Is The Bible Tolerant & Inclusive? (Turning The Tables on The Critics)


Episode # 10. Also listen on Spotify! #discernment #podcast


Thanks for listening to the
Testing the Spirits podcast. In this episode, we're going to talk about is the Bible tolerant and inclusive?
Now I know before you turn it off, hold on one second, usually when you hear these terms tolerance and being inclusive, what that usually means is do you accept kind of the left wing progressive narrative that's, you know, the zeitgeist, the thing that's going on right now, the spirit of the age where you just have to kind of go with the flow and accept all this stuff being pushed by the government and Hollywood and TV and, and all the rest.
Is the Bible tolerant? See here's the thing. I'm not actually going to talk about this because that this is ridiculous.
What you need to do is turn things around when they say, are you tolerant?
Or is the Bible tolerant? Is your church tolerant? You turn it around on them and say, well, are you tolerant?
Let's read from the book of Leviticus and see what that says. Are you tolerant of this? And of course they won't be.
And they say, are you inclusive? Do you allow gays to become full members in your church?
And you just say, well, uh, would you allow a racist to become a full member of your church?
Would you allow a KKK member to be, you know, a member of your home church gathering or something?
See, and that's what you have to do. You have to turn things around on them because everyone is intolerant of certain things.
Like I'm a gun owner and I'm the most peaceful person you'll ever meet.
But if somebody tried to break in and hurt my family, that's not going to go well because I have no tolerance for that.
There's some things that you wouldn't tolerate. Does that mean you're intolerant? Well, everyone is intolerant towards certain things and that's not bad.
You know, you could say God is tolerant in the sense that he's not wiping out every sinner on earth right now.
He's patient. He's long suffering. He sent Christ to die for sinners. I don't know if tolerant is the right word, but you know, you could say that.
But God is totally intolerant in the sense that he's not going to allow anything sinful to enter into heaven.
People need to be changed. You need to shed the sinful flesh. So this always has two sides to it.
But again, the point of this podcast, just a short podcast, real simple, one takeaway, one truth.
When somebody comes at you with this junk, this new Marxist, communist, socialist, progressive nonsense and they want to use terms like tolerance and inclusion and just turn it around on them and say, well, are you tolerant?
Here's one last thing. They'll say, well, you Christians are just so judgmental. It's like, well, aren't you judging me right now?
Because by you calling me judgmental, that seems kind of judgmental on your part. So consider that.
How to just turn it around on them and ask them a question in return. And hopefully they'll see what they're doing, that they really don't have a leg to stand on.
Now, obviously, if we are wrong, if we make a mistake, admit it. Don't try to turn it around.
We need to acknowledge when we make a mistake. Because all have sinned and have come short of the glory of God.
But the reality is nine times out of 10, these attacks that they try to launch,
I mean, they're being just as intolerant as the people they're criticizing. So in conclusion, as Christians, we need to get our beliefs from the
Bible. The only Bible version that even includes the word tolerance is the message, which that figures.
So don't buy into the propaganda being pushed by these large corporations or the politicians in the state house in Washington.
Don't try to please the world because you're never going to be able to do it unless you deny
Christ and deny the word of God. They're never going to be satisfied. Jesus is
Lord. He tells us to follow him, but they want us to follow them.
Don't do it. And besides, let's close on this. What did Jesus say? What does it profit a man if he should gain the whole world and yet lose his own soul?
Or what shall the man give in exchange for his soul? Don't lose your soul.