Interview on BAPTISM w/ @wreckedtoreformedstudios7138


Christ Rescued Me! ....from the "CoC" The God Who Justifies by James White =============================== Church of Christ Exiles This is a Facebook Group meant for people coming out of the Restoration Movement that are seeking community and help with receiving the Gospel of Grace.


This is wrecked to reformed Welcome back to rectal reform podcast.
I'm your host Randy Atkins and we have a guest The apologetic dog
How are you brother? Randy I'm doing wonderful. Thank you for being gracious and waiting on me.
I was having to put the apologetic puppy to sleep baby JJ Yeah For those of you who don't know this is
Jeremiah Nortier our brother from another mother in Christ And as his sign says it don't mean it it don't mean that Hey, we got to meet.
What was it about a month ish ago at In Tullahoma at the Y Calvinism conference.
It was so good getting to meet you and your wife in person yeah, it was a blessing meeting you brother and I We got a picture together didn't we
I think so. We I try to get those selfies when I can right? Yeah, it was trippy meeting people in person that you've seen like on social media
It's just I'm you know who I met that was just I was starstruck, but I kind of couldn't believe it
It was Todd frill. I met at g3 cuz he's so tall He's so intentional talking to you and his hands are like giant mitts
So he's one while I was just talking to him just kind of nodding my head freakishly tall frill.
Uh -huh. I Remember when he was hosting What was it it was
Was it the way the master or something? I remember they did a collab way back in the day him and like right come over to them
Yeah, I remember that because I was watching that kind of stuff right after I was saved
But no, it was the Strange fire conference. You remember that?
Okay, so that's also where I found out about him I was like who is this knucklehead who is hilarious and I don't know if he gave a plug or I looked up his name
And that's how I became a wretched member was him hosting the train strange fire back when
I was in college Yeah, man, I loved it When were you in college?
So I went to college oh man, I got I got to check the memory banks on this one it was 2011 through 2015
Okay Okay. See I wasn't saved until Like the end of 2016 the beginning of 2017
Wow. Yeah, praise God. Praise God. Indeed. I lived Everybody who listened to this probably already heard the this but I lived my whole life thinking that I was a
Christian until God humbled Me and saved me. Oh, man yeah, he put me in the hospital for three days and I was terrified and I knew by the grace of God that if I Died in that state
I would go to hell. Mmm, and so I I had a hole in my esophagus That was bleeding air to the chest cavity
Yeah, that was scary and I prayed didn't know what to pray how to pray I just said, you know,
Lord, please. Please. Don't let me die. God, please. Don't let me die and At the end of those three days
They were gonna do like an x -ray to see where the hole was so they can go in cut it open suture it up Close it back up and they couldn't find it.
Yeah. Wow. It's gone So that was that was the beginning of God drawing me to himself
And probably six months or so later I Understood the gospel granted repentance and faith and was saved.
Yeah That's incredible. I love hearing people's testimony, especially the ones where there's like massive
Providential, you know circumstances like you're talking about. I think all Johnny Mac It wasn't his testimony, but it was his call to ministry.
That was pretty radical. I think he had a Vehicle accident and he landed on his back and was kind of looking in the sky like all right,
Lord I just want to be all in for you. And I was I just like God takes those those trials those circumstances, but you can just see how he's redeeming the time even though the days are evil
Like God is still right Amen Yeah, it was similar to What he he did to me not that it was
I was in an accident or anything like that, but I Was very prideful I was a prideful arrogant jerk and had the mouth of a sailor and Yeah, yeah, and I was chasing everything the world had to offer
And then I remember after God saved me I was I was finally reading through the
Old Testament. I'd read through the New Testament like seven eight times by that time because I was just reading whole books of the
Bible, you know every day and I Wanted to know that I had that hope
Of eternal life because I was terrified. I was raised believing that you could lose your salvation
You know one is Pentecostal church a very liberal Baptist Church and no gospel in either one of them, you know, it's very
Of course the liberal Baptist Church was you prayed the prayer you're fine and the the one has been a coastal churches you better do better No, I think well, we'll probably touch on that here in just a little bit
Because topic for today is baptism Yeah, so It was it was it was something because I turned away from all of it by the grace of God all that the world had to offer and I Was reading through the
Old Testament and I got to the point in the book of Daniel where Nebuchadnezzar was humbled Mmm, he came back to himself.
He was granted that his mind back And his understanding returned to him and he said that God is able to humble those who walk in pride
That was me That was me and I was you know, I think the Lord for it every day for for those three days in the hospital
Because that's what he used to draw me to himself. Mm -hmm. Amen. Amen I don't have
Super radical experience like that. I'd tell people though, you know reformed theology does take a seemingly mundane
Testimony and it makes us the sweetest thing that's ever happened because we believe it was a miracle
Right people of the choice in this theology They can't call the the conversion experience a miracle from above now
That's because they're trying to be consistent even though our heart screams No a radical change from deadness and sin not seeking
God in the light switch coming off right even in the midst of remarkable
Providence So, you know, what's the valley of dry bones for every one of us? Absolutely, you know, yeah, we might get to flex a little bit of our
Reformed Baptist covenant theology guns because that's the new covenant. That's right the uttermost.
That's right That's right and I love having this conversation with my
Presbyterian brothers out there Because it's like You just don't understand the covenant
That's what they'll say to us and it's like our response is no We do understand the covenant that's why we're bad this
So I will say this though. Yeah, I was jaded Towards reformed
Baptist covenant theology and obviously Presbyterian covenant theology because I grew up I say grew up for about eight when
I was 21 Into my mid almost late 20s. I was very dispensational with with John MacArthur's teaching and as we were talking before we started
Faithful man, we love him. We differ with eschatology with him now, right? But when my it's funny because when my eschatology began to shift
I was actually preparing for my debates I was reading a lot of books and there were just a few stellar
Arguments that just hit me different if you will and I remember the day I called the pastor
I served with I said Nathan I don't think I'm pre mill anymore. And you know, he said I told you that would happen and we laughed and So what that did was when my eschatology shifted it allowed me to now hear
Positive cases for post -millennial ism thought all millennial ism thought and Covenant theology because for the first time
I wasn't committed to like a a leaky moderate dispensational Understanding and I read the kingdom of God by Jeffrey Johnson phenomenal book very similar with how with how
Rinehan talks about the covenants and going further back to the you know 1689 federalism with Nehemiah Cox and those guys and My mind just felt like it was
Expanded because now I I feel like I have a better grasp of how God relates to his people in terms of covenant
So I only knew covenant theology through a Presbyterian lens because I had a lot of Presbyterian friends, right?
And I just couldn't understand the distinctions with Presbyterian and Reformed Baptist covenant theology and like you're getting at It's it's way different.
You know, I mean, yeah we believe that the covenant made with Abraham was cut with different blood and therefore as a
Different covenant than the new covenant that's cut with the blood of Christ and is it that is the covenant of grace?
So anyway, when I start when a lot of these pieces started coming together, I'm just like man I can't go back after this.
All right Yeah, it's it's interesting because obviously Everyone From the dawn of time
Adam and Eve all the way to the end of redemptive history Are all saved by faith alone.
Mmm Right. I mean you go through Hebrews 11. You can't you can't just can't avoid it, but there are different covenants and Abraham was saved before the covenant and he was saved before A circumcision and he was saved long before the law.
Mmm, so I've asked before with Roman Catholic who
I met who actually bought my vehicle from We were driving around and I saw his his beads on his hand and I was like What's that and I was pretty sure
I knew what it was he's like, oh that's my my prayer beads I was like, oh, okay Catholic he's like, yeah and so I asked him
I was like so How does somebody have peace with God oh man, and he's like,
I don't know mmm You should have said who's the blessed man.
I Did I went to Romans 4 and And and and showed him that and then
I asked him I was like, do you know how people in the Old Testament were saved? Mmm, he's like, well, they weren't
I was like, yeah, we're like by faith alone Just like in Romans 4 and in Romans 3, you know 328 we we hold that a man is justified by faith apart from any works of the law and That's any works at all
Because they would say well it's it's not works of the law it's things that are pleasing to God and I'm like and Where do you find that?
Mmm. Mmm, you're like Last time and last time we checked the law was holy righteous and good
Problem is this gets back into our covenant theology that law only condemns.
Yeah. Sorry to our Presbyterian brothers It's not a different Administration of the covenant of grace.
It is a law that condemns because it crushes If it's not a field to perfection because God is holy
And I'm with you all these historic covenants that stack are just more of a testimony against us and Galatians telling us that we need a
Savior that can fulfill it perfectly exactly and then
It's like It was a really good conversation because he just sat there and listened to me preach the gospel to him for like 20 minutes
While we're sitting in the in the parking lot and and then I I called down there because I wanted to talk to him again
And he moved back to Louisiana. He was only here for like a week or two So you talk about Providence that yeah
God put me there. God put him there and and that Divine appointment was was carried out according to God's will man.
But anyway So along with that we talk about Covenants we talk about circumcision
What is it that the law can never do? So depending on how we we want to answer this the law
Cannot save us right? So I mean we go a different few different angles, but like it's interesting how we talk about circumcision
I don't know if you were able to listen to all of my last debate But I brought up that Reformed Baptist Covenant theology sauce
To a church of Christ that I promised she was scratching his head Like why does he keep talking about how the
New Covenant is better than the Old Covenant in every way? I'm right. Oh it matters because the law you kills right?
The law doesn't save us, right? Yeah, and so the the
Judaizers in the early church were they fell under the the curse the anathema of Galatians chapter 1 but why was it that they fell under the curse of Galatians chapter 1 is because they added something to the gospel
I Want to speak to that a little bit? Yeah, because Roman Catholics and the
Church of Christ Sorry, if we're getting a little bit ahead, but I don't know you're good I've often said
Church of Christ are Roman Catholic light. They just have less sacraments. They don't have a priest there
They don't have a full or theology. I mean, they're full -on Pelagians like born -perfect, you know,
I mean And so but they have a lot of shared response That's why a lot of Church of Christ will just when they leave
Church Christ they go back to Rome Essentially, I got a book plug. I want to bring up later but They swim the
Tiber they swim the Tiber And Going the wrong direction what quoting
Romans 3 28 and Galatians 2 16 about how we're justified by faith in Christ apart from works a law what
Roman Catholics and Church Christ will say Not by works the law and we're saying timeout
Well, we're Paul's telling us what justifies us and you can put any kind of working principle in The the negative placeholder, so don't think that When you put so much emphasis on The works of the law
I'm over here saying that's the best kind of work that you can think of you know
I mean and it still isn't going to get you in So the fact that you want to replace that with baptism or replace it with some other
Sacrament or some other, you know participation on your part. This is why I try to explain the
Church of Christ It's not that they the Judaizers were just believing in the wrong system of religion right there
You know, they maybe grew up under the the old covenant and they just couldn't let it go because they were used to it
No, no, there's something much deeper The whole apologetic to the book of Hebrews is don't go back to the old it never could save it could never forgive sin
Why are you neglecting such a great salvation in the new covenant that saves to the uttermost and forgives all of our sin past present and future
Not just your past sins and I have to emphasize that to the Church of Christ because that's what they believe They believe their baptism is a reset
Jesus wipes your slate clean and now it's up to zero and back to zero and then it's just up to you to repent
Every time you sin, but here's the thing the Judaizers were not just going back to the wrong system of thought
It's they were trying to add their works now They were specifically works of the law
But I try to tell the Church Christ by your working participation in baptism in principle
You are trying to go back to the old covenant that only condemns that Baptism that you think is washing away your past sins by your own efforts that will be used as a witness
Against you on the day of judgment. Yeah, because you're not trusting in Christ It's You know, you're whenever anybody adds anything to the gospel.
They have a motive. It's a self -righteous motive you know they and you have the
You have the Ceremonial People who they like the sacerdotal stuff so they they actually like These things whether it's
Roman Catholicism with the priesthood and and all their you know ceremonies and things like that or You have
Those who are religious obviously we see this all the time You got
Mormons you have Church of Christ. You have Jehovah's Witnesses. You have all these people who who like the ceremonies
But The reason that they like the ceremonies is because they believe that they save them
That they justify them in Scripture does not allow it. It leaves no room for any of that and then obviously
They have Acts 2 38 Which I'm glad that you brought up in your opening statement.
Yeah Context is king Sometimes that's what that says back there, right?
Yeah But now I have to I have to leave up the it don't mean that because I mean it
I'll read I'll read Romans 5 1 like you've alluded to that therefore we've been justified by faith
Right, and they'll be like it don't mean that and I'm like, okay We gotta we gotta go the distance here and define our terms.
I see. Yeah Yeah, that's for sure and I love love
Romans 5 Because Usually I'll go to Romans 5 or both justification, but then also
The federal headship of Adam and then Christ, you know all in Adam die. Mm -hmm all in Christ are made alive and and that's that's our only hope is is
Christ what he accomplished on the cross his life his death his burial resurrection and Who he is? hmm,
I always try to mention that because then you have the people who They they're like, oh, yeah,
I believe in all that but do you believe in who he is? Hmm. Well, he was a good man
Nope, you've missed it completely He's God in human flesh if you deny the Trinity now,
I always tell people it's like you can be confused on the Trinity Yeah, but the moment you deny it you're denying parts of the gospel.
Mm -hmm So I want to piggyback on that. Yeah, you got to meet
Keith Foskey at the conference. I did I did. Yeah Yeah, so incredible man had lunch.
Yeah. Oh, man He's so he's organically funny like that's who he is.
And that's what's awesome So got to meet him too, and he had me on his channel to talk about Lutherans their understanding of baptismal regeneration you know in the
Church of Christ because he's like Jeremiah and I might need some help with this because I Can kind of understand the mindset of why
Church of Christ or a cult? It's kind of a baptismal Justification mindset having your passings remitted in the water
That's what they'll say you contact the blood of Christ and the watery graves of baptism
And he's like, what do you do with Lutherans? And I told Keith I was like look this is actually a really difficult question
That I've spent a lot of time talking through and I was challenged to think through this because I've debated
Lutherans on baptism, you know, I mean, yeah And this is and it goes back to a point you just made like with the trend you can't be informed of the
Trinity and Deny it and be saved However, you can affirm the Trinity be confused and definitely your articulation about it could be all over the place
But in your heart, you're not denying it. That's actually my upbringing. I grew up in a Southern Baptist Church We rarely said the word
Trinity, but I knew it was reality didn't understand it. The Illustration was a man a single man can be a father son and brother and that's kind of like the
Trinity and we know that's You know, that's heretical, right? That's like it's like water.
No, that's modalism. That's here. No. Yeah, I start thinking that's modalism Patrick Yeah, how dare you
Patrick? So when it comes to justification by faith alone
The Lutherans will hearken that to the rooftops going all the back to Martin Luther himself Praise God used
Martin Luther mightily in church history out of the darkness light You know out of the darkness of Rome was that gospel light that justification by faith apart from works?
Yeah, what I told Keith was Lutherans seem to try to hold two things that don't work together
Yeah, and I think they have a busted view of the covenants and so forth but they in one hand will hold to Justification by faith alone and they'll try to hold to baptismal regeneration, right?
And I'm saying those things can't but with the Lutherans I do see a lot of their doctrine reflecting a lot of the early church fathers and you know being
Reformed Baptist I don't think the early church were Identically Reformed Baptist today.
I think they were working through a lot of things I think justification by faith alone and sola scriptura is
Embedded in the early church fathers and the debate rages on with Roman Catholics on those things, right?
But I don't think they had the balance of view of baptism You know, there was a lot of baptism by immersion going on I think they are trying to make heads or tails about what's going on with with baptism in what way is it sanctifying?
And sure they they thought that that was maybe identical with being born again We would say that's impossible because we have a an anthropology that hates
God, you know, right? So I'm very charitable when it comes to the early church in Lutherans because I don't think they
I think as long as you don't deny justification by faith alone
Then you can be in kind of a realm of merciful inconsistency
But there are a number of groups that fundamentally deny justification by faith alone
Roman Catholicism since Trent denies sola gratia and sola fide and I'm like, okay you did that to yourself so when we look at We'll just say saints of history that come before Trent Very gracious towards them because they're not a part of that era that Anathematized in my mind the only gospel that can save right?
So that's how and then the Church of Christ Well along with the other cults will go straight to James to to say all you see
This is the only time that faith alone is mentioned and it says not and I'm like, okay Well context is king.
We gotta go explain what's being discussed there, but it does that make sense? I think as long as you don't deny
Sola fide and there's maybe merciful inconsistencies or confusion. I'm not willing to boot someone out of the kingdom
It's but when they carry that hard denial fully informed of what we're meaning then to me you've committed that Galatian one
Harrison Mm -hmm. Yeah, it's Usually my answer with with Lutherans and this was brought up on the post
I made About baptism if you believe that baptism saves you you're not saved and and that is a like that the context of that was responding to Church of Christ friend of mine his mom was on the phone and on speakerphone and she was talking to somebody and They were complaining about somebody
Not living right and they were baptized and I was like that's because baptism doesn't save you and that went into a debate between me and them over the phone and and me trying to preach the gospel to them, but Yeah, they kept
They can I encourage I encourage you with something? Yeah. Yeah So what I like to say is baptism does not justify us
Because when we say baptism doesn't save because I agree with you because that's what we're already meaning by saves
Yeah, what they want to immediately do is say well you're denying First Peter 3 21 and Mark 16 16 now
There's a whole context and but what I've noticed is they can't tell me I'm wrong when
I say baptism doesn't justify us the closest verse that they will push is I think it's 1st
Corinthians 6 11 you you have you were washed right? Right. You were sanctified Justified in the name of our
Lord Jesus Christ by the work of the Holy Spirit And so there's an assumption with wash there I'm over here like look
Titus 3 5 1st Corinthians 6 11 You're gonna make your case that wash always means a wet immersion in baptism, right?
Oh, that's that's something that gets the conversation in the direction that I want to go is saying baptism never justifies a person
Yeah, and and there's there was it was kind of clickbaity. Hmm the way.
Oh, I see the way that I said it Sometimes you got to draw them out of the woodwork
Exactly But the reason why I did that is It's because I was talking with Church of Christ and I wanted to see
How many people was gonna comment on it? And the biggest response was I guess all the Lutherans are out and I'm thinking
Well, not all of them. We've got a lot of them. Yes Because it's case by case.
Yeah, it is case by case It is person by person and if they go consistent in Martin Luther's inconsistency
Then they're not saved if they're trusting in their baptism. They don't know the Lord Yeah, no, that's a great point because I forget the
Latin of what we're getting into. It's either the work working like you're talking about the
Ex -opera operato. I cannot remember the Latin but it gets into this fundamental distinction
Are you trusting in the sacrament itself to do the work? Or is it the person's trust that we would come along say in the finished work of Christ?
well You know the the timing of when I remember Calvin and his commentaries He was he was pretty gracious with people being regenerated before during or after baptism
Now, I'm not Presbyterian so I don't have to agree with Calvin on that I think it's painfully obvious and this goes back to our view of the
Covenant that you you have to profess faith in Christ in order to receive the sign of the new covenant that oh
By the way is better than the sign of the old covenant. So to be regeneration
Definitionally like to be people Roman Catholics can point me to everyone they want to in church history and I value church history
But I tell people the church has been sanctified Overtime now,
I'm all for simple reform on I can look back and always find the true gospel that's always saved but we
I I say we see growth we see reform and things are getting refined and that's
Yeah, yeah, I don't wanna get all preachy. Oh, no. No, you're good. That's that's good stuff.
I I talked to a friend of mine All the time about this kind of stuff when
He he complains about all the the division and everything because some people do divide
With others obviously on eschatology on baptism when they shouldn't, you know, Presbyterian Reform Baptist But Our job isn't to Divide over secondary tertiary issues if they fall into those categories
Church of Christ baptism Does not fall into those categories so we divide with the cults
But like I was telling him I was like When you look back at the early church
You see a lot of problems when you read Galatians, you see a lot of problems and I mean
There are probably churches like Galatia I'm sorry, first Corinthians the church in Corinth That say
Galatians, I guess I did why Galatia had its issues too. I mean, I'm you're right with both.
All right, but Then you look down through church history and you see these things being refined.
I mean we had Baptists being drowned Right, yeah, and we had
I cannot remember his name but he was down in the terror hole when Martin Luther was nearby and he knew about it because He believed what the
Bible said about baptism and so he didn't have his children baptized and so they put him in a hole for like six or seven years until he died and So we're seeing these things being refined we're even seeing you know what
I see is a great refining in eschatology where you have this push
Eschatology matters and it does it's not what you divide over unless they go where into the heresy of full preterism
And and that's really where we divide but you have people that have very strong opinions and they don't know how to have their opinions and not divide mm -hmm
You've been through that Yeah, I try to encourage people to learn This this under have this understanding of theological triage meaning that not everything is a first -tier gospel issue like the
Independent fundamental Baptist a lot of those that you disagree with them on one point and then you're out
You're out you're kicked out of the kingdom Church Christ are like that a lot and I've noticed it's the heavy legalistic groups that are that Fundamentalism where everything is a first -tier issue
I've tried to explain like this What I believe is first here is you gotta believe in the right
Jesus and you got to receive the right Jesus the way that he prescribed and kind of backing up in the conversation a little bit you gotta believe that Jesus is
The second person of the triune God who took on flesh and is the God man
That's kind of first step and by the way full preterist will redefine Jesus no longer being the
God man. So I tell people yes this this heresy has Redefined everything in Christianity Yeah But and then and then receiving the right
Jesus the way that he prescribed My mind is equally important with believing the right Jesus, which is by faith apart from your works
Yeah, so you can tell me you believe in the Trinity all day long but if you're if you are talking about the necessity of your baptism or talking about the necessity of a
Sacrament or you're working participation in any way You have committed the
Galatian one heresy Even if you're trying to tell me well, I'm not doing works of the Mosaic law
I'm like you are doing exactly what the Judaizers are doing even though they were doing it with the the law of Moses you in principle are
No longer holding to this law gospel Distinction you're obliterating that and you're making the gospel law and that's really the fundamental problem that the
Judaizers were having When Jesus talks about you can't put old wine in new wineskins, he is not talking about just the
Old Covenant he's talking about the perversion of The the Mosaic law in the Old Covenant that is a legalism
Trying to mix that with the new gospel covenant and they're incompatible, right?
They don't work So I'm just saying the Pharisees of old Especially of Second Temple Jews, they got that wrong in all the the works righteous religions of the world and the cults are doing that kind of same
Galatian one heresy and That's why when you see my debates I wore for definitions of terms and yeah,
I tell people don't like that because I'm not gonna if you I'm not gonna let them define terms
I understand right if I don't define these biblical terms the enemy will So I will spend all the necessary time defining terms and then being consistent with those terms when we go to proof texts
Always looking at context, right? Amen Yeah, it's it's it's really really really important Were you were you able to watch my last debate that I had with the
Church of Christ minister on baptism? I think that was the one that I was
I Listened to your opening statement. I hadn't gotten all the way through it Because it's been a very busy busy.
Oh, yeah. Well, I was gonna say I won't spoil you just look forward to the cross -ex I just want to let you know there.
Yeah, but you may remember So a lot of people don't understand why I'm going so like in my opening statement the the thesis
I should say is was written water baptism is Necessary for our justification before God a lot of people scratch their head and think why doesn't
Jeremiah go to acts 238 and the baptismal proof text to negate You know the the affirmative
Because I'm saying this debate no one realizes it but is about justification Right.
Yep. The affirmative is gonna go all to the proof text. They're gonna beg the question They're gonna come up with their own definition of baptism and and just kind of redefine everything
So for me, there's kind of two parts you maybe remember this in my opening statement I defined six terms and then
I went to a parable. Do you remember which one it was? Trying to think of it it was the parable of the
Pharisee and the tax collector. Yes Yes, because that gets to the heart of the disagreement everyone so what
Baptist and Church Christ have historically done is they've gotten in You know bickering matches over acts 238 in the proof text you're not gonna make much headway
He's gonna have a good point over here. He's gonna have a good point and they're just gonna disagree disagree disagree But what are the things already being assumed in acts 238?
Well a bias from the Church Christ and Roman Catholics are Some kind of works are okay to participate in for your justification before God and I'm over here saying okay if we hold the faith alone and we're gonna be consistent with what
Genesis 15 6 said with what Jesus taught on in the Gospels and what Paul preaches on through the book of Romans Galatians and We see demonstrate in the book of Acts.
Well, there's more fundamental issues afoot and So in my six definitions and I try to encourage people if you can
Understand these six terms this will help you for most of the heavy lifting when you go to any proof text in these kind of conversations
I said you got to understand faith works justification sanctification
Baptism and the word obedience or obey Yes, when you understand how those words relate to each other, but are different they all have different semantic no domain
Faith is not works. Yes, you can't ultimately separate them But they must be distinguished and then the same thing with justification sanctification
If you understand that well that acts 238 is not a big not a big deal
No, there are there are more nuanced points But you're equipped to understand that a repentant faith is what justifies you before God and now we are called to obey in sanctifying works to a command to demonstrate our faith to the world to give glory to God and so, you know,
I got accused in my debate of allowing my Systematic and biblical theology to override the proof text and I'm like dude
You got to define terms and when you walk away with the conclusion, you better believe that better be consistent in light of everything else and Yeah, one thing that I I always point out is what happened directly before acts 238
Mm -hmm They were cut to the heart they listened to the Peter preach the gospel.
Yeah. Yeah yeah, so I mean when you see and There's there's two two things that where they were cut to the heart.
There was The three thousand and then there was the people who didn't
Believe right right and in chapter eight. I believe it was when Stephen was preaching of the book of Acts and And So Peter preaches the gospel, but what kind of response?
Would you expect from people who believe what was preached? What should we do to be saved?
Mm -hmm. They believed what was preached They believed that what he said was true because God pierced them with the gospel
So good. Yeah. Yeah, and so the heart of the disagreement is how one receives the gospel remember
You gotta believe the right Jesus and then you gotta receive the right Jesus the way that he told us Yeah, so that's that's the big disagreement with like the
Church of Christ There's a ton of disagreements with the Roman Catholic Church for for other things But if we're equipped with definitions of words, not only, you know appealing to be dag and lexical sources
But knowing other clear scriptures that give us that definition like Hebrews 11 1 now faith is and I'm like, okay
That's probably a good workable definition that the scripture itself is giving. Yeah the assurance
Of things hoped for and there's other good translation that say the the substance, right?
It's this idea that you have firm trust in the promise of God, even though you can't see it with your physical
Eye, you know it to be real in your heart. That's why Hebrews 11 3 says by faith we
Understand right we get reason we get Understanding we put our faith in God that he formed the world, right?
That's the only necessary foundation to have understanding at all or or truth or knowledge and so my point is
Assurance is that firm trust which is of the heart and then he says Conviction of things hoped for and so conviction is an inward assurance
That's going to live life differently in our works a faith. Yeah moving right working outward
And so my point is that's that's crucial and then when you have that in mind with what Jesus taught the
Old Testament taught and Galatians Romans a lot of these epistles. It's clear already out of the gate that it's repentance that Forgives someone's sins right a repentant faith and you can demonstrate that a number of different ways but people want to hang on to the second imperative and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins and If you understand what baptism is it's a
Ceremonial right in water that signifies that pictures that represents these beautiful Realities that God has already done in a believer's heart and life
Like you said already being cut to the heart But that'll get abused and so that's why we we have to do the heavy lifting of defining our terms
Otherwise the enemy will do it for us, right? Yeah, that's good
Real quick good. The reason why that parable is so good is Because justification like you were saying earlier has always been by grace through faith apart from works
Yeah, now that they want to go against the grain by all means, but I'm not gonna grant your presuppositions and assumptions
We understand the strong consistency. That's the just shall live by faith This has been a reality from faith to faith that that pattern of the gospel that even we see in seed form in the
Old Testament So Jesus teaches on justification. He talks about two men that are radically separate from one another and so anyway
Jesus paints the picture of justification by faith alone meaning apart from any of your works any any of your
Accomplishments works the law none of that contributes because the Old Covenant Condemns, you know,
I mean, right and I'm not gonna spoil it because I cannot wait to get your thoughts on some of the cross sex and the rebuttal time but yeah
That right there those six terms that was was talking about and then that parable that gets straight to the heart and core of the issue right, and it's like People will obviously say well the
Old Covenant didn't didn't kill or anything like that it's like What's it's?
the law of God Cannot justify you. Mm -hmm. What it does is it stirs up the sin that's in you.
Mm -hmm and shows you how sinful you are By Affecting you being that it's good and you're not
So it was never if someone wants to quabble over the old the
Old Covenant The law doesn't kill and then I asked I asked the question then why did
Paul called the Old Covenant the ministry of death Help me out. Exactly exactly and Because there there are a lot of people confused on it but when you're
Reading through the Old Covenant the old the law and everything you're watching
Moses slosh the water on the blood on the people He said
I've given you blessing cursing
Well, you can't earn the blessing now Obedience was temporal blessing sure in that sense, but you can't keep it perfectly.
That's why King David, what did he say? Over and over again. I love your law.
I've gone astray from your law I love your law your your word. Have I hidden my heart that I might not sin against you.
I've Sinned Hmm, you know, so you're you're seeing this
Played out in a in a man after God's own heart King David and then we see
Psalm 51. Well, if you're justified by obedience Well, he's done for yeah, because he's absolutely
Disobedient to the law of God by committing murder and Well, he did a census he committed murder and adultery and all these things
But you even Moses Moses didn't keep the law perfectly right even though he was the prophet of the
Old Testament He sinned and he was he didn't make it to the promised land did he right?
No, yeah, he didn't I Wanted to add something to what you're saying
Galatians 3 kind of speaks to the purpose of the law And we know that it was meant to be a tutor until Christ came right and that's that's the thing that old
Johnny Mac Did a great job of really emphasizing but it wasn't until a covenant theology came along and just wrecked my world
Because I would read Galatians 3 10 and Did not feel the gravity of what
I feel I understand now for all who rely on works The law are under a curse for it is written curse
It be everyone who does not abide by all things written in the book of the law and do them
Now it is evident that no one is justified before God by the law for the righteous shall live by faith
And you know James 2 10 just talked about a few some about one point law It's as though you shattered the whole thing and it gets back to God is holy.
He demands perfection that was one big point of Jesus in the the Sermon on the Mount and when you go back to the principle of works
You are going back to an old covenant paradigm that only kills and if you're not
Perfect then you've shattered the whole thing because God is holy and just and he punishes law breakers
Yeah and I don't I don't ever get to this long enough with Church Christ because we're always in Acts 2 38 and the proof text and I'm like All right, you know if you read the verses before and after it that does the heavy lifting by the way
But do you have a law written on your heart? We might even call it, you know a theonomic principle.
That's right Transcendental meaning eternal like God has never denied himself and his holy character and there ain't no way
You keep the law the moral law of God perfectly either because we can't right
So and you mentioned this earlier Romans 5 the church Christ Do not like talking about Romans 4 into 5 because they deny that Adam represented us in any way
You gotta think they're full -on Pelagian. So they're born. Yeah, and it's our Environment that corrupts us
Randy, right? It wasn't that you were born with an inherited Corrupt nature. They don't want nothing to do with that But then that's gonna have you're gonna have a problem when we step into Romans 5 that you know
All men die because of one man's transgression and the beauty is but we can be represented by another man
And be represented by him You got trust in all of who he is and what he did and not a divided trust in What obedience that you can bring to the table?
That's the whole point of counting the cost of discipleship is This is a trust that's willing to leave everything and have your your gaze set on the only
Savior right, so I've had to scale that language barrier Randy of just Figuring out what the
Church of Christ mean because they know the same Christian ease we do but we mean way different things by it
Oh, yeah and it's it's very interesting because a lot of what they say
Sounds very and they're probably really not gonna like this but sounds very much in the same vein as Mormons I Would I would take it a step further a lot of people know the
Mormons are Whacko, you know, I mean, right now I think the Church of Christ are more dangerous because they use the 66 66 books of the
Bible and they know the Christian ease and They actually flew under the radar of Walter Martins the kingdom of the cults
You won't see the Church Christ or Seventh -day Adventist. They're both restorationist groups, right? It's because they use so much terminology as the the
Protestants and evangelicals So to your point, I think the COC are more dangerous than the
Mormons, yeah yeah, and that's that's the danger of Colts that look very similar to us and speak very similar to us, but when you press them on Justification when you press them on the gospel, they just add that little bit of poison.
That'll kill you It means I've looked at this way too. They want to ultimately
Redefine Faith into faithfulness. That's the subtlety of what they're doing and they can do it in a lot of different ways
But that's the core of what they're doing and then they're trying to loosen the understanding of works They'll say well if you're doing the works of God Then you're not doing a human work and what they mean is the works of God is code for your obedience to a list of Commands and I'm like, oh
I figured you out because we look to the works of God and in John 6 or Colossians 2
That's not what's being talked about, you know And right would rightly say regeneration is the work of God because we were passive We were at the thing that we were active in was going against God spitting in his face.
We are rebel We were like the Apostle Paul or Saul of Tarsus going down the road of Damascus if we're active in any sense
It's in spiritual rebellion, but Paul calls that being dead in your sins and trespasses Yeah, so regeneration truly this born -again experience is from above and that is where the eye is proper not
I obeyed I you know give tithes of all that I get I Was baptized right?
It's the eye is proper and saying no God says I will take out that heart of stone and I will give you a heart of flesh and you see the
I mentioned so many many times because Salvation is a
Work of God and that's not code for you pulling yourself up by your bootstraps and just being more obedient than the next person exactly, and the the only other eye that we should say is that I Was a sinner against God and deserved his wrath and there's nothing
I can do to save me But Randy the people at Pentecost said what must we do?
And you're telling me I can't do anything See, that's that's the exact we get and I tell people doing the will of God Obeying doesn't always mean works
You can't write obey the gospel by repentance and faith and believing and that's not your works
That is a heart trusting in Jesus and not trusting in yourself So I'm telling you
I've had to scale the language barrier They they really want to own the fact that there are some works that play a part in your justification
Just not all works like works of law or works of merit or works of the flesh I'm telling you and I just say tell me what the definition of works is that you're already
Assuming when you're giving me different kinds of works exactly. I actually don't want to tell you that because they know they're hung exactly and That's the problem with Church of Christ cult and it's
It's rampant around here. There are different pockets, but around here is pretty pretty thick with Church of Christ and I think this is gonna be helpful for people who
God is going to bring to himself. Hmm, right? Yeah, cuz I get accused of being mean and You know speaking of Galatians Was Paul mean when he said to the
Judaizers have I then become your enemy by telling you the truth? Mm -hmm and so my heart is
I want to declare the truth in love and since we trust God to save to the uttermost and He gives the increase and his word doesn't return void my heart and prayer like yours is
That God's sheep that are trapped in this cult will hear the truth of the gospel and he would save them out of it
And I do think you know, we're not saved based on you know How much theology we know like there are truly regenerate people saved by amazing grace in the
Church of Christ Believing in Christ alone in spite of what's being taught to them.
So by us pursuing them in evangelism and apologetics
Maybe by God's grace They will be saved out of it into a healthy church to flourish in their walk with Christ So when people are just like Jeremiah, you know debatings mean it can be and it can be done poorly
But it can also be done in a way that edifies the hearers and we trust God's Word going forth and it'll accomplish all of its purpose
Yeah, absolutely Yeah That's good. That's really good.
I I did enjoy your debate review and you touched on a lot of that with fish
Heard that you know, I was like, why is he calling the calling him the fish bone? I know his last name's
Fisher Is that's I was thinking We want to make a segment called the fit
Something like the fish bone and the dog and have a funny graphic with it But I'm pretty sure he calls himself that I've always
I thought that was hilarious I was cracking up. I thought did
Jeremiah give him that nickname because that's hilarious Oh Well tray is awesome. We're about to we're gonna do a part two of my debate review coming up soon
So look forward to that. It's funny So this I've not told anybody else this but Marlon Wilson at the gospel truth debate platform
Yeah, he reached out to me. I guess was early today He asked if me and Trey would be willing to do a two -on -two debate with two
Rando Church Christ and I just said oh, I'm down. I'm right. I'm good today I was like everything is super fresh on my mind
So anyway, we'll see if anything comes about with that That would be cool.
You're gonna have to let me know when that happens if it does Yeah, I'm friends with with Marlon he's
Blessing for sure. That's a solid dude right there. Yeah, he is. Yeah, he is Some some of those debates that he he kind of hosts
Yeah, they go Yeah, they go they go he did pretty quick. Sometimes He has a hard job and I know he wants to let the interlocutors kind of duke it out
But that's such a like if both people aren't committed to being cordial It can get out of hand quick.
It just takes one of the two, but I think overall he does a fantastic job I don't know if you knew that but we flew
Marlon from California to Jonesboro, Arkansas To host his first live in -person debate between me and another and a
Church of Christ minister about two years ago Oh, that's awesome Yep, I did not know that.
Yep. It was incredible. I got to debate Church Christ preacher on baptism in front of a crowd of 200 people or so and The majority was
Church Christ and Randy the first few rows were just all Church Christ giving me the most scathing
Looks you could imagine it I don't know what this says about me But I loved every second of it because they had to listen to this
Baptist Explain the context of Acts 2 38 mark 16 16 first Peter 3 21 and all the rest and I had him trapped
They couldn't go anywhere. Yeah, that's awesome. I Love it The Lord will use it for sure
Amen Man yeah, that's that's awesome. So if you would tell all the the listeners where they can find you
I know you have YouTube. Do you have a podcast on like the podcast apps yet? Not yet That was the key word not yet.
I do have a website the apologetic dog calm. It's getting revamped. I'm so excited I got a web designer that's got all these cool ideas and this gentleman is a
Christian and he is doing this Out of a labor of love like will not let me pay him because he's like this is for Kingdom purposes
Jeremy I'm like, okay, okay So I just I got a lot of things in the works
Like I have a whole list of things that I'm just wanting to revamp. I only got a new studio This is incredible because I'm at my house.
I can do more content. I love the whole going live thing Yeah of watching like Anthony Rogers and guys and it's like man, they they crank out live content all the time
But it's so much easier when you just hit go and I have a stream dick That allows me to just like change the scenes of when
I'm doing stuff And my son is you don't have to do a you don't have to do any editing when it's done. It's done
You know, I mean, yeah the YouTube channel The apologetic dog is where you people can find the majority of my content.
This will eventually be put on to podcast I have something in the works where I'm gonna be on.
I heart radio in the near future and There's a ton of opportunity to put all my content
It there it's integrated with some Christian platforms and it just reaches a super broad audience so I hope to be able to do a live radio called in discussion and I Still have a full -time job as a hospice chaplain, right?
And my heart is To be full -time at 12 -5 where I serve as a pastor at I'm in the near future and so if that happens then we'll just see what the
Lord does with the apologetics ministry because Randy my church family is my biggest support along with my wife
Right because they're just like the Lord has gifted you Jeremiah in certain ways that we want you to be a gift to the rest of the body and so to have that support behind you means all the world and I've told people if you're not a member of a healthy church, not just a you know
Evangelical church and it's just barely understands the right gospel. That's not what I'm talking about I'm talking about somewhere where there's gospel culture deep holistic discipleship
Yeah, so when you have that and that's that that's the home base of them saying hey
We want to help support you in these ways man. Sky's the limit. So I'm just really excited for whatever doors and opportunities the
Lord gives me Amen Amen. Well praise God for that. I appreciate your brother.
I love brother. It was wonderful meeting you in person and And Yeah, Lord willing all that will go through pretty soon
Yes. Well Randy, thank you so much for having me on we'll have to do it again man Absolutely, and next time we will talk about ninjas
Yes, and what we're gonna figure out the time zone difference and yes Yeah, it was an hour later here than it was there sorry, but It's it's kind of funny because when
I was hosting passing the torch With Andrew Schumacher He's an hour
Before which meant that I had to start at 9 o 'clock anyway and Yeah, every time
I do that I'm dog -tired the next day, but it's it's well worth it and it's a blessing Hi, by the way,
I was pulling for you on the the dead men walking podcast I Appreciate it.
I was pulling for you, man. Yeah, man. That was a blast I I knew the moment that I seen that I was against the dividing line.
I was like, yeah I'm I'm I'm a fish in a barrel. I'm about to take a 12 -gauge shotgun slug.
What an honor to be no Like sphere with dr. I'm over here like that's incredible Yeah, it was pretty awesome and Greg.
He texts me. He's like, I'm sorry for your luck You're against James White and I'm like, yeah,
I'm I'm done for like it's okay. Yeah, it's okay. It's an honor Well, alright brother,
I hope you have a wonderful evening and we'll definitely do this again, thanks brother god bless it
All right, brother god bless Real quick. I just want to thank you for listening to the podcast
It is so much fun to make but it's definitely not free and it takes a lot of work