Tape 8 - Victorious Living Through the Blood


Dr. Irwin "Rocky" Freeman


And then we want to look at a very important topic in our second session It's probably the most important of them all and that is the altar that is sanctified by the blood
We'll just use one verse of scripture for our text That's verse 11 from the Revelation chapter 12 verse 11 says and they overcame him
By the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto the death
Now that is our text as we think about the victorious living through the blood of Christ. Let's pray once again together
Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech Achenai Blessed art thou
O Lord our God King of the universe We praise thee and we lift our hearts to you in adoration
Understanding that it's only in the wonderful name of Yeshua HaMashiach The Messiah of Israel a blessed
Savior the Lord Jesus Christ that we have access to your very presence And it is only through his precious blood that we can even contemplate
Approaching the holiness of God, but father as we do so boldly with confidence and assurance that you will hear us this night
I pray that you'll take these two thoughts that we have together and father I pray that you will implant them deeply within our lives
Because Lord these are the crux of living the Christian life and so father as we think together as we've done each night
I thank you again for the faithfulness of these who've come night after night realizing our Lord dealt basically with 11 people and Sometimes just three
Peter James and John and so father's we've come together We believe that you've done something in our lives that will accomplish something more in days to come
We believe father that you've made us more effective Christians by the truths You've planted within our hearts and lives and within our minds
We believe we've been enlightened and stimulated Challenged and motivated and it will show up in later days as it bears fruit in our life
From the seed of the word that is planted now We look forward to your blessings in this service together simply because we come together as Christian people
Surrounding ourselves with the Word of God and in your blessed presence trusting you to bless us in Jesus name.
Amen Now in this particular passage of Scripture, and if you'll notice chapter 12 12 through 14 in the
Revelation are parenthetical they are parenthetical in the fact that they give you sort of the
Characters who are playing the game of life so to speak and so 5 through 19 are 219
Of course, the church is not mentioned We've mentioned that on two occasions the church is not mentioned anywhere in there telling us once again
The church does not go through the tribulation now for thousands of years There has been a tremendous a mighty conflict that has been going on for the possession of mankind and the conflict started
Way early in time, but you read the first recording of it in Genesis chapter 3 verse 15 when it talks about the seed of the woman and the serpent seed and that conflict began before time it began out in the
Time past with God and Satan and you know the story and so we'll not go into it but it seems as you come through history and as we begin to read
Bible history as we begin to study secular history in ancient History, it seems at times in history like the kingdom of God had hit the planet
Earth I mean it just seemed like everything was going to be alright It just seemed that if things were going to go the way
God had set them forth to go It just seemed like the kingdom of God had come in power And then it seems like other times as you read the
Bible and as we observe history and look at human experience It seems as if evil has taken control and as if evil just rules everything and the kingdom of God will never come
And so we see this conflict and we see that the supreme strife is
Constantly being waged around us and you find the same thing true in the life of Jesus Christ When Jesus Christ came and began by wonderful words mighty miracles tremendous messages and all of his great teaching and raising the dead healing the sick causing the blind to see and the dumb to speak the deaf to hear and all those things a tremendous excitement and anticipation
Was awakened in the hearts and lives of those particular people and yet what a horrible terrible
Disappointment must have come upon them when he was crucified and died as a common criminal and died such a disappointing
Way in their eyes when they thought surely the kingdom of God was now John the Baptist had said so and he says it's at hand
And they saw the Messiah and the signs of the Messiah John the Baptist sent a messenger to Christ and said are you he or shall we look for another one?
and he said you just go tell him you've seen the blind see and you've seen the dead raised and the lame walk and he
Will understand being Jewish that those are the messianic signs Those are the signs that come along with the
Messiah and yet this disappointment came and the Bible has a word In the midst of all this disappointment.
It just says behold Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Jesus lives
Yes, he died. He was crucified. But you see he lives you say
I know he lives He's risen from the dead and what is that but victory that has been won over the prince of darkness
Satan delighted at the death of Christ because that's what he had been trying to do from the beginning of time
He tried to corrupt the human race with Adam and Eve. He tried to corrupt it with Cain and Abel He tried to corrupt it with Isaac and Ishmael.
He tried to cut it corrupt it with Jacob and Esau He tried to corrupt it again with the disciples and Judas Iscariot all down the time
He has tried to corrupt it to stop Jesus Christ from getting to the cross and when he got to the cross What a delight in the heart of Satan he thought he had accomplished it but Jesus came exploding out of the grave now
Look at verse 10 in Chapter 12 of the Revelation through death. He had destroyed him that had the power of death that is the devil look at verse 10 and I heard a loud voice saying in heaven now is come salvation and strength and the kingdom of our
God and the power of his Christ For the accuser now watch this carefully some of us were talking about this other evening for the accuser of our brethren is cast down Now there are a lot of people tell you that Satan goes back and forth to God accusing the brethren, but that's false
Look what it says for the accuser of our brethren is cast down Which accused them before our
God day and night and they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their Testimony, and they love not their lives even unto death
Therefore rejoice you heavens and you that dwell therein why heaven's rejoicing because the accusers no longer there
He's kicked out heaven is being purged The blood is being entered into heaven The blood has been taken in to the very presence of Almighty God now victory in the
Revelation as we mentioned last evening is Ascribed chiefly to the phrase the blood of the lamb the blood of the lamb all through the
Revelation You see the lamb on the throne it as as the slain lamb that he has gained that position now
Here's our question. How is it that victory is always ascribed to the blood of the lamb?
How is that so well, we want to consider victory tonight victory in your life, and we'll take it in three ways
First of all, we'll look at it as it was gained once and for all then we will look at it as it is progressive
And then we shall look at it as one in which you and I now have a share You don't have to wait on victory until you die.
We have a share in it right now So first of all the victory that was gained once and for all at one time
Satan had access and entrance to the portals of heaven he could approach the presence of Majesty and he appeared there as the accuser of the brethren and as the opponent of whatever was to The best interest and the goodwill of God's people in the book of Job We'll not look at it if you write it down because the whole book of Job deals with it, but specifically chapter 2
Specifically chapter 2 you see Satan coming with the sons of God to the angelic beings to present himself before the
Lord and to Obtain permission from God to tempt Job Now it's very interesting to me that people today, you know, it's it's a sad point, but it fits right in here
People today because they see a miracle performed or what they think is a miracle and because it does something that they think is
A miracle and only God performs miracles then they automatically assume it's from God But when you read the book of Job, you will see that he stirred
Satan stirred up the whirlwinds You will see that Satan caused lightning to fall and the people said it was the fire of God that fell
The people attributed the miracle of Satan to God and that's exactly what's going on today friends
You have no guide in your life except the Bible and anything subjective is subject to error
What you think and what you feel will change day by day by day, and it'll also be as different as they are personalities
There's only one thing that does not change and that is the objective reality That's based upon the objective facts of the objective
Word of God written by the hand of God himself As he controlled men's hearts and lives by the agency in the ministry of the
Holy Spirit of God in Job You see this turn with me to the book of Zechariah It'll take you a moment
Zechariah you have it already do you Zechariah chapter 3 don't look at your table of contents.
We'll be here all night just Open to page 966 The book of Zechariah you will read this now we talk about Satan now.
We're talking about him approaching God. We're talking about him Standing To accuse
Zechariah chapter 3 and let's just read the first two verses and He showed me a
Yeshua Joshua. It's the same name as Jesus Joshua and Jesus, you know the same name
They mean the same thing Joshua is just English from the Hebrew Yeshua and Jesus is from the
Greek essence which comes from the same thing It just simply means the same ones Old Testament ones new ones
Hebrew and ones Greek all right, and he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the
Lord and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him and the
Lord said unto Satan the Lord rebuked thee Oh Satan, even the Lord who hath chosen
Jerusalem rebuked thee is not this a brand plucked out of the fire?
so You see that he was there standing now Don't you look at another statement there he was in heaven turn to me to the gospel according to Luke Turn to the gospel according to Luke and an interesting statement that you find there
Luke chapter 10 Luke chapter 10 That should not take us near as long
Luke chapter 10 verse 18 and He said unto them.
I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven Now later on the
Lord Jesus in agony of soul and the gospel of John relates again some information
So turn to John chapter 12 John chapter 12 yokan on John 12
Now, you know, this is Jesus was anointed and he's about to enter into a city of Jerusalem He began telling about his crucifixion and all of this now look at the verse 31.
I believe it is Now he's about to die on the cross and he's about to be raised from the dead
So what's he say now is the judgment of this world? Now shall the prince of this world be cast out
Cast out of where well the Bible tells us he's still in the world There was only one place he had complete access
Before the cross and that was to the very presence of God to accuse the brethren But once the blood is there and you have
Romans 8 1 there is therefore now no condemnation to them Which are in Christ Jesus by what would he accuse you?
God knows you're pure. God knows you're clean God knows you've been pardoned. God knows you've been cleansed and washed up and made righteous.
What would he accuse you of you say? Well, I don't know that that's all right. He's not accusing you to you He's trying to accuse you to God God already knows you're guiltless.
So what's he gonna do? False words don't follow to the ears of God from you me or Satan And so what we have here is the statement now in Scripture Satan is not ever represented as some grisly black creature
You never see Satan in the Bible as some male figure with horns and a long red tail.
Oh, no No in the Bible, he is an angel of light He is an angel of light and the
Scripture says that little marble He says Satan is transformed himself into an angel of light and it is no great wonder that his disciples be transformed into what?
ministers of Righteousness, they'll never you'll never spot most of them unless you get in the
Bible. They are ministers of righteousness Don't think Satan is out here all sinful lewd and filthy and dirty running around.
Yes. He is involved in that but friends He's at work in the church more than he is anywhere else his main job is chief concern is religion and That's where he is.
And that's where he's moving and that's why you'd have to be doctrinally secure in the Word of God Now he was an angel of light
Why is he keeping that for because that's what he was and he fell from a very worthy place and he became the prince of this
World now God gave man the opportunity and the authority to rule on the earth
Did he not God said have dominion over all the earth and so God wanted man to rule. He said have thou
Authority is what he told man now when Satan came and took over he took it over by conquering man
By right of conquest by law he conquered man and took the rod to rule the scepter rule back from Adam and Therefore he assumed the right to do so now
God could not exert force our God could not exert his power But he recognized
Satan's authority. Why is that so because well, we don't really know all of it But we know that God always takes the way of law and right and by law
It was Satan right to rule because Satan had the right of conquest He defeated
Adam when God said if Adam would just turn to him He would take care of everything so Satan was able to retain his authority until it was taken from him in a lawful manner and that is
Exactly the reason he could appear before God in heaven as the accuser of the brethren and in opposition to them
For all the years under the Old Testament under the Old Covenant Satan obtained authority over all flesh
That is why God in the flesh in the person of Jesus Christ met him in the wilderness
Jesus wasn't hiding from him. Jesus was waiting on him and looking for him
He went there for the express purpose of meeting Satan one -on -one and defeating him in the flesh so that by right of conquest he would take the rule back and he would take the right of rule back from Satan and God would begin his program as he had and continued on Satan had the power of death
Because of the law of God the sting of death is sin and the power of sin is the law the
Bible tells us and the sinner has to be Delivered from the power of the law before he can ever be delivered from the authority of Satan The law has to be satisfied and the power of the law has to be broken before Satan's authority and hold over people could ever be
Broken now the wages of sin is death. So what happened Jesus died Why he became sin
He became sin for us him who knew no sin. So consequently the wages of sin is death
So he died and as our surety the Son of God came he was born under the law
He obeyed the law perfectly and therefore Satan is defeated because the power of the law is broken
Satan becomes defeated and he now has no longer any right to accuse any
Christian for anything He does not have that right. He'll take it if you give it to him And he'll put it in your mind that he has that right and he'll make you believe he has that right unless you know
Exactly the Word of God that he has no right and any right any right? He tries to assume is by law and you're not under law.
You're under grace anything he tries to do in your life It's by a lie always and ever now I said the victors gain once and for all and it was but there's also a progressive victory in the fact that it continues day
By day also day by day and you've heard it said many times we have been saved We are being saved and we will be saved it's a progressive victory now
Satan has been cast down to the earth Will you turn to me to revelation 12 again? Revelation 12 he's been cast down the earth.
So what happens the heavenly victory must now be carried out here on earth
This victory in heaven or earth doesn't make any difference progresses simultaneously
Resting on the same ground and the conflict on earth Between you and me and Satan is nothing but a result of a conflict in the invisible regions of the heavenly
The archangel Michael and all the angels as well as the brethren on earth Gained the victory by the blood of the
Lamb and in Revelation chapter 12 verses I want you just to put a little mark out there somehow rather from about verse 7 all the way down through about verse ladies
But verse 17 gives you how Satan was cast down to the earth The conflict was removed from heaven into the earthly realm.
Now, let me explain that word earth to you Do not just think that that word earth means the planet earth
Turn with me hold your place right there and turn to Genesis the first chapter. I Want to point out something that perhaps you've seen and perhaps maybe you haven't
I don't know Look at verse 2 Well, look at verse 1 in the beginning
God created the heaven and the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness. Now, what do you think?
That is planet earth That's what most people think. No, not at all because I want you to look at verse 10 and God called the dry land earth and the gathering together waters.
You don't get the earth named earth until verse 10 The Planet isn't called earth until verse 10.
Well, what's this earth friends? if you'll study the heavens and the earth there you'll find the heavens referred all that is invisible and the earth refers to everything that is visible and When Satan was cast down to the earth, he is cast down to the first and the second heavens
There are three heavens we know about the first the earth the atmosphere the clouds where they are and then the second heaven is
Intergalactic areas the all the trillions of galaxies and Satan has access all the way
But he does not have access to the third heaven, which is the presence of God He has been cast out of that But he has cast out into the other visible things and that is why
I along with many other people and one of the leading Authorities is dr. Clifford Wilson one of the leading psycho linguistics in the world a renowned
Christian Who has a book called encounters of another kind who firmly believe and I'm firmly convinced that UFOs are nothing but did not demonic delusions to get people looking friends whenever Jesus Christ came and died and when the earth was creating
Adam and Eve it was against the backdrop of Everything there are no other people living on other planets.
Jesus is the only Savior Knows evolution is breaking up.
So he's got to get people or something else because the evolution is breaking up Scientists are beginning to step away from it men are not even
Christians They say it hasn't worked after 110 years and so they're beginning to back away from it
So he's got something ready for them. Well, maybe if we didn't involve maybe we came from another planet
He's always got something ready for the gullible mind The tragedy is there a lot of so -called
Christians that just suck it up like ice cream and cake boy They just get anything it is anything man throws out.
Why well, they can't believe the Bible. That's preposterous It's absurd to believe the Bible. It's antiquated who want to believe that old book
That old book stood test time and Voltaire tried to laugh it out of Europe Hitler tried to burn it out of Germany and still stands if any book in the world had ever been attacked like this book has
Been attacked. They've been off the market for six months It stands the test time and it'll be here if you and I go
Jesus doesn't come Yeah, the old King James version will still be around you and how King James to amplify dollars to me.
I'll say it be here You say you mean tell me brother. I'll give you 15 days. I'll be perfect different version But I use this one.
I use it. Well, I can't understand King James. You can't understand anything you won't read Just that's it.
You read you can understand it. I've been understanding it for years. I'd like to read like Paul in Greek Sure, you can understand if you read get your
Bible dictionary do it like you do your crossword puzzles Can't figure out a word you cheat a little bit go get your dictionary We'll go with the Bible get your dictionary and it'll be alright
So what we're talking about we're talking about a war a war now, what's it say?
Whoa, look at verse 12 Rejoice you heavens and you that dwell in them. Why why do you want heavens rejoice?
Well, look what he says, but whoa revelation 12 12 But whoa to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea
For the devil has come down unto you Having great wrath because he knows that he has but a short time and I know that Satan is not omniscient
He doesn't know everything. But one thing he does know is he knows he's got a short time But that doesn't slow him down when a football team might be behind 40 to nothing
What's coach say? Well, we're behind 40 nothing ain't got the five minutes. You might as well quit. Uh -huh He said well you lost the game get the game
But he said I tell you what every time he runs the ball. He said make him pay I mean now's the time to get your knocks in you just turn loose.
Let it go He done lost the game just don't get it and they got there if they'd played that way the whole game They wouldn't been behind 40 nothing.
They go got him go crazy Satan knows exactly what he's doing. He knows he's going down the drain He's gonna take as many people with him as he can because you see every time he gets a person he can mock
God He can just mock God every time he does that there is a progressive victory
Whoa to the inhabitants of the earth now Satan has persecuted God's people throughout all the ages
Now when that didn't work Then if the persecution wouldn't slow him down and persecution seemed to make the church flourish the more they got persecuted more the group
What's he do? He said well that won't work. I'll do something else. He just kind of moves in with worldly success He gets you successful don't ever think
Satan gets you down in the gutter You see he does some people but most people if you get in the gutter, you know, you got to get out So he doesn't want you down there.
He'd like to get you busy make you successful give you enough money where you got to watch Get you enough money where you can't you got to keep down the bank every day drive by it every day
Just check see if it's there, you know and things like this and this is what he does. And so what has happened The people of God have compromised and they have surrendered to the demands of the world
Apostasy and darkness has settled over the Church of Jesus Christ and in all of this there has been just a few
Precious Christian people throughout the years that have not yielded and they have not surrendered their statement
That was often established even throughout the martyrs and someday. Maybe we'll be called upon It says they overcame him by the blood of the
Lamb and by the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives Even unto death it was and it still is the discovery the experience and the preaching of that Precious gracious truth that we are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus whom
God has set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood and that victory can be won in your life and mind it is through the preaching of the blood of the cross that is the power by which the darkened heart is opened and Softened and from which the dwelling place of Satan is changed into the temple of the
Most High God God will not come into anything that is not purged by the blood and if your heart doesn't get purged by the blood then
God Will not enter into that contaminated state It must be purged as we said last evening as deep as sin has gone
So the blood must follow it and so you have been sprinkled to the conscience the Word of God says we have come unto the sprinkling
Of the conscience by the precious blood of Jesus Christ. And so This is what we know to be the truth
And so when the soul begins to live in the power of the blood of Christ the temptations of Satan cease to ensnare and where the holy blood of the
Lamb is sprinkled there God dwells and Satan will be put to flight on the basis of that blood now
How or what do we mean when we say we have a share in that victory? You and I have a share in that victory already
This is true when we are among those who have been cleansed by the blood of the Lamb.
Now, how do you enjoy it? I think at least there are three things we must understand there are at least three things maybe more but I only know of three that we must understand in order to enjoy the full blessing and Have what we call the victorious
Christian life through the blood of the Lamb. Number one is there can never be a victory without conflict There can be no winning without war
Christians are not fighting a war Christians are playing games
Paul says in Ephesians 6 for we wrestle not against flesh and blood. It is not you against the lost people
It's not you against the community. It is not your personality against them. It is not your your debate ability
It's not your ability to debate someone else. It's not your vocabulary against theirs. It's not your mentality
It is not anything like that my friends he says we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against the powers and the
Principalities and the rulers of darkness and wicked spirits in high places. We are fighting against the demons of hell
We're in a war for God against Satan and his demonic hordes for the souls and the lives of people and when you go out in Witness to a man if you can just understand that all the demons of hell are unleashed upon his mind to keep him lost and to close his mind and the
Bible says that the God of this world can close the mind of them who are lost so that the Glorious light of the gospel cannot even shine through Tremendous power, but you and I we go out there without any prayer
We get our Bible we knock on the door and we've got our little church Bulletin and we've got our little thing we go hang on the door
Oh, we got a little business card says anywhere for Jesus and cookies furnished and we're gonna stick that in the door and we're gonna
Impress people for God and we walk out of there. The Holy Spirit has done nothing They sit lost and Satan rejoices at our feeble efforts because we walked in the flesh
What we need to do is understand we are in a spiritual war and Satan is real today
I don't care what the preacher say real and the demons are real and the Bible never says they stopped
You don't like to think about it We don't want to contemplate it but friends one -fourth of the Bible speaks about Satan and he's from beginning to end
But you and I you see what we do we figure the program is gonna get it the cordon is gonna do it the songs
Are gonna do it brother. That's why we sit with the church. He's eating Satan just rejoicing all over Houston 300
Southern Baptist churches in this city been here for years and his citizens lost and it'll stay lost
Until we understand the blood and until we understand there can never be a victory ladies and gentlemen without a conflict
There never can the word victory means something's been won That's what we're talking about you and I must understand that we dwell in the enemy's territory.
Yes, it's God's But you see God hasn't chosen to take complete control of yet in the sense that he's going to in later days
This is the enemy's territory and Satan attempts to reach Christ and assault Christ by attacking
Christ people Christians and you and I must live every moment Realizing that you are being watched
You are being eyed You are being contemplated You are being scanned you are being screened
You are being watched by an enemy of unimaginable cunning and power who has never wearied and tired of trying to bring you
Under his authority whether he can do by natural means whether he can do by emotional psychological physical about whatever means necessary He is waiting on every opportunity and none of you are immune just because you're a
Christian Just because you've been saved will not stop him
We've got to appropriate the truth of God's Word daily in order to stop him The Bible says put on the whole armor of God.
I challenge you with a statement I believe if I walk down these aisles my dear people and if I called on you one by one by one
No matter what your position is in the church or out of the church and the community or in the church It matters not most of you
If I said would you stand please right where you are and intelligently discuss with me for a moment the whole armor of God How you put it on what each one of them mean?
When do you put it on? How do you put it on in what order do you put it on and what effect does it have and I'll guarantee you most
Of you'd be embarrassed because you don't have a slightest and yet if you don't know about the arm of God How do you protect yourself?
That's why sickness. That's why illness. That's why emotional problems. That's why physical problems that's why financial problems many of those things are assault and fiery darts from the enemy and They can be prevented
If we want to prevent them They can be so they can be so and so what we're talking about here to you
Ladies and gentlemen is to try to challenge you. He knows how to gain entrance into your earthly engagements He knows how to get into your business.
He knows how to get into your process of working for your daily bread He knows how to involve himself in politics.
He knows how to handle literature. He knows how to deal with science He knows how to get in knowledge. He knows how to deal with all things because he was there when all things were created
He is not some idiot he knows and he knows more than you and I put together We'll ever know until we stand before Christ in a perfect state
He is subtle and he's smarter than you'll ever be The only way we can defeat him is by having the knowledge of him who is stronger than he
Even the precious Lord Jesus and a Christian beloved who desires to share in the victory over Satan through the blood of lamb
Must hear me carefully ladies Must be a fighter You've got to be willing to fight if you're going to be a victor over Satan You have to be a fighter and you must take pains to understand the character of your enemy
It is utter foolishness to send an army out into the fields of battle with no understanding of their enemy ours tactics
Paul said less Satan get an advantage of us. We are not ignorant of his devices
Ephesians 427 says neither give place to the devil. Don't give up ground to him. Don't give him an invitation
How would you do it? What do you think you got your robber bank? Uh -huh. You can just sit around with a vivid imagination get yourself in trouble
Open doors to Satan to a rational Open the doors to Satan to a rational Little do
Christians understand what is really going on around us We must allow ourselves to be taught through the
Word of God that the depths of Satan as the scripture calls it We must know what they are and we must know that we fight against the rulers of the darkness of this world and we must
Devote ourselves to the battle. There can be no winning without conflict Secondly, there can be no victory without faith victory comes through faith.
It is through faith turn with me to first John The first epistle of John other than the gospel right after Peter First John chapter 5 please first John chapter 5.
Aren't you glad you're saved? Sure First John 4 first John 5 verse 4
For whoever is born of God Whatever is born of God overcomes the world and this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith
Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that commits to? But he that believes in but he that commits to trust puts his confidence in commits his will to that's what that word believe means
That Jesus is the Son of God whoever commits himself to that truth who puts their dependence in that him who puts himself at that And him who turns all of his trust into the fact that Jesus is the
Son of God That is the person that has the opportunity to overcome the world and Jesus said be of good cheer
I have overcome the world and Satan is already a conquered enemy as I use the words early in the week
Dejour in Spiritual principle it is not de facto It is not in fact until he be cast into the lake of fire at that great and final day when he is judged and Jesus Christ comes as the great lamb on the white horse and takes him and throws him into the lake of fire for all eternity
But friends in spiritual principle and only in spiritual principle He is still able to move about and do a lot of things and you and I have to work with him and fight against him on spiritual principle
Spiritual principle and spiritual principle is done with nothing tangible and it's not done with anything physical that you can concoct
It is by God's spiritual weapons the cross the blood the name of Christ and the
Word of God You have no other weapons for thumbs Tell him you're a Baptist that'll excited
That'll impress him He just roars Just roars be of good cheer
Satan has absolutely nothing by right to say to a person who belongs to Jesus Christ, but I can again
Give him authority over me if I let loose of what I am to appropriate in Jesus Christ Only faith that he gives me can inspire courage and joy in the strife and Christians Think that the strife is too severe
I've had people after people tell me rocky said it's so hard just every moment of every day
I've got to fight and yes you do Yes, you do every moment of every day, but I get tired of the battle.
Yes, you will Will the battle ever cease? No, it won't Will you be called on to fight it until Jesus come?
Yes, you will and when you go up the battle then Satan moves in takes control and you'll never know it
He'll do his damage and he'll run his ravage and You'll understand it too late many times
Many times and so our faith has to be increased It's perfectly true if we and our weakness had to meet the enemy, but that is not what we're called on to do
We are more than conquerors through him who loved us and gave himself for us, but that's not automatic That is not automatic just because it doesn't say because you got saved you have to appropriate
God's promises God's declarations and God's truths and God's way of fighting the battle or the battle cannot be won
Now this victory of faith is in fellowship with the blood of the Lamb the third thought
Faith dear people is not merely a thought it is not merely a conviction
Faith is a life Faith is a life faith brings you into direct contact with him who is like God God it is impossible for a person to believe in victory over Satan by the blood without being brought
Entirely under the bloods power if you're not under the power of the blood of Christ And if the blood of Christ isn't that what you draw your strength from and if you aren't aware of it
And if you've got comfort comfort contemplating it then it's impossible for you to believe that you actually have victory over Satan back because you don't understand the humanity and That's where most
Christians sit this evening in most places We need to seek to know more perfectly the reconciliation with God that has occurred and that is yours and we need to live constantly
Exercising faith in the assurance that what the Bible says the blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanses you from all
Sin it does our Lord Jesus by his blood has made us as we saw last evening not only priests
That we can draw near in priestly purity and priestly ministry on behalf of other people but he has given you the kingly power as we said that means rule and authority so that you might rule with God now a kingly spirit ought to inspire us and kingly courage ought to rule over us while we're in the battle and The resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ and his casting out of Satan were nothing but the results of his shedding his blood
So what does it say in Revelation 12 verse 10? Is it any wonder that it would say this now?
He's dead He's crucified, but he's raised from there. He's alive. His blood's been shed now is come salvation and strength and the kingdom of our
God and the power of his Christ for the accuser of the brethren is cast down and they overcame him by the blood of the
Lamb and that and only that Blood of the Lamb will bring us the victorious life that we need so much and that we so desperately search for As we think together about the altar
That was sanctified by the blood Exodus chapter 29 verse 36
This is the commandment of God and Thou shalt 29 36 of Exodus and thou shalt offer every day a bullet for a sin offering for atonement and Thou shalt cleanse the altar
When thou has made an atonement for it and thou shalt anoint it to sanctify it
Seven days thou shalt make an atonement for the altar now. Can you understand that?
We thought atonement was just for people, right? He says thou shalt make an atonement for the altar and Sanctify it and it shall be an altar most holy not just holy
But most holy using the same phrase that is used about the holy of holies
It was most holy there was the holy place and the holy of holies was most holy and then he says whatsoever touches the altar
Shall be holy now of all the articles in the tabernacle of all the furnishings in the tabernacle
The altar was in most respects the most important thing in there now the golden mercy seat that was in the
Ark of the Covenant in the holy of holies of course where the personal presence of Majesty the personal presence of God where that came down and God manifested his visible glory
Within the veil was most glorious and in all of that It was however hidden as we know from the eyes of the people the veil and they could not see it
Even though it was there who saw it once a year the high priest only he could see
That visible presence of the glory of God the rest of the people did not have that opportunity and once a year as Israel's active
Faith was focused upon that and intentionally focused upon it and fixed upon it It was only once a year that they really concentrated on the holy of holies
But the rest of their life was around the other furnishings within the tabernacle now the altar might be likened to a door of entrance if you could picture in your mind a
Gigantic room and if we entitled that room the service of God and in order to do any service for God You'd have to come by the altar there's an altar at the door and so we might say the door of entrance to service for God and Serving God is always by the altar in the holy place now before there was ever a temple and Before there was ever a tabernacle an altar served as the place of worship of God in the case of Noah And in the case of the
Patriarchs Abraham Isaac and Jacob there was an altar long before there was a temple or a tabernacle now, please make note of this in your mind
Don't forget this Underline it within your mind man may worship
God without a temple if he has an altar But man may not worship
God without an altar even if he has a temple May I suggest to you that most of the churches of this country are temples without altars
We've got people who are always ready to organize, but they do little agonizing
They're always ready to plan something They're always ready to promote something, but you find them spending very little time in praying about something
And what we've got in our churches is we've got the temple We've got the tabernacle, but we just don't have an altar in most churches
And that's why there isn't very much spiritual power Activated in most churches the service of the altar is at the very beginning
It is indeed the heart of the service of the temple and the tabernacle now. Why was that so what was the altar?
Well the Hebrew word for altar will tell you would it not it means the place of death killing
It means to kill killing death sacrifice Slay it now even the altar of incense
Which has the name altar, but it did not have a an animal killed upon it But you see the offerings of the people were sacrifices in themselves unto
God therefore It was properly named the altar now. What is the chief thought in an altar?
It is simply this that man's service for God Consists in sacrifice and consecration of himself and All that he has to God not only just himself but everything he has must be first of all sacrifice to and consecrated unto
God it in turn sanctifies and Makes the gift what it ought to be why because God has ordained a
Separated place he did it in early history He's done it today God has ordained a separated place and that has been sanctified by God himself so that It will sanctify any gift that's placed upon the altar of God it makes it acceptable
So an offer you or me we may come to offer God something And we may know that the sacrifice will atone for our sins and that the thank offering that follows this
Reconciliation once we get the forgiveness as the expression of our love and thankfulness We can know that it will have a full enjoyment of God's favor upon it simply because we come to his altar
Now when you go to the altar of the Old Testament, and then you read about you come to the New Testament You find that it must have an antitype
The Old Testament altar must have an antitype in the New Testament. What does that mean? It means simply this there must be something in spiritual reality that in spiritual worship
That is in perfect harmony with the reality of the Old Testament altar Will you turn with me please to Hebrews chapter 13 and let's see if that'd be true
Hebrews chapter 13 verse 10 We say that you've got the
Old Testament altar and we know we don't offer animals So there must be something in spiritual reality in the
New Testament in Christian belief that would be in perfect harmony With that because God's way of redemption is always the same.
Look at Hebrews 13 10. What's it say? We have an altar Well, do you oh, he's not talking about this little table.
You got down here to dump something on flowers and books and Magazines and programs and bulletin everything else that's on this thing.
That's not the altar of God That's what we'll call it the altar of God. Why we're just trying to pacify ourselves It's not the altar of God We have an altar of which they have no right to eat and serve the tabernacle
Those run to the law have no right to get on this altar because this one's different. This one is different Turn with me to Revelation chapter 8
Revelation chapter 8 quickly 8 verse 3 Still in the tribulation, of course, but it says in verse 3 of Revelation the 8th chapter and another angel came and stood at the altar and Having a golden censer and there was given unto him much incense
That he should offer it with the prayers of all Saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne now look at verse 5 and the angel took the censer and filled it with fire from the altar and Cast it upon the earth and there were voices and thunder claps and lightnings and an earthquake
So what we see is that we have an altar and there's an altar that it speaks of in the heavenly realm and it is
An altar where once and for all the Lamb of God was sacrificed as the great sin offering we're also every believer every
Christian has to come to the same altar and Present himself with all that he has as a thank offering unto
God so I want us to think of two major thoughts one is the altar that was sanctified by the blood and The offering that is sanctified by the altar the altar that was sanctified by the blood and the offering that is
Sanctified by the altar. All right, the altar sanctified by the blood now right in the middle if you'll turn me to Leviticus to Leviticus chapter 8, please
Right in the middle of all the instructions Concerning the consecration of Aaron as the high priest and of course his sons and the sons of Kohath They were all consecrated with him as priest.
It is right in the middle of this that the text that we read appears It's right in the middle of this now a priest had to have an altar just turn to Leviticus 8 and hold that for a moment a priest must have an altar
Just as the priest himself had to be sanctified by the blood you and I have seen that the altar had to be sanctified by the blood
God commanded that a sin offering an animal should be prepared to cleanse the altar and To make atonement for that altar because it was contaminated anything that comes off this earth is contaminated
Anything that you'll ever touch see no or feel or own is contaminated and seriously degradated by sin and So the altar being made from human instruments and human tools and human hands and all of that made out of human materials
Things that man would have in control and coming from the cursed Earth's fear had to be atoned for and so you see that that happened for seven days
Moses had to carry on this work of making atonement for the altar. So in Leviticus 8 15, we read the following and he slew it and Moses took the blood and put it upon the horns of the altar round about with his finger and purified the altar and poured the blood at the bottom of the altar and sanctified it to make
Reconciliation upon it. Now. We've already studied what this word reconciliation means by this reconciliation.
Listen carefully Not only was the altar sanctified and made holy But it was made the most holy as we saw before Nexus.
It was not just holy It was most holy a phrase similar to that of the holy of holies now this is the expression that was used to describe the inner shrine of the tabernacle where the presence of God was and It is used here of an altar which had a similar measure of holiness
The one was hidden behind the veil But the other was very approachable. It was an approachable holy of holies there was one man could not approach to and Only the high priest did that and there was another one that was approachable now
You're already beginning to see the analogy Jesus has already approached the holy of holies in the presence of God You and I haven't but there is one we can come to that will put us there and that's where we want to go
Exodus 29 37 that last phrase you rich mark it down. We've already read it whatsoever
Now listen carefully whatsoever touches the altar shall be what holy?
Holy whatever touches that altar will be holy because the altars hold now by the sevenfold atoning
With the blood the altar had obtained such a holiness that it could be called most holy that it had the power of sanctifying
And making holy anything that was placed upon it Any sacrifices put upon that altar from that point on was made holy by the very fact that it touched the altar that it just touched that altar and so when that israelite came with all of his failings and when his
Rebellion and with all of his self -centeredness and egotism and with all those things when he came
He had no fear that his offering might be too small or it might be too unworthy
The altar that he placed it upon would sanctify the gift that was laid upon Now turn with me to Matthew the 23rd chapter and you'll find that Jesus referred to this very thing
Most people just walk right by it and never see it, but it's extremely important opens up the entire Old Testament in Matthew 23
You see he's dealing with the Jews and they couldn't understand what he's talking about Now he referred to this which it was a well -known fact with the
Jews That's why I say it'll encourage you to kind of when you read the Bible to say now What's he how would a Jew look at this and you'll get some truths out of look at Matthew 23 19
You fools and blind for which is greater The gift or the altar that sanctifies the gift now if you just read that and we hadn't talked about it
What would you refer it to? Well, we just said oh, well, I wonder what that means and we just walk on But friends it goes all the way back to the passage you just read in Exodus That's where it hits for now
Jesus knew it was a well -known fact amongst the Jews and he utilized now the cross upon which the blood of Christ has been shed the cross
Was shed is not on the altar on which he was sacrificed but it has been consecrated by that holy blood as an altar on which we also may be sacrificed and made acceptable unto
God now in heathen worship People are often taught a doctrine about a cross
You find in all of your cults They won't say the word cross But they'll have a teaching about a cross and what they basically teach is a self -imposed suffering and a self -sacrifice
Or giving up something and giving up and working working so that they may become pleasing unto their
God They do not understand that everything that man does whether it is in suffering whether it's in tribulation
Where's in persecution where it is in sacrifice? Everything mankind does is stained by sin and it is incapable of ever conquering sin
And it is incapable of ever pleasing God you can never do anything to please God by yourself
It is impossible But yet we are constantly trying we're gonna try to convince ourselves that what
I do pleases God It can only under certain Circumstances and most of us don't get under those circumstances for this purpose.
God has made a glorious provision He caused an altar to be erected for which a sevenfold and then a perfect reconciliation
Had been made And he told Moses do it so that whatever touched that altar he knew man was sinful
So whatever will touch that altar would be made holy now by the blood of the Son of God The cross of Jesus Christ has become a holy of holies that has the power to sanctify
Set apart and bless every person who comes to it what Jesus did and suffered on the cross he did and suffered as the scripture says the second
Adam as By one man came into the world as by one man sin will be removed from the world
So the scripture teaches us he is our surety. Here's our pledge He's our confidence and he is our head showed us there that the only way
For you and me to be freed from the flesh is by surrendering that flesh to the righteous
Judgment of God and that's a fearsome thing. And if it wasn't fearsome, then you and I would have already done it
If it wasn't such a terrifying thing to us and our human egos, we'd have already done it
We wouldn't reach this point our Christian lives without doing it But he demands that we do it and the only way into the life of God is through the death of the flesh
The death of the self -life the death of that old thinking by his death He obtained the right and the power to enable you and me us
To walk in that very way and so the life and sufferings of Jesus have such a divine power
That by them the authority of sin has been entirely destroyed and anyone who seeks the way to God and to the life of God Through sacrifice and death in fellowship with Jesus Christ We'll find that way and also will be unable to walk in that way and that's the only way you can find it
So what I'm saying to you is the cross of Jesus Christ has become an altar
Hebrews 13 10 says we have an altar Not only did the
Old Testament, but we have one and it is the cross of the Savior It is what we said the altar is a place of sacrifice.
Well, what was the cross? It was a place for the slave is a place of sacrifice It is the place where the incense was offered
This too was called an altar and so on both the altar of sacrifice and the altar of incense a fire
Constantly burned where they sacrificed and where they offered the incense the fire did the job now, listen to carefully
What is presented to God whatever you present to God must first pass through death
And then it must be consumed by fire spiritually speaking by death judgment upon that sin must be executed that Sin must be consumed by the fire of God and then a new spiritual form comes heavenwards
There is no way to God except through death Through the sacrifice of life itself and there's no way to God or to heaven for us
Except we've got to go by God's altar and that's the cross I'm not just talking about getting saved.
We've already left getting saved We're on something else. I'm not talking about being saved. We're sending y 'all say we're talking about something else
We're talking about the new life. We're talking about the abundant life. We're talking about the victorious life So forget thinking about getting saved from lost to save Let's think of what we're going after we get saved
The cross is not merely that cross upon which we ought to believe that Jesus died for our sins
But it is the cross on which you must die It is a cross that we've got to die
Most people are content to think just the opposite The Lord Jesus early and repeatedly warned his disciples that they would have to bear their cross after him
He that cometh after me must take up his cross daily and follow me and the cross is not
Lumbago, it's not arthritis and it's not your aches and pains and it's not a wife and nags at you
It's not a husband. It's never home It's not children that are rebellious that has nothing to do with the cross is only a place of death
It means you've got to die every day of your life to yourself That's what taking up the cross daily means and it doesn't mean anything else about you can't make it be anything else
It means simply that which is death and so He is not meaning outwardly just only out of the suffering of death.
He spoke of the inner Self -denial of the hating and the loving of the self -life as the fellowship of his cross
We must do away with it and you can then begin to say as Paul said I am crucified with Christ He says they that are
Christ have crucified the flesh with its affections and lust He says God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our
Lord Jesus Christ by whom the world is crucified unto me and I am crucified unto the world and I Unto the world now these verses will teach you that we are not to regard the sufferings on the cross as being only the
Salvation our sin from lostness to salvation or the expiation of our guilt Not only that but it is the characteristic and it's the power of your daily life
The life of Jesus Christ from heaven today bears the same characteristic in us that it had then it is the life of the crucified
One and I'm utterly amazed as I travel from church to church At the number of people who are reluctant to pray in the name of Christ The people who are reluctant to speak his name very much
The reluctance to sing much about it. Oh The reluctance to do anything that appeals to the emotion and we can't even see that Satan has gotten us off the track
Gotten us off the track What do they teach what
I see turn to 2nd Corinthians 13 and let's see 2nd Corinthians 13 2nd
Corinthians 13 verse 4 We have to be made conformable unto his death Then on them the power of God be manifested in us and the weakness and the death of the cross is
Always coupled with the life and the power of God look at verse 4 The death and weakness of the cross is always the life and power of God.
It's coupled together 13 -4 of 2nd Corinthians For though he was crucified through weakness
Yet he lives by the power of God For we also are weak in him, but we shall live with him by the power of God toward you
When you and I submit and admit that we're weak and we died ourselves then the power comes Then the life comes then that godly living many
Christians do not Understand this the cross in which they glory differs from that which
Paul glory in He glory in a cross on which not only Christ was crucified
But which he himself could be crucified every day of his life They glory in a cross on which Christ died, but that they are unwilling to die on Christians refuse to die to self they refuse to crucify themselves and they refuse to get on the very cross which their
Savior died and they just delight that he died on it, but you're not about to get them on and They resist the teaching of it and most of the time when you say things like I'm saying to you
You know what? It smacks in the ears of some people. It sounds like heresy or self -righteousness to them Because they've not reached that point of trying to understand what
God's trying to tell us in these passages of Scripture and the only thing We can do is try to justify why we are what we are
Even though we know we're not what we ought to be and this is what we're doing turn to Hebrews chapter 10 We need to notice very clearly
How this distinction in this connection between the blood of atonement and the sacrifice of the flesh is
Taught to us in this well -known passage of Scripture The atonement the sacrifice of the flesh the blood atonement all is tied together
Hebrews 10 verse 19 Having therefore brethren boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus by a new and living way
Which he has consecrated for us Through the veil that is to say his flesh and having a high priest over the house of God Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith
Having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water
It says into a new and living way. You notice what it says. Let us come into a new and Living way is what he's telling us and then he says let us draw near Verse 20 by a new and living way and verse 22
Let us then draw near because of it and that way always passes through the torn veil of the flesh the rent veil of the flesh the crucifixion and the sacrifice of the flesh and by the flesh
I mean the old nature. I mean the selfish attitudes. I mean the big eye in my life I mean the pride of our life the egotism the egotistical attitude the egocentric living
That's what I'm talking about When I say the flesh that old way of doing things that were supposedly saved from that we supposedly got changed lives about We supposedly came new creatures.
That is what I'm speaking of and friends We say that the only way that that can happen is through the shed blood because that's why it was shed
Nothing less than the entire sacrifice of the self -life is the way to the life of God Now the cross has been sanctified by the blood of the
Savior Jesus Christ And he's made it an altar on which he became a sacrifice and he became holy and acceptable unto
God So when Exodus 29 and 37 says whatsoever touches the altar shall be holy
So when I fear that lest my self -sacrifice is not perfect Or lest in my dying to self.
I am not really true and I've not been able to struggle through it My thoughts ought to turn away from myself and I should turn my thoughts and fix them on the wonderful power
Which the blood of Jesus Christ has bestowed upon that cross and I know that in all my imperfections If I can just by faith touch the cross
I am made holy because whatsoever touches the altar is made whole That'll take away all the guilt out of your life
That removes all the apprehension about whether or not you can talk to God anytime you want to and whether or not
God hears you It just does wonders for you it does wonders for you It does to me to understand this truth and our imperfections and our weakness the cross
The crucified Christ is the power and it's strange to me that whenever you go back to the
New Testament They preached Christ crucified Paul said he preached Christ crucified
He met at the Council of Redemption the Jews said what are you preaching? He said Christ crucified you come through the first 400 years of Christianity You find they preached
Christ crucified and then you came into the Middle Ages when the Roman Catholic system came into being and it began to wane and you come into this
Generation and you can't find a dime's worth of preaching singing praying or anything in our churches about the crucified
Christ It's everything but there why the world doesn't like it
Satan doesn't like it because what it's the only key to victory and wherever it was done my friends
There's victory isn't amazing. What are we doing revivals? Do you know I talked to and not to talk about music necessarily, but it's important I talked to one of the leading musicians in this country.
He's a minister music in one of our largest churches fine young man And I said to him, you know, he's talking about meetings and I was holding up an evangelistic conference there
It was a an associational conference and there were several of us speaking together And and I was one of the speakers and and we were just talking about it
You know and I looked at his selections of song and I said Well, how come you don't sing this this this and this and this he said well those are songs have written back
You know for another day stamps Baxter days and you know They used to sing about all these cross songs and things like that He says but you know, it's a different society today and people are different So let me ask you a question
Why is it whenever you try to have a revival in your church? That's what you go back to You don't use anthems brother.
You don't use anthems You don't use all these songs. Yeah, I know
Songs make you happy hymns. I'll help make you holy Jesus never died to be happy.
He died to be holy you get holy you'd be happy. You're not happy cuz you're not holy That's the problem You don't find all that liturgical junk
Brother, you find them. They won't have revival. They go back to it. Well, why not stay with it? Go the first church
Dallas and see what they've seen See what they do there. Everybody joins that church kneels and pray
They take an offering the people pray the men kneel and pray somebody prays man kneels Well, you can't get most men in the church get on their knees for anything
Paul wouldn't either God zapped him on the road Damascus and told him how to do it Hopefully that won't have to happen to you and me now what
I'm saying to you is truth Dear people and it's the secret to growth in your church, and I believe your church is going to grow
I anticipate its growth. I believe it's going to explode Spiritually speaking, I'm looking for it and I'm gonna watch it and I'm gonna be excited with you about it
But I'm telling you a secret that'll do it. He said where are you? You think you know the only thing? No, I'm just telling you what to work No secrets been there 2 ,000 years
It's no secret. They all knew about it. We're the ones that don't know about it. Now. That's point 17
I'll mark that in so that I'll do that next time All right Whatsoever touches the altar shall be holy so we're talking about a crucified
Christ it means tell me that you and I every moment that we can walk in the consciousness of my
Crucifixion that I can walk every moment knowing that I'm crucified with Christ that my entire renunciation of self because the spirit of the crucified one
Makes his cross the death of the self life and the power of the new life of God will rise out of that death from the cross as a sanctified altar a
Sanctifying power it's exercised over me and you as we come to it now listen to me carefully
I put three red stars and three blue ones by this one in proportion as I believe in the sanctifying power of the cross and I seek to live in fellowship with it in proportion to that I become a partaker of a progressive and increasing holiness in my life
In proportion as I believe it and attempt to live within that fact There is a progressive and increasing holiness in my life.
That's what we talk about becoming a mature Christian Most of us think mature Christian means we're able to come to church regularly and we can memorize scripture
And we don't seem to have so many problems holiness is maturity
Holiness is maturity. So let's think for a moment about it What are the offerings that you and I would give to God that would be sanctified to the
Psalter we've already agreed I think and hopefully we can and like I said early in a week You can disagree with me on anything.
I say if you just remember that one thing. I'm always right. All right Turn to me to Hebrews 12.
I mean Romans 12 Turn to me to Romans 12. We know that the altar is sanctified by the blood
So let's think about some offerings and we'll just use this one The altar sanctified by the blood that so in time it may sanctify the gift that's laid upon it
Now what is the gift that you and I have to lay on it? Now don't just look at this verse and think that's all there is to it
I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your body a living sacrifice holy
Acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service. You know what that reasonable service word if you'll study very carefully
You know what that comes up being your spiritualness Which is your spiritualness
People say well that means you good deed your good deeds don't impress God all of our righteousness is as filthy rags in the eyes of God It is our spiritual condition.
All right Now what we talk about are you remember the altar the body of the victim had to lay on the altar, right?
Sure the body of the victim had to lay upon that altar Christ took his body and put his on the tree on the
Cross on his altar and it became an altar our bodies That's what's coming back here bodies in the
Old Testament body was Christ Isn't any wonder that Christians are demanding to put their bodies on the altar? Also, our bodies are the sacrifices which we have to present to God on the altar
Now the body is a wonderful thing the psalmist said it is fearfully and wonderfully made
It is a complex organism created for the very hand and mind of God But you see it's a wonderful union of many parts and each of these separately and all together must be laid upon the altar
Now first of all the body has a head We speak of it with the brains
And we say this is the seat of my understanding My arm will never do in a normal manner what my mind does not tell it to do
Normally speaking my arms will do what my mind tells them do and the brain that understanding now the head with all of its thoughts
Must be laid on the altar Everything you think has to get on the altar and that's problem in Because we like to think we like to think some of us don't we like to think we think, you know
We don't think we just like to think we think so therefore we think we're thinking You can just play with that all day couldn't sure.
Okay, but you see our bodies are now I Must concentrate my understanding entirely on serving
God and in every situation I must understand that I ought to be doing something to please
God God has made a decision and everything that I face. He's already made a decision All I gotta do is try to figure out what decision he made
God's already. He's already chosen in every situation I just try to figure out which way I'm supposed to cheat.
That's my problem. See because sometimes I don't like what he chose And so I figure what he chose after them
Maybe that don't know so I go do what I want then I come back and ask him, you know I have to ask for forgiveness But what we do is we place our brain our mind our understanding completely under his control and his direction in 2nd
Corinthians the 10th chapter You know this well, but it would do you good to underline it 2nd
Corinthians the 10th chapter show you how the battle is You say I get tired. Yes But 2nd
Corinthians 10 verse 5 you talk about getting tired ladies men Watch these verses.
They are two of the greatest verses in understanding spiritual warfare and Understanding how the enemy works and also understanding keys to daily victory right here
Verse 4 for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal They are not fleshly but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds
Casting down imaginations that means your imagination is dangerous Your imagination is dangerous
Because you see it's subjective and that's where Satan lurks in the subjective realms What else it say and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God now watch this next phrase and Bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ Now I personally would not ask you to do so because I firmly don't believe any of us if we were honest could raise our
Hands tonight and say I bring every thought That comes to my mind
Into subjection to the obedience of Christ We may be working on it we ought to be working at it because that's the key that is the key now
That's what we're talking about. Now the head it has members doesn't it? It has eyes it has mouth and it has ears
I what about you? I Yeah by the eye I come into touch with a visible world
The visible world and all of its desire and the eye must be turned away from vanity and Be holy his to see or not to see
According to God's will I must see everything according to God's will or I must refuse to see things as God would have me not
See them That is what you do with the eye. What about the ear it is by the ear that I end a fellowship with my fellow
Man, I have fellowship with my fellow man by listening by listening The ear must be consecrated to the
Lord and it is not to listen to language It is not to listen to conversation that pleases the flesh the self -life but it is to be attended to the people which the
Lord sends to me only for the reason of seeing how I can encourage them Or win them or to help them to becoming more effective
Christians are in the realm I now the mouth by that I reveal what is in my character What I say and what
I speak reveals what is in my character what I think and what I seek and what my will is All about by it.
I exercise influence over other people the tongue and the lips must be consecrated so as not to speak except according to the will of God and that which will glorify
God and One of the great signs many times of a person who's walking in the flesh is they're extremely talkative
Talk talk talk talk talk talk talk It's like a chicken keep on fire boy just you know all the time there they go on and on they go
But you see it must be consecrated the eye the ear the mouth the head all belonging to it Must be laid on the altar to be purified and sanctified by the cross and the blood has sanctified that altar
So that all that touches that altar will be cleansed and becomes holy. So the art of touching is a living spiritual need and for faith and an ever enduring thing the
Reconciliation of the cross is open and has opened the way of fellowship with God through that cross
Now the body has hands and feet The hands represent your power to work and to do your business your service
The possessions we have all of these must be placed upon the altar to be sanctified and cleansed from sin and consecrated to God You know, you hear people all the time saying well,
I've been doing this job now for 30 years, man I can't just walk off of it On our
Bible study tapes We just had a middle -aged gentleman and his wife precious as they be in North Carolina.
I've never met them Their daughter -in -law and son were listening my tapes and I've been for about three or four years
And so they began to she had an aneurysm and had surgery very delicate surgery Close to death and she was home recuperating and so they began to send them and take my tapes to them
I'm not saying of my tapes because they're scripture and this couple found Christ and got saved
He's one of the leading commercial artists in the state of North Carolina I'm just had a printing put in one of the largest museums in the state
You know what? He's come to grips with in his commercial art. He's asked to do beer commercials He's asked to do the layouts for things that he flew the fields are unseen
And so now he's come to grips with himself that he must leave it in his 50s Done it for years
But in order to be pleasing to his God just a you know Christian He's willing to walk away from it.
Would that God that older Christians would have the same courage? Well now brother rocky you're an evangelist say you don't have that problem you just run around I understand
I Got to depend on Baptist to give me money to take care of me. Would you like to trade? Play with that for a while You already know how much you've given this week brother.
You all know what? I'm gonna walk away with huh? Sure. Well, it's just what we live in it. Talk about money.
We don't want to talk about money You talk about the Lions Club Civitan Rotary Throw it away squandered at Christmastime and Easter feed the
Easter bunnies Whatever that is Get the little colored eggs from paganism And all that when you come talk about doing money in church people get all upset about it
I like talk about it cause it upsets them that helps me that helps reveal your character you see And I can read that I look at you now brother.
I know you still love me. Don't you say yes Good excellent All right
What about the feet they represent the way I walk the paths I choose the companionship which I cultivate in the places
I visit So the feet must be sanctified and they cannot any longer go their own way They have been presented to God to be under his leading and with my hands and feet bound
The body must be laid upon the altar until he enables us to cry out and Psalm 116 16 says
I am thy servant thou has loosed my bonds Isn't it interesting people supposedly getting saved still going the same places that they supposedly got saved from Still going the same places around the same people hanging around the same kids the same adults doing the same thing supposedly got
I said What'd you get saved from him? Where's the change life or is? Still doing the same things aren't right well our
Savior hung on the cross nailed to it by what his hands and his feet Bound that's what the psalmist said
Psalm 116 16. I'm my servant I was loosed my bonds why because in order to be placed upon the altar the animal wouldn't stay there to be bound and The front legs and the back legs as it was its hands and his feet all it had was bound
Jesus was bound hands and feet nailed to the altar and you and I must do the same all the way
I worry about the heart the heart is that inner person. It's the real you it is that center of your living it is where life flows in and out and it is the heart is the meeting place of all your desires and all the endeavors of People and all that they will or choose they love and hate all of it is in the heart and the heart of Jesus Christ Was pierced on the cross
Everything that flows in and out of our heart must be laid upon the altar and I must denounce the will to seek or to wish anything for myself
I Must stop seeking and I must stop wishing things for myself I Must be only concerned about what will please
God What will please God the will of God costs what it may must be done.
Even if it costs my life Even if it cost you your life You must do the will of God where the people like you for it or don't like you for it where they make you popular
Or not make you popular where it makes you prestigious or does not make you prestigious You'll never get president of the
WMU most of the time and sure won't get to go to Nashville if you walk in the will of God Most of the time
Are you saying I'm all these people not in the will of God? No, I'm not saying thing I just said show me the souls are getting saved Show me how many people
I went into Jesus You know what I'm saying, so it's going on tape don't worry about it
It's not private public domain. Yeah, the believer experiences that these two seemingly opposed conditions are
United in a glorious Union. Listen to me carefully. His feet will be bound to the cross yet You will be free the will dead on the cross, but yet alive unto
God And so the truth is we'll understand it Christ liveth in me and I live by faith and I'm crucified with Christ We will begin to understand something of what it says turn to me to 1st
Corinthians chapter 6. I thought this was interesting Hope you do the heart head hands feet together form one body
They were created to be in subjection to the guidance of the Holy Spirit Sin subverted that order and the only way for restoration is for the body to be placed upon the altar
The body by the Holy Spirit to be nailed to the cross and so that the power of the cross it must have authority over the
Entire body so the body must be a living sacrifice. Look at chapter 6 1st Corinthians verse 13
Foods for the body and the body for food But God shall destroy both it and them now the body is not for fornication but for the
Lord and the Lord for the body all that you are and all that you can be is for God and God must have you
God must have you does it seem too hard to surrender yourself to the Lord? Does it seem difficult for you to surrender your will your life
So utterly up to where you could say I know that I have died to myself. I Have died to these things.
Is that difficult that you can bear about daily the dying of the Lord Jesus in your life Do not ever think that it's too hard for you because it's the only way to close fellowship with Jesus Christ in Fellowship with him.
It'll become a joy and a salvation to your soul We need to ascend to the altar to die that we might live.
Do you think that you are not ready? Do you think that you're not fit for it to complete such a sacrifice?
Listen to what I said, what's the scripture say? It is the altar that sanctifies the gift
Don't worry about who you are and don't worry about how feeble is that what you have? You take it to the cross and that cross will sanctify
That cross will bless it as little as you think it is and God will make it much
God will bless it and make it holy How much more shall the blood of Christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to God?
Sanctify the cross as an altar on which the sacrifice of your body may be sanctified lay yourself by faith on that altar and trust the sanctifying power of the blood of the
Lamb to be Communicating to the altar and believe that the blood and the cross are inseparable from the living
Christ Dying with Christ will lead you to a life with him in love and fellowship and in the love of the
Father and the cross Does not exist Apart from the crucified
Christ There is no such thing as a cross without a crucified Christ And there's no such thing as the power of the cross in a
Christian life without a crucified life There is no such thing as a Christian living for Jesus Christ without dying to self
Any Christian that is not dying to self and not trying to get up on that altar and stay close to that altar and to walk
In the death to the self -life that Christian is fooling themselves and living in the rarefied air of their imagination and are basically walking in the flesh
According to Holy Scripture The bread that we break in Holy Communion.
Is it not the fellowship with the body of Christ that was broken dead? What about the cup that we take at Holy Communion?
It is not but remembrance of the blood of the Savior the holiest ordinance you have in the church is does what he said as often?
As you do this you do what in remembrance of me in remembrance of what he died
He died just to get you saved or did he die to help you live? He died to get you saved so that you could live
Did he want you to live defeated or did he want you to live victorious? Did he want you to lead it all leave and live all down all the time?
Did he want you to be controlled and dominated by that what you don't want in your life friends? he died to set you free and You can only be free when you want to be free, and there's only one way to be free and that is to die
And if you'll die he'll make you live died one self
Who's your biggest problem me nah? I? Used to think because of my biggest problem
Sometimes I still wonder Sometimes I think pastor now my biggest problems in the mirror every time
I walk by it. I see there's my biggest problem he's the one that has to be crucified and Whatever everybody else's response is is there probably not mine
I? Have to keep mine in order in order brethren.
We have an altar My Bible says that the altar sanctifies the gift and that means that everything that touches that altar is blessed of God made holy and sanctified and I beseech you tonight
By the mercies of God that you present your body a living sacrifice
Holy and acceptable unto God Which is what your spiritualness?
your spirituals I love the local church I Do not believe that there's an evangelist or Bible conference teacher in this country that loves the local church any more than I do
They may love it as much, and I'm not saying they don't I'm just saying that I love and adore the local church of God's people
I like to be around and My desire is that that church be what it ought to be that's the only desire
How for you I never want you to be what I want you to be that'll get you in problems Just be what God wants you to do