EMERGENCY BROADCAST! - Apologia Radio Correction (Part 4.5 )

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All right, well, good morning. It is Saturday, December 21st, year of our
Lord, 2024. And I don't normally do videos on Saturdays, but this one was important, and I needed to get to it right away, and so here we are.
You know, being a Latino with a reputation for being reasonable is, in my opinion, very advantageous.
But there are some downsides, and one of the downsides is that if you need to, if you're forced to, in a situation, correct the record on something, or offer clarifications, or even retractions to some degree, you just got to do it.
You got to eat your crow and do it. And it's happened before, and I'm sure it'll happen again, but I'm not the kind of guy that just lets these things go and just hang out there, you know, forever.
If something's a little confusing or misunderstood, I'm going to go ahead and try to offer clarification when needed.
And so that's what this video is. I hope you watch it and consider what
I have to say. All right, all right.
So here is what happened. It was brought to my attention that there was a factual error in my most recent video.
This is the one I put online yesterday called, Language Warning, Is it a Real Problem or Not? Apology of Radio Slash Dr.
Sandlin Part 4. And it's right around the 20 minute mark, and I want to play what
I said, and then I want to offer clarifications. And it's not that I misspoke.
I said what I intended to say. But there is a technical factual error that I did want to make sure was completely understood by everybody because I did not want to be misunderstood.
That's not what my intention was. I wasn't purposely trying to confuse anybody. But I wanted to make sure that I drew attention to this clarification because it's important.
And so I'm going to start this video at minute 1925. Here we go.
And that's the kind of stuff we're dealing with. That's what needs to be addressed. It's a real problem. Guys, I'm sorry you think this is petty.
It's not. I've said this many times, and I still believe it.
If this is a problem in Apology of Church, you handle it, man. You handle it, brother. That's what you do. Remember when you're rebuking these people to not do it in anger, not to exasperate these people.
You should remember those things, but you know that. You're a pastor. Handle it, brother. But at the same time, you're waging this fake, petty, ridiculous war against Eric Cahn and Joel Webbin and all of these kinds of guys.
You participated in it, brother. You did. So, you know, I'm not sorry that we're all confused that it's petty.
Look, if it's a problem for you, I believe you. But the other stuff, that's petty. That's petty.
And there were many mistakes made on your side when you decided to say that Joel Webbin was one of the leading figures of antisemitism in the church.
That was a big error, because all you did was muddy the waters. All you did was make this issue cloudy.
All you did was make people look at you sideways when you tell us this is a real problem in your church.
I believe you, but I don't have any problem with people saying, I'm not so sure about that, because look at what they're doing over here.
They said this is a major problem, too, and it obviously isn't. All right. That's the clip that was brought to my attention.
Now, in that clip, if you heard what I said, I basically said, look,
I believe you that if you have this antisemitism problem in your church, go ahead and handle it.
I believe you. I'm not going to question that. I'm not involved in your church. But simultaneously,
I said your side has also brought this to other people, including
Joel Webbin. And of course, I'm referencing the Tobias situation and all of that. And I said your side has said that Joel Webbin is one of the leading figures in antisemitism in the church.
And so I again, I'm not going to say that I misspoke because I said what
I intended to say. But there is some there is some extra information needed, because I think that some people could have been confused by what
I was saying. So what actually happened was that Tobias Reimerschneider, however you pronounce his name, in his initial video against Joel Webbin, he said that Joel Webbin was a key figure in the spread of antisemitism in the church.
Tobias Reimerschneider, he owns that statement. I haven't heard anyone from Apologia Radio say that.
I haven't heard Jeff Durbin say that. I haven't heard James White say that. Nor have
I heard Pastor Luke Pearson say that. So Tobias said that. But if you notice, in the video,
I say your side has said this. And in my mind, and I do believe this,
Tobias is on the side of Apologia Radio. They're on Tobias's side.
Why would I think that? Well, the reason why I think that is a couple of reasons. One, you know, it's pretty obvious.
You could just kind of I mean, it doesn't pass the sniff test to not say they're on the same side. But that's you know, that's just kind of general.
Two, Pastor Luke Pearson shared Tobias's video in which he said that Joel Webbin was a leading figure in antisemitism.
And then three, of course, the Antioch Declaration, which was the list of collaborators included
Tobias and Jeff Durbin. So that's why I was saying your side.
But what I definitely don't want to do, because there is a difference here. But in my opinion, it's not a very big difference.
But there is a difference. Pastor Jeff did not say that Joel Webbin was a leading figure in antisemitism in the
Reformed Church. Luke Pearson did not say that Joel Webbin was a leading figure in antisemitism in the
Reformed Church. And James White did not say that Joel Webbin was a leading figure in antisemitism in the church.
But what they did do, at least Luke did, was share a video saying how great it was of Tobias saying that.
And so I want to make that crystal clear. Again, I didn't misspeak, but it was technically there was something wrong there.
If you don't grant with if you don't assume like I do, given the evidence that that Tobias and Apology Radio are on the same side of this.
If you don't grant that, then I could see how someone would say, yeah, well, you're putting words into Luke's mouth or Jeff's mouth or James mouth that they didn't actually say.
And I definitely do not want to do that. So hear me saying Luke, Jeff, James, they did not say that Joel Webbin was a leading figure in antisemitism in the church.
Tobias said that and Luke spread that lie. That is a lie. Tobias' statement is a lie.
And Luke Pearson spread that lie and did not, at least as far as I know, apologize for it, did not retract it, did not take it back.
If he has, you know, someone can point me to that, to that. And of course, I would absolutely grant forgiveness there.
I would never mention it again. But you don't get to, in my opinion, you don't get to spread a video full of lies and then say, well,
I didn't say it. You know what I mean? So that's why I said what I said. I hope that's clear.
And I definitely don't want anyone to misunderstand me that it was actually Luke who said that Joel Webbin was a leading figure in antisemitism.
No, it was not Luke. Luke shared the video that included that statement. But Luke himself did not say that.
And I want that to be crystal clear. Now, there was some question, too, as to whether or not
Tobias even actually said this. And I find that to be amazing. Now, I'm not going to force my audience to just take my word for it because that video doesn't exist on the
Internet anymore. It was deleted from the Internet after a day because it was so full of lies. So it's hard to find that.
I'm not going to force you to take my word for it. But I do happen to have the video where I talk about Tobias actually saying this.
So this is on my YouTube video, Tobias -Joel -Webbin -video -taken -down -slash -worst -inaugural -episode -of -all -time.
And this is right around minute 39. I'm going to play a clip of Tobias saying what
I said he said. Here we go. This is about a very dangerous and evil development in the
Church, even within the Reformed Church, that is creeping into more and more churches, local churches.
And this needs to be addressed. And sadly, one of the key figures, the key proponents of this dangerous development is
Pastor Joel Webbin. There you go. There you go.
So that is, I hope there's no more questions about this because here is what he actually said.
And luckily, I'm on Let's .Church, which is a great website. If you've ever been to Let's .Church, it takes all my
YouTube videos and gives you a transcript of those videos. And so you can just easily find specific words and stuff like that here.
It's really, really helpful. Anyway, that's where it is, right? Now, you might say, well, A .D., that's kind of slightly different than what you said.
You said he was a leading proponent, I'm sorry, a leading figure in the rise of antisemitism and all this kind of stuff.
And Tobias says he's a key figure. Well, that's a little different. And I grant it's a different word, but I just did a quick search on my iPhone last night, and I just wanted to show you guys this one.
I just said, what is, you know, key figure? What does that mean? And it says, you know, this is just, again, this is not like, these are not technical definitions.
This is just, you know, kind of how people use the word. And it says here, a key figure refers to an influential person who significantly impacts historical events, ideologies, or movements.
That's what a key figure means. We all kind of know that, whatever. And then I typed in leading figure.
I said leading figure meaning, what does that mean? And it says here, a leading figure refers to a person who plays a significant role shaping ideas, movements, or changes within a society or an economy.
This is the same thing. I was using the same kind of language. It wasn't an exact quote because I was just talking off the top of my head, but it means the same thing.
Leading figure, key figure, all of this means the same thing. And so it's not an exact quote, but it's basically the same thing.
And so I really hope this clears this up, right? You know, that's what I intended to communicate.
I was talking about Pastor Luke Pearson and, of course, others, but definitely
Pastor Luke Pearson because I was addressing him in the video. He's right there on my screen sharing
Tobias' video, Full of Lies. Look, this is very easy to solve, right? It's very easy to solve.
All someone like this would have to do is say, hey, guys, I shared this video maybe a little too quickly.
It had these statements in it, and one of them was that Joel Webben was a key figure in the rise of this dangerous movement of anti -Semitism and Jew hatred and all this stuff.
And I shouldn't have spread that. That was not true. And I don't personally believe that, and I should not have spread a video that contained that document, especially in an approving way, especially with someone that I'm aligned with in other areas, someone that's on my team, so to say.
I shouldn't have done that. And so I'm not trying to throw Tobias under the bus, but I shouldn't have spread it myself.
I don't believe that, and so it makes no sense for me to spread that. That's all it would take, and then it would be over.
At least this part of it would be over. But I just wanted to make sure I cleared this up because I don't want to be misunderstood.
I think, I mean, I'm pretty sure that most people that heard what I said would not have misunderstood me, but after hearing what
I said, what I personally said, and I own what I said, you know what I mean? I definitely own it. I did say it, and I did not misspeak.
I said what I intended to say, but after hearing it,
I could understand why someone might be hearing it a different way, hearing me saying, I heard
Luke Pearson say that Joel Webben was a leading figure in anti -Semitism in the church, and I did not.
I did not intend to communicate that. I can understand why someone might misunderstand it in that way, and so that is why
I am doing this video correction on a Saturday. I want to draw attention to this clarification because I should not have said it in a way that could have been misconstrued like that.
That's not what I intended to communicate. I really hope this is helpful, and you know, there it is.
There it is. So enjoy your weekend, and I don't know if I'll do another video before Christmas, so if I don't,
Merry Christmas. God bless you and your family, and I hope you found this video helpful.