She Says God Gave Her A REVELATION About Suicide?!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
In today's video, we'll be seeing yet another clip of charismatic leader Kat Kerr saying things that defy both
Scripture and common sense at every level imaginable. This time, we're going to see her argument develop in three separate clips.
The first clip is her declaring that her message is from God. Watch this. And the
Father said, I'm going to have you give the truth about suicide, and he actually was adamant.
He caught me up to heaven several times to show this to me. He said, if you first look up in the dictionary, this is where I wrote the chapter, look in the dictionary and see what it says about the word suicide.
So Kat Kerr literally says that God took her up to heaven multiple times to teach her a lesson about suicide.
She says that the Father audibly told her these things. Thankfully, Kat is more clear and honest than most hyper -Pentecostals.
She doesn't pretend that her message may not be from God. Rather, she just says confidently, God took me up to heaven, and this is what he told me.
She's claiming direct, clear revelation from God, and there is no mistaking it. Thankfully, though, there's a really easy way to find out if this is true or not.
First John 4 .1 says this, quote, Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God.
For many false prophets have gone out into the world, end quote. So Christians are to test the message of a so -called prophet because there's a danger of false prophecy coming in and deceiving people.
But what do we test our messages by? By what standard of truth can we compare these things?
Well, in John 17 .17, Jesus says this, quote, Sanctify them in the truth.
Your word is truth, end quote. A false prophet is false when their message does not accord with the truth of God's word.
This is partially why in 2 Timothy 4 .2, Paul tells Pastor Timothy to, quote, preach the word, be ready in season and out of season, reprove, rebuke, and exhort with complete patience and teaching, end quote.
Pastors, like Timothy, for instance, are instructed by Paul to preach the word and to rebuke according only to the truth of God's word.
Therefore, the one who claims to have a spiritual message must be tested against the ultimate spiritual message that God has already given us.
This is the word of God. So Kat Kerr claims to have a message from God, and the standard she must meet in order for this to be the case is the biblical standard.
With that being understood, let us watch the next clip where she describes her position in full.
Watch this. Sometimes, many times, the Holy Spirit is also involved in speaking to that person.
So trust me, if someone ends up by ending their life because they're in torment and suffering, whether it's mental, physical, or whatever, that's not suicide.
That's ending your suffering, and I have a whole message to share that God gave me about that.
So Kat Kerr says, quote, that's not suicide. That's ending your suffering, end quote.
And I can put a link to her entire video in the description. Her perspective is basically that if you are in enough psychological or physical distress or hurting enough emotionally, then you can kill yourself.
In fact, it's not actually killing yourself in that case. It's simply ending your suffering. I mean, after all, who wouldn't want to end suffering?
That sounds like a good thing. But this is where we can clearly see that this woman's message is not of God. In fact, she's teaching falsely in God's name.
Biblically speaking, this is blasphemous and deceitful. Exodus 20 verse 13 clearly says, quote, you shall not murder, end quote.
It's really clear. And there are no exceptions made for murder if the person whom you murder is feeling really sad inside or really depressed.
By Kat Kerr's unbiblical and unethical standard, it is apparently acceptable to kill people, or at least it's not really killing, as long as they're in severe enough emotional pain or severe enough psychological distress.
But if that is the case, then every time there's a funeral and a bunch of people are crying and wearing black, the best thing we could possibly do is line them all up and put them out of their misery too.
That is quite literally, no exaggeration, perfectly ethical by Kat Kerr's made -up standard here.
She would never promote this directly, just to be clear, but this is what her standard leads to. And such a standard is not compatible at all with God's word.
Some might say it's different to kill yourself when you're in distress than to kill others when they're in distress.
There's a distinction there. And I will acknowledge that it is different, but why should it being different make it not murder?
Is the victim of a suicide any less made in the image of God than the victim of a murder? Are you less dead if you kill yourself as opposed to if someone else kills you?
Does God forbid you to take someone else's life and yet give you explicit permission to take your own life?
Of course not. None of these distinctions actually matter in what you do. Kat Kerr is just making things up as per usual.
Leviticus 24 17 clearly says, quote, whoever takes a human life shall surely be put to death, end quote.
So is suicide the unethical taking of a human life? Yes, it is. And therefore it fits with perfect precision under the category of murder.
The only difference here is that you can't punish this crime because the person is already dead. So for Kat Kerr to lessen this, to call it anything less than what it actually is, which is unethical killing, murder, to paint it out as simply ending your suffering or ending the suffering of a human being is absolutely false teaching.
In fact, it is some of the most dangerous false teaching out there because it may very well embolden people who otherwise would not have attempted suicide to attempt it.
And I mean that. I'm not trying to exaggerate. But again, here, let me make it clear that Kat Kerr does not actually endorse suicide at all.
That's not what she said. Rather, I'm saying that the way she's framing this is unbiblical, and it could very well be used as an excuse for professing
Christians to make horrible decisions. After all, if it's just ending your own suffering, if it's not murder at all, then really who can say it's wrong to kill yourself?
After all, isn't it your right to end your own suffering? This is very, very dangerous stuff.
And this is the point where bizarre and ridiculous and absurd hypercharismatic theology becomes potentially deadly.
This is when the constant wacky dreams, crazy visions, and other ridiculous things in the modern hypercharismatic movement become a serious liability to all of us.
But remember what I said earlier. The measure of a messenger of God is whether or not they contradict or agree with the word of God.
And as I have demonstrated, Kat Kerr's message does not fit with the word of God at all, not in any perceivable way.
Yet she says that God himself told her all of these things, and told her to tell you these things.
So there's a few options. Either God's message is false regarding what he said in his word, or Kat Kerr's vision is false regarding what she claims
God said to her. In other words, it is clear that Kat Kerr is speaking falsely in the name of God.
There's no other way to put this. Therefore, she is not a messenger of God at all. Rather, she is a false prophet, and she should be called to repentance and avoided entirely.
Romans 16 -17 says, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught.
Avoid them. Biblically, we must mark and avoid Kat Kerr and others like her and long for their repentance, because she is a dangerous, false prophet, and a false teacher who claims to have visions from God, when in reality, this is coming either from her imagination or from the enemy.
And neither one of those sounds like a good, reliable source of information to me. But if you want to know where all of this really comes from, if you want to get down to the root of this, watch this last clip.
Pay attention here. Kat Kerr says, Most people who end their own life are not in their right mind, not having the right emotions.
Pay attention to that word. This is the source of all of the foolishness that you see here.
So much hyper -charismatic, hyper -Pentecostal theology and doctrine is based in emotions, in feelings.
Their theology is not really objective, at least it's not always that way, because it does not always come exclusively from the
Word of God, but rather from private promptings, emotional inklings that they claim are from the
Holy Spirit. The objective standard of thou shalt not kill from Exodus 20 is replaced by this wishy -washy standard of, well, they didn't really have the right emotions when they killed that person.
Who are we to really say what the truth is? And ethically, this worldview that she's presenting, it crumbles like a house made of wet sand built on the sturdy foundation of jello and melted ice cream.
This kind of emotion -centered theology and private feelings doctrine cannot compare to the actual
Word of God, not even close. I think this video has really proven that for you today. So please, rely on the
Word of God totally as your ethical standard. There is no other. And don't let this wishy -washy, charismatic, feeling -centered theology into your church, because it will destroy the foundation of your doctrine.
And please know this, I do not offer any of this correction from a high and mighty position. I'm no better than anyone else.
I'm nothing but a wretched sinner saved by the grace of Jesus Christ. So please, let's pray for Kat Kerr, that she would stop this nonsense and false teaching and instead would turn to the truth of God's Word.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you, and God bless.