The Day After - Wisdom from the Woke

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Day after the election....the woke have lots of wisdom for those of you still stupid enough to vote wrong.


Well, all right, it's the day after the election and everyone is giving their hot take. I have found a number of really hot takes regarding the results.
Started off all here with the Gospel Coalition with the five things that every Christian should do after the election.
But first, before we start, yesterday I mentioned at the end of my video, which was after the scripture, so if you don't watch my videos to the end, sometimes
I'll put little nuggets at the end. But, I talked about an Ask 29 guy that said that the only reason
I make my videos is because of this inner desire for, this inner longing for acceptance, what was it again?
Inner longing for significance, that's what it was. Anyway, he also told me that the only reason
I didn't like Matt Chandler is because I was mad that he wasn't a political man. And I started thinking about it, like, you know, this is the guy who was interviewed by Vice about his political positions,
I'm pretty sure he's more political than I am, which is not that much,
I'll give him that, but my goodness gracious, just talk about out of touch with reality.
Anyway, here's the Gospel Coalition on the five things that Christians should do after the election. Number one, pray for our new authorities, that is really good advice.
Two, heal partisan inflicted wounds, no, and I really do mean that, no,
I'm not a partisan, I'm not a Republican, I don't vote Republican, I didn't vote Republican yesterday, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, but no,
I'm not going to heal any wounds about the Democratic Party, they are a party that condones and supports evil.
And so no, I'm not going to heal that wound, I'm going to tell them to repent or perish, that's just me. Number three, trade in the pundits for the profits, well, we shouldn't have traded in the first place, so I guess if you did trade in the pundits for the profits, you should go back to the profits,
I agree with that. Prepare for future action, yes,
I guess that's fine, just make sure it's not progressive nonsense. And then number five, take a break from partisan activities, done.
I think they forgot one though, I mean I was looking at Twitter and looking for all the key players to see what they were saying, the hot takes from the key players, and I think they forgot one.
Number six, make sure to blast Republicans as racists, here's
Jamar Tisney, he knows number six. Listen, Jamar Tisney doesn't work for the
Gospel Coalition as far as I know, but yes, he remembered number six, he says this,
I study US history, so it's not surprising in several elections that racism, xenophobia, and fear mongering won the day, yet as a person with dignity,
I will never be comfortable with those ideas being acceptable in our electoral process. Jamar Tisney is very official, he's got tons of credentials, he just wants to make sure you know, he knows more about US history than all of you, and what he's learned from that is that really what happened in many of these contested races was that racism and xenophobia won the day, and I gotta be honest with you,
I completely agree with him, because I also saw the absolute champion of the
Christian left, Kyle J. Howard, pointing out here that the
Florida governor race was decided definitively by racism, racism won by 1%,
I'm feeling for my black people in Florida right now, now listen, 1 % might not seem like a lot, but if you take a look at this over here, that's like almost 100 ,000 votes,
I mean racism won by 100 ,000 votes, and there was 4 million racist votes, can you see this?
This is a major, no wonder they're always talking about white supremacy and racism, there's 4 million racists in Florida, but actually
I'll be honest, he didn't say that every individual person was racist, he was just saying that the party is racist, they have dog whistles, and the party dog whistled all the racists, but all of you idiots out there didn't hear it,
Kyle J. Howard heard it, because he understands the dog whistle, so when somebody says, hey,
I think we should have capitalism, I don't think we should have social programs, what that really means is
I hate black people, that's what it really means, Kyle Howard knows it, all you idiots out there didn't know it, but listen,
I don't want, look, Kyle J. Howard has experienced much trauma in his life, he grew up, and there was trauma, constant, every single day was traumatic for Kyle, so just make sure he doesn't see this, because this might push him over the edge.
Look at all of this racism, look at all this racism, Montana, Idaho, Colorado, look at all this, even
Maine is racist, I can't even believe it,
I just can't even believe it, but you know what, you might say, well, Jomar Tisby, he knows a lot about U .S.
history, but that's not really qualified, you know, Kyle J. Howard, he's a racial trauma counselor, he's not really qualified to know what's going on, gospel coalition, you might not take that as official, you might not take number six as official, because I added it, technically
I added it, I'll be honest, they didn't say that you should blast Republicans as racist, but here's what we should do,
I know I've got a very special guest today, he is definitely qualified to talk about what happened, I present to you,
Beatbo O 'Rourke, Beatbo O 'Rourke, how are you doing today? I'm disappointed. Well, Beatbo, let me ask you, what happened,
I mean, you lost to Ted Cruz. I think it's clearly racism and xenophobia. I agree with you,
Beatbo, I agree, it's racism, that's why you lost, and how many percentage points did you lose by?
I don't remember, but it was racists. See, exactly, that's exactly what Kyle Howard said, there's a lot of racists out there.
Sojourner! And everybody knows that voting against candidates that are for abortion is one of the most racist things you can do, because the
Democrats really want to limit racism, and I kind of commend them for that, racism is the most important thing that we can think about right now, and to be honest, what's a better way to end racism than to kill the babies in the womb before they can experience a microaggression, right?
Am I right? Hope this was helpful, God bless. Seriously, can you imagine taking as a sign that someone is for racial reconciliation and for black people, voting for a party that actually literally wants to have more blacks and Latinos have access to kill their own children.