(Part 2) Bethel, Hillsong, Elevation / Jack Hibbs & Daystar - My Response to My Charismatic Friends
Testing The Spirits Podcast Episode # 115
-Should churches play music written by heretical churches / movements?
What is the difference between charismatics & hyper charismatics? Is the argument made by Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel valid, that as long as the lyrics are good, then it's fine to bring this music into the churches? What about passages like Romans 16:17-18 & 2 John 9-11?
Listen to part 1 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDrZGBzlhgU&t=228s
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Steven Furtick
Bill Johnson
Kris Vallotton
Carl Lentz
Brian Houston
Prosperity Gospel
Word of Faith'
Prosperity Gospel
Name it and claim it
Joni Lamb
False teaching
- 00:09
- Hello, and thank you for listening to the testing the spirits podcast today's episode is going to be really a continuation from the video
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- I posted yesterday sort of like a part two to how pastor Jack Hibbs was Defending Bethel Hillsong and elevation music so I wanted to talk about that a little more
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- And I'm actually going to respond to a comment left by a charismatic follower of my YouTube channel
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- I'm also going to talk about the Daystar issue And I'm going to show you because this is all kind of wrapped up together
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- Jack Hibbs is on Daystar And there's really a willingness to embrace or at least partner with to some degree the hyper charismatic movement
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- I don't really have anything against Charismatics, I mean I disagree with some things, but my issue.
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- I want people to know this my issue is with the hyper charismatic movement as Represented by Daystar, but I'm going to show you video evidence.
- 01:05
- You know for those watching on YouTube I'm going to show you video evidence of how Daystar an ex -employee has come out and Really has talked about how they scam the poor the sick and the elderly and this is really the issue that these
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- False teachers people who do that they should be marked and avoided Bethel Hillsong elevation
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- They're all part of that hyper charismatic prosperity gospel the Bible tells us to mark
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- And avoid them and yet people seem to say well if they have some true things to say then we can
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- Embrace their stuff support their stuff and again. There's some people even churches sound churches giving money to Hillsong Bethel and elevation, so let's talk about this, but we'll define our term charismatic just in case somebody is
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- Unclear of what a charismatic is and then the difference between charismatics and hyper
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- Charismatics a charismatic Christian is someone who emphasizes the spiritual gifts They believe that all of the gifts given to Christians by the
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- Holy Spirit all of the spiritual gifts They believe are for today. They are all in operation
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- Today, I don't really agree with that Depending on how you define each gift
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- I don't think it's an unreasonable position to say that the spiritual gifts continue to say that they all continue however
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- If you just to quickly summarize my position if you define prophecy or a word of knowledge as God giving new revelation
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- I think that's highly problematic Because if that's truly the Word of God, then why wouldn't you add it to Scripture?
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- So I don't believe in prophecy as in God directly speaking to people giving them new revelation today
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- Also, yes, I believe in miracles and I believe that God continues to heal
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- I believe in healing but it's through answered prayer not through faith healers
- 03:03
- Okay the Apostles had the gifts or the gift to work miracles and Heal the sick and raise the dead
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- Benny Hinn does not have that gift Okay, and then tongues I hold to the definition found in Acts chapter 2 that tongues is a noble human language and I know charismatics who agree with that definition and if you are a
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- Charismatic and you believe the gifts continue and you think that well, maybe tongues is happening on the mission field and people can speak another
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- Language that they don't know like I'm not against you. I'm not against charismatics necessarily, but I am against this hyper charismatic movement
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- Benny Hinn Kenneth Copeland Daystar Bethel Hillsong and Elevation, so please keep that in mind as I read this comment
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- So I'm not against the person who left the comment. I'm not trying to put anyone on blast nothing like that But I do want to address the issue because several people did respond with similar statements
- 04:04
- So this is from one of my youtube subscribers. I won't mention her name, but she writes this
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- Pastor Grant concerning Bethel Hillsong and Elevation Would you stop singing
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- King David songs because he sinned grievously? How about Solomon Solomon sinned terribly yet?
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- We have the Song of Songs Maybe that book should be put out of the Bible Okay, a little sarcasm there
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- Or maybe she says some of Martin Luther's songs because he sinned too All musicians songwriters singers all of them are sinners
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- We are all sinners if the words to the songs are scriptural and not heretical
- 04:46
- What's the problem? Okay, and by the way This was the argument
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- Jack Hibbs was making that as long as the words are okay long as the lyrics are sound
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- Then no problem sing Bethel Hillsong and Elevation. No no problem at all She continues.
- 05:05
- She says charismatics have written and performed some of some of the most beautiful worship music on the planet
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- I don't know anything about Hillsong or Elevation music or those churches But some of the songs like for example, what a beautiful name it is absolutely beautiful in honoring to God I am actually going to take issue with that song in a moment, but She says others not as much
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- She says as you know, I am charismatic But I also have discernment and then she goes on and ends with the admonition
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- Do not throw out the baby with the bathwater, which is a pretty typical charismatic
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- Response and let me just say this. I'm not I don't throw out the baby with the bathwater
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- I don't reject music because it's written by sinners. We wouldn't be able to sing anything if that were the case
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- Nor do I reject modern praise music because it's mostly written by charismatics
- 06:06
- I don't reject The music for that reason or those reasons.
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- I don't do that at all But I do want to be clear again. I appreciate this woman who left the comment.
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- I know she is sincere So I do want to address What she said and again some of that is similar to what
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- Jack Hibbs Said so I don't want there to be any miscommunication or misunderstanding.
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- I think this is an important issue. Like I said yesterday churches Need to deal with this.
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- They need to examine this if you haven't dealt with it yet Someday your church is gonna have to deal with it
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- I think so we should be able to talk about it, but Jack Hibbs doesn't want to talk about it Remember Jack Hibbs says zip your lip, you know, be quiet Don't tell people about Bethel and the stuff they're doing wrong.
- 06:53
- Don't don't talk about this That's what Jack Hibbs said. I totally disagree with that So here's how
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- I responded to this charismatic Follower this listener to my youtube channel.
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- I said, I don't think you're hearing me first I am NOT against charismatics.
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- I am opposing Certain people who are hyper Charismatic they claim direct revelation from God They're scamming the poor the sick and the elderly they are preaching the prosperity gospel, that's my issue and Then I wrote
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- I never said we should not sing music written by sinners again If that were the case, we wouldn't be able to sing anything.
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- I Am NOT opposed to singing music written by charismatics. My argument is we should not sing music
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- Okay, here's the crux of my argument. We should not sing music written by false
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- Teachers or that comes out of heretical churches or heretical movements
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- Also, I said the big difference with David David repented Bethel has never repented of their error in fact they are currently promoting
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- Benny Hinn right now for one of their new conferences as Benny Hinn continues to scam the poor the sick and the elderly
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- So at this point, I would like to play this video So if you're listening on Spotify, you can hear what said this is very important.
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- This is a former Daystar employee Talking about how she while she worked at Daystar.
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- They would lie and take advantage of desperate people listen,
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- I Answer it and it's the sweet little elderly lady And she's weeping and she's telling me that she's completely in debt
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- She has nothing no money but she does have a last little bit on her credit card and she's going to Give that to Daystar because the person on air said that if you give $1 ,000 today
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- God is going to give you $10 ,000 back. I Don't really have words to say how horrible
- 09:00
- I felt in that moment that I took that card number and I ran that card because It just felt very very wrong and that was really the first time that I stopped and said
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- Do I want to be a part of this? Is this the kingdom of God because I don't
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- I don't know how you can justify that before God I just don't there were people there like that that spoke that way that taught that way that really
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- Perpetuated this idea of the prosperity gospel, you know, God's gonna give you back what you give tenfold
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- Okay, so this is what Daystar does this is what they're all about This is how Joanie lamb can afford her mansion and her
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- Maserati and her private jet They get their money this is how they get it by scamming people scamming the poor the sick and the elderly and by Having people like Jack Hibbs paying them millions of dollars to air their programs
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- But Daystar gets their money through this propagation of the heretical prosperity
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- Gospel, and this is evil. It is evil to pray upon Scam the poor and the sick.
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- This is pure evil I have I just can't reiterate that enough and praise
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- God that this woman, you know Her eyes were opened and she quit Daystar and now she's speaking against them
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- But again, the Bible clearly tells us to mark and avoid such people whether it's
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- Joanie lamb or Kenneth Copeland or Benny Hinn Bethel Hillsong elevation have no fellowship with them.
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- That's what the Bible says don't Support anyone who's preaching the false prosperity gospel and yet Jack Hibbs and others.
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- They are on Daystar Jack Hibbs sat down with Joanie lamb and he praised her up and I think this is all part and parcel to the problem
- 10:52
- And this is why Jack Hibbs is defend I mean, he can't sit down and praise Joanie lamb and be on Daystar and then take a hard stand against Hillsong like it would be inconsistent, right?
- 11:03
- so you can't sit down with Joanie lamb and praise her up and then pay Daystar millions of dollars to air your programs and Then if you're playing
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- Bethel Hillsong Elevation music You're almost certainly paying them royalties to get permission to use their music in your church service
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- So clearly if you're doing all of that, my point is you are not following the scripture
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- These people Jack Hibbs and others they are not marking in avoiding these false teachers instead
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- They're what I see their partner partnering with them. They're paying them money. They're promoting their music, etc
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- I just don't see how anyone can defend that Scripturally, so that's my response to anyone who left a comment
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- Defending Jack Hibbs. I would say it was a small percentage of people Most of the comments were agreeing with what
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- I said, but there were a few the basic argument was if the lyrics are
- 12:02
- Okay, then the song is good to go and it doesn't matter who wrote it But again by playing their music if you're again if your church played a
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- Hillsong tune You know six months ago or you didn't even know and hasn't happened since hey big deal
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- But if you're playing this music on a regular basis, this is just what churches do they play all this
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- CCM? contemporary stuff Bethel Hillsong and if you play it you end up defending it and You you end up propagating and promoting this heretical movement.
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- And again, you're giving these These churches and these movements you're giving them money
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- So that you can have permission to play their music that at the very least Goes against verses like Romans 16 17 and 18 where Paul writes this he says now
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- I urge you brethren Note those or mark them who caused divisions and offenses that is through their false doctrine
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- Mark them who caused divisions Contrary to the doctrine which you have learned and avoid them
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- So mark and avoid for those who are such who do that They do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly and by smooth words and flattering speech
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- They deceive the hearts of the simple or the simple minded So again,
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- Paul is saying we must mark and avoid these false teachers these heretical churches these heretical
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- Movements mark and avoid them and part of marking them is Telling others.
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- Hey watch out for these people don't promote their stuff and don't pay them money if you're paying them money and you're receiving their material and Propagating it at the very least you are violating the spirit of this other passage 2nd
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- John 9 through 11 Which says whoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have
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- God he who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son so without question the prosperity gospel is a different gospel.
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- This is not the true doctrine of Christ John continues if anyone comes to you and does not bring this true doctrine of Christ Do not receive him into your house and that would also mean don't receive them into your churches
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- Do not receive their doctrine and I would argue their music into your churches so John says but don't
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- Receive them into your house nor greet that like don't even greet them and then he says he who greets them
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- Shares in his evil deeds and the context of 2nd
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- John as I said in a recent podcast the Apostle was telling Christians Basically do not aid and abet false teachers because if you do that you are now a partaker of their evil deeds
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- So again, Jack Hibbs Jack Hibbs again to be clear Jack Hibbs is a charismatic
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- I'm not saying that Jack Hibbs is a false teacher. I'm not out here.
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- Just opposing all charismatics please understand that but Jack Hibbs is
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- Fellowshipping with hyper charismatics like Joni Lamb and Daystar he's paying them money
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- He has a contract with them. He's Fellowshipping with them. That's a huge problem.
- 15:30
- And if he's paying them money I mean that that goes against these scriptures that we just read and Same for the music when it comes to Bethel Hillsong Elevation if your church is promoting their stuff
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- Certainly if you are paying them money, you're not marking them nor avoiding them like the
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- Bible says What you're doing is you're basically ignoring all of that and you're just saying hey if the lyrics are sound then it's okay
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- Don't worry about it one last comment that hill song tune. What a beautiful name it is
- 16:02
- It came up in this discussion and I actually do want to take issue with the second line in that song
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- They sing that Jesus Didn't want heaven without us So Jesus brought heaven down think about that for a moment
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- Jesus didn't want heaven. Oh I don't want to go to heaven or I don't want to be in heaven unless I can have these people here with me hmm and Then did
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- Jesus really bring heaven down because you know, I'm looking around it doesn't look like heaven is down here on earth
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- That hasn't happened yet. I believe it will happen the new heaven in the new earth, but this is my last point
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- That song that line in that song you didn't want heaven without us
- 16:50
- That is really indicative of much of the modern praise music It tends to be man -centered
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- The hymns generally speaking are God centered in the hymns contain deep theological
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- Truth Praise music some of it can be good. Yeah, but the hymns have stood the test of time why would you want to get rid of the hymns and bring in Bethel Hill song and Elevation and then of course you have people who sing the
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- Psalms and what could be more dependable than singing scripture So in conclusion, I just pray that people would consider what
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- I have to say, you know the biblical arguments that I'm making and if there is a pastor or a church member watching and your assembly maybe is in the process or you're thinking about Or you're in the process of getting rid of the hymns in order to bring in this modern
- 17:48
- You know CCM Bethel Hill song and elevation style music I would just ask you to reconsider and think about the arguments that I'm making
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- Consider the scriptures consider all of this maybe share this video or share some of the content by others who deal with this topic like Justin Peters or Spencer Smith or even g3
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- God deserves to be worshipped in spirit and in truth and quite frankly
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- God deserves better than Bethel Hill song and elevation So thanks for listening and until next time may the