Abortion (Part 2)


Today Pastor Mike continues his discussion dealing with abortion. How do we think Biblically about abortion? Abortion is a forgivable sin, but it is still a sin nonetheless. Psalm 139: 1-24 describes how God is involved with the knitting together of babies and it is important to note that the Bible does not differentiate between pre or post natal life--babies are in the womb because of the Holy handywork of God. Abortion is the ultimate proof of the decline of our culture and is clear evidence of our wretchedness--the fact that society tolerates the killing of God-created-life shows how deep atheisum runs in our culture. We must think Biblically about abortion.


Are tongues for today? (Part 3)

Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ, based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, "'But we did not yield in subjection to them "'for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel "'would remain with you.'"
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Mike Abendroth here with No Compromise Radio Ministry. I still feel like I have a cold because I do have a cold.
That's not going to prevent us today from talking about our topic in a part two fashion.
I talked last time about abortion and what the Bible says about abortion and how we ought to think about abortion from a biblical perspective, certainly as a forgivable sin, yes, but a sin nonetheless.
And we looked last time at Psalm 139 and how Psalm 139 described with intricate details how
God was involved in knitting together babies. And so we want to continue on the topic of children in the womb and our response to that very thing, how we should think about it biblically.
I want you to know that the Bible never differentiates between a child in the womb and out of the womb. And that's what people want to do in the abortion controversy today.
They want to say, well, it's not a person until it's born and you can kill a baby, partial birth abortion, as long as at least a hand's still in the womb.
But when the baby's all the way out, you can't kill the baby. The Bible doesn't think about things like that.
The writers in both the New and the Old Testament do not use different words to label or categorize prenatal and postnatal life.
The same word in Hebrew was used, yeled, in Exodus chapter 21, for instance, for both postnatal and prenatal care.
Job cursed the night he was conceived, but in Genesis 25, 22,
Jacob and Esau struggled in Rebekah's womb with the same word for both in and out.
In the New Testament, the same Greek word, brephos, John the Baptist prenatally and the children slaughtered by Pharaoh postnatally.
And so the Bible never says there's two different words for these two children, two kinds of children.
The womb contains God's work. And so it is a lame, wrong question to say, when does the embryo become a person or a human?
When does this activity become God's work? And when it does, no touching allowed, hands off, no trespassing.
And we know that's from the very time of sperm and egg getting together. Did you know the unborn are denoted by personal pronouns?
We've seen that in Psalm 139. How about Hosea 12, three? In the womb, he took his brother by the heel and in his maturity, he contended with God.
I, me, my, often used even before birth. We wanna make sure we're very, very careful that when
God is doing something in the womb, we have a hands off policy. John MacArthur said, to kill that life is to play
God. And as serious an affront as it is against the life itself, it is a more serious one against the
God who is the creator. That is why it is the ultimate, the ultimate decline in our culture.
It is the ultimate evidence of our wretchedness of our culture. It is the ultimate proof of how deep our atheism runs, that we will kill life that God creates.
We have usurped the sovereign throne and we are now God and we will determine who lives and who dies, end quote.
That is right. Abortion denies that God is involved in conception, in development.
It denies that God cares for the unborn. It attacks the notion that God has plans for the unborn.
The womb is holy ground. Don't give me this, this is my body business because A, it's not your body.
This baby might be in your body, but that baby is in your body as holy handiwork of God.
And when you want to get rid of that baby, it is the ultimate reaction negatively, sinfully to God because God makes us in his likeness and image in Genesis chapter nine, would talk about if you kill something that is made in God's image and likeness, then you deserve the death penalty.
Did you know what John Frame said? Listen, quote, there's nothing in scripture that even remotely suggests that the unborn child is anything less than a human person from the moment of conception, end quote.
That's the way you need to think about it. Don't let these purveyors of political pundency try to convince you one way or the other.
And if you're a Republican or a Democrat, it matters not to me, I want you to think biblically.
You say, well, I'm gonna lose my platform. I'm gonna lose my voters. Well, that would be a very good thing.
I think you should be standing up in a no compromise fashion for the truth.
Whoever thought we would be popular as Christians? Well, Paul never thought that, Stephen never thought that,
Jesus never thought that, Peter never thought that, and the list goes on and on and on. Children are the handiwork of God inside the womb and outside the womb.
Let me give you something else to think about. Do you ever consider this? That children in the womb and outside the womb are considered scripturally as gifts from the
Lord, love gifts from God. That's the thing that we have to remember. And if you look at Psalm 127, you will see that children are seen as blessings, not parasites, as some would call.
This is wonderful language. Did you know pregnancy is never seen as a curse?
Children are never seen as punishment from God for sexual promiscuity or the punishment of a sexual crime.
Psalm 127, verse three says, "'Behold, children are a gift of the
Lord. "'The fruit of the womb is a reward.'" He says, behold, look here, see this, check this out.
Surely children are a gift. They're a heritage, they're a portion, they're a possession from God, they're a blessing.
Who would not want a gift from God? Psalm 127, verse four says, "'Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, "'so are the children of one's youth.
"'How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. "'They shall not be ashamed "'when they speak with their enemies in the gate.'"
What's the response to this great gift of God? Well, the negative response is to kill
God's work and his creation. No, that's evil, that's improper.
The right response is be thankful, be thankful for that. Oh God, thank you, not to be ungrateful.
Did you know once you abandon scripture, the rationalizations come fast and furious. They multiply like rabbits in the spring.
Here's what they do, they call babies tumors, parasites. Here's one that'll make you throw up.
Some babies are called in the womb domestic sewage, domestic sewage. Now think about how low you have to stoop to figure out that a baby in your womb is domestic sewage because then you just wanna flush the toilet of your womb and not deal with it because you've got to whore yourself out the next night as well.
That is ludicrous. Babies are not tissue, they're not a fetus, they're not a disease as some call them.
Dr. William Cates from Planned Parenthood Physicians Association, which is a joke, this is nothing more than a means of preventing disease.
Pregnancy being noted as a disease. That comes from a paper called Abortion as Treatment for Unwanted Pregnancy, the
Second Sexually Transmitted Disease. Did you know, God says, this is my gift to you and I made this baby and the world says exactly opposite.
This is a, a baby is a sexually transmitted disease. Now that should make you mad.
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness, who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.
Friends, if you've got this kind of attitude, like this doctor, some kind of political gerrymandering is not going to work.
The issue is bigger. The issue is greater than somehow saying, we've got to outlaw abortion.
It's going to have to take place as people hear the gospel. Dr. William Cates needs to be saved from his sin.
You have to be praying for some of these doctors. When you drive by Planned Parenthood, if you want to go pick it, then you can pick it.
I suggest you make sure you obey the laws. But I think what you need to do is pray for those people when you drive by.
That's the ultimate way to change someone's mind. Show me somebody who is pro -choice, gets saved by God and his great gospel of Jesus Christ, perfect life, death and resurrection and soon return.
And that person will be different. And that person may think along their old party lines to some degree, but then confront them with the evidence of scripture.
They will bow to scripture. They will not say a baby is a sexually transmitted disease or it's domestic sewage.
This selfish culture has to say, well, these are my rights. This is my body.
Did you know the Alan Guttmacher Institute did a survey on why children are aborted?
And by the way, this institute is a research arm of Planned Parenthood. These are why babies are aborted.
1 % had fetal abnormalities. After all, who'd want to raise up a child that's less than perfect.
50 % said they didn't want to be a single parent or they had problems in a current relationship. 66 % stated that they could not afford a child.
By the way, why would God give you money to afford children before the child's even born? And 75 % said, according to the statistics in the
Alan Guttmacher Institute, 75 % said the child would interfere with their lives. I mean, let's just look at that last one in face value.
How selfish, how horrible. This is God's property.
And when he wants to give us a gift, we should receive that gift. People say, well, that's a woman's right.
Did you know God gives no women the right to kill one of his creation? I'm gonna repeat that.
God gives women no rights to kill one of God's own creation. Say, well,
I have a right to privacy, don't I? No, you don't. You are a created being and you answer to God the judge.
And God the judge says the baby has a right to life. What is more important, your right to privacy or the baby's right to life?
The right to life is God given. Your right to privacy is a selfish, horrible, sinful attitude.
That's what that is. Think about this quote. And if the privacy argument is going to prevail, should we then prohibit police from violating the privacy of a home to stop parents from abusing their children?
I see it's just illogical. It has to be illogical because it stems from an immoral view.
Never exchange freedom of choice for justice. Justice for the unborn outranks pity and compassion for the mother.
And if the mother's been raped or there's been incest or the mother is poor, the mother does not, as a single parent, all these other things.
I'm not saying we should not have compassion and mercy and pity and long suffering and patience.
Of course we should. But at the end of the day, justice for the baby, that is life, trumps somehow freedom for the woman.
Listen to what one man said. The unborn entity within the pregnant woman's body is not part of her body. The conceptious is a genetically distinct entity with its own unique and individual gender, blood type, bone structure, and genetic code.
Although the unborn entity is attached to its mother, it is not part of her. To say that the unborn entity is part of its mother is to claim that the mother possesses four legs, two heads, two noses, and with the case of a male conceptus, a penis and two testicles.
Furthermore, since scientists have been able to achieve conception in a Petri dish in the case of test tube babies, and this conceptious, if it has white parents, can be transferred to the body of a black woman and be born white, we know conclusively that the unborn is not part of the pregnant woman's body.
Certainly, a woman has a right to control her own body, but the unborn entity, though for a time living inside her body, is not part of her body.
Hence, abortion is not justified since no one's right to personal autonomy is so strong that it permits the arbitrary execution of others.
In this respect, this argument also begs the question because it assumes that the unborn are not fully human.
End quote. That man's right. That man is right. This baby is not part of your body.
This baby is attached on the inside to you. That's exactly how God has set it up.
And then all of a sudden, you hear language like this. Well, this is a decision made between the woman and her doctor.
And that usually means between a woman and her abortionist that she's never met before, that government funding will pay for, that if she's younger, maybe doesn't need her parents' consent for, and then the abortion doctor who has quickly said, let's not have one of these new ultrasounds because if you see the baby's face, nose, ears, sucking its thumb, you're probably not going to wanna do it.
And then we have the culture that says, let's play to the emotions. Let's go to the very minor cases and make them the issues.
Coat hangers, we're gonna go back to that era. What about rape? What about incest? Rape is horrible.
But one sin does not need to be corrected by another sin. Even though there's been rape,
God could have closed, kept that womb closed. If that womb has been open, then we don't kill a baby to right the first wrong.
No. One man said, Fowler, 0 .06 of 1 % of all abortions are from rape victims.
So we have to make sure this is just emotional manipulation. People talk about the mother's help.
I like to go back to the words of former Surgeon General of the United States, Dr. C.
Everett Koop, who said protection of the life of the mother as an excuse for an abortion is a smokescreen.
In my 36 years of pediatric surgery, I have never known of one instance where the child had to be aborted to save the mother's life.
If toward the end of the pregnancy, complications arise that threaten the mother's health, the doctor will either induce labor or perform a cesarean section.
His intention is to save the life of both the mother and the baby. The baby's life is never willfully destroyed because the mother's life is in danger.
And so this kind of thinking is just sinful, warped thinking. You say, well, what about the baby who is retarded or deformed or doesn't have all hers or his chromosomes?
I don't think we wanna go around and say, you know, God has ordained to give those parents a special child and to give them love and that family, but we don't think that baby's worth it.
Dr. John Robertson, University of Wisconsin said, quote, one must decide for whose benefit is the decision to withhold treatment from a child with severe birth defects.
I just don't know what to do. Maybe it's because I have a cold today. Maybe because I can't think very well. Maybe it's the theraflu.
But we need to make sure to think biblically. Back even in the
Mosaic law for Israel, Leviticus says, you shall not curse a deaf man nor place a stumbling block before the blind, but you shall revere your
God. I am the Lord. You wanna revere God? You wanna know that he is the Lord Yahweh? Well, then you wanna be kind and tenderhearted and compassionate to those who have issues.
You don't say, well, we're just going to get rid of the baby. No, back in the old days, when children were born with serious birth defects because of thalidomide, basically here's what would happen.
The baby would be born, no arms, no legs, because the mother had taken that particular chemical.
And three of those survivors of thalidomide, three babies affected by having no arms and hands, wrote this letter.
We are disabled from causes. We were disabled from causes other than thalidomide.
The first of us two, having useless arms and hands. The second, two useless legs. And the third, the use of neither arms nor legs.
We were fortunate in having been allowed to live. And we want to say with strong conviction, how thankful we are that none took it upon themselves to destroy us as useless cripples.
Here at the DeBaru School of Spastics, one of the schools of the National Spastic Society, we have found worthwhile and happy lives and we face our future with confidence.
Despite our disability, life still has much to offer and we are more than anxious, if only metaphorically, to reach out toward the future.
This we hope will give comfort and hope to the parents of the thalidomide babies and at the same time serve to condemn those who would contemplate the destruction of even a limbless baby.
Yours faithfully, Elaine Duckett, Glenn Verdon, Carol Hodges.
And so they said, well, we weren't a thalidomide baby, but if you have one, keep the baby.
Keep the baby. And so, this is Mike Apendroth, No Compromise Radio Ministry.
I'm just sad today because I think about the women out there spurred on by the men who commit abortion and they never think twice about what is happening.
They don't want to know, ignorance is bliss for them, they have other things they need to go on and do in life and they don't say to themselves, well,
I should think about things from God's perspective. Don't let anybody tell you if abortion's outlawed, thousands are gonna die from back alley abortions.
That's just all hype. Did you know in 1972, the year before the court, Supreme Court legalized abortion, it said that there were about 500 abortions nationwide, 39 resulting in death, according to Bernard Nathanson's book,
Aborting America. Now we're killing one or two million babies per year and hundreds of women dying from complications.
So what does that tell you? Did you know President Planned Parenthood, the old president,
Dr. Mary Calderon, pointed out in a 1960 American Journal of Health article that Dr.
Kinsey showed that in 1958, 84 to 87 % of all illegal abortions were performed by licensed physicians in good standing.
Dr. Calderon herself concluded that 90 % of all illegal abortions are presently done by physicians.
So when we have this kind of coat hanger argument, that doesn't answer the question.
That doesn't solve anything. You don't wanna go along those lines. Michael Baum said, a child does not lose its right to life simply because its father or its mother was a sexual criminal or a deviant.
To empower the victim of a sexual offense to kill the offender's child is an even more deplorable act than the rape that conceived it.
The child conceived by rape or interest is a victim too. In America, we do not execute victims.
So what do we do? What do we think about biblically when it comes to abortion?
Did you know in the womb, the unborn can move? Genesis chapter 22, the two kids were struggling as they represented nations.
Did you know in the womb, babies can leap for joy? Luke one, for behold, when the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby leaped in my womb for joy.
The Texans say, in the blob of goo, domestic sewage leaped in my womb for joy.
No, it doesn't say that at all. When Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, we know exactly that John the
Baptist was excited about that in some divine, supernatural way. Did you know in the womb, the babies can be consecrated?
That is, set apart for specific callings from God. Jeremiah said, in Jeremiah, God said to Jeremiah, Jeremiah one, five, before I formed you in the womb,
I knew you, and before you were born, I consecrated you. I have appointed you a prophet to the nations.
Did you know in the womb, Jacob was given preeminence over Esau before they were even born?
Romans chapter nine, verse 11, for though the twins were not yet born and had not done anything good or bad, in order that God's purpose, according to his choice might stand, not because of works, but because of him who calls.
So you see this kind of language. Samson called to be a Nazarite from the womb.
Judges chapter 13, Paul set apart from the womb, even from my mother's womb, he called me through his grace.
Galatians chapter one, verse 15. And so we have gotten this thing so distorted because man wants to abandon what
God says. Man wants to say, oh, you know, this is only some kind of protoplasmic mass, our fetal tissue.
I have a question for you. In the womb, the Bible calls that mass, if you will, quote unquote, sinful and depraved.
Psalm 51, verse five. In my sin, my mother conceived me. I was brought forth in iniquity. Psalm 58, the wicked are estranged from the womb.
How can you have imputation of sin and sin nature inside the womb if the womb is carrying some kind of non -moral agent?
No, you can't. Did you know since God has creatures multiplying after their own kind in Genesis chapter one, then humans must procreate humans, not non -persons?
You say, what do you mean by that? Well, in Genesis chapter one, let the earth bring forth living creatures after their own kind.
Cattle and creeping things and beast of the earth after their kind, and so it was. And God made the beast of the earth after their kind and cattle after their kind and everything that creeps on the ground after their kind.
And God saw that it was good. One man said, why is an eagle in the egg considered to be an eagle?
But a baby in the womb is not considered to be a human being. Even logic demands that we recognize the humanity of the unborn child.
So we want to make sure we think biblically about abortion. Abortion is sin.
Abortion should be a crime, in my opinion. Abortion should be not funded by American tax dollars.
But by the way, if you don't want to send taxes in because you think your money will somehow make abortions,
Christian, you need to pay your taxes, even to Nero, even to Herod, even to unbelievers.
And it's their responsibility before God to do things with it, rightly or wrongly. You won't answer for them.
And so you pay your taxes and pray for those who are going to make the laws. God is a creator and we're to praise him for his creation, specifically children in the womb and out of the womb.
We are to be willing to forgive abortionists and those who kill their babies.
And we want to make sure we point them to a wonderful, forgiving God. Forgive us our debts as we have also forgiven our debtors.
We want to open our arms, welcome, mainly, to sinners, abortionists, abortion doctors, because with George Whitefield, we all say, there but the grace of God, go
I. We want to show love, we need to speak love, and you need to show them the most love that you can by telling them there's a savior named
Jesus Christ that they must believe in, that they must trust in. Point them to the
Lord, tell them about their sin, tell them that Jesus is too pure to behold evil or cannot even look at it, and then present them the claims of the gospel and tell them they must repent.
My name's Mike Ebendorf, this is No Compromise Radio Ministry, and let's pray that God would shut down every abortion.
God bless you. No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Ebendorf is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible -teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life -transforming power of God's word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at six. We're right on Route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.