Daniel 9:24-27



Are you joining us? Nice to meet you.
You'll seal up the door? Pastor Andy, would you open us up with a word of prayer?
Me? Yes, sir. Let's pray. Father God, thank you for this time together.
Thank you. The ability to know you and help us,
Lord, has... A little housekeeping.
For those of you that know me, if I misquote something, it drives me all crazy all week.
I said Psalm 521. I stand corrected. It was Psalm 5021.
It says that you all together think I'm like you. That was God's answer.
Psalm 5021. I left the zero out. So, instead of 521. Alright, take your
Bibles and let's open it up to Daniel chapter 9. I'm going to read verses 24 through 27.
And this is in the New American Standard. I say that for a reason, because it may sound a little different than some of y 'all's.
Seventy weeks have been decreed for your people, for your holy city, to finish the transgression, to make an end of sin, to make atonement for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most holy place.
So you ought to know and discern that from the issuing of a decree to restore and rebuild
Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince, that there will be seven weeks and sixty -two weeks.
It will be built again with plaza and moat, even in times of distress.
Then after the sixty -two weeks, the Messiah will be cut off and have nothing.
And the people of the Prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary, and its end will come with a flood.
Even to the end there will be war. And desolations are determined. And He will make a firm covenant with the many for one week.
But in the middle of the week, He will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offerings.
And on the wing of the abominations will one come who will make desolate, even until the complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate.
Well, there's a lot to cover here. So like I said,
I'm going to try to do it in two weeks. I'm going to first focus on verse 24. This is by far the most debated and most difficult passage in Daniel for people to understand at times.
One is because when we get to verses 25 through 27, the detail of numbers and how they fit together and trying to calculate the 77s to 490 years, and then you have three decrees and how all that fits together, usually people's eyes kind of glaze over.
So if that begins to happen, tell me, and we'll back up. But I'm going to tell you right off rip that I do so.
He's got Velcro on here. Those that say 70 weeks is actually 77s.
Does anybody in here have another translation that doesn't say 70 weeks?
Mine says 77s. What do you have? NIV. That's it. Hey, what's crazy?
Nothing against NIV. I just want to let you know. It is not a literal word -for -word translation.
It's a dynamic equivalent, okay? I mean, a thought for thought. So when you take all of your, quote, word -for -word translations,
ESV, New American Standard, whether it be 1995 or 2000 or 2020 or your new
King James, King James, ESV, all of those, okay? They all say 70 weeks, and the actual literal translation is exactly what yours has, which is 77s.
It's not weeks, okay? Now, I don't think there's any conservative or liberal scholar that would say this is not pointing to weeks of years, and the reason being is how many years were they in captivity?
70. 70. 70 years, okay? So that's where they get the 70 years.
One week equals one year, okay? That's what it's supposed to be.
70 times 7 is what? 490. 490.
So the time frame in view for this prophecy is somewhere in this range.
Now, prophetic detail at times is not to the actual, strict, wooden -headed literal time frame, okay?
Let's just take, for instance, when it said that so the Son of Man will, just as Jonah was in the belly of the fish for three days and three nights, so will the
Son of Man be in the belly of the earth for three days and three nights. How many of y 'all believe that was 72 hours?
It seemed like it, yeah. But it's not. It's not 72 hours. It's any time of that day, any time of the dark of that time equals a day in Jewish time.
So did you raise your hand? I was about to say if anyone's been locked up, all you got to do is have an hour for the day you get credit for it.
That's right. Well, there you go. They use the Jewish calendar. Yeah, so when we're talking about to the strictest degree of the 490, okay, there is no calculation that is going to come exactly to this without having to do, well, we got to remember they had 360 days to their year.
We had 365. We have all these issues. Well, then you got to add leap years. Look, we're not going to do that, okay?
We're not going to do that. We're going to say God has decreed 70 sevens, 70, 70 sections of these, and it will be broken down to the first seven, then the next total would be 483 when you add the next, and then these two are broken into two.
When we get to there, I'll show you how because it specifically says how it's broken down.
Now, the first section we're going to go, like I said, verse 24, and we probably won't even get in 25 because we've got six things.
One is when that 490 years, okay, the 490 years in view is done, however you come to the calculation,
I'm just going to be honest with you, I don't care. I don't care what liberal scholar, how they come to those calculations because ultimately it doesn't matter when you see what is accomplished once that 490 years is done, and here's what it says.
Seventy -sevens have been decreed for your people and your holy city.
Who is Gabriel talking to? He's talking to Daniel.
Who's his people? Israel or Jewish people. Correct. So we know right now that this has to specifically do with what?
Jewish people and what else? The city. What's the holy city?
Jerusalem. Jerusalem. So that tells us what this is concerning. So you can...
So we know right now that this has nothing to do with 2200 years later, okay?
It has nothing to do with some eschatological thing at the end of the age when some antichrist comes at the end of the age with a rebuilt temple and all that nonsense, specifically telling
Daniel this has to do with you, your people, and this city.
And it says, one, finish transgression.
Does everybody say the transgression or just transgression? New America, Sanders says the,
Grisham says the. The. Anybody else say the? That's a definite article. King James, the.
The. The. What was the transgression? Sabbath, the land.
And I would even go as far as even to say more than one. Sabbaths. Yeah. Because remember...
This thing is sliding on there, this new one. Because you had the seven -year sabbatical and then you had the 490 -year year of jubilee, which they didn't do.
So you had Sabbaths. And once you get to Nehemiah, okay, once they go back in, Nehemiah specifically says,
I think it's around chapter 11. Andy's talked through it a couple of times.
He specifically says as those people, they were opening the gates and they were selling grain and they were doing all these things again.
He comes in and they were doing it on the Sabbath. And he says, I'm telling you, you have to stop doing what you're doing.
Close the gates. Don't let any more commerce come in. Do you not know that God destroyed this city from our fathers for the very same things that you're doing today?
So not only were they violating the seven -year, the 49 -year, they were doing the seventh day as well.
Now that's according to Nehemiah. So to finish the transgression, the next one was going to put an end to sin.
What was the next one? Somebody reading it? What was the next one?
Next. Does anybody say prophet? Okay.
What do you got? ESV. ESV. What was the last one?
Does anybody have holy one? Just holy.
What does it say, just holy, most holy? New American Standard.
Does anybody have theirs in italics? Anybody have italics?
Most of the time when a word is not in the original language and they put it there for interpretive reasons, it's put in italics.
I know the New American Standard. What do you have, New American Standard? It is.
Yours is in italics, Andy? Yeah. It is? Yeah, so that means it ain't there, okay?
But what they've done is they've tried to place, to try to give us, and this is connected to that, is to try to give you an understanding of what it's saying because it actually just says the most holy.
So if it's prophetic, we're trying to figure out, well, what's going to be anointed most holy, right?
So the interpreters have put holy place. Some people believe that this, this only fits, holy place only fits the dispensational scheme.
There has to be a rebuilt temple if that's it, okay? But isn't that what they're sent back to go do?
Sir? Isn't that what they're sent back to go do is rebuild the temple? Yes. But the dispensational scheme, and we'll talk about it when we get down there, you've got to remember this is 2 ,200 years off in the distance.
The dispensational scheme, when we get to 26, when you get to 26, the rest of that's all towards the end because you remember, well,
I'm getting too far ahead, but you've got to remember based on the dispensational scheme, which probably most of us in here have heard and heard taught in church, was, hey, you've got 69 weeks, then you've got this huge break until you get to the 70th week.
Most of, probably your, if you have a study Bible from John MacArthur or David Jeremiah, all those guys will have, that's the scheme.
That's the only way this works. But when we started Daniel, we were in the other room,
I said I can prove the point that Daniel's prophecies are fulfilled in Jesus' first advent, his first coming and the surrounding events there, his death, burial, his life, his death, his burial, his resurrection and exaltation and enthronement.
All of that is going to be proved actually from this text here and 11 and 12 that it's taken care of in Christ's first advent.
So, finish the transgression. So God's going to finish with these 77s,
God's going to finish the transgression of one, not only the continual breaking of the
Sabbath, which they did even after they came out of the exile. What did they continue to do?
Continue to break the Sabbath. They continued to violate the sabbatical year to let the land lie fallow.
And remember, if they weren't keeping on the seventh year, how were they going to keep up with the 49th year?
Because that told you how many Sabbaths before you had the year of Jubilee. Okay? So, he's going to finish the transgression.
He's going to make an end to sin. So when this is accomplished, how is this going to put an end to sin?
Well, it would be the atonement at the cross. So, the cross will take care of this and this.
That's the only way. It will finish the transgression. Not only the continual breaking of the
Sabbath, but when Jesus comes, he's not only going to pay the penalty for that, not only will he be able to put to end sin once and for all, and if you say, well, how is that going to happen?
Well, just turn your Bible over to Hebrews and it will tell you. I think it's
Hebrews chapter 9. Yeah, chapter 9.
I'll start in verse 7.
But only the high priest enters once a year, not without taking blood, which he offers for himself and for the sins of the people committed in ignorance.
Remember, what was the day of atonement? I know some people came up to me afterwards and said, so you're saying on the day of atonement, that didn't cover the people's, their sins of daily sins.
It did not. The day of atonement covered one sin for the sins of the people, and it was those sins that they did in ignorance, meaning stuff that they did not know that they committed.
I mean, think about how many sins you and I commit a day that we're unaware of. I mean, thousands if you think about it, okay?
Thousands. All right, well, the day of atonement covered one type of sin, and it didn't do it for the
Perizzites, the Gagites, all them other ites. It did it for one group of people.
It was the covenant people of God of Israel for one specific type sin. It was those done in ignorance.
It says the Holy Spirit is signifying this, that the way into the holy place has not yet been disclosed while the outer tabernacle is still standing.
What is it saying? Hey, look, as long as the outer tabernacle is still standing, the way for a person to reach
God was unavailable. Who could go in there once a year?
And he wasn't in there long. He was in there long enough to do his little deed and get out.
One, he was in the presence of God. He didn't want to be struck dead. One time a year.
And it says, but according to both the gifts and sacrifices are offered which cannot make the worshipers perfect in conscience.
So every time they went in, they made that atonement. What happened to the sinner's conscience? Nothing. It had no way of cleansing the mind.
Had no way of them feeling as if they were freed from sin. Why? Because it was a clear reminder they had to do it again the next year.
And did it the next year. And that went on for some 1 ,400, 1 ,500 years. It says, since they related it only to the food, drink, various washings, and regulations of the body that were imposed until a time of reformation, meaning until when
Christ comes. But when Christ appeared as a high priest of the good things to come, he entered through the greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this creation, and not through the blood of goats and calves, but through his own blood he entered the holy place once and for all, having attained eternal redemption.
When Jesus comes and he fulfills those 490 years or 497 that are in view, he will put away the transgression for good.
How does he put away the transgression for good? Because Jesus Christ is our Sabbath rest.
Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of every Sabbath that the Scripture foretold.
He will be, not only he was the fulfillment of the Sabbath day, he would be the fulfillment of the Sabbath year, and he will be the fulfillment of the great jubilee which would come, okay, in the final jubilee, which would be 490.
He puts an end to sin by doing what? Scripture says, by laying his life down, securing redemption with his blood.
That's how. Now, not only does he do that, but he makes atonement for sin.
Scripture is clear there. What did Jesus do? He said he atoned for the sins of his people.
He went into the holy of holies, meaning, and if you go on to read in Hebrews, that holy of holies wasn't just talking about, it was typologically in the little cube, but it says that Jesus entered into the heavens with his blood, making atonement for his people.
So Jesus finished transgression, he's going to put an end to sin. It's over. Now, does that mean you and I still sin?
Of course it does. We're going to do that until we're redeemed eternally.
He made atonement for sin, meaning he made a sacrifice for us that covered our sins, making a way for this here, our justification.
I was hoping that this would land at the same time Keith was doing 521, 2
Corinthians 521, because that is what Jesus provided for us in the great exchange.
We said it last week, I think, say it again. He made him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf.
But when he made him to be sin, he did all this. Christ became all of this in our place, so that he could make an atonement for us in our place, so that then
God would be free at that point to provide for us righteousness.
Christ provided for us everlasting righteousness. The last time I checked, there was no expiration date, pot life, or shelf life to our everlasting righteousness.
It's good, and it's good forever. And that should be something we should be thankful for.
And why is it? Because all of those years of the blood of bulls and goats, they never actually did anything.
Now, in the Mosaic legislation, it says if you do these things, your sins will be propitiated for.
Well, what does that mean? That just means all you're doing is God was going to put off those sins until the appointed time.
It says that in Romans. It says that it seemed as if God was slack in times past towards sin.
I mean, think about it. When all the sins that people did, it seemed like God just didn't care.
Just like, okay, well, there was times now when God would open up the ground and swallow people. Certainly there was times when fire came out of the tabernacle and consumed someone.
Was there times where certainly the flood, you know, but it was at those times when we go, that was horrible.
But that's what God should have done for all those years before. But what he did is he put off those sins by placing within the
Mosaic legislation a living on credit until Christ came.
In the forbearance of God, he put off those sins previously committed until Christ came, made an atonement for sin, and then provided everlasting righteousness.
That's what Christ did. And that's what will be accomplished in the 77s when they're complete.
Remember, this is prophetic, pointing to Christ. Not yet done. Seal up vision and prophecy.
Well, does that mean that there's not going to be any more vision after Christ comes?
It's a legitimate question. I see you squirming about it.
Go ahead. What's that? Okay, so it's not specifically speaking about that.
That was my point. Yeah, it's not specifically speaking about that. But he's going to seal up everything that pointed about Christ's first advent.
Everything. Everything. Now, it says prophecy. Actually, the better translation is prophet.
If all of the visions that they got in the Old Testament pointed to who?
Christ. Every one of them pointed to Christ. If we don't see that, it's not because the Bible wasn't clear.
It's because of our lack of understanding. Every one of them. Let's just even go back in chapter 2 when we started with the great colossus.
Who was at the end? What comes at the end smashes every world system? Messiah's kingdom.
What happens in Daniel chapter 7? When you had the four kingdoms, the four beasts, what happens at the end of that?
It says the Son of Man comes. He's given a kingdom. And in his kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom. And what happened to the others?
They were forever gone. So those visions had to do with the coming of Messiah. Had to do with the coming of Messiah.
And it says it's going to seal up prophecy or prophet. Jesus is the final prophet.
Jesus actually was the... We talk about John the
Baptist as being the final Old Testament prophet. I understand what people are saying when they say that.
You know who the final Old Testament prophet really was? It was Jesus. Jesus came into the world prophesying and preaching just like the people that came before him.
What was his message? Repent. What was the message of the prophets before him? Repent.
And what did Jesus say to the scribes and the Pharisees? He's like, look, if you were of your descendant
Abraham, like you say that you are, then you would believe me. He said, also, if you believe the words of Moses, you would believe me.
But because you don't believe the words of Moses, you don't believe me. Therefore, you're not of your father,
Abraham. So Jesus being the final prophet is going to come onto the scene.
He is going to say everything that the prophet said before. He was going to point to him as being the one that was there to atone for sin, and he would be the final prophet that would reveal everything necessary for salvation and redemption.
That's what would take place. Now, what about anointing the most holy? What does it mean to anoint?
Okay. It's a granting of authority, anointing somebody to a position of authority. What did they do to prophets?
Anointed them with oil, let it run down their beard. What did they do to kings? And this specific thing, yeah, it would.
Hey, were people wrongly anointed in the past? Yes, they were. Specifically, though, this is talking about Christ being anointed.
And we, hey, when Jesus was baptized by John, he went out there, and John says,
Hey, man, I ain't worth it even to undo the thong on your sandal.
And Jesus said something very specific. He says, This must be done, that righteousness be fulfilled.
What did John need to do for righteousness to be fulfilled? He needed to another prophet, needed to anoint
Jesus Christ as a prophet so that it continued on the pattern that had happened in the
Old Testament. John was out there baptizing everybody in water for what? What's that?
Repentance. Did Jesus need to repent of anything? No, absolutely nothing. So when he comes to John, it wasn't a baptism of repentance.
It was an anointing of the final forerunner prophet before the
Messiah. So when he takes Jesus down in the water, Jesus comes up, what anoints
Jesus? The Holy Spirit. You want to tell you what's absolutely mind -boggling to me?
The whole same Holy Spirit that descended on Christ as a dove is the same
Holy Spirit that lives in every believer in this room. That is astounding.
And it's the same one that preached during Noah's years too, so it's crazy. And as he left being baptized, being anointed the most holy, being anointed as the one that would go out and carry out the
Messianic ministry for the next three and a half years, he left and he went out into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil or to fast for 40 days, 40 nights, and the devil tempted him.
Do you know that Jesus Christ, he battled
Satan as a man empowered by the Holy Spirit?
A man. Submitted to his Father, empowered by the
Holy Spirit, so that he could overcome temptation. We don't often think of it that way.
Hey look, on this side of the cross, we're without excuse. We have the same abiding
Spirit within us that was abiding in Jesus Christ himself.
Now, when that Holy Spirit came down, sat on top of Christ, he went to the wilderness, for 40 days, 40 nights, he came out, he then goes to Nazareth and he goes into the synagogue.
Turn over to Luke chapter 4. It says, verse 14.
This is after his testing. Verse 13 says,
And when the devil had finished every temptation, he left him until an opportune time. Verse 14, And Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the
Spirit. How did Jesus return to Galilee? In the power of the Spirit. Perfect man, empowered by the
Holy Spirit of God. He returned in the power of the Spirit and news about him spread throughout all the surrounding district.
He began to teach in their synagogues and he was praised by all. He came to Nazareth where he had been brought up and as he was accustomed, he entered the synagogue on the
Sabbath, he stood up to read and the book of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him and he opened the book, found that place where it was written and he said this, he read,
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor, he has sent me to proclaim the release of the captives, to recover the sight to the blind and to set those who are oppressed free and to proclaim the favorable year of the
Lord. Jesus stood up in that synagogue in front of all these religious men and he said,
I am the Messiah. In short, I am the Messiah.
I'm the one that has long been, people have waited for. I am the man.
And he goes on not only to say that hey, I'm the one that was anointed to preach the gospel, but he goes on down in verse 19, what was the favorable year of the
Lord? That was the year of Jubilee. He was going to set captives free.
Everything that those people had not done before, Jesus says, I'm the one and I'm here to do that. Remember, every one of those years of sabbatical, years of Jubilee, they pointed to something greater.
That was all physical. You know, land and debt and all that.
Jesus says, I'm the one that's going to set the captives really free. Hey, when Jesus sets you free from your penalty and your bondage and your debt to sin, you're set free forever.
It's almost as when Jesus came and the guy was lame and Jesus said, you know, your sins are forgiven.
He didn't even heal him from walking yet. Man, that guy probably didn't even care if he ever walked again.
He saw the Son of the Living God reach down there and released him of his debt towards God.
But then what did Jesus do? Well, you know what, I'm going to double down, buddy. Get up and walk. Take your bed. So not only did he say, hey,
I just proved to you that I have the power to forgive sin. I have the power to release those debts and I'm going to show you why.
Because I'm going to make that man walk too. And he did it. He says right here, I'm the anointed one.
I'm the one that you've all been waiting for. And then he says this. He closed the book.
He gave it back to the attendant. He sat down. The eyes of all the synagogue were fixed on him. And he began to say to them, today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.
Man, he's right up in the middle of it. So when you say that the ear of the Lord, that means you believe.
Yeah, that goes back to, you can go back to it earlier if you want to go back to sermon audio and listen to it. On Sunday school classes we talked about early on when
I started chapter 9 five weeks ago, whatever it was. You had the Levitical law in Leviticus 24, 25, and 26.
You have in Deuteronomy as well.
I can't remember in Deuteronomy if it's in 26, 27, and 28. So here it is.
Jesus says I'm the guy. So this is what they've been waiting for. So when these 77s are complete,
I said I don't care how scholars come to that. I really don't. It's when are they complete?
Are they complete in Jesus' first advent? Or are we waiting for some 2200 years later with a rebuilt temple and a place that's making sacrifices that are blasphemous to God?
Is that what we're waiting on? Or did Jesus come and actually lay His life down, put an end to transgression, finish transgression, put an end to the sin, make atonement?
And when Jesus' atonement was made, it was good forever. I do believe that we really don't realize how forgiven we are.
You know, I've said this before. You know, whether you're a snot -nosed brat, disobedient to your parents, you don't do what they tell you to do, you can be forgiven.
Whether you've committed adultery, whether girls have had abortions, whether there's been pedophiles.
Think about it. The most vile thing that offends you, you can be forgiven for that.
I'm telling you, you can put a gun in somebody's mouth and pull the trigger, and God will forgive you. I'm not saying you don't have consequences.
Okay? But do you really believe that?
Do you really believe that? God came to put an end through His Son to all of sin, all of transgressions, to put every sin to waste, and then to clothe you in the righteousness of His Son, so that when you stand before Him on the day of judgment, you don't stand there in your own righteousness, you stand there in the righteousness of a man who was perfect, anointed by God, who came into the world, who lived a life that you could not live, who came into the world and clothed himself in humility and in a struggle of being in flesh.
Look, Jesus' humility did not begin when He was coming into the temple on the back of that donkey, the week of His passion.
From the time He was conceived in His mother's womb, He began to be humiliated before all mankind.
I do wonder sometimes, did Jesus think when He was a little toddler walking around, all
I got to do was walk? And He stumbled, and He learned to walk.
His mom breastfed Him by her breast. He messed His diaper.
Man, this is the God of all creation. Who could have just said, it's over, I'm ready to get this over.
But what did He do? He submitted Himself to the fragility and the struggle and the weariness and the tiresome of this life, so that our great
High Priest, who did all of this, could say our sympathetic
High Priest has been just like us.
Just like us. He learned obedience. He learned obedience.
You think Jesus came into the world knowing everything? No, even
His parents, remember when He was at the temple? They ran off with the caravan and were gone a few days away, and they come back, and He said, what are you doing here?
And He said, didn't you know I'd be about my father's business? And then what did it say? It says He then submitted
Himself to His parents, and He learned in the grace and knowledge of God.
He learned. He learned. Now don't get me wrong, Jesus didn't have to be told but once. Once.
Once. And He learned. And He did that, so that we could then be a recipient of the passive and active obedience of the
Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus didn't come into the world to earn righteousness. He was righteous.
And everything that He did was righteous. And He didn't have to earn it because He was.
Look, Jesus couldn't do anything but right. He didn't have the ability to do unrighteousness.
But He is righteous to His being. And He came into the world to do that.
So that when He did lay His life down, He would set the captives free forever. He would declare the great and last jubilee providing forgiveness, redemption, and salvation for everyone that would believe.
That is what will be accomplished when these are done. Once again, however you come to your time.
Don't care. Can we agree when those 77's are complete that God has provided a way and nothing else needs to be done?
And I hope to do that next week as we figure out what they actually mean.
Got a few minutes. A couple minutes. I have a question. Not necessarily per day, but it deals with the anointing.
My mother -in -law just experienced some lady showing up at her house. Oh, not her sister's house to anoint them.
I don't know what your opinions are on that. I personally don't think it's necessary.
I don't know what their hazards... Because my cousin, she's got cancer, breast cancer.
So I guess the lady showed up to anoint her with...
Well, there's a way of doing that. And that's not the way you do it. It says you go to the elders of your church and have them pray over you and anoint them with oil.
What's that? Who was... Yeah. It tells you who is provided for the body to do that.
Now, I don't think there's anything... That's a whole other conversation. What does oil represent? Does it actually do anything?
Was it medicinal or was it actually anointing and showing the solidarity of the elders?
Could that be the case? It can be. I don't think there's anything special in the oil. It's actually more symbolic than it is anything.
That's what I was thinking too. And not to mention... But she is a dead giveaway. She ain't qualified to do that because she's a she.
She ain't no elder. But, hey, it doesn't have to be...
If somebody came to me and Andy and Keith... They have. Yeah, we just talked about it.
Someone has asked us. Go ahead. Yeah, go ahead. And we have done it in the past, haven't we?
Yeah. Yeah, we have. Right there in Keith's office. Olive oil is better than corn oil. Yes.
Yeah, so there's a way of doing that. It says, let him call the elders of the church.
It does. Gather together and anoint oil. Yes, righteous prayer.
Yep, we'll say it. Yeah. Now, that's not a dead ringer that that person is going to be healed.
So let's don't do what the false teacher is doing and say, hey, here it is. This didn't work. So if it didn't work, it's not because we didn't do our part and you didn't have enough faith.
That's not what that's talking about. Once again, you... At the same time, you don't want to trust in that oil to be like a talisman or something.
A what now? Like a rabbit's tail or... And that is in the false teaching and the healing movement, that's what it winds up being.
Yeah, I mean, you can probably buy it on TV. A guy was flipping through. This probably been a couple months ago.
I didn't think the guy was on TV, but... Remember the little bottles of water? That's what I was thinking.
Yeah, you had a guy named Peter Popov. That was his name. He was...
Yeah, like Ukrainian or something. And man, he'd be throwing on TV, throwing walkers across the stage and wheelchairs.
And he says, but hey, you don't have to come here. You can order my little oil and water. And you can buy...
Peter Popov was his name. P -O -P -O -V. Popov. I mean, there's hundreds of them.
Yes, sir. I'll change the subject here. On the... If it had been just left as the most holy, what would the people even back then...
Here? Well, they would have thought, like Mike said earlier, they were thinking at this time, they're thinking of a rebuilt temple.
They're thinking, hey, there has to be a new place where God will dwell. Well, whether someone wants to, in this context, whether they think it's a place or the most holy one,
I'm not going to go to the mat over that. Because what did the holy place represent? It represented
Jesus Christ. Yeah, he would be the dwelling place. He even said it when he says, hey, look, I am the true temple.
That's where God would dwell, was in him. Now, he was the one that represented the most holy place.
Somebody says, well, I believe that it's the holy place. Okay, well, at some point, when Jesus lays his life down and the temple veil, the tabernacle veil is split in two, well,
Jesus is now the one that provided that way to the holy place by being what?
The holy one. Right, well, that's where he says, you know, you tear it down in three days.
And that's why they wanted to kill him. Because they said 36 years they've been building on this. Well, we got to go. 46.
What's that? 46, so you don't get upset this week. Okay. Hey, pray for us.
There was a crowd that left Jesus one day and said, great and wonderful. And we sure have.
When you said it was finished, it was done. And you did that not only for me, but everyone sitting in this room today.
Thank you for that, not only that death, but that glorification through the resurrection we thank you.
Now bless us, prepare our hearts as we go to worship only you in Jesus' name.