The False Gospel of the Roman Catholic Church

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In Episode # 68 of the Testing the Spirits podcast we review statements from the Pope and the Ecumenical Councils of the Church of Rome to demonstrate that they have contradicted and even condemned the gospel of Jesus Christ.


Hello, and thank you for listening to the Testing the Spirits podcast. The title of this episode is
The False Gospel of the Roman Catholic Church. The fact of the matter is the
Pope, along with his Roman clergy, they teach that salvation is by faith plus works.
I'm going to read statements from their own councils in just a moment demonstrating this.
And of course, anyone who knows anything about history, you know, this is what the Protestant Reformation was all about.
Now before we begin, let me just address the person who might see the title of this podcast and they think to themselves,
Mike, you know, why don't you just ignore this? You're not even Catholic. Why should you even care?
Well, the Catholic church is the biggest church on earth.
They are incredibly influential. For example, the average person, when they hear the word saint, the average person, they think of a saint as someone who is just like super holy.
They never sin, you know, their head and shoulders above everybody else. Is that true? No, that's the
Catholic idea of what a saint is in the Bible. The word saint simply means a
Christian, but most people think it means something else because of the widespread influence of the
Roman church. Rome influences people without them even realizing it.
But the main reason I care is because of that. And in the day and age we live in, we have
Protestant leaders and evangelicals and Baptists. They are now praising the
Pope in the Catholic church. Here are a few examples. Watch. I think the
Pope is fantastic. Pope Francis, he is doing everything right.
As our new Pope, if you love Pope Francis, you'll love Jesus. Do you like this
Pope? I like him very much. He is very conservative. He is not unsocial.
He is liberal socially. We are a wealthy nation. We share the wealth. That's right.
He and I agree on almost everything. So this is why it matters. Not only is
Rome the biggest church in the world and its influence is far -reaching.
You now have Protestant and evangelical leaders affirming the
Pope and the Catholic church. You heard it. Joel Osteen says that the Pope is fantastic.
Rick Warren called him our Pope. Well, how is he your Pope? If you're supposedly a Baptist, how is he your
Pope or our Pope? But Rick Warren said that Francis, oh, he's doing everything right.
Well, except that he's teaching a false gospel. But I don't think Osteen and Warren even believe that.
Louis Giglio, you saw him. He's the founder of the Passion Conference. Those listening on Spotify, you'll have to watch the
YouTube video. But Louis Giglio, the founder of the Passion Conference, he flew to Rome and I showed you the video of him kissing the
Pope. Which throughout history, that's a sign of affirmation.
People would kiss the Pope's ring. Like in the Godfather movies, it's a way of showing your loyal obedience.
Because trust me, behind the scenes, the Pope is pulling the strings.
You don't even realize how much influence the Pope and the Catholic church have over the kings of the earth.
Certainly, historically, that's been true. Throughout Europe, you can't deny that.
And that's still true. The book of Revelation talks about this. Revelation chapter 17.
Well, I'm not going to get into that now. But as far as those clips I showed you, it even showed
Billy Graham. He's on board. He's telling of how Pope, this is a previous
Pope, Pope John Paul II. Billy spoke of how they work together. Billy loves the
Pope. And he said, I agree with him on almost everything. So that's why this is important.
Because if you agree with the Pope, well, let's just look at what the Popes believe.
As head of the Catholic church, here is what they teach concerning the gospel. Here is what the
Catholic church teaches in the Council of Trent. They said, and I quote, If anyone says that the faith which justifies is nothing else but trust in the divine mercy which pardons sin because of Christ, or that it is trust alone by which we are justified, let them be anathema.
In other words, if you believe that, if you believe that salvation is by trusting in Christ alone, let them be, let people like that be eternally doomed.
That's what they said. In this statement by the Catholic church, they officially condemned the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Since the Bible says in Ephesians 2, 8 and 9, For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves.
It is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.
And then what did Jesus teach? Jesus taught that the gospel, well, in the gospel of John, what did he say?
You must be born again. Jesus went on to say that you are saved by believing in him, right?
The gospel of John 3, 16. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him.
They should not perish, but have everlasting life. We are saved by faith. You are saved by believing in Jesus.
But again, the counsel of Trent, a declaration that has never been rescinded, by the way.
It can't be because the Catholic church and the Pope, they claim to be infallible. Well, the
Catholic church condemned the gospel. They condemned the idea that a person is saved only by trust in the divine mercy.
Remember the thief on the cross, how he was saved? It wasn't by his good works.
In a moment in time, right before his death, he put all his trust in Jesus. And our
Lord assured him, today thou shalt be with me in paradise. So you have the true gospel taught by Jesus and his apostles.
You have the true gospel found in the Bible. Then you have the false gospel of the
Pope and the Catholic church. And if you're not convinced yet, this idea that the Pope believes and works salvation.
Pope John Paul II is quoted as saying that all who live a good life will be saved.
In a December 9th, 2000 article in the Los Angeles Times, the headline reads,
Pope takes an inclusive view of salvation. And I encourage you to search all this stuff on your own.
But here's what the article says. Tempering a controversial Vatican declaration on salvation,
Pope John Paul II said this week that all who live a just life will be saved.
What does the Bible say? That there is none righteous, no not one. That all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
This is the whole problem that nobody has ever done this. That's why mankind needs a savior and Christ is the only savior.
But the Pope says, well, anyone who lives a just life will be saved. Even if they do not believe in Jesus Christ and the
Roman Catholic Church. Let me repeat that. Pope John Paul II said, as long as you live a good life, you will be saved.
Even if you don't believe in Jesus Christ. The Pontiff addressing 30 ,000 pilgrims in St.
Peter's Square on Wednesday, strongly reasserted the Second Vatican Council's liberal interpretation of the
Bible's teaching on salvation. And by the way, this is what
Billy Graham taught. This is what Billy Graham said to Robert Shuler. Go and search for that interview.
Type in Billy Graham, Robert Shuler on my YouTube channel. I showed the whole interview. Billy Graham saying this same exact thing.
Because why? The two agreed on almost everything. Oh, that's not true. Yeah, it is if you actually look at the evidence.
But my friends, we live in a day and age where people are trying to obscure the truth.
Instead of just telling people what's right and what's true. Well, that might offend someone. Everyone just wants to be nice and not say anything that might ruffle feathers.
And in the process, the gospel gets obscured. The gospel, according to the
Pope, continuing with this article, the gospel teaches us that those who live in accordance with the
Beatitudes, the poor in spirit, the pure of heart, those who bear lovingly the sufferings of life, they will enter
God's kingdom, John Paul said. So again, John Paul II, the Pope, you know, a couple of Popes ago, all who live a good life will be saved, even if you don't believe in Jesus.
No problem, as long as you're a loving person. That's what he said. And that's what the
Council of Trent said. I mean, this is, again, the Reformation. The Catholic Church said you're saved by faith plus works, which the
Pope just denied that you don't really have to believe in Jesus. So what does it boil down to? Works.
It's just another form of works, righteousness. Every religion in this world, it's all the same thing.
Works, righteousness. You are saved based on what you do.
That if you're a good person, you'll go to heaven. This is what the majority of people in the world believe, but it's not what
Jesus taught. The true gospel is that Jesus died and rose again, and you must believe in him.
If that's not true, then evangelism and missionary work is pointless. So anyways, this article from the
Los Angeles Times, plus this statement from the Council of Trent, what is it?
It's a denial of the gospel. My friends, if a person can get to heaven without Jesus, or if they can get to heaven and be saved by being good and doing good, then the death of Jesus Christ was totally unnecessary.
For those of you who follow the podcast, you remember that heretical cult in our area.
That's what their leader said. The death of Jesus was totally unnecessary. This is pointless.
These people are anti -Christ. It's all about you and just do your best and be good, and that's good enough.
The Apostle Paul actually addressed that argument in Galatians 2 .21. If you can just be saved by being a good person and doing the right thing, then
Jesus died in vain. And let me tell you, Jesus did not die in vain. So my friends, this is all proof that the gospel of the
Roman Catholic Church, the gospel that the Pope affirms, it is a false gospel.
It is not the true gospel. The true gospel, according to the
Bible, 1 Corinthians 15, first few verses, the true gospel is that Jesus died for our sins.
He rose again. According to the scriptures, we are saved by believing in him.
Someone might say, yeah, but the Catholic Church says that. They affirm that Jesus died and rose again.
And that's where they trick people. Remember, the devil is very subtle.
We already established that the Pope said you can be saved without Jesus. So here's where they trick people.
What about those who enter the Catholic system, affirming that Jesus died for sins and rose again?
Well, for the Catholic who affirms that, and they get baptized and they're confirmed, they are then taught that in order to earn salvation within the
Catholic system, yeah, you have to be baptized, you have to be confirmed, you have to partake of the sacraments, you have to confess to the priest, you have to jump through all of these different hoops and do all of these good works.
And yet, at the end, you still cannot know whether or not you're saved. They say you can never know that.
Because according to Rome, if you just commit one mortal sin and then die in that condition, you will go to hell forever.
I mean, best case scenario, according to official Catholic doctrine, best case scenario, that you die with only venial sin on your record, and then you have to suffer for who knows how long, 100 ,000 years in purgatory.
My friends, that's not good news. Either way, in the Catholic system, you can never actually know whether or not you're saved.
Once again, this contradicts the Bible, where the apostle John wrote in 1 John 5 .13,
John said, These things I've written to you, who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life.
Who are you going to believe, the Pope or the apostle John? I'll stick with the apostle John. But Rome says you can never know whether or not you're saved.
They call that the sin of presumption. But John says you can know.
You should know. All you have to do is keep believing in Jesus, because that's how we are saved.
It's about Jesus, not about you, and your own goodness. In conclusion, if you want more information about what the
Catholic Church teaches, I encourage you to listen to my video titled Catholic Teachings Examined.
If you're listening on YouTube, that should come up as a link at the end of the video.
But this is a crucial issue. We have to get this right, because there's nothing more important than the subject of salvation.
We have to get the gospel right, amen? The true gospel is salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.
How do we know? Because the scripture alone is our authority and it's all to the glory of God alone.
So I'm just going to say it. The Pope is the biggest false teacher on the face of the earth. I'm sorry if that offends somebody, but it's true.
Because nearly all the great Protestant and Evangelical leaders throughout history, they all acknowledged this.
They regarded the Pope as at least an Antichrist, if not the
Antichrist. Whether it was Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox, John Wesley, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, John MacArthur, they are all, on record, saying this very thing.
But today, there is this push to bring all denominations and all religions together.
So many of the modern TV preachers, the guys who want to be loved by all, now they're saying the opposite.
They say things like the Pope is incredible, he's amazing, the Catholic Church is wonderful, all religions can get you to God.
Joel Osteen says that Hindus, they love God too, so you have ecumenicalism, the interfaith movement, all of this is leading to one place.
And that's the coming of the one world religion ruled over by the
Antichrist, that final figure that rises up during the end times. I personally believe that will be a
Pope. Maybe the Pope will be the false prophet, but my friends, don't be fooled.
If you fall for this now, you're not going to stand firm in the end times, which it's getting closer every day.
We need to get this right. There is only one true gospel, except no substitutes.