desire on both of our parts in each situation, so amongst the three of us.
It's going to take a lot of work from both sides to make this work and to do it right, but the subjects that we're addressing, it would be well worth it to put out that kind of effort, really.
So pray that we will even have the freedom to do these things.
And I'm saying to my Muslim friends in the UK, I hope you recognize.
Because see, look, I say this to people on our side. When I see Christians saying, well, we should try to join in limiting
Muslim religious freedom. And look, do you see what's going on in the
Southern Baptist Convention right now? Big division over that. Big division over that.
Shouldn't we try to limit what Muslims can do in the United States, especially building mosques and stuff?
Folks, hello, earth to people, earth to fellow believers. Okay, if you're a post -millennialist and you're thinking that we're actually making progress to the point where the
United States is getting to that point where there is so much commitment to the Lordship of Christ that we can start bringing a theocracy in or something,
I don't see the evidence of this. I'm sorry. Did you watch the Oscars? I mean, church attendance, really sound churches, really?
It doesn't seem like that's what's happening. But I suppose if you are, then you can go, yes, we need to limit this because we're bringing in the theocracy and we need to have pure worship in the post -millennial kingdom here.
But I look at the government and I, yes, even post -Trump and I see a tremendous amount of anti -Christian bias and bigotry.
And when you support the diminishment of religious freedom for Muslims, you need to understand that those laws can probably be interpreted, especially by the judiciary we have today, as limiting your freedoms too.
So if you want to hand that kind of authority to the
United States government or to the British government or to whatever other
Western secularizing government you want, I'm just trying to warn you, it's probably going to end up coming back to bite you.
It's going to be used against you. And so if we can, if these men can be convicted for quoting
John's statement in chapter 14 about Jesus being the way, the truth, and life, then can't you be convicted for quoting from Surah 5, 72 and following?
I mean, yours is specifically about us. There's nothing in the Bible about you because obviously
Islam comes at a later point in time. So every one of you who knows your
Quran knows what it says about those who say three. Hellfire, disbelief,
I think pretty clearly accusing us of shirk. I know there's some of you that would say, no,
I appreciate the kindness, but I get the really strong feeling that was the author's intention.
So is there a double standard? And how long will that double standard last before you're experiencing the same thing?
Something to think about. Now, again, my hope is that this will be overturned because that's what's happened in each of these other instances.
Once you get above these local magistrates that just evidently can do whatever they jolly well feel like doing, but you never know.
What the left wants to do is keep pushing and keep pushing and keep pushing and keep pushing until these freedoms are done away with.
The only freedom the left believes in is full -on human autonomy, full rejection, full -on rejection of God's law,
God's revelation. And we see it all around us.
We see it all around us. In fact, I was sent, this was just sent out this weekend or this week, a message for all.
Now, this is, by the way, this was sent to me. I don't even know who sent it. So don't even ask me.
I don't even know who sent it. I didn't recognize the name. In fact, sitting here looking at it,
I stuck an Evernote. I don't even know where it came from. There's no, I don't know if it came through.
Actually, I think it came through a Facebook message. I didn't recognize who it was. So you can't get me there.
Message for all University of Phoenix faculty and staff, colleagues. University of Phoenix remains committed to and greatly values a diverse, inclusive, supportive, safe, and non -discriminatory environment.
I mean, could we find any more buzzwords from the academy to stick in there?
I don't know. In which all students, faculty, and employees feel valued and respected. We believe this environment enriches the university.
Our non -discrimination policy incorporates protections including sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, gender transition, transgender status, and gender variance.
As part of the university community, you have a right, check this out, to be treated according to the gender you identify with.
To be called by the name and pronouns consistent with your gender identity. Not to be bullied or harassed because of your transgender or gender non -conforming identity.
To equal opportunities regardless of your gender, including gender identity or expression.
To use restrooms and other facilities that are consistent with your gender identity.
And to privacy concerning your transgender identity and gender transition. Now, I know this is serious stuff, folks, but the insanity of the academy, these people with all these degrees, this proves it doesn't matter how many degrees you have after your name, you can completely lose contact with reality.
It doesn't take long. Let me reread the second and the last of these.
Okay, let's just think about this for just a moment. To be called by the name and pronouns consistent with your gender identity.
And the last, to privacy concerning your transgender identity and gender transition.
Okay, how does that work? Can you explain that to me? How do you have privacy and yet, well,
I've never understood and I never will understand and I will never do it. I'm sorry.
I don't know what it may end up costing me someday. I'm never going to do it. But could you explain to me, please, how any of us can be expected to remember?
I mean, I'll be honest with you. I'm not really good with names of living people.
I'm pretty good with names of dead people. I don't know why that is, but there are times that people introduce themselves and I'm just...
The name just doesn't stick. There are certain people, it doesn't matter how many times.
I've just got a bad sector in the hard drive. And for some people, the name, I don't care. There'll always be that guy.
I don't even know why it is. But how on earth are we to be expected to remember what pronouns to use in addressing someone?
That's part of speech. What you're saying is the rest of us now, because of someone else's fantasies, sexual fantasies, we have to somehow learn a new language.
Because I don't know about you, but pronouns for me just sort of flow. I've told the story before.
When I got the first copy, the first galleys of this book,
I started reading them. And all of a sudden I ran across the pronoun she.
And then a little bit later, her. And I'm circling them.
And I'm going... Because it immediately stopped me, because I'm looking in the context for a woman, something feminine, and what had happened.
And this was, what, 2004? This was 13 years ago at a Christian publishing house.
They were randomizing pronouns. And I circled every single stinking one of them and said, not my book, you're not.
And they changed them all back. I don't know if they do that today.
We'll find out, I suppose. But it was completely absolutely completely confusing and distracting to me.
Because there's a certain way to speak the English language. And they decided that they're going to change it.
Now we're being told that somehow by just looking at someone, that you're supposed to re -translate.
Because it's not just... Some of these people, they don't want to just do the they thing, even as a singular.
They have Z and G. And you've got to be kidding me.
It is so absurd. It is insane. It's evil. It's evilly insane.
Because it's one thing for people to be literally insane and not capable of rational thought.
These are people capable of rational thought. They've just decided to refuse to do so. And so it is evilly insane.
It's evil. It's rebellion. It's tevil. It's tevil in language. That's what it is.
Tevil and devil sound very much alike. Has absolutely no linguistic meaning, but I thought I'd mention it in passing just because I could.
So this idea... Oh, currently, the university is undertaking a project to offer students, faculty and employees the opportunity to provide the university with their preferred name and gender pronoun that will auto -populate to all university systems.
We will notify you once this option is available. Till then, we're a bunch of hateful bigots.
No, it doesn't say that part, but it should. In the meantime, if you wish to use a preferred name and gender pronoun not reflected in your record, please reach out to the
Title IX Coordinator. Additionally, if you have any questions or concerns, you can contact our Title IX Coordinator.
Title IX never did anything to do about that. But hey, you know what? No one really cared.
That was sent out by Timothy Slatao, President, University of Phoenix, Kami Pratt, JD, Vice President, Title IX Coordinator.
Doesn't say. Doesn't say. And it would be hateful of you to assume. So, yeah.
And this, after the Chris Cuomo tweet, did you catch that?
This was last week. Someone wrote to Chris Cuomo.
He's on, is he on CNN? He's on CNN, right? Well, he's over on the left.
What do you tell a 12 -year -old girl who doesn't want to see a male organ in the locker room?
His response, which he deleted later, I wonder if she is the problem or her overprotection and intolerant dad teach tolerance?
Okay. We have now gotten to the point of utter and complete moral anarchy and insanity.
And I consider Christopher C. Cuomo's statement evil.
It's not, it's just simply evil. No question about it.
If you want to protect your 12 -year -old girl from seeing full frontal nudity in her locker room, then you are an overprotective and intolerant parent.
I don't even know what to say. There was a day when people like that would have been run out of town on a rail and appropriately so.
That day is long past. That day is long past. Absolutely amazing.
Absolutely amazing. I don't even know what to say.
I don't even know what to say. Shocking. All right. Let me see here. I'm looking for some of the other stuff that I was going to be sharing with you and I'm not seeing it right now.
Hmm. Oh, oh,
I do. I'm glad I remembered this. Heading down to South Africa on Friday, leave
Friday. We will do a dividing line Friday afternoon. And in fact, I'll be going straight from here to the airport for the overnight flight to Heathrow and then from Heathrow down to Joburg.
And that is if this program doesn't get me banned from doing anything.
Some of you may recall long, long ago,
I'd say it was at least four years ago now, that I did a debate at the
University of Johannesburg with a Muslim gentleman by the name of Yusuf Bux.
B -U -X. And Rudolf Bischoff moderated it.
It was fairly short. Yusuf converted to Islam after an encounter with Ahmed Didat.
And so he utilizes Didat's presentation. And as most of you know,
Didat's presentations cannot withstand any type of scholarly scrutiny.
I mean, they're just very poor. And so the debate was sort of one sided, but Yusuf was always a very nice gentleman.
He gave me a really nice polo shirt that night. Well, Yusuf is in a coma in South Africa.
He has contracted some kind of an infection that I guess has attacked his pancreas or something.
He's in very, very bad shape. And obviously, this raises the question of how do you pray for someone in a different faith community that stands against Christian truth?
And I believe that the natural response is we don't want to see someone like that pass from this world without coming to know
Jesus Christ, their Lord and Savior. And that has not yet happened in the sense of him doing that.
And so we want to have further opportunities of showing Christ's love to him and further opportunities for God to work in his life.
And so obviously, we want to pray for Yusuf and pray that those opportunities will be given, that he will not pass away, and that opportunities will exist for further gospel witness in this life.
And so if you're a person that keeps a list of people,
Yusuf Books, I checked just before the program and there had been no update as to his current status.
But we certainly want to beseech the Lord to raise him up and to have mercy upon him and to, by the power of the gospel, reveal who
Jesus Christ truly is to him. And so we certainly pray that that would be the case.
And so we would ask you to engage in that prayer with us to see
Yusuf healed of this affliction. So we want to definitely do that and certainly pray for his family.
I know he has children and young children, so it's a difficult situation.
Certainly pray for the ministry down there. We have, as I said, as soon as I get there, we're going pretty much straight out to Pacha's room where I'll be teaching as part of an apologetics class there, really looking forward to that.
And then over the weekend, we'll be at Tim Cantrell's church there in Joburg.
And I won't be the only person speaking, thankfully, but we're going to finally get to see their new building.
They've been renting a place every year that I've been there.
And we were hearing about the building, hearing about the building, and my understanding is we'll be in it this time.
You can tell I've been going down there for a few years when you can finally get the building done. And we tried to arrange a debate with a
Roman Catholic representative, but evidently YouTube is an enemy of being able to do things like that.
And we were not able to find anyone that would actually do a formal debate with me on a
Roman Catholic topic, though they did promise to send some representatives to ask questions. So I'll be on the hot seat without me being able to cross -examine anyone.
So there you go. Are we to the point of being able to talk about other debates yet?
Don't look at me like that. It's signed and done? Okay.
What's the date on that? The 21st. So a little over, not quite two months from now, on the 21st of April, in the vast sprawling metropolis of Rapid City, Iowa.
In fact, it was funny. I was, what? Yeah. It's in Rapid City.
I think it's in Iowa. That's the last time I knew it was there. Anyway, ran into a guy at the airport for some reason.
We were both coming down the escalator at the same time and he was wearing flip -flops. And I just found that odd because it was raining outside or something.
And lo and behold, he was from Rapid City. Oh, South Dakota? Okay. Rapid City, South Dakota.
That actually sounds better, doesn't it? Anyways, it's up there near that area. Everybody's saying
South Dakota now on channel. And they'll be saying that for years. I started hearing about this.
In fact, now I think about it. This morning, I watched most of a debate that took place.
Wow. I didn't even look at the dates. Sometime in the 1980s. It was a long time ago.
Between Carl Keating. Now, I just sort of assumed,
I mentioned Carl's name in channel. And some of our regulars were like, who?
Yeah. It's been a long time. We are so old. And the young guy's like, who's that?
Who's Carl Keating? Carl Keating is the founder of Catholic Answers. And wrote
Catholicism and Fundamentalism. And was the great grandpappy of all these
Roman Catholic apologists that are running around today. Okay. And he used to do debates.
Never debated me, but he used to debate. That's what got
Catholic Answers going, was their willingness to do debates. And he took on Mr.
Ventilacion. He eventually gave up trying to say that and just simply said, Mr. Ventilation. He did.
He did. You can find it on YouTube. And he was a representative of Iglesia Ni Cristo.
Iglesia Ni Cristo, which means Church of Christ, which I've been told is the third largest religious movement in the
Philippines after Roman Catholicism and Islam. So it is a major religious group there in the
Philippines. And if you go on YouTube, unfortunately, a lot of the debates are in local languages there in the
Philippines. And so you can't really follow. But there are a few debates in English and almost all of the debates are done by the same individual.
He is their debater. They love to do debates. Normally debates are with Roman Catholics or Seventh -day Adventists. There's one with a black
Christian pastor who should never have debated. He's not
Orthodox in regards to his understanding of the Trinity. I don't think that's because he's a part of an unorthodox group.
He just didn't know what he was talking about. And so he just made numerous errors in regards to the doctrine of the
Trinity. It was tied in knots very, very quickly, very, very easily. And in fact, outside of Carl Keating, I did not see any debates from anyone that was really a challenge for this particular gentleman.
Well, I was contacted a couple of months ago by some folks up in that area that basically said that Iglesia Ni Cristo has come in and bought a town, little town.
I'm not sure how many acres, but just bought a little town. And they are having a negative impact on Christian ministry, especially amongst the
Native Americans in the reservations in the area. And they said, would you be willing to come up and defend the
Trinity and the deity of Christ against Iglesia Ni Cristo? And like I said, I think the first time
I ever heard of this group was the
Carl Keating debate, was in the context of Catholic Answers. And then over the years,
I've heard a little thing here, a little thing there. It's sort of like the same type of thing you get when people are always contacting me and saying, you're going to deal with the black
Hebrew Israelites and this type of stuff. And you start to hear about this stuff out there, but it's always like it's cult of the day.
There are so many that no one could keep up with all of them. And if you tried to, you'd end up being so surface level on everything that it wouldn't be any good for anybody.
So we started looking into it and I'm like, man,
I've got a really, really, really, really, really busy year, but I could sort of fit something in around such and such a time.
And they said yes. And so on Friday night,
April 21st, I don't have the location, somewhere in Rapid City, South Dakota, or Rapid City, Iowa, or Rapid City, North Dakota, Rapid City, Florida, somewhere in a place called
Rapid City. Um, what's that? Yeah, South Dakota, South Dakota.
Okay. I'll say it like Milo would say it. Rapid City, South Dakota. We are going to be debating the
Trinity. Now, of course, that means I'm going to be on the defensive. That's fine. I've listened to the presentations.
Let's just say there was nothing said that I haven't heard many, many times before.
From either Jehovah's Witnesses or Muslims or whoever. Very, very, very standard.
Now, listening to the Carl Keating debate this morning while writing, actually, I did find it fascinating to listen to this fellow explaining how
Isaiah prophesied their church because their church was incorporated in 1914.
And tying together the phrase Far East with the Philippines, with the book of Isaiah, and World War I, and it was like, wow, had to have borrowed some of this from the
Jehovah's Witnesses and the Mormons, both. Because the level of eisegesis was astounding.
Just wow. Amazing. But we won't be debating that specifically.
But the argumentation, reliance upon particular texts to attempt to deny the deity of Christ, pretty standard stuff.
So if you're in that area, April 21st, up in Rapid City, South Dakota.
Rapid City, South Dakota. It will be at the Ramcota Hotel. At the
Ramcota? Ramcota Hotel. Or it could be Ramcata Hotel.
But the way I'm pronouncing it, the way I'm reading it is Ramcota Hotel. Best Western Ramcota Hotel and Conference Center.
Did you have a time, 7 o 'clock? I presume 7 o 'clock at this point. I assume that's fairly—
That's usually standard Friday thing. And then they're going to want you to do some stuff the next day too.
Yes, I know. I will be doing a conference the next day as well.
So that's coming up April 21st. And then the next month there'll be a—
Why isn't this in this particular— Anyway, I'll have to fix that.
But we just arranged that between my speaking in Wittenberg at the
German Shepherds Conference. I love that. And my teaching in Kiev a week later.
Guess where we're going? Did I tell you where we're going? About two hours,
I'll be teaching about two hours north of Prague in the Czech Republic at another TMAI location there.
So I'll get to teach two classes while I'm over there. So Chad Daniels, just want to say that I love
Rich. He needs it because of all the stink eye Dr. White gives him. Chad, you need to understand something.
There's a glass window here. You don't see everything that goes on the other side of that window.
You really don't. So the stink eye goes both directions. It really does.
The window does not filter it out at all. So just so you know. Everybody thinks that I am just so mean to you.
You are. You are. Yeah. You go ahead and keep fake news, guys.
Fake news. There you go. There's fake news just across the way. So there you go.
Anyway. All right. So that's what's coming up. We're going to do another program, like I said, on the way to the airport on Friday in the afternoon.
And we'll hopefully have some more things to talk about then. So we'll see you then.